IHAMITLOD :: Volume #5

#497: Two good news

Your arrangement next time, arranges the time at the 11 moon/month as far as possible in middle ten days. At the appointed time, un...... I will visit China along with Country of Xin President at the appointed time, as one of the Country of Xin excellent entrepreneur.” Jiang Chen said with a smile. “你安排下时间吧,尽量把时间排在十一月中旬。届时,嗯……届时我会随新国总统访华,作为新国优秀企业家的一员。”江晨笑道。 Visits China as for what Country of Xin President, was actually he speaks thoughtlessly. So long as in any case he and Zhang Yaping said one, the fellow will also prepare the friendly visit immediately the matter. At present the friendly diplomatic ties relations of Country of Xin and China, foreign good-hearted person attribute China of will not have the truth to reject. Let alone, achievement of diplomatic visit absolutely to both sides profitable. 至于什么新国总统访华,其实不过是他随口说的罢了。反正只要他和张亚平说一声,那家伙也会马上准备友好访问的事。以目前新国华国的友好邦交关系,对外老好人属性的华国没道理会拒绝。更何况,外交访问的成果绝对对双方来说都有利可图。 At the end of this year, I will find the time to return to China probably, along with Country of Xin President visit to China delegation.” “大概就在今年年底,我会抽时间回一趟华国,随新国总统访华代表团。” „Does Country of Xin have this scheduled?” Xia Shiyu hesitated the moment, asked. 新国有这个预定吗?”夏诗雨迟疑了片刻,问道。 Naturally has, because I am the excellent entrepreneur, therefore many can receive some rumors ahead of time.” Jiang Chen found an excuse to say casually. “当然有,因为我是优秀企业家,所以多少能够提前接到些风声。”江晨随便找了个理由说道。 Good, I replied.” Xia Shiyu nods to say. “那好吧,我就这么回复好了。”夏诗雨点头回道。 Other matter?” “还有别的事吗?” Naturally, here has two good news, which do you want to listen to?” Xia Shiyu purses the lips to smile to say. “当然,我这里有两个好消息,你想听哪个?”夏诗雨抿嘴微笑道。 Two good news? That puts certainly the best news listens finally.” Jiang Chen interested say/way. “两个好消息?那当然是把最好的消息放到最后听咯。”江晨饶有兴趣道。 Serious in speech and manner Pretty Xia cracks a joke, wants to come this good news the gold content is very truly full. 就连不苟言笑的夏美眉都开起了玩笑,想来这好消息的含金量确实很足。 About the Virtual Reality Experience shop, 14 40,000 Virtual Helmet has entered the market completely. Had created the after-tax 500,000,000 USD total earning for us, the player is high regarding the enthusiasm of Virtual Reality Experience project, almost all cooperation Internet cafes proposed supplement to us Phantom the application of helmet.” “是关于虚拟实境体验店的,144万虚拟头盔已经完全进入市场。已经为我们创造了税后5亿美元的总营收,玩家对于虚拟实境体验项目的热情非常高,几乎所有合作网吧都向我们提出了追加‘幻影头盔的申请。” If according to 1500 US Dollar selling prices sells these 14 40,000 helmet directly, according to 1000 USD profits calculates is also 14. about 400,000,000 US Dollar. But this Virtual Reality Experience shop, one month was Future Technologies brought the 500,000,000 USD earning! 如果按照1500美金一件的售价直接卖出这144万头盔,按1000美元的利润来计算也就是14.4亿美金左右。而这虚拟实境体验店,一个多月便为未来人科技带来了5亿美元的营收! Naturally, reason that can make money, is mainly relying upon Phantom Helmet that mysterious User Experience feelings and curiosity in people heart. Until now, many people still are User Experience Phantom Helmet take lining up. But after a period of time, when Phantom Helmet sells officially, this wave of the Virtual Reality upsurge by Future Technologies being raised will then subside gradually. 当然,之所以能这么赚钱,主要还是仰仗着幻影头盔那神奇的体验感与人们心中的新鲜感。直到现在,很多人还在为体验幻影头盔而拿号排队。但过一段时间,等到幻影头盔正式售卖,这波由未来人科技掀起的虚拟实境热潮便会渐渐平息下来。 But in the future Future Technologies will occupy the profit channel of big end truly, does not sell the helmet disposable chopsticks. Also is not Virtual Reality Experience shop that money, but is the operation of Virtual Reality service...... 而日后未来人科技真正占大头的盈利渠道,既不是卖头盔的一次性收入。也不是虚拟实境体验店那点钱,而是虚拟实境服务的运营…… „The second good news?” Jiang Chen said with a smile. “第二个好消息呢?”江晨笑道。 „Are you not as if surprised?” “你似乎不怎么惊讶?” I can imagine probably, what kind of crazy people meet regarding Immersive-type Virtual Reality Technology.” Jiang Chen ridicules to say. “我大概能想象到,人们对于沉浸式虚拟实境技术会如何的疯狂。”江晨揶揄道。 Hears Jiang Chen that self-confident sound, Xia Shiyu shows a faint smile. Then said. 听到江晨那自信的声音,夏诗雨微微一笑。接着说道。 „The second good news, by today, we to have sold the 2,000,000 stage through the selling in advance activity of official site Phantom helmet, the pre-tax profit achieves 1,000,000,000 US Dollar. All helmet of selling in advance is almost sold out in 1 minute that opening rushes to purchase. Many users leave a message in the commentary area of our official site, hoped that we can expand the selling in advance quantity.” “第二个好消息,截至今日,我们已经通过官网的预售活动售出了200万台‘幻影头盔,税前利润达到10亿美金。所有预售的头盔几乎都是在开放抢购的一分钟内售罄。很多用户都在我们官网的评论区内留言,表示希望我们能够扩大预售量。” In 1 minute is sold out. It seems like the market is hungry enough.” The Jiang Chen corners of the mouth brought back wiped the happy expression. “一分钟内售罄。看来市场已经足够饥饿了。”江晨嘴角勾起了一抹笑意。 Everything is ready only owes the east wind, how doesn't know your side helmet production situation?” Xia Shiyu asked. “万事俱备只欠东风,不知道你那边的头盔生产情况如何?”夏诗雨问道。 20,000,000 Phantom helmet should prepare to come out, a while I again the production line that supplements several to complete newly, expels 20,000,000 helmet production mission to overfulfill before the end of the year.” Jiang Chen favorite say/way. 2000万件‘幻影头盔应该准备出来了,一会儿我会再追加几条新完成的生产线,在年末前赶出2000万头盔的生产任务已经超额完成。”江晨得意道。 Matter Xia Shiyu in operation is responsible, Jiang Chen naturally felt relieved. Finally Jiang Chen asks casually the matter in company operation, after letting, then ended the telephone conversation. 经营方面的事由夏诗雨负责,江晨自然是非常放心。最后江晨只是随便问了问公司运营方面的事,让后便结束了通话。 Hung the telephone, Jiang Chen returned to the pocket the cell phone stopper conveniently, then set out to leave the bedroom, walked toward downstairs garage. 挂了电话,江晨随手将手机塞回了兜里,然后便起身离开了卧室,向楼下的车库走去。 Is on October 20, 80 days of trainings had ended. According to agreement of Jiang Chen and Ayesha. That day when the training finished he will go to the island to take her to come back personally. 已经是10月20日,80天的训练已经结束。按照江晨阿伊莎的约定。等到训练结束的那天他会亲自去岛上接她回来。 Jokes aside, such long has not seen her, in the Jiang Chen heart also thinks of strangely her. 说真的,这么久没有见到她了,江晨心中还怪想念她的。 ...... …… In those days transported the supplies cruise time not to carry any supplies to the desert island, this its mission was meets to return to the trainer on island. 往日向荒岛上运送补给的游轮这次没有携带任何补给,这次它的任务是接回岛上的训练者。 At this moment, 110 agent are standing in the sand beach, is waiting for the final inspection. Looks at that to present the ship shadow in sea horizon, on everyone's face revealed and leaves wiped the exciting look. 此刻,110名特工正站在沙滩上,等待着最后的检阅。望着那出现在海平线上的船影,所有人的脸上都不由露、出了一抹激动的神色。 80 Devil Training finished finally, these rookies agent have not died also peeled a skin. However also does obeisance this to bestow, they had turned into qualified agent from the rookies thorough exuviate, qualified warrior. 八十魔鬼训练总算是结束了,这些菜鸟特工们没死也都脱了一层皮。不过也正是拜此所赐,她们已经从菜鸟彻底蜕变成了一名合格的特工,一名合格的战士 Ayesha gives them, not only concealment, collection information and other abilities. Fighting the experience gives as much support as possible to them. Including the ambush and guidance air raid even is the individual action subject, is their daily required courses. The live round training and virtual training advance synchronously, carved in like the instinct these knowledge their bones generally. 阿伊莎交给她们的不只是隐匿、收集情报等本领。更是将战斗的经验对她们倾囊相授。包括狙击、引导空袭甚至是单独作战在内的科目,是她们的每日必修课。实弹训练和虚拟训练同步推进,将这些知识如同本能一般刻进了她们的骨子里。 It can be said that 80 day ago they are also only one crowd of many enchanting females young girls. But at this moment stands here only has 110 experienced agent. In carbon nano body armor, Genetic Medicine, Ghost Sniper Rifle, Type 11 Pistol, the hot feeling grenade, the digitized contact lenses and nape implantation type chip and other under the aid of a series of high-tech equipment, their anyone of operational capacities can compare favorably with special troop squad that entire 6 people establish. 可以说,八十天前她们还只是一群莺莺燕燕的少女。但此刻站在这里的只有110名身经百战的特工。在碳纳米防弹衣基因药剂鬼魂狙击步枪11式手枪、热感手雷、数字化隐形眼镜以及后颈植入式芯片等一系列高科技设备的援助下,她们任何一人的作战能力都能媲美一整支六人编制的特种兵小队 Waits after a period of time, No. 27 Sanctuary comes out Optical Stealth and Lane Gauss Rifle, an infantry of their battle efficiency steamroll platoon only feared that is not a problem. 等再过段时间,27号避难所光学隐形高斯步枪出来,她们的战斗力碾压一个排的步兵只怕都不成问题。 Mounts the islands, Jiang Chen is repressing the impulsion that hugs and kisses Ayesha, arrived at these 110 agent stations before the regiment . Facing this both also implied the pupil of air/Qi of withering reserved. He nods satisfied. 登上岛屿,江晨按捺着拥吻阿伊莎的冲动,走到了这110名特工站成的方队前。面对这一双双内敛却又暗含肃杀之气的瞳孔。他满意地点了点头。 , He opened the mouth to say loudly. 顿了顿,他高声开口道。 Congratulates you, all of you adopted the test. I saw 110 agent as well as 110 warrior here, I was very happy.” “祝贺你们,你们所有人都通过了考验。我在这里看到了110名特工以及110名战士,我很高兴。” In this 80 day , should know that I who you need to know believe Ayesha had all taught you.” Saying, Jiang Chen is nodding to Ayesha with a smile, then continues to look to these 110 agent regiments, „, therefore I only emphasized two words here: Loyal and brave. Other things, I no longer gave unnecessary detail.” “在这八十天里,你们需要知道的、应该知道的,我相信阿伊莎已经全都教给了你们。”说着,江晨笑着向阿伊莎点了点头,然后继续看向这110名特工的方队,“所以我在这里只强调两个词:忠诚、勇敢。其余的东西,我不再赘述。” Your later work, will not compare this 80 day the bitter experience more relaxed. Rather, in comparison this 80 day laborious can only be the fine rain. Your work possibly keep Country of Xin is engaged in security the anti- spy work, was possibly dispatched the all over the world to carry out most dangerous mission, even fights with Mossad, CIA and KGB elite. However I ensure you completely routed that they hit. But as Boss I, will make you from the heart believe that the labor that you pay is worth.” “你们以后的工作,不会比这八十天的遭遇更轻松。倒不如说,相比之下这八十天的辛苦只能算是毛毛雨。你们的工作可能只是留在新国从事‘安全’的反间谍工作,也可能被派往世界各地执行最危险的任务,甚至与摩萨德cia克格勃的精英交手。不过我保证,你们会将他们打的落花流水。而身为老板的我,也会让你们发自内心地认为,你们付出的辛苦是值得的。” Then, Jiang Chen to standing beckoned in nearby soldier, opened ten suitcase that packed the bill. 说完,江晨对站在一旁的士兵招招手,打开了十个装满了钞票的手提箱。 Looks at that to afforest the flower slip of paper, even mental enough firm agent, still turned very quiet. In this suitcase thinks of 100 ten thousand US Dollar at least, but now the bulging suitcases of these ten attires, 望着那绿化花的纸片,即使是心智足够坚定的特工,也不由屏住了呼吸。这一个手提箱中起码装着一百多万美金,而现在这十个装的鼓鼓囊囊的手提箱, In the entire sand beach, is so aloof to the landscape, Jiang Chen and in Ayesha that is also not short of money the bill was not interested. Besides that 110 agent, that put on mechanical exoskeleton six female vice- teachers also to swallow several spit. 整个沙滩上,对如此景观无动于衷的,也只有不差钱的江晨和对钞票不感兴趣的阿伊莎了。除了那110名特工之外,就连那穿着机械外骨骼的六名女副教官也咽了几口吐沫。 Looks at the expressions on these agent faces very much satisfied, Jiang Chen then says. 很满意地看着那些特工脸上的表情,江晨接着开口说道。 These money, are your, how regardless of you want to spend.” “这些钱,都是你们的,无论你们想怎么花都可以。” „Everyone 100,000 US Dollar, 10 days of vacations. This is not your wages, is only I to you through the training small reward.” “每人十万美金,还有十天的假期。这不是你们的工资,只是我对你们通过训练的一点小小的奖励。” At the same time, I hope that you, you are serving for this world's richest person clearly, therefore I hope after you , should not be bought by several slips of paper stupidly, on the material I will not treat unjustly you. But relative, I hope that you have with the sense of mission and sense of belonging that it matches.” “与此同时,我希望你们清楚一点,你们正在为这个世界上最有钱的人服务,所以我希望你们以后不要愚蠢地被几张纸片收买,物质上我是不会亏待你们。但相对的,我希望你们拥有与之匹配的使命感与归属感。” Specter Agent, later this is your names.” 幽灵特工,以后这便是你们的名字。” I hope that you are proud for this name. But our enemies, will stay up all night for this name.”( To be continued.) “我希望你们为这个名字感到自豪和骄傲。而我们的敌人,将为这个名字彻夜难眠。”(未完待续。)
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