IHAMITLOD :: Volume #5

#496: On the Jiang Chen's face revealed and leaves wiped the happy expression.

The construction of Foreign Species Pasture is prepared by these operation farms merchant, the NAC aspect is only responsible for providing the postpartum for them. 异种牧场的建设由这些经营农场的商人自己筹办,nac方面只负责为他们提供种猪。 …… …… …… …… Has the astute merchant to propose that the hope buying at a high price postpartum, buys out the patent in NAC hand one time, but truly by Jiang Chen smile rejection. Benefit actually next, main reason or subcrystal delivers NAC to dominate firmly in the hand. But these pigs plant, strictly will be limited in the NAC's sphere of influence breeds, refuses the belt/bring to the suburban. Once discovered that has the partner to divulge the technology, NAC will deprive its cooperation qualifications, and imposes the big fine. 有精明的商人提出希望高价收购种猪,一次性买断nac手中的专利,不过确实被江晨微笑地拒绝了。利益方面倒是其次,主要的原因还是亚晶的产出nac必须牢牢地把持在手中。而这些猪种,也将被严格地限制在nac的势力范围内养殖,严禁带到市外。一旦发现有合作方泄露技术,nac将取消其合作资格,并处以高额的罚款。 After reaching the agreement, eight merchants had the joyful look to leave the conference room in abundance. The cooperation agreement that Jiang Chen proposed, from the bankrupt edge pulls back them without doubt, truth that they have not certainly rejected. 达成协议后,八名商人纷纷带着欣喜的神色离开了会议室。江晨提出的合作协议,无疑是将他们从破产的边缘拉了回来,他们当然没有拒绝的道理。 Even can say, is willing to take to share this big cake with them regarding Jiang Chen, they are quite surprised. Because by the NAC's strength, is completely capable of planning to build Foreign Species Pasture alone. 甚至可以说,对于江晨愿意将这块大蛋糕拿出来和他们分享,他们感到非常意外。因为以nac的实力,完全有能力独自筹建异种牧场 Reason that makes this choice, naturally has Jiang Chen own consideration. By the NAC present financial resource, definitely does not need to go to corrupt subcrystal this petty profit. To put it bluntly, bill is by NAC in seal, how many farms does he also need to care about the profits of this trivial? 之所以做出这种选择,其中自然是有着江晨自己的考量。以nac现在的财力,完全没有必要去贪亚晶这点蝇头小利。说穿了,“钞票”都是由nac在印,他还需要在乎这区区几个农场的盈利吗? Compares the rich and powerful people in slum, Jiang Chen is willing to work as King in rich neighbourhood. Besides the food trade and high-end arms market are being dominated by the NAC military government, other non- paramount interest he plans to apportion personal contracts. After all when the exploration of market, personal often have the enthusiasm compared with the bureaucrat. Why as for said, then looked the history knew. 相比起贫民窟中的富豪,江晨更愿意当个富人区中的国王。除了食品贸易和高端军火市场由nac军政府把持着之外,其它的“非核心利益”他打算都分给私人去承包。毕竟在开拓市场的时候,私人往往要比官僚更有积极性。至于为什么这么说,回头看历史就知道了。 Sixth Block here job processing, Jiang Chen then said goodbye to Chu Nan finally, simultaneously declined in the arrangement that Sixth Block stays overnight, caught up takes the helicopter to return to Fishbone Base before the dusk. 总算是将第六街区这边的工作处理完了,江晨便告别了楚南,同时谢绝了在第六街区留宿的安排,赶在黄昏前乘坐直升机回到了鱼骨头基地 Now the time has been close to the end of October, Ayesha mission almost should also be completed. On the other hand, Rothschild Household invited him to go to Europe to participate in Munich Motor Show, will not naturally reject with Jiang Chen that Carmen was on good terms. 现在时间已经接近十月底,阿伊莎任务差不多也该完成了。另一方面,罗斯柴尔德家族邀请他前往欧洲参加慕尼黑车展,与卡门交好的江晨自然是不会拒绝。 Last of Days has taken the stock rail. 末世这边已经走上正轨。 central core that in order to cope with that remote threat, then develops needed leans toward the reality. 为了应对那遥远的威胁,接下来发展的重心有必要向现实那边倾斜了。 ...... …… When Transporter-51 when is responsible for sending and picking up arrives at the aircraft parking area of base. The discovery of Jiang Chen by window engine room, Jiang Lin is waiting by the aircraft parking area. 当负责接送的运直-51到达基地的停机坪时。江晨透过窗口机舱的发现,蒋林正等候在停机坪旁。 Saw that Jiang Chen comes out from the cabin door, he moves forward to meet somebody immediately. 见到江晨从舱门内出来,他立刻迎了上去。 What matter?” Some accidents/surprises looked to Jiang Lin, Jiang Chen stopped the footsteps. Opens the mouth to ask. “什么事?”有些意外地看向了蒋林,江晨停住了脚步。开口问道。 Paper about that Warp Engine.” The Jiang Lin deep breath the one breath, the language fast said fast. “关于那篇曲速引擎的论文。”蒋林深呼吸了一口气,语速飞快地说道。 Began to materialize?” Jiang Chen asks immediately. “有眉目了吗?”江晨立刻问道。 How possibly?” Jiang Lin smiles bitterly is shaking the head hastily, after looking, inspires to me and research institute person is very big. I can know the person who writes this paper who is? If possible, invited to lead me to see him.” “怎么可能?”蒋林苦笑着连忙摇头,“只是在看完后,对我和研究所的人启发都很大。我可以知道撰写这篇论文的人是谁吗?如果可以的话,请带我见下他。” This is impossible. The scientist who writes this paper has mounted Colony Ship obviously.” Helpless Jiang Chen said. “这不可能。撰写这篇论文的科学家显然已经登上了殖民舰。”江晨无奈道。 Stares slightly, Jiang Lin sighed regrettably, really?” 微微一愣,蒋林遗憾地叹了口气,“果然吗?” What issue also has?” Jiang Chen spoke thoughtlessly to ask. “还有什么问题吗?”江晨随口问道。 Has, the issue about research priority,” Jiang Lin said earnestly, this paper, although provided a quite novel and explicit research approach for us, but wants to realize Warp Engine to have very major difficulty as before. In other words, is almost hard to realize by the current condition......” “有,是关于研究优先级的问题,”蒋林认真地说道,“这篇论文虽然为我们提供了一个较为新颖且明确的研究思路,但想要实现曲速引擎依旧存在非常大困难。换句话说,以目前的条件几乎难以实现……” Priorities and other research projects are the same , wants again difficultly on, even if on the flower ten years of 20 year.” Is looking straight ahead the eyes of Jiang Lin. Jiang Chen said earnestly, this concerns the lives of many.” “优先级和其它研究项目相同,再困难也要上,哪怕是花上十年二十年。”直视着蒋林的双眼。江晨认真地说道,“这关乎很多人的性命。” For the Jiang Chen language in seriously astonished, Jiang Lin turned very quiet. 江晨语中的严肃所惊愕,蒋林不由屏住了呼吸。 After long time, the sound that he uses to shiver spat a character lightly. 半晌后,他用颤抖的声音轻吐了一个字。 Who?” “谁?” Many people.” Who Jiang Chen has not told him concretely is, but left behind these three characters generally, then turned around to leave. “很多人。”江晨没有告诉他具体是谁,只是笼统地留下了这三个字,然后便转身离开了。 Jokes aside, if by his present strength, must in the present world that side and Harmony Camp to, his odds of success does not have without a doubt. Can conduct Ship Insect of interstellar cruise, as well as hides in murderous intention. He cannot find out any method of win. 说真的,如果以他现在的实力,要在现世那边与和谐阵营对上,毫无疑问他一点胜算都没有。能够进行星际巡航的帆船虫,以及掩藏在其中的杀机。他想不出任何取胜的手段。 But if Jiang Chen can study to be the speed of light theoretically Warp Engine, then his odds of success without doubt will be big on several points. 但如果江晨这边能够研究出理论上可以达到光速的曲速引擎,那么他的胜算无疑将大上几分。 Although the crisis has been able to foresee, but leaves the Jiang Chen's time actually also to have. 20.5 light years distances, that [The Natural Selection] refers to being uncertain dozens years even are over a hundred years later can arrive at Earth. 虽然危机已经是可以预见的,但留给江晨的时间其实还有很多。20.5光年的距离,那艘“物竞天择号”指不定得几十年甚至是上百年后才能到达地球 However even if so. The time is still very tight. Although weighs the civilization battle efficiency to be superficial with the development time, but they walked after all the monster of 2000 remaining years of life in the river of time. 然纵使如此。时间依旧很紧迫。虽然用发展时间来衡量文明的战斗力是肤浅的,但他们终归是在时间的长河中多行走了两千余年的怪物。 Moreover, will invade to write in the gene monster. 而且,还是一只将侵略写在了基因中的怪物。 Told the entire world directly Alien on the road that broke into, this absolutely was all possible. Regardless and in existing technological means whether can observe beyond more than ten light years [The Natural Selection], drew back the 10,000 step even, everyone who Jiang Chen successfully let the present world believed this. Also is only the disciple increases not necessary scared. 直接告诉全世界“外星人”正在入侵的路上,这绝对是无不可能的。且不论以现有的技术手段是否能观测到十几光年外的“物竞天择号”,就算退一万步,江晨成功让现世的所有人相信了这点。也只是徒增不必要的恐慌罢了。 How should tie up all countries in the world on own chariot? How should make Earth Civilization face [The Natural Selection] to have strength of the war? Waits for Jiang Chen to solve also has. 该如何将世界各国绑在自己的战车上?该如何使地球文明在面对物竞天择号具备一战之力?等待江晨去解决的还有很多。 The development comes step by step, but the step must speed up without doubt. 发展还是得一步步来,但步子无疑是得加快了。 Returns to the villa. After the females have the dinner, Jiang Chen then hugs Sun Jiao to enter the bedroom. 回到别墅中。与众女共进晚餐之后,江晨便搂着孙娇进了卧室。 About the return present world date, Jiang Chen they have confessed with Sun Jiao. This time comes back after Sixth Block, he matter that handles here need personally also almost processes. 关于回归现世的日期,江晨已经和孙娇她们交代过。这次从第六街区那边回来之后,他在这边需要亲手操办的事也差不多都处理完了。 Also detected this, in the evening when is attentive Sun Jiao entangles especially crazily, wishes one could to force in own within the body Jiang Chen, fuses together with him...... 也正是察觉到了这点,晚上温存之时孙娇格外的痴缠,恨不得将江晨塞进自己的体内,与他融为一体…… A night does not have the words. 一夜无话。 Next morning, the Jiang Chen volt in the bedside, looked at that brave air/Qi not to lose the gently beautiful resting face to look at carefully long time. 次日清晨,江晨伏在床边,望着那英气而不失柔美的睡脸端详了良久。 No words of making farewell speech, gently a kiss on that side face. 没有任何作别的话语,在那侧颜上轻轻一吻。 Jiang Chen covered with the quilt for Sun Jiao gently, then returned to own bedroom, vanished in the villa. 江晨轻轻地替孙娇盖好了被子,然后回到了自己的卧室,消失在了别墅中。 ...... …… Opens eyes again, the style changes, the whole world as if caught the fresh/live color. 再次睁开眼,画风一变,整个世界都仿佛染上了鲜活的颜色。 Looks on the ceiling to decorate the elegant hanging lamp, lay low Jiang Chen on bed uses some little time, to switch over the present world condition the thought from Last of Days. 望着天花板上装潢典雅的吊灯,平躺在床上的江晨用了好一会儿,才将思维从末世切换到了现世状态。 The come back first matter inspects the cell phone, without Ayesha helps hold the post of character of airphone, the news of this world he is very difficult to receive that side Last of Days. However this opens cell phone Jiang Chen then to have a scare, over a hundred has not met the call message to brush the screen directly. 回来的第一件事就是检查手机,没有阿伊莎帮忙担任传话筒的角色,这个世界的消息他在末世那边很难接收到。不过这一打开手机江晨便吓了一跳,上百条的未接来电的短信直接刷了屏。 But these have not answered the telephone basically are the same names. 而这些未接电话基本上都是同一个名字。 caller: Xia Shiyu 来电人:夏诗雨 The finger selected several on the screen, Jiang Chen returns a call to her immediately. 手指在屏幕上点了几下,江晨立刻给她回了个电话。 The telephone only rang then to put through, Jiang Chen has not opened the mouth, that belt/bring an anxious sound was then passing on. 电话只响了一声便接通了,江晨还没开口,那带着一丝焦急的声音便传了过来。 Now where are you at? Hey? Is your side good?” “你现在在哪?喂?你那边还好吗?” Gawked staring, listening to near the ear that concerned inquiry, Jiang Chen not to know whether to laugh or cry said. 愣了愣,听着耳边那关切的询问,江晨哭笑不得地说道。 I...... I am very good. I naturally in Country of Xin.” “我……我很好。呃,我当然是在新国啊。” Confirmed Jiang Chen's safe and secure, Xia Shiyu obviously relaxes. But when she realized that the Jiang Chen absolutely anything matter does not have, oneself were worried completely white/in vain one week later, her sound took to complain. 确认了江晨的平安,夏诗雨明显是松了口气。可当她意识到江晨根本什么事都没有,自己完全是白担心了一个星期之后,她的声音不由带上了一丝埋怨。 As Chairman of the Board, do not play to vanish suddenly is quite good. You in Country of Xin, lose contact I not to know that which telephone call now should hit.” “身为董事长,还是不要这么突然玩消失比较好。你现在在新国,失联了我都不知道该打哪个电话报警。” cough cough, felt relieved, I will not have the matter. However according to the job requirement, I must go to one occasionally some place that does not have the signal. Un, some marine island.” Jiang Chen spoke thoughtlessly arranges to say randomly. 咳咳,放心好了,我不会有事的。不过根据工作需要,我偶尔得去一趟某个没有信号的地方。嗯,某个海上小岛。”江晨随口乱编道。 Deeply inspires, Xia Shiyu has not entirely believed Jiang Chen's to explain, but accepted his view. 深吸了一口气,夏诗雨并没有完全相信江晨的解释,但还是接受了他这个说法。 Did not say these, said the proper business.” “不说这些了,还是说正事吧。” Un, you said that I am listening.” Traded only the hand to grasp the telephone, Jiang Chen is setting aside the right hand to change pants to oneself. “嗯,你说吧,我听着呢。”换了只手握着电话,江晨腾出右手给自己换了件裤子。 Is this, recently company received many invitations, except for personal nature beside, some official natures.” “是这样的,最近公司收到了不少邀请函,除了私人性质的之外,还有一些官方性质的。” For example?” Jiang Chen spoke thoughtlessly to ask. “比如说?”江晨随口问道。 For example Xiangjiang City Government, as well as invitation from China.” “比如香江市政府,以及来自华国的邀请。” Finally came? 终于来了吗?
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