IHAMITLOD :: Volume #5

#495: ……

Team quickly to Parliament Building. 队伍很快到了议会大厦 Under receiving and instructing of Chu Nan, Jiang Chen came to the conference room, sat in the seat of board. 楚南的接引下,江晨来到了会议室内,坐在了会议桌的席。 Attends the conference has Jiang Chen, Chu Nan and Zhao Gang, as well as ten Representative, 15 audit Industry Delegate. 出席会议的有江晨,楚南赵刚,以及十名议员,还有十五名旁听的行业代表 According to the conference flow, is first reported the Sixth Block work survey by Executive Officer Chu Nan, is the Zhao Chenwu report security situation and Third Army training. Again then, is Zhao Chenwu of Representative representative the bill and that the regulations take the lead in the summary quarter Parliament to approve, and reports Sixth Block population, output value, economic output and other data. 按照会议流程,由执行官楚南先汇报第六街区工作概况,接着是赵辰武汇报治安状况以及第三兵团的训练情况。再然后,由身为议员代表的赵辰武带头总结上个季度议会通过的法案和管理条例,并汇报第六街区人口、产值、经济总量等数据。 Reporting the work is only a form, these contents have actually submitted NAC Logistics Department early, was reorganized the direct-viewing graph by Logistics Department Minister Wang Qing, was placed on the Jiang Chen's desk. 汇报工作只是个形式,这些内容其实早都已经递交到na后勤部,由后勤部部长王晴整理成了直观的图表,摆在了江晨的办公桌上了。 Although these dull contents hear Jiang Chen to be drowsy, but the good and evil he exhibited had to be earnest the appearance of listening. After all is this country Yuan, his attitude and dignity, are maintaining the stability of entire bureaucratic organization. 虽然这些枯燥无味的内容听得江晨昏昏欲睡,但好歹他还是摆出了有认真在听的样子。毕竟身为这个“国家”的元,他的态度和威严,维系着整个官僚机构的稳定。 Finished ceremony nature the report, Jiang Chen coughed lightly, took the holographic computer pen on table very much at will, launched holographic screen. Under the gazes of ten several eyes, he read out the NAC military government next quarter conscription and military action plan very much familiar and easy. 结束了“仪式性质”的汇报,江晨轻咳了下,很随意地拿起了桌上的全息电脑笔,展开了全息屏幕。在十数双眼睛的注视下,他很轻车熟路地宣读了na军政府下一个季度的征兵、军事行动计划。 Generally speaking, the next quarter key will be primarily the economic construction. Now the internal disorder and foreign invasion all decide, before the unknown threat approaches, NAC will win the exhibition period that cultivates to live to rest up, consolidates in the victory of Wanghai City and in the Jia City range obtaining. 总的来说,下个季度的工作重点将以经济建设为主。现在内忧外患皆定,在未知的威胁来临之前,na将赢来一段修生养息的展期,巩固在望海市嘉市范围内取得的战果。 2 recruiting objectives, Public Security Tax maintains unchanged. 二征兵指标,治安税维持不变 After hearing these two essential sentences, Representative and audit present Industry Delegate clearly relaxes obviously. When reading and increases the munitions material reserves about the expanded military production outsourcing project the resolution, the military enterprise representative on the scene is very happy. The Wanghai City peripheral situation becomes stable, regarding other industries is a good deed, but regarding the military enterprise actually without doubt is Industry Winter. 听到这两个关键句之后,在座的议员和旁听的行业代表都明都显松了口气。在念到关于扩大军工生产外包项目和增加军火物资储备的决议时,在场的军工企业代表不由喜上眉梢。望海市周边局势趋稳,对于其他行业来说是件好事,但对于军工企业来说却无疑是一场行业寒冬 NAC A not only has not reduced the order, instead increased the expenditure in military expenses, this regarding the Sixth Block military enterprise without doubt is a good news. naa非但没有削减订单,反而增加了在军费上的开支,这对于第六街区的军工企业来说无疑是个喜讯。 Jiang Chen dishes out this proposal, on the one hand to support these military enterprises. On the other hand then stems from the consideration of Fishbone Base capacity adjustment. 江晨之所以抛出这个提案,一方面是为了养活那些军工企业。另一方面则是出于对鱼骨头基地产能调整的考量。 From now henceforth, the Fishbone Base ordnance machine shop will approach acme gradually the direction show/unfolds. For example Fireball-1 the incendiary bomb, besides the essential fight part and propulsion components, other components will outsource to the ordnance machine shop production of Sixth Block completely. As the matter stands not only can raise the rocket missile output. Also can reduce the production cost, regarding both sides is a good deed. 从今以后,鱼骨头基地的军工厂将逐步向尖端化的方向展。比如“火球1”的燃烧弹,除了关键的战斗部件和推进部件之外,其它零件将全部外包给第六街区的军工厂生产。这样一来不但能提高火箭弹的产量。还能压缩生产成本,对于双方来说都是一件好事。 Spent for two hours, the conference always ended. Everyone left the conference room with smile on the face, on this board, they more or less obtains the thing that oneself wanted. 花费了两个小时,会议总是结束了。所有人都面带微笑地离开了会议室,在这会议桌上,他们或多或少都得到了自己想要的东西。 Doesn't rest?” Looks that sits before Jiang Chen that the table drinks tea. Stands asks body side Chu Nan. “不休息一下吗?”看着坐在桌前喝茶的江晨。站在身侧的楚南问道。 Does not use, I am used to all matter complete solutions.” The Jiang Chen smile said. “不用了,我习惯将所有事儿一次全部解决。”江晨微笑道。 In the first quarter held conference to end a time, a while also one meeting with NAC cooperation merchant. These matters gave Wang Qing to process also yes, but Jiang Chen happen to Sixth Block, therefore then this matter 一季度举行一次的会议结束了,一会儿还有一场与na合作商人的会面。这些事原本交给王晴去处理也是可以的,不过江晨正好在第六街区这边,所以便把这种事 I arrange, they have waited in the lounge.” Chu Nan said respectfully, turned around to leave the conference room. “那我去安排一下,他们已经等候在休息室内了。”楚南恭敬地说道,转身离开了会议室。 Do not make them and others too long.” Jiang Chen lifts the teacup, said with a smile. “别让他们等太久。”江晨微举茶杯,笑着说道。 A time of tea, eight merchants then came to the conference room under receiving and instructing of Chu Nan. Their status majority are the Wanghai City raw material supply business, has the 5 o mu size above farm in the suburb. Mainly planted mutated fruit, tea and tobacco, as well as one type introduced the sweet bean of Sixth Block market recently, although cannot direct edible, but can distill the sugar manufacturing like the sugar cane. 一盏茶的功夫,八名商人便在楚南的接引下来到了会议室内。他们的身份大多数是望海市的原材料供应商,在郊区拥有5o亩大小以上的农场。主要种植变异果、茶、烟草、以及一种最近才引进第六街区市场的甜豆,虽然不能直接食用,但能够像甘蔗一样蒸馏制糖。 Actually they also produced Kam Resin, because afterward the Shenxiang Town large-scale production, the Sixth Block rubber and plastic supply approach was saturated, they reduced the capacity in this aspect in abundance, gave NAC bsp the market of industrial material reluctantly ; At present as the NAC's grain output gradually rises, the nutrition mixture demand was also under very big impact, as its raw material mutated fruit demand also drop. The benefit losses of these farm operators are nothing less than big. 其实原先他们还生产卡姆树脂,只不过后来因为沈巷镇大规模生产,第六街区的橡胶、塑料供应趋近饱和,他们才纷纷削减了这方面的产能,无奈地将工业原材料的市场让给了nabsp;目前随着na的粮食“产量”逐步上升,营养合剂的需求也受到了很大的冲击,其原料变异果的需求也随着下降。这些农场主们的利益损失不可谓不大。 At this moment sits on the board, eight merchants look at each other in blank dismay are exchanging the line of sight. Was in doubt the Jiang Chen preparation and they says anything. 此刻坐在会议桌上,八名商人都面面相觑地交换着视线。拿不准江晨准备和他们说些什么。 When they are exchanging the look with the disturbed mood, Jiang Chen shows a faint smile, opens the mouth moderately. 就在他们怀着忐忑的心情交换着眼神的时候,江晨微微一笑,语气温和地开了口。 Believes that had understood, we on will start the discussion with industrial related cooperation project today.” “相信诸位已经有所了解了,我们今天将就与诸位产业相关的合作项目展开讨论。” Does not know that is what form cooperation?” A merchant stood. Somewhat inquired intensely. “不知道是什么形式的合作?”一名商人站了起来。有些紧张地提问道。 Does not need to be overly courteous, is only the discussion of commercial nature, sits the word on the line.” Jiang Chen smiles is hinting him first to sit down, then put out a hand to select on the desktop lightly two, the luxuriant blue total information image interwove in the above of board together, what today we discuss was. The cooperation in cultivation.” “不必多礼,只是商业性质的会谈,坐着言就行了。”江晨微笑着示意他先坐下,接着伸手在桌面上轻点了两下,一道蔚蓝色的全息图像在会议桌的上方交织,“今天我们讨论的是。养殖方面的合作。” „Is this?” Is looking at the image on desktop, the expression on merchants face also varies. “这是?”望着桌面上的图像,商人们脸上的表情也是各异。 Some people are surprised, some are interesting, does not spare a glance 有的人惊讶,有的饶有兴趣,也有不屑一顾 Has not cared about the expressions on these merchant faces, looks the lifeform that holographic projection that look and wild boar somewhat are an excellent likeness, Jiang Chen opens the mouth a introduced. 没有在意这些商人脸上的表情,看着全息投影的那个相貌与野猪有几分神似的生物,江晨开口介绍道。 long-haired pig, by my researcher hand/subordinate through man-made foreign-species that the genetic engineering cultivates.” 长毛猪,由我手下的研究员通过基因工程培育的人造异种。” Man-made foreign-species?” Expression on the merchant face present is somewhat splendid. “人造异种?”在座商人脸上的表情有些精彩。 Its fur/superficial knowledge can be used in the clothing, the meat can eat. What is main, its back of the head can congealment subcrystal, actually not with the aggressivity that it matches.” The Jiang Chen smile said. “它的皮毛可以用于制衣,肉可以食用。最主要的是,它的后脑能够凝结亚晶,却没有与之匹配的攻击性。”江晨微笑道。 Came as a surprise to Jiang Chen's, on the face of merchants has not shown the strong interest immediately, was the reveal, has several to wipe the embarrassment on the contrary. 出乎了江晨的意料,商人们的脸上并没有立刻表现出浓厚的兴趣,反倒是露、出了几抹难色。 Rears in a pen foreign-species? We had also attempted before, but subcrystal content higher foreign-species, feed is often bigger. Moreover now subcrystal is not valuable, if produces the meat, the double headed cow that in our farm raises was enough.” “圈养异种吗?我们以前也尝试过,但是亚晶含量越高的异种,往往进食量就越大。而且现在亚晶并不值钱,如果只是生产肉食的话,我们农场里饲养的双头牛就足够了。” meat quality how? Compares the variation cow.” Another merchant asked a more essential issue impatiently. 肉质如何?相比起变异牛而言。”另一名商人则是迫不及待地问起了更关键的问题。 meat quality of double headed cow is very bad, chews to chew the sand probably. However regarding eating the average person of fresh meat, the meat of variation cow is a good meat. 双头牛的肉质很差,嚼起来像是嚼沙。不过对于吃不起鲜肉的普通人来说,变异牛的肉还是一种不错的肉食。 Hears merchants' inquiry, Jiang Chen smiles, waits for them saying that stretched out three fingers. 听到商人们的提问,江晨笑了笑,等待他们言完毕,伸出了三根指头。 About your questions, I summarized three points to answer.” “关于你们的疑问,我就概括成三点来答好了。” Its one, feeding of this long-haired pig is very easy, the feed is primarily mutated fruit, coordinates the right amount of catalyst.” “其一,这种长毛猪的喂养很容易,饲料以变异果为主,配合适量的催化剂。” Its two, the subcrystal output does not need to be worried. Three months can leave the pen, single subcrystal output in 7 o 8 o.” “其二,亚晶产量不用担心。三个月便可出栏,单只亚晶产量在7o8o。” Its three, meat quality, although cannot compare the pre-war species that cultivates, but compared with variation cow, on being better many.” “其三,肉质虽然比不上培育的战前物种,但是比起变异牛来说,还是要好上许多的。” After Jiang Chen said these four words, presents on the faces of all merchants, remaining frantic. 江晨说完这四句话后,在场所有商人的脸上,剩下的只有狂热。 Only can feed with mutated fruit! 只用变异果就能喂养! These pace back and forth the farm operators in verge of bankruptcy, most does not lack was mutated fruit!( To be continued.) 这些徘徊在破产边缘的农场主们,最不缺的就是变异果了!(未完待续。) …… ……
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