IHAMITLOD :: Volume #5

#494: ……

Already how many days?” Stands the roof in Deep-Red Chamber of Commerce building, wears Cao Guangkai of western-style clothes to look into the Wanghai City direction speechless. “已经多少天了?”站在深红商会大楼的楼顶,身着西服的曹光凯无言地眺望着望海市的方向。 Six days.” Stands said in his guard respectfully. “六天了。”站在他身旁的护卫恭敬地说道。 Already six days? 已经六天了吗? The dawn caught a pale golden glimmer that mist, even if stands in Su City ten several kilometers away , can smell that named Order and free fragrance. There sunshine, six days does not have the gunsmoke to raise. 晨曦将那薄雾染上了一层淡金色的微光,哪怕是站在十数公里外的苏市,也能嗅到那名为秩序和自由的芬芳。那里一片晴朗,已经六天没有硝烟升起。 Long time, Cao Guangkai opens the mouth slowly. 半晌,曹光凯缓缓开口。 „Did that man, how long leave?” “那个男人,离开多久了?” That man in his mouth refers to naturally is Lin Chao'en. 他口中的那个男人指的自然是林朝恩 Man who that says the Supreme civilization apostle. 那个自称至高文明使徒的男人。 The guard hesitated slightly the moment, said with the indefinite tone, probably two months.” 护卫略微迟疑了片刻,用不确定的语气说道,“大概两个月。” hears word, Cao Guangkai nods, said slowly. 闻言,曹光凯点了点头,缓缓道。 He should not come.” “那他应该不会来了。” According to agreement, if two months later he has not come, then means that the agreement ended. 按照约定,如果两个月后他没有来,那么就意味着协议结束了。 Even God isn't able to prevent their rises?” Looked at the Fishbone Base direction, Cao Guangkai is twisting the brow slightly. “即便是上帝也无法阻止他们的崛起吗?”望着鱼骨头基地的方向,曹光凯微微拧起了眉头。 In some time ago, branch of Deep-Red Chamber of Commerce situated in Hang City spread the news, Merchants League and NAC reached the agreement, started the comprehensive cooperation in bank, Merchant Guild as well as Mercenary Union and other aspects. Although NAC A has actually output own influence its. 就在不久前,深红商会位于杭市的分会传来消息,商人联合会na达成了协议,在银行商人公会以及佣兵工会等方面展开了全面合作。虽然naa却已经将自己的影响力输出到了其内部。 Merchants radically is the currency, what but also there is able compared with controlling the currency, can control the merchant? 商人的根本就是货币,还有什么能比控制了货币,更能控制商人? Cao Guangkai lowers the head slightly. 曹光凯略微低下了头。 Under he needs seriously to consider now, Deep-Red Chamber of Commerce future. 他现在需要认真考虑下,深红商会的未来。 At this moment, in Sixth Block a prosperous scene. 此刻,第六街区内一片繁荣的景象。 The subcrystal content analyzer that the corner streets and lanes found at everywhere has disappeared quietly, taking the same place is the transfer of payment of paper money transaction or ep. Besides the official purchase, Sixth Block bank also injected the currency of sufficiency through the way of lending to the market, simultaneously Parliament signed the credits settlement tax-slash bill, to promote credits trade. 原本街角巷陌随处可见的亚晶含量分析仪已经悄然不见了,取而代之地则是纸币交易或者ep的支付转账。除了官方收购之外,第六街区银行还通过放贷的方式向市场注入了足量的货币,同时议会签署了信用点结算减税法案,以推广“信用点”进行贸易。 From the beginning, people have the half believing and half doubting attitude on this currency, but with the lapse of time, credits and subcrystal exchange proportion appreciates gradually. From initial 1 : 2 increases now 1 : 4. If were not NAC strictly limited the good quantity of currency, people wished one could depreciation subcrystal to pound the hand in gradually on the bank counter. 一开始,人们对于这种货币还持将信将疑的态度,但随着时间的推移,信用点亚晶的兑换比例逐步升值。从最初的1:2攀升到了现在的1:4。如果不是na严格限制了货币的行量,人们恨不得将手中逐步贬值的亚晶全都砸在银行的柜台上。 Also because NAC limited the credits good quantity, the credits purchasing power becomes such strong, forever will print the bill only to make the bill turn into one pack of scrap papers without limits. At present on Black Market. subcrystal and credits exchange proportion even rose 1 : 6. 也正是因为na限制了信用点的行量,信用点的购买力才会变得这么坚挺,永无止境地印钞票只会让钞票变成一叠废纸。目前在黑市上。亚晶信用点的兑换比例甚至攀升到了1:6。 On the other hand, establishment of Merchant Guild, supplied the demand and safe-message of Suhang Province even farther place for the merchant, simultaneously was the Sixth Block factory provided the order from Wanghai City. 另一方面,商人公会的建立,为商人提供了苏杭省甚至更远地方的需求、安全信息,同时为第六街区的工厂提供了来自望海市以外的订单。 Mercenary Union establishes the branch in Hang City, made lost Wanghai City this Hunting Ground huntsmen have the new outlet. Transfers the duty to become mercenary or the caravan guard. Goes to Hang City to develop the new trade route. 佣兵工会杭市成立分会,也让失去望海市这个“猎场”的狩猎者们有了新的出路。转职成佣兵或商队护卫。前往杭市开拓新的商路。 At this moment, Jiang Chen is walking on the Inner Circle avenue, in an accompaniment of Chu Nan and under numerous NAC soldier, inspects the street that this changes with each new day. 此刻,江晨正走在内圈的大街上,在楚南和一众na士兵的陪同下,巡视这日新月异的街道。 At present exterminated foreign-species lair has achieved 174, occupies entire West City District to exterminate work 89%. Because remaining 21 foreign-species the danger coefficient is high, temporarily does not have the mercenary organization to receive mission alone.” “目前被剿灭的异种巢穴已经达到174座,占整个西市区清剿工作的89%。一剩下的21座异种因为危险系数较高,暂时没有佣兵组织独自接下任务。” That gave NAC's soldier to be good.” Is sizing up this lively street interestingly, Jiang Chen while spoke thoughtlessly to say. “那就交给na的士兵好了。”一边饶有兴趣地打量着这繁华的街道,江晨一边随口说道。 On the other hand, Su City large mine pit mine owners expressed discontentedly to us, because of the large-scale depreciation of subcrystal, making the asset on his hand shrink four times instantaneously.” “另一方面,苏市大矿坑矿主们对我们表示了不满,因为亚晶的大规模贬值,让他手上的资产瞬间缩水了四倍。” hears word. Jiang Chen selected the eyebrow. 闻言。江晨挑了挑眉毛。 That what he meant was that?” “那他的意思是?” They hope that purchases credits from our hands, by 1 : 2 price.” Chu Nan ridicules to say. “他们希望从我们手中收购信用点,以1:2的价格。”楚南揶揄道。 Rejects him, lets him and Sixth Block factory discussed.” Jiang Chen disdain curls the lip, did not say patiently. “拒绝他,让他和第六街区的工厂自己谈。”江晨不屑地撇了撇嘴,不耐烦地说道。 Now needs subcrystal, only had the Sixth Block factory. Although bank also provides credits to purchase the subcrystal channel to the factory in principle, but the Sixth Block official is more encourages them to purchase subcrystal from the private hand. Moreover the fact, credits can purchase many subcrystal in the private hand. 现在需要亚晶的,也只有第六街区的工厂了。虽然原则上银行也向工厂提供信用点购买亚晶的渠道,但第六街区官方还是更多的鼓励他们从私人手中购买亚晶。而且事实也正是,信用点能在私人手上收购到更多的亚晶 They said that is unable to accept 1 : 6 conversion price. Their should Envoy now in Parliament and Zhao Chenwu their temperament, must see them?” “他们表示无法接受1:6的兑换价格。他们的使者现在应该正在议会赵辰武他们脾气,要见下他们吗?” Does not use, two days later the person in the unpopulated area between Wanghai City and Su City will launch the military exercise, at the appointed time Fireball-1 will participate performance. Delivers them an admission ticket of top grade seat.” Jiang Chen spoke thoughtlessly to say. “不用,两天后我们的人会在望海市苏市之间的无人区展开军演,届时‘火球1’会参演。送他们一张特等席的门票。”江晨随口说道。 Chu Nan smiles with tacit understanding, to reply respectfully. 楚南会意一笑,恭敬地答道。 Compliant.” “遵命。” Believes that after experiencing that luxurious smoke and fire, under all people of trying our luck, will think over oneself strength. 相信在见识过那场奢侈的烟火之后,所有心存侥幸之人,都会重新掂量下自己的实力。 On the street is filling the attractive food fragrance. In the entire Xiaochi Street the assorted store is dazzling. Do not look at this is some food shops, the place that but entire Inner Circle most makes money except for the casino perhaps was here. Besides the general restaurant, Jiang Chen also saw by serving Robot is being handled a Ramen restaurant, is running the BBQ restaurant by Boss of stranger face. The NAC's food supply gradually rises, the meals of Sixth Block people also enriched day after day. 街道上弥漫着诱人的食物香味儿。整条小吃街上各色商铺琳琅满目。别看这都是些食品店铺,但整个内圈最赚钱的地方除了赌场恐怕就是这里了。除了一般的餐馆外,江晨还看到了一家由服务机器人操办着的拉面馆,由异乡人面孔的老板经营着的烧烤店。na的食物供应量逐渐上升,第六街区人民的伙食也日渐丰富了起来。 This is unable to see one year ago absolutely. 这一幕在一年前是绝对无法看到的。 The pre-war crops of soil-free cultivation, non- variation domestic animal of cloning technology training. These luxury aristocrat grand merchant one year could not eat several even. However nowadays, even Sixth Block ordinary citizens, so long as works hard, can still have the opportunity to enter Inner Circle luxurious occasionally. 无土栽培的战前农作物,克隆技术培养的非变异家畜。原本这些奢侈品即使是贵族豪商一年也吃不到几。然而现如今,即使是第六街区的寻常百姓,只要努力工作的话,也能有机会偶尔进入内圈奢侈一把。 The end of street, similarly is a debauchery street. 街道的尽头,同样是一条灯红酒绿的街。 But looks at the neon of that phrase ambiguous signboard and warm tone, knows that here obviously is not the proper place. 只不过看着那字眼暧昧的招牌与暖色调的霓虹,就知道这里显然不是什么正经的地方。 In Sixth Block, the brothel and casino belong place that can the lawful operation. Even Sixth Block one of the ten Representative, under Jiang Chen's incites is operating Inner Circle in a big way recreation area. After all lives Survivor here mostly is the tool bit licks the desperado of blood, regarding these people, only then these exciting gadget can let they produce some also living feeling. 第六街区内,青楼和赌场都属于能够合法经营的场所。甚至第六街区的十名议员之一,就在江晨的授意下经营着内圈最大的“娱乐场所”。毕竟生活在这里的幸存者大多都是刀头舔血的亡命之徒,对于那些人来说,也只有这些刺激的玩意儿能让他们产生些“还活着的感觉”。 Naturally, the compulsive transaction was forbidden. Sixth Block does not forbid the slave trade, but any slave can not enter in the Sixth Block range, moreover does not levy taxes regarding the slave trade, is not included in the extent of protection of military police. 当然,强迫性的交易是被禁止的。第六街区并不禁止奴隶贸易,但任何奴隶都不得进入第六街区的范围内,而且对于奴隶贸易既不征税,也不纳入宪兵的保护范围之内。 In other words, any steps into the Sixth Block person, was tacitly approved as the free man, the personal freedom receives the Parliament formulation the protection of Constitution. 换句话说,任何踏入第六街区的人,都被默认为自由人,人身自由受到议会制定的宪法的保护。 Can go to have a look? I will keep the secret for you.” Chu Nan ridiculed smiles, feels the nose to look to Jiang Chen. “要进去看看吗?我会替您保守秘密。”楚南揶揄地笑了笑,摸着鼻子看向了江晨 Ok.” Looked at that to throw the girl of coquettish look to him, Jiang Chen was somewhat turning away subtly. “还是算了吧。”望着那对他抛着媚眼的女郎,江晨有些微妙地移开了视线。 In family/home was about unable to force-feed, let alone was more vulgar regarding these common powder he also is really nothing interest. 家里的都快喂不饱了,更何况对于这些庸脂粉俗他也实在是没什么兴趣。 The team slightly crossed this red light street, ahead of time concluded today's traveling schedule. Then Jiang Chen will go to Sixth Block Parliament Building, the inspection current quarter Parliament working condition, simultaneously report next quarter conscription and military action plan. 队伍略过了这条红灯街,提前结束了今天的行程。接下来江晨将前往第六街区议会大厦,检查本季度议会的工作情况,同时汇报下一个季度的征兵、军事行动计划。 Finally, Jiang Chen will also receive eight local merchant who is invited, discussion cooperation relevant matter. 最后,江晨还将接见八名受到邀请的本地商人,讨论合作相关事项。 Turned around curved, roadblock on the main road attracted the Jiang Chen's attention. Sees only several machine shop trucks to open from the smooth cement road surface, results in the sharp instrument to stay behind on the road with drop hammer is separated the equal hole. The following architecture worker gathers round these, toward inside stopper the black manages of cylinder. 拐过了一道弯,主干道上的路障吸引了江晨的注意。只见几辆工程车正从平整的水泥路面上开过,用打桩机似得锐器在公路上留下一路间隔相等的孔。后面的建筑工人则围着那些孔,往里面塞着圆柱形的黑管。 What that is?” Jiang Chen aimed at the road of that trap, “那个是什么?”江晨指向了那段封堵的公路, They are laying down the track, is some Hang City merchant contributes the construction. In return, we provide to they 2 years of Maglev Car franchise rights as well as 4 years of automotive sale tax-free policy.” Chu Nan answered with a smile, „, when the track laid down, on this road can pass Maglev Car.” “他们正在铺设地磁轨,是某个杭市的商人斥资修建的。作为交换,我们提供给他们二年的磁悬浮汽车特许经营权以及四年汽车销售免税的政策。”楚南笑着解释道,“等到磁轨铺设完毕,这条路上就能通磁悬浮汽车了。” Buries the track under road to exploding with the resistance of nuclear explosion is low, therefore in wartime basically exploded degaussing or some degaussing. Now Sixth Block has resumed the stability, the economy flies to grow, the per capita income rises with steady steps, the merchant of mind miraculous glow naturally hits the attention in this aspect. 埋在公路之下的磁轨对爆炸和核爆的抗性都非常低,所以在战时基本都被炸的消磁或部分消磁了。现在第六街区已经恢复稳定,经济飞增长,人均收入稳步上升,头脑灵光的商人自然是打起了这方面的注意。 Maglev Car? 磁悬浮汽车吗? Finally was some future feelings. 总算是有些未来的感觉了。 Looked at the machine shop truck of that advancement, on the Jiang Chen's face is reappearing gradually wiped the smile. 望着那逐步推进的工程车,江晨的脸上不由浮现了一抹微笑。 The seed of civilization has planted. 文明的种子已经种下。 He happily saw very much, it is sprouting.( To be continued.) 他很欣慰地看到,它正在萌。(未完待续。) …… ……
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