IHAMITLOD :: Volume #5

#493: „I wish among us happy cooperation.” Jiang Chen also stood up the body, smiled was extending the right hand.

A hair wet small head searched from the crack in a door of bathroom, wrote all over around the shy big eye to look at looking. 一只头发湿漉漉的小脑袋从浴室的门缝中探了出来,写满羞怯的大眼睛四周瞄了瞄。 …… …… …… …… Crossed probably for five minutes, Jiang Chen refreshing from the bathroom. 大概过了五分钟,江晨神清气爽地从浴室中走了出来。 Although he thought that goes out together no at the worst, but Yao Yao is actually blushing to persist in requesting to separate. Thinks when previous time comes out after by everyone uses the dim daylight and dark look to look, she wishes one could on the ground to look for a seam to worm one's way into. 虽然他觉得一起出去没什么大不了的,但姚姚却红着脸坚持要求分开出去。一想到上次出来时被大家用暧、昧的眼神看着后,她就恨不得在地上找个缝钻进去。 This is moves unnecessarily on the towel with shoulder is scratching the hair, Jiang Chen while thought aloud satisfied. “这算是多此一举吗”一边用肩上的毛巾擦着头发,江晨一边惬意地自言自语道。 Even if separates, everyone still definitely knows washes together. 就算是分开出来,大家也肯定知道是一起洗的吧。 Today first sleeps. 今天就先睡觉好了。 So thinking, Jiang Chen is walking toward own room. 如此想着,江晨向着自己的房间走去。 When passed by the Sun Jiao entrance, the door shoved open suddenly. 然而在路过孙娇门口的时候,房门突然推开了。 Sees only the hair already air-dried Sun Jiao, only wears the light long shirt, a face looks at Jiang Chen smilingly. 只见头发已经吹干了的孙娇,“只”穿着轻飘飘的长衬衣,正一脸笑盈盈地看着江晨 „, Having anything”, although this appearance is very attractive, but has hit spatial bullet(s) Jiang Chen, at this moment is in the legend sage pattern. If accepted the invitation of Sun Jiao, some are not wonderful from various perspectives. “呃,有什么事吗”虽然这幅样子很诱人,但已经打空子弹江晨,此刻正处于传说中的“贤者模式”。如果接受了孙娇的邀请,从各种方面来说都有些不妙。 At this time, Sun Xiaorou grasped him from the back suddenly. 这时,孙小柔突然从背后抱住了他。 Hee hee, brother-in-law, how does not go in on face to hang the smile of small devil, Sun Xiaorou near the Jiang Chen's ear, said mischievously. “嘻嘻,姐夫,怎么不进去呀”脸上挂着小恶魔的微笑,孙小柔江晨的耳边,调皮地说道。 This small alluring woman 这小妖精 Feels the back to push and shove pleasantly warmly, Jiang Chen did not know whether to laugh or cry to be pushed by Sun Xiaorou. 感受着后背温软地推搡,江晨哭笑不得地被孙小柔推了进去。 He always felt, must end in his body this way sooner or later. 他总感觉,在这样下去他的身体迟早要完。 Next morning. 次日清晨。 Your body is unimportant looks that footsteps impractical Jiang Chen enters Office, saying of Han Junhua brow slightly wrinkle. “你的身体不要紧吗”看着脚步虚浮的江晨走进办公室,韩君华眉头微皱的说道。 Is unimportant.” Jiang Chen beckons with the hand, has not gone to look at her face awkwardly, sat on own throne. “不要紧。”江晨摆了摆手,尴尬地没有去看她的脸,坐到了自己的宝座上。 Han Junhua visits him speechless. After long time, says. 韩君华无言地看着他。半晌之后才开口说道。 Various significances, something restrain is quite good.” “各种意义上来说,有些事还是克制点比较好。” Just drank tea Jiang Chen, almost tea not spurting 刚喝了一口茶的江晨,差点没把茶水给喷出来 If usually is. Rests late Jiang Chen mostly to choose a sleep/felt to rest next noon, will turn down the next day work directly. However yesterday afternoon time spread the news from Jia City. The Hang City aspect has the important passenger visit. Stemming from the prestige and other considerations of factors, Jiang Chen must brace oneself an early bed. 如果是平时的话。睡得太晚的江晨大多会选择一觉睡到第二天中午,直接推掉第二天的工作。不过昨天下午的时候从嘉市传来了消息。杭市方面有要客来访。出于威望等各方面因素的考虑,江晨只得硬着头皮起了个早床。 Sat in Office of community center was less than one hour, the quick entrance then resounded the knock. Put in order the collar, Jiang Chen said after requesting verbally, put on somewhat faded a man of meter/rice blue western-style clothes then under NAC's Knight received and instructed. 在社区中心的办公室坐了不到一个小时,很快门口便响起了敲门声。整了整衣领,江晨说了声请进之后,一名穿着有些褪色了的米蓝色西服的男人便在na的骑士接引下走了进来。 The familiar face, Jiang Chen remembers that his name was Kong Qian, with the first contact of Hang City Merchants League, was he attaches. 熟悉的面孔,江晨记得他的名字叫孔谦,与杭市商人联合会的第一次接触,就是他来接头的。 Welcome you. Mr. President.” Jiang Chen smiles was saying. “欢迎你。会长先生。”江晨微笑着说道。 „It is not at all, Marshal your excellency,” Kong Qian arched cupping one hand in the other across the chest with a laugh, then supplemented the sentence, Wanghai City Uncrowned King.” “不敢当,元帅阁下,”孔谦笑呵呵地拱了拱手,接着又补充了句,“望海市无冕之王。” Uncrowned King 无冕之王 This called Jiang Chen to be satisfactory, the corners of the mouth rose slightly. 这个称呼江晨非常满意,嘴角不由略微上扬。 Invited Kong Qian to sit on the sofa of receiving callers warmly, Jiang Chen told that the service crew of community center took the tea for two people but actually. Looks at that to float the tea leaves in cup, Jiang Chen notices this Chamber of Commerce President to stare to look blank, obviously swallowed a spit. 热情地邀请孔谦坐在了会客的沙发上,江晨吩咐社区中心的勤务人员为两人倒上了茶水。看着那浮在杯中的茶叶,江晨注意到这位商会会长瞪直了眼,明显咽了口吐沫。 Carried teacup the mouth, on the face of Kong Qian showed the immersing expression. 端起茶杯品了口,孔谦的脸上露出了沉醉的表情。 Good tea. If I have not guessed wrong, should be West Lake Longjing.” “好茶。如果我没猜错,应该是西湖龙井。” Never expected that President Kong also understands tea Jiang Chen to ask interestingly. “没想到孔会长还懂茶”江晨饶有兴趣地问道。 Longjing and Tieguanyin and so on luxury Jiang Chen Sixth Block has not sold again, but Blue Mountain Coffee and Sri Lanka black tea and so on good thing to place in the community center officials improvement life together to him. If Jiang Chen. These things he is always when the water is drinking, has not drunk the tea and tea has any difference in the flavor. 龙井铁观音之类的高档品江晨从来没再第六街区卖过,只是和蓝山咖啡斯里兰卡红茶之类的好东西一起放在社区中心内给他的“臣子们”改善生活。如果是江晨自己。这些东西他从来都是当水在喝,也没喝出茶和茶在味道上有啥不同。 Pre-war time has drunk, slightly knows 1~2,” Kong Qian smiles, on the face then appeared wiped to regret, was a pity, now West Lake does not produce the tea.” “战前的时候喝过,略知一二,”孔谦笑了笑,脸上转而又浮现了一抹遗憾,“只是可惜,现在西湖已经不产茶了。” Gangster who the bad natural environment, such as the locust wanders, bloodthirsty zombie and foreign-species. Although the radioresistance of tea leaves enables it on many soils to plant, did not say the quality pre-war. The planter difficulty of this pampered industrial crop is not general high. 恶劣的自然环境,如蝗虫般游荡的匪徒,嗜血的丧尸异种。虽然茶叶的抗辐射性使得它能在不少土壤上种植,可不说品质不如战前。这种娇贵的经济作物的种植难度也不是一般的高。 If President Kong likes, I can deliver you two bandages to go back.” Jiang Chen said with a smile. “如果孔会长喜欢的话,我可以送你两包带回去。”江晨笑着说道。 Obeyed his warning regarding Hang City Merchants League. Not when NAC attacks Mutants trips somebody up, Jiang Chen is satisfied. Therefore according to the agreement, his soldier stopped in Jia City, has not continued westbound. 对于杭市商人联合会听从了他的警告。没有在na进攻变种人的时候使绊子,江晨非常满意。所以按照约定,他的士兵停在了嘉市,没有继续西进。 That also really many thanks.” Kong Qian said pleasantly surprised. “那还真是多谢了。”孔谦惊喜地说道。 Again nothing compared with the good thing that this richness cannot buy, can express the friendship. 再没有什么比这种有钱也买不到的好东西,更能表达友谊的了。 Is impolite.” Jiang Chen beckons with the hand, then said benignly, I guess your time comes definitely not drinks tea to talk about old days for and me.” “不客气。”江晨摆了摆手,和颜悦色地接着说道,“不过我猜你这次来肯定不是为了和我喝茶叙旧的。” Right,” Kong Qian is sitting slightly, opens the mouth to probe to say slightly discretely, I am confirm our friendship.” “没错,”孔谦稍稍正坐,略微谨慎地开口试探道,“我是来确认我们的友谊的。” Our friendship do not need to confirm, one month ago, you have made choice that conforms among us the friendship.” Jiang Chen said with a smile. “我们的友谊无需确认,在一个月前,你们已经做出了符合我们之间友谊的选择。”江晨笑着说道。 hears word, Kong Qian relaxes. 闻言,孔谦松了口气。 , His tone proposed discretely. 顿了顿,他语气谨慎地提议道。 Our heartfelt thank you in the effort that on the unblock trade route makes. In order to consolidate among us the friendship, I bring one to offer mutual benefit and achieve common progress the agreement.” “我们由衷感谢贵方在疏通商路上做出的努力。为了巩固我们之间的友谊,我带来一份互利互惠地协议。” Mentioned listens.” The Jiang Chen smile said. “说来听听。”江晨微笑道。 According to our statistics, currently has 1121 people in the merchant of Sixth Block this trade route. At present occupies in Jia City and No. 7 Grounds Mutants has eliminated, the Wanghai City degree of hazard also dropped. It can be predicted that next year this number meets rising several times to continue. Therefore we hope that can set up the Merchant Guild branch in Sixth Block.” “根据我们的统计,目前在走第六街区这条商路的商人已经有1121人。目前盘踞在嘉市七号地变种人已经清除,望海市的危险程度也下降了很多。可以预见,明年这个数字会翻上数倍不止。所以我们希望能够在第六街区设立商人公会的分会。” guild Jiang Chen looks at Kong Qian interestingly, Sixth Block Parliament cannot protect your legitimate rights and interests 公会江晨饶有兴趣地看着孔谦,“难道第六街区议会不能保护你们的合法权益吗” „, Mr. Marshal, you did not misunderstand.” Kong Qian answered hastily, this guild did not have the political nature, the merchant but who to peddler in Sixth Block provided the information support. And the employment information of caravan guard “不不不,元帅先生,您误会了。”孔谦连忙解释道,“这个公会并不具备政治性质,只是为在第六街区行商的商人提供信息支持。以及商队护卫的雇佣信息” Last, Mercenary Union can provide.” The Jiang Chen smile said. “最后一项,佣兵工会可以提供。”江晨微笑道。 But, Kong Qian must compromise to say. That removes last.” 无奈之下,孔谦只得妥协道。“那就去掉最后一项。” Establishes Merchant Guild, I will certainly not oppose. However must in the organization of this guild nature, probably in launch under the supervision of local government.” Jiang Chen with does not allow to decline the tone to say. “成立商人公会,我当然不会反对。不过必须在这种公会性质的组织,必须在在地方政府的监督下展开。”江晨用不容拒绝地语气说道。 I want to know, this so-called inspector general refers to anything is going to work time must wear the NAC's uniform/subdue Kong Qian to ask discretely. “我想知道,这所谓的监督是指什么难道是上班的时候必须穿着na的制服吗”孔谦谨慎地问道。 Of course not.” Jiang Chen shakes the head with a smile, we will send out a public prosecutor based in guild, his wage is paid by us. Besides participating in your public nature conferences, he will not have any disturbance to your routine work. Or so long as you only do merchant this matter of doing, he will not have any disturbance to your routine work.” “当然不是。”江晨笑着摇了摇头,“我们会派出一名检察官常驻公会,他的薪水由我们支付。除了参与你们的公开性质会议之外,他不会对你们的日常工作产生任何干扰。或者说,只要你们只做商人该做的事,他就不会对你们的日常工作产生任何干扰。” Only then this request some Kong Qian suspicions asked. “只有这个要求吗”孔谦有些怀疑地问道。 Only then this request.” The Jiang Chen nod said. “只有这个要求。”江晨点头道。 . Jiang Chen then said. 顿了顿。江晨接着说道。 Relative, we also hope that starts similar cooperation with you, for example sets up the Mercenary Union branch in your Chamber of Commerce stations. Do not be anxious, besides the staff, we will not dispatch any armed unit to be stationed, we believe that you can safeguard their personal safety and property. We will supply the employment information to you, simultaneously supplies the issue employment information the channel, to be hired the side for you credit rating.” “相对的,我们也希望与贵方展开类似的合作,比如在贵方的商会驻地设立佣兵工会的分会。别紧张,除了工作人员之外,我们不会派遣任何武装单位驻扎,我们相信你们能保障他们的生命财产安全。我们会向你们提供雇佣信息,同时为你们提供发布雇佣信息的渠道、被雇佣方的信用评级。” On the other hand, if you interested, we can arrive in your regions the Sixth Block bank branch. subcrystal is depreciating in Sixth Block at present crazily, believes that as the circulation of trade route. This depreciation phenomenon will then spread to other areas. At present the Sixth Block trade has basically picked out with subcrystal, believes that this will accelerate the depreciation of subcrystal. Naturally, if you are not interested in purchasing power strong credits. We can also not mention this matter.” “另一方面,如果你们有兴趣的话,我们可以将第六街区银行的分行开到贵方的区域内。亚晶目前在第六街区正在疯狂贬值,相信随着商路的流通。这种贬值现象不日便会向其它地区扩散。目前第六街区的贸易已经基本与亚晶剔出,相信这会加速亚晶的贬值。当然,如果你们对购买力坚挺的信用点不感兴趣的话。我们也可以不提这事。” Kong Qian rushes saying that „, we are not interested very much, but heard that the credits electronic payment channel, can only conduct in the Wanghai City range 孔谦赶忙说道,“不,我们很感兴趣,只不过听说信用点的电子支付渠道,只能够在望海市的范围内进行” Currently some Hang City many merchants hold credits this currency, majority that but they have are that type of forgery-proof performance fine paper money. 目前杭市有不少商人都持有信用点这种货币,不过他们持有的大多数都是那种防伪性能优良的纸币。 Is can only conduct in the Wanghai City range at present, if we establish Hang City the communication base depot, integrates you to the information network that in we erect, the domain that this type pays the channel will expand the 200 kilometer to the west again.” Jiang Chen smiles was saying. “是目前只能在望海市的范围内进行,如果我们将通讯基站建立到杭市,将你们也纳入到我们架设的信息网络之内,这种支付渠道的版图将会再向西扩大两百公里。”江晨微笑着说道。 After listening words that Jiang Chen spoke. Kong Qian turned very quiet. 听完江晨说的话后。孔谦不由屏住了呼吸。 Establishes the Mercenary Union branch and Sixth Block bank branch in Hang City, sets up the communication base depot. Joins information network that Wanghai City erects. Has saying that the proposal that Jiang Chen put forward kept Kong Qian from rejecting. 杭市成立佣兵工会分会和第六街区银行分行,设立通讯基站。加入望海市架设的信息网。不得不说,江晨提出的提案让孔谦无法拒绝。 Risk that although these possibly have. Similarly makes him be hard to neglect. 虽然这其中可能存在的风险。同样让他难以忽视。 Although NAC pledged that cannot march to Hang City, Jiang Chen also truly proved his credit and NAC's non- aggressiveness with his action. But words, although so, facing a powerful neighbor, anybody can the instinct is troubled. 虽然na承诺不会向杭市进军,江晨也确实用他的行动证明了他的信用和na的非侵略性。只不过话虽如此,面对一个强大的邻居,任何人都会本能的感到不安。 If reached these agreements, the NAC's will influence expand to Hang City without doubt. If this influence expands to invade the latter subverts to prepare the ground, then it is without doubt fearful, but if to enhance economic and trade cooperation, then it without doubt is beneficial harmless. 如果达成了这些协议,na的影响力无疑会向杭市扩张。如果这种影响力扩张是为了侵略后者颠覆做铺垫,那么它无疑是可怕的,但如果只是为了加强经贸合作,那么它无疑是有益无害的。 Your proposition is very attractive, but is also very discomforting.” Kong Qian sighed, said confidently. “你的提议很诱人,但也很让人不安。”孔谦叹了口气,坦然地说道。 „Under by the Wasted Earth situation, Wanghai City and Jia City tolerates many people Jiang Chen to ask towering. “以废土的情况而言,望海市嘉市能容下多少人”江晨突兀地问道。 Kong Qian gawked staring, after thinking deeply about the moment said, probably, can install several 1 million.” 孔谦愣了愣,思索了片刻后说道,“大概,能够装下个几百万吧。” Then your arming threated the Jiang Chen smile to say us. “那么你们的武装对我们构成了威胁吗”江晨微笑道。 On the face of Kong Qian appeared wiped the forced smile. 孔谦的脸上浮现了一抹苦笑。 Their people have experienced NAC's financial resource, rocket missile that blots out the sky, although does not have the wha technique content, but is not their level of production can achieve obviously. 他们的人可是见识过na的“财力”,那铺天盖地的火箭弹,虽然没什技术含量,但显然不是他们的生产力水平能够做到的。 You are also afraid anything.” Jiang Chen hā hā said with a smile. “那你还在害怕什么呢。”江晨哈哈笑道。 Kong Qian gawked staring, immediately understood clearly the Jiang Chen's meaning, on the face the reveal, left wiped to understand clearly with the helpless smiling face. 孔谦愣了愣,随即了然了江晨的意思,脸上露、出了一抹了然与无奈的笑容。 Entire Suhang Province cannot collect the 1 million person, both sides do not have competition of survival space, or light/only develops the Wanghai City ruins, enough NAC's person was busy at work. From the perspective of this battle efficiency, they do not have any threat regarding NAC. 整个苏杭省都凑不出百万人,双方根本不存在生存空间的争夺,或者说光是开发望海市的废墟,就足够na的人忙活了。从这个战斗力的角度来看,他们对于na而言也不存在任何威胁。 Absolutely does not need of aggression. 根本就没有侵略的必要。 From credits popular that day, the entire Suhang Province Survivor will influence become the NAC's economic appendages. 信用点普及的那一天起,整个苏杭省幸存者势力都将成为na的经济附庸。 Made the reality that one did not know whether to laugh or cry very much, we can survive unexpectedly are because we seemed like the human and animals to be harmless.” Kong Qian said reluctantly, stood up the body, I will convey your proposal to Merchants League. Naturally, I estimated that the proposal is passed will not be difficult.” “很令人哭笑不得的现实,我们能够生存下来竟然是因为我们看上去人畜无害。”孔谦无奈地说道,站起了身来,“我会向商人联合会转达您的提案。当然,我估计提案通过不会很难。”
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