IHAMITLOD :: Volume #5

#492: The mystery in Little Cosmos

The Garden of Eden engineering drawing is responsible for providing by Lin Ling, but the concrete implementation of project is under the charge to NAC Engineer Human Resources Department. Therefore, Jiang Chen also established named specially Garden of Eden research institute extraordinary part. However because 1 experience of Lin Ling in the personnel management does not have, moreover she regarding managing others this terrible business also has no interest, therefore this department and independent Aerospace Technology Research Institute are different, is assisted to manage by Human Resources Department. 伊甸园的工程图纸由林玲负责提供,而工程的具体实施则由na人事部工程师负责。为此,江晨还特别成立了一个名为“伊甸园研究所”的特殊部门。不过因为林玲在人事管理上一点经验都没有,而且她本人对于管理别人这种麻烦事也没什么兴趣,所以这个部门和独立的航天科技研究所不同,由人事部协助管理。 The rigorousness that Lu Huasheng this person handles matters, Jiang Chen felt relieved. 鲁华盛这个人办事的严谨,江晨非常放心。 Most starts is the chief engineer who is the base construction by him, the matter in project gives him should no issue. Although this Garden of Eden some technology content vanguards, but Lin Ling has provided the blueprints of various project aspect details. With the rich experience of Engineer NAC, implements is not the difficult matter. 最开始的时候就是由他担任基地建设的总工程师,工程上的事交给他应该没什么问题。虽然这伊甸园的科技含量有些前卫,但林玲已经提供了工程各方面细节的图纸。以na工程师的丰富经验,想必实施起来也不是什么难事。 Setting sun slightly slanting. 夕阳微斜。 After finishing the project inspected, Jiang Chen brings Lin Ling to ride the private car, returned to the villa situated in Fishbone Base. 结束了工程考察后,江晨带着林玲坐上了专车,返回了位于鱼骨头基地的别墅中。 As usual, delicious Yao Yao completed with she similarly delicious dinner, usually very clever Sun Xiaorou is studying the preparing food skill in the one side, at the same time is hitting starting for Yao Yao. As for Sun Jiao, then stands in the kitchen is responsible for trying to eat full of enthusiasm. 与往常一样,可口的姚姚做好了与她同样可口的晚餐,平时都很乖巧的孙小柔在一旁学习着做菜技巧,一边替姚姚打着下手。至于孙娇,则站在厨房内兴致勃勃地负责“试吃”。 Just passing through the gate, smelled that refreshing fragrance, taking off shoes Lin Ling then shouts and wrangles crashed in the kitchen, then competed for the kitchen tried eating top grade seat with Sun Jiao. Whenever Sun Xiaorou will then be comforting two people at this time, the corners of the mouth are actually brimming with the small devil smile. 刚一进门,闻到那沁人心脾的香味,脱了鞋的林玲便大呼小叫地冲进了厨房,然后与孙娇争夺起了厨房试吃员的“特等席”。每当这时孙小柔便会安抚着两人,嘴角却是洋溢着小恶魔般的微笑。 Will look at that lively kitchen, on the Jiang Chen's face cannot help but will always be revealing wipes the happy smile. 望着那热热闹闹的厨房,江晨的脸上总是会不由自主地露出一抹幸福的微笑。 If can move to the present world to go the home to be good. 要是能把这个家搬到现世去就好了。 In this lively atmosphere, Jiang Chen and females used up the dinner together. Gazes after pursing the lips Lin Ling to hold the tableware to enter the kitchen, Jiang Chen traces the somewhat bulging belly, returned to own room. 就在这热闹的氛围中,江晨与众女们一同用完了晚餐。目送着撅着嘴的林玲捧着餐具走进厨房,江晨摸了摸有些鼓囊的肚子,回到了自己的房间。 foreign-species or Harmony or Supreme, the dust has turned over to the dust to turn over to the earth at this moment. This moment Jiang Chen set aside the hand finally. Under some time well research storage space after his variation. 无论是异种还是和谐还是至高,此刻都已经尘归尘土归土。此刻江晨总算是腾出了手来。有时间好好研究下他那个变异后的储物空间了。 Lay low on the bed, Jiang Chen closed the eye slowly, consciousness to sink to that crowded Little Cosmos. 平躺在了床上,江晨缓缓闭上了眼,将意识沉入了那个拥挤的小宇宙中。 The speed that this Cosmos expands is very slow. This nearly one month, the diameter also expanded that a wee bit. 这个宇宙扩张的速度很慢。这都快一个多月了,直径也才扩张了那么一丁点儿。 However even if so, converting the area was also very considerable. At first completes collapsing time, be only 300 cubic meters, had actually turned into 340 cubic meters at this moment. But Jiang Chen has not done to understand as before, the mechanism that this Little Cosmos expands is actually anything. 不过纵使如此,换算成面积的话也还算是很可观了。最初完成坍缩的时候只有300立方米,此刻却已经变成了340立方米。只不过江晨依旧没有搞明白,这小宇宙扩张的机理究竟是什么。 In this black black space, is floating dozens Reptile Robot and Viper drone. Their electric quantities have almost exhausted, has been able to take from storage space in some days. 在这黢黑的空间中,漂浮着数十架“爬虫机器人和“蝰蛇无人机。它们的电量差不多已经耗尽,在过些日子就能从储物空间中拿出来了。 But at this moment, most of them reside in the Little Cosmos boundary, calmly floats there. Jiang Chen remembers vaguely. These things when put in storage space, is maintaining the original motion vector. 而此刻,它们绝大多数都分布在小宇宙的边界,静静地漂浮在那里。江晨依稀记得。这些东西在被放入储物空间的时候,都维持着原来的运动矢量。 Contacts the Cosmos boundary, the kinetic energy will lose Jiang Chen to feel the chin to think. “接触到宇宙边界,动能会丢失吗”江晨摸着下巴思索着。 He is not the physicist, is unable to explain this physical phenomenon. Let alone was he, had Lin Ling of attainments unable to explain in Klein Particle research, but generally decayed its description for originally space of 11 dimensions under collapsing and large explosion with the language to three dimensions.” 他不是物理学家,无法解释这种物理现象。或者别说是他了,就连在克雷恩粒子研究方面颇具造诣的林玲都解释不了,只是笼统地用语言将其描述为“原本十一维度的空间在坍缩和大爆炸下衰变到三维度。” According to Superstring Theory in theory to the description of 11 dimensions supergravity, Jiang Chen that storage space existing form truly was once similar to it, that only space that is constituted by the attraction. 根据论中的超弦理论十一维超引力的描述,江晨曾经那个“储物空间”存在形式确实与其相仿,那个只由引力构成的空间 When Jiang Chen inquired about actually when this is good is bad, Lin Ling also only gave a very fuzzy answer. 江晨问及这究竟是好是坏时,林玲也只给出了一个很模糊的答案。 Actually not talking clearly is the nature of good or bad, objective existence. Originally is a gadget there is nothing to do with the wrong quality. You can once that space understanding be the playdough that one group can rub to pinch at will, but now this is fixed spherical space, inside has below point, line, surface, time and other 11 dimensions all concepts. However you are only idiot regard the easy-to-use treasure chest it in any case. Words such being the case, what regardless of it turns into, to you have no difference.” Lin Ling shows the whites of the eyes to say. “说不清究竟是好还是坏,客观存在的自然。本来就是一种无关对错好坏的玩意儿。你可以将曾经的那个空间理解为一团可以随意揉捏的橡皮泥,但现在这个则是一个固定的球状空间,里面存在点、线、面、时间等十一维以下的一切概念。不过反正你只是笨蛋地把它当成好用的百宝箱吧。既然如此的话,无论它变成什么样,对你来说都没什么区别吧。”林玲翻了个白眼说道。 Although that said that but if it can also become greatly 虽然话是这么说,但如果它还能变得更大点的话 Looks at that profound darkness, Jiang Chen is being lost in thought. 望着那深邃的黑暗,江晨陷入了沉思。 In this piece of Little Cosmos, he is similar to Spiritual God general existence. Any object in space, can under his thought interferes moves. He changes in this space the object position, seems reorganizes the book bag to be like that relaxed. 在这片小宇宙中,他就是如同神灵一般的存在。空间中的任何物体,都能够在他的意念干涉下移动。他改变这个空间内物体的位置,就好似整理书包那般轻松。 However the ability of this allocation object specific direction kinetic energy, will consume the wristband energy in the use. Moreover. All objects that contacts with the boundary, will lose outward the direction kinetic energy. 不过这种赋予物体特定方向动能的能力,在使用的时候会消耗手环的能量。另外。所有与边界接触的物体,都会丢失向外方向的动能。 Entire Little Cosmos. Only then boundary partially not by his control. 整个小宇宙。只有边界的部分不受他的控制。 If this space, to installs the next star again greatly sufficiently 如果这个空间再大点,大到足以装下一个星球的话 Jiang Chen is startled suddenly. But is smiling bitterly immediately shaking the head. 江晨猛然一惊。可随即又苦笑着摇了摇头。 According to present this expansion speed, waits for the 17~18 lifetime even, still installs more than Wanghai City. 按照现在这个扩张速度,就算等个十七八辈子,也装不下一个望海市吧。 Or throws several nuclear bomb toward inside, supports this space forcefully in a big way 要不往里面扔几颗核弹,强行“撑大”这个空间 Jiang Chen denied this idea quickly. 江晨很快否定了这个想法。 Not to mention can collect so many hydrogen bomb or blood crystal, regardless of also Sun Xiaorou whether has to detonate the blood crystal ability, no one is able to guarantee, if after storage space has collapsing and large explosion again, the space dimension will not continue to one-dimensional drops. If entire space by drawing a line, that may play to take off/escape thoroughly. 且不说能不能凑齐那么多氢弹或者说血晶,也不论孙小柔是否具备引爆血晶的能力,谁也无法保证如果储物空间内再次发生坍缩和大爆炸后,空间的维度不会继续向一维跌落。如果整个空间被拉成一条线,那可就彻底玩脱了。 A possibility is, the energy of explosion is unable to satisfy the energy that collapsing needs, detonation blood crystal in space forms light ball that will never weaken. In some sense, this is the most painful condition. Takes out the light ball flash, oneself on the high temperature of 1 million by this will be vaporized, however does not take out light ball, storage space has no way to put the thing. 还有一种可能就是,爆炸的能量无法满足坍缩所需的能量,引爆的血晶空间内形成一个永不衰减的光球。从某种意义上,这是最痛苦的状况。取出光球的一瞬间,自己就会被这上百万度的高温汽化,然而不取出光球,储物空间又没法放东西。 The storage space size has certainly the method of some improvement 储物空间的大小肯定存在某种提升的方法 Actually just that method is anything, may still not know that” Jiang Chen sighed, manipulated several these Robot at will. “只不过那个方法究竟是什么,尚不可得知吗”江晨叹了口气,随意摆弄了几下那些机器人 However at this moment, on his body suddenly slight sound. Although the consciousness sank to this piece of Little Cosmos, but in the body situated in reality he can feel. 不过就在这时,他的身体上突然轻微的动静。虽然意识沉入了这片小宇宙中,但是位于现实中的身体他还是能够感觉到的。 Opens the eye, a glowing red elegant face printed the Jiang Chen's view. 睁开眼睛,一张红彤彤的俏脸印入了江晨的眼帘。 Is Yao Yao, has anything” to look to take back Yao Yao of finger, Jiang Chen puts out a hand to touch that soft small head, said with a smile. “是姚姚啊,有什么事吗”看着收回手指头的姚姚,江晨伸手摸了摸那松软的小脑袋,笑着说道。 That, Jiang Chen elder brother will return to that side Yao Yao to ask recently low voice. “那个,江晨哥哥最近会回那边去吗”姚姚小声地问道。 Un, I am also busy at some that side many things.” Feels the pleasantly warm touch of palm, Jiang Chen is smiling was saying. “嗯,我在那边也有很多事要忙哦。”感受着掌心的温软触感,江晨微笑着说道。 „, Big Brother is not very laborious.” Yao Yao somewhat loves dearly said. “唔,大哥哥很辛苦呢。”姚姚有些心疼地说道。 Laboriously to being insufficient , the relaxed ingredient are rather more. 辛苦到不至于吧,倒不如说,放松的成分更多。 Faces that is concerned the line of sight, Jiang Chen was always truly thinking that somewhat blushes. 面对着那确确实实在关切着的视线,江晨总觉得有些脸红。 That, then as relaxing the words, needed Yao Yao to help you give somebody a rubdown Yao Yao to lay down the small head, smiles shyly, held appreciatively the skirt to say bashfully. “那,那作为放松的话,需要姚姚帮你搓澡吗”姚姚埋下了小脑袋,腼腆地笑了笑,忸怩地把玩着裙角说道。 Giving somebody a rubdown 搓澡 Recalled that previous time when gives somebody a rubdown the fluttering flags that Jiang Chen cannot help but swallowed a spit. 回想起上次搓澡时发生的旖旎,江晨不由自主地咽了口吐沫。 The reason told him to reject, but the body was actually nods very much honestly. 理智告诉他应该拒绝,不过身体却是很老实地点了点头。 Sometimes he really felt, oneself was really evil to be continued. 有时候他真觉得,自己实在是太邪恶了未完待续。
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