IHAMITLOD :: Volume #5

#491: Garden of Eden Project activate(d)

Is the arm strength not very big? Changes a mechanical arm. Asked everyone to search to look most entire! Does the novel have a child too slowly? Trains in the trough to raise directly. Meets to quarrel quite a while cannot reach the agreement? The head including the direct thought exchange. Will the head be hit to explode? Replaces the brain with the chip directly...... 胳膊力气不够大?换个机械臂。请大家搜索看最全!的小说生孩子太慢?直接培养槽里养。开会吵半天都达不成协议?脑袋连起来直接思维交流。脑袋会被打爆?直接用芯片代替大脑…… After each part of person was replaced, can attribute this is individual, was only left over his thought. When the thought can be duplicated, by mass production time, probably this world only had the efficiency, the goal of efficiency also only had the survival. 当人的各个部件都被替换后,能表征这是个人的,只剩下了他的思想。然而当思想都可以被复制,被量产的时候,大概这个世界就只剩下了效率,效率的目的也只剩下了生存。 What is the goal of survival? 但生存的目的又是什么呢? ...... …… Lin Chao'en chose the self-destruction, together destroyed also has 71 in Hibernation Cabin to have a body. 林朝恩选择了自毁,一同被销毁的还有休眠仓中的71具备份躯体。 Perhaps comprehended anything in this final final, he when making this choice seems very confident, even does not have slight recall. 或许是在这最后的最后领悟了什么,他在做出这个选择时显得非常坦然,甚至于没有丝毫的留恋。 Regarding his choice, Jiang Chen dangled the muzzle, but has not done any detains. 对于他的选择,江晨只是垂下了枪口,但没有做任何挽留。 Lin Ling that will shed bitter tears hugged in the bosom, Jiang Chen does not know how should comfort her, but bent down to say near her ear gently, then hugged her to leave this deathly stillness Sanctuary. 将痛哭流涕的林玲抱在了怀中,江晨不知道该如何安慰她,只是俯身在她耳边轻轻说了一句,然后便抱着她离开了这座死寂的避难所 Jiang Chen told that First Army soldier moved out Quantum Computer and other equipment in Sanctuary. As for that 70 many Hibernation Cabin and that training pot, after soliciting the Lin Ling's suggestions, he them kept underground. 江晨吩咐第一兵团士兵搬走了避难所中的量子计算机和其它设备。至于那七十多座休眠仓和那个培养罐,征求了林玲的意见后,他将它们都留在了地下。 Because Dr. Lin Minjie had died, Sanctuary lost only Administrator, the function also therefore stagnated. The Sanctuary front door is unable to be closed again, to prevent some people alarmed his dying, Jiang Chen granted his final dignity. 因为林敏杰博士已经死了,避难所失去了唯一的管理者,机能也因此陷入了停滞。避难所的大门无法再关闭,为了防止有人惊扰了他的长眠,江晨赐予了他最后的体面。 500 kilograms blasting explosive in underground detonated, collapsed the entire channel, buried that Sanctuary thoroughly under 3000 meters. 500公斤的炸药在地下引爆,坍塌了整个通道,将那个避难所彻底掩埋在了3000米之下。 Although civilization has not bred then aborts, but this after all is a tombstone that belongs to civilization, should earn the final respect. 虽然文明尚未孕育便胎死腹中,但这终归是一座属于文明的墓碑,理应得到最后的尊重。 Its Paramount, but is doomed is too cultured to be appreciated by the masses. 至高无上,但注定曲高和寡。 He is a great scientist, this is without a doubt. 他是个伟大的科学家,这点是毋庸置疑的。 From Lin Sanctuary, seized Experimental Grade Quantum Computer, the No. 27 Sanctuary scientists was wild with joy for this reason. That crowded Quantum Computer liberated from the revolution of excess load finally, this regarding the entire scientific research efficiency is a huge promotion. 林氏避难所中,缴获了一台实验级量子计算机,27号避难所的科学家们为此欣喜若狂。那台拥挤的量子计算机总算从超负荷的运转中解放了出来,这对于整个的科研效率将是一次巨大的提升。 The Warp Engine paper was given Jiang Lin by Jiang Chen. He has been crazy the research in this aspect. If this over a hundred pages of papers can bring what inspiration to him, then to entire...... not, entire Earth Civilization is a great contribution. 曲速引擎的论文被江晨交给了蒋林。他一直着迷着这方面的研究。如果这篇上百页的论文能给他带来什么灵感的话,那对整个……不,整个地球文明都将是一次伟大的贡献。 If [The Natural Selection] is doomed to arrive at Earth, has Warp Engine humanity to be insufficient without the strength to hit back. Moreover the words that cannot be victorious, escape. 如果物竞天择号注定会到达地球的话,拥有曲速引擎人类将不至于毫无还手之力。而且打不过的话,逃掉走还是可以的。 Naturally, if possible, Jiang Chen hopes can solve this trouble. 当然,如果可能的话,江晨还是希望能解决掉这个麻烦。 Regardless how to say. Presently the world is also his hometown. 无论怎么说。现世也是他的故乡。 ...... …… Northeast Shenxiang Town, Taipu River and Dianshan Lake intersection point. 沈巷镇西北部,太浦河淀山湖的交汇处。 Is approaching lakeside roughly one kilometer place. More than ten trucks stop in the crack village road. slave carry steel bars to move toward the open land, under engineer's direction that in the hand grasps the blueprint, inserts the steel bar in the assigning place. 在靠近湖边约莫一公里的地方。十余辆卡车停在龟裂的乡间公路。奴隶们扛着一条条钢筋走向荒地,在手握图纸的工程师的指挥下,将钢筋插在指定的地方。 Steel bars encircled a diameter several kilometers circle, the excavator were doing farm work in this circular area, started to dig since the center, moved the truck piles of soil blocks, transported to the open area two kilometers away. 一条条钢筋围成了一个直径数公里的圆,挖掘机在这圆形区域中耕耘着,从中心开始挖起,将一堆堆土块搬上卡车,运往两公里外的空地。 round hole center that the cement blocks spread, is standing and waiting for a long time a root diameter approximately five meters concrete column. This column such as the self-confident wheel bearing connection steel bars, are extending the surrounding of round hole. Meanwhile. The bottom of column is loaded with bring the discharge pipe of graphite filter bed, the grinding disc surrounding to connect the water pipe to water treatment plant. 水泥块铺成的圆坑中央,伫立着一根直径约五米的混凝土圆柱。这圆柱如自信车轮轴承般连接着一道道钢条,延伸着圆坑的外围。与此同时。圆柱的底部装有带着石墨滤层的排水管,磨盘的外围连接着通往水处理厂的水管。 Like huge grinding disc. 就像一座巨大的磨盘 The soil block that the truck will ship in falls in this, and pours into the pure water that suburb automated water treatment plant transports from several kilometers. 卡车将运来的土块倾倒于此,并注入从数公里外郊区的自动化水处理厂输送来的纯净水。 yesterday, Hunter Army eliminated the Vehicle Insect lair that occupies in water treatment plant, water treatment plant integrated the control under. Nuclear Fusion Battery that although in water plant stores up in addition maintains a water plant two years of revolution sufficiently, but has left uncultivated water plant after all is being an issue. The construction of Garden of Eden needs a lot of pure water, but these pure water will complete the supply through the pipeline that will lay newly. 就在昨天,追猎者兵团清除了盘踞在水处理厂车虫巢穴,将水处理厂纳入了的控制之下。虽然水厂内囤积的核聚变电池尚且足以维持水厂两年的运转,但一直将水厂荒废着总归是个问题。伊甸园的修建需要大量的纯净水,而这些纯净水将通过新铺设的管线完成供应。 Soil block, pure water and solution in grinding disc under the operation stirs the thin mud. Continue through in the toxin and emission residuum of fluent soil washes in Dianshan Lake, dilutes and purifies the soil through the way of this thick wash, can process probably 3000 territories every three days. 土块、纯水与处理液在“磨盘”的运作下搅拌成稀泥。持续通过的水流将土壤中的毒素与放射残留物洗到淀山湖中,通过这种粗洗涤的方式稀释并净化土壤,每三天能够处理大概3000方土。 Soil sanitation, this is the first step of Garden of Eden project. 土壤净化,这是伊甸园工程的第一步。 Although can also ship in the soil from the present world, but constructs diameter five kilometers Garden of Eden, the soil that needs will be astronomical figures. By the Country of Xin territory area. To get so far as so many earth is not relaxed. Even imports through the customs, is not quite good to explain that these earth went. 虽然从现世也能运来土壤,但建造一座直径五公里的伊甸园,所需要的土壤将是一个天文数字。以新国的领土面积。想要弄到那么多的土并不轻松。即便是通过海关进口,也不太好解释那些土都去了哪。 If can solve in Last of Days, depends upon the Last of Days material is quite good as far as possible. The counter- mind in the right way in had obtained the leading power without a doubt in Wanghai City, building on a large scale that acts unreasonably, by the financial resource and influence can realize. 如果能够在末世解决的话,还是尽量依靠末世的材料比较好。反正心在已经在望海市取得了毋庸置疑的主导权,无论是多么乱来的大兴土木,以的财力和影响力都是能够实现的。 This soil sanitation Artillery System is only first, following Jiang Chen will also deploy ten by Dianshan Lake. 这座土壤净化系统只是第一座,后续江晨还将在淀山湖旁部署十座。 Looked at the disc of that revolving, Lin Ling's is pressing gently in the neckband. Is recalling three days ago Jiang Chen to the words that falling into desperate her spoke. 望着那旋转的圆盘,林玲的手轻轻按在了领口。回忆着三天前江晨对陷入绝望的她所说的话。 Helps me construct Garden of Eden, near Shenxiang Town. There soil texture was good, planted mutated fruit and Kam Resin of more than half a year, there dustiness and Radiation Value had dropped much. Although the toxicity is still very high, but will transform more relaxed.” “帮我修建一座伊甸园,就在沈巷镇边上。那里的土质不错,种了大半年的变异果卡姆树脂,那里的污染度和辐射值都已经下降了不少。虽然毒性依旧很高,但想必改造起来将会轻松许多。” , Jiang Chen then said. 顿了顿,江晨接着说道。 Perhaps many years later, here will become fine spring day.” “或许多年后,这里会重新变得鸟语花香。” May be more beautiful than the pre-war scenery. 或许会比战前的风景更美。 On the Lin Ling's face exposed wiped the smile, supplemented the sentence in the heart silently. 林玲的脸上展露了一抹微笑,在心中默默地补充了句。 Very accidental/surprised, accumulates depressed in her chest dissipated sadly much. 很意外,积郁在她胸口的悲伤消散了不少。 The war ended finally. 战争总算是结束了。 Occupies has turned into the dust in the City Center foreign-species lair under the bombardment of tungsten rod, situated in the suburb small-scale lair also in the middle of gradual extermination. Every day will unable to send out in 500 people street sweeper, grasps the flamethrower and heavy machine gun, exterminates with the coordination of infantry car(riage) situated in the surviving lair in sewer and a architecture building. 盘踞在市中心异种巢穴已经在钨杆弹的轰击下化成尘埃,位于郊区的小型巢穴也在逐步的清剿当中。每天都会派出不下于500人的“清道夫”,手持喷火器和重机枪,在步兵车的配合下剿灭位于下水道、建筑大楼内的残存一种巢穴。 Meanwhile, but also through being located in Sixth Block Mercenary Union pasted the official to post a reward. Any sectioned out foreign-species lair registered on the map, so long as can provide to exterminate the fight video recording of lair, was verified after the trade union personnel can receive 1000- 2000 credits monetary rewards. 与此同时,还通过位于第六街区佣兵工会贴出了官方悬赏。任何被标出的异种巢穴都登记在了地图上,只要能够提供剿灭巢穴的战斗录像,由工会人员审核之后便可领取1000-2000信用点的赏金。 Entire Wanghai City West City District, most dangerous Hunting Ground from Wasted Earth becomes in entire Suhang Province in an instant the place of relative security. 整个望海市西市区,从废土上最危险的猎场转眼成为了整个苏杭省内相对安全的地方。 But this Garden of Eden, will become entire Suhang Province in the future, and even on entire Wasted Earth most beautiful place. 而这座伊甸园,在未来将成为整个苏杭省,乃至整个废土上最美的地方。 Three months, Garden of Eden will complete the soil sanitation, simultaneously the lakeside ground will also complete the transformation. A month, the atmospheric isolating film will complete the deployment, the Garden of Eden first phase will finish.” Looks to arrive at Jiang Chen, the Lin Ling's corners of the mouth brought back wiped the self-satisfied smile. “三个月,伊甸园将完成土壤净化,同时湖边的地基也将完成改造。一个月,大气隔离膜将完成部署,伊甸园的一期工程将结束。”看着走到了身边的江晨,林玲的嘴角勾起了一抹得意的微笑。 Four months? Then the lakeside the fortification of fort, dock and riverside will also complete the reinforcement.” Looks at the direction of distant place, Jiang Chen is saying with a smile similarly. “四个月吗?那么湖边的炮台、船坞与河边的防御工事也将完成加固。”望着更远处的方向,江晨同样笑道。 Lin Ling white Jiang Chen, must say matter that these spoil the fun?” 林玲白了江晨一眼,“就不能不说这些煞风景的事吗?” To protect the fresh flower of this tender and beautiful desire drop, the arms are essential.” Jiang Chen narrows the eye to say. “为了守护这朵娇艳欲滴的鲜花,枪炮是必不可少的。”江晨眯着眼睛说道。 , Jiang Chen looked to Lin Ling, smiled is saying continues saying that this had the wound elegant matter, gave me and other careless people good.” 顿了顿,江晨看向了林玲,微笑着说继续说道,“不过这等有伤风雅之事,就交给我等粗人就好了。” Lin Ling cheeks slightly flood red, turned away. 林玲脸颊微微泛红,移开了视线。 „...... Was as you like good.” “嘛……随你好了。” Waits for this first Garden of Eden to establish, the food production then can be completed in Last of Days self-sufficiently. At least the paddy rice, wheat as well as some industrial crops can produce Last of Days directly, although the cost possibly slightly was high a point, but this without doubt is a good start. 等这第一座伊甸园建立,粮食生产便可以在末世完成自给自足了。至少稻米、小麦以及部分经济作物将可以直接在末世这边生产,虽然成本可能稍高了一点,但这无疑是个好的开始。 Again then is second. 再然后便是第二座。 The new ecosphere will be similar to strings of close connected air/Qi, is situated on this piece of Wasted Earth. From the beginning here space will be used to produce the grain, will then develop the residential district again...... 新的生态圈将如同一串串紧密相连的气,坐落在这片废土上。一开始这里的空间将只是用于生产粮食,再然后将开发住宅区…… The Sixth Block population are getting more and more, cannot rely on Jiang Chen this grain porter. Although is theoretically accepted, but gets down is not stable for a long time. 第六街区的人口越来越多,总不能一直依赖江晨这个“粮食搬运工”。虽然理论上是行得通的,但长久下去却并非是稳定的。 Produces the commodity the self-sufficiency, will advance to the Order first step. 生产物资的自给自足,将是迈向秩序的第一步。 One step that must take sooner or later.) 也是迟早必须迈出的一步。) : / 29 / 29076 / :/29/29076/
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