IHAMITLOD :: Volume #5

#490: The father leaves daughter's dowry

How can......” in the Lin Ling's eye rock the mist, is looking at the picture in that screen, she is muttering, „, this certainly is not deceiving people are right. Jiang Chen, you told me, this was the father he is deceiving my right not to......” “怎么会……”林玲的眼中晃动着水雾,望着那屏幕中的画面,她喃喃着,“不,这一定是骗人的对不对。江晨,你告诉我,这是爸爸他在骗我的对不对……” Jiang Chen puts out a hand speechless, embraced into her the bosom. 江晨无言地伸出手,将她揽入了怀中。 Although this ice-cold armor cannot take to her what warmth, but he hopes that her can feel better at heart slightly. 虽然这冰冷的装甲不能带给她什么温暖,但他希望她的心里能稍稍好受些。 Jiang Chen looked at as before is smiling Lin Chao'en, as well as that reappeared that old father Lin Minjie in picture. 江晨将目光投向了依旧在微笑着的林朝恩,以及那个重新出现在画面中的那个老父亲林敏杰 005 Sanctuary is a board game piece, Lin Ling stays behind is not accidental/surprised, but inevitably.” “005避难所是个棋子,林玲留下也不是意外,而是必然。” „Don't you find it strange? Why develops in Advanced Artificial Intelligence Sanctuary, will leave behind " Garden of Eden Project » backup? Moreover some so many people know, it in 005 Sanctuary.” “你不觉得奇怪吗?为何开发高级人工智能避难所中,会留下《伊甸园计划》的备份?而且还有那么多人知道,它就在005避难所中。” Hehe, this not for the hope of what humanity, but wants to tempt certain naive survivors stupidly to run, fills the material that needs for the experiment.” “呵呵,这可不是为了什么人类的希望,只不过是想引诱某些天真的幸存者们傻傻地跑进去,为实验填补所需的素材罢了。” „If not out of the anticipation, that what will be the Twilight Church organization should send people to enter in that Sanctuary, will then provide the fresh material for our experiments. However was a pity very much, our plans presented the careless mistake from the beginning. First is so-called Harmony Camp the insect sneaked in Sanctuary, then is you. If I have not guessed wrong, should be you destroyed Serial Number x71291. Also is really a biased fellow, that is the crystallization of several tens of thousands human lives.” Lin Minjie shakes the head, ridicules to say. “如果不出意料,那个什么叫黄昏教会的组织应该会派人进入道那个避难所中,然后为我们的实验提供新鲜的素材。不过很可惜,我们的计划一开始就出现了纰漏。先是所谓‘和谐阵营’的虫子钻进了避难所,再然后又是你。如果我没猜错,应该就是你销毁了编号x71291。还真是个偏执的家伙,那可是数万条人命的结晶。”林敏杰摇了摇头,笑骂道。 Calmly listens to Dr. Lin Minjie account, the Jiang Chen look to visit him complex. 静静地听着林敏杰博士的自述,江晨神色复杂地看着他。 In Lin Ling rescues from 005 Sanctuary, when she knows when her father has dropped out he left this star, Jiang Chen to her had once said perhaps, from another perspective, left behind the hope to this lands also perhaps.” 在将林玲从005避难所中救出时,当她知道她的父亲已经抛下他离开了这个星球时,江晨曾这么对她说过“或许,从另一个角度来看,是给这片土地留下了希望也说不定。” However now looks like, in his mouth perhaps. Is the mistake. 然而现在看来,他口中的或许。是错误的。 From pre-war started, all these are only he board game piece to lead to Supreme. 从战前就开始了,这一切都只是他通向至高的棋子罢了。 If not his overturns the person of checkerboard to appear forcefully, perhaps he has succeeded. 如果不是他这个强行打翻棋盘的人出现,或许他都已经成功了。 Lin Ling sips the tears sound, interrupted the Jiang Chen's train of thought. Sees only her to use to fill including the tears, but the firm incomparable look is actually looking at the father. 林玲啜涕地声音,打断了江晨的思绪。只见她用满含泪水,但却坚定无比的眼神望着父亲。 But...... I will use my knowledge as before, brings about the hope for people.” “但……我依旧会用我的知识,为人们带来希望。” Lin Minjie is looking at the daughter silent the long time, immediately said with a smile. Right? Very happy you can have your dream, my lovable daughter...... I also blessed you to realize oneself dream heartfeltly.” 林敏杰望着女儿沉默了半晌,随即笑道。“是吗?很高兴你能拥有自己的梦想,我可爱的女儿……我也衷心的祝福你能够实现自己的梦想。” , He looked to Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen is right? I see you to the standpoint that the humanity status does not yield an inch. Regarding your victory, I indicated to accept, but I will not congratulate you.” 顿了顿,他看向了江晨,“江晨对吗?我已经明白了你对人类身份寸步不让的立场。对于你的胜利,我表示接受,但我不会祝贺你。” I do not have the expectation to obtain the congratulation of enemy.” Jiang Chen said in a soft voice. “我没有奢望能得到敌人的祝贺。”江晨轻声道。 Moreover. I hope that you do not want, because my daughter is Cyborg, but has what prejudice to her.” “另外。我希望你不要因为我的女儿是电子人,而对她有什么偏见。” Also please feel relieved.” “还请放心。” Should be buried is not Cyborg, is not Artificial Intelligence, but is dangerous ******** with thought. Let alone, Lin Ling and pure Cyborg have difference essentially, her brain as before is the brain...... 应该被埋葬的不是电子人,也不是人工智能,而是危险的********与思想。更何况,林玲与纯粹的电子人有着本质上的不同,她的大脑依旧是大脑…… Jiang Chen hung down slightly the feature, then lifted rifle in hand. 江晨微微低垂了眉目,然后抬起了手中的步枪 Lin Ling held on him gently. 林玲轻轻地拉住了他。 „Do you want to prevent me?” Jiang Chen asked in a soft voice. “你想要阻止我吗?”江晨轻声问道。 Can't let off him?” “不能放过他吗?” Jiang Chen with renouncing the look responded to her. 江晨用决绝的眼神回应了她。 Only this matter. He is unable to be tenderhearted. 唯独这件事。他无法心软。 That...... I come, I do not think that...... does not want to make you my killing father personal enemy.” Lin Ling smiles grieved, said. “那……还是我来吧,我不想……不想让你成为我的杀父仇人。”林玲惨然一笑,说道。 Is facing father's brain, the pea-sized teardrops fall suddenly. She is not always a strong person. 面对着父亲的大脑,豆大的泪珠骤然落下。她从来都不是一个坚强的人。 In final final. Under the daughter facing mournful tears, Lin Minjie as if understood anything. The so-called sentiment, he racks brains the hope through the algorithm that Advanced Artificial Intelligence realizes, actually the tentacle has been possible. 在最后的最后。面对凄然泪下的女儿,林敏杰似乎明白了什么。所谓的感情,他苦思冥想希望通过高级人工智能实现的算法,其实一直都触手可及。 But he cannot see. 但他看不见。 Because in this leads to the Supreme road, he discards were too many. 因为在这通往至高的路上,他舍弃的太多了。 Looks is arriving at half then to weep bitterly daughter who kneels on the ground, he suddenly felt, such result is not bad. 望着走到一半便痛哭着跪在地上的女儿,他突然觉得,这样的结局也不算坏。 In this server. Serial Number is 7381 folders, inside is saving electronic files of one 103 pages paper about Warp Engine.” Lin Minjie is looking straight ahead the Jiang Chen's eyes, „, if you one day can with them to. Will be useful. As the father for the dowry that the daughter prepares, wanting you to be able because of this generous gift. Okay when she.” “在这台服务器中。有一个编号为7381的文件夹,里面存储着一份103页关于曲速引擎的论文的电子档。”林敏杰直视着江晨的双眼,“如果你有一天会与它们对上。想必会用得上吧。作为父亲为女儿准备的嫁妆,希望你能因为这份厚礼。好好待她。” Thanks.” “谢谢。” Although does not have this generous gift even, he will still treat her well. 虽然即便没有这份厚礼,他也会好好待她。 Does not need to thank me, even if you really have the opportunity to make Warp Engine, your odds of success still from 0% turns into 1%.” Lin Minjie curls the lip. “不用谢我,就算你真有机会造出曲速引擎,你的胜算也不过是从0%变成1%。”林敏杰撇了撇嘴。 The communication sound resounds directly in the Jiang Chen's communication frequency, this final monologue has not made Lin Ling hear. 通讯声音直接响起在江晨的通讯频道中,这最后的独白并没有让林玲听见。 The Adam's apple moves slightly, Jiang Chen deeply inspires to stabilize own breath, hides in his heart diligently weak side. 喉结微微动了动,江晨深吸了一口气稳定了自己的呼吸,努力掩藏住他心中软弱的一面。 Why did not tell her.” “为什么不告诉她。” In finally, me wants to try to make the feeling of father.” He left meaningful words. “在最后,我想试试做父亲的感觉。”他留下了一句意味深长的话。 Had flash that Jiang Chen had the impulsion of stopping. He is not always a Cold Blood man, will not be to the brutal aloof person. Since Lin Minjie had lost power, under needing extreme methods. He after all is the Lin Ling's father, even if for...... for Lin Ling, making him maintain the brain to live...... 有那么一瞬间,江晨产生了到此为止的冲动。他从来都不是一个冷血的男人,更不是会对残酷无动于衷的人。既然林敏杰已经失势了,也没必要下死手。他毕竟是林玲的父亲,哪怕是为了……为了林玲,让他就这么保持着大脑活下来…… As if was fully correct the Jiang Chen's idea, the Lin Minjie soughing smiled, continued to say in the communication frequency: Lives as a brain merely is not feeling better. I can endure now, nothing but, when can abandon that day of this brain. Will you permit arrival of that day?” 仿佛是猜透了江晨的想法,林敏杰飒然一笑,在通讯频道中继续说道:“仅仅作为一颗大脑活着可一点都不好受。我之所以能忍受到现在,无非是为了等到能够抛弃这颗大脑的那天罢了。你会允许那天到来吗?” Jiang Chen was silent. 江晨沉默了。 I have not had she has looked at the scenery, hopes that you can lead her to have a look for me.” “我没有带她看过的景色,希望你能替我带她去看看。” Jiang Chen nods slightly. I guaranteed.” 江晨微微颔首。“我保证。” Lin Minjie in screen grins to Jiang Chen smiles, in that pupil revealed suddenly wiped sadly, but quick was then replaced by firm and resolute. 屏幕中的林敏杰咧嘴向江晨笑了笑,那瞳孔中突然流露了一抹悲伤,但很快便被坚毅所取代。 Suddenly, he looked that to has stood in the one side smiles to look on all these Lin Chao'en, says. 突然,他看向了一直站在一旁微笑旁观着这一切的林朝恩,开口说道。 My son, I gives you last order. No, final two......” “我的儿子,我给予你最后一道命令。不,最后两道……” To Sir Father, Lin Chao'en nods slightly. 面向父亲大人,林朝恩微微颔首。 First, switches off the maintaining livelihood installment of my brain.” “第一,关掉我大脑的维生装置。” Lin Chao'en will bury very lowly. 林朝恩将头埋得很低。 Lin Ling lifted the elegant face of that pear flower belt/bring rain alarmed and afraid, the vision vacillates is looking at her father. Her lip is shivering, because of sobbing, but the hoarse voice, is incapable of sobbing is not wanting. 林玲惊惧地抬起了那梨花带雨的俏脸,目光动摇地望着她的父亲。她的嘴唇颤动着,那因为哭泣而沙哑的嗓音,无力哽咽着“不要”。 Finally yearned for looks at daughter one eyes, Lin Minjie closed the eyes slowly. 最后留恋地看了女儿一眼,林敏杰缓缓地闭上了双眼。 Second, ended own life.” “第二,结束掉自己的生命。” Compliant, Sir Father.” “遵命,父亲大人。” Nothing hesitant, Lin Chao'en arrived at side of that master control computer. 没有任何犹豫,林朝恩走到了那台主控电脑的旁边。 Does not want!” The Lin Ling squawk shouts said. “不要!”林玲尖声嘶吼道。 The weeping sound reverberates in spacious Sanctuary, Jiang Chen does not look at Lin Ling diligently, 哭声在空旷的避难所内回荡,江晨努力不去看林玲, Jiang Chen notices, before pressing down that button, hand of Lin Chao'en on switch hovering two seconds. 江晨注意到,在按下那个按钮之前,林朝恩的手在开关上悬停了两秒。 But finally, he pressed. 但最终,他还是按了下去。 The air bubble in training pot stops gradually, emerald-green nutrient fluid tranquil. 培养罐中的气泡渐渐停止,翠绿色的培养液平静了下来。 If the blood supply ventilation of brain interrupts completely, in 60s, the brain cell starts to stop working, about 4 minutes, the brain cell will start Death, 6- 10 minutes will cause the irreversible cerebral lesion, namely a lot of brain cell Death. 如果脑的供血供氧完全中断,在60s内,脑细胞就开始停止工作,大约四分钟,脑细胞就会开始死亡,六-十分钟就会造成不可逆转的大脑损伤,即大量脑细胞死亡 Looks at that training pot, the tears is dropping unceasingly on the mask of her chemical-proof suit. 望着那个培养罐,泪水不断地滴落在她防化服的面罩上。 Jiang Chen deeply inspires, counts the seconds in the heart silently. 江晨深吸了一口气,在心中默默地读秒。 Lin Chao'en has turned around, is looking at Jiang Chen looking pensive. 林朝恩转过身,若有所思地望着江晨 „Very strange, has flash that I had the idea of resistance order.” “很奇怪,有那么一瞬间,我产生了抗拒命令的想法。” Jiang Chen said in a soft voice: Congratulates you.” 江晨轻声说道:“祝贺你。” No, you do not need to congratulate my anything, after all I have not received to the order of Advanced Artificial Intelligence Evolution.” On the face of Lin Chao'en revealed and leaves suddenly wiped the smile, sees again.”( To be continued “不,你不需要祝贺我什么,毕竟我没有接到向高级人工智能进化的命令。”林朝恩的脸上突然露、出了一抹微笑,“那么再见。”(未完待续 .) 。)
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