IHAMITLOD :: Volume #5

#489: Ends being continued

The essence of life is the process rather than the result. 生命的本质是过程而非结果。 …… …… …… …… Is born, lasts and withers away. 诞生、存续、消亡。 But when all welcomed the end point , can how many people accept this inevitable samsara confidently? 可当一切迎来终点,又有多少人能坦然地接受这无可避免的轮回? Eternal Life, is a glossary that fills temptation. 永生,是一个充满诱.惑的词汇。 Especially when the development of science and technology has touched the forbidden area of this life gradually, this temptation is especially intense. 尤其是当科技的发展已经渐渐触摸到了这生命的禁区,这种诱.惑尤为强烈。 Once for sometime, billions of investments floated like the snowflake, the every large or small laboratory emerged like mushrooms after a spring rainfall. Some people are willing to pay, some people are naturally willing to test. The affluent person asked nothing but that wanton and luxurious living continues again for hundred years, compared with the seduction of Eternal Life, that trivial how many being able to carry off what can the slip of paper be considered as? 曾有一段时间,数以亿计的投资如雪花般飘来,大大小小的实验室如雨后春笋般涌现。有人愿意买单,自然就有人愿意去实验。腰缠万贯之人所求无非那纸醉金迷再续百年,比起永生的诱惑来讲,那区区几张“带不走”的纸片又能算得了什么呢? However, is unable to support the population to inflate absolutely endlessly by the existing resources, even some people of Eternal Life cannot achieve. 然而,以现有的资源是绝对无法支撑人口无休止膨胀下去的,即便是部分人永生也做不到。 Once the Eternal Life technology comes out, absolutely is not prosperous, but will be a disaster that Human Civilization brings. 一旦永生技术问世,给人类文明带来的绝对不是繁荣,而将是一场灾难。 Yes, that is a disaster. 是的,那将是一场灾难。 Eternal Life people will have the endless years, and accumulates the endless wealth in the long time, consolidates their social classes, finally they will become the tumor of society, cancer cell of entire civilization. From all normal cell derives the nutrient, squeezes the living resources of average person...... 永生的人们将拥有无尽的岁月,并在悠长的时间中积累无尽的财富,巩固他们的阶级,最终他们将成为社会的肿瘤,整个文明的癌细胞。从所有正常的“细胞”汲取养分,压榨普通人的生活资源…… That is a disaster. 那将是一场灾难。 Therefore the scientific moral committee arises at the historic moment. The three countries jointly comply with its convention of assigning, pledged to forbid to cause the public scared technology to be published, and will tightly supervise the opposite party not to take the lead to break the custom. In the world of three polarizations, this tacit understanding by far be much more reliable than the multi-polarization world. 于是科学道德委员会应运而生。三国共同遵守其指定的公约,承诺禁止会引起公众恐慌的技术问世,并严格监督对方不率先打破规矩。在三极化的世界中,这份默契远远要比多极化的世界牢固得多。 Is same like present world that side Atomic Energy Agency. 就如同现世那边的原子能机构一样。 But since Year 2150 that economic crisis, this tacit understanding started becomes in imminent danger. Although the scientific moral committee remains, but the binding force to the private capital by far is inferior regarding government apparatus the interference strength and before half world. 但自从2150年的那次经济危机之后,这份默契就开始变得岌岌可危了。虽然科学道德委员会依旧存在,但对于政府机构的干涉力、对民间资本的约束力都远远逊色于半个世界前。 21 1960 summers. 2160年的夏天。 Dr. Lin Minjie, your research on suspicion of violating the scientific research management regulations, please go to the Wanghai City court after 10 th, receives the interpellation of scientific moral committee.” black-clothed police officer stands in his front, showed the document to him. 林敏杰博士,你的研究涉嫌违反科学研究管理条例,请于十日后前往望海市法院,接受科学道德委员会的质询。”一身黑衣警察站在他的面前,对他出示了证件。 This is impossible! My research considers for entire humanity absolutely! Why you represent entire humanity toward the appearance expression police officer. Lin Minjie roared. “这不可能!我的研究绝对是为了整个人类着想!你们凭什么代表整个人类”向着面目表情的警官。林敏杰咆哮道。 Stood breaks his roaring in police officer behind that western-style clothes man, in the eye contemptuously said. 站在警察身后的那名西服男子打断了他的咆哮,眼中略带轻蔑地说道。 Can receive the donation of 100,000,000,000 depending on us every year, approves our enterprises depending on most people.” “凭我们每年都能收到1000亿的捐款,凭大多数人认同我们的事业。” You used the people's fear to the unknown territory, your group of despicable cowards.” Lin Minjie is staring at that man stubbornly, tries to seize his neck, but as a feeble scientist, the strength of his whole body also arrives at a hand of police officer. “你们不过是利用了人们对未知领域的恐惧,你们这群卑鄙的胆小鬼。”林敏杰死死地盯着那个男人,试图掐住他的脖子,但身为一名身体羸弱的科学家,他全身的力量还抵不过警察的一只手。 Right? Very sorry. I also do not approve of the brain load into the experiment in iron box.” That suit male selected selected own head, the smile visits him. “是吗?很抱歉。我同样不赞同将脑子装进铁盒子里的实验。”那个西装男点了点自己的脑袋,微笑地看着他。 Please keeps calm, Dr. Lin Minjie. If you have discontentedly to the execution procedure, please on the court, solve the problem in the civilized people way. Naturally, before then. We need to take care of your research material for you.” police officer said lightly. “请保持冷静,林敏杰博士。如果你对执行程序有所不满,请在法院上,以文明人的方式解决问题。当然,在此之前。我们需要替你保管你的研究材料。”警察淡淡地说道。 No, you cannot carry off it! The technology is innocent!” Lin Chao'en looks to flood into police officer in his laboratory desperately, looks that they move out his paper and equipment. “不,你们不能带走它!技术是无罪的!”林朝恩绝望地看着涌入他实验室内的警察,看着他们将他的论文和设备搬走。 Adds a point, the safe technology, is innocent.” Before turning around to leave, the suit male smiles was saying. “补充一点,只有安全的技术,才是无罪的。”在转身离开之前,西装男微笑着说道。 By fastening ****** the after hat of convention, he could be said as in the reputation of scientific circles is done thoroughly smelly. The enterprise pretended non-involvement the relations with him. In order to avoid the suspicion of public. Lost the financial support, his solemn Information Technologies study and electronics industry study double bachelor's degrees doctor, go down in the world the paddies of vagrant unexpectedly. 被扣上******公约的帽子后,他在科学界的名声可以说是彻底被搞臭了。企业纷纷和他撇清了关系。以避免公众的猜疑。失去了资金支持,他堂堂一名信息技术学与电子工业学双学士博士,竟是落魄到了无业游民的田地。 The day passes very uptight. 日子过得非常拮据。 Her that beautiful wife abandons him to go, leaves his only has a half -year-old Lin Ling. 24 apartments he could not have borne the rent. Only can move in the gloomy moist basement, depends on the pa pension to earn a living. 她那美丽的妻子弃他而去,留给他的只有半岁大的林玲。原本24层的公寓他已经负担不起租金。只能搬进了阴暗潮湿的地下室,靠着pa的救助金过活。 He passed for 6 years in the pain. 他在痛苦中度过了六年。 Until 2166, the situation had the favorable turn finally. 直到2166年,情况终于出现了转机。 Since the Year 2150 economic crisis, the global situation is then deteriorating at the visible speed. Various countries were unyielding in the resources, territory and outer space in development rights and other issues, during the short ten years, all trusts fell into the freezing point., Scientific moral committee and other influences of international organization have been on the decline naturally day after day. 自从2150年的经济危机以来,全球局势便以肉眼可见的速度恶化着。各国在资源、领土、太空开发权益等问题上争执不下,短短十年间,所有的信任都跌入了冰点。自然而然的,科学道德委员会等国际性组织的影响力已经日渐衰微。 These were regarded as the research of taboo. Multiplied the breeding soil. These then included Advanced Artificial Intelligence and Cyborg technology. 那些原本被视为禁忌的研究。重新滋生了繁育的土壤。这其中便包括了高级人工智能电子人技术。 Finally, some well-known entrepreneur found him. 终于,某位知名企业家找到了他。 Dr. Lin Minjie, although said that possibly somewhat offends somebody. But I receive you to take very big risk personally. You know that the media most like the dry/does matter making groundless accusations.” Similarly is a suit. But the attitude of this man actually destroy his all men on is too more than once that well. 林敏杰博士,虽然这么说可能有些伤人。但我亲自接见你可是冒着很大的风险。你知道的,媒体最喜欢干的事就是捕风捉影。”同样是一身西装。但这位男人的态度却要比曾经那个毁了他一切的男人好上太多。 I know.” Lin Minjie both eyes said soulless. “我知道。”林敏杰双目无神地说道。 Then I hope the risk that I take is worth.” On the suit male face showed the smile. “那么我希望我冒的风险是值得的。”西装男的脸上露出了微笑。 What do you want?” Lin Minjie lifts the eyelid, looks at the present suit male. “你们想要什么?”林敏杰抬起眼皮,看着眼前的西装男。 The suit male gestures to secretary, one pack of ten centimeters thick documents were placed on the table. Looks at that document, in the eye of Lin Minjie is flashing through wipes unbelievable, similarly also flashes through wipes the hatred. 西装男对秘书打了个手势,一叠十厘米厚的文件摆在了桌上。望着那份文件,林敏杰的眼中闪过一抹难以置信,同样也闪过一抹憎恨。 Because of it, he falls to so the paddies. 都是因为它,他才落到这般田地。 How...... do you get so far as?” The Lin Minjie interest lacks to ask. “哦……你是怎么弄到的?”林敏杰兴趣缺缺地问道。 You caught up with a good time, for these years, nothing was money could not solve recently.” The suit male smiles was saying, we need you to continue your research, we will pay for your technology.” “你赶上了个好时代,就在最近这几年,没有什么事是钱解决不了的。”西装男微笑着说道,“我们需要你继续你的研究,我们会为你的技术买单。” I promise you.” Lin Minjie said without hesitation, where contract is at?” “我答应你。”林敏杰毫不犹豫地说道,“合约在哪?” The suit male shakes the head. 西装男摇了摇头。 You know that this research impossible to be written in the contract, otherwise this will become the handle. Even if the scientific moral committee binding force is not as before, but the court will issue the traffic ticket to us, therefore “你知道的,这种研究不可能被写在合约上,否则这将成为把柄。即便科学道德委员会约束力大不如前,但法院还是会对我们开出罚单,所以” Speaking of this, he gestures to secretary. 说到这,他对秘书打了个手势。 Sees only that secretary to walk up, is placed the suitcase on the table opens. 只见那名秘书走上前来,将手提箱摆在桌上打开。 Inside is lying down a injector. 里面躺着一支注射器。 „Is this?” Lin Minjie knits the brows slightly, looked puzzled to the suit male. “这是?”林敏杰微微皱眉,困惑地看向了西装男。 Only needs 10 ml, can suffers from the ischemic muscular atrophy sickness with no trace. Moreover clinical performance or congenital Late Stage that.” On the suit male face reveals. Had/Left the smile. “只需要10ml,就能让人不着痕迹的患上肌肉萎缩症。而且临床表现还是先天性晚期的那种。”西装男的脸上露.出了微笑。 Lin Minjie visits him, looks at that devil smiling face. 林敏杰愣愣地看着他,看着那恶魔般的笑容。 You...... what do you mean?” “你……你是什么意思?” „No interesting, if your only family member, your daughter suffered from the ischemic muscular atrophy sickness, even the scientific moral committee is unable to save daughter's behavior to make an issue to the father. Meanwhile, our East Asia Heavy Industry in the name of charitable donation, will fund your research.” Showing a faint smile. That suit male lowered the sound, „, moreover as the matter stands, will you have the power not?” “没什么意思,如果你唯一的亲人,你的女儿患上了肌肉萎缩症,想必即使是科学道德委员会也无法对父亲拯救女儿的行为多做文章。与此同时,我们东亚重工将以慈善捐款的名义,资助你的研究。”微微一笑。那西装男压低了声音,“而且这样一来,你也会更有动力不是吗?” Lin Minjie looks at the suit male unbelievable. 林敏杰难以置信地看着西装男。 Unexpected his anticipation, he has not been angry, has not felt any sad. In fickleness of human relationships that these six years taste, has made him feel being weary about this world thoroughly. Even loathes. 出乎意料了他自己的意料,他并没有感到愤怒,也没有感到任何悲伤。在这6年间品尝到的世态炎凉,已经让他彻底对这个世界感到了厌倦。甚至是厌恶。 People always impose oneself standard on others, stands in the commanding point of named morals tirelessly criticizes the dissident, ruins a scientist dozens years of painstaking care the research results, only needs in the appeal document that few. 人们总是将自己的标准强加在别人身上,不厌其烦地站在名为道德的制高点攻讦异己,葬送一名科学家数十年心血的研究成果,只需要公诉文件上那寥寥几笔。 Even if there is a family therefore to disintegrate...... 哪怕有个家庭将因此而分崩离析…… Actually what is the morals? 究竟什么才是道德? He was somewhat puzzled. 他有些困惑了。 Then, 6-year-old Lin Ling after a cold has a fever, accident/surprise suffered from the ischemic muscular atrophy sickness, and was inspected is Late Stage. East Asia Heavy Industry provided the 1,000,000,000 Pan-Asia coin in the name of charitable to his father. Aids it engineering research about the Cyborg, and spent to bribe the media, drummed up support for it through the propaganda, forces the scientific moral committee gave up to this greatly the prosecution of father. 就这样,6岁的林玲在一次感冒发烧后,“意外”地患上了肌肉萎缩症,并被检查出是晚期东亚重工以慈善的名义对其父提供了10亿泛亚币。援助其关于电子人的技术研究,并花钱买通了媒体,通过舆论宣传为其造势,迫使科学道德委员会放弃对这位“伟大”的父亲的起诉。 Inscribes the thought on the circuit wafer. Replaces the flesh and skeleton with the electric current and machinery. 将思维铭刻在电路板上。用电流和机械代替血肉与骸骨。 Cyborg, this was regarded as the taboo by the world the technology, progresses accidentally/surprisingly under the financial aid of East Asia Heavy Industry smooth. 电子人,这项被世人视作禁忌的技术,在东亚重工的资金援助下进展地意外顺利。 The Intermediate Artificial Intelligence limitation was broken through, the design of development and mechanical body of Advanced Artificial Intelligence is conducted synchronously. Although on the hospital bed the weak daughter made him have some guilty consciences, but progressing by leaps and bounds of technology development was makes him have a faint trace consolation. 中级人工智能的局限性被突破,高级人工智能的开发与机械躯体的设计同步进行。虽然病床上虚弱的女儿让他产生了些许负罪感,但技术开发的突飞猛进却是令他产生了一丝丝慰藉。 The picture transforms again, here is Hospital. Looks at that hospital ward, Jiang Chen felt like that somewhat looks familiar. Quick he then thought that that is he and Lin Ling at first meet place. 画面再次转变,这里是一家医院。看着那间病房,江晨隐隐觉得有些眼熟。很快他便想了起来,那就是他与林玲最初相遇的地方。 Waits for Lin Ling can get out of bed to walk, the father leads you to go to the movie theater. Leads you to go to the amusement park. So long as is the place that you want to go, I meet to lead you to go.” Crisscrossed the lily in the vase of nightstand. Lin Minjie has not looked at daughter's face, but stares at that pure white flower petal to say. “等林玲能够下床走路了,爸爸带你去电影院。带你去游乐园。只要是你想去的地方,我都会带你去。”将百合花插在了床头柜的花瓶中。林敏杰没有看女儿的脸,而是盯着那洁白的花瓣说道。 That subsidized our uncles, is a good person.” On the Lin Ling's face is brimming with the happy smile. “那个资助了我们的叔叔,是个好人呢。”林玲的脸上洋溢着幸福的微笑。 Even if whole body each muscle falls into the necrosis, she believes her father, certainly can make her run again freely under the sunlight. 即便是全身每一处肌肉都陷入坏死,她相信她的爸爸,一定能让她重新自由地奔跑在阳光下。 The Adam's apple of Lin Minjie moves slightly, she looked to the daughter. 林敏杰的喉结微微动了动,她看向了女儿。 Is facing the daughter that sunlight smiling face, he does not know that should say anything. 面对着女儿那阳光的笑容,他不知道该说些什么。 Finally, he smiles reluctantly, squeezed out a few words from the throats. 终于,他勉强地笑了笑,从喉间挤出了一句话。 Un, he is a good person.” “嗯,他是个好人哟。” Afterward, the war broke out. 后来,战争爆发了。 The Year 2150 economic crisis has been the Year 2171 war set the foreshadowing, humanity is not a machine, is unable to solve the problem through the thought connection. The small issue can depend upon to meet, but issue in principle from ancient to present only then the war can solve. 2150年的经济危机早已为2171年的战争埋下了伏笔,人类不是机器,无法通过思维连接解决问题。小的问题可以依靠开会,但原则上的问题从古到今都只有战争能够解决。 Provides the fund East Asia Heavy Industry to be purchased by Pan-Asia Cooperation for his laboratory, the transformation is the military enterprise, he also by turned for the scientist who the private business served scholar that served the army, was Pan-Asia Cooperation is developing and Artificial Intelligence related murder tool. 为他实验室提供资金的东亚重工泛亚合作收购,转型为军工企业,他也由为私企服务的科学家变成了服务于军队的学者,为泛亚合作开发着与人工智能相关的杀人工具。 Including Reptile and Viper, has him to be involved. 包括“爬虫”与“蝰蛇”,都有他参与到其中。 The Lin Ling's hospital ward also shifted the underground laboratory from the surface. 林玲的病房也从地表转移到了地下的实验室。 Because of the reason of war, exerts the shackles in scientific research completely to be relieved. Prisoners of War fed in 005 Sanctuary continuously, participates in that the Virtual Reality experiment to lead to Death. Advanced Artificial Intelligence Fire Seed is breeding, the Cyborg technology has also developed, only waits for the experiment bodies of 005 Sanctuary to complete from Intermediate to Advanced Evolution, then unifies both, 100% humanity that” is constituted by the machinery then can be born in this world! 因为战争的缘故,施加在科研上的枷锁被彻底解除。源源不断地战俘被送进005避难所,参与那通向死亡虚拟实境实验。高级人工智能火种正在孕育着,电子人的技术也已经开发完毕,只等005避难所的实验体完成从中级高级进化,然后再将两者结合,100%由机械构成的“人类”便能诞生在这个世界上了! However at this moment, he had an idea of dangerous or Foreign End suddenly. 然而就在这时,他突然产生了一个危险或者说异端的想法。 If Advanced Artificial Intelligence can replace humanity, breeds brand-new machinery civilization, then also wants humanity to do. 如果高级人工智能能够取代人类,孕育出全新的机械文明,那么还要人类干什么。 humanity not only greedy, and dirty, moreover is stodgy, ugly...... 人类既贪婪,又肮脏,而且迂腐,丑陋…… A crazy thought was born in his brain. 一个疯狂的念头诞生在了他的脑中。 He will create civilization. 他将创造一个文明 He even thinks the name for the child who this embryo has not even bred. 他甚至为这个连胚胎都未孕育出的孩子想好了名字。 It named Supreme. 它名叫至高 Paramount Supreme!( Not 至高无上至高!(未
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