IHAMITLOD :: Volume #5

#488: Not warm reunion

Underground 1000 meters. 地下1000米。 Vertical led to the bottom channel to be exchanged the new elevator, by the Tenacious graphene cable suspension the elevator, vertical led to the bottom. 垂直通往地底的通道已经被换上了新的电梯,由坚韧石墨烯缆绳悬吊着的升降梯,垂直通往地底。 At this moment, puts on T-3 Type Power Armor Jiang Chen to stand on the elevator lift table, the eye closely is paying attention to helmet the measuring appliance of holographic imaging. The oxygen content that especially that drops unceasingly, making Jiang Chen knit the brows slightly. 此刻,穿着T-3型动力装甲江晨正站在电梯升降台上,眼睛紧紧地注意着头盔内全息成像的仪表。尤其是那不断下降的氧气含量,让江晨不由微微皱眉。 As he expected, under this Sanctuary should not be occupied by the person. 果然不出他所料,底下这避难所应该是不住人的。 What stands side him is Lin Ling, sees only this little girl to be bound solid by the orange yellow chemical-proof suit, the back also carries a thigh thick or thin oxygen cylinder. Although as Cyborg, but some brain essential internal organs are comprised of the flesh, even many places by machinery substitution, but said that she is a through and through humanity point right. 站在他身旁的是林玲,只见这个小姑娘被橙黄色的防化服裹得严严实实的,背后还背着一个大腿粗细的氧气罐。虽然身为电子人,但无论是大脑还是部分关键的脏器都是由血肉组成,即便很多地方都被机械替代,但说她是个彻头彻尾的人类一点都没错。 Opens the ventilation installment.” After seeing the oxygen content breaks the valve value, the Jiang Chen sinking sound said. “打开供氧装置。”当看到氧含量跌破阀值后,江晨沉声说道。 Un!” Lin Ling extends the hand to the neck place very much obedient, pressed down the ventilation switch. “嗯!”林玲很听话地将手伸到脖子处,按下了供氧开关。 When they arrive at this New Century Plaza temporary station, is the evening. However at this moment in a 1000 many meters underground, in the evening and daytime not essential difference. From the beginning Cheng Weiguo severe rejection Jiang Chen gets down personally, carried out the Marshal status until Jiang Chen, he difficultly nod compromise. 当他们到达这个新世纪广场的临时驻地时,已经是晚上了。不过此刻在一千多米的地下,晚上和白天并没有本质的区别。一开始程卫国严厉的拒绝江晨亲自下去,直到江晨搬出了元帅的身份,他才艰难地点头妥协。 Also he will worry only, but after all below the supreme headquarters of hostile forces. 也不外乎他会担心,毕竟下面可是敌对势力的大本营。 However Jiang Chen has nothing to worry that his storage space also has 100 cubic meters at this moment, even if will bump into several Reptile he excessively is not worried. Let alone his side is also standing Lin Ling, hides in this young girl within the body Harmony lifeform, but Robot killer. Almost does not have the electronic unit to be able under Klein Particle Beam to survive. 不过江晨倒没什么担忧的,此刻他的储物空间还剩下个100立方米,即便碰上几台爬虫他也不会过多担心。更何况他的身边还站着林玲,藏在这小妞体内的“和谐”生物可是机器人杀手。几乎没有电子单位能在克雷恩粒子射线下存活。 The avenue of approach bottom, Jiang Chen drew out tactical rifle from the waist, simultaneously opened was hanging the flashlight. 接近地底了,江晨从腰间拔出了战术步枪,同时打开了悬挂手电。 Stood makes an effort to swallow a spit in his Lin Ling, to his body relieving shrinking, on the face revealed very much unpromising wiped timidly. 站在他身旁的林玲使劲咽了口吐沫,很没出息地向他身后缩了缩,脸上露出了一抹胆怯。 Changes me to come.】 The sound that taunted emitted from the bottom of the heart, wants not to need to want definitely to be Ting Ting (graceful and dainty). Since learned speech, she was getting more and more dissolute. 【换我来吧。】略带嘲讽的声音从心底冒出,想都不用想肯定是婷婷。自从学会“说话”之后,她就越来越放肆了。 Anyone, who said that I was afraid.】 Lin Ling face one red, immediately says in the heart. 【谁,谁说我害怕了。】林玲脸一红,立刻在心中说道。 In any case is not I.】 Ting Ting (graceful and dainty) said lightly. 【反正不是我。】婷婷淡淡地说道。 Followed in me behind on the line.” Seeming like realized Lin Ling's is timid. Jiang Chen placed her shoulder the hand. “跟在我身后就行了。”似乎是意识到了林玲的胆怯。江晨将手放在了她的肩头。 ?! Un!” “唔?!嗯!” Had had a scare by the Jiang Chen's movement in being absent-minded Lin Ling. After responding, on her face revealed wiped awkward blushing. 一直在开小差的林玲江晨的动作吓了一跳。反应过来后,她的脸上才露出了一抹尴尬的红晕。 Some Jiang Chen doubt looked at her one eyes. 江晨有些狐疑地看了她一眼。 Doesn't this appearance, really have the issue? 这个样子,真的没问题吗? The elevator hit slowly in the bottom, Jiang Chen is carrying rifle was locking the refuge front door. 电梯缓缓地撞在了底部,江晨端着的步枪直直地锁定着避难的大门。 However with him anticipated is the same. The front door deadlocks. 不过与他意料中的一样。大门是锁死的。 Brought Lin Ling to get to the entrance, Jiang Chen pasted the hand on the front door. 带着林玲走到了门口,江晨将手贴在了大门上。 storage space. activate(d)! 储物空间启动 No response...... 没有任何反应…… Really the front door and are the wall a whole?” Jiang Chen knits the brows slightly, thought aloud. “果然大门和墙壁算是一个整体吗?”江晨微微皱眉,自言自语道。 How when Jiang Chen thinks should the gate opens, Lin Ling hesitant arrived at side Jiang Chen's. Looks that he proposed low voice. 就在江晨思索着该如何把门弄开的时候,林玲犹犹豫豫地走到了江晨的身边。看着他小声地提议道。 Or, I directly with beam inside mechanical man anything's killing all. Then we go back......” “要不,我直接用射线把里面的机械人什么的全都干掉。然后咱们就回去吧……” All kills? Un, this as retaining option. If possible, I want inside thing getting so far as.” Jiang Chen put out a hand to try to find out in this gear shape great gate. Tried to find what switch and so on gadget. “全都干掉?嗯,这个作为保留选项吧。如果可能的话,我想把里面的东西给弄到。”江晨伸手在这齿轮状的巨门上摸索了一番。试图找到什么开关之类的玩意儿。 After all is the Supremacy Camp den, since can make Lin Chao'en that type thing. Should have their fortes in electronics technology. Compares the Harmony Camp lifeform and gene technology, the electronics technology with conjunction wants on without doubt high many. 毕竟是至高阵营的老巢,既然能造出林朝恩那种“东西”来。想必在电子技术方面应该有着他们的过人之处吧。相比起和谐阵营生物、基因技术,电子技术与的契合度无疑要高上很多。 Lin Ling regarding here darkness some fears, seems to be looking at all around anxiously. 林玲似乎对于这里的黑暗有些害怕,正不安地望着四周。 In as if lives in not the good thing. Can I come one round to it?】 Ting Ting (graceful and dainty) said. 【里面似乎住着不好的东西。我可以对着它来一发吗?】婷婷说道。 Does not want, all spoiled inside thing, Jiang Chen will definitely be angry.】 Of Lin Ling in the heart discussed. 【还是不要吧,把里面的东西全都弄坏了,江晨肯定会生气的。】林玲在心中默念道。 That did not have the means.】 Then, Ting Ting (graceful and dainty) then no longer opens the mouth. 【那就没办法了。】说完,婷婷便不再开口。 Without finding what switch, was similar to the No. 27 Sanctuary communication does not have with the data line. Jiang Chen tried to take out lasersword from storage space, was poking to the heavy/thick shutter. 没有找到什么开关,就连类似于27号避难所的通讯用数据线都没有。江晨试着从储物空间中取出了激光剑,对着厚重的门板戳了上去。 Ten minutes passed by, the lasersword energy exhausts. 十分钟过去了,激光剑的能量耗尽。 Jiang Chen lifts the flashlight to look, between on that shutter only burnt a brand mark of fingernail size. 江晨抬起手电一看,之间那门板上只烫出了一个指甲盖大小的烙痕。 This Your Mother does with what material.” Jiang Chen could not bear scold the sentence, lifted kicks in the gate. “这尼玛是用什么材料做的。”江晨忍不住骂了句,抬起一脚踢在了门上。 Echo very depressed, only from this timbre, this shutter at least thick 78 meters. This cannot describe with the gate, really is a wall. 回音非常的沉闷,单从这音色来看,这门板至少厚个七八米。这已经不能用门来形容了,简直就是一堵墙。 Only can give up? 只能放弃了吗? Jiang Chen sighed. 江晨叹了口气。 But when he is preparing to let Lin Ling to the front door uses Klein Particle Beam, the front door suddenly presented a sound. 可就在他正准备让林玲对大门使用克雷恩粒子射线时,大门突然出现了一丝响动。 Jiang Chen fiercely one startled, immediately draws out tactical rifle of waist. 江晨猛地一惊,立刻拔出腰间的战术步枪 „!” “呀!” Lin Ling was frightened called out in alarm the sound, retracted quickly behind Jiang Chen's. 林玲被吓得惊呼了声,很快缩回了江晨的后面。 The shutter of gear shape moved ahead, is covering the rock layer loosen slowly fell intermittent dust scraps/condescend. Jiang Chen brings Lin Ling slowly retreat, spread out certain with the front door. The vibration continued probably for a half minute, the shutter of gear shape stagnates fiercely, then starts to roll to the side. 齿轮状的门板缓缓前移,覆盖着的岩层松落了一阵阵尘屑。江晨带着林玲缓缓后退,与大门拉开了一定的距离。震动大概持续了半分钟,齿轮状的门板猛地一滞,然后开始向侧面滚动。 8.1 meters thick, un...... I possibly cannot puncture.】 Ting Ting (graceful and dainty) discussed in the heart. 【8.1米厚,嗯……我可能打不穿。】婷婷在心中念道。 Also has the thing that you cannot puncture?】 Lin Ling cannot bear ask. 【还有你打不穿的东西吗?】林玲忍不住问道。 Naturally. Although Klein Particle can cause Electromagnetic Pulse, but this does not mean that the penetrating power is infinite. You study this aspect, this small issue haven't you known?】 【当然。虽然克雷恩粒子能够引起电磁脉冲,但这并不意味着穿透力无限。你是研究这方面的,这点小问题你还不知道吗?】 Although Ting Ting (graceful and dainty) tone does not have any intent taste of taunt, but Lin Ling cannot bear the face red one. When she wants to refute anything, stands Jiang Chen before her body opens the mouth to say suddenly. 虽然婷婷的语气中没有任何嘲讽的意味儿,但林玲还是忍不住脸一红。就在她想要反驳些什么的时候,站在她身前的江晨突然开口道。 Lin Ling, standing by, as far as possible control good output power, non-combatant not opening.” 林玲,准备战斗,尽量控制好输出功率,别把非战斗单位给拆了。” Good, good!” Lin Ling rushes to nod. “好,好的!”林玲赶忙点头。 But at this moment, in that black black cave entrance, goes out of the man who both hands held up to make the surrender shape suddenly. 可就在这时,在那黢黑的洞口中,突然走出了一位双手举起做投降状的男子。 When saw clearly that face, Jiang Chen narrowed the eye, the red point telescopic sights have referred to his face. 当看清了那张脸时,江晨眯起了眼睛,红点瞄准镜已经指在了他的脸上。 Lin Chao'en.” 林朝恩。” Right, is I.” Lin Chao'en sighed, with ridiculing the tone said that never expected that we meet again. In this manner.” “没错,是我。”林朝恩叹了口气,用揶揄地口吻说道,“没想到我们又见面了。以这种方式。” Again and again provokes me. You should expect to have such a day.” The finger rubs on the trigger, Jiang Chen said lightly. “三番五次的挑衅我。你应该会料到有这么一天。”手指在扳机上摩擦,江晨淡淡地说道。 Lin Chao'en shrugged, looks to Jiang Chen. 林朝恩耸了耸肩,看向了江晨 „Regardless how saying that was you wins. Finally. Sir Father he wants to see you.” “无论怎么说,是你们赢了。在最后。父亲大人他想见你。” Then, Lin Chao'en looked to hid in Jiang Chen behind Lin Ling. On the face showed the bright smile. 说完,林朝恩又看向了躲在江晨身后的林玲。脸上露出了灿烂的微笑。 You, my respectable Dame Elder Sister.” “还有你,我尊敬的姐姐大人。” Elder sister, elder sister?” The Jiang Chen surprise looked to Lin Ling. Seeing only her similarly is bewildered. “姐,姐姐?”江晨诧异地看向了林玲。只见她同样是一脸茫然。 What?” A Lin Ling face compels to look at Lin Chao'en ignorant. “啥?”林玲一脸懵逼地看着林朝恩 „After coming, you knew.” “进来后,你们就知道了。” Smiles to Lin Ling mystically. Lin Chao'en has turned around, turns away from Jiang Chen to enter in Sanctuary. 林玲神秘地一笑。林朝恩转过身,背对着江晨走进了避难所内。 Looks at that black channel, Jiang Chen somewhat is not acting bashful suddenly certainly. Actually this is a trap, such that really such as Lin Chao'en said. They chose the surrender. 望着那黑黢黢的通道,江晨一时间也是有些拿捏不准。这究竟是陷阱,还是真如林朝恩所说的那样。他们选择了投降。 Hesitant the moment, Jiang Chen fished out a signal stick, after tearing the blasting fuse, threw. 犹豫了片刻,江晨摸出了一根信号棒,扯开引信后扔了出去。 The bright red ray illuminated space. Besides rows of Hibernation Cabin, only then in a room of basketball court size cannot see any weapon. Lifted rifle to stand guard, Jiang Chen brought Lin Ling to enter in Sanctuary. 亮红色的光芒照亮了空间。除了一排排休眠仓之外,只有一个篮球场大小的房间内看不到任何武器。抬起了步枪警戒着,江晨带着林玲走进了避难所内。 Lin Ling.” 林玲。” Un?” Shrinks in Jiang Chen back Lin Ling, looked up anxiously to his helmet. “嗯?”缩在江晨背后的林玲,紧张地抬头看向了他的头盔 If they prepare to close the door, you are coming one round to the engine of that front door.” Jiang Chen said with the sound that Lin Chao'en can hear. “如果他们准备关门,你就对着那个大门的发动机来一发。”江晨林朝恩能够听见的声音说道。 Good, good!” Because is extremely anxious, Lin Ling almost bit the tongue. “好,好的!”因为太过紧张,林玲差点咬到了舌头。 In the room does not have how much rays, the only light source is that signal stick that Jiang Chen throws. In the entire room filled the rich ozone, therefore, prosperous of very signal stick combustion. 房间中没有多少光线,唯一的光源就是江晨扔出的那根信号棒。整个房间内充满了浓郁的臭氧,也正是因此,信号棒燃烧的很旺。 The center of room is situated a columnar computer, the signal light of that faint twinkle indicates that it is operating. The center of computer mounts a hold to have the training trough of brain, but the bottom is densely and numerously scattered the pipeline, is connecting all machineries in room. 房间的中央坐落着一座柱状的计算机,那隐隐闪烁的信号灯预示着它正在运行。计算机的中央镶嵌着一个盛有大脑的培养槽,而底部则是密密麻麻错落着的管线,连接着房间内的所有机械。 In the entire room except for the computer is Hibernation Cabin, cannot see any vitality. 整个房间内除了电脑便是休眠仓,看不到任何生机。 Here is Sanctuary, rather this is a depth buries in the underground mechanical city. The central computer is its brain, is its heart, but that scattered pipeline is his blood vessel. 与其说这里是一座避难所,倒不如说这是一台深埋于地下的机械城。中央计算机便是它的大脑,同时也是它的心脏,而那错落的管线则是他的血管。 Lin Chao'en arrived under that computer, stopped the footsteps. 林朝恩走到了那台计算机下,停住了脚步。 Sir Father, they have come.” 父亲大人,他们已经来了。” The electronic screen shone suddenly, a face of middle-aged person appeared in the center of screen. The hairstyle of three vs. seven very neat is dividing, two eyebrows are thick and neat, a pair of black pupil is seemingly calm not to lose sharply, the eyeglasses on bridge of the nose added several points of books aura for him. 电子荧屏突然亮了,一个中年人的面孔浮现在了屏幕的中央。三七开的发型很工整的分着,两道眉毛浓密而整齐,一双黑眸看起来沉稳而不失锐利,鼻梁上的眼镜又为他平添了几分书卷气息。 Looks at that man, the Lin Ling's pupil contracts fiercely, forged ahead two steps. 看着那个男人,林玲的瞳孔猛地收缩,向前迈进了两步。 Father, father......” “爸,爸爸……” Do not pass.” Jiang Chen's built on her shoulder. “别过去。”江晨的手搭在了她的肩膀上。 Does not want! That is You let loose me, lets go-” Lin Ling makes an effort to struggle, wants to work loose from the Jiang Chen's hand, wants to run goes. “不要!那是我爸爸!你放开我,松手-”林玲使劲挣扎着,想要从江晨的手中挣脱,想要跑上前去。 Seeing that Jiang Chen is also startled. 见状,江晨也是不由愕然。 He simply has not been learned to attend the meeting to have this situation. At this moment his right hand raise rifle, is extending the left hand to grab the Lin Ling's shoulder as before stubbornly. 他根本没有料到会出现这种情况。此刻他右手依旧平举步枪,伸出左手死死地抓着林玲的肩膀。 Lin Ling! Your father has gotten up-, has mounted Colony Ship, that is only a video!” 林玲!你的父亲已经上-,已经登上殖民舰了,那只是个视频!” Almost talked into heaven, the Jiang Chen midway changed a statement. 差点就说成“上天”了,江晨中途改口道。 Father, father! You are come back to pick up the daughter is right.” The Lin Ling vision vacillated is saying, that tone really soon cried. “爸爸,爸爸!你是回来接女儿的对不对。”林玲目光动摇地说着,那语气简直快要哭出来。 Jiang Chen is staring that middle-aged person stubbornly, he raised the spear/gun to aim at that screen. 江晨死死地瞪着那个中年人,他举起枪瞄准了那个屏幕。 If you disguise as the Lin Ling's father again, I open fire to shoot to explode your skull!” “如果你再假扮林玲的父亲,我就开枪射爆你的脑壳!” Does not want-!” Lin Ling lost one's voice startled called out. “不要-!”林玲失声惊叫道。 I have not disguised as anybody.” That middle-aged person in screen closed the eye, the finger referred to downward, I here, you should be able to see my brain.” “我没有假扮任何人。”屏幕中的那个中年人闭上了眼,手指向下指了指,“我就在这里,你应该能看到我的大脑。” Room calm. 房间安静了下来。 Lin Ling visits him, in the eye is glittering unbelievable, brain? Father, you......” 林玲愣愣地看着他,眼中闪烁着难以置信,“大脑?爸爸,您……” In the Jiang Chen's eye flashed through similarly wiped the surprise, adjusted slightly the window that is looking at the display monitor, then aimed at the training pot. 江晨的眼中同样闪过了一抹诧异,微微调整了瞄着显示屏的窗口,转而瞄准了培养罐。 Sees the Jiang Chen's petty action, the middle-aged person smiles. 见到江晨的小动作,那中年人不由笑了笑。 You treat the father-in-law?” “你就是这么对待岳父的吗?” Father-in-law? 岳父? Jiang Chen gawked staring. 江晨愣了愣。 Lin Ling face one red, beckons with the hand hastily, „is not right, the father you misunderstood, he is not that......” 林玲脸一红,连忙摆手,“不对不对,爸爸你误会了,他不是那个……” But was saying this saying time, her tone obviously somewhat speaks insincerely. 只不过说着这话的时候,她的语气明显有些言不由衷。 cough cough.” The middle-aged person coughed lightly the sound, broke daughter's words, then looked earnestly to Jiang Chen. 咳咳。”那中年人轻咳了声,打断了女儿的话语,转而认真地看向了江晨 Jiang Chen is looking at each other with him speechless, the muzzle on hand is pointing to his main body as before- that brain. 江晨无言地与他对视着,手上的枪口依旧直指着他的本体-那颗大脑。 If this can bring the security sense to you, you are pointing. But I have to remind you, the glass of my training pot, can shoulder the fire of counter- equipment sniper rifle.” “如果这样能给你带来安全感,你就指着好了。但我不得不提醒你,我这培养罐的玻璃,能扛下反器材狙击步枪的射击。” This old man who is sending out the ozone, can I come one round to it?】 Ting Ting (graceful and dainty) not minces matter to the dislike of machinery. 【这个散发着臭氧的老头,我可以对它来一发吗?】婷婷丝毫不掩饰对机械的厌恶。 Not! He is Represses being ready to make trouble Ting Ting (graceful and dainty), Lin Ling in the heart was discussing anxiously. 【不可以!他是我的父亲!】按捺着蠢蠢欲动的婷婷,林玲在心中焦急地默念道。 hears word, Jiang Chen grinned to smile, depressed the muzzle. 闻言,江晨咧嘴笑了笑,压下了枪口。 You put me to come, is prepares to surrender?” “你放我进来,是准备投降咯?” „To have a look at own daughter.” The middle-aged people said kindly with a smile. “只是想看看自己的女儿。”中年人和蔼地笑着说道。 Looks at that middle-aged person, the Jiang Chen's vision glittered. He has not thought, matter did develop finally, turned into the father and daughter reunion unexpectedly? 看着那个中年人,江晨的目光不由闪烁了起来。他怎么也没想到,事情发展到了最后,竟然是变成了父女重逢? Father, you, you now where, Colony Ship-” “爸爸,你,你现在在哪儿,殖民舰-” I have not mounted Colony Ship.” The middle-aged people look at Lin Ling, said in a soft voice. “我没有登上殖民舰。”中年人看着林玲,轻声说道。 Lin Ling stared in a big way the eyes, she has not responded for a short time. What mood couldn't she say herself at this moment is, the shock? Joyful? Sad? As if not like, but as if has a little. 林玲瞪大了双眼,她一时半会儿没有反应过来。她说不出自己此刻是什么心情,震惊?欣喜?难过?似乎都不像,但似乎都有那么一点儿。 Good long while, she squeezed out several characters from the lip seam. 好半天,她才从唇缝中挤出了几个字。 Why?” “为什么?” Because does not absolutely need to walk. Cosmos is so black, which direction in walks is the same.” The middle-aged people open the mouth to say slowly. “因为根本没有必要走。宇宙这么黑,往哪个方向走都一样。”中年人缓缓地开口道。 The word, he looked to Jiang Chen. 言罢,他看向了江晨 I am very puzzled, on you as if there is serious ability. The intuition told me, this was the primary cause that I failed.” “我很困惑,你身上似乎存在着不得了的能力。直觉告诉我,这是我失败的主要原因。” I did not deny your viewpoint.” Jiang Chen said impartially. “我不否认你的观点。”江晨不置可否地说道。 Nonsense, without cross over and storage space, the father has died does not know that many returned, but also had a need for you saying. 废话,要是没有穿越储物空间,老子早就死了不知道多少回了,还用得着你说。 The middle-aged people are gazing at the Jiang Chen's eyes, long time, he sighed. 中年人注视着江晨的双眼,良久后,他叹了口气。 Right? Although I hope oneself are defeats in the reason of some deeper level.” “是吗?虽然我更希望自己是败在某种更深层次的原因上。” Then, he looked to Lin Ling, his daughter. 说完,他看向了林玲,他的女儿。 I am not a competent father. UU reads “我是一个不称职的父亲。UU看书 www.uukanshu.com on leading to the Supreme path, if I also had anything once to regret place, that probably was you. ” www.uukanshu.com在通往至高的道路上,如果说我还有什么曾后悔过的地方,那大概便是你了。” In the Lin Ling's eye is glittering the tears, „, the father, you did not give me the life, you make me have the opportunity again-” 林玲的眼中闪烁着泪花,“不,爸爸,你给了我生命,你让我有机会重新-” The middle-aged people interrupted her words. 中年人打断了她的话。 „Do you know? You will suffer from the reason of ischemic muscular atrophy sickness.” “你知道吗?你会患上肌肉萎缩症的原因。” Lin Ling was shocked, not because of congenitalness-” 林玲愣住了,“不是因为先天性-” „It is not,” middle-aged person shakes the head, is I does.” “不是,”中年人摇了摇头,“是我做的。” Lin Ling fell into the delay, the tears solidified on the face, her small mouth muttered to discuss, why?” 林玲陷入了呆滞,泪光凝固在了脸上,她的小嘴喃喃着默念道,“为什么?” Story is a little long, if you have the patience, looks slowly.” “故事有点长,如果你有耐心的话,就慢慢看下去吧。” On the face of middle-aged person appeared wiped to fondly remember, vanished in the screen gradually. 中年人的脸上浮现了一抹怀念,渐渐地消失在了屏幕中。 The picture in screen changed, rolled up and pushed along like the yellowing obsolete film, opened that page of being the history.( To be continued.) Begins using the new website 屏幕中的画面变了,如同泛黄的老旧胶片卷动,揭开了属于历史的那一页。(未完待续。)启用新网址
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