IHAMITLOD :: Volume #5

#487: unexpected joy

32 rounds of rocket lift off, covered New Century Plaza of Huangpu River opposite shore in the howling sound air-splitting. 32发火箭升空,在破空的呼啸声中覆盖了黄浦江对岸的新世纪广场 Front of missile attacks in the pavement, no flame of explosion. blue electric spark in the outer covering jump of missile, grating electricity glides in this region pī pā crack. Is admonishing the machine gun fled wisp of light smoke, 32 rounds of EMP rocket missile completely annihilated in the region all not protected electronic devices. 导弹的前端直插水泥地中,没有任何爆炸的火光。蓝色的电火花在导弹的外壳跳跃,刺耳的电流音在这片区域噼噼啪啪地炸响。警戒着的机枪窜起了一缕青烟,32发emp火箭弹彻底歼灭了区域内所有未受保护的电子设备。 Transporter-51 flies to sky over New Century Plaza, confirmed the security of region, three big army start one after another through the high-speed highway bridge, enough 5 people of strengths did not have the resistance to advance New Century Plaza. 运直-51飞临新世纪广场上空,确认了区域的安全,三大兵团开始陆续通过高速路桥,足足五人的战力毫无阻力地推进到了新世纪广场 In is so very intensive, high density , the difficult escaping chip to burn down a way. 在如此高强度、高密度性,也难逃芯片烧毁一途。 Without having any fight, NAC's soldier very with ease seized this place. However lets also here, has not bumped into any resistance that Cheng Weiguo wonders, has not been seeing anybody, this makes him have to plant fights with the fists the feeling in vacancy. 没有发生任何战斗,na的士兵很轻松的就占领了此地。然而让程卫国纳闷儿的也在这里,没有碰上任何抵抗,也没见着任何人,这不禁让他有种一拳打在空处的感觉。 After with Zhao Gang and Wang Zhaowu discussed that Cheng Weiguo orders in the square to be stationed, and sends out Scout to search area the nearby. 赵刚王兆武商议过后,程卫国下令在广场驻扎,并派出侦察兵搜索附近一带。 In the New Century Plaza, First Army Scout discovered was placed the data transfer tower in ground, as well as an automated factory. Discovered after this factory, Cheng Weiguo dispatches soldier to seize here immediately, and seized two Reptile Robot and Viper Drone production lines. 新世纪广场的附近,第一兵团侦察兵发现了被安置在地面的数据传输塔,以及一座自动化工厂。发现这座工厂后,程卫国立刻派遣士兵占领了这里,并在其中缴获了两条爬虫机器人蝰蛇无人机的生产线。 Compares exquisite multipurpose drone hummingbird, Viper is the through and through war machine. Fixed gun and long and narrow fuselage that are hanging, maintains flexibility and mobility at the same time can carry six times in the Hummingbird Drone ammunition. The independent attack instruction unit, can make it depend upon the preinstall in the off-line condition foe identification Artillery System and terrain analysis Artillery System completes operational mission. 相比起小巧的多功能型无人机蜂鸟”,蝰蛇则是彻头彻尾的战争机器。悬挂的固定机枪与狭长的机身,保持灵活机动性的同时能携带六倍于蜂鸟无人机的弹药。独立的攻击指令单元,能够使其在离线状态下依靠预设的敌我识别系统与地形分析系统完成作战任务 But Reptile Robot is like Viper, as can complete operational mission unmanned ground chariot ( ugv ) in the off-line condition, many coordinates to advance with the infantry in the wartime, as moves the supplies box at the same time, is the powerful motion firepower platform. This battlefield assistant the reputation is not white to come. 爬虫机器人蝰蛇一样,身为能够在离线状态下完成作战任务的无人地面战车(ugv),在战时多与步兵协同推进,身为移动补给箱的同时,更是强悍的移动火力平台。这“战场助手”的名头可不是白来的。 Can find so many treasure in the Lin Chao'en den unexpectedly, this actually unexpected joy regarding Jiang Chen. 竟然能在林朝恩的老巢找到如此多的宝贝,对于江晨来说这倒是个意外之喜 Quick, Third Army Scout discovered the Sanctuary entrance in the underground station near square. simple cleaned up to occupy zombie in subway, NAC's soldier controls this place immediately. 很快,第三兵团侦察兵又在广场附近的地铁站内发现了避难所的入口。简单地清理掉了盘踞在地铁内的丧尸,na的士兵立刻控制了此地。 However the new issue emerged. 然而新的问题出现了。 The opposite party deadlocked the elevator that leads to the bottom, withdraws unexpectedly thoroughly in the place bottom does not come out. 对方锁死了通往地底的电梯,竟是彻底龟缩在地底不出来了。 Cheng Weiguo ordered to tear down the lift table of elevator immediately, then sent Knight that wore T-3 Power Armor got down. The armor is tying up with the graphene cable, if the situation is not right. Then draws immediately. 程卫国当即下令拆掉了电梯的升降台,然后派了一名身穿t-3动力装甲骑士下去。装甲用石墨烯缆绳拴着,如果一旦情况不对。便立刻将人拉上来。 After arriving at the bottom, that Knight encountered and No. 27 Sanctuary similar situation. 到达底部后,那名骑士遭遇了和27号避难所类似的情况。 The Sanctuary front door shuts tightly, that heavy/thick shutter does not seem like can with the appearance that the external force opens. On the front door of gear shape inscribes Lin Sanctuary The inscription, on Serial Number, should be Sanctuary of personal nature, rather than digital Serial Number Sanctuary that is established by the Pan-Asia Cooperation leadership. 避难所的大门紧闭,那厚重的门板丝毫不像是能用外力打开的样子。齿轮状的大门上铭刻着【林氏避难所】的字样,就编号来看,应该是私人性质的避难所,而非由泛亚合作主导建立的数字编号避难所 Inside person through that data transfer tower that is located in the surface. Carries on the exchange of information with the ground. 想必里面的人就是通过那座位于地表的数据传输塔。与地面进行信息交换。 Facing this situation, Cheng Weiguo must again and Jiang Chen circular telegram, how the instruction should handle this Sanctuary. 面对这种情况,程卫国只得再次和江晨通电,请示该如何处置这个避难所 Although cannot open the front door, but we can lay aside the blasting explosive in the bottom. Only needs 1 ton equivalent the blasting explosive, can make these 3 meters tunnels collapse thoroughly, buries them in thoroughly underground.” “虽然不能打开大门,但我们可以在底部放置炸药。只需要一吨当量的炸药,就能让这三米的隧道彻底坍塌,将他们彻底埋在地下。” If buries, eventually is a hidden danger.” Jiang Chen shakes the head. Moreover, behind my very good art of making oneself invisible to have anything.” “如果只是掩埋,终究是个隐患。”江晨摇了摇头。“而且,我很好奇门背后有什么。” But theoretically, the Sanctuary front door is impossible to open from outside forcefully.” The Cheng Weiguo forced smile said. “可理论上,避难所的大门是不可能从外面强行开启的。”程卫国苦笑道。 This truly is a trouble, for a short time Jiang Chen has not thought of what good way. Tortoiseshell that nuclear bomb cannot open. He does not have better method door to open. 这确实是个麻烦,一时半会儿江晨也没想到个什么好办法。核弹都弄不开的乌龟壳。他也没有更好的手段将门打开。 This, you first await orders there, wait for me to go personally.” “这样吧,你先在那里待命,等我亲自去一趟。” Good.” Cheng Weiguo nods to say. “好的。”程卫国点头应道。 The communication ended, Jiang Chen closed the eye, by thought deeply about the moment on the chair. 通讯结束,江晨闭上了眼睛,靠在椅子上思索了片刻。 However about this deliberately considered, he really could not have tried to find any good solution. 然而这左右寻思了一番,他还真想不出来什么好办法。 At this time, out of the door heard the knock. 这时,门外传来了敲门声。 Come.” “请进。” The Office gate shoves open. Has taken off exoskeleton Sun Jiao to walk. 办公室的门推开。已经脱去外骨骼孙娇走了进来。 Lin Ling has gotten back, but her present is still very weak. Ting Ting (graceful and dainty) that lodges in her within the body, use Klein Particle Beam. Consumed too many energies. What kind of? Frontline situation.” 林玲已经恢复过来了,不过她现在的身体依旧很虚弱。那个寄宿在她体内婷婷,使用的克雷恩粒子射线。消耗了太多能量。怎么样?前线的情况。” After entering Office, Sun Jiao has somewhat pulled out a chair exhaustedly. Sat before his desk. 走进了办公室后,孙娇有些疲惫抽过了一把椅子。坐在了他的办公桌前。 „The Lin Chao'en limiting point had been emptied, seized two from their limiting points Reptile and Viper the production line. The only trouble is, their people hid in Sanctuary......, if they have the person.” 林朝恩的聚点已经被清空,从他们的聚点中缴获到了两条‘爬虫’和‘蝰蛇’的生产线。唯一的麻烦就是,他们的人躲进了避难所里……如果他们有人的话。” Buried them, with nuclear bomb.” Sun Jiao said wickedly. “埋了他们,用核弹。”孙娇恶狠狠地说道。 Thinks of that a series of bullet hole on villa wall, with a stretch of base in confusion, in the Sun Jiao heart is annoyed. Living was so long, here looks like her family/home to be the same. Does not extinguish these hateful fellows, is really difficult to put down hate of her heart. 一想到别墅墙上的那一连串的弹孔,和一片狼藉的基地,孙娇心中就是一阵恼火。生活了这么久,这里就像是她的家一样。不灭了那些可恶的家伙,实在是难平她心头之恨。 Extinguishing them is the affirmation, but with burying was a pity.” Looks Sun Jiao that clenches jaws, Jiang Chen smiles. “灭了他们是肯定的,但用埋太可惜了。”看着咬牙切齿的孙娇,江晨笑了笑。 That what to do? They shrink in the tortoiseshell do not come out.” Sun Jiao lay on the table, pursed the lips to say discontentedly. “那怎么办?他们缩在乌龟壳里又不出来。”孙娇趴在了桌子上,不满地撅嘴道。 After stopping the moment, Jiang Chen opens the mouth saying that my a while goes personally.” 停顿了片刻后,江晨开口道,“我一会儿亲自去一趟。” Goes personally?” Sun Jiao gawked staring, immediately is vigilant looks at Jiang Chen, what dangerous do not make the matter?” “亲自去一趟?”孙娇愣了愣,随即警惕得看着江晨,“你不会又要做什么危险的事吧?” How possibly.” Jiang Chen white her eyes, I am try storage space to be able that front door entire throwing.” “怎么可能。”江晨白了她一眼,“我就是试一下储物空间能不能把那个大门整个给扔进去。” The doubt looks at Jiang Chen, lay Sun Jiao on arm crooked under. 狐疑地看着江晨,趴在胳膊上的孙娇歪了下头。 Should not be good. I remember your storage space, is unable to the object division storage of connection. The words of front door, should be the wall close connected.” “应该不行吧。我记得你的储物空间,无法对连接的物体分割储存。大门的话,应该是和墙壁紧密相连的吧。” Sun Jiao once and Jiang Chen did the experiment together, the summary of simple one was unable to throw into storage space in the spear/gun in others hand, because life energy the lifeform of being bigger than the certain extent is unable to enter storage space, but were being grasped the spear/gun and person were the default for overall. Is the mediate contact object is unable to be transmitted, but probably the magnet and steel connection, can be transmitted. 孙娇曾和江晨一起做过实验,简单的概括一下就是拿在别人手上的枪无法被扔进储物空间,因为生命能量大于一定程度的生物无法进入储物空间,而被握着的枪与人是默认为整体的。还有就是间接接触的物体无法被连带传送,但像是磁铁和钢铁连接,就可以被传送。 Jiang Chen guessed that this member surface action will be related, does not know why places the thing on floor unable to be regarded as a whole with Earth. 江晨猜测这可能会分子表面作用力有关,就是不知道为什么放在地板上的东西不会被和地球视作一个整体。 Even to the present, this storage space has the secret that are many he not to understand as before. 即便是到了现在,这个储物空间依旧存在着不少他还弄不懂的秘密。 How doesn't try to know?” Jiang Chen sighed to say. “不试试怎么知道呢?”江晨叹了口气说道。 Although he also feels hopeless, but can not try? That is Supremacy Camp Black Technology, was two production lines has made him benefit greatly merely, who knows that what treasure is also hiding? 虽然他也觉得没戏,但总得试一试不是吗?那可是至高阵营黑科技,仅仅是两条生产线就已经让他受益匪浅了,谁知道里面还藏着什么宝贝呢? Arrives at the aircraft parking area, both Transporter-51 have returned to the base to await orders. 来到停机坪,两架运直-51都已经返回基地内待命。 Exchanged new T-3 Power Armor, Jiang Chen was preparing to board craft, actually saw Lin Ling slightly to run over toward him. 换上了新的t-3动力装甲,江晨正准备登机,却看见林玲向着他小跑了过来。 Stopped the footsteps in the cabin entrance, the Jiang Chen turning around surprise asked. 在舱门口停住了脚步,江晨转过身诧异地问道。 Lin Ling? How did you come?” 林玲?你怎么来了?” I,” supported the knee to breathe several tones, Lin Ling looked embarrassed to one side, I listened to Sun Jiao elder sister saying that you must go to there, some did not feel relieved you, therefore I with.” “我,”撑着膝盖喘了几口气,林玲不好意思地看向了一边,“我听孙娇姐姐说你要去那里,有些不放心你,所以我就跟过来了。” You heal from a wound well.” Jiang Chen looked at her one eyes speechless, turns around to prepare to board craft. “你还是好好养伤吧。”江晨无语地看了她一眼,转身准备登机。 Waits for, do not walk! I, I can help! If the opponent is the machine, I use Klein Particle Beam, can clean that they eliminate,” speaking of this, Lin Ling then happily the small chest, cancelled the corners of the mouth saying that before several hours, I also saved you. In brief, having me follows to be safer.” “等一下,别走啊!我,我可以帮上忙的!如果对手是机器的话,我用克雷恩粒子射线,就能把他们消灭的一干二净,”说到这,林玲便得意地挺起了小胸脯,勾着嘴角说道,“几个小时前我还救了你哟。总之,有我跟着会安全许多。” Moreover this is also the meaning of Ting Ting (graceful and dainty). 而且这也是婷婷的意思。 Lin Ling supplemented the sentence in the heart silently. 林玲在心中默默地补充了句。 Your present condition, but can also use that ability?” Jiang Chen suspected that asked. “你现在的状态,还能够用那能力吗?”江晨怀疑地问道。 Sure. I have restored was similar, please must take me!” Lin Ling makes an effort to nod to say. “当然可以。我已经恢复的差不多了,请务必带上我!”林玲使劲点了点头说道。 Sighed, Jiang Chen must nod to say. 叹了口气,江晨只得点头道。 Good, you promise me, when the time comes do not add to the chaos.” “好吧,那你答应我,到时候别添乱。” Relax! I am very obedient!” Lin Ling hey hey smiles, said happily. “放心吧!我很听话!”林玲嘿嘿一笑,开心地说道。 Looks at she so vivid appearance, Jiang Chen also felt relieved. 看着她如此生龙活虎的样子,江晨也就放心了下来。 Truly, taking Lin Ling is a good choice. That Klein Particle Beam, really is the mechanical difficult adversary, even if bumps into the flamboyant armored unit on a round of matter. Moreover Lin Ling has known that his storage space secret, leading her to get down not only can assure the security, issue that did not need to be worried about to keep secret. 确实,带上林玲是个不错的选择。那个克雷恩粒子射线,简直是机械克星,就算是碰上再牛逼的装甲单位就一发的事儿。而且林玲已经知道他储物空间的秘密了,带着她下去既能保证安全,又不用担心保密的问题。 Then, Lin Ling followed to board the helicopter behind Jiang Chen's. 就这样,林玲跟在江晨的后面登上了直升机。 Under the direction of aimer, Transporter-51 takes off slowly, carries two people to fly to the City Center direction.( To be continued 在引导员的指引下,运直-51缓缓起飞,载着二人向市中心的方向飞去。(未完待续 .) 。)
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