IHAMITLOD :: Volume #5

#486: ……

The war leaves behind a piece of remnant room defeat tile. 战争留下一片残屋败瓦。 At this moment, in Fishbone Base everywhere is the glass disintegrating slag and bare. The steel bar and cement blocks that comes down from the wall of reveal. Close to the block of flats of fence, when both sides exchange fire, basically by recoilless rifle and grenade bang partly destroys, the community center also received the damage of big degree. The Jiang Chen's villa, collapsed because of concentrated fire heavy machine gun bullet(s) half wall. 此刻,鱼骨头基地内到处都是玻璃碎渣、裸.露的钢筋以及从墙体上崩落的水泥块。靠近围墙的公寓楼在双方交火的时候,基本都被无后坐力炮和枪榴弹轰的半毁,社区中心也受到了不小程度的损伤。就连江晨的别墅,也因为攒射的重机枪子弹而塌了半堵墙。 Steel bar scaffolds needs to patch put up in architecture and fence that Lu Huasheng directed Survivor to start the restore work to base architecture. Wang Qing is leading the Logistics Department personnel, starts to appraise the material damage, and coordinated ordnance machine shop resumes production. 一座座钢筋脚手架在需要修补的建筑和围墙边搭起,鲁华盛指挥着幸存者对基地建筑展开了修复作业。王晴带领着后勤部的人员,开始对物资损失进行评估,并且协调军工厂恢复生产。 the 5 oo famous recruit battle loss 7 o %, Hunter Army is personnel losses half, tactical situation really can describe with the frigidity. 5oo名新兵战损7o%,追猎者兵团更是减员一半,战况简直可以用惨烈来形容。 Jiang Chen personally acts, held the funeral for Warrior that these died in battle, and their burials in the graveyard outside base. 江晨亲自出面,为这些阵亡的勇士举行了葬礼,并将他们的遗体安葬在了基地外的墓园。 The loss is serious, with this word described that a point is not overrated. 损失惨重,用这个词来形容一点也不为过。 But must say the harvest, has. 但要说收获,也并非没有。 For example in this moment Jiang Chen's storage space, is floating a big pile crowded four foot Robot and drone that is unable to move. Lost the direction of Drone Control Terminal, these do not have mental Robot to in spacious storage space kick the four limbs, the idle operation the engine, is consuming is remaining not many electric power, seeks enemy who does not have. 比如此刻江晨的储物空间内,正漂浮着一大堆拥挤的无法动弹的四足机器人无人机。失去了无人机控制终端的指引,那些不具备心智的机器人只得在空旷的储物空间内扑腾着四肢,空转着引擎,消耗着所剩不多的电力,寻找根本就不存在的敌人。 When these Robot electric power exhaust thoroughly, Jiang Chen almost can make them, then delivers to Sanctuary to conduct the technical return to original state and transformation work. 等到这些机器人电力彻底耗尽,江晨差不多就能把他们弄出来,然后送到避难所里去进行技术还原和改造作业。 The work that after arranging is militant, reconstructs, Jiang Chen to find Jiang Lin. Seeing only on this fellow arm obviously was a spear/gun, at this moment is entangling the bandage, the appearance looked quite distressed. Although sympathizes with his condition very much, but also has a more important matter to do at this moment, therefore Jiang Chen also overflowed salutes, enters the subject to say. 安排好战后重建的工作,江晨找到了蒋林。只见这家伙胳膊上明显是中了一枪,此刻正缠着绷带,样子看起来颇为狼狈。虽然很同情他的状况,但此刻还有更要紧的事要做,所以江晨也就没过多慰问,直入正题地说道。 At present has confirmed, God's Cane by the NAC's hostile forces control, you did have the means to give to hit him?” “目前已经确认,上帝之杖na的敌对势力控制,你有没有办法把他给打下来?” God's Cane?” Jiang Lin looks the embarrassment, perhaps is very difficult. That gadget is known as in the air Fortress. With the words of missile, possibly just now flies the low earth orbit by its laser anti-missile Artillery System wrecking.” 上帝之杖?”蒋林面露难色,“恐怕很难。那玩意儿可是号称空中堡垒。用导弹的话,可能才刚飞到近地轨道就被它的激光反导系统击毁了。” This?” Jiang Chen knits the brows to say. “这样吗?”江晨皱眉道。 God's Cane like hangs in the in the air treasured sword, not the words that it picks off, really is to make the person sleep on pins and needles. Even if its tungsten rod has exhausted. But is difficult to guarantee Lin Chao'en not to find the way to make one from synchronous orbit again, shoots the link to load to tungsten rod. 上帝之杖就像一把悬在空中的宝剑,不把它拿掉的话,简直是让人寝食难安。即便它的钨杆弹已经耗尽。但难保林朝恩不会想办法从同步轨道上再弄一,对钨杆弹射环重新装填。 Actually the key is, actually he restored what degree God's Cane. However even laser anti-missile Artillery System has not repaired, is still limited in synchronous orbit our destruction methods.” Jiang Lin said reluctantly. “其实关键还是在于,他究竟将上帝之杖修复到了什么程度。不过就算是激光反导系统尚未修复,在同步轨道我们的杀伤手段也非常有限。”蒋林无奈地说道。 Jiang Chen said, God's Cane should not have thorough of that restore. If with Northwind-76. Can cause the damage to it?” 江晨道,“上帝之杖应该没有修复的那么彻底。如果用北风76的话。能对它造成伤害吗?” Theoretically, Northwind-76 can arrive at synchronous orbit, what if carries is the conventional blasting explosive, the synchronous orbit detonation in vacuum environment, the produced shock-wave is very difficult to cause the damage to the God's Cane outer covering.” Jiang Lin answered to Jiang Chen. “理论上,北风76是可以到达同步轨道,但如果携带的是常规炸药的话,在真空环境下的同步轨道引爆,产生的冲击波很难对上帝之杖的外壳造成损伤。”蒋林江晨解释道。 After all was NATO continually improved a weapon of century, wanted to rely on knock-off Northwind-76 to wreck this Space Fortress, was really somewhat reluctantly. 毕竟是nato不断完善了一个世纪的武器,想要凭借山寨版的北风76击毁这座“太空堡垒”,实在是有些勉强。 If fight unit replacement EMP?” The Jiang Chen sinking sound asked. “如果把战斗部件更换成emp呢?”江晨沉声问道。 „The ordinary EMP weapon is very difficult to have the damage to the God's Cane electronic part, otherwise it will not be formidabe.” Jiang Lin shakes the head to say. “普通的emp武器很难对上帝之杖的电子部件产生损伤,否则它也不会那么难对付了。”蒋林摇了摇头说道。 Does not need the damage to God's Cane,” the Jiang Chen corners of the mouth raise wipe the smile, only needed to solve Robot of some concealed in God's Cane on the line.” “不需要对上帝之杖产生损伤,”江晨嘴角扬起一抹微笑,“只需要解决掉某个藏在上帝之杖中的机器人就行了。” Jiang Lin gawked under. Immediately feels the chin to be lost in thought. 蒋林愣了下。随即摸着下巴陷入了沉思。 Theoretically should yes, if the God's Cane surface armor breakage, the wide region EMP weapon should be able not to produce the protected mechanical units to the interior causes the damage.” “理论上应该是可以的,如果上帝之杖表面装甲破裂的话,广域emp武器应该能够对内部产生不受保护的机械单位造成伤害。” After solving the trouble of space gives Jiang Lin, Jiang Chen immediately goes to the community center, summoned three big army group head in the conference room, as well as Hunter Army group head Ma Zhongcheng, held the operational conference urgently. 将解决天上的麻烦交给蒋林之后,江晨立刻来到了社区中心,在会议室内召见了三大兵团团长,以及追猎者兵团团长马钟成,紧急召开了作战会议。 Before a half hour, has been attempting to break through the radio blockade Yao Yao, the accident/surprise intercepted God's Cane and communication Coordinate of ground installations. With goal that God's Cane contacts in the Wanghai City range, Jiang Chen naturally cannot let off this fellow. 就在半小时前,一直在尝试突破无线电封锁的姚姚,意外截获了上帝之杖与地面设施的通讯坐标。与上帝之杖联络的目标就在望海市范围内,江晨自然不会放过这家伙。 Goal in City Center eastern periphery region. Namely right bank Huangpu River. Among the relations with Liuding Town, rocket missile washed several times has not been included in the attack range Huangpu River right bank. 目标在市中心东部边缘地带。即黄浦江右岸。考虑到与柳丁镇之间的关系,数次火箭弹洗地都没有将黄浦江右岸纳入打击范围之内。 The war mobilization of simple, Jiang Chen issued the operating instructions, Han Junhua made the combat disposition. 简单的战争动员,江晨下达了作战指令,韩君华做出了战斗部署。 Ten minutes of conference ended. Ten minutes three army complete to fit out, after staying behind 1 ooo soldier defend, three big army start off. Meanwhile, rocket shoots eight in field Fireball-1 fully to complete the filling, used the incendiary bomb for the goal peripheral region covered the fire, to eliminate the foreign-species stop that possibly had. 十分钟会议结束。十分钟三兵团完成整备,留下1ooo余士兵防守之后,三大兵团一齐上路。与此同时,火箭射场上的八辆“火球1”全部完成装填,使用了燃烧弹对目标周边区域进行了覆盖射击,以肃清可能存在的异种阻拦。 Meanwhile. Transporter-51 transported Shenxiang Town Aerospace Technology Research Institute researcher urgently, to deploying conducted the fight unit replacement in the Northwind-76 ballistic missile of this place, changed into the wide region EMP installment the conventional explosive material. 与此同时。运直51航天科技研究所科研人员紧急运送到了沈巷镇,对部署于此地的北风76弹道导弹进行战斗部件更换,将常规爆炸物换成广域emp装置。 Once completes the fight unit replacement, it will be shot toward synchronous orbit, eliminates stays Robot Lin Chao'en in space station. 一旦完成战斗部件更换,它将被射往同步轨道,肃清停留在空间站内的机器人林朝恩 From carrying Northwind-76 of wide region EMP fight part is shooting passed probably for a half hour. 距离挂载着广域emp战斗部件的北风76射大概过去了半小时。 Situated in underground 3000 meter Lin Sanctuary in. 位于地下三千米的林氏避难所内。 Room central master control computer calm is operating, in silent space, can only hear point that the engine case has buzz the cry. 房间中央的主控电脑安静地运作着,寂静的空间内,只能听到机箱出的点点嗡鸣。 The master control computer above screen flicker the weak fluorescence, the middle-aged man in screen is supporting the chin, faces deserted Sanctuary to be lost in thought. Shot a look at eye below training trough, in that maintaining livelihood installment is depositing his brain. 主控电脑上方的屏幕闪烁着微弱的荧光,屏幕中的中年男子撑着下巴,面对着空寂的避难所陷入了沉思。瞥了眼正下方的培养槽,那个维生装置中存放着他的大脑。 Since 20 year ago after discarding the mortal body, he has not looked at its one again. But at this moment visits it, in his heart actually raised some fondly remembered. 自从二十年前舍弃肉身之后,他就没再看过它一眼。但此刻看着它,他的心中却是不由升起了些许怀念。 Naturally, here heart refers to an abstract concept. He does not have the heart, the part besides brain had been replaced by the machinery. When he seeks after the machinery replaces the tool of brain, he even can abandon the final burden. 当然,这里的心指的是一个抽象的概念。他没有心脏,除了大脑之外的部件都已经被机械代替。当他寻找到用机械代替大脑的工具之后,他甚至可以抛弃着最后的累赘。 In Sanctuary shone a cold light slowly, it a bottom from Hibernation Cabin. The inert gas overflows, the cabin door opens slowly, a good-looking man goes out from Hibernation Cabin. 避难所内缓缓亮起了一道冷光,它来自一座休眠仓的底部。惰性气体溢出,舱门缓缓开启,一个俊俏的男子从休眠仓中走出。 Robot the place of convenience lies in this, even if innumerable were destroyed, so long as the backup data still, can innumerable Rebirth. 机器人的方便之处就在于此,即便无数次被毁,只要备份数据还在,就能无数次的重生 Sir Father.” Lin Chao'en knees down. 父亲大人。”林朝恩单膝跪地。 Un.” Complied with the sound, he then no longer opens the mouth. “嗯。”应了声,他便不再开口。 Very rare, this father has not given his son any instruction, but calmly sees the son. Whenever visits it, he has to plant is looking to raise the feeling of line puppet. 很罕见的,这“父亲”没有给予他的儿子任何指示,只是静静地看着儿子。每当看着它,他都有种在看着提线木偶的感觉。 But he understands this feeling, because shortage of Intermediate Artificial Intelligence in sentimental, they seem like the individual, rather they seem like not want the tool of no asking. 但他理解这种感觉,因为中级人工智能在感情方面的欠缺,与其说他们像是个体,倒不如说他们像是无欲无求的工具。 Continued to be very long silent, he opens the mouth suddenly. 沉默持续了很久,他突然开了口。 Now what to do should we?” “我们现在该怎么办?” Lin Chao'en lifted the head, the smile said. 林朝恩抬起了头,微笑道。 Waits for your instruction.” “等待您的指示。” Sighed, the father shakes the head. Although goes near the domain of god infinitely, but in the final analysis, in without completing him of thought digitization is also only individual. Discarded the authority of God, he had lost all. The satellite image that feeds back from God Scepter showed, NAC of soldier uniting place is going forward to his Sanctuary. They not only shot the EMP missile attack God's Cane, now eliminates foreign-species of nearby region with the incendiary bomb. 叹了口气,父亲摇了摇头。虽然无限接近神的领域,但归根结底,在没有完成思维数据化的他也只是个人罢了。丢掉了上帝的权柄,他已经失去了一切。从上帝权杖上反馈来的卫星图像显示,兵合一处的na正在向他的避难所前进。他们不但射了emp导弹攻击了上帝之杖,现在更是用燃烧弹肃清了附近区域的异种 According to the original plan, he is controlling hand/subordinate the mechanized units will launch to besiege to Fishbone Base. Regardless of the Jiang Chen surrender or Death, NAC will disintegrate under his leadership. Entire Wanghai City will fall into Chaos again, all Survivor will become the Supreme follower, he will have the opportunity to restart the Advanced Artificial Intelligence research plan, leads all followers' path to lead to computerization. 按照原本的计划,他手下控制着的机械部队会对鱼骨头基地展开围攻。无论江晨投降还是死亡,na都将在他的主导下分崩离析。整个望海市将再次陷入混乱,所有幸存者都将成为至高的信徒,他将有机会重启高级人工智能研计划,带领所有信徒通向电子化的道路。 However realistically with planning to have the difference. 然而现实与计划产生了出入。 Lin Ling or the Jiang Chen's ability, becomes the variable of influence final result. 无论是林玲还是江晨的能力,都成为了影响最终结局的变数。 At this moment, position expose they, have to face NAC bsp ; By the Quantum Computer ability, how can't figure out the next chess to walk?” The father asked. 此刻,位置暴.露的他们,将不得不面对nabsp;“以量子计算机的能力,也算不出下一步棋该怎么走吗?”父亲问道。 Lin Chao'en has not answered, but calm is waiting for father's order. 林朝恩没有答,只是安静地等待着父亲的命令。 The computer will not ponder, told them to ponder anything except non-human. 计算机本身不会思考,除非人类告诉他们去思考什么。 Only was obviously poor? 明明只差一点了吗? Looks at kneeing down Lin Chao'en, the father is being lost in thought. 望着单膝跪地的林朝恩,父亲陷入了沉思。 However at this moment, Lin Chao'en and broke the silence in Sanctuary towering. 然而就在这时,林朝恩和突兀地打破了避难所内的沉默。 Said, in that base, I saw Lin Ling.” “说起来,在那个基地中,我看到了林玲。” In the screen that gentle father first stares, the pupil starts to contract immediately.( To be continued.) 屏幕中那个慈祥的父亲先是一愣,瞳孔随即开始收缩。(未完待续。) …… ……
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