IHAMITLOD :: Volume #5

#485: ……

When Jiang Chen returns to Last of Days again, is immediately scared. 江晨再次返末世时,立刻就傻眼了。 The Reptile Robot barrel is all drooping, Viper Drone fell place. 爬虫机器人的枪管全都耷拉着,蝰蛇无人机更是摔了一地。 I said! What plug-in compared with little master my flamboyant also? 我曰!什么外挂小爷我的还牛逼? Jiang Chen looks immediately to the direction of villa, sees only Lin Ling that is grasping the dagger, correct use another hand is greeting to him weakly. 江晨立刻望向别墅的方向,只见一手握着匕的林玲,正用另一只手虚弱地向他打着招呼。 Originally is its or she. 原来是它或者说她。 The Jiang Chen's look somewhat is complex. 江晨的神色不由有些复杂。 Ting Ting (graceful and dainty) is Harmony Camp places in his informer, although the antenna does not have now, but how about should handle it, in his heart has filled hesitant. She seems like loving him, but he is far from her being like that profound to him to her impression. 婷婷和谐阵营安插在他身边的眼线,虽然现在天线已经没了,但关于该如何处置它,他的心中一直充满了犹豫。她似乎是爱着他,但他对她的印象远没有她对他那般深刻。 However she obviously saves him now. 然而她现在明显是救了他。 After considering as finished, said. 算了以后再说吧。 Jiang Chen sighed, but at this moment, his pupil shrank fiercely. 江晨叹了口气,可就在这时,他的瞳孔猛地一缩。 Sees only the dagger to fall from the Lin Ling's hand, the body that creakies, reversed to outside slowly. 只见匕从林玲的手中滑落,那摇摇欲坠的身子,缓缓倒向了外面。 Lin Ling!” 林玲!” Sun Jiao does not see right, called out in alarm to throw, because the distance was too far, her hand missed the Lin Ling frontline eventually. 孙娇见不对劲,惊呼着扑了过去,然而因为距离太远,她的手终究是差了林玲一线。 The hand hangs in in the air, is looking at Lin Ling that declines to the ground, she cries to shout hoarsely. 手悬在空中,望着向地面衰落的林玲,她嘶声力竭地哭喊道。 Does not want!” “不要!” At this time, black shadow has fled together, Jiang Chen caught Lin Ling head down fiercely, hugged her to sway back and forth, collision ruthlessly on wall. 这时,一道黑影窜过,江晨猛地一把接住了头朝下的林玲,抱着她就地打了个滚,狠狠的撞在了墙上。 The skull was hit seven to faint eight elements, he makes an effort to shake, looked anxiously to Lin Ling in bosom. 脑壳被撞得七晕八素,他使劲甩了甩头,焦急地看向了怀中的林玲 Mask separating, Jiang Chen collects the face immediately. Is feeling that weak breath, he then relaxes. 面罩弹开,江晨立刻将脸凑了过去。感受着那微弱的呼吸,他这才松了口气。 Big perverted, wants to kiss me secretly?” The eye opened a seam slightly, looks at Jiang Chen, Lin Ling was somewhat saying weakly. “大变态,又想偷亲我吗?”眼睛微微睁开了一条缝,望着江晨,林玲有些虚弱地说道。 You can, when the first character does stop?” Jiang Chen said with a smile reluctantly. “你能在第一个字的时候停顿吗?”江晨无奈地笑道。 Lin Ling smiles weakly, looks to one side. On that fair cheeks appears a point to blush. 林玲虚弱地笑了笑,看向了一边。那白皙的脸颊上浮现着点点红晕。 Traded my Ting Ting (graceful and dainty) sound to reappear in her brain. 换我婷婷的声音浮现在了她的脑中。 Does not want, making me in many knack that has grasped and her exchanges, Lin Ling say in the mind later. 不要,让我在多待一会儿已经掌握了和她交流的诀窍,林玲在脑海中说道。 You deceive me 你骗我 How can? Said will lend your, but, but this is the princess hugs! On the Lin Ling's face appeared wiped to blush. 怎么会?说了会借给你的,但,但这可是公主抱!林玲的脸上浮现了一抹红晕。 Although is away from the steel. 虽然隔着钢铁。 Therefore changes me 所以换我 What are you whispering?” Looks Lin Ling that the expression constantly changes. Jiang Chen said with a smile. “你在嘀嘀咕咕什么呢?”看着表情不断变化的林玲江晨不由笑道。 No, anything “没,咩什么” dāng dāng dāng 铛铛铛 The concentrated fire firepower covers instantaneously, such as the raindrop hit in Jiang Chen's conducted the back. 攒射的火力瞬间覆盖过来,如雨点般打在了江晨的背上。 !” “唔!” Jiang Chen ate called the sound painful, is clenching teeth to protect Lin Ling in bosom. 江晨吃痛地叫了声,咬着牙护住了怀中的林玲 The back is leading of Power Armor. Also is the Power Armor weakest position. Meets the enemy with the back is chooses very much stupidly, but he is holding Lin Ling at this moment. 背部是动力装甲的进入口。也是动力装甲最薄弱的位置。用背部迎敌是很愚蠢地选择,但他此刻抱着林玲 Warning: Power equipment damage 警告:动力设备损毁 Mother.! General idea/Careless! 妈.的!大意了! Does not dare to hesitate, Jiang Chen flings fiercely, in the steel wire injection smog, mounted together on that Reptile Robot. The hand shakes. That steel wire and it towed Robot to vanish in immediately same place. 不敢犹豫,江晨手猛地一甩,一道钢丝射入烟雾中,黏在了那台爬虫机器人身上。手一抖。那道钢丝和它牵引着机器人立刻消失在了原地。 However at this moment, the Jiang Chen complexion again changed. 然而就在这时,江晨脸色再次变了。 Power plant damage, entire Power Armor soft, o kilograms weight his muscle is also conducting the shoulder completely, whole body to filling lead same slowness. 动力装置损毁,整个动力装甲都软了下来,o公斤的重量完全又他的肌肉在扛着,全身都向灌了铅一样的迟钝。 Does not dare to stay, Jiang Chen is holding the Lin Ling station, is dragging the serious body, jogs toward the side of villa. 不敢停留,江晨抱着林玲站了起来,拖着沉重的身躯,向着别墅的侧面慢跑过去。 I shield you!” “我掩护你!” At this moment, Sun Jiao has lain in the roof, aimed at the courtyard wall of collapsing with sniper rifle. However at this moment. She stared in a big way the eyes. 此刻,孙娇已经趴在了楼顶上,用狙击步枪对准了倒坍的院墙。然而就在这时。她不由瞪大了双眼。 The break mouth of fence crashed in 1 o stage Reptile Robot and 1 o again puts up Viper. 围墙的断裂口再次冲进了1o台爬虫机器人与1o架蝰蛇 Regardless of her marksmanship like He Gaoming, impossible to solve 2 o in the flash. 无论她的枪法如何高明,也不可能在一瞬间解决掉2o个。 Damn.” Jiang Chen lifted the rotating disk barrel of right arm fiercely, dá dá dá was sweeping to that mechanical colony. “该死。”江晨猛地抬起了右臂的转轮枪管,对着那机械集群“哒哒哒”地扫了过去。 bullet|warhead is jumping the spark in the mechanical surface, but opposite firepower is not inferior in him. In order to protect Lin Ling, he is having to shoulder these bullet(s) hardly. 弹头在机械表面跳跃着火花,但对面的火力丝毫不逊色于他。为了护着林玲,他不得不硬扛下那些子弹 „!” “啊!” Is taking away the trigger stubbornly, rotating disk barrel high revolving. A hand is putting up Lin Ling, she protects difficultly in the body side, Jiang Chen edge movement toward villa. 死死地扣着扳机,转轮枪管高的旋转着。一只手架着林玲,将她护在身侧,江晨艰难的向着别墅的边缘移动。 So long as circled the other aspect. 只要绕到了另一面。 Warning: Armored damage 8 o %, please be separated from the armor as soon as possible. 警告:装甲损坏度8o%,请尽快脱离装甲。 Sufficed, puts down me.” Put out a hand to build in the Jiang Chen's chest front. Lin Ling smiles weakly. “够了,把我放下吧。”伸出手搭在了江晨的胸前。林玲虚弱地笑了笑。 Suffices p!” Jiang Chen is nipping the jaw stubbornly, the line of sight locks that not to count the casualties to rush to here mechanical group, father has said that must lead you to eat entire world's pudding.” “够个p!”江晨死死地咬着牙关,视线锁定着那不计伤亡涌向这边的机械群,“老子说过,要带你吃遍全世界的布丁。” Although is very vulgar words. But the Lin Ling's heart cannot help but one warm. 虽然是很粗俗的话语。但林玲的心头还是不由得一暖。 Is feeling moving restlessly of chest, she closed the eye gently. 感受着胸口的躁动,她轻轻闭上了眼。 What to do should. 该怎么办。 storage space has crowded. 储物空间已经塞满了。 Looks Nitrogen Armor that the energy exhausts gradually, feels body side more intense dashing, Jiang Chen is clenching the teeth, sets aside the hand to lift the rifle counter-attack. 看着能量渐渐耗尽的氮气装甲,感受着身侧越强烈的冲撞,江晨咬紧了牙关,腾出手抬起步枪反击。 Suddenly, in his fore or front sight the place of referring. The dust does not have the omen to stick out suddenly, interrupts the firepower that concentrated fire came. 突然,在他准星所指之处。尘埃毫无预兆地暴起,中断了那攒射而来的火力。 Jiang Chen stares, lifts the head fiercely, on the face reveals immediately. Had/Left the wild with joy color. 江晨一愣,猛地抬起了头,脸上立刻露.出了狂喜之色。 Is Transporter-51! The support of Second Army rushed finally! 运直51第二兵团的支援终于赶到了! Direct hit.” “直接命中。” Loads.” “重新装填完毕。” Shoots!” “射!” Here is a gunboat 1, has arrived at sky over the goal, Marshal are you good?” “这里是炮艇一,已经到达目标上空,元帅您还好吗?” The calm sound resounds in the Jiang Chen ear, destroys after Electromagnetic Artillery the signal kidnapped the equipment, the communication had been restored normally. 沉稳的声音在江晨耳边响起,用电磁炮摧毁了信号劫持装置后,通讯已经恢复了正常。 I am not good. Thank you, rushed finally.” Jiang Chen sat on the ground, smiled bitterly was saying. “我非常不好。谢谢你们,总算是赶到了。”江晨一屁股坐在了地上,苦笑着说道。 Rushed finally. 总算是赶到了。 The space abandoned kept a sunspot, airborne Power Armor is forcing 6 in the backyard of villa, assumed the arc formation to help mutually Jiang Chen. Meanwhile, hangs is falling in torrents the fierce firepower in in the air Type-50 Electromagnetic Artillery to the enemy ranks, the mechanized units that will have fallen into the declining tendency ground ruthlessly on the ground. 天上扔下了留个黑点,空降动力装甲强行着六在别墅的后院内,呈弧形编队互助了江晨。与此同时,高悬在空中的五十式电磁炮对敌阵倾泻着凶猛的火力,将已经陷入颓势的机械部队狠狠地碾在了地上。 The communication is restored, operating independently squad united again. 通讯恢复,各自为战的小队再次团结了起来。 Perseveres Han Junhua in community center, immediately issues the operational disposition through the direction map, directs the military in the base surviving with entering the War Zone First Army airborne soldier, launched the counter-attack to the mechanized units of surviving. 坚守在社区中心内的韩君华,立刻通过指挥地图下达了作战部署,指挥着基地内残存的兵力与进入战区第一兵团空降兵,对残存的机械部队展开了反击。 The war has decided. 战局已定。 Stands in space station, Lin Chao'en is looking on the screen unemotionally the board game piece of that withering away. 站在空间站内,林朝恩面无表情地望着屏幕上那一颗颗消亡的棋子。 He does not want to understand how Jiang Chen achieves that dozens Lane Robot does not have. 他还是没想明白,江晨是如何做到将那数十台机器人没的。 That vanishes suddenly the sudden ability. 还有那突然消失又突然出现的能力。 Is Hidden Genetic Code? No, the ability of not too possible this violation physics theorem, is not genetic code can accomplish.” Lin Chao'en closed the eyes slowly. “难道是隐藏基因代码?不,不太可能这种违反物理学定理的能力,不是什么基因代码就能办到的。”林朝恩缓缓闭上了双眼。 At this moment on his face, did not have the actions of these user-friendly again. The complete operation strength invested in the analysis to the event, however something, did not depend upon the computation to be solved. 此刻他的脸上,再没有了那些人性化的举动。全部运算力都投入到了对事件的分析中,然而有些事情,不是依靠计算就能解决的。 Sighed, he opened the eye. 叹了口气,他睁开了眼。 Sir Father, I need your wisdom.” 父亲大人,我需要您的智慧。” Meditating, Lin Chao'en was selecting several on the operation interface, will aim at Wanghai City by the antenna that he fixed somewhere. 默念着,林朝恩在操作界面上点了几下,将被他修好的天线对准了望海市的某处。 The plan fail half, Harmony Camp left the stage, but Jiang Chen is also living, he wants to know how next should do. Moreover Lin Ling is also living unexpectedly, the o5 Sanctuary achievement, does not imagine thorough that such is defeated to them. 计划失败了一半,和谐阵营退场,但江晨还活着,他想知道下一步该怎么做。而且林玲居然还活着,o5号避难所的成果,并非向他们想象中失败的那样彻底。 However at this moment, has been busy at work actually not to have what use in front of the computer, finally relieves Yao Yao that relaxes for the information blockade, suddenly noticed unusual electromagnetic wave. 然而就在这时,一直忙活在电脑前却没派上什么用场,终于为信息封锁解除而松了口气的姚姚,突然注意到了一道异常的电磁波。 It came from the outer space. 它来自太空。 Shoots toward 射往 Not slightly hesitant, Yao Yao is wielding the clever finger, is striking on the touching board rapidly, is tracing this signal address. 没有丝毫犹豫,姚姚挥动着灵巧的手指,迅在触摸板上敲打着,追踪着这道信号的地址。 The holographic map appears, the Coordinate of received signal in the red point form, was marked on the map. 全息地图浮现,接收信号的坐标以红点的形式,被标记在了地图上。 Looked at the map, Yao Yao was opening the eye, swallowed a spit. 望着地图,姚姚睁大了眼睛,咽了口吐沫。 Yao Yao, vertical, rendered meritorious service( to be continued.) 姚姚,立,立功了呢”(未完待续。) …… ……
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