IHAMITLOD :: Volume #5

#484: This is impossible

Grass, his mother! Their firepower were too fierce!” “草,他母亲的!他们的火力太猛了!” The rave, is squatting in folding the machine gun soldier after bunker exclaims crazily. 狂吼着,蹲在折叠掩体后的机枪兵狂吼道。 EMP! Does EMP have?” Lies loudly exclaims to him in riflemen his five meters away. empemp还有吗?”趴在他五米外的步枪兵向他大吼道。 Used up! Damn, I need the ammunition!” “用光了!该死,我需要弹药!” The eardrum almost must by the gunpowder crack gives to shatter, is nipping the jaw stubbornly, his hand has almost not left the trigger. The radio camouflage, the fire sound is unceasing, the exchange basically can only depend on the roar. 耳膜几乎要被火药的炸响给震裂,死死地咬着牙关,他的手几乎没有离开过扳机。无线电遮蔽,炮火声不断,交流基本只能靠吼。 Suddenly, a round bombarded without the recoil in that folded the surface of bunker. 突然,一发无后坐力炮轰在了那折叠掩体的表面。 The bowl mouth big dent appeared in the surface of steel plate, squatted not to respond after that machine gunner, is stuck a face by the fragment that coming down effect had, flew upside down. 碗口大的凹痕出现在了钢板的表面,蹲在其后的机枪手还没反应过来,便被那崩落效应产生的碎片糊了一脸,倒飞了出去. Saw the ally dead in battle, crouches in hiding is red in nearby soldier both eyes, crawled since the ground charged into that machine gun position. However he has not run two steps, then made into the screen by the hail of bullets of dropping from the clouds. 见战友阵亡,蹲伏在一旁的士兵双目通红,从地上爬起冲向了那个机枪位。然而他还没跑两步,便被从天而降的弹雨打成了筛子。 The rocket mouth is disseminating the gunsmoke, Reptile that launches decides the body to stand, starts to load. 火箭口弥散着硝烟,发射完毕的爬虫定身站好,开始重新装填。 In the battlefield piece of Chaos, the shout of order covers by the sound of gunfire and fire. Under the suppression of information, Supremacy Camp gets the winning side faintly. 战场上一片混乱,命令的呼喊声被枪声和炮火掩盖。在信息的压制下,至高阵营已经隐隐占据了上风。 Several Viper Drone broke through the firepower network, howls from the low altitude. That vortex engine is spraying the deep-blue air current, ripped open a gap in the NAC's defense line. 数架蝰蛇无人机突破了火力网,从低空呼啸而过。那涡旋引擎喷射着湛蓝色的气流,在na的防线撕开了一道缺口。 Then welcomed a big hand. 然后迎上了一支大手。 The smoke shell blasts out fiercely, puts on T-3 Power Armor Jiang Chen to break through from the fence place suddenly, both hands touched simultaneously to two have slid at low altitude Viper. 烟雾弹猛地炸开,穿着t-3动力装甲江晨突然从围墙处突破,双手同时摸向了其中两只低空滑过的蝰蛇 The form interlocks, that two Viper vanish unexpectedly baseless! 身影交错而过,那两台蝰蛇竟是凭空消失! Jiang Chen closed the left eye, the corners of the mouth brought back wipes happily. 江晨闭上了左眼,嘴角勾起一抹得意。 Sent in that jet black Little Cosmos, that two drone instantaneously to blind the fly is common, fell to the Little Cosmos boundary. Without the air to exist, the vortex engine burns out instantaneously. Lost the power and information direction drone, stagnated in the Little Cosmos boundary. 被送入那漆黑的小宇宙,那两架无人机瞬间向瞎了眼的苍蝇一般,摔向了小宇宙的边界。因为没有空气存在,涡旋引擎瞬间熄火。失去了动力和信息指引的无人机,就这么停滞在了小宇宙的边界上。 As I expected...... facing the words of machinery, storage space really is kills greatly.” “果然不出我所料吗……面对机械的话,储物空间简直是个大杀器。” hey hey smiles. Jiang Chen looked on drone and four foot Robot outside smoke screen. 嘿嘿地笑了笑。江晨把目光投向了烟幕之外的无人机和四足机器人身上。 Because is not the life body, therefore receives the space the consumption of energy and deposit normal thing is almost same. When facing these volume 1- 2 cubic meters machine units. This storage space really is similar to plug-in existence! 因为不是生命体,所以收入空间的能量和存取正常物件的耗费几乎相同。在面对这些体积不过一-二立方米的机器单位时。这个储物空间简直就是如同外挂般的存在! So long as can touch. 只要能摸到。 Discovered Power Armor, is preparing to break through four foot Robot of fence to transfer the muzzle immediately, gathers to Jiang Chen the firepower. 发现了动力装甲,正准备突破围墙的四足机器人立刻调转了枪口,将火力向江晨这边集中。 Nitrogen Armor! 氮气装甲 The wild air current blows fiercely, displaced the concentrated fire trajectory. Is braving the hail of bullets, the back vortex engine sprays fiercely, dragging the Jiang Chen side to carry over nearby wall. 狂暴的气流猛地吹开,偏移了攒射的弹道。顶着枪林弹雨,背后涡旋引擎猛地喷射,拖着江晨侧移向一旁的墙体。 dá dá dá 哒哒哒 At least 20 stage Reptile encircled toward the wall of break, the top machine gun is emitting the large flame, makes into several smog and wall together. 至少二十爬虫向着断裂的墙体围了上来,顶部的机枪喷吐着火舌,将烟雾和墙体一同打成数段。 However at this moment. The innumerable say/way inlaid the steel wire of magnet to pierce the smog, stucked that 20 many Reptile Robot under the attraction of magnetic force. 然而就在这时。无数道镶着磁石的钢丝洞穿了烟雾,在磁力的吸引下黏住了那二十多台爬虫机器人 So long as touches obtains! 只要摸得到! The corners of the mouth slide have wiped to grin fiendishly, crouch in hiding Jiang Chen after bunker to hold in the hand stubbornly several silk threads. 嘴角滑过一抹狞笑,蹲伏在掩体后的江晨死死地拽着手中数道丝线。 Father really is a talent!” “老子简直是个天才!” storage space, activate(d)! 储物空间,启动 By the silk thread is connecting 20 many Reptile, vanished in the battlefield baseless! 被丝线连接着的二十多台爬虫,就这么凭空消失在了战场上! How possibly!” “怎么可能!” Stands in space station, Lin Chao'en user-friendly supported on the table, the eye stared at the tactical situation in the satellite image transmitting unbelievable. 站在空间站中,林朝恩非常“人性化”地撑在了桌子上,眼睛难以置信地盯着卫星图像上传来的战况。 20 many Robot, vanish from his eyelid background. two Viper he also thinks that was misread, but now looks like, this Power Armor somewhat was truly strange. 二十多台机器人,就这么从他的眼皮底子下消失。刚才的两架蝰蛇他还以为是自己看错了,不过现在看来,这台动力装甲确实有些古怪。 The eye of Lin Chao'en shrinks slightly. The electronic eye locked that Power Armor. 林朝恩的眼睛微微缩动。电子眼锁定了那台动力装甲 Jiang Chen?” 江晨吗?” Narrowed the eyes slightly, his corners of the mouth raised wiped the smile. 微微眯起了双眼,他的嘴角扬起了一抹微笑。 His finger has slid on the screen, selected 200 to put up drone and 20 stage Reptile. Then pointed on that Power Armor. 他的手指在屏幕上滑过,选中了两百无人机二十爬虫。然后手指点在了那台动力装甲上。 „Does commander in chief go forth to battle? Courts death.” “主帅上阵?找死。” But at this moment, his split vision glimpsed a familiar and strange form suddenly. 可就在这时,他的余光突然瞥见了一道熟悉而陌生的身影。 How possibly!” “怎么可能!” Muttering, on his face wrote all over unbelievable. 喃喃自语着,他的脸上写满了难以置信。 ....... ……. day, were too many! 日,太多了! Jiang Chen is clenching teeth, is avoiding to the firepower network that his concentrated fire comes. The quality that Nitrogen Shield can blow is limited, once unit time the ball quantity is oversized, the firepower network can break through his defense with ease. 江晨咬着牙,躲避着向他攒射过来的火力网。氮气护盾能吹开的质量有限,一旦单位时间的着弹量过大,火力网将能轻松地突破他的防御。 At this time he can certainly use the cross over skill to avoid, but considering that this moment Lin Chao'en is standing in God's Cane, any open-air region thought under his surveillance. If possible. He does not want to expose oneself this ability. 这时候他当然能使用穿越技能躲开,但考虑到此刻林朝恩正站在上帝之杖中,任何露天的区域想必都在他的监视之下。如果可能的话。他不想暴露自己这个能力。 On the roof of villa, Sun Jiao builds the ghost sniper's rifle. Provides the support to Jiang Chen calmly. Her trying hard makes anxiety in the heart be insufficient to divert her attention, when saw when that crowded firepower network plunges Jiang Chen. Her heart shrinks. 别墅的屋顶上,孙娇架起鬼魂狙击枪。冷静地向江晨提供支援。她努力使自己心中的焦虑不至于分散她的注意力,然而当看到那密集的火力网扑向江晨时。她的心脏还是不由一缩。 Do not have the matter!” “千万不要有事啊!” Is nipping the jaw tightly, she deducted the trigger. 紧咬着牙关,她扣下了扳机。 Bang! 砰! Was punctured port hole Reptile to fall down immediately, the lasing has the quiet blue electric spark. 被打穿观察孔的爬虫立刻倒在了地上,激射出幽蓝色的电火花。 At this moment, her heart police trillion wrinkles, rolled fiercely to the one side. Meanwhile, a series of crowded firepower networks throw from behind, the rubble made into a piece of disintegrating slag she was lying. 就在这时,她心头警兆皱起,猛地滚向了一旁。与此同时,一连串密集的火力网从后面扑来,将她原来趴着的瓦砾打成了一片碎渣。 „!” “切!” Spat one, Sun Jiao drew out laser Pistol of waist fiercely, the index finger swept the overpower adjusting knob, at the same time deducted the trigger. 啐了一口,孙娇猛地拔出了腰间的激光手枪,食指扫过功率调节钮,同一时间扣下了扳机。 The crowded laser beam erupts in the flash, shortly will burn that Viper honeycomb-shaped, crooked was falling but actually in the roof. 密集的激光束在一瞬间爆发,顷刻将那蝰蛇烫成了蜂窝状,歪倒着摔在了屋顶。 But at this moment, her volume forward slip crossed drop of cold sweat, in her sight, presented at least ten Viper. 可就在这时,她的额前滑过了一滴冷汗,在她的视域中,出现了至少十架蝰蛇 That black hole the muzzle, has locked her. 那黑洞的的枪口,已然锁定了她。 Damn, has not noticed own matter completely. 该死,完全没注意到自己身边的事。 Lifted the muzzle when Sun Jiao desperately, aimed was away from her recent Viper deducted the trigger, together the red light suddenly passed through the air zone, falls down toward ten Viper that Sun Jiao encircled in abundance. 就在孙娇绝望地抬起了枪口,瞄准了距离她最近的蝰蛇扣下扳机时,一道红光突然贯穿了空域,向着孙娇围上来的十架蝰蛇纷纷坠地。 Laser Pistol in her hand also mute fire. 她手中的激光手枪也哑了火。 Lin Ling!” Sun Jiao looks at Lin Ling surprisedly. 林玲!”孙娇惊讶地看着林玲 Sees only her to cover the left eye, mounted the roof staggering, in the hand closely was entraining dagger, arrived on own heart. 只见她正捂着左眼,踉踉跄跄地登上了屋顶,手中紧紧地拽着一把匕首,抵在自己的心脏上。 Caught up...... ! Do not move heedlessly! You do not want to make him be injured, in any case, you could not go back in any case! I promise you, sometimes lent your line the body......!” As if resisting with anything, her face muscle twitches is thinking aloud, arrived at the roof totteringly. “赶上了吗……唔!别乱动!你也不想让他受伤吧,反正,反正你也回不去了!我答应你,在某些时候把身体借给你行了吧……呃!”似乎在与什么对抗着,她面部肌肉抽搐地自言自语着,跌跌撞撞地走到了屋顶边上。 Then, she carried over the line of sight forcefully gathered round Jiang Chen's that crowd of drone and Robot, shouted sternly tenderly, now!” 接着,她将视线强行移向了围着江晨的那群无人机机器人,厉声娇喝道,“现在!” The red light condenses in Lin Ling's at present, in her twists space just like the arc light of entity at present, seems fermenting any terrible thing. 红光在林玲的眼前凝聚,宛如实体的弧光在她的眼前扭曲了空间,就仿佛在酝酿着什么可怕的东西。 Sun Jiao first stares, immediately in heart one startled, immediately haunches the body, is shouting to Jiang Chen greatly. 孙娇先是一愣,随即心中一惊,立刻撑起身子,对着江晨大喊道。 Quickly, with cross over!” “快,用穿越!” Perhaps heard the Sun Jiao shout, Jiang Chen not slightly hesitant, immediately vanishes in same place. 或许是听到了孙娇的喊声,江晨没有丝毫犹豫,立刻消失在了原地。 Almost is at the same time, the scarlet beam has slid instantaneously the battlefield, annihilated in the region all electronic devices. Klein Particle of high density drops toward three dimensions rapidly, the accelerated energetic particle burnt down Robot and drone internal electric circuit instantaneously. 几乎是同一时间,猩红的射线瞬间滑过战场,歼灭了区域内所有电子设备。高密度的克雷恩粒子向着三次元急速跌落,被加速的高能粒子瞬间烧毁了机器人无人机内部的电路。 Klein Particle Beam. 克雷恩粒子射线 Is studied by Harmony Camp, resists Supremacy Camp kills greatly! 和谐阵营研究出的,对抗至高阵营的大杀器! This is impossible.” “这不可能。” Lin Chao'en is muttering, the electronic eye locks on Lin Ling stubbornly, in the pupil is glittering the data stream. 林朝恩喃喃自语着,电子眼死死地锁定在林玲身上,瞳孔中闪烁着数据流。 No. 05 Sanctuary sample. 05号避难所的样本。 Sir Father masterpiece. 父亲大人的杰作。 First Generation Cyborg. 初代电子人 His elder sister. 他的姐姐 No. 00. 00号 Lin Ling......( to be continued.) 林玲……(未完待续。)
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