IHAMITLOD :: Volume #5

#483: Suddenly, villa outside transmits an explosive, resembled has anything to blast out on the wall of villa.

In the fence, the atmosphere is exceptionally depressing. 围墙上,气氛异常压抑。 …… …… …… …… …… …… Crouches in hiding is rubbing the trigger in bunker back soldier intensely, is aiming at beyond several hundred meters four foot Robot after ruins. 蹲伏在掩体背后的士兵紧张地摩擦着扳机,瞄准着数百米外废墟后的四足机器人 Perfectly round figure and sturdy streamline-type short leg, if not crown that infiltrates Rotary Machine Gun and grenade of person, this gadget is lovable. 滚圆的身形与粗壮的流线型短腿,如果不是顶部那渗人的转轮机枪与枪榴弹,这玩意儿还是蛮可爱的。 These were what gadget......” a recruit moved under the bitter shoulder, said difficultly. “那些都是什么玩意儿……”一名新兵活动了下酸涩的肩膀,艰难地说道。 Reptile, if hits, remembers that aims at its port hole, is that four on long its face.” Crouches in hiding is glittering similarly anxiously in his nearby soldier eye, reason that because once walked in Wasted Earth, he pours not to display many fears. “‘爬虫’,如果打起来,记得瞄准它的观察孔,就是长它脸上的那四个。”蹲伏在他旁边的士兵眼中同样闪烁着不安,但因为曾在废土中行走的缘故,他倒也没有表现出过多的恐惧。 This special where looked like the insect. 这特么的哪里像虫了。 Good, good!” That recruit swallowed a spit, seems like feels the previous no energy, complied with the sound. “好,好!”那名新兵咽了口吐沫,似乎是觉得前一句没什么底气,又重新答应了声。 Mechanized arming of unknown origin surrounded the base, expression unprecedented dignity on all Survivor faces. The military engineers silently towed in the heavy weapon and ammunition the fence, including Toxic Python rocket, HJ- 42, EMP grenade. 来历不明的机械化武装包围了基地,所有幸存者脸上的表情都前所未有的凝重。工兵默默地将重武器和弹药拖到了围墙上,包括毒蟒火箭,-42,emp手雷。 survivors pulls off the rubber tire to lose from the warehouse on the ground, in the pouring gasoline, is waiting for the Jiang Chen's order. 幸存者们从仓库内拖出橡胶轮胎丢在地上,浇上汽油,等待着江晨的命令。 Stands in the community center entrance, has put on T-3 Type Power Armor Jiang Chen, the surface sinks such as the water to look at soldier before square. 站在社区中心门口,已经穿上t-3型动力装甲江晨,面沉如水地望着广场前的士兵们。 They are NAC most Elite soldier, is led Hunter Army that by Ma Zhongcheng. 他们都是nac精锐士兵,由马钟成率领的追猎者兵团 200 mechanical exoskeleton, 14 Power Armor, everyone looks solemn, looks is standing Jiang Chen under Mother of the Death Claw sculpture. Their allies have mounted the fence, since NAC that they give loyalty to is facing was being established the most severe test. 200台机械外骨骼,14台动力装甲,所有人神情肃穆,望着站在死爪之母雕塑下的江晨。他们的战友都已经登上围墙,他们所效忠的nac正面临着成立以来最严峻的考验。 Just like survivors on the scene, Jiang Chen is also facing at heart on test. 与在场的幸存者们一样,江晨同样面临着心里上的考验。 If drops out here all, returns to the present world to go. The technology that can carry off on hand all carries off, even does not depend upon Last of Days, he can still rely on already in the present world already the influence that establishes, finally can also move toward the peak of the world. 如果抛下这里的一切,逃回现世去。将手边能带走的技术全都带走,即使不依靠末世,他也能凭借着已经在现世已经建立的势力,最终也能走向世界的巅峰。 20.5 light years? Yes, 94 years ago , was in 1922 setting sail [The Natural Selection] is going to the present world Earth road. 20.5光年吗?是的,94年前,也就是1922年启航的物竞天择号正在前往现世地球的路上。 The ideal condition words, it should only have the one tenth speed of light. Supporting to be 1/8 speed of light. Considering range both sides acceleration deceleration links, it flies on Earth to have the 100 many years. But this 100 many years, enough he passed the happy life completely. 理想情况的话,它应该只有十分之一光速。撑死了应该是八分之一的光速。考虑到航程两端的加速减速环节,它飞到地球上怎么也得有个一百多年。而这一百多年的时间,完全足够他度过幸福的一生。 If not change own life span. 如果不改变自己的寿命。 But he cannot do that. 但他不能这么做。 As for reason, that naturally because of responsibility...... 至于理由,那自然是因为责任…… In top of the head spear/gun by pointing. This feeling also is really subtle. 头顶上被一把“枪”给指着。这种感觉还真是微妙。 Looked at the inverted image of Mother of the Death Claw statue, Jiang Chen is grinning to smile suddenly. 望着死爪之母雕像的倒影,江晨突然咧嘴笑了起来。 Grass! When the father has feared! 草!老子什么时候怕过! At this moment, Lin Chao'en appeared in the Jiang Chen's communication frequency, said with the off and on sound. 就在这时,林朝恩出现在了江晨的通讯频道中,用断断续续的声音说道。 I can believe, this was the breakdown of negotiation?” “我可以认为,这是谈判破裂了吗?” Hangs is overlooking all in synchronous orbit God's Cane. Jiang Chen wears Power Armor to inspect soldier one, naturally cannot escape his eye. 悬在同步轨道上帝之杖俯瞰着一切。江晨身披动力装甲检阅士兵的一幕,自然是逃不过他的眼睛。 Actually is, you produced me to plan that with misconception that you negotiated?” “究竟是什么时候,你产生了我打算和你谈判的错觉?” Cracks into a smile, Jiang Chen's line of sight, in holographic screen Shield In the option gathered, switched off the communication. 咧嘴一笑,江晨的视线,在全息屏幕的【屏蔽】选项上聚集,关掉了通讯。 The Lin Chao'en sound stops suddenly, Jiang Chen raise your head and steel arm, to that clear sky, was comparing a middle finger ruthlessly. 林朝恩的声音戛然而止,江晨抬起头和钢铁手臂,对着那澄澈的天空,狠狠地比了个中指。 Ignition!” “点火!” Stands Survivor by tire, loses acts the cigarette lighter. 站在轮胎旁的幸存者,丢出了手中的打火机。 ...... …… The billowing thick smoke raises. Fishbone Base conveyed the information of requesting reinforcements with the most primitive way. 滚滚浓烟升起。鱼骨头基地用最原始的方式传达了求援的信息。 When sees the Fishbone Base direction raising thick smoke, Sixth Block and No. 27 Camp react immediately. 当看到鱼骨头基地的方向升起浓烟,第六街区27号营地立刻做出了反应。 Army obeys orders! One minute is completed to fit out, a half hour hurries back to the base! Quickly! Quickly! Quickly!” “全军听令!一分钟完成整备,半小时赶回基地!快!快!快!” Under roaring of Cheng Weiguo, soldier carried rifle to board the truck. 程卫国的咆哮下,士兵们端着步枪登上了卡车。 The front door opens immediately, First Army takes the lead to attack, Second Army starts off later. Is taking off in two Transporter-51 of aircraft parking area recuperation immediately, is dragging Type-50 Electromagnetic Artillery and Power Armor airborne soldier, in advance rushes to the base support. 大门立刻开启,第一兵团率先出击,第二兵团随后上路。正在停机坪休整的两架运直-51立刻起飞,拖着五十式电磁炮动力装甲空降兵,先行赶往基地支援。 First Army and Second Army only left behind 1000 people to guard No. 27 Camp, others joined in the team of returning to base. 第一兵团第二兵团只留下了1000人驻守27号营地,其余所有人纷纷加入到了回防的队伍中。 Sits in the Tank turret, Cheng Weiguo deeply frowns looks at that to raise rolling the thick smoke that. 坐在坦克炮塔中,程卫国眉头紧锁的望着那滚滚升起的浓烟。 Actually to have what?” “究竟发生了什么?” Meanwhile. Sixth Block also quickly launched the movement. The sentry who after the entrance performs duties discovered Fishbone Base direction thick smoke, Zhao Gang convenes the Third Army 2/3 military immediately, 1000 mercenary in contract, are still advancing in the Fishbone Base direction. 与此同时。第六街区也迅速展开了动作。当门口执勤的哨兵发现鱼骨头基地方向的浓烟后,赵刚立刻召集了第三兵团三分之二的兵力,连带着1000名还在合约中的佣兵,向着鱼骨头基地的方向开进。 Communication was camouflaged. I should expect to have the issue early.” Chu Nan screwed tight the brow, is looking on that ep that Standby Instruction. “通讯被遮蔽。我早该料到有问题。”楚南拧紧了眉头,望着那ep上那【待命】的指令。 The opposite party not only camouflaged the communication, but also kidnapped communication frequency between Fishbone Base and Sixth Block. For does not arouse suspicion, regarding any instruction of Chu Nan, the opposite parties used slurred Standby The instruction replies. 对方不但遮蔽了通讯,还劫持了鱼骨头基地第六街区之间的通讯频道。为了不引起怀疑,对于楚南的任何请示,对方都使用了模糊不清的【待命】指令进行回复。 Actually can be who?” Faces that holographic map, Chu Nan is knitting the eyebrows tightly. Being lost in thought. “可究竟会是谁?”面对着那张全息地图,楚南紧锁着眉头。陷入了沉思。 While three army return to base, the fight outside Fishbone Base city wall also started! 就在三兵团回防的同时,鱼骨头基地城墙外的战斗也打响了! Opens fire!” “开火!” Mortar makes a series of electromagnetic launch sound, then the fence outside blasts out a series of explosives. 迫击炮阵发出一连串的电磁弹射音,尔后围墙外便炸开一连串的爆响。 Carries the grenade pendant Reptile is outputting the firepower toward the fence continually, a series of flames blast open in the fence of base. 携带有枪榴弹挂件的“爬虫”向着围墙持续输出着火力,一连串的火光在基地的围墙上炸裂开来。 The cement scraps/condescend flutter about, many walls expose had had the cement blocks back steel bar skeleton. 水泥屑纷飞,不少墙体都已经暴.露出了水泥块背后的钢筋骨架。 Backs on soldier of bunker to resist at risk of life, in rifle with hand counterattacks outward. With the confrontation of thermal weapon, equipped the troops Nitrogen Armor to apply recently. 背靠着掩体的士兵拼死抵抗着,用手中的步枪向外还击。在与热武器的交锋中,最近列装部队的氮气装甲派上了用场。 Whatever the shrapnel is fluttering about in the head, clenched teeth to crouch in hiding soldier after bunker to build HJ- in hand 42, with shouting scattered the fear in chest. 任由弹片在头上纷飞着,咬牙蹲伏在掩体后的士兵架起了手中的-42,用嘶吼驱散了胸中的恐惧。 Missile! Launch!” “飞弹!发射!” The missile ejection, turned over to flee the upper air, then crashed rapidly, the bang approached running away Reptile Robot. 飞弹抛射而出,翻转着窜上了高空,然后急速坠落,轰向了逃窜的“爬虫机器人 Hits floats “打得漂” The explosive sound pulls apart the sound, the intense trembling feeling transmits from the under foot of people. 爆炸声将声音扯断,强烈的震颤感从众人的脚下传来。 Damn! The gate blasted out!” “该死!门被炸开了!” In the combat of modernization, fence thing significance is not very big. Four foot Robot advanced the entrance high-speed, tempted to explode c4 blasting explosive directly, entire blew off the steel made of iron shutter. 在现代化的作战中,围墙这种东西意义本来就不是很大。一台四足机器人高速突进到了门口,直接诱爆了身上的c4炸药,将钢铁制的门板整个炸飞了出去。 East gate falls into enemy hands! I Repeat, the east gate falls into enemy hands!” “东门失守!重复一遍,东门失守!” Defense line contraction.” “防线收缩。” Comes up the Electromagnetic Artillery frame! Quickly!” “把电磁炮架上去!快!” Because of the radio interdiction, the direction can only depend upon the broadcast in base, the scene appears exceptionally Chaos. Crashes in the fence Reptile transferred the muzzle rapidly, the sparganium stoloniferum shape rotating disk barrel divulged the aggressive firepower to the fence, soldier that suddenly fended without enough time fell to the ground, blew out one string of blood stains on the wall. 因为无线电遮断,指挥只能依靠基地内的广播,场面显得异常混乱。冲进围墙的“爬虫”迅速调转了枪口,三棱状的转轮枪管向围墙上宣泄出凶悍的火力,一时间来不及闪避的士兵纷纷倒地,在墙上爆出一串血污。 EMP!” emp!” Bellows, soldier threw the ground, evaded from top of the head concentrated fire bullet(s), threw the EMP grenade to the fence. 大吼一声,一名士兵扑到了地上,躲过了从头顶攒射的子弹,向围墙下扔出了emp手雷。 The electricity glides have slid, nearest that Reptile paralyzes immediately, but also fell into the hard straight condition by it near several Reptile in abundance. 电流音滑过,距离最近的那台爬虫立刻瘫痪,而靠它较近的几台爬虫也纷纷陷入了硬直状态。 At this time, erupted orange yellow hails of bullets from the direction of block of flats. 这时,从公寓楼的方向爆发出一片橙黄色的弹雨。 Ambush in ground bunker later Hunter Army, toward penetrating in fence Reptile Robot and Viper drone deducted the trigger, bullet|warhead spluttered one string of sparks in that steel surface. 潜伏在地面掩体之后的追猎者兵团,向着突入围墙内的“爬虫机器人和“蝰蛇无人机一齐扣下了扳机,弹头在那钢铁表面溅射出一串的火花。 Meanwhile, has removed in 99 type Anti-tank artillery to base also to divulge the firepower from the fence, left behind a series of gulfs in the fence and ground. 与此同时,已经从围墙上撤到基地中的99式反坦克炮也宣泄出了火力,在围墙和地面上留下了一连串深坑。 soldier in fence starts to retreat, battlefield from fence drawing to ground. The soldier family members removed into the villa and community center in abundance, battle efficiency male, even was some strong females sends rifle, stood the frontline to guard itself and to the important person. 围墙上的士兵开始撤退,将战场从围墙拉向地面。士兵的家属们纷纷撤入了别墅和社区中心,还有战斗力的男性,甚至是部分强壮的女性都发上了一把步枪,站上前线捍卫自己和对自己重要之人。 Community center, Jiang Chen's villa, these two obvious terrestrial reference architecture is the Supremacy Camp attack goal. But NAC's soldier will not make them work obviously, is clinging to tenaciously the defense line not unyieldingly. 社区中心,江晨的别墅,这两个明显的“地标建筑”都是至高阵营的进攻目标。而nac的士兵显然不会让它们得逞,寸步不让地死守着防线。 Stands the study room top level of villa, wears T-3 Power Armor Jiang Chen to look at out of the window. 站在别墅顶层的书房,身穿t-3动力装甲江晨望着窗外。 The front gradually turned toward the villa to approach, soldier have fallen back on the nearby of villa backyard fence, the shrapnel of fluttering about had even blown down that bulletproof glass, left behind the spider web shape crack above. 战线逐渐向着别墅逼近了,士兵们已经退到了别墅后院围墙的边上,纷飞的弹片甚至刮倒了那防弹玻璃,在上面留下了点点蛛网状的裂纹。 Passed for five minutes?” “才过去了五分钟吗?” Looked at the time on total information screen, he deeply inspires. 看了全息荧屏上的时间,他深吸了一口气。 „Do you want to go?” “你要去吗?” The Sun Jiao sound resounds in the back, sees only her to lean on the entrance of study room, her chest front is hanging pk2000 assault rifle. 孙娇的声音在背后响起,只见她倚靠在书房的门口,她的胸前挂着一把pk2000突击步枪 From this mechanical exoskeleton the expression on attire and her face, her meaning is very obvious. 从她这身机械外骨骼的装束和她脸上的表情来看,她的意思很明显。 Naturally.” “当然。” I am go to hang, you follow I to do.” Helpless Jiang Chen said. “我是去开挂的,你跟着我去干什么。”江晨无奈道。 If the machine, that method should...... be able to be good! But how regardless to say, implements specifically is somewhat risky. 如果是机器的话,那个方法应该……能行!但无论怎么说,具体实施起来还是有些冒险的。 Opens hangs? 开挂? His words Sun Jiao is not quite sometimes clear, but this does not hinder her to express own determination. 他的话孙娇有时候不太明白,但这并不妨碍她表达自己的决心。 Protection home.” Sun Jiao said earnestly. “守护这个家。”孙娇认真地说道。 Jiang Chen silent moment. 江晨沉默了片刻。
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