IHAMITLOD :: Volume #5

#482: ……

Mental Link finished, seems like a long dream. 精神链接结束,就好像是一场冗长的梦。 Jiang Chen opened the eyes, exactly to a line of sight of delay. 江晨睁开了双眼,恰好对上了一道呆滞的视线。 Can see from the pupil of her black, her dream should also awake. 从她那黑色的瞳孔可以看出,她的“梦”应该也醒了。 Puts aside the lip silently, Jiang Chen retreat two steps. 默默地将唇移开,江晨后退了两步。 He in hesitant, must not respond while Lin Ling, sneaks off from this room. 他在犹豫,要不要趁着林玲还没反应过来,从这个房间溜走。 However in his hesitant such a while time, that black gem pupil, then caught mist gradually, was stiff corners of the mouth, broke down. 然而就在他犹豫的这么一会儿工夫,那黑宝石般的眸子,便渐渐地染上了一层水雾,原本僵着的嘴角,也垮了下来。 In a flash, two thoughts flash through from her brain. 一瞬间,两个念头从她的脑中闪过。 This is my kisses initially! 这可是我的初吻! This beast started to me finally! 这个禽兽终于对我下手了! Following her cheeks, crawled pink the ear. Hangs, then dyed that fair neck. 粉红顺着她的脸颊,爬到了耳.垂,接着又染遍了那白皙的脖子。 Changes, changes, perverted!” “变,变,变态!” That sad and shrill calling out in grief, because was extremely excited to walk the sound. 那声凄厉的悲鸣,因为情绪太过激动而走了音。 Jiang Chen touches the nose awkwardly, he does not know how should comfort a face to look at his Lin Ling ashamed and resentfully. 江晨尴尬地摸了摸鼻子,他不知道该怎么安慰一脸羞愤地看着他的林玲 The complaint white Jiang Chen, Sun Jiao rushed to go forward to help Lin Ling untie the rope, is comforting whole face suffering her. 埋怨地白了江晨一眼,孙娇赶忙上前帮林玲解开了绳索,安抚着满脸委屈的她。 Calm, Lin Ling. Jiang Chen he was saving you a moment ago , how this should explain “冷静点,林玲江晨他刚才是在救你,呃,这个该如何解释好呢” Told only half, Sun Jiao then followed awkwardly, held the volume to be lost in thought. 说到一半,孙娇便跟着尴尬了起来,扶额陷入了沉思。 As if has no way to explain?” Sun Xiaorou responds with elder sister smiles helplessly. “似乎没法解释呢?”孙小柔姐姐报以无奈一笑。 So was long.” Yao Yao honk small mouth, that taste of vinegar really thick can smell. “亲亲了那么久。”姚姚嘟着小嘴,那醋味简直浓的可以闻到。 How in Jiang Chen is should to Lin Ling explained is clear, door suddenly heard the clear knock. 就在江晨为该如何向林玲解释清楚时,房门口突然传来了清脆的敲门声。 Jiang Chen is excessive, sees only Han Junhua of military uniform to stand in the entrance, on the face cannot see any expression. 江晨过头,只见一身军装的韩君华正站在门口,脸上看不出任何表情。 Although does not want to break you, but now outside “虽然不想打断你们,但现在外面” „Outside we went to say.” Listens to Han Junhua to say half, Jiang Chen says immediately. “我们去外面说。”听韩君华说道一半,江晨立刻说道。 Han Junhua simple swept in the laboratory the numerous female eyes, then nods to Jiang Chen. 韩君华简单地扫了实验室内众女一眼,然后向江晨点了点头。 Good.” “好。” ponytail has flung, she turns around to walk neatly outward. 马尾甩过,她干净利落地转身向外走去。 What matter lived?” Sun Jiao somewhat worried that looked to Jiang Chen. “生了什么事吗?”孙娇有些担忧地看向了江晨 The Adam's apple moves slightly, Jiang Chen looked to Sun Jiao, smiles gently. 喉结微微动了动,江晨看向了孙娇,温柔地笑了笑。 All right.” “没事。” That smiling face. Very relieved, is very discomforting. 那笑容。很让人安心,也很让人不安。 Sun Jiao arrived at side Jiang Chen's, gripped his hand. 孙娇走到了江晨的身边,握住了他的手。 If there are what me to help on busy place, please must tell me.” “如果有什么我能够帮的上忙的地方,请一定要告诉我。” Is looking at the anticipation of Sun Jiao with the firm look. Jiang Chen pinched her hand gently, smiles the promise to say. 用坚定的眼神望着孙娇的期待。江晨轻轻捏了捏她的手,微笑着许诺道。 Certain meeting.” “一定会的。” If can help. 如果能帮上忙的话。 The half step walks in the corridor of community center, about that say/way ponytail after Han Junhua brain sways. What walks in her body side is Jiang Chen, at this moment the look on his face is also the unprecedented dignity. 快步走在社区中心的走廊内,韩君华脑后的那道马尾左右地摇晃。走在她身侧的是江晨,此刻他脸上的神色亦是前所未有的凝重。 „The Fishbone Base communication was shielded.” 鱼骨头基地通讯被屏蔽。” I had known, there are other means to contact with the No. 27 Camp person?” “我已经知道了,有没有其它办法联系上27号营地的人?” Communication channel only has one.” Han Junhua shakes the head. “通讯渠道只有一个。”韩君华摇了摇头。 Command Room. She stops the footsteps, lifted the hand to twist off the door. 指挥室到了。她停住脚步,抬手拧开了房门。 After Jiang Chen walks, she also followed. 江晨走进去后,她也跟着走了进去。 Two people stopped before the direction table, Han Junhua put out a hand to press in the fingerprint identification installment, activate(d) total information direction image. 两人停在了指挥桌前,韩君华伸手在指纹识别装置上按了下,启动了全息指挥图像。 Outside situation how?” “外面情况如何?” Known had o Reptile four foot Robot and 12 oo frames Viper to attack drone to surround us.” Han Junhua put out a hand to select on the map , the dense and numerous red points appeared around the base. “已知有o架‘爬虫’四足机器人、12oo架‘蝰蛇’攻击无人机包围了我们。”韩君华伸手在地图上点了下,密密麻麻的红点浮现在了基地四周。 Two ball windows appear, record Reptile and Viper the pictures and various parameters. These gadget are the standard equipment of pa, once was brigade commander Colonel Han Junhua in the mechanical travel, regarding the battle efficiencies of these two equipment naturally is not strange. 两个弹窗浮现,记录着“爬虫”与“蝰蛇”的图片和各项参数。这些玩意儿都是pa的制式装备,曾在机械旅任旅长韩君华上校,对于这两款装备的战斗力自然是毫不陌生。 The former was known as that entire terrain firepower platform, the latter designs by the balanced performance and intellectualized ai. By many pa soldier kind being called battlefield assistant. 前者号称“全地形火力平台”,后者以均衡的性能与智能化的ai设计。被不少pa士兵亲切的称为“战场助手”。 „The strength in base?” “基地内的战力?” Only is left over the recruit who the 5 oo name just underwent the training, 327 people of Hunter Army, as well as 8 rocket artillery.” Han Junhua sinking sound said. “只剩下5oo名刚接受完训练的新兵,327人的追猎者兵团,以及八辆火箭炮。”韩君华沉声道。 Man-machine? ” The Jiang Chen sinking sound asked. 人机呢?”江晨沉声问道。 Had been switched off by me.” “已经被我关掉了。” Why? Jiang Chen looked to Han Junhua. 为什么?江晨看向了韩君华 As if knows that Jiang Chen will ask, the Han Junhua putting out a hand point to the holographic map, this position deployed the kn signal to kidnap the equipment. Its function not only kidnaps the communication frequency, similarly can kidnap the communication between drone terminal and drone. What can confirm, their Information Technologies aspects can form the suppression to us. Even if we emit drone to join the fight, was kidnapped by them is still the great possibility.” 仿佛知道江晨会问,韩君华伸手点向了全息地图,“这个位置部署有kn信号劫持装置。它的作用不仅仅是劫持通讯频道,同样能劫持无人机终端与无人机之间的通讯。可以确认的是,他们的信息技术方面能够对我们形成压制。即使我们放出无人机加入战斗,被他们劫持也是大概率事件。” Also really has the Han Junhua style. 还真有韩君华的风格。 Jiang Chen looked at her one eyes secretly. From her face, he cannot see timidly any and so on mood. 江晨偷偷看了她一眼。从她的脸上,他看不到任何胆怯之类的情绪。 However wants to come is also, she does not have sentimental type of burden the thing. 不过想来也是,她并不存在感情这种累赘的东西。 The feature tightens. Pondered the moment, Jiang Chen looked that asked to Han Junhua. 眉目紧锁。沉思了片刻,江晨看向了韩君华问道。 Has the contact through the sewer and Sixth Block person?” “通过下水道与第六街区的人取得联系呢?” Sewer had been seized, after the communication blocks presently, I first sent out Scout to go.” Han Junhua put out a hand in Fishbone Base and Sixth Block middle position. “下水道已经被占领了,当现通讯阻断后,我第一时间派出了侦察兵前往。”韩君华伸手点在了鱼骨头基地第六街区中间的位置。 Although the leg of sewer was been close by the alloy partition board. But that thing is mainly used to prevent foreign-species. If with the welding torch, wants to kidnap the sewer path is not difficult calmly. 下水道的支路虽然被合金隔板封闭。但那东西主要还是用来阻挡异种的。如果用焊枪的话,想要不动声色地劫持下水道通路并不难。 In other words, we can depend upon, only then in base 5 oo famous recruit and Hunter Army?” Jiang Chen frowns. “也就是说,我们所能依靠的,只有基地内5oo名新兵和追猎者兵团吗?”江晨不由皱起了眉头。 From is too near, the rocket artillery is unable to wield the function. perhaps the 5 oo famous recruit cannot have the too big use, at most the insufficiency in supplement firepower. Hunter Army actually NAC's Unit Elite. Many can feel at ease. 距离太近,火箭炮根本无法挥作用。5oo名新兵恐怕派不上太大的用场,顶多补充火力上的不足。追猎者兵团倒是na的精锐。多少还是能让人安心。 However the opposite after all is quantity over a thousand mechanized units. Regarding this 800 many flesh and blood, actually to defeat the Supremacy Camp military power, in the Jiang Chen heart also exudes the whisper unavoidably. 然而对面毕竟是数量上千的机械部队。对于这八百多名血肉之躯,究竟能否战胜至高阵营的军势,江晨心中不免也是泛起了嘀咕。 You think how many our odds of success do have?” Both hands support on the table, Jiang Chen looked at Han Junhua. “你认为我们的胜算有多少?”双手撑在桌子上,江晨把目光投向了韩君华 50%.” Han Junhua said. “50%。”韩君华说道。 Even by your direction strength?” Some Jiang Chen accidents/surprises asked. “即便以你的指挥力吗?”江晨有些意外地问道。 Un.” Han Junhua nods, on her face few insights appeared wiped dignifiedly. “嗯。”韩君华点了点头,她的脸上很少见地出现了一抹凝重。 „The EMP grenade reserves in base is very objective, but if Reptile and Viper, the pulse rank of EMP grenade, can only have the minor damage to its foe identification Artillery System, thus makes it stagnate temporarily. But the EMP weapon of high power, in our base has not stockpiled.” “基地内的emp手雷储量很客观,但如果是‘爬虫’和‘蝰蛇’的话,emp手雷的脉冲级别,仅能够对其敌我识别系统产生轻微损伤,从而使其暂时陷入停滞。而高功率的emp武器,我们基地内没有储备。” In less than EMP, that uses Electromagnetic Artillery, Toxic Python and HJ 42 bazooka, rifle. Selects the bonfire, cannot we use the rocket with the radio. So long as the ray of hopes, we cannot give up.” Jiang Chen sinking sound said. “用不了emp,那就用电磁炮,毒蟒、红箭42火箭筒,还有步枪。点起篝火,不能用无线电我们就用狼烟。只要有一线希望,我们就不能放弃。”江晨沉声道。 Only can so. However I am worried about the space.” Han Junhua looked up to the sky, „, if they have really controlled God's Cane, we had no odds of success.” “只能如此。不过我更担心地还是天上。”韩君华抬头看向了天空,“如果他们真的已经控制了上帝之杖的话,我们没有任何胜算。” tungsten rod that drops from the clouds, theoretically not defensible arming. 那从天而降的钨杆弹,理论上不可防御的武装。 Perhaps also only then Holy Shield System can shoulder its attack. 或许也只有圣盾系统能扛下它的攻击。 Really has the odds of success? 真的存在胜算吗? Wait 等等 Jiang Chen knits the brows slightly. 江晨微微皱眉。 Closes the eyes, after he ponders long time, suddenly opens the eye to say. 闭上双眼,他沉思良久后,突然睁开眼睛说道。 tungsten rod, should only have one.” 钨杆弹,应该只有一。” Han Junhua looked to him. 韩君华看向了他。 This probability is very small.” “这种概率很小。” No, rather, only has one absolutely.” Stared at the holographic map, in the Jiang Chen's eye is reappearing wiped the color of resolution. “不,倒不如说,绝对只有一。”凝视着全息地图,江晨的眼中浮现了一抹坚定之色。 Reason?” “理由?” Is thinking that Academician Qin once and he had said the words, as well as that Insect Race Sovereigness talked with him, Jiang Chen looked to Han Junhua. 想着那个秦院士曾和他说过的话,以及那个虫族女皇与他对话,江晨看向了韩君华 Because we are different, this reason was enough.” “因为我们不同,这个理由就足够了。” Held the both arms, Han Junhua is closing the eye to ponder for a half minute. 抱着双臂,韩君华闭上眼睛思考了半分钟。 So that's how it is.” “原来如此。” From the beginning, this is the war that one is doomed not to capture. 从一开始,这就是一场注定没有俘虏的战争。 If they have second, that does not need to pinch in the hand. So long as tungsten rod then can destroy heart ”, then entire Wanghai City Order will certainly be again in great confusion. Only then makes this piece of Wasted Earth fall into Chaos, Cyborg has to replace humanity to become this piece of Wasted Earth the hope on Master. Was recalling Lin Chao'en has made all sorts, except for assassinating No. 27 Sanctuary laboratory technician beside, does as if to give this piece of Wasted Earth brings Chaos. 如果他们有第二,那根本无需捏在手上。只要一钨杆弹便能摧毁心脏”,然后整个望海市秩序必将再次乱成一团。只有让这片废土陷入混乱,电子人才有取代人类成为这片废土上的主人的希望。忆着林朝恩做过的种种,除了暗杀27号避难所的“实验者”之外,所做的似乎都是为了给这片废土带来混乱 NAC and Supreme must have a side to perish. na至高必有一方灭亡。 Because of the result of this war, was deciding who will be carved on the tombstone. 因为这场战争的结局,决定着谁将被刻在墓碑上。 Reason that has not begun until now, assurance that because they cannot win. 之所以到现在为止还没有动手,只是因为他们也没有必胜的把握罢了。 So long as Fishbone Base insisted that Sixth Block and No. 27 Camp reinforcements caught up, the person who then lost only possibly was they.( To be continued.) 只要鱼骨头基地坚持到了第六街区27号营地的援军赶来,那么输的人只可能是他们。(未完待续。) ps: The practice attended class in the morning, in the afternoon climbed mountains, takes off/escapes a time to renew, sorry. Moreover, saw that some comment area people said the present world that side show/unfolds just now starts to change the style, feared that my step stepped in a big way was pulling the egg, actually this was worried not to need completely, the food was stuttering. the distance of 2 o .5 light year is not the 2 o .5 kilometer, will not be will meet immediately right? Naturally, how, my not play will pass specifically ps:实习早上上课,下午上山,脱了点时间才更新,抱歉啊。另外,看到评区有人说现世那边展才刚开始就变画风,怕我步子迈大了扯着蛋,其实这担心完全没必要,饭还是一口口吃的。2o.5光年的距离又不是2o.5公里,又不是马上就会遇到对吧?当然,具体会怎样,我不剧透
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