IHAMITLOD :: Volume #5

#481: Harmony Era

The picture changed. 画面变了。 As before is the star of that tide locking, however the landform actually had the tremendous changes. 依旧是那颗潮汐锁定的星球,然而地貌却是发生了翻天覆地的变化。 The red line surrounded in the dusk line together, divided star Sunward Surface and Sunback Surface. 一道赤色的线条于晨昏线环绕,分割了星球的向日面背日面 emerald green, flesh red. 一面翠绿,一面肉红。 As for that Colony Ship, has looked to disappear. 至于那艘殖民舰,已经看不见了。 Does not know is the misconception, Jiang Chen felt that this star is moving. 不知道是不是错觉,江晨感觉到这颗星球在动。 It seems like this star is a lifeform, rather than dying thing. 就好像这颗星球是一个生物,而非死物。 War Era?” Is overlooking all these, Jiang Chen cannot bear ask. 战争纪元呢?”俯瞰着这一切,江晨忍不住问道。 At this moment, the form appeared together in his side. 就在这时,一道身影浮现在了他的身旁。 Dragon Gown, the correct manners discipline is solemn, she crosses the hands behind the back to stand, is horizontally viewing the front solemnly and respectfully. 一身龙袍,仪容端庄,她负手而立,肃穆地平视着前方。 War Era finished, the present is Harmony Era.” 战争纪元结束了,现在是和谐纪元。” Finished? Was humanity loses?” “结束了?是人类输了吗?” No.” “没有。” „Was that foreign-species loses?” “那是异种输了吗?” Came as a surprise to Jiang Chen's, she shakes the head again. 出乎了江晨的意料,她再次摇了摇头。 Also no.” “也没有。” What did that have finally?” Jiang Chen pursues asks. “那最后发生了什么?”江晨追问道。 Co-prosperity.” “共荣。” She only said two characters, then fluttered to that star. 她只说了两个字,然后便飘向了那颗星球。 Meanwhile, given force majeure, Jiang Chen also followed to fly. 与此同时,在不可抗力的牵引下,江晨也跟着飞了过去。 humanity used for several hundred years cannot eliminate the mosquito and cockroach, we are not greater than the ancestor, exhaust the millenniums unable to achieve to eradicate our enemies. Therefore this war has not decided the victory and defeat, both sides made the concession. Or both sides made the rejection to oneself.” 人类用了数百年的时间都没能消灭蚊子和蟑螂,我们并不比先祖伟大,耗尽千年也没能做到根除我们的敌人。所以这场战争并没有分出胜负,双方都做出了让步。或者说,双方都对自身做出了舍弃。” I do not understand your meaning.” Jiang Chen knits the brows to say. “我不明白你的意思。”江晨皱眉道。 We chose the fusion.” “我们选择了融合。” Associated and he had said to that Academician Qin words, Jiang Chen seemed like anything, but he did not understand why they will take this path. 联想到那个秦院士和他说过的话,江晨似乎懂了些什么,但他并不理解他们为何会走上这条道路。 Steel and iron is the cornerstone of industry, however the metal mineral resource of this star actually deficient to pinnacle, the cost of outer space mining is also expensive, develops the industrial difficult being hard imagination on this star. On the other hand. Comes under frequently the solar wind influence that blows from the red dwarf star, our electronic device damage rate is very high.” “钢铁是工业的基石,然而这颗星球的金属矿藏却匮乏到了极致,太空采矿的成本又过于昂贵,在这颗星球上发展工业困难的难以想象。另一方面。受到频繁从红矮星吹来的太阳风影响,我们的电子设备损坏率很高。” Our industries entered the impasse, even starts to decline. Without the support of capacity. We are unable to arm more armies, the balance of victory start to lean toward foreign-species. However at this moment. Had the great biologist to stand, proposed civilization Evolution new way of thinking Harmony. In this, Harmony Era opened.” “我们的工业走入了死胡同,甚至开始衰退。没有产能的支撑。我们无法武装更多的军队,胜利的天平开始向异种倾斜。然而就在这时。有位伟大的生物学家站了出来,提出了文明进化的新思路和谐。于此,和谐纪元拉开了帷幕。” We used the operation cell to replace the electronic chip, replaced Quantum Computer with Biological Computer of high power. Then, we transformed our gene, will increase 139 pairs to the chromosome, through the way of selective expression, splits up scientific research, producer and war duty and captain.” “我们用运算细胞取代了电子芯片,用高功率的生物计算机取代了量子计算机。接着,我们改造了自身的基因,将对染色体扩增到了139对,通过选择性表达的方式,分化出科研者、生产者、战职者、指挥者。” All issues were easily solved. We no longer rely on the metal, this star has the rich carbon oxyhydrogen to be possible for us to control. Each person is not only the individual, is this civilization cell. Meanwhile, we stopped to extermination of foreign-species. We and they talked, married with them, finally fused together with them.” “一切问题都迎刃而解了。我们不再依赖金属,这颗星球有着丰富的碳氢氧可供我们支配。每一个‘人’既是个体,也是这个文明的‘细胞’。与此同时,我们停止了对异种的剿灭。我们与他们对话,与他们联姻,最终与他们融为一体。” Grass insect? My day! 草虫?我日! This was too crazy.” Jiang Chen cannot bear interrupt. “这太疯狂了。”江晨忍不住插嘴道。 But somehow, in his brain actually appeared big pile of everything in disorder in manhua, what octopus and touching. Hand and so on. 可不知怎的,他脑中却是浮现了一大堆乱七八糟的里番漫画,什么章鱼和触.手之类的。 „Do black person and white marry very crazily?” She asked. “黑人与白人联姻很疯狂吗?”她问道。 Jiang Chen was shocked, could not speak. 江晨愣住了,说不出话来。 In the 17 th century truly, but in the 20 th century was actually not. It is not able to eliminate, only then understood.” “在17世纪确实,但在20世纪却不是。无法消灭,就只有理解。” Saying, her slightly was crossing this immaterial topic. Aimed at that emerald green star. 说着,她略过了这个无关紧要的话题。指向了那颗翠绿的星球。 It like a big tree, Sunward Surface is the leaf, but Sunback Surface is the tree trunk, we consumed a century to complete this project. Leaf provides the energy and nutrient for our civilization, and for star production atmospheric environment. The water circulates in the vein, the surplus heat will escort to Sunback Surface. But tree trunk is Living Area, everyone lives there.” “它就像一棵大树,向日面是树叶,而背日面是树干,我们耗费了一个世纪完成这项工程。‘树叶’为我们的文明提供能量与养分,并为星球生成大气环境。水在筋络中循环,将过剩的热量送往背日面。而‘树干’则是生活区,所有人都住在那里。” Jiang Chen looks following the direction that she refers, looks at this half emerald green half of flesh reds the star, muttered was saying. 江晨顺着她指的方向望去,看着这颗一半翠绿一半肉红的星球,喃喃着说道。 That this tree was also too big.” “那这棵树也太大了。” „It is not big. Compares entire sea of stars. It is more like a seed.” She said calmly. “并不大。相比起整个星海来说。它更像是一粒种子。”她平静地说道。 That humanity?” Jiang Chen asked. “那人类呢?”江晨问道。 All new humanity live under the leaf, everyone is not only the individual. Also is a whole.” “所有新人类都生活在叶子之下,所有人既是个体。也是一个整体。” Who are you?” “那你又是谁?” This saying just asked the exit|to speak, Jiang Chen then saw this empty shadow to fluctuate the shape. A solemn elegant princess skirt replaced that Dragon Gown. That yellow face also turned into pale and hawk nose. 这话刚问出口,江晨便见这道虚影变幻了形态。一身端庄典雅的公主裙取代了那身龙袍。那张黄面孔也变成了苍白与鹰钩鼻 I am Mother Nest Main Consciousness, all individuals are born by me, therefore I am Sovereigness. As for the shape, I can be Wu Zetian, can be Elizabeth, or Ekaterina. We no longer have art this concept, therefore I can only search these historically had presented the image to show from the literature before you.” “我是母巢主意识,所有个体都由我诞生,故我是女皇。至于形状,我可以是武则天,也可以是伊丽莎白,亦或者叶卡捷琳娜。我们不再具备‘艺术’这个概念,所以我只能从文献中搜索出这些历史上曾经出现过的形象展现在你面前。” „...... You to me thought that what these were want to say?” Jiang Chen asked. “……你给我看这些是想说些什么呢?”江晨问道。 Sovereigness looked to Jiang Chen. 女皇看向了江晨 To sprinkle the seed of civilization to a farther place.” “为了将文明的种子洒向更远的地方。” The Jiang Chen's breath solidified, although as consciousness him of body not to need to breathe. 江晨的呼吸凝固了,虽然身为意识体的他并不需要呼吸。 Sovereigness then said. 女皇接着说道。 We through constructing the high percentage lifeform telescope, confirmed the Parent Star condition. Although before the observed image came from 20.5, but through the historical contrast, we confirmed that we do not enter Parallel World, we lived as in the original world.” “我们通过建设高倍率生物望远镜,确认了母星的状况。虽然观察到的图像都来自20.5年前,但通过历史对比,我们确认我们并非进入了平行世界,我们依旧活在原来的世界。” Your compared to our backwardness.” “你们的相对于我们的落后。” Therefore we decide to return.” “所以我们决定回归。” 94 years ago, we completed [The Survival Of The Fittest] Colony Ship finally. In order to avoid having the dimension to jump again, we choose in three dimensional Cosmos navigate.” “直到94年前,我们终于建成了适者生存号殖民舰。为了避免再次发生次元跃迁,我们选择在三维宇宙中航行。” We will bring civilization to you, will help you with naturally fuse together.” “我们会给你们带来文明,将帮助你们与自然融为一体。” Like a paper declaring war notice, Sovereigness read out this brutal fact. 如同一纸宣战布告,女皇宣读了这个残酷的事实。 But we do not need your help.” Jiang Chen somewhat said difficultly. “可我们不需要你的帮助。”江晨有些艰难地说道。 Although he knows, even if said, they will not pay attention mostly. 虽然他知道就算自己这么说,他们也多半不会理会。 It seems like...... 就好像…… Like the tribe of Homo erectus and Neandethal, defeated in the hand of keeping friendly neighborhood relations with smart moves tribe finally was the same. humanity takes the keeping friendly neighborhood relations with smart moves as the ancestor, Evolution became modern people to be the same. civilization Evolution follows bloody, but we approve this bloodiness.” Sovereigness said this cruel words in a soft voice. “就像直立人和尼安德特人的部落,最终败在了智人部落的手上一样。人类以智人为先祖,进化成了‘现代人’一样。文明进化本就伴随着血腥,而我们认同这份血腥。”女皇轻声说出了这残忍的话语。 Wait, you did not say, your cross over to some Parallel World?” Jiang Chen quickly asked. “等等,你们不是说,你们穿越到了某个平行世界吗?”江晨急忙问道。 Yes.” Sovereigness winked gently under the eye. Looked unemotionally to Jiang Chen. “是的。”女皇轻轻眨了下眼睛。面无表情地看向了江晨 That line of sight made him feel an intense anxiety. 那视线让他感到了一阵强烈的不安。 Unfortunately, the Sovereigness following words, turned into the reality his anxiety. 不幸的是,女皇接下来的一番话,将他的不安变成了现实。 We place in your hometown at this moment.” “我们此刻身处于你的故乡。” This is impossible! 这不可能! Jiang Chen heart suddenly one tight. 江晨心头骤然一紧。 How she possibly knows me to be able cross over! How she possibly confirmed the Coordinate of my world! 她怎么可能知道我能穿越!她怎么可能确认我那个世界的坐标! Wait. Lin Ling...... 等等。林玲…… Jiang Chen opened the eye suddenly, he as if understood anything. If Ting Ting (graceful and dainty) lodges in Lin Ling's within the body. The thing that then Lin Ling sees, she does not have the truth to be able not to know. But the present condition is obviously demonstrating, Ting Ting (graceful and dainty) can with this so-called Harmony Camp Sovereigness exchange. 江晨突然睁大了眼睛,他似乎明白了什么。如果婷婷寄宿在林玲的体内的话。那么林玲看到的东西,她没道理会不知道。而现在的状况明显显示着,婷婷能够和这所谓的和谐阵营女皇交流。 Klein Particle.” Sovereigness lifted the hand, in her hand gathers red dark glow gradually, has the place that the time has, has its existence.” 克雷恩粒子。”女皇抬起了手,她的手上渐渐汇聚起一道红色的暗芒,“有时间存在的地方,就有它的存在。” „Did you gain me and Lin Ling's communication frequency?” Jiang Chen sinking sound said. “你获取了我和林玲的通讯频道?”江晨沉声道。 4th-Dimension Transmitter, if Lin Ling can know that his side fourth dimension Coordinate, without truth Ting Ting (graceful and dainty) can not know. 四次元发信器,如果林玲能够知道他那边的四次元坐标的话,没道理婷婷会不知道。 Yes.” Sovereigness said lightly. Our surprise, you can shuttle back and forth between two world freely. Moreover your locally born world, is we after the wormhole world that arrives.” “是的。”女皇淡淡地说道。“我们很诧异,你能够自由穿梭于两个世界之间。而且你土生土长的世界,正好是我们通过虫洞后到达的世界。” Real false...... 真的假的…… The Jiang Chen's line of sight wavers on this face of star and Sovereigness back and forth, although many words want to say that could not say a few words. 江晨的视线在这颗星球和女皇的脸上来回游移,虽然有很多话想说,却说不出一句话来。 After long time, Jiang Chen opens the mouth, asked in a soft voice. 半晌之后,江晨开了口,轻声问道。 „Did you tell me these to have what significance?” “那你告诉我这些有何意义?” We plan to convince you.” “我们打算说服你。” Convinced? 说服? Jiang Chen knits the brows, is unable to understand her these words the meaning. 江晨皱眉,无法理解她这句话的含义。 Sovereigness left from the Jiang Chen face the line of sight, looks to that bi-color star, then said. 女皇将视线从江晨脸上离开,看向了那颗双色星球,接着说道。 We once think that we and original world the relations of interrupt. We are unable with lost people to share in the material that in Evolution obtains.” “我们曾以为我们和原世界的联系就此中断。我们在进化中获得的资料将无法与遗民们分享。” However the situation had the favorable turn.” “然而情况出现了转机。” We had the response to Klein Particle of original world launch finally, not only the success guidance partially can hear the follower who we summoned. He takes himself as the material, transformed itself with the biological technology. Put up with antenna that’ we communicate. Under the guidance of our, he succeeds the appearance that Evolution became us to hope, and succeeded and lifeform of trim region conducted the communication. The most important thing is, he even succeeded to split up an egg.” “我们向原世界发射的克雷恩粒子终于有了回应,不但成功引导部分能够听到我们呼唤的信徒。他以自己为素材,用生物技术改造了自身。搭起了与我们沟通的‘天线’。在我们的指导下,他成功进化成了我们希望的样子,并成功与整片区域的生物进行了沟通。最重要的是,他甚至成功分化出了一个卵。” We selected 12 citizen, transforms Klein Particle Wave their minds, returned to that egg through the launcher. Meat. Distance that the body is unable to span, that uses the information to span. Very lucky, we found the method of returning to the original world.” “我们选出了12位公民,将他们的心灵转化成克雷恩粒子波,通过发射器送回到了那个卵中。肉.体无法跨越的距离,那就用信息去跨越。很幸运,我们找到了返回原世界的方法。” What however does not believe that this egg was destroyed by your stupid behaviors. But we as before very luck, even can say that retained bodies very much accidentally/surprisingly.” “然而不信的是,这个卵被你们愚蠢的行为摧毁。但我们依旧很幸运地,甚至可以说很意外地保留了一个个体。” She by the intelligent program captivity of Sanctuary. Shut in Virtual World, then ran into you.” “她被避难所的智能程序囚禁。关进了虚拟世界,然后遇到了你。” Was the egg destroyed? Is the military action of that Liuding Town to some extreme Mutated Creature? He once listened to Chu Nan to speak that military action. Can launch the red light beam the biological cannon, annihilated the electronic device of entire air zone. 卵被摧毁?难道是那次柳丁镇对某个极端变异生物的军事行动?他曾听楚南讲过那次军事行动。能发射红色光束的生物大炮,歼灭了整个空域的电子设备。 Originally that at all is not extreme Mutated Creature, but is Harmony Camp paratrooper who” puts to the world. 原来那根本不是什么极端变异生物,而是和谐阵营向世界投放的“伞兵”。 Swallowed a spit, Jiang Chen said difficultly. 咽了口吐沫,江晨艰难地说道。 Then discovered me through Lin Ling?” “然后通过林玲发现了我?” Right.” Sovereigness nods slightly. “没错。”女皇微微颔首。 Can discover you, is completely unexpected joy. If you are willing to join to our camps, I promised to you, even if [The Natural Selection] arrives in Earth of new world, we will still retain you.” “能发现你,完全是个意外之喜。如果你愿意加入到我们的阵营下,我向你许诺,即便物竞天择号抵达新世界的地球,我们也会保留你。” Retains me? That others......” “保留我?那其他人呢……” Sovereigness said forthrightly. 女皇毫不避讳地说道。 They will contribute oneself organic matter.” “他们将贡献自己的有机质。” Becoming food? Like natural selection such that high antiquity humanity faces, the keeping friendly neighborhood relations with smart moves tribe after the Ruin Homo erectus and Neandethal tribe, chose them regarded food. 成为食物吗?就像远古时代人类所面临的自然选择那样,智人部落在毁灭直立人与尼安德特人部落后,选择将他们当成了食物。 Thinks of this, Jiang Chen's volume forward slip over drop of cold sweat, although he now is only the pure thought body, does not exist to perspire this concept. 想到这,江晨的额前滑过一滴冷汗,虽然他现在只是纯粹的思维体,并不存在流汗这个概念。 Perhaps must disappoint you, since you also know that I can cross over between two world, you should know, wants to hold me is impossible.” “恐怕得让你失望了,既然你也知道我能够穿越在两个世界之间,那你应该知道,想要抓住我是不可能的。” Might as well.” Sovereigness said with the intonation that no sentiment fluctuates. “无妨。”女皇用毫无感情波动的语调说道。 Conquers Earth of new world is the main line, as for of original world dying Earth, can only be the mood at most. If Jiang Chen is not willing to submit, they most regretted, will not indicate to regret...... 征服新世界的地球才是主线,至于原世界的那颗“死掉”的地球,顶多只能算是情怀。如果江晨不愿臣服,它们最多表示遗憾,甚至不会表示惋惜…… Jiang Chen fell into silent. 江晨陷入了沉默。 Your choice?” Sovereigness asked calmly. “你的选择呢?”女皇平静地问道。 „...... I reject.” Jiang Chen said calmly. “……我拒绝。”江晨平静地说道。 Sovereigness silent two seconds. 女皇沉默了两秒。 This is a wrong choice, you do not have to prevent our abilities.” “这是个错误的选择,你们根本不具备阻挡我们的能力。” Right?” Jiang Chen said in a soft voice. “是吗?”江晨轻声道。 If I have not guessed wrong, you now world, is in our mouth original world, already by the rule of Supreme. They is a strong opponent, although they are very weak in our front.” “如果我没猜错,你现在所处的世界,也就是我们口中的‘原世界’,已经被至高的统治。他们是个强劲的对手,虽然他们在我们的面前很无力。” Klein Particle Beam, can destroy most electronic devices. 克雷恩粒子射线,能够摧毁绝大多数的电子设备。 Rule? Said the rule also early. What lost is only you, but I have not lost.” Jiang Chen said calmly. “统治?说统治还早了点。输的只是你们,而我还没输呢。”江晨不动声色地说道。 In our opinion, you do not have to resist their abilities.” Sovereigness said lightly. “在我们看来,你并不具备抵抗他们的能力。”女皇淡淡地说道。 In front of the space-based weapon, all roadbed weapons are the trash. Moreover ****** this type of thing, to foreign-species and so on soft target killing truly is considerable, but regarding abandoning mortal body Supreme, that injury is pitiful. 在天基武器面前,一切路基武器都是渣渣。而且******这种东西,对异种之类的软目标杀伤确实是可观,但对于摒弃肉身的至高来说,那点伤害非常可怜。 Acting that can take only on EMP, although resists the EMP method really to be many by the technologies of 22 centuries. 唯一能拿的出手的就emp了,虽然以22世纪的技术对抗emp的手段还真不少。 Really was the day the dog, the invader from Harmony Camp is going to the present world on the road, but the Supreme threat erupted in Last of Days. 真是日了狗了,来自和谐阵营的侵略者正在前往现世的路上,而至高威胁又爆发在末世 The Jiang Chen look glitters slightly. 江晨眼神微微闪烁。 I am very curious, does not rely on the mechanical words, how can you conduct the interplanetary navigation?” “我很好奇,不凭借机械的话,你们如何能够进行星际航行?” Why needs certainly the machinery?” Sovereigness asked. “为什么一定需要机械?”女皇反问道。 Jiang Chen was shocked. 江晨愣住了。 Doesn't need the machinery? 不需要机械? Perhaps stemming from being proud of higher civilization, Sovereigness has not evaded this issue , to continue to say. 或许是出于高等文明的自负,女皇并没有避讳这个问题,继续说道。 „Have you heard the water bear?” “你听说过水熊吗?” What is that?” Jiang Chen biology is not good, is very strange to this name. “那是什么?”江晨生物学的并不好,对这个名字很陌生。 „The popular name of tardigrade lifeform. Although slightly only has 50 microns, is actually on Earth the known vitality strongest lifeform, can the outer space without protective measure survive under the condition outside. Facts showed that without drawing support from external object, lifeform can also achieve the interplanetary navigation. 50 microns biological energy achieves, 50 kilometers naturally also energy.” “缓步动物门生物的俗称。虽然最小只有50微米,却是地球上已知生命力最强的生物,可以在没有防护措施的条件下在外太空生存。事实证明了,在不借助外物的情况下,生物自身也是能做到星际航行的。50微米的生物能做到,50公里的自然也能。” Evolution ark is going forward to you, since you have rejected, under final final, made you experience me the military power to be good.” 进化方舟正在向你们前进,既然你已经拒绝,那么在最后的最后,就让你见识下吾之军势好了。” Finishes speaking, the hand of Sovereigness wields, the picture again changed. 话音刚落,女皇的手一挥,画面再次变了。 That is giant Cuttlefish, is wriggling slowly behind touching. Hand, calm navigation in boundless Cosmos. 那是一只巨型乌贼,缓缓地蠕动着身后的触.手,安静地航行在无垠的宇宙中。 Ship Insect. 帆船虫 Very towering, this strange name then appeared in the Jiang Chen's mind. 很突兀的,这个古怪的名字便浮现在了江晨的脑海中。 Ship Insect is 50 km, width ten kilometers. The shape cambiform, is sideways porous, behind has the cilium. Minister has the umbrella shape flesh membrane, is shrinkable, to open the radius can reach 40 km. 帆船虫五十,宽十公里。形纺锤状,侧身多孔,后部有纤毛。中部长有伞状肉膜,可收缩,全张开半径四十 The dazzling light corpuscle glitters in the back of flesh membrane, although is not fully correct its principle, but Jiang Chen can feel faintly. The light pressure that a that flesh membrane big solar sail, the dependence light corpuscle has probably promotes. 耀眼的光粒在肉膜的背后闪烁,虽然猜不透它的原理,但江晨隐隐能够感觉到。那个肉膜就好像一张大型太阳帆,依靠光粒产生的光压推动。 Only structurally, this should be the non- working substance advancement engine. Cannot only guess correctly its speed depending on naked eye Jiang Chen, but wants to come very is not low. 单从结构上看,这应该算是非工质推进引擎。仅凭肉眼江晨猜不出它的航速,但想来也不会很低。 Is this then [The Natural Selection]? 这便是物竞天择号 Jiang Chen thinks so that this sailing ship rolls by from own side, visits it to move to the distant place. 江晨就这么看着这艘帆船从自己身边驶过,看着它驶向远方。 Opens mouth, he also wants to say anything, tries to draw out more information from her mouth. 张了张嘴,他还想说些什么,试着从她的嘴中套出更多的情报。 Wait!” “等等!” However at this moment, his sight crashed into the darkness again......( to be continued.) 然而就在这时,他的视域再次坠入了黑暗……(未完待续。)
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