IHAMITLOD :: Volume #5

#480: humanity and foreign-species war.( To be continued.)

However in any event, the life must continue. 然而无论如何,生活都得继续。 …… …… People start to try to forget that Earth, starts the new life, simultaneously hid own communication frequency. 人们开始试着忘掉那个地球,开始新的生活,同时隐藏了自己的通讯频道。 Without determining this space and time Earth Civilization rank, exposes own existence rashly is very unwise choice. 在不确定这个时空的地球文明等级的情况下,冒然暴露自己的存在是非常不明智的选择。 In any event, the survival is the first essential factor. 无论如何,生存是第一要素。 Approval that this obtained all crew. 这点得到了所有船员的赞同。 Colony Ship entered Gleiz 581 planets synchronous orbit, then starts to turn toward area the dusk line of planet to throw down Detector. 殖民舰进入了格利泽581行星的同步轨道,然后开始向着行星的晨昏线一带投下探测器 When Detector lands, and after bringing back to the ground datum, Colony Ship then abandoned the Orbital Paratrooper airdrop cabin, is the infrastructure unit, is then loading the Colonist living cabin again, from this pulled open Colonial Era curtain. 探测器着陆,并带回地面数据后,殖民舰接着扔下了轨道空降兵的空投舱,然后是基础设施单元,再接着是装载着殖民者的生活舱,由此拉开了“殖民纪元”的帷幕。 Although one year is 37 days, because this star does not have the day and night the concept, to commemorate that deep blue Parent Star, people continued to use 24 hours of time and Solar System calendar idea of year Earth. 虽然一年是37天,但因为这颗星球不存在昼夜的概念,为了纪念那颗蔚蓝的母星,人们还是沿用了地球的24小时计时与太阳系历法计年。 This world does not have the sea, the fresh water to come from the planet Sunback Surface glacier completely and is distributed in the fresh water lake of dusk line fragmentarily, as well as these resemble the blood vessel staggered underground river course. 这个世界没有海,淡水完全来自行星背日面的冰川与零星分布在晨昏线的淡水湖泊,以及那些似血管般交错的地下河道。 The surface large-scale fungus is many with the low bush, the oxygen quantity in the air containing is sufficient, breathes the air of this world to be very comfortable, probably specially this world is humanity builds is the same. 地表大型真菌与低矮灌木繁多,空气中含的氧量非常充足,呼吸这个世界的空气很舒服,这个世界就好像专门为人类打造的一样。 This world is very beautiful, the magnificent natural landscape cannot see on Earth. 这个世界很美,许多瑰丽的自然景观在地球上根本看不到。 From the Sunback Surface class/flow to the Sunward Surface rivers, was evaporated together over a thousand li (0.5 km) wide fog wall under the high temperature, the sunlight here deflection, gathers rainbow that will never diverge together. These grotesque vegetation and giant fungi, are covering the dusk online every inchs soft soil, looks to seem a emerald green and bright red staggered rug from the upper air. 背日面流至向日面的河流,在高温下被蒸发成一道上千里宽的雾墙,阳光在这里偏折,汇聚成一道永不散去的彩虹。还有那些奇形怪状的植被与巨型真菌,覆盖着晨昏线上每一寸松软的土壤,从高空望去就好似一张翠绿与嫣红交错的绒毯。 On this star has the life, although is very thin. 这个星球上存在生命,虽然很稀薄。 Actually from long before, observer Steven · Warget of this planet has made the prediction. Personally, he thinks that this planet has the life the probability is 100%, and does not doubt. 其实从很早以前,这颗行星的观测者史蒂文·沃格特就做出过预测。就个人而言,他认为这颗行星存在生命的概率为100%,并对此毫不怀疑。 Facts showed, he is right. 事实证明,他是对的。 Dusk online is densely covered the vegetation and massive oddly shaped small-scale arthropod, formed simple ecology Artillery System. 晨昏线上密布着植被与大量形状古怪的中小型节肢动物,形成了一个简单的生态系统 Colonist are pleased. Because they are not lonely. 殖民者们感到很欣慰。因为他们并不孤单。 Life units complete, ecology villages rise straight from the ground, then the road net unfolds, becomes city them continually. The prospecting car(riage) such as the ant colony shuttles back and forth. The machine shop truck is transforming the landform, the biologist desire strongly collects the gene mapping that hears something never heard of before. Great day that will never drop on such as daybreak Sun, people with work to build the new homeland industriously, is eulogizing the glorious future. 一座座生活单元建成,一座座生态农庄拔地而起,然后道路网铺开,将它们连成一座城市。探矿车如蚁群穿梭。工程车改造着地貌,生物学家如饥似渴地收集闻所未闻的基因图谱。那永不落下的巨日就如黎明的太阳,人们用辛勤地劳动打造着新的家园,歌颂着美好的未来。 On such as steps Colonist of Americas. 就如踏上美洲的殖民者那样。 But they are not the criminals in Europe, but came from the Pan-Asia Continent humanity elite. ******** Science and technology. They had enough energy to despise that finding it unbearable to recall past. Utopia establishes in their subordinates, here does not have the war not to have the crime, everyone is brothers sisters. 只不过他们不是欧洲的罪犯,而是来自泛亚洲人类精英。无论是********还是科学技术。他们都有足够的底气藐视那段不堪回首的过去。乌托邦在他们的手下建立,这里没有战争也没有犯罪,所有人都是兄弟姐妹 The contradiction has been solved in Old World. 矛盾已经在旧世界解决了。 The seed of Human Civilization will sprout on this piece of soil. 人类文明的种子将在这片土壤上重新萌发。 Naturally, has difficultly. 当然了,困难还是有的。 For example the metal minerals of this star are exceptionally thin, the iron, aluminum and Rare Earth reserves lowers is above the imagination. The malaria that the bottom floats will reduce the immunity of person, even is sick. 比如这颗星球的金属矿产异常稀薄,铁、铝、稀土的储量都低的超乎想象。地底飘来的瘴气会降低人的免疫力,甚至致人患病。 However these issues can be solved, the metallic minerals can through the outer space mining module solution of Colony Ship. The malaria that puzzles the Colonist health is only a spore of special fungus, the biologist developed quickly the anti-virus medicinal preparation that restrained its breeding, solved this trouble with ease. 不过这些问题都是可以解决的,金属矿物可以通过殖民舰的太空采矿模块解决。困扰殖民者健康的瘴气只是一种特殊真菌的孢子,生物学家很快研制出了克制其繁育的杀毒剂,轻松解决了这个麻烦。 However besides these, serious concern. 然而除了这些,还有个更为严重的问题。 That is solar wind. 那就是太阳风 This star not stable magnetic field. Regarding the granule resistance that throws from the red dwarf star is almost zero. 这颗星球没有稳定的磁场。对于从红矮星抛来的粒子抗性几乎为零。 the distance and Stellar of 581 g planet, only then 0.15 Astronomical Unit, only has Earth and 0.15 time of solar distance. solar wind that once for a while since the red dwarf star blows looks like shouts directly on the face of humanity, without the situation of earth magnetic field protection, all electronic devices can only use in the electromagnetic screen environment. 581g行星的距离与恒星只有0.15个天文单位,只有地球与太阳距离的0.15倍。时不时从红矮星吹来的太阳风就像是直接呼在人类的脸上,没有地磁场保护的情况下,所有电子设备都只能在电磁屏蔽环境中使用。 It seems thousands EMP to shell unceasingly on this star. 就好像成千上百个emp不断轰击在这颗星球上。 In order to improve the precision, somewhat involves the physical test of atomic level, has to move to Colony Ship situated in outer space to do. 为了提高精确度,有些涉及到原子层面的物理实验,不得不搬到位于太空的殖民舰上去做。 Afterward, to avoid this red dwarf star the damage of solar wind to Colony Ship, people accelerate Colony Ship, arrived at Sunback Surface it, simultaneously entered Stellar synchronous orbit from planet synchronous orbit. Then. Colony Ship is away from a planet with Sun forever, this can avoid the frequent harassment of solar wind to Colony Ship, can guarantee research program normally conducts. 再后来,为了避免这颗红矮星的太阳风殖民舰的损坏,人们重新加速殖民舰,将其开到了背日面,同时从行星的同步轨道进入了恒星同步轨道。如此一来。殖民舰永远与“太阳”隔着一颗行星,这样就能够避免太阳风殖民舰的频繁骚扰,同时也能保证科研活动的正常进行。 The humanity livelihood of extreme dependent electronic device came under the serious impact, even if people solved the solar wind problem with wide region magnetic field barrier afterward. But this influence remains. 极度依赖电子设备的人类生产生活都受到了严重的影响,即使是后来人们用广域磁场护盾解决了太阳风的问题。但这种影响依旧存在。 After all this magnetic field barrier again how wide region, impossible to cover the entire star under its asylum. 毕竟这磁场护盾再怎么广域,也不可能将整个星球都笼罩在其庇护之下。 However is good because of the humanity compatibility is very strong. 不过好在人类的适应性很强。 After adapting to these difficulties, all gradually smooth. All city construct under electromagnetism barrier, overlooks from the outer space, probably one opening is the same in the dusk line umbrella, but humanity lives under this umbrella top. 在适应了这些困难后,一切都渐渐地顺利了起来。所有的城市都建在电磁护盾之下,从太空俯瞰下去,就好像一把把撑开在晨昏线一带的伞一样,而人类则生活在这伞顶之下。 All that happy. 一切都是那么的美好。 Until they discovered that this star has indigenous people. 直到他们发现这个星球存在“原住民”。 They are one crowd of offensive very strong lifeform. Very similar on the form of society and ant. Has the insect queen of responsible multiplication ethnic group, there is a war insect that is responsible for hunting, is responsible for the labor insect of excavating cavern. 它们是一群攻击性很强的生物。就社会形态而言与蚂蚁很相似。有负责繁衍族群的母虫,也有负责狩猎的战虫,还有负责开凿洞穴的工虫。 As a rule, they live in the Sunback Surface 20- 30 kilometers deep underground. Here geothermy temperature counter-balances bitter cold of Sunback Surface surface sufficiently, moreover can melt the water the surface inserting underground ice piece. 通常而言,他们都生活在背日面20-30千米深的地下。这里的地热温度足以抵消背日面地表的酷寒,而且能将地表嵌入地下的冰块融化成水。 Until people discovered afterward, these vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered the river course that more than ten million under surface varies thick or thin, unexpectedly is the masterpieces of these insects. But their ethnic group had lasted of 1 million year, or their civilization have existed has at least counted the 100,000 year. 直到后来人们才发现,那些纵横于地表之下的上千万条粗细不一的河道,竟然是这些虫子们的杰作。而他们的族群已经存续了百万年之久,或者说他们的文明已经存在了至少数十万年。 Also wants ancient civilization compared with humanity all civilization temporal summations. 一个比人类所有文明时间总和还要古老的文明 Although this civilization not yet cultured. 虽然这个文明尚未“开化”。 Because originally both sides life space differs too far, in dusk line, in the Sunback Surface place bottom. Perhaps both sides each other will regard insect, humanity has lived the 100 year not to discover these neighbors on this star. 原本因为双方生活空间相差太远,一个在晨昏线,一个在背日面的地底。可能双方都将彼此当成了“虫子”,人类一直在这颗星球上生活了一百年都没有发现这些邻居。 Because until life space gradually runs out, humanity starts to have the underground idea, and hand reached these insects canal. 直到因为生活空间逐渐告罄,人类开始打起地下的主意,并将手伸向了那些虫子的“运河”。 That moment when both sides contact was doomed. 当双方接触的那一刻就注定了。 The war is unavoidable! 战争在所难免! Properly speaking, facing one crowd of insect of flesh and blood, scientific and advanced humanity will not fall in leeward, however the reality is far from such simple that people imagine. 按理来说,面对一群血肉之躯的虫子,科技先进的人类是不会落于下风的,然而现实远非人们想象的那样简单 Grasped Gauss Rifle humanity soldier to eliminate by the potential of thunder the insect that fled in all directions to the surface, the scientist developed to exterminate these insects the virus, the Colony Ship delivery orbit satellite launch earth penetrator targeted elimination underground lair. 手持高斯步枪人类士兵以雷霆之势清除了流窜到地表的虫子,科学家研制出灭绝这些虫子的病毒,殖民舰投放的轨道卫星发射钻地弹定点清除地下巢穴。 All are very smooth, everyone optimistic believing, how long them could not want then to be able these insects to spend several tens of thousands years of excavating underground canal to appropriate to oneself. 一切都很顺利,以至于所有人都乐观的认为,要不了多久他们便能将那些虫子花费数万年开凿的地下运河据为己有。 Until insect tide swept across border city. 直到一场虫潮席卷了边境城市 Counts the 1 million only segmental appendage class insect, fierce does not fear the deathtrap to rush to humanity city. And swept across entire dusk line humanity Colony by the easily accomplished potential. 百万只节肢类昆虫,悍不畏死地涌向人类城市。并以摧枯拉朽之势席卷了整个晨昏线一带的人类殖民地 Flame of explosion incarnadine the sunset glow of horizon, but is unable to obstruct the insect group as before the turbulence. 爆炸的火光染红了天边的红霞,但依旧无法阻挠虫群的汹涌。 That scene, is similar to Doomsday general. 那场面,就如同末日一般。 Everyone was shocked, they have never thought that these were erupted so strong battle efficiency by the insect of their steamroll unexpectedly. Although their shells can pierce these frail meat easily. When body, but in facing like sea tide insect actually as before helpless. 所有人都惊呆了,他们从未想过,这些被他们碾压的虫子竟然爆发出了如此强大的战斗力。他们的炮弹虽然能够轻而易举地洞穿这些脆弱的肉.体,但在面对如海潮般的虫子时却依旧无能为力。 Chemical weapons or gene bomb, people want to enter all means unable these insects to exterminate, facilitated Evolution of these insects on the contrary. Like humanity used for several hundred years has not eliminated the mosquito and cockroach, these insects cannot kill. 无论是生化武器还是基因炸弹,人们想进了一切办法都没能将这些虫子灭绝,反倒是促成了这些虫子的进化。就像人类用了数百年的时间都没有消灭蚊子和蟑螂一样,这些虫子怎么也杀不完。 To battle with humanity, the insects under very intensive natural selection, splitting up the gene were similar, but character actually different individual. The original insect queen, the war insect and labor insect further split up, finally evolved to make existence that humanity was hard to neglect. 为了与人类作战,虫子们在高强度的自然选择之下,分化出了基因类似但性状却迥异的个体。原先的母虫、战虫、工虫进一步分化,最终演变成了令人类难以忽视的存在。 The Squirter acid liquid corrodes sufficiently puts on the Tank armor, tear and bite that diamond hard sharp claws of rips open humanity soldier carbon nano body armor sufficiently. Over a hundred meters attacking a city insect body surface is mounting the metamorphic rock outer covering, such as the earthworm plow results to arch the ruins humanity city. Even has to limit the use nuclear weapon and chemical weapons to people afterward, to avoid these insect further Evolution. 喷吐者的酸液足以腐蚀穿坦克的装甲,撕咬者那的金刚石般坚硬的利爪足以撕开人类士兵的碳纳米防弹衣。上百米长的攻城虫体表镶嵌着变质岩外壳,如蚯蚓犁地似得将人类城市拱成废墟。到后来人们甚至不得不限制使用核武器与生化武器,以避免这些虫子进一步进化 Counted the 100,000 year civilization to erupt its mastery, this humanity incomprehensible civilization, with the cruelty that it was in sole possession, announced to this star Sovereignty. 十万年的文明爆发出了它的底蕴,这人类所不能理解的文明,用它独有的残忍,宣告了对这颗星球的主权 humanity needed 2018 from the birth to grown, but these insects slowest also only required one week of time. They swallow the similar corpse, breeds the new individual with these organic matter. Facts showed, finally people do not know whether to laugh or cry discovered, weighs this Insect Race civilization logistics by the marketing economics of humanity, can rip open Carbon Nano Armor foreign-species with the sharp claws, cost even is lower than the Gauss Rifle cartridge clip. 人类从出生到成年需要18年,而这些虫子最慢的也只需要一周的时间。他们吞噬同类的尸体,用这些有机质繁育出新的个体。事实证明,最后人们哭笑不得地发现,以人类的市场经济学来衡量这个虫族文明后勤,一只能用利爪撕开碳纳米护甲异种,“成本”甚至低于高斯步枪的弹夹。 These do not know that what Death is life, with tidal quantity logistics that is testing humanity. 这些不知死亡为何物的生灵,用潮水般的数量考验着人类后勤 By insect extrusion survival space, people once returned to space station of low earth orbit. Even if there is advanced science and technology spatially, but cannot transform the battle efficiency it the resources, still has to acknowledge that is at the leeward fact with the wars of these insects. 被虫子挤压生存空间,人们一度退回到近地轨道的空间站。即便空有先进的科学技术,但没有能将其转化成战斗力的资源,也不得不承认在与这些虫子的战争中处在下风的事实。 Is good because of some insects, although can fly, but actually cannot depart the atmosphere. 好在部分虫子虽然能飞,但却飞不出大气层。 People created a glossary to summarize all these distortion Evolution insect foreign-species. 人们创造了一个词汇来概括所有这些畸变进化的虫子异种 Then, 1000 War Era opened. 就这样,一千战争纪元”拉开了帷幕。
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