IHAMITLOD :: Volume #5

#479: humanity is not humanity

This feeling is very strange, as if consciousness to be pulled into Void by that tentacle, floated in boundless Cosmos. 这种感觉很奇怪,就仿佛意识被那触手扯入了虚空,漂浮在无垠的宇宙 mental connection? 精神连接? Jiang Chen does not know why in own brain will present this glossary, the words that but thinks carefully, with this glossary described all that he witnesses now, is very appropriate. 江晨不知道自己的脑中为何会出现这个词汇,但仔细想想的话,用这个词汇来形容他现在目睹到的一切,还是挺贴切的。 , Cosmos was gradually bright. 渐渐的,宇宙亮了。 All around caught the color, the world of nihility are filled up by the entity. This feeling does not seem like Virtual Reality, but is similar. 周遭的一切都染上了色彩,虚无的世界被实体填满。这种感觉不太像是虚拟实境,但却与之类似。 Right, looking like looked that the holographic movie is the same! 对,就像是看全息电影一样! Suddenly, from the back of that fog, Jiang Chen sneaked a peek at a magnificent picture. 猛然间,从那云雾的背后,江晨窥见了一副壮观的画面。 That is a vertical tall building, or is a cuboid. Its being rooted in land, straight cloud penetration level. People are bustling about below, the float automobile is surrounding, is operating all kinds of equipment, contributes labor and materials for this tall buildings. 那是一栋垂直的高楼,或者说是一座长方体。它根植大地,直穿云层。人们在下面忙碌着,悬浮的汽车环绕着,操作着各种各样的器材,为这栋高楼大厦添砖加瓦。 [The Lord Brahma] 梵天号 white Qixie 12 national language, is saying same glossary. 白漆写的十二国语,所说着同一个词汇。 On such as an inscribed text. 就如一段碑文。 God of this in the India ancient myth creation by interstellar Colony Ship that names, with [The Zheng He] with belonging to pa, shoots the center to lift off in Sriharikota Island.( [The Zheng He] shoots center to shoot lift-off in Jiuquan, is that flight that Lin Ling misses, mentioned in the 1 o 2 chapter). 这艘以印度古神话中创造之神命名的星际殖民舰,与郑和号同属于pa,于斯里赫里戈达岛射中心升空。(郑和号于酒泉射中心射升空,也就是林玲错过的那趟航班,于1o2章提到)。 It seems is looking at the game interlude animation of editing, fetters the bracket fixing of building to crack slowly. Jiang Chen looks at this Skyscraper ignition, visits it to lift off, visits it across the atmosphere, visits it far away from this deep blue star. 就好似在看剪辑的游戏过场动画,束缚着大楼的固定架缓缓开裂。江晨看着这栋“摩天大楼”点火,看着它升空,看着它穿过大气层,看着它远离这颗蔚蓝的星球。 Far away from this Solar System. 远离这个太阳系 If inscribes Noah's Ark in Roman Sistine church top Genesis, its carrying/sustaining humanity 1/6 hopes. But its direction is not the dreadful flood, but is direction that boundless sea of stars. 如铭刻在罗马西斯廷教堂顶部的创世纪中的诺亚方舟,它承载着人类六分之一的希望。只不过它航向的不是滔天的洪水,而是航向那无垠的星海 With to the confession of passing hatred with the blessing of ground lost people, the passengers waved to make farewell speech this star. 怀着对过往仇恨的忏悔与对地面遗民的祝福,乘客们挥手作别了这颗星球。 The highest navigation is the one tenth light, may carry the passenger 27,000 people. The passengers are various domain elites, as well as Colony Ship construction. 最高航为十分之一光,可搭载乘客2.7万人。乘客多为各领域精英,以及殖民舰的施工者。 According to the plan, burn heaven with other two Colony Ship in the Pluto synchronous orbit convergence formation, will move to outside Solar System and solar together to the wormhole of 64 oo Astronomical Unit. 按照计划,焚天号将与其它两艘殖民舰冥王星同步轨道汇合编队,一同驶向太阳系外与太阳相距64oo个天文单位的虫洞。 Although humanity never steps in this place, but the theories of 22 centuries had shown, here has the Cosmos singular point. All physical quantities in this place distortion. So long as spans this place, then can span over a hundred, even over ten thousand light years the distances. 虽然人类从未涉足此地,但22世纪的理论已经证明,这里存在着宇宙的奇点。一切的物理量都将于此地扭曲。只要跨越此地,便能跨越上百、甚至上万光年的距离。 But in the back of that black hole, is the Human Civilization new homeland! 而在那黑洞的背后,就是人类文明的新家园! Before driving into wormhole, everyone lay down Hibernation Cabin. Naturally. While giving free reign to the imagination future, they also completed the worst plan. 在驶入虫洞之前,所有人都躺进了休眠仓。当然。在畅想未来的同时,他们也做好了最坏的打算。 Fortunately, the Spiritual God that they believe in has not abandoned them, they left the wormhole safely. 所幸,他们信奉的神灵并没有遗弃他们,他们平安地离开了虫洞。 The first year passed by, Serial Number o1 Survivor first relieved the hibernation. Regains consciousness from Hibernation Cabin. When he is also living pleasantly surprised presently, Colony Ship is wandering with the automatic cruise pattern when endless Cosmos, he almost must cheer excitedly. 第一年过去了,编号o1的幸存者先解除了冬眠。从休眠仓中苏醒。当他惊喜地现自己还活着,殖民舰正以自动巡航模式漂流在无尽的宇宙中时,他兴奋地几乎要欢呼出来。 According to the agreement, he enters the cockpit, to Artillery System showed that own healthy condition, then relieved the dormancy of other passengers. 按照约定,他进入驾驶舱,向系统证明自己的健康状态,然后解除了其余乘客的休眠。 They held the warm celebration party, is cheering the humanity new student in this ice-cold Milky Way. 他们举行了热烈的庆祝会,在这冰冷的银河中欢呼着人类的新生。 The astronomer contrasted the celestial chart, confirmed Colony Ship as in Milky Way Galaxy, but actually arrived at the day chessboard place beyond 2 o .5 light year, Gleiz 581 g planet nearby. 天文学家对比了星图,确认了殖民舰依旧在银河系,不过却是到达了2o.5光年外的天枰座,格利泽581g行星的附近。 This 581 g planet situated in red dwarf star Gleiz 581 occupies belt/bring suitably. With Stellar to o.15 Astronomical Unit. 这颗581g行星位于红矮星格利泽581的“适居带”。与恒星相距o.15个天文单位 This planet it has the similarity with the Solar System Mercury, always maintains faces Stellar at the same time, causes one side of this/should planet permanent in the illumination, but another side permanent in darkness, namely tide locking. 该行星它与太阳系水星存在相似之处,总是保持一面朝向恒星,使得该行星一侧永久处于光照之下,而另一侧则永久处于黑暗中,即潮汐锁定。 Although is inconceivable, because this special shape stabilized the climate of this/should planet. 虽然难以想象,但正是因为这种特殊形态稳定了该行星的气候。 In addition, people also understood that this/should planet revolution one week of time is 37 days, has the thickness enough thick atmosphere, the surface has the water source. The planet diameter is Earth 1.3 times, therefore the gravity and Earth are similar. 除此之外,人们还了解到该行星公转一周时间为37天,具备厚度足够浓厚的大气层,地表存在水源。行星直径为地球1.3倍,因此重力与地球相仿。 A kind of place planet of suitable housing! 一颗适宜居住的类地行星! The happiness comes too suddenly. The crew present New Continent jumped for joy to cheer on such as Columbus like that. 幸福来得太突然。船员们就如哥伦布现了新大6那般雀跃地欢呼了起来。 The only regret is only, they lost the contact with another two Colony Ship, this was doomed unable with others to share joyfully. 唯一的遗憾只是,他们与另外两艘殖民舰失去了联系,这份喜悦注定无法与别人分享了。 Colony Ship ended the automatic cruise immediately, changes the direction. Drives toward the 581 g planet. 殖民舰立即结束了自动巡航,改变航向。向着581g行星驶去。 On the road, the crew for are colonizing the new world to make all kinds of preparations. Colonizes the module working condition including the inspection, whose should step New Continent to go down in history by first including the voting decision. 在路上,船员们为着殖民新世界做着各种各样的准备。包括检查殖民模块的运转情况,包括投票决定该由谁第一个踏上新大6而被载入史册。 However when everyone is busy at work for the new life, the physicist on Colony Ship had another astonishing present. 然而就在所有人都为新生活忙活着的时候,殖民舰上的物理学家却是有了另外一个惊人的现。 They are carrying the cesium atom bell appeared traced the phenomenon. 他们携带着的铯原子钟出现了溯现象。 This tracing phenomenon in physics radically unable to explain, seems everyone to know that the atom can decay, actually no one believes decayed the atom can restore under the natural condition before the decay. 这种溯现象在物理学中根本无法解释,就好像所有人都知道原子会衰变,却没有人会相信衰变了的原子能够在自然条件下恢复到衰变之前。 Only has an explanation. When the cross over wormhole, they not only passed through distortion space, similarly passed through the time of distortion. 只有一种解释。在穿越虫洞的时候,他们不仅穿过了扭曲的空间,同样穿过了扭曲的时间。 in a nutshell, they arrived. 简而言之,他们到了过去。 According to the calculation of Quantum Computer, the time of cesium atom bell demonstration was B. C. 1 2020. 根据量子计算机的推算,铯原子钟此刻显示的时间是公元前一2o年 In this year historically for Emperor Wu of Han Yuanshou Year 3, Rome constructed the city's 634 th year. In this year, Emperor Wu of Han sent the envoy to Alexander, ancient Greece completes Pantheon. 这一年在历史上为汉武帝元狩三年,罗马建城第634年。这一年,汉武帝派使节前往亚历山大,古希腊建成万神殿。 If Colony Ship arrives at Earth now suddenly, Earth is in the wild time to be the same. 假如现在殖民舰突然到地球,地球正处于蛮荒时代一样。 This feeling is very marvelous, seemed like your parents is not born, but you have been born in this world. 这种感觉很奇妙,就好像是你的父母尚未没出生,但你已经诞生在了这个世界上。 The physicist gave many different explanations to this phenomenon. 物理学家对这种现象做出了多种不同的解释。 Some people proposed, if supposed that the multi- world theory establishes, they can arrive in some and previous world entirely different world. But that Earth, is one with present world entirely different Earth. 有人提出,如果假设多世界理论成立,他们会不会是到达了某个与先前世界截然不同的世界。而那个地球,也是一个与现世截然不同的地球 This theory received everyone's acceptance to a certain extent. 这个理论在一定程度上受到了所有人的接受。 Because lives in them of 22 centuries, is really unable to believe that the person who three dimensional has can the vertical migration in the four-dimensional criterion, this will tempt the time paradox. Can explain this phenomenon only, probably only then they jumped Parallel World, but the beforehand that world has had nothing to do with them. 因为生活在22世纪的他们,实在无法相信,三维存在的人能够在四维尺度上垂直移动,这样会诱时间悖论。唯一能够解释这种现象的,大概只有他们跳跃到了一个平行世界,而之前的那个世界已经与他们无关了。 This feeling is very subtle. 这种感觉很微妙。 It seems the baby to be separated from the parent body, was sheared that flash of umbilical cord. 就好像婴儿脱离母体,被剪断脐带的那一刹那。 By the Cosmos shear, not only distance, sustenance on mental. 宇宙剪断的不只是距离,还有精神上的寄托。 Three seconds, everyone calm. 三秒钟的时间里,所有人都安静了下来。 Some people probe proposed, if changes the direction to return to Earth, can definitely rely on the Colony Ship strong battle efficiency to conquer that still to be in the Bronze Age star. Even if there is 2 o .5 light year the distance, by biggest one tenth biggest navigation light/only, arrives in Earth still only to need 400 to the 500 year time. Worst situation, is Colony Ship meets the Hsiungnu cavalry. 有人试探地提出,如果改变航向返地球,完全能够凭借着殖民舰强大的战斗力征服那个尚处于青铜时代的星球。即便存在2o.5光年的距离,以最大十分之一光的最大航,抵达地球也就只需要四百五百年的功夫而已。“最坏”的情况,也就是殖民舰遇上匈奴骑兵。 But the quick this proposition was then overruled. 但很快这个提议便被否决了。 No one can affirm, in this Parallel World, the Earth Civilization history is certainly in progress according to the path in their original that world. Perhaps does the writing understand the 1000 year early? Perhaps was Columbus born early the 5 oo year? Perhaps first Industrial Revolution early 2 oo year? Perhaps all these have not lived. 没有人能肯定,在这个平行世界中,地球文明的历史一定是按照他们原来那个世界的轨迹在进行。或许文字早明了一千年?或许哥伦布早诞生了5oo年?或许第一次工业革命早了2oo年?或许这一切根本都没生。 Compared to the entire humanity ethnic group 400,000 year Evolution history, only needs a small change, then can have the tremendous changes. Only they can determine merely is, this world affirmed that was different from their once world. 相对于整个人类族群4o万年的进化史来说,只需要一个微小的变动,便能产生翻天覆地的变化。他们唯一能确定的仅仅是,这个世界肯定与他们曾经的世界不同。 Perhaps waited for them to arrive at Earth of this world, faced is one compared with they more advanced civilization, referring to erratically is who will be regarded native to hang to hit when the time comes. 没准等他们到了这个世界的地球,面对的将是一个比他们更先进的文明,指不定到时候是谁会被当成土著吊打。 Very strange imagination, after the Earth 2 o .5 light year, the idea in all human brains emerging, revolved is a head. 很奇怪的想象,当距离地球2o.5光年之后,所有人脑中涌现的想法,围绕的都是一个中心词。 War. 战争。 Stemming from the unknown fear, everyone was law-abiding, put the thoughts to colonizing of present this 581 g planet. 出于对未知的恐惧,所有人都安分了下来,将心思重新放了对现在这颗581g行星的殖民上。 Meanwhile, two thought also take shape in everyone's mind unknowingly, and affected this newborn civilization show/unfolds path finally. 与此同时,两个思想也不知不觉地在所有人的脑海中成型,并最终影响了这个新生文明的展轨迹。 Earth is not a homeland.” 地球不是家园。” humanity is not humanity.”( To be continued.) 人类不是人类。”(未完待续。) One clouds. Come. The pavilion then obtains the view. 】 地一下云.来.阁即可获得观.】
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