IHAMITLOD :: Volume #5

#478: Path of Evolution

Out of the window is glittering that light, attracted was being busy at work the Lin Ling's attention before laboratory bench. One 窗外闪烁着的那道光,吸引了正忙活在实验台前的林玲的注意力。一 Why does not know, that light who looks at out of the window, her heart moved restlessly inexplicably. 不知为何,看着窗外的那道光,她的心脏莫名地躁动了起来。 Meteor? Should I make a vow?” “流星?我应该许个愿吗?” Lin Ling is whispering low voice, the test tube that in the hand sways also stopped, will focus on the distant place. 林玲小声嘀咕着,手上摇晃的试管也不由停了下来,将注意力投向了远方。 The meteor falls down. 流星坠地。 Suddenly, her mechanical heart fiercely contraction. 突然,她的机械心脏猛地一阵收缩。 „!!” “呃!啊!” The Lin Ling pupil reduces, covered the chest painfully, pea-sized beads of sweat before her volume drops. 林玲瞳孔紧缩,痛苦地捂住了胸口,豆大的汗珠从她的额前滴落。 pā lā! 啪啦 The test tube fell on the ground threw down and broke, Lin Ling rolled up is falling down. Her hand covers the chest, the expression is twisting because of the pain. 试管掉在地上摔碎了,林玲蜷缩着倒在了地上。她的手捂着胸口,表情因痛苦而扭曲。 Damn, is that fellow? 该死,又是那家伙吗? Hears in the room to transmit the sound, out of the door hears rapid sound of footsteps, then, the knock resounds. 听到房间内传来响动,门外传来一阵急促的脚步声,接着,敲门声响起。 Lin Ling? What matter lived?” 林玲?生什么事了?” Is Sun Jiao. 孙娇 Rescues, rescues “救,救” Seemed like heard anything, Sun Jiao then realizes immediately the situation was not right, makes an effort to sway from side to side the doorknob. Sees the gate to be deadlocked, her retreat two steps, then the half step goes forward fiercely a foot. 似乎是听到了什么,孙娇立刻便意识到了情况不对,使劲扭动门把。见门被锁死,她后退两步,然后猛地快步上前一脚。 The gate bang kicked out of the way, together with shattering also has the doorframe. 门砰地一声被踢开了,连同坏掉地还有门框。 Sees to pour in ground Lin Ling, Sun Jiao suddenly one startled, rushed to run up to near Lin Ling's, held her. 见到倒在地上的林玲,孙娇陡然一惊,赶忙跑到了林玲的边上,将她扶了起来。 Lin Ling, Lin Ling! You how?” 林玲,林玲!你怎么了?” The ominous light that in that pupil glitters lets her back cold. 那瞳孔中闪烁的凶光让她背脊一阵寒。 But quick, that wipes the ominous light to be covered by the pain. 但很快,那抹凶光又被痛苦所掩盖。 No, does not want! Ting Ting (graceful and dainty) wū wū! Stops to me!” Lin Ling raised the head fiercely, the silver-white show because of struggling to be in utter confusion. “不,不要!婷婷呜呜!给我住手!”林玲猛地扬起了脑袋,银白色的秀因为挣扎而凌乱不堪。 Suddenly, the Lin Ling's pupil was replaced by the red glow completely, turns around to plunge Sun Jiao. However Sun Jiao is prepared early, the backhand seizes, then Lin Ling both hands uniform/subdue with hands tied behind the back in place. 突然,林玲的瞳孔完全被红芒取代,转过身来扑向了孙娇。然而孙娇早有准备,反手一擒,便将林玲反剪双手制服在地。 Heard Sun Xiaorou of sound to drive in the room, looks by Lin Ling of Sun Jiao uniform/subdue, was surprised the different way. 听到响动的孙小柔赶进了屋内,看着被孙娇制服的林玲,诧异道。 elder sister, she how?” 姐姐,她怎么?” . Yao Yao also appeared in the entrance, looks at the ground two people, covered up the opening lightly the small mouth. 紧接着。姚姚也出现在了门口,看着地上的二人,不由轻掩住张大的小口。 Sun Jiao elder sister, Lin Ling 孙娇姐姐,林玲 You two. Helps my quickly! This young girl, how the strength is not so big!” Both hands of effort shivered slightly, suppress Sun Jiao to become flushed the face. “你们两个。快来帮我一把!唔,这小妞,力气怎么这么大!”用力的双手微微颤抖,憋得孙娇涨红了脸。 Worthily is Cyborg, the mechanical potential is to exceed the lifeform eventually plans. At her 5 o strength. Nearly cannot control her unexpectedly! 不愧是电子人,机械的潜力终究是胜过生物一筹。以她那5o点的力量。竟然险些控制不住她! Sun Xiaorou first responded, goes forward hastily. 孙小柔最先反应了过来,连忙上前。 I help you, first fixes her on the surgery table.” “我来帮你,先把她固定在手术台上。” Yao Yao, you go to call Jiang Chen, he should shoot the field.” 姚姚,你去把江晨叫来,他应该在射场。” Un un!” little girl rushes to turn around, runs to the room. “嗯嗯!”小姑娘赶忙转身,向屋外跑去。 That eye socket is glowing red, she who does not make clear the condition, soon was anxious the tears to fall. 那眼眶红彤彤的,搞不清楚状况的她,急得眼泪都快要掉下来了。 Hurry opens the front door of villa, when she runs up to the villa entrance, ran upon stern-faced Jiang Chen just in time. 慌忙地推开别墅的大门,就在她跑到别墅门口的时候,正巧撞上了一脸凝重的江晨 āi yōu 哎呦 Calls out in grief short. The Yao Yao corona that hits the Jiang Chen chest goes backward but actually, but was grasped by quick of eye and hand Jiang Chen. 一声短促地悲鸣。一头撞到江晨胸口的姚姚晕乎乎地向后倒去,不过被眼疾手快的江晨一把抱住了。 Yao Yao? How matter?” 姚姚?怎么事?” Looks Yao Yao that harebrained goes out, but also thinks that lived what Jiang Chen of serious matter, rushes to hold her to ask. 看着冒冒失失往外跑的姚姚,还以为生了什么严重事的江晨,赶忙扶着她问道。 Forest, Lin Ling elder sister she, she turned into that appearance.” Yao Yao said with the sound that almost cries quickly. “林,林玲姐姐她,她又变成那个样子了。”姚姚用几乎快哭出来的声音说道。 Not no need to go to details, Jiang Chen realizes immediately that appearance refers to anything, immediately runs to the villa. 无需细说,江晨立刻意识到了那个样子指的是什么,立刻向别墅跑去。 Opened the door of Lin Ling laboratory, the Jiang Chen half step moves toward the room central surgery table, Yao Yao ran closely to follow in his behind. 推开林玲实验室的门,江晨快步走向了屋子中央的手术台,姚姚一路小跑地紧紧跟在他的后面。 Sees Jiang Chen. Sun Jiao hurried. 见到江晨孙娇赶忙走了过来。 Lived anything, wait/etc., how the wound on your hand is the matter!” Looks at the bandage on Sun Jiao arm, the Jiang Chen hurried say/way. “生了什么,等等,你手上的伤是怎么事!”看着孙娇手臂上的绷带,江晨急忙道。 Saw only the sleeve of Sun Jiao right arm to be torn up completely. On the arm is also tying up bandage. 只见孙娇右臂的袖子已经被完全撕掉了。胳膊上还绑着一条绷带。 I am all right, when controlled her to receive the small wound. Lin Ling her appearance is somewhat strange.” Looks on the Jiang Chen face the concerned expression, the Sun Jiao heart one warm, but looks after Lin Ling, her expression changed the dignified color quickly. One “我没事,只是在控制住她的时候受了一点小伤。林玲她样子有些奇怪。”看着江晨脸上关切的表情,孙娇心头不禁一暖,但看向林玲后,她的表情很快又变了凝重之色。一 Such not probably small wound. 那样子可一点都不像是小伤。 However by the Sun Jiao Tenacious ability, should quick be able to restore. 不过以孙娇坚韧能力,应该很快就能恢复过来吧。 Thinks of this. Jiang Chen put down slightly to worry of Sun Jiao, then looked is fettered Lin Ling on surgery table. Sees only her both eyes to glitter the red glow, the hands and feet such as epilepsy is resulting is twitching, tries to work loose to fetter in bandage. 想到这。江晨稍稍放下了对孙娇的担忧,转而将目光投向了被束缚在手术台上的林玲。只见她双目闪烁着红芒,手脚如癫痫似得抽搐着,试图挣脱束缚在身上的绑带。 „Did she violent walk?” Jiang Chen has a headache asks. “她又暴走了吗?”江晨头疼地问道。 The insect that resides temporarily in her within the body, like a time bomb, does not know when will explode one time. 那个寄居在她体内的虫子,就像一颗定时炸弹,不知道什么时候就会爆炸一次。 Un, but this situation is somewhat strange.” Sun Jiao nods, said seriously. “嗯,不过这次情况有些古怪。”孙娇点了点头,面色凝重地说道。 Jiang Chen elder brother, Lin Ling elder sister will her she be good?” Looks Jiang Chen that deeply frowns, Yao Yao pulled his sleeve cuff gently, is worried to say. 江晨哥哥,林玲姐姐她她会好起来吗?”看着眉头紧锁的江晨,姚姚轻轻扯了扯他的袖口,担心道。 Sometimes although Lin Ling likes making fun of the person, but Yao Yao can feel her and without any malicious intent, but she does not know how should use venomous tongue outside way to express own feelings. 虽然林玲有时候喜欢捉弄人,但是姚姚能感觉到她并没有恶意,只是她不知道该如何用“毒舌”以外的方式表达自己的感情罢了。 In the heart of hearts, she has regarded oneself good friend Lin Ling. 在内心深处,她一直都将林玲当成自己的好朋友的。 Looks on the Yao Yao face that heavyhearted expression, Jiang Chen puts out a hand to rub rubbing in her soft head, comforts saying that affirmation.” 看着姚姚脸上那忧心忡忡的表情,江晨伸出手在她松软的头上揉了揉,安慰道,“肯定可以的。” Un!” “嗯!” Yao Yao nods, on the face exposed a relieved smiling face slightly. 姚姚点了点头,脸上稍稍展露了一丝安心的笑容。 Although is worried about the Lin Ling's condition as before very much, but she believes the Jiang Chen elder brother words. 虽然依旧很担心林玲的状况,但她相信江晨哥哥的话。 Deeply inspires, Jiang Chen walked to Lin Ling. When he arrives at surgery table, he notices the Lin Ling's line of sight to lock on his face. 深吸一口气,江晨林玲走了过去。当他走到手术台边上的时候,他注意到林玲的视线一直锁定在他的脸上。 No, said accurately is not Lin Ling, but lodges in her within the body Ting Ting (graceful and dainty), the brain of that insect. 不,准确的说不是林玲,而是寄宿在她体内婷婷,那个虫子的大脑。 By this scarlet pupil gaze, Jiang Chen was only thought back one coolly. This feeling is somewhat similar to standing in a forest, by some advanced species are observing feeling. 被这猩红色的瞳孔注视,江晨只觉背脊一阵凉飕飕的。这种感觉有些类似于站在一片森林中,被某种高等生物观察着的感觉。 Ting Ting (graceful and dainty) stopped struggling, but is staring at him silently, did not say a word. 婷婷停止了挣扎,只是默默地凝视着他,也不言语。 Then, Jiang Chen notices, she opened the mouth slowly. 接着,江晨注意到,她缓缓张开了嘴。 Opens mouth? 张嘴? Is this does do? Hungry? 这是干什么?饿了吗? Yao Yao, goes to the refrigerator to take the box mango pudding.” Jiang Chen said. 姚姚,去冰箱里拿盒芒果布丁来吧。”江晨道。 Un!” The Yao Yao nod complies, immediately runs to go out outside. “嗯!”姚姚点头答应,立刻跑出了门外。 Quick, this Little Loli holds one box of pudding, ran. 很快,这小萝莉捧着一盒布丁,啪嗒啪嗒地跑了来。 Jiang Chen received the box, arrived by Lin Ling to squat down. 江晨接过盒子,走到了林玲旁边蹲下。 Rips open the packing. Scooped up a spoon orange yellow pudding with the plastic ladle, gathers that was opening on small mouth. 撕开包装。用塑料勺子舀了一小勺橙黄色的布丁,凑到了那开着的小嘴边上。 However Lin Ling has not eaten the pudding, even has not looked at this pudding one, the scarlet pupil is staring at the Jiang Chen's eyes as before. 然而林玲并没有吃掉布丁,甚至没有看这布丁一眼,猩红色的瞳孔依旧凝视着江晨的双眼。 This Jiang Chen thorough was puzzled. Cannot master her to do. 江晨彻底困惑了。搞不懂她到底要干什么。 At this moment, she, or it opened the mouth. 就在这时,她,或者说它开口了。 Antenna was destroyed.” “天线被毁了。” Antenna? 天线? Sorry, what couldn't I understand you to say?” Jiang Chen knits the brows slightly. “抱歉,我听不懂你说什么?”江晨微微皱眉。 It learned the speech, should be a big progress. Why does not know. Jiang Chen does not feel happy. That memory is been similar, he who he faded from the memory does not think oneself had the duty to save character that virtual had. 它学会了说话,应该算是一种不小的进步吧。可不知为何。江晨一点都不为之感到高兴。那段记忆已经被他淡忘的差不多了,他不认为自己有义务拯救一个虚拟存在的角色 Yes, Tao Tingting had died, died in 2172 autumn. But he in that person who in Virtual Reality meets, but pa researcher acts according to some Prisoners of War memory, construction virtual character. 是的,陶婷婷已经死了,死在了2172年的秋天。而他在虚拟实境中遇上的那个人,只是pa科研人员根据某个战俘记忆,构建的虚拟角色罢了。 After fleeing that electronic prisoner's cage, he has faded from the memory regarding that girl's impression was similar. At this moment is placed in him at present another player 在逃离那电子囚笼之后,他对于那个女孩的印象已经淡忘的差不多了。此刻摆在他眼前中的另一个玩家罢了 Jiang Chen visits her, does not know that she wants to express anything. 江晨看着她,不知道她想要表达着什么。 Ting Ting (graceful and dainty) then opened the mouth, to Path of Evolution. Blocks.” 婷婷接着开口了,“通往进化之路。阻断。” Evolution?” The Jiang Chen's line of sight hangs down slightly, he understood anything indistinctly. 进化吗?”江晨的视线微微低垂,他隐隐约约明白了什么。 Lin Chao'en destroyed City Center something with God's Cane, but that thing was called as the gadget of antenna by her. But the antenna, is relating Evolution. If he has not guessed that wrong, this so-called Evolution and zombie and foreign-species cannot be inseparable from. 林朝恩上帝之杖破坏了市中心的某个东西,而那个东西便是被她称作天线的玩意儿。而天线,关系着进化。如果他没猜错的话,这所谓的进化丧尸异种都脱不了干系。 „To know?” “想知道吗?” Ting Ting (graceful and dainty) calm is staring at the Jiang Chen's eyes, seemed like used to the mechanical vocal cord, her sound was clearer. 婷婷安静地凝视着江晨的双眼,似乎是习惯了机械声带,这次她的声音清晰了许多。 Jiang Chen is looking at each other with that scarlet line of sight, tries to read out her idea, but was actually defeated very much regrettably. 江晨与那猩红的视线对视着,试图读出她内心的想法,但却很遗憾地失败了。 Thinks.” “想。” Listens. 姑且听听吧。 That, kisses me.” Ting Ting (graceful and dainty) said made everyone fall into the unexpected words. “那,吻我。”婷婷说出了让所有人都陷入了意外的话。 Jiang Chen was shocked. Does not understand that actually she is what meaning. 江晨愣住了。不明白她究竟是什么意思。 However Ting Ting (graceful and dainty) opened the small mouth slightly, no longer spoke. 然而婷婷只是微微张开了小口,不再说话。 Kiss?” Sun Jiao face one red, immediately said for the Jiang Chen rejection, is not good. That was too strange! Why can have the relations with the kiss? Bewildered. Moreover her present aggressivity is so strong, what to do thing does come up?” “吻?”孙娇脸一红,当即替江晨拒绝道,“不行不行。那太奇怪了吧!为何会和吻扯上关系?莫名其妙的。而且她现在攻击性这么强,玩意一口上去怎么办?” The face of Yao Yao is also becomes red, although without the speech, may look that her expression then can know she and Sun Jiao viewpoint is consistent. 姚姚的脸也是变得通红,虽然没说话,可看她的表情便能知道她和孙娇的观点一致。 I and elder sister view is consistent, although the intuition will tell me her not to harm you, but if had the accident/surprise Sun Xiaorou to stop the thread of conversation to say hesitant. “我和姐姐的看法一致,虽然直觉告诉我她不会伤害你,但如果出现了意外的话”孙小柔犹豫地打住了话头道。 Kiss? 吻? What significance but does this have? 可这有什么意义吗? Is looking at Ting Ting (graceful and dainty). Or Lin Ling's that face, even if makes him kiss, his some are unable the feeling of end opening. 望着婷婷。或者说林玲的那张脸,就算是让他吻上去,他也有些无法下口的感觉。 Swallowed a spit, Jiang Chen felt that own heartbeat is adding. 咽了口吐沫,江晨感觉到自己的心跳正在加。 He does not know that at this time should make what seed/type the expression, does not know that actually must try. 他不知道这时候自己该做何种表情,也不知道究竟是不是要试一下。 Hesitant the long time, Jiang Chen sighed finally, braces oneself to look straight ahead this that scarlet vision. 犹豫了半晌,江晨最终叹了口气,硬着头皮直视这那猩红色的目光。 Good, I believe you for the time being.” “好吧,我姑且相信你。” That scarlet eye winked winking, as if on his trust. 那猩红色的眼睛眨了眨,似乎在应他的信任。 Wait, but Sun Jiao also wants to say anything, but was actually slow Jiang Chen one step. “等等,可是”孙娇还想说些什么,不过却是慢了江晨一步。 Suppresses heart that strange feeling, Jiang Chen deeply is inspiring, was kissing to that thin lips slowly. 强忍着心头那古怪的感觉,江晨深吸了一口气,对着那薄唇缓缓地吻了下去。 Considers the artificial respiration 就当是人工呼吸 Such that just like Sun Xiaorou guessed, although Lin Ling was full of the aggressivity at this moment, but she has not actually nipped toward Jiang Chen. 正如孙小柔猜测的那样,虽然林玲此刻充满攻击性,但她却没有向着江晨咬过来。 Was an icy coldly small tongue is on the contrary thorough, pried open the Jiang Chen's jaw. 反倒是一条冰凉地小舌深入,撬开了江晨的牙关。 In his surprise in Lin Ling the time of kiss technique a while, the unusual form then lived. 就在他诧异于“林玲”的吻技那么一会儿的功夫,异状便生了。 Very soft, is very slender. 很柔软,也很纤细。 If touches. The hand filament slid from her hypoglossis, touched the Jiang Chen's tip of tongue, and went by the spiral-shaped upward winding, then continued upwardly 如触.手般的细丝从她的舌下滑出,触碰了江晨的舌尖,并以螺旋状向上缠绕而去,然后继续向上 Very comfortable yes right 很舒服是没错 But quick Jiang Chen is then startled. 但很快江晨便是一惊。 Grass! It is not right! 草!不对劲! However when he prepares to work loose, his consciousness sinks fiercely, the line of sight covered a darkness.( To be continued.) 然而就在他准备挣脱的时候,他的意识猛地一沉,视线蒙上了一片黑暗。(未完待续。) One clouds. Come. The pavilion then obtains the view. 】 地一下云.来.阁即可获得观.】
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