IHAMITLOD :: Volume #5

#477: Lawful right of God

Hung moves in the vault of heaven ring. 悬于天穹的圆环动了。 Some switch was pressed down, was similar to digs out the trigger of revolver. 某个开关被按下,就如同抠下了左轮的扳机。 The blue arc light twinkle, something was separated from it, crashes to the tread straightly. 蓝色弧光闪烁,某个东西脱离了它,笔直地向着地面坠落。 Compares Earth, it such as an insignificant thing, is only slender and tiny. But when that flash of that its atmospheric penetration, will then change to several hundred meters fire dragon shortly, is whooshing toward the land. Its light illuminated the clear sky, Sun that as if daybreak raises slowly, even if Sun has raised. 相比起地球,它只如一根鸿毛,纤细而渺小。可当那它进入大气层的那一瞬间,顷刻便化作数百米长的火龙,向着大地嘶吼着。它的光照亮了晴空,仿佛黎明冉冉升起的太阳,即使太阳早已升起。 On Jehovah Ruin Sodom and Gomorrah that such as «Old Testament · Genesis» records: Luo obtained the trivial arc of contact of halo, the sun had come out, at that time, Jehovah the sulfur and fire, from space Jehovah there, fell in institute Doma and Gomorrah. These cities and entire plains, and in the city all residents, Ruin that even the ground grew. The wife who Luo results in then looked in the back, turned into a salt stock.” 就如《旧约·创世纪》中记述的耶和华毁灭索多玛蛾摩拉的那一幕:“罗得到了琐珥,日头已经出来了,当时,耶和华将硫磺与火,从天上耶和华那里,降于所多玛和蛾摩拉。把那些城和全平原,并城里所有的居民,连地上生长的都毁灭了。罗得的妻子在后边回头一看,就变成了一根盐柱。” The flame touches the ground, could not hear any echo in the outer space, the collapse of scroll inscribed on that deep blue star. Over ten thousand degrees flame in flaming burns, the wild shock-wave sweeps across all, all around will change to the hard coke. 火光触及地面,在太空中听不到任何回声,漩涡形的塌陷铭刻了在那蔚蓝的星球上。上万度的火焰在熊熊燃烧,狂暴的冲击波席卷一切,将周遭的一切化作焦炭。 But that meat pile at explosion center, has changed to the dust. 而处在爆炸中心的那个肉堆,早已化作尘埃。 Like patting a mosquito. 就像拍死一只蚊子一样。 At this moment, Deep-Red Chamber of Commerce building, a man who wears the western-style clothes the standing roof is looking into the Wanghai City direction. 此刻,深红商会的大楼,一名身穿西服的男子正站楼顶眺望着望海市的方向。 Then, Wanghai City again in great confusion.” “如此一来,望海市将再次乱成一团了吧。” The corners of the mouth raise wipe the happy expression, he turns around to depart. 嘴角扬起一抹笑意,他转身离去。 At this moment, stands in space station, the Lin Chao'en smile is gazing at this. 此刻,站在空间站内,林朝恩微笑地注视着这一幕。 Dares to aim at God? That has to make you predecease. 敢瞄准上帝?那就只好让你先死了。 Is looking at that the shock-wave, he lifted the right hand, raises the index finger and thumb, gave an opening fire hand signal. 望着那荡开的冲击波,他抬起了右手,扬起食指和拇指,做了个开枪的手势。 Nie- shot “nie-shot” ...... …… Here is the First Army headquarters, the E team hears please reply, I Repeat, hears please reply......” “这里是第一兵团指挥部,e队听到请回答,重复一遍,听到请回答……” The hoarse communication sound in this stretch of ruins is such doing for the occasion. 沙哑的通讯音在这片废墟中是如此的应景。 Wisp of cool breeze has stroked, swept in the remnants of destroyed building repeatedly the dust. 一缕清风拂过,吹走了断壁残垣间屡屡尘土。 The crushed stone becomes less crowded, a hand stretches out from the ruins rubbles. 碎石松动,一只手从废墟瓦砾间伸出。 „......!” Roars lowly, he lifted giant stone that presses in the chest. “呃……啊!”低吼一声,他掀开了压在胸口的巨石。 The chemical-proof suit has broken. Stayed in this high emission region for a long time must be finished sooner or later. 防化服已经破了。在这高辐射区域待久了迟早得完蛋。 He had smelled the sweet taste in air. 他已经闻到了空气中的甜味。 This is the radiation excessive omen! 这是辐射过量的前兆! Does not dare to be dull, since Feng Yu crawls from the ruins totteringly, is clenching teeth to fall the leg in broken gravel to move. 不敢多呆,冯瑜跌跌撞撞地从废墟间爬起,咬着牙将陷在碎石渣中的腿挪出。 mechanical exoskeleton has partly destroyed, the joint place is revealing the spark. Sends out to make the person of tooth acid fricative. 机械外骨骼已经半毁,关节处露着火花。发出令人牙酸的摩擦音。 The polythene bulletproof plate of chest has split completely, the metal of connecting point also brought the obvious dent to oppress the board of chest to tear off that has a lingering fear looked at an opening, he threw it in conveniently one side. 胸口的聚乙烯防弹板已经完全裂开,接口处的金属也带着明显的凹痕将那压迫胸口的板子扯下,心有余悸地看了眼裂口,他顺手将其扔在了一边。 The meat pile and the lake water has disappeared, remaining only has a being too deep to see the bottom endocrater. 肉堆和湖水已经不见了,剩下的只有一个深不见底的巨坑。 All around piece in confusion. 四周一片狼藉。 That meteor destroyed that meat pile. Similarly also destroyed all around. 那颗流星摧毁了那肉堆。同样也摧毁了周遭的一切。 When Feng Yu is about to leave as soon as possible, the side suddenly transmits a sound, frightened him immediately to draw out Pistol of waist. 就在冯瑜准备尽快离开的时候,身边突然传来一阵响动,吓得他立刻拔出了腰间的手枪 Help/Gang , helping me...... “帮,帮帮我……啊。” Hearing is the voice of ally. 听到是战友的声音。 He receives Pistol immediately, ran staggering. 他立刻收起手枪,踉踉跄跄地跑了过去。 Feng, Old Feng......” “冯,老冯……” Rubbish, hurries the hand to me, was here for a long time must end sooner or later.” Actuated the mechanical exoskeleton strength, Feng Yu to lift stone that pressed in the ally lower part of the body. When sees that obviously the broken by pressing left leg, he gawked under. “别废话,赶紧把手给我,在这儿待久了迟早要完。”驱动机械外骨骼的力量,冯瑜掀开了压在了战友下身的石块。当看到那明显已经被压断的左腿时,他愣了下。 Ok. Leave alone I, when long sooner or later......” “算了。别管我,待久了迟早得……” Shut up, bears!” Feng Yu clenched teeth, drew out dagger. “闭嘴,忍住!”冯瑜咬牙,拔出了匕首 No, no! Gives me happily!” “不,不!还是给我个痛快啊!” Feng Yu dagger cut off his leg, then extracts the hematischesis atomization rapidly. Breaks off the nozzle, sprinkled toward his wound on altogether. 冯瑜匕首斩断了他的腿,然后迅速抽出止血喷雾。掰断喷头,一股脑地往他伤口上面洒了过去。 That soldier expression because of being happy and fierce, in the gum seeps out the faint trace bloodstain, the throat that twitches is not even able to make the sound. 那名士兵的表情因为痛快而狰狞,牙龈中渗出丝丝血迹,那抽搐的喉咙甚至无法发出声音。 You will be good, relax. Heard...... aerospace Director is the Grandmaster of fabrication leg.” Feng Yu shouldered him on the shoulder, leading him to flee staggering outward. “你会好起来了的,放心。听说……航天所的所长就是个造假腿的大师。”冯瑜将他扛在了肩上,带着他踉踉跄跄地向外逃离。 All the way a pitiful condition. 一路上一片惨状。 The First Army leading troops are almost annihilated, the follow-up unit was also under a big impact. The shock-wave of that high temperature almost swept away entire City Center, has quite miserable ranger infantry car(riage). Was blown the stone that the landslide flies to crank up the discus directly. 第一兵团的先头部队几乎全军覆没,后续部队也受到了不小的冲击。那高温的冲击波几乎横扫了整个市中心,有比较惨的突击者步兵车。直接被吹地崩飞的石块拍成了铁饼。 Stood in the rocket launch field, Jiang Chen is looking at that light of distant place dumbfoundedly. 站在火箭发射场,江晨口呆目瞪地望着远方的那道光。 That say/way vanished ray. 那道已经消失的光芒。 Wisp of cool breeze has stroked, is mixing with lightly the niter smoke, should float from the frontline. 一缕清风拂过,夹杂着淡淡地硝烟味,应该是从前线飘来的。 A moment ago, earthquake?” “刚才,地震了?” Jiang Lin swallowed a spit, the nod said. 蒋林咽了口吐沫,点头道。 Should be.” “应该是。” Jiang Chen cast tablet the vision. City Center there is snows is still gray. But quick, the frontline communication then transmits. 江晨将目光投回了平板市中心那里依旧是一片雪花白。但很快,前线的通讯便传来回来。 Here is First Army, we encountered the meteor bombardment...... damn, I pledged that absolutely is not the meteor.” The Cheng Weiguo sound is somewhat distressed, very hoarse. “这里是第一兵团,我们遭到了流星轰击……见鬼,我发誓那绝对不是流星。”程卫国的声音有些狼狈,也很嘶哑。 Report casualty situation.” Jiang Chen sinking sound said. “报告伤亡情况。”江晨沉声道。 Is being counted, had confirmed that 2 Hunting Tiger and 11 rangers lose the contact...... damn, foreign-species in attacking “正在统计中,已确认二辆猎虎、11辆突击者丢失联络……该死,异种在进攻” That of communication transmitted the static, Jiang Chen said hastily. 通讯器的那头传来了杂音,江晨连忙道。 Immediately since City Center retreats, nearby removes toward the No. 27 Camp recuperation standby. Fireball-1 will shield you.” “立刻从市中心撤退,就近撤往27号营地休整待命。火球-1会掩护你们。” Understood!” Cheng Weiguo replies immediately. “明白!”程卫国立刻答道。 The communication interrupt, Jiang Chen went to the launch contact surface the vision again. 通讯中断,江晨将目光再次投向了发射界面。 The Fireball-1 launching trolley has completed the filling. He extends the index finger, drew an arc northeast First Army, lives the red point circle that all encircled. 火球-1发射车已经完成装填。他伸出食指,在第一兵团东北面划出了一道弧线,将所有围上来的红点圈住。 Confirmed that the blue point has been far away from the area coverage, Jiang Chen presses down launched Niu. 确认蓝点已经远离覆盖区域,江晨按下了发射钮。 Launch!” “发射!” The rocket grading launch, falls in torrents to go in the City Center direction again, shuts off foreign-species and zombie way. 火箭次第发射,再次向着市中心的方向倾泻而去,将异种丧尸的去路切断。 Looks at distance red point more and more far first Second Army, Jiang Chen relaxes. 看着距离红点越来越远的第一第二兵团,江晨不由松了口气。 Although to retreat to come to an end finally, but under the bombardment of that type of thing, should not have the foreign-species lair also to survive. Even if to retreat to come to an end finally, the goal of but battling achieved. 虽然最终以撤退告终,但想必在那种东西的轰击下,应该没有异种巢穴还能存活了吧。即便最终以撤退告终,但作战的目标还是达成了。 The radio life signal detection installment has swept again, just as he expected, disappears to conceal situated in the City Center underground several unnatural red points thoroughly. The attack of internal stress to underground installation the tungsten rod hit ground has is fatal. 射电生命信号探测装置再次扫过,正如他所预料的那样,位于市中心地下的几处不自然的红点也彻底消匿。钨杆弹撞击地面产生的内应力对地下设施的打击是致命的。 Then so long as will be distributed in the small-scale lairs in urban districts and suburb places fragmentarily draws out, establishes checkpoint in the Wanghai City entrance, the Wanghai City foreign-species crisis almost can be relieves. 接下来只要将零星分布在市区、郊区各处的小型巢穴拔出,在望海市的入口建立检查站,望海市异种危机差不多就可以算是解除了。 But when Jiang Chen relaxes, tablet in his hand exuded the snow to be gray suddenly. 可就在江晨松了口气的时候,他手中的平板突然泛起了雪花白。 Who?” “谁?” hello. We met.” 哈喽。咱们又见面了。” That face appeared in the screen center, Jiang Chen narrowed the eye slightly. 那张脸浮现在了屏幕中央,江晨不由微微眯起了眼睛。 Lin Chao'en?” 林朝恩?” Right, was very happy that you still remember me, Wanghai City Earth Sovereign Emperor.” The Lin Chao'en smile said. “没错,很高兴您还记得我,望海市土皇帝。”林朝恩微笑道。 Earth Sovereign Emperor? 土皇帝 This described that is truly appropriate is not false. But Jiang Chen always felt that these words seem like damaging him. 这个形容确实很贴切不假。可江晨总感觉这句话像是在损他。 Whenever sees your being haunted by the ghost face, I cannot bear want it to grind on the wall.” Raised the nose slightly, Jiang Chen was overlooking him, said in a soft voice. “每当看见你这张阴魂不散的脸,我就忍不住想把它碾在墙上。”微微昂起了鼻子,江晨俯视着他,轻声说道。 That was really also a pity, I very like seeing your face obviously. Especially is overlooking it the time.” Lin Chao'en hey hey said with a smile. “那还真是可惜,我明明挺喜欢见着你这张脸的。尤其是俯视着它的时候。”林朝恩嘿嘿地笑道。 Overlooks? 俯视? Jiang Chen gawked, looked up subconsciously to the sky, the complexion drastic change. 江晨愣了下,下意识地抬头看向了天空,脸色剧变。 Has what feelings?” Lin Chao'en smilingly asked. “有何感想?”林朝恩笑眯眯地问道。 Felt ruined.” Jiang Chen maintains composure to say. “感觉糟透了。”江晨不动声色道。 I have a proposition.” Lin Chao'en said. “我有个提议。”林朝恩说道。 Said.” “说。” You rule humanity, I rule Cyborg, we can conquer this piece of Wasted Earth together, so long as you submit to my father.” The Lin Chao'en smile said. “你统治人类,我统治电子人,我们可以共同征服这片废土,只要你臣服于吾父。”林朝恩微笑道。 Together? 共同? Jiang Chen laughed at one. 江晨嗤笑了一声。 Your Evolution to Advanced Artificial Intelligence?” “你进化高级人工智能了吗?” Also is missing.” Lin Chao'en sighed, listened to the father saying that I once had elder sister, after 1.0001 trillion operations, her thought has been close to Advanced Artificial Intelligence infinitely. But was a pity very much. When I feel No. 5 Sanctuary, there had been ruined by the insect.” “还差着远。”林朝恩叹了口气,“听父亲说,我曾有个姐姐,在兆亿次运算后,她的思维已经无限接近于高级人工智能。但很可惜。当我感到五号避难所的时候,那里已经被虫子毁掉了。” The Jiang Chen pupil contracts slightly. 江晨瞳孔微微收缩。 The informant and security, Serial Number x71291...... that gadget was or ruined by the insect, was rather ruined by him personally. 告密者和保密者,或者说编号x71291……那玩意儿与其说是被虫子毁掉了,倒不如说是被他亲手毁掉的。 Insect?” Jiang Chen asked something already known. “虫子?”江晨明知故问道。 Right, Harmony Camp Envoy, some evidence suggested that was they killed her.” On the face of Lin Chao'en does not have the slight sadness, but the smile stated this fact, „, therefore we need the new sample, then your choice?” “没错,和谐阵营使者,有证据表明是他们杀了她。”林朝恩的脸上没有丝毫的悲伤,只是微笑地陈述了这个事实,“所以我们需要新的样本,那么你的选择呢?” I reject.” Jiang Chen said without hesitation, so-called coexisting. However is lie.” “我拒绝。”江晨毫不犹豫地说道,“所谓的共同存在。不过是个谎言罢了。” So-called coexisting, but is a side rears in a pen the other side to exist. Even if can trade the short peace, that is still the false peace. Once they grasped the path to Advanced Artificial Intelligence, old humanity will also lose the value. Was the life waits for death in the zoo merely. 所谓的共同存在,不过是一方圈养另一方存在罢了。即便能换来短暂的和平,那也是虚假的和平。一旦他们掌握了通往高级人工智能的道路,旧人类也将失去存在的价值。就仅仅是生活在动物园中等死了。 The civilization Evolution front only has barbarous, is bloody, has not compromised only! 文明进化的面前只有野蛮,只有血腥,唯独没有妥协! Right? Also is really regrettable, you have taken the road of through and through Purity. Compares Harmony that degenerates, you also merely are on strong a little. It is not able to tolerate Evolution to lead to Supreme, that accepts to eliminate in decayed that you insist.” “是吗?还真是遗憾,你已经走上了彻头彻尾的纯正之路。相比起堕落的和谐,你们也仅仅是强上那么一点罢了。无法容忍通向至高进化,那就在你坚持的腐朽中接受淘汰吧。” Right? But I always felt eliminated should be you.” “是吗?可我总觉得将被淘汰的应该是你们。” The card in a hand in his hand is full. Is stationed in Sixth Block Third Army, as well as Northwind-76 ballistic missile deployment in Shenxiang Town Colony. Meanwhile, Shenxiang Town and Jia City have the recruit as well as Rebel Alliance who Survivor First Army some soldier, were just calling up for service. 在他手上的底牌非常足。还有驻扎在第六街区第三兵团,以及北风-76弹道导弹部署在沈巷镇殖民地。与此同时,沈巷镇嘉市还驻扎着第一兵团的部分士兵、刚征召入伍的新兵以及反抗者联盟幸存者 What only trouble is hangs in God's Cane of space, he has been able to confirm that God's Cane had been controlled by Lin Chao'en. 唯一麻烦的是悬在天上的上帝之杖,他已经可以确认,那个上帝之杖已经被林朝恩控制了。 Also is the biggest trouble. 也是最大的麻烦。 However Lin Chao'en as if saw through his idea, the smile said. 然而林朝恩似乎看穿了他的想法,不由微笑道。 We have surrounded your base, and kidnapped the radio signal of your base. In our front, the Information Technologies knowledge that your shows off meager skills before an expert, is more like a joke. You have two choices, submits to or Death. Naturally, I understand the brain of your lifeform slowly, therefore I will give you three days of considerations.” “我们已经包围了你的基地,并劫持了你基地的无线电信号。在我们的面前,你们那点班门弄斧的信息技术知识,更像是个笑话。你有两个选择,臣服或死亡。当然,我理解你们生物的大脑有多迟钝,所以我会给你们三天的时间考虑。” That smile is glittering ice-cold meaning, he raised up a finger. 那微笑闪烁着冰冷的意味,他竖起了一个手指。 Day, enough ant crawls around your base.” “一天的时间,足够一只蚂蚁绕着你的基地爬一圈。” Then, Lin Chao'en with lifting the right hand gave a bye-bye hand signal, in the Jiang Chen facial color gloomy vision, finished the communication.( To be continued.) 说完,林朝恩用抬起的右手做了个拜拜的手势,在江晨面色阴沉的目光中,结束了通讯。(未完待续。)
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