IHAMITLOD :: Volume #5

#476: Mutual aiming

synchronous orbit. 同步轨道 Here and from the ground to 36 kilometers, are the forbidden area of life. 这里与距离地面相距36公里,是生命的禁区。 Silent space floats the shell that the steel and plastic have have not peeled off the shell, in the back of this space trash, is standing and waiting for a long time space station of aircraft carrier size. 寂静的空间漂浮着钢铁、塑料还有未脱壳的炮弹,在这片太空垃圾的背后,伫立着一座航空母舰大小的空间站 God's Cane. 上帝之杖 225 years finish, and were continually improved by NATO in more than hundred years of years, develop the present so colossus. From the initial space-based weapon satellite, evolves nowadays space-based weapons platform. 225年完工,并在百余年的岁月里被nato不断完善,发展成了如今这般庞然大物。从最初的天基武器卫星,演变成了现如今的天基武器平台。 By 12 near the metal ring is fettering tungsten rod, the calm float in the space station body side, is similar to fills in the bullet(s) revolver spear/gun general. The electromagnetic propulsion and geopotential can the dual function, can let be several tons tungsten rod to exceed the meteor the speed to crash, lowers the kinetic energy injury of terrorist|terrifying for the attack region. 十二边形的金属环束缚着的钨杆弹,安静地漂浮在空间站的身侧,就如同填上子弹的左轮枪一般。电磁推进与重力势能的双重作用,能让重达数吨的钨杆弹以超越流星的速度坠落,为打击区域降下恐怖的动能伤害。 Besides tungsten rod, hpm weapon on laser array and front mast. Behind is installed with the wireless power transmission receiving device, may supply power in the lunar surface nuclear fusion power plant by the construction. When is unable to obtain the lunar surface electric transmission, may through launching the solar electrical energy generation board gains the electrical energy. The placement and eight engines of space station corner, can cause region of this/should weapons platform between the low earth orbit and synchronous orbit move, to adjust its suppressed region. 除了钨杆弹之外,激光阵列和前端桅杆上的hpm武器。后部安装有无线输电接收装置,可由修建于月面的核聚变电站供电。在无法获得月面输电时,也可通过展开太阳能发电板获取电能。安置与空间站角落的八个引擎,能够使该武器平台在近地轨道与同步轨道之间区域移动,以调整其压制区域。 Similar to hangs in CCCP and Sword of Damocles of PAC top of the head. 就如同悬在cccppac头顶的达摩克利斯之剑 However ironically, this consumed several generations of taxpayer tax money neutralization artillery, in the earlier period that the Eastern battlefield erupts, then by PAC aerospace Special Forces, is captured by the fighting will of fierce not fearing. 然而讽刺的是,这个耗费了数代纳税人税金的“压制武器”,在东方战场爆发的前期,便被pac航天特种部队,以悍不畏死的战斗意志攻陷了。 Electric power Artillery System restores.” Grins to smile, Lin Chao'en user-friendly wiped a forehead very much. “电力系统修复完毕。”咧嘴笑了笑,林朝恩很人性化地抹了一把额头。 Although he will not perspire, spoke in the vacuum does not have the significance. 虽然他不会出汗,在真空中说话也毫无意义。 A month, to fix this thing, was his many time-comsuming. In space station everywhere is float corpse, because at the vacuum cryogenic environment, before these corpses maintains is also dying the appearance. In outside of cockpit, he also meets sentry post abstention Robot that a battery had not exhausted. However lasersword in the hand, he then solved this trouble easily. 一个月的时间,为了将这东西修好,着实费了他不少功夫。空间站内到处都是悬浮着的尸体,因为处在真空低温环境,这些尸体都还保持着死前的模样。在驾驶舱的外面,他还遇上了一支电池尚未耗尽的哨戒机器人。不过激光剑在手,他轻而易举地便解决掉了这个麻烦。 tungsten rod launcher normal...... hiss, is really troublesome. Ok. Makes do in any case is nothing issue.” Looked on the screens the icon of that several warning, Lin Chao'en was patting clapping. 钨杆弹发射装置正常……嘶,真是伤脑筋。算了。反正将就着用一下是没什么问题。”望着屏幕上那几个警告的图标,林朝恩拍了拍手。 tungsten rod also has one round, several other rounds of some had departed beside synchronous orbit, some already at the beginning of space station falls to the enemy crashes into the sea. Some float very much troublesome on the track over a thousand kilometers away. 钨杆弹还剩下一发,其余的几发有的已经飞出了同步轨道之外,有的已经在空间站沦陷之初坠海。有的则很麻烦地漂浮在上千公里外的轨道上. The entire space-based weapons platform was destroyed is also enough thorough, discovered that after PAC captures the control, NATO Commander immediately activate(d) the self-destruction, entire space station turns into a stretch of deathtrap. It seems like sacrificed the patent of some mental not country, face to face to Life and Death life or death time. Any biological metropolis/can reflectively makes correct choice. 整个天基武器平台被毁地也是够彻底,发现被pac夺取控制权后,nato指挥官立刻启动了自毁,将整个空间站变成了一片死地。看来牺牲精神并不是某个国家的专利,当面对生死存亡的时刻。任何生物都会反射性地做出“正确选择”。 But it is a pity that usually this choice after a series of wrong choice. 但遗憾的是,通常这个选择都是在一系列“错误选择”之后。 Therefore , the lifeform also is really a troublesome thing. 所以说,生物还真是个麻烦的东西。 Lin Chao'en shakes the head, puts out a hand to knock several keys on the touching board. 林朝恩摇了摇头,伸手在触摸板上敲下了几个按键。 Fortunately he got so far as the blueprint of base weapon equipment component of this day, in the ground the components that prepares to need to replace. Although God's Cane most functions were destroyed, but simple opening fire movements can make. 所幸他弄到了这天基武器部分设备的图纸,在地面上准备了需要更换的零件。虽然“上帝之杖”的绝大多数功能被毁,但简单地“开枪”动作还是能做出的。 Only can conduct the launch option?” “只能进行发射选项吗?” activate(d) the Wanghai City map, Lin Chao'en smiled is overlooking that screen. 启动望海市的地图,林朝恩微笑着俯视着那屏幕。 In the picture, NAC's soldier with zombie and foreign-species fierce exchange of fire, then, rows of incendiary bombs is covering the battlefield. Included zombie foreign-species of entire airport in the roaring flame. 画面中,nac的士兵正在与丧尸异种激烈交火,尔后,一排排燃烧弹覆盖战场。将整个机场的丧尸异种都囊括在了烈焰之中。 Good smoke and fire. Un, has established Order...... that I to think that you are representing Purity?” “不错的烟火。嗯,已经建立了秩序……那么我可以认为你代表着纯正吗?” Looks at the spark in screen with smile on the face, in that pupil slightly crosses data faintly the remnant shades. 面带微笑地看着屏幕中的火花,那瞳孔中隐隐略过一道道数据的残影。 The lens move, the crosshair aimed at the rocket launch field. Jiang Chen in picture, interested place tablet. 镜头移动,十字准星对准了火箭发射场。画面中的江晨,正饶有兴趣地点着平板 Then you are Harmony.” “然后你是和谐。” The picture aimed at City Center again, great tree of that float in water. The meat bubble of that tumbling, seems to be breeding the terrorist|terrifying energy. 画面再次对准了市中心,那颗漂浮于水中的巨树。那翻滚的肉泡,似乎在孕育着恐怖的能量。 Actually which threat is bigger? 究竟哪个威胁更大呢? In revolver spear/gun only then round of bullet(s). 左轮枪中只有一发子弹 Overlooked the battlefield at the God angle of view, Lin Chao'en was falling into thinking deeply. 以上帝视角俯瞰着战场,林朝恩不由陷入了深思。 ...... …… Under the washing place of incendiary bomb, First Army and Third Army have almost not encountered any resistance, joins forces by the runway in Wanghai airport. 在燃烧弹的洗地之下,第一兵团第三兵团几乎没有受到任何阻力,就在望海机场的跑道旁会师。 Although the runway in airport was been rugged by the crushed stone of bomb bang in the wartime. At this moment by one piece that the incendiary bomb burns black black, so long as after a recuperation, can be the airport to use. Jiang Chen told earlier No. 27 Sanctuary studied the science and technology in fighter aspect, at present has won initial success. 虽然机场的跑道在战时被炸弹轰的碎石嶙峋。此刻又被燃烧弹烧的一片黢黑,但只要经过一番休整,还是能作为机场使用的。江晨早些时候就吩咐27号避难所研究战斗机方面的科技了,目前已经初见成效。 But this Wanghai airport. Happen to can develop to make NAC's fighter to take off and land the use. 而这个望海机场。正好可以开发作nac的战斗机起降地使用。 After making the recuperation slightly, two army of soldier uniting place start off again, with the rocket support of howling, advances in the City Center direction. 稍作休整之后,兵合一处的两兵团再次上路,在呼啸的火箭支援下,向着市中心的方向推进。 Although all the way, encountered Flinger and Death Claw, even is terrorist|terrifying Vehicle Insect, but is unable to obstruct the step that NAC soldier advanced as before. 一路上,虽然遭遇了投抛者死爪、甚至是恐怖车虫,但依旧无法阻挠nac士兵推进的步伐。 At the same time advancement. At the same time is smashing the foreign-species lair along the road. Bumps into Vehicle Insect and Meat Mountain and so on lifeform 一边推进。一边沿路捣毁着异种的巢穴。碰上车虫肉山之类的生物就上电磁炮,遭遇密集异种群就呼叫火箭支援,遇上藏在废墟中的异种巢穴就派出步兵进入建筑物或下水道进行清剿。 foreign-species lair total 91 that smashes along the road, reproduces zombie parent body 371, the unusual life signal on map by wiping out. 沿路捣毁的异种巢穴共计91处,繁殖丧尸的母体371个,地图上的异常生命信号被一个个拔除。 As approaches that life-forbidden zone gradually, the radiation target gradually increases, soldier take out the chemical-proof suit set from the truck outside, and put on the breathing mask , to continue to turn toward the City Center region to set out. 随着逐步靠近那生命禁区,辐射指标逐渐攀升,士兵们从卡车中取出防化服套在外面,并戴上了呼吸面罩,继续向着市中心的地带进发。 dá dá 哒哒 The flame jumps, cartridge case flaking, Feng Yu is touching off the trigger methodically, prompts forward under the cover of fire of infantry car(riage). 火光跳跃,弹壳剥落,冯瑜有条不紊地扣动着扳机,在步兵车的火力掩护下向前推进。 What gadget is that?” “那是什么玩意儿?” soldier is looking among the distant ruins that fluorescent lake surface, cannot bear make noise to ask. 一名士兵望着远方废墟间那荧光的湖面,忍不住出声问道。 „Is the nuclear bomb pit, it is said the place that Death Claw spawns?” A margin the machine gun is taking a fast look around to zombie, another soldier grins to say with a smile. 核弹坑,据说是死爪产卵的地方?”一边端着机枪向丧尸扫视,另一名士兵咧嘴笑道。 Does not look like, in that pit has the water, I remember that the egg of Death Claw produced on onshore...... day, what was that?” “不太像,那坑里面有水,我记得死爪的卵产在岸上……日,那是什么?” Hill that becomes by the dark-red flesh lump stack, stands and waits for a long time in glittering in the fluorescent lake surface. Densely covered in its superficial blood vessel in the meat bubble scattered, with the rhythm creeping motion of blood stream. The bottom root hair implants the lake surface, as if takes root in the great tree with lake. 由暗红色的肉块堆砌而成的小山,伫立在闪烁着荧光的湖面上。密布在其表面的血管在肉泡中错落,随着血流的韵律蠕动。底部的根须植入湖面,就仿佛一颗扎根与湖中的巨树。 Especially its crown, is hung the meat bubble that can shine by the cilium. 尤其是它的顶部,由纤毛吊着一颗会发光的肉泡。 It seems the light bulb to be the same. 就好似灯泡一样。 Here is the E team, discovers the unidentified lifeform, request bombing. I Repeat......” “这里是e队,发现不明生物,请求炮击。重复一遍……” Does not dare to be slightly negligent, Feng Yu lifts ep immediately, fed back the front information to the command car. 不敢丝毫大意,冯瑜立刻抬起了ep,向指挥车反馈了前方的情报。 In communication is flooding massive static, area this as if has some strong jamming, ep that even if for stabilizing is famous, the screens started to glitter. 通讯器内充斥着大量的杂音,这一带似乎存在着某种强干扰,哪怕是以稳定著称的ep,屏幕都开始闪烁了起来。 Electromagnetic screen? This nearby has the EMP production installment that has not switched off.” Stands in Feng Yu nearby soldier is replacing the cartridge clip, while whispered low voice the sentence. “电磁屏蔽?还是这附近有没关掉的emp生成装置。”站在冯瑜旁边的士兵一边更换着弹夹,一边小声嘀咕了句。 The horizon, rocket appeared in the eyes of people again. 天边,一道道火箭再次出现在了众人们的眼中。 The flame will cover that meat pile shortly, full rocket not only that nuclear bomb pit washing, but also burnt piece of an isolation strip comprised of the sea of fire in the City Center east side. 火焰顷刻将那座肉堆覆盖,铺天盖地的火箭不但将那核弹坑给洗了一遍,而且在市中心的东侧烧出了一片由火海组成的隔离带。 When the thick smoke diverges, Feng Yu stared in a big way the eye, is looking at that meat pile unbelievable, even forgot touched off the trigger. 然而当浓烟散去,冯瑜瞪大了眼睛,难以置信地望着那座肉堆,甚至忘记了扣动扳机。 foreign-species casualty everywhere, but that meat pile...... 异种死伤遍地,但那颗肉堆…… Returns safe and sound unexpectedly! 竟然毫发无损! This is how possible! 这怎么可能! However he also calls out in alarm without enough time makes noise, that meat pile of then slowly earth movements. 然而他还来不及惊呼出声,那颗肉堆便缓缓地动了。 Top light ball gradually becomes red, is glittering the discomforting ray. Not the well-known granule from the sky is moving restlessly, condensed to just like the entity red light. The cloud layer, disperses under the power and influence in that fermentation slowly. 顶部的光球渐渐变红,闪烁着令人不安的光芒。不知名的粒子在空中躁动着,凝聚成了犹如实体般的红光。就连云层,都在那酝酿中的威势下缓缓散开。 It as if prepares to shoot anything! 它似乎准备射点什么! Almost is at the same time, the entire Wanghai City electronic device received the disturbances in varying degrees. 几乎是同一时间,整个望海市的电子设备都受到了不同程度的干扰。 Malfunctioned?” “失灵了?” Jiang Chen is gazing at tablet in hand seriously, this moment screen center is snows is gray. The frontline the relation of information and support troops shut off instantaneously, causing him to be solved on City Center that meat pile now has not known. 江晨面色凝重地注视着手中的平板,此刻屏幕中央已经是一片雪花白。前线的情报和支援部队的联系瞬间被切断了,导致他现在就连市中心的那个肉堆被解决了没都不知道。 Suddenly, his heart has one type stared at the feeling. 突然,他的心头产生了一种被盯上了的感觉。 Jiang Chen raise your head, looked fiercely to in the air. 江晨猛地抬起头,看向了空中。 At this moment, in the air is glittering faintly a dazzling white light. 就在这时,空中隐隐闪烁着一道刺眼的白光。 Has anything to crash! 有什么东西正在坠落! 36 kilometers distance disappears, the dazzling white light has from the sky slid rapidly, fell to the City Center position...... 36公里的距离转瞬即逝,刺目的白光迅速在空中滑过,坠向了市中心的位置…… Jiang Chen knits the brows slightly, immediately stared in a big way the eyes unbelievable. 江晨微微皱眉,随即难以置信地瞪大了双眼。 Why does not know, in his brain appeared suddenly a glossary, or a seemingly familiar picture. 不知为何,他的脑中突然浮现了一个词汇,或者说一幅似曾相识的画面。 That once presented the weapon in Virtual Reality. 那个曾出现在虚拟实境中的武器。 God's Cane! 上帝之杖 ( To be continued.) (未完待续。)
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