IHAMITLOD :: Volume #5

#475: soldier are brandishing rifle in hand, erupts warm cheering.

The rocket artillery position, 8 Fireball-1 that” is changed to by the trucks beaming rocket. 火箭炮阵地,八辆由卡车改成的“火球1”集束火箭。∽ …… …… …… …… Only from incendiary bomb, this Fireball-1 the combustion exothermic is b1 2 times, the combustion time is also its 3 times. Meanwhile, the fire precision also enhanced much. 单从燃烧弹这一项来说,这“火球1”的燃烧放热就是b1的二倍,燃烧时间也是其三倍。与此同时,射击精确度也提高了不少。 Besides the conventional incendiary bomb and high bombs, Aerospace Technology Research Institute that Jiang Lin led also brought into full play Brain Hole, designed such as the laser bombs, the E ball to have the weapon of future feeling. 除了常规的燃烧弹和高爆弹之外,蒋林带领的航天科技研究所也是充分地发挥了脑洞,设计了诸如激光爆弹、e弹等颇具未来感的武器。 the E ball does not need saying that round of rocket blasts out, the electronic device in region does not paralyze must destroy half. e弹无需多说,一发火箭炸开,区域内的电子设备不瘫痪也得毁一半。 But the might also rude slightest of laser bombs, round of rocket missile flies the sky to blast out, then rains results from in the air lowers the innumerable say/way high-energy laser beams. The energy injury of this high eruption, is considerable regarding the soft and hard goal. Under coverage of colony rocket, that scene looks certainly like the rainstorm to be generally magnificent. 而激光爆弹的威力也不逊分毫,一发火箭弹飞到上空炸开,然后下雨似得从空中降下无数道高能激光束。这种高爆发的能量伤害,对于软硬目标来说都非常可观。在集群火箭的覆盖下,那场面一定像暴雨一般壮观。 Because outsourceed the rocket missile outer covering to the Sixth Block private ordnance machine shop, therefore the incendiary bomb in NAC arsenal far exceeds at present for a month ago 1000 rounds of targets that Jiang Chen gave. 因为将火箭弹的外壳外包给了第六街区的民营军工厂,所以目前na军火库内的燃烧弹远远超出了一个月前江晨给出的1000发指标。 Several thousand rounds of thick long rocket missile lie down in the Aerospace Technology Research Institute decoy launching open area, is the artilleries of Staff Officer section to load in the truck back launching tube cautiously. 数千发粗长的火箭弹躺在航天科技研究所的发射场空地上,由直属于参谋部的炮兵小心翼翼地装填进卡车背后的发射管内。 But at this moment, Jiang Chen is standing in side of launching trolley, in the hand is grasping tablet, listening to Jiang Lin to direct in side illustrated. 而此刻,江晨正站在发射车的旁边,手中握着一张平板,听着蒋林在旁指指点点地解说。 Filling of each car(riage) here, launching tube temperature and ammunition number. Can establish the launch area coverage through tablet, as well as launch quantity. By the intelligent program automatic computation trajectory, after establishing the launch parameter, in side presses down the fingerprint on the line.” “每辆车的装填情况都在这里,还有发射管温度、弹药数量。通过平板可以设定发射覆盖区域,以及发射数量。由智能程序自动计算弹道,设定完发射参数后,在旁边按下指纹就行了。” Looks by the tablet red circle, Jiang Chen touches the chin interestingly. 看着平板旁边的红圈,江晨饶有兴趣地摸了摸下巴。 Fills in the ball installment still to design automatically. Must wait to have been to a period of time to produce the achievement, in brief first makes do.” “自动填弹装置还在设计中。得等到过段时间才能出成果,总之先将就着用吧。” Good, keeps in stock 5100 rounds of incendiary bombs. p Jiang Chen asked. “不错,库存5100发燃烧弹。p吗”江晨问道。 No. p is also useless to the lifeform.” Jiang Lin said with a smile. “没有。p对生物又没用。”蒋林笑道。 Soon, the rocket launch field has completed the filling, the artillery who participates in the filling fell back on did not have the position outside meter/rice, and dragged away the ammunition box. 不多时,火箭发射场已经完成了装填,参与装填的炮兵纷纷退到了无米外的位置,并拖走了弹药箱。 Directs on tablet, is indicating First Army and Third Army blue point is approaching to City Center, the red point that was scanned is displays offensive zombie and foreign-species. From the map, Cheng Weiguo they had approached the Wanghai airport. 指挥平板上,标示着第一兵团第三兵团的蓝点正在向市中心靠近,被扫描出来的红点则是表现出攻击性的丧尸异种。从地图上看,程卫国他们已经靠近了望海机场。 The finger slid on the screen, pulled off a circular convention. Like assigning the life-forbidden zone, includes in which all foreign-species in airport together. 手指在屏幕上滑了下,拖出了一个圆形的框框。如同划出一道生命禁区,将机场内的所有异种都囊括其中。 Has to plant the feeling of releasing Magic.” Thumb hovering above button, Jiang Chen grins to say with a smile. “有种释放魔法的感觉。”拇指悬停在按钮上方,江晨咧嘴笑道。 Moreover Forbidden Rank Magic.” The designer of this/should weapon, Jiang Lin said with a smile similarly happily. “而且还是禁咒级别魔法。”该武器的设计者,蒋林同样愉快地笑道。 The thumb according to that red circle, the scanning code uniform speed skating of arc, the ice-cold writing frame had sprung together. 拇指按在了那个红圈上,弧形的扫描码匀速滑过,一道冰冷的文字框弹出。 Fireball-1 attack crowd of launches 火球1攻击群发射 Almost is at the same time, the decoy launching is then covered by the exhaust that beaming rocket lifts off. 几乎是同一时间,发射场便被集束火箭升空的尾气笼罩。 Outside the Wanghai airport, the heavy metal symphony is playing. 望海机场外,重金属的交响乐正在演奏。 After several th scrubbing of rainwater, the corner streets and lanes have burnt down the trace has disappeared to conceal basically. That withered skeleton, was flattened the dust in the wind reveal. 经过几日雨水的洗刷,街角巷陌焚烧过的痕迹已经基本消匿了。那干枯的尸骸,也都在风露中被剥蚀成了尘土。 Suddenly. Street tranquilly cuts by thundering and orange yellow bullet|warhead of engine. 突然。街道的宁静被引擎的轰鸣与橙黄的弹头划破。 Hunting Tiger II has ground corpse pile insistently, the built gun tube can arrive at the release sufficiently, the bang broke to pieces the head of Meat Mountain at one go. East City District zombie and foreign-species have proliferated the City Center region. Because of the area reason, these zombie density are normal. 猎虎ii一马当先地碾过尸群,架起的炮管充能到释放,一气呵成地轰碎了肉山的头颅。东市区丧尸异种已经扩散回了市中心区域。但因为面积的缘故,这些丧尸的密度都还算正常。 The vehicle roof machine gun is divulging the firepower unceasingly, orange yellow bullet(s) completely all ran over zombie on road on the ground. Has not formed the scale zombie, is unable to pose the threat in the frontal battlefield to Tank. 车顶机枪不断宣泄着火力,橙黄色的子弹将公路上的丧尸尽皆压死在了地上。没有形成规模的丧尸,在正面战场上是无法对坦克产生威胁的。 The risk that First Army faces mostly came from the gloomy alley, the display window shatter shop, this inside many zombie escape death by a hair's breadth, moreover East City District zombie also mostly mixed in. 第一兵团所面临的风险大多来自于阴暗的小巷,橱窗破碎的店铺,这里面不少丧尸都幸免于难,而且东市区丧尸也大多混杂其中。 Follows “跟上” The right hand clamps the rifle fire, the left hand is making a fist to give the hand signal of advance, wears mechanical exoskeleton Feng Yu to call squad to prompt forward. 右手夹着步枪射击,左手握拳打出前进的手势,身穿机械外骨骼冯瑜招呼着小队向前推进。 At this time. Ugly-looking zombie gushes out from the corner streets and lanes, staggers charges into his squad. 这时。面目狰狞的丧尸从街角巷陌中涌出,踉跄地冲向他的小队 Hand grenade “手榴弹” Giving a loud shout. soldier tears off the chest front the hand grenade, threw ruthlessly to corpse pile that ran out of the small lane entrance. 大喝一声。一名士兵扯下胸前的手榴弹,狠狠地扔向了从小巷口冲出的尸群 Flame fiercely explosive. One group of hashed meat flew the body of people. 火光猛地爆响。一团碎肉飞到了众人的身上。 Flung the bloodstain on hand, Feng Yu continued to build rifle, moved, while fired. 甩了把手上的血迹,冯瑜继续架起步枪,一边移动,一边射击。 Only can use the highly explosive grenade at the short-range operation, but cannot use the incendiary bomb, zombie that otherwise catches fire regarding all soft targets is a disaster. Regarding was bombed zombie of four limbs, passed by soldier made up in abundance conveniently snatches. Came up simply, injects Genetic Medicine soldier mostly to step on breaks to pieces these decayed skulls. 在近距离作战只能使用高爆手雷,而不能使用燃烧弹,否则着了火的丧尸对于所有软目标都将是一场灾难。对于被炸断了四肢的丧尸,路过的士兵纷纷随手补抢。或者干脆一脚上去,注射了基因药剂士兵大多都能一脚踩碎这些腐朽的脑壳。 Damn, front zombie were getting more and more” “该死,前方的丧尸越来越多了” Taking advantage of trading the neutral gear of cartridge clip, Feng Yu knit the brows to sweep the eye to tie up ep on left arm. 借着换弹夹的空档,冯瑜皱眉扫了眼绑在左臂上的ep。 drone scanned zombie in region, that dense and numerous red point let some people scalp tingles. 无人机扫描出了区域内的丧尸,那密密麻麻的红点着实让人有些头皮发麻。 However he will not flinch, because he is Sixth Block Upper-class Citizen. 不过他不会退缩,因为他是第六街区上等公民 Crawls with great difficulty the present position, only had the one pace from Knight, he was impossible to flinch 好不容易爬到了如今的地位,距离骑士只有一步之遥,他不可能退缩 Is Death Claw suddenly, in the radio channel heard one to call out in alarm. “是死爪”突然,无线电频道内传来了一声惊呼。 The erectness lizard that is brandishing the sharp claws dislodges from nearby street, in its mouth bites soldier that unceasing is struggling, pleats from its results on the skin to look, it should belong from last month washes Death Claw that in the place fortunately survives. 一支挥舞着利爪的直立蜥蜴从一旁的街道撞出,它的嘴中咬着一具不断挣扎的士兵,从它那褶子似得皮肤上看,它应该是属于从上个月洗地中幸存的死爪 Grass that loses the face of vitality to make Feng Yu scalp one tingle with numbness gradually. “草”那张渐渐失去生机的脸让冯瑜头皮一阵发麻。 Does not dare to hesitate, he orders to squad immediately, and half step retreat, while opens fire the head of Death Claw. 不敢犹豫,他立刻向小队下令,并一边小步后退,一边开枪射击死爪的头部。 Grenade “枪榴弹” Is the grenade cannot only do to Death Claw, most produces certain suppressed results. 光是枪榴弹奈何不了死爪,最多对其产生一定压制效果。 Five sharp blade ripped open the smog of explosion, the hot feeling grenade exploded hurt it, but had not actually killed it. 五道利刃撕开了爆炸的烟雾,热感枪榴弹炸疼了它,但却没有炸死它。 Death Claw staggering hits, the both hands ten sharp blade brandish. In it with the Feng Yu contact, its throat was soon given to seize by a powerful hand, has pulled 90 degrees ruthlessly, according to the cement wall of roadside. 死爪踉踉跄跄的撞来,双手十道利刃挥舞。可就在它快要与冯瑜接触时,它的喉咙被一只强有力的手给掐住,狠狠地扯过90度,按在了路边的水泥墙上。 Roar “吼” Death Claw sends out the unwilling heart to roar, the sharp claws sent out on shaped steel friction that one after another made the person of tooth acid. 死爪发出不甘心地咆哮,利爪在型钢上发出了一连串令人牙酸的摩擦。 However regarding T-4 Power Armor, scratching that is injured Death Claw, being no different than flexure is itchy. 然而对于t4动力装甲来说,一支受伤死爪的抓挠,无异于挠痒痒。 The hand like the pincers, the arm sparganium stoloniferum barrel springs revolving, the short distance stirs up. The shot flame shot through the head of Death Claw. 手如铁钳,臂膀三棱枪管弹出旋转,近距离激.射的火光射穿了死爪的头部。 You owe me a life, fellow.” “你欠我一条命,伙计。” Discarded Death Claw, that Power Armor shook the fist to knock under the chest front steel shell, then built tactical rifle to continue to step the step to prompt forward. 扔掉了死爪,那台动力装甲挥拳敲了下胸前的钢壳,然后架起战术步枪继续迈着步子向前推进。 The infantry car(riage) from the road, the army starts to converge, this zombie has exterminated, before arriving in the airport will not encounter what danger again. 步兵车从公路,部队开始汇合,这一带的丧尸已经清剿完毕,在到达机场前不会再遇到什么危险了。 Is puffing, depresses the muzzle, Feng Yu had a lingering fear took a look at ground Death Claw. 喘着粗气,压下了枪口,冯瑜心有余悸地瞅了眼地上的死爪 captain, then made anything a light infantry to arrive at Feng Yu, asked pantingly. 队长,接下来做什么”一名轻步兵走到了冯瑜边上,气喘吁吁地问道。 Continues to advance, wait/etc., Alarm of headquarters.” Looks at the icon of left arm ep twinkle, Feng Yu stops by calling out the ally who the preparation continues to advance immediately. “继续推进,等等,指挥部的警报。”看着左臂ep闪烁的图标,冯瑜立刻叫住准备继续推进的战友。 The motorcade stopped slowly, rushes to front that Power Armor also to stop the footsteps, adopted the defense stance. 车队缓缓停下,冲到前面的那台动力装甲也停住了脚步,摆出了防御姿态。 Feng Yu lifted the head, looked to that clear sky. 冯瑜抬起了头,看向了那澄澈的天空。 Suddenly, several hundred Dawley arrows have slid the sky, dragging long and narrow tail smoke, the grading to crash in the direction of airport. 突然,数百道利箭滑过天空,拖着一道道狭长的尾烟,次第朝着机场的方向坠落。 The scarlet red hot group fled the sky, the billowing thick smoke hidden went to the airport. 赤红色的火团窜上了天空,滚滚浓烟将机场隐去。 Incendiary bomb “燃烧弹” Our artilleries “我们的炮兵” soldier depressed the muzzle, is looking at the space. Feng Yu so, is also looking up at the flame of that sputtering, calmly looks at the smoke and fire. 一名士兵压下了枪口,愣愣地望着天上。冯瑜也是如此,仰视着那溅射的火光,静静地看着烟火。 When the thick smoke diverges, in the region is only left over boiling hot scorched earth. 当浓烟散去,区域内只剩下一片滚烫的焦土。
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