IHAMITLOD :: Volume #5

#474: Meanwhile, the Fishbone Base rocket artillery position will provide the entire journey firepower support to the battlefield.

Next morning, the Sixth Block bank entrance lines up. 翌日清晨,第六街区银行门口排起了长队。 …… …… …… …… …… …… Under the supervision of NAC soldier, people delivered subcrystal in hand, changed into a slip of paper that was printed with the special identification code, some began simply spatially. nac士兵的监督下,人们纷纷将手中的亚晶上交,换成了一种印有特殊识别码的纸片,有的则是干脆空着手出来。 Is the NAC government amassing money? nac政府在抢钱? Obviously is not, the Sixth Block common social practice is valiant, each Survivor has the lord of spear/gun. Moreover in the expression that rushes to be first from people that looked, they obviously sharpened the head to push toward inside, for fear that the bank person did not receive their subcrystal. But that several NAC soldier, said especially probably forces people, is rather maintaining lining up probably Order. 显然不是,第六街区民风彪悍,各个幸存者都是有枪的主。而且从人们那争先恐后的表情上看,他们明显是削尖了脑袋地往里面挤,生怕银行的人不收他们的亚晶。而那几个nac士兵,尤其说像是胁迫人们,倒不如说像是在维持排队的秩序 As for why like this, a bill that but must announce from yesterday mentioned. 至于为什么会这样,还得从昨日公布的一项法案说起。 In order to change the current Sixth Block market price Chaos aspect, the NAC government will distribute named through Sixth Street Bank publicly credits currency. Its any precious metal guarantee, but the NAC by public credit guarantees its value. 为了改变当前第六街区市场价格混乱局面,nac政府将通过第六街银行公开发行一种名为“信用点”的货币。它不由任何贵金属担保,但nac以政府信用担保其价值。 Meanwhile, any was defined by NAC as the commodity of special supply, only available credits trades. These commodities are by NAC affiliated the product of plant production. For example food, for example the steel, aluminum material, munitions industrial Kam Resin and rough machining wait/etc., almost covered the livelihood complete basic field. 与此同时,任何被nac定义为特别供应的商品,只可用信用点进行交易。这些商品都是由nac旗下的工厂生产的产品。比如食物、比如工业用的卡姆树脂、粗加工的钢铁、铝材、军火等等,几乎涵盖了生产生活的全部基础领域。 One jin (0.5 kg) rice 5 credits, together compressed biscuit 2 credits, one jin (0.5 kg) bread flour 8 credits...... the prices of these commodities, although compares for a month ago turned one time, but by the present Chaos market, this price without doubt was the conscience many. 一斤大米五信用点,一块压缩饼干二信用点,一斤面粉八信用点……这些商品的价格虽然相比起一个月前翻了一倍,但以现在混乱的市场来说,这个价格无疑是良心了不少。 2 subcrystal may exchange 1 credits in bank, but exchanges subcrystal to need to pay 10% commodity taxes credits. In mid September, the Sixth Block bank estimate distributes 5,000,000 credits, the NAC government pledged when next year beginning of the spring, provides 500 tons rice to the market, 100 tons bread flour, 100,000 block compressed biscuit. 亚晶可在银行兑换一信用点,而将信用点兑换回亚晶需要缴纳10%的商品税。九月中旬,第六街区银行预计发行500万信用点,nac政府承诺在明年开春时,向市场提供500吨大米,100吨面粉,10万块压缩饼干。 The food trade also takes back from Zhao Group in the Wanghai City right of management, dominates in the market of Sixth Block west gate establishment by the NAC government. 食品贸易在望海市的经营权也从赵氏集团手上收回,由nac政府在第六街区西门设置的市场把持。 About the credits quantity issued, Chu Nan and Jiang Chen after a careful discussion, drew up one specific plan. 关于信用点的发行量,楚南江晨经过了一番细致的讨论后,拿出了一套具体的方案。 The credits paper money currency value is 1, 5, 10 and 100. The quantity issued amounts to 3 million. The virtual coin quantity issued is 5,000,000, was recorded in individual D NAC code, may ep conduct the account transfer payment through implanting has credits transaction chip. All data store up in bank Database, the virtual transaction only may in erecting the NAC rule area of information stopover station is conducted. 信用点纸币面额为一、五、十、100。发行量总计300万。虚拟币发行量为500万,被记录在个人dna编码中,可通过植入有“信用点交易芯片”的ep进行转账支付。所有数据都储存在银行数据库,虚拟交易仅可在架设有信息中转站的nac统治区内进行。 In NAC military area the wage of staff. Also is changed to credits to provide by subcrystal, to prevent subcrystal to censure to has the shrinkage impact on the property of staff. nac军事区内员工的薪水。也由亚晶改为信用点发放,以防止亚晶贬至对员工的财产造成缩水冲击。 credits provided to receive the widespread support of Sixth Block merchants. 信用点的发放受到了第六街区商人们的广泛支持。 These merchants are the sensible people, only then stable Order, can make their asset stabilities rise in value, but is insufficient one night to censure is not worth a red cent. 这些商人都是明白人,只有一个稳定的秩序,才能够使他们的资产稳定增值,而不至于一夜之间贬得一文不值。 Regarding support deposit big merchant. Jiang Chen opened the special-purpose channel to them, lets loose amounts to the 8,000,000 credits quota, the recycling piles up in their hands gradually depreciation subcrystal. credits of this release stores up in the bank accounts of major merchants specially, and stipulates before November of this year, credits that the special channel exchanges 90% can not enter the market to trade. After November, defrosts 50%, in January of next year will defrost 100%. Then, prevented a substantial amount of currencies to enter the market disturbance price. 对于支持存款较大的商人。江晨向他们开放了专用渠道,放开总计800万信用点的额度,回收积压在他们手上渐渐贬值的亚晶。这笔特别发行的信用点储存在各大商人的银行账户中,并规定在今年11月之前,特殊渠道兑换的信用点90%不得进入市场进行交易。11月后解冻50%,明年一月解冻100%。如此一来,也就防止了大量货币进入市场干扰物价。 Promotion of credits, symbolizes in the Wanghai City range at the thing changed/easy thing years to finish. 信用点的推出,标志着望海市范围内以物易物的时代就此结束。 subcrystal points measuring instrument that main street and small alley find at everywhere, will gradually turn into one only the history that cherishes the memory by people. After having credits, people more will adopt the ep trade. Pays money with the cell phone like people of the 21 st century such. 大街小巷随处可见的亚晶点数测量仪,也将逐渐变成一段仅由人们缅怀的历史。拥有信用点之后,人们更多的将通过ep进行贸易。就像21世纪的人们用手机付款那样。 Moreover, Jiang Chen also planned that „the NAC standard will push to a farther place. 不仅如此,江晨还打算将“nac标准”推向更远的地方。 With economical invisible lever, skids the entire Wasted Earth resources. Like some world, USD through petroleum and golden kidnapping world economy such. credits will use the prosperity and NAC's of grain Sixth Block, kidnaps the entire Wasted Earth merchandise trade! 用经济这根无形的杠杆,撬动整个废土的资源。就像某个世界中,美元通过石油、黄金绑架世界经济那样。信用点将用第六街区的繁荣与nac的粮食库存,绑架整个废土的商品贸易! The concrete manifestation is, was responsible for the food trade Zhao Group taking the lead to change the original subcrystal transaction strategy, settled accounts as the commodity with credits of NAC release, but subcrystal as one of the commodity, no longer as equivalent of transaction. 其具体表现就是,负责食品贸易的赵氏集团率先改变了原先的亚晶交易策略,采用nac发行的信用点作为商品进行结算,而将亚晶作为商品的一种,不再作为交易的等价物。 Although Survivor Settlement of other provinces has no concept regarding credits and paper money, but believes with the lapse of time. Moves toward the merchants in other provinces to be getting more and more from Sixth Block, this currency will become the mainstream in the world one day. 虽然外省的幸存者聚居地对于信用点和纸币没什么概念,但相信随着时间的推移。从第六街区走向外省的商人越来越多,这种货币总有一天会成为世界的主流。 ...... …… With promotion of credits, in the stock of NAC government may piled up many subcrystal. After a inventory, Wang Qing a statistical reports swayed on the Jiang Chen's desk. 随着信用点的推出,nac政府的库存里可算是积压了不少亚晶。经过一番清点之后,王晴将一份统计报告摆在了江晨的办公桌上。 credits quantity issued: 16 million. subcrystal recycling: 38,000,000 信用点发行量:1600万。亚晶回收:3800万 No wonder the country likes the seal bill, this compared with collecting taxes to bring in money quickly.” Jiang Chen cannot bear is flabbergasted secretly. “难怪国家都喜欢印钞票,这比收税来钱快多了。”江晨忍不住暗暗咋舌。 Only is these three days of monetary issues, gave the NAC's state treasury to fill 38,000,000 subcrystal, this really can exceed NAC one year of food trade revenue. 光是这三天的货币发行,就给nac的国库充填了3800万亚晶,这简直能超过nac一年的食品贸易收入了。 But we also distributed 1600 ten thousand credits, this sum of money is our, rather is we borrows to the market.” Stemming from being worried about Jiang Chen prints the consideration of bill wantonly. Wang Qing spoke the reminder saying that „, if we cannot put out the compatible product in the spring of next year, we may face the credit bankruptcy.” “但我们同样发行了1600万信用点,与其说这笔钱是我们的,倒不如说是我们向市场借的。”出于担心江晨大肆印钞票的考虑。王晴出言提醒道,“假如我们在明年春季拿不出与之相匹配的产品,我们可能将面临信用破产。” However her worry obviously was unnecessary, harm Jiang Chen of inflation understood very much. Why as, this has the personal experience...... 不过她的担心显然是多余了,通货膨胀的危害江晨明白得很。至于为什么,这可是有着切身的体会…… Relax.” Jiang Chen said with a smile, circulation of money in market, what will take carry back to cash in the commodity was only a small part, what were more was circulates in the market. We only need to show that our food supplies are sufficient, does not need for the matter worry of run. This subcrystal is the market taking advantage of our, rather is the market gives us protection money.” “放心。”江晨笑道,“货币流通在市场上,会拿回来兑现成商品的只是一小部分,更多的还是在市场上流通。我们只需要证明我们的粮食供应充足,就无需为挤兑的事担心。这亚晶与其说是市场借我们的,倒不如说是市场交给我们的‘保护费’。” What is the currency guarantee is NAC's food and industrial capacity, rather is the credit of NAC government. 与其说为货币担保的是nac的食物和工业产能,倒不如说是nac政府的信用。 It seems like in the 21 st century the precious metal is the guarantee of paper money, but few people will take to become Kun the bill to go to bank to trade the precious metal to be the same. When people believe the when stability of this country, people will favor holding its currency. 就好像21世纪贵金属是纸币的担保,但很少有人会拿着成捆的钞票去银行换贵金属一样。当人们相信这个国家的稳定时,人们就会更倾向于持有其货币。 The NAC government is dominating the apparent availability and monetary issue of quantity grain product, does not need to be worried that the currency will present the out of control the condition. nac政府把持着粮产品的市场供应量以及货币发行量,根本无需担心货币会出现失控的状况。 Distributing credits is only part, then Jiang Chen also planned that provides to amount to the loan of 10,000,000 credits through bank to the Sixth Block merchant, with encourage the factory expansion capacity. 发行信用点只是一部分,接下来江晨还打算通过银行第六街区的商人发放总计1000万信用点的贷款,用以鼓励工厂扩大产能。 Now West City District zombie foreign-species has exterminated completely, zombie and foreign-species of east district also in the punitive expedition plan, the Sixth Block peripheral situation unprecedented looseness, are outward the golden opportunities of expansion! 现在西市区丧尸异种已经完全剿灭,东区的丧尸异种也在讨伐计划当中,第六街区周边形势前所未有的宽松,正是向外扩张的大好时机! After Wang Qing gets down, Han Junhua entered in Office quickly. 王晴下去之后,韩君华很快又走进了办公室内。 About her purpose in coming, Jiang Chen does not need to ask that can guess correctly. 关于她的来意,江晨不用问都能猜到。 The time to mid September, will soon have launched to the capturing/raiding plan of City Center. 时间已至九月中旬,对市中心的攻略计划即将展开。 City Center Assault Plan assembles First Army, some Third Army military. Participates in the operating personnel a total of 3000 people, sets out 41 Power Armor, 400 mechanical exoskeleton, 9 Hunting Tiger II, 40 ranger infantry car(riage)s, here is the combat plan.” Saying, Han Junhua placed on tablet in hand the Jiang Chen's table neatly. 市中心攻略计划调集第一兵团,第三兵团部分兵力。参与作战人员总共3000人,出动41台动力装甲,400台机械外骨骼,九辆猎虎ii,40辆突击者步兵车,这里是作战计划。”说着,韩君华干净利落地将手中的平板放在了江晨的桌上。 holographic projection launched, outlines the Wanghai City panoramic view map. 全息投影展开,勾勒出了望海市的全景地图。 First Army from Qingpu, attacks the open area near Qingpu airport, then takes this to attack the City Center region as the inflection point. Second Army takes No. 27 Camp as the beginning, attacks City Center from the west. 第一兵团青浦出发,进攻青浦机场附近的空地,然后以此为拐点进攻市中心区域。第二兵团27号营地为起点,从西面进攻市中心
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