IHAMITLOD :: Volume #5

#473: Inflation?

Recently the Sixth Block market had the strange phenomenon, must say that concrete is anything ....... 最近第六街区的市场出现了奇怪的现象,要说具体是什么……. One kilogram 4 subcrystal? How you do not snatch!” In the hand is pinching a lump of gold bar, stood mercenary by stall cannot bear call out. “一公斤四亚晶?你怎么不去抢!”手中捏着一坨金块,站在摊位旁的佣兵忍不住叫道。 That stall keeper had a yawn, slanting this Survivor. 那个摊贩打了个哈欠,斜了这幸存者一眼。 Explodes the blasting explosive of treasury not to ask for money? Fishes not to ask for money the thing? Do not think that the gold is so good to pick, bumps into Death Claw that had not died thoroughly in the basement father. Ok, does not buy should not be keeping off the say/way, after a period of time you want to buy could not have bought.” “炸金库的炸药不要钱?把东西捞回来不要钱?别以为黄金就是那么好捡的,在地下室老子还碰上了一支没死透的死爪。行了,不买就别挡着道,过段时间你想买还买不到。” Hesitant moment, that mercenary threw subcrystal on the body of that stall keeper, picked several gold ingot from the stall, lost called two kilograms on the electronic scale. Although on the bank gold ingot printed the specification code of pa, but called quite insurance. 犹豫了片刻,那佣兵还是把亚晶抛在了那摊贩的身上,从摊位上捡了几块金锭,丢在电子秤上称了两公斤。虽然银行的金锭上面印了pa的规格编码,但还是称一下比较保险。 Picked up subcrystal with a laugh, places on the quality instrumentation, confirmed after points enough 16 subcrystal, the vendor then took in that several subcrystal the package. 笑呵呵地捡起了亚晶,放在质量检测仪上,确认了点数足够16亚晶后,摊主便将那几块亚晶收进了包里。 Some meat looked at the gold bar in hand painful, mercenary holds the gold finally in the bosom, then or got out of tune quickly. 有些肉痛地看着手中的金块,佣兵最终还是将黄金揣在了怀里,然后快步走调了。 One kilogram 4 subcrystal price, it can be said that sold cheap regarding the gold. As for why? The canned food must want 10 subcrystal together. Was equal to saying that this kilogram gold, can only trade one package of instant noodles. 一公斤四亚晶的价格,对于黄金而言可以说是贱卖了。至于为什么?要知道,一块罐头都得要个十亚晶呢。等于说这一公斤的黄金,只能换一包方便面。 However from the expression on that mercenary face, he has been discontented with this price. 不过从那个佣兵脸上的表情来看,他对于这个价位还有所不满。 Also does not blame him being discontented. 也不怪他会不满。 After all regarding the person on Wasted Earth, golden thing really has no use. That that in the industry needs, almost can also recycle from other electronic parts. These years that Last of Days just arrived, but also some really people stored up many gold, but these people almost starved to death finally. 毕竟对于废土上的人来说,黄金这东西真没什么用处。工业中所需用到的那点,差不多也能从其它电子零件中回收到。末世刚到来的那些年,还真有人囤积了不少黄金,可这些人最后差不多都饿死了。 The value of gold because of its rare, anti-corrosive and widespread value approval. Compared to the 10 billion population, the gold within pa territory range truly has enough value. But now entire Earth does not know that can collect hundreds of millions people to come, the gold of the world divides on average. Can everyone almost divide to over ten thousand tons, the value as before such insurance of gold? 黄金的价值是因为它的稀有、耐腐蚀、广泛价值认可。相对于百亿的人口来说,pa领土范围内的黄金确实具备足够的价值。但现在整个地球都不知道能凑出几亿人来,全球的黄金平均分一下。每个人差不多都能分到个上万吨,黄金的价值依旧那么的保险吗? Answer obviously negative. 答案显然是否定的。 But such being the case, why this will mercenary also exchange the gold in vendor hand with subcrystal? 但既然如此,为何这名佣兵还会用亚晶去交换摊主手中的黄金呢? Because primary cause. Now subcrystal in Sixth Block was really many! 主要原因还是因为。现在第六街区内的亚晶实在是太多了! NAC puts in rocket missile to Wanghai City in massively, that magnificent scared Sixth Block survivors. foreign-species and zombie of half city were committed to flames. That pitiful condition really like hell. na望海市内大规模投放火箭弹,那壮观的一幕着实吓坏了第六街区幸存者们。半个市的异种丧尸都被付之一炬。那惨状简直如同地狱。 But later they again by the NAC government gave the shock generously. 而随后他们又再次被na政府的慷慨给震惊了。 subcrystal who picks to turn over to anyone, only needs to turn in 10% as the income of military government to be able, after all this rocket missile is the military government puts. This order carries out some difficulties, mainly depends upon city gate taxation to levy taxes, but is not well high in this taxation proportion, survivors also calculates the coordination. Moreover there is existence of bank, lets the examination of account facilitated. 亚晶谁捡到就归谁,只需要上缴10%作为军政府的收益便可,毕竟这火箭弹是军政府放的。这个命令执行起来有些难度,主要依靠城门口的征税点进行征税,但好在这个征税比例不算高,幸存者们也都还算配合。而且有银行的存在,也让账目检查的方便了许多。 But so, survivors in base made an unexpected wealth even if. 可纵使如此,基地内的幸存者们还是发了一笔横财。 A hands and feet day can gain seven 800 diligently. Slow of movement can also gain four 500 with ease. Everywhere is the foreign-species corpses, does not need any fight, only needed to take the knife baking the carbon block opened on the line. 手脚勤快地一天能赚个七八百。手脚慢的也能轻松赚个四五百。满地都是异种的尸体,不需要任何战斗,只需要拿着小刀把烧干了的炭块挑开就行了。 Getting rich, not only Survivor in camp, NAC's soldier also participated in an organized way picked the corpse activity. Waits for East City District foreign-species and zombie spreads slowly, is almost half a month later matter. 发财的不只是营地内的幸存者,na的士兵也有组织地参与了捡尸活动。等东市区异种丧尸缓缓扩散回来,差不多已经是半个月后的事了。 In half a month time, in everyone's hand is pinching several thousands, even about ten thousand subcrystal. In entire Sixth Block cannot discover a poor person again. 仅仅是半个月的时间里,所有人的手上都捏着进数千,甚至近万枚亚晶。整个第六街区中再也找不出一个穷人来。 If discussed the rich and poor by subcrystal merely. 如果仅仅以亚晶来论贫富的话。 Sixth Block survivors has never so been rich, but this type rich is the danger. The average per person wealth has far exceeded market commodities, even the Sixth Block factory full speed revolution ten years, are unable to digest these subcrystal. 第六街区幸存者们从未如此富有过,但这种富有是及其危险的。人均财富已经远远超出了市场商品总量,即便是第六街区的工厂全速运转十年,也无法将这些亚晶消化。 Following. Is the commodity price rises suddenly. The canned food rose dramatically 50 subcrystal from 10 subcrystal, however was out of stock as before continuously. Originally because of the second expedition censures to the steel, rises dramatically again each ton 100 subcrystal peak value. And does not have the city valuably. 随之而来的。就是商品价格暴涨。罐头从十亚晶重新飙升回了50亚晶,然而依旧连续脱销。原本因为第二次远征而贬至的钢铁,再次飙升回每吨100亚晶的峰值。并有价无市。 Then, is the luxury value returns. 接着,就是奢侈品价值回归。 The jewelry, gold and gem...... these were regarded as the weak in Last of Days the thing, reappeared in the market. Merchant who many have plenty of money, with mercenary, when stores bank subcrystal, chose some gold and jewelry, as to the future investment. The price of gold also from the initial each ton 100 subcrystal steel price, sudden rise to each kilogram 4 subcrystal of present. 珠宝、黄金、宝石……这些原本在末世中被视作鸡肋的东西,重新出现在了市场上。不少手头宽裕的商人,和佣兵,在将亚晶存入银行之余,纷纷挑选了一些黄金和珠宝,作为对未来的投资。黄金的价格也就从最初的每吨100亚晶的钢铁价,“暴涨”到了现在的每公斤四亚晶 Actually, collects golden thing. Mainly bets expected. If on this piece of Wasted Earth can restore Order in the future, the gold will manifest its value after all. 其实,收藏黄金这东西。主要还是赌个预期。如果未来这片废土上能恢复秩序,黄金终归还是会体现出它的价值来。 Initially the World Coalition organization launched Colony Ship. Let the anticipation bankruptcies of most people. But NAC's appears, made Wanghai City Survivor see hope that reappeared the execution. Therefore elevates temperature to the anticipation of golden. 只是当初世界联合组织发射殖民舰。让大多数人们的预期破产。可na的出现,却又让望海市幸存者看到了重现执行的希望。于是对黄金的预期重新升温。 Naturally, gold then again valuable. 自然而然的,黄金便重新值钱了起来。 Everyone has money is not a good deed, without enough commodity satisfies the expense of Survivor, the able person will take subcrystal to go to other local consumption. After all subcrystal on Wasted Earth is the hard currency, the life of Su City or Hang City is not necessarily better than here, but 10,000 subcrystal puts there to become the wealthy man absolutely.” “所有人都有钱不是一件好事,如果没有足够的商品满足幸存者的消费,很多有能力的人就会拿着亚晶去别的地方消费。毕竟亚晶废土上是硬通货,苏市或者杭市的生活不一定比这边好,但一万亚晶放到那里绝对能当上富翁。” In the virtual conference room, Chu Nan stands before the board, is reporting the Sixth Block situation to Jiang Chen. 虚拟会议室内,楚南站在会议桌前,向江晨汇报着第六街区的情况。 „Is your countermeasure?” Feels the chin, the Jiang Chen sinking sound asks. “你的对策是?”摸着下巴,江晨沉声问道。 „The first step, maintains the stability of market provisioning.” “第一步,保持市场物资供应的稳定。” second step, is one step that we must go out in any event. The moderate inflation can stimulate the economic growth, but the excessive inflation can actually be the market withers away. Fearful is not the inflation, but is the inflation not by our controls.” Chu Nan sinking sound said. 第二步,也是我们无论如何必须走出的一步。适度的通胀可以刺激经济增长,但过度的通胀却会是市场本身消亡。可怕的不是通胀,而是通胀不受我们的控制。”楚南沉声道。 Your meaning is, release currency?” After listening to the Chu Nan words, Jiang Chen guessed. “你的意思是,发行货币?”听完楚南的话后,江晨猜测道。 Right, this is the urgent matter.” The Chu Nan applause nods. “没错,这是当务之急。”楚南赞许地点了点头。 „Does release currency...... guarantee with what?” Jiang Chen asked. “发行货币吗……可是用什么担保呢?”江晨问道。 Gold? Too many, not only on Survivor, the Wanghai City gold were also too many. Moreover golden thing, although presented the value approval in Sixth Block, but puts beside Suhang Province, actually and is insufficient to become the hard currency. 黄金?太多了,不只是幸存者手上的,望海市的黄金也都太多了。而且黄金这东西虽然在第六街区出现了价值认可,但放到苏杭省之外,却并不足以成为硬通货。 The global gold estimated reserves are the 600,000 hundred million tons, is equally matched with the iron. By 2005, verified mineral resource 8. 90,000 ton, the gold that excavated was 12. 50,000 ton, the lord knows Year 2171 pre-war this number was many. 要知道,全球黄金估算储量为60万亿吨,和铁不相上下。截止2005年,探明矿藏八.9万吨,采掘出的黄金为12.5万吨,天晓得2171年战前这个数字是多少。 Hears the Jiang Chen's question, Chu Nan smiles, such clearly is prepared early. 听到江晨的疑问,楚南神秘一笑,那样子显然是早有准备。 Under the Marshal careful recollection, anything has the stable demand, moreover is the quantity controls by us.” 元帅仔细回想下,什么东西有稳定需求,而且是数量由我们控制。” Demand? Control? 需求?控制? Jiang Chen knits the brows slightly, may along with even reveals. Had/Left expression suddenly. 江晨微微皱眉,可随即便露.出了恍然的表情。 Is...... the grain?” “难道是……粮食?” Right! We can come to guarantee for the currency with the grain!” Chu Nan smiles was saying.( To be continued.) “没错!我们可以用粮食来为货币担保!”楚南微笑着说道。(未完待续。)
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