IHAMITLOD :: Volume #5

#472: Has the progress of person cross over

Patent office sent for again, hopes that we can provide the complete material registration patent, to avoid the patent being snatched by other company, prevention in the future possible specialized dispute.” “专利局方面再次派人来了,希望我们能够提供完整的资料注册专利,以避免专利被其它公司抢注,预防未来可能出现的专业纠纷。” Turns round they, parent company will seriously consider their propositions, next.” “复他们,总公司会认真考虑他们的提议,下一个。” Penguin Company hopes that with us in Virtual Reality domain expansion technique cooperation, the negotiators who the opposite party sends out said that if we can in the Neural Access technology 企鹅公司希望与我们在虚拟实境领域展开技术合作,对方派出的谈判人员表示,如果我们能够在神经接入技术上” Next.” “下一个。” At this moment, Jiang Chen is sitting before the desk, the both legs curl upwards on the table, is conducting the video call with the notebook and Xia Shiyu. Perhaps because of the self-sensation good reason, he at this moment always has on Sovereign Emperor early the misconception of towards. 此刻,江晨正坐在办公桌前,双腿翘在桌上,用笔记本和夏诗雨进行着视频通话。或许是因为自我感觉良好的缘故,此刻的他总有种皇帝上早朝的错觉。 Good, although I and your idea basically agrees, but can't you make me report well?” “好吧,虽然我和你的想法基本一致,但你就不能让我好好地汇报完吗?” Broke her word regarding Jiang Chen continuously, Xia Shiyu put down the document in hand, sighed to say reluctantly. 对于江晨连续打断她的言,夏诗雨放下了手中的文件,无奈地叹了口气说道。 However rises slightly the corners of the mouth that from her, her mood at this moment should be very happy. 不过从她那微微上扬的嘴角来看,她此刻的心情应该是非常愉快的。 Is as good the woman of man as a dedication, Future Technologies looks like her child to be the same. Visits it to grow the present lofty tree, the sense of achievement in her heart is as good Jiang Chen. 身为一名事业心不逊于男人的女人,未来人科技就像是她的孩子一样。看着它成长成如今的参天大树,她心中的成就感丝毫不逊于江晨 The maximum offer of reference venture capital company, the Future Technologies market value has been estimated 100 billion US Dollar at present, compared in last year 10 billion estimate value, really turned ten times. But has Future Technologies CEO Miss Xia Shiyu of 1% stocks, the sale price was to also rise dramatically 1 billion US Dollar. 参考风投公司的最高报价,目前未来人科技的市值已经被估到了一千亿美金,相较于去年的百亿估值,简直是翻了十倍。而持有1%股份的未来人科技eo夏诗雨小姐,身价也是飙升到了十亿美金 This one year ago, is she does not dare to imagine. 这在一年前,是她根本不敢想象的。 She still remembers that night, Jiang Chen with those words that the utterly unjustified self-confidence said: 她至今还记得那天晚上,江晨用毫无道理的自信说出的那句话: At present, this company also remains at the conceptual phase, doesn't feel very excited? You will become Steve Ballmer of China, but I, will become China Bill Gates!” “目前,这家公司还停留在概念阶段,不觉得很激动吗?你将成为中国的史蒂夫鲍尔默,而我,将成为华国比尔盖茨!” She still remembers that in the evening, how oneself suspects him. 她至今还记得那晚上,自己是如何的怀疑他。 But now has a look, his self-confidence is not does not have truth. He truly becomes China Bill Gates, even Wall Street is more than Bill Gates to his appraisal. Because Future Technologies from one small workshop of work in apartment. The show/unfolds the market value 100 billion situation, he only used until now for a year. 但现在头看看,他的自信并非是“毫无道理”。他确实成为了华国比尔盖茨,甚至华尔街对他的评价更甚于比尔盖茨。因为未来人科技从一间在公寓中办公的小作坊。展到如今市值千亿的地步,他只用了一年的时间。 What also has to report?” By the Boss chair, Jiang Chen asked leisurely and carefree. “还有什么要汇报的吗?”靠在老板椅上,江晨悠闲地问道。 In measured also 17 days to finish, the Virtual Reality Experience shop also around the world unfolded. Believes that could not take 4 months. People had to understand regarding Virtual Reality initially, Future Technologies will then strike while the iron is hot again helmet displays the shelf Phantom, is then waiting for the number money again on the line. 内测还有17天就结束了,虚拟实境体验店也在世界范围内铺开。相信要不了四个月。人们对于虚拟实境就有个初步的了解了,再接着未来人科技就会趁热打铁地把“幻影头盔摆上货架,再然后等着数钱就行了。 At present, I emitted the 500,000 helmet selling in advance quota in the official site, the pricing is 1 ooo US Dollar. Sells in 3 minutes completely spatially. The player who many have not bought hoped that can let loose a 500,000 quota again.” “目前,我在官网上放出了五十万头盔的预售名额,定价是1ooo美金。在3分钟内全部售空。不少没买上的玩家表示希望能够再放开五十万个名额。” Minus the 5 oo US Dollar cost, 3 minutes gain 25 oo ten thousand US Dollar crazily, stimulation that this type feels really too tm. 刨去5oo美金的成本,三分钟狂赚25oo万美金,这种感觉简直太tm的刺激了。 That again open 500,000.” Jiang Chen said full of enthusiasm. “那就再开放五十万个。”江晨兴致勃勃地说道。 Every month beginning opens 500,000, this is my proposition.” Sees the Jiang Chen's appearance, Xia Shiyu purses the lips to smile, intensive opening will sell in advance the quota to reduce the product in the psychological price of user. The hungry market, is the most energetic market.” “每个月初开放五十万个,这是我的提议。”看到江晨的样子,夏诗雨不由抿嘴微笑,“密集的开放预售名额会降低产品在用户的心理价位。只有饥饿的市场,才是最有活力的市场。” Listens the words that Xia Shiyu spoke, Jiang Chen obviously to stare under. 听完夏诗雨说的话,江晨明显愣了下。 I said what issue has?” Sees Jiang Chen not to speak, Xia Shiyu light pressed delicate eyebrows. “我说的有什么问题吗?”见江晨不说话,夏诗雨不由轻蹙秀眉。 Jiang Chen shakes the head, has not said with a smile properly. 江晨摇摇头,没正经地笑道。 No. Felt, before you compare, liked smiling.” “没什么。就是感觉,你比以前爱笑了。” This traded Xia Shiyu to be shocked. 这换夏诗雨愣住了。 Has?” Xia Shiyu put out a hand to pinch pinching on own face. “有吗?”夏诗雨不由伸手在自己脸上捏了捏。 But when she detected when expression that on the Jiang Chen face teased, she immediately face one red, put out a hand to switch off the camera. 可当她察觉到江晨脸上戏谑的表情时,她顿时脸一红,伸手关掉了摄像头。 cough cough!” Coughed layer on layer/heavily the sound, Xia Shiyu sat slightly positively before the desk, the serious face said forcefully, we continued the topic, speaking of where?” 咳咳!”重重地咳了声,夏诗雨在办公桌前稍稍坐正,强行严肃脸道,“我们继续刚才的话题嗯,说到哪里了?” Although without camera, what kind of expression but the Jiang Chen approximate brain made up opposite of computer her is, on the face appeared wiped the happy expression. 虽然没有摄像头,但江晨还是大致脑补出了电脑对面的她是一副怎样的表情,脸上不由浮现了一抹笑意。 Sells in advance.” “预售。” Un! Right. Selling in advance “嗯!对。预售” The following conference entire journey conducts in the black screen. 接下来的会议全程都在黑屏中进行。 Although Jiang Chen proposed several times turns on the camera, but on the grounds of disturbing work declined by Xia Shiyu. 虽然江晨数次提议打开摄像头,但都被夏诗雨以干扰工作为由谢绝了。 This young girl, in shy? 这小妞,是在害羞吗? The intuition told him, mostly was this. 直觉告诉他,多半是这样的。 Closes the notebook. Jiang Chen stretches oneself, sets out to walk toward the bedroom. 将笔记本电脑合上。江晨伸了个懒腰,起身向卧室走去。 The time has been close to mid September, the capturing/raiding action of City Center nears, was the time goes to one. 时间已经接近九月中旬,市中心的攻略行动在即,是时候去一趟了。 Rode in a carriage to arrive at the Koro Island south warehouse, Jiang Chen put on wristband, prepared to sweep but actually the Last of Days that side full warehouse the food and other commodities. But at this moment. He Lin Ling gives his Cross-dimension Material Transporter to expire suddenly presently unexpectedly! 乘车来到了科罗岛南端的仓库,江晨戴上手环,准备将满仓的食物等物资全都扫倒末世那边去。可就在这时。他突然现林玲给他的那个跨次元物质传送装置竟然失效了! Although somewhat small depressed, but also had o cubic meters in the present storage space area well, coming to evacuate the thing in warehouse several times, could not spend how much time. 虽然有些小郁闷,但好在如今储物空间的面积也有个o立方米了,来来个几次将仓库内的东西搬空,也花不了多少时间。 Was subcrystal consumed dozens points, but this consumption can definitely ignore. 就是亚晶多耗费了几十点,不过这点耗费完全可以忽略不计。 After the convention told manpower who the Wang Qing arrangement transports the grain, Jiang Chen came to the Lin Ling's laboratory, before finding experiments, was fiddling with bottles of cans of Lin Ling. 按照惯例吩咐王晴安排搬运粮食的人手后,江晨来到了林玲的实验室中,找到了正在试验中前捣鼓瓶瓶罐罐的林玲 Is doing?” “在干什么呢?” Fuel, your Aerospace Technology Research Institute requires a combustion time more lasting, releasing heat higher fuel. Just I in this aspect also some research, therefore helped do simply. Then, what matter asks this young lady to have?” Sways hold to have the test tube of suspicious transparent liquid, Lin Ling while happily is saying. “燃料,你的航天科技研究所需要一种燃烧时间更持久,放热量更高的燃料。刚好我在这方面还有些研究,所以干脆帮着做了。说吧,找本小姐有什么事?”一边摇晃着盛有可疑透明液体的试管,林玲一边得意地说着。 Your Cross-dimension Material Transporter, as if has problems.” Jiang Chen took out that wristband, placed on the Lin Ling's experiment table. “你的跨次元物质传送装置,似乎出了点问题。”江晨取出了那个手环,放在了林玲的实验桌上。 Is impossible.” Lin Ling wrinkled the delicate eyebrows slightly, put on the test tube the test tube support, put out a hand to take up on the table that plastic link. “不可能啊。”林玲微微皱起了秀眉,将试管放了试管架上,伸手拿起了桌上那个塑胶环。 Sized up a moment later, Lin Ling is frowning to rack brains the moment. 打量了片刻之后,林玲皱着眉头苦思冥想了片刻。 Suddenly she thinks probably before anything resembles resulted in arrived at a table, from inside takes a cube of Rubik's Cube size. 突然她像是想到了什么似得走到了一张桌子前,从里面拿出来了一个魔方大小的立方体。 Puts in this your subspace.” Arrived Jiang Chen, Lin Ling dispatched the thing in hand unrestrained/no trace of politeness. “把这个放到你的亚空间中去。”到江晨跟前,林玲毫不客气地递出了手中的东西。 Received the cube, Jiang Chen then threw into storage space conveniently. 接过立方体,江晨随手便扔进了储物空间中。 Then?” “然后呢?” Lin Ling does not have the words, but returned to another side by the room test installation, opened one with the equipment that the radio looks like very much. 林玲没有话,而是返了房间另一边的实验设备旁,打开了一个和收音机很像的设备。 „Is this?” “这是?” „The receiving device of Klein Particle altogether vibrational wave. That cube can pass on the Coordinate information of position, and image is how possible.” Lin Ling looks at the ripple of that rhythm unbelievable. 克雷恩粒子共振波的接收装置。那个立方体可以传所处位置的坐标信息,以及图像怎么可能。”林玲难以置信地看着那律动的波纹。 Looks at that electrocardiogram to result in the line, Jiang Chen frowns puzzled. 望着那心电图似得线条,江晨困惑地皱起了眉头。 What matter lived?” “生了什么事吗?” „The issue of what matter did not live your subspace, turned into Cosmos? Although is small-scale.” In the Lin Ling's eye is glittering the exciting look. “不是生了什么事的问题你的亚空间,变成了一个宇宙?虽然是小型的。”林玲的眼中闪烁着兴奋的神色。 I call it Little Cosmos.” “我称其为小宇宙。” No matter it called anything, this really was the miracle in physics subspace that was constituted by the attraction, can breed the physical rule unexpectedly, inconceivable.” “不管它叫什么,这简直是物理学上的奇迹由引力构成的亚空间,竟然能孕育出物理规则,不可思议。” Sorry, I could not understand you to say anything.” Looks that presses Lin Ling of button on the screen excitedly, Jiang Chen is blushing with shame to say. “抱歉,我听不懂你在说什么。”看着兴奋地在屏幕上按着按钮的林玲,江晨汗颜道。 ahhh, no, does not need to care about these details. My Cross-dimension Material Transporter has no issue! So long as under the revision the Coordinate can use slightly.” Saying, Lin Ling threw in wristband the Jiang Chen bosom. 啊啊,没什么,无需在意这些细节。我的跨次元物质传送装置没有任何问题!只要稍稍修改下坐标就能用了。”说着,林玲手环重新扔了江晨怀中。 Has been able to use?” “已经可以用了吗?” Has been OK!” “已经可以了!” „Are you doing now?” Jiang Chen looks that Lin Ling is operating the computer excitedly, had forgotten the appearance of original work completely. “那你现在在干什么?”江晨看着林玲兴奋地操作着电脑,已经完全忘了原先工作的样子。 Collection data, in a nutshell is studying your Little Cosmos!” Lin Ling said in high spirits. “收集数据,简而言之就是在研究你的那个小宇宙!”林玲兴冲冲地说道。 What significance does this have?” Jiang Chen sighed. “这有什么意义吗?”江晨叹了口气。 Significance is, perhaps because of my research, you can bring person cross over.” Lin Ling said. “意义就是,没准因为我的研究,你将可以带人穿越。”林玲说道。 Jiang Chen turned very quiet. 江晨屏住了呼吸。 „Is interjection indicating surprise, very surprised?” Sees Jiang Chen not to speak, Lin Ling happily glanced his one eyes. “哦呵呵,是不是很惊讶?”见江晨没有说话,林玲得意地瞟了他一眼。 Surprisedly rather, is very pleasantly surprised! If you really can study the belt/bring person cross over method. I ensure you had the pudding of being able to finish eating.” On the Jiang Chen face appeared the wild with joy expression. “非常惊讶倒不如说,很惊喜!如果你真能研究出带人穿越的方法。我保证你有吃不完的布丁。”江晨脸上浮现了狂喜的表情。 He has complied with Sun Jiao, if there is an opportunity, must lead her to go to his side world his school, has a look he has lived place 他答应过孙娇,如果有机会,一定要带她去他那边的世界他的学校,看看他生活过的地方 Not only also these, if can bring person cross over, he can quicker the science and technology of conformity this world, then rely on present world that side extensive resource, the relaxed draw pushes two world. 还不只是这些,如果能够带人穿越,他将能更快度的整合这个世界的科技,然后在凭借现世那边丰富资源,轻松平推两个世界。 Is entire world's pudding.” Lin Ling for fear that Jiang Chen forgot the agreement, immediately investigates the correct path. “是全世界的布丁。”林玲生怕江晨忘记了约定,立刻纠正道。 entire world's pudding on the entire world, felt relieved!” Jiang Chen laughs to say. 全世界的布丁就全世界的,放心好了!”江晨大笑道。 Cracks a joke, his asset how many 10 billion, how many puddings will also worry? 开玩笑,他的资产都几百亿了,还会愁几个布丁? Smiles happily, Lin Ling is preparing to say anything, is actually bending the waist suddenly, coughed. 开心地笑了笑,林玲正准备说些什么,却是突然弯着腰,咳嗽了起来。 You how?” Sees that Jiang Chen rushes to go forward. “你怎么?”见状,江晨赶忙上前。 No, no.” Was bumped into the shoulder by Jiang Chen red, the Lin Ling's pupil suddenly, but quick then returned to normal. “没,没什么。”被江晨碰到了肩膀,林玲的瞳孔骤然红了一下,但很快便恢复了正常。 To the relieving shrinking, avoided Jiang Chen's, Lin Ling breathed several tones, stabilized the breath. 向后缩了缩,躲开江晨的手,林玲喘了几口气,稳定了呼吸。 You, all right?” Some Jiang Chen worries asked. “你,没事吧?”江晨有些担心地问道。 All right, don't worry.” Lin Ling is covering own left eye, another hand lays out to Jiang Chen, in brief, you go out a bit faster.” “没事,不用担心。”林玲捂着自己的左眼,另一只手对江晨摆了摆,“总而言之,你快点出去吧。” Is really unimportant?” “真的不要紧吗?” Is unimportant, you went out to be good.” “不要紧,你出去就好了。” Although was caught up outward somewhat offends somebody, but Jiang Chen listened to the Lin Ling's request, turned around to leave her room, and closes for her. 虽然被往外赶着实有些伤人,但江晨还是听了林玲的请求,转身离开了她的房间,并替她关上了门。 Is really unimportant? 真的不要紧吗? Looks the door that is shutting tightly, Jiang Chen whispered the sentence in the heart. 望着那紧闭的门扉,江晨在心中嘀咕了句。 Why does not know, the Lin Ling's condition always makes him have an anxiety, or is the ominous premonition. 不知为何,林玲的状态总让他有种不安,或者说是不祥的预感。 But Klein Particle that at this moment, that gushes out boundless, if the silent call is ordinary, from the City Center outward diffusion. 而此时此刻,那磅礴涌出的克雷恩粒子,如无声的呐喊一般,正从市中心向外扩散着。 This final call.( To be continued.) 这最后的呐喊。(未完待续。) One clouds. Come. The pavilion then obtains the view. 】 地一下云.来.阁即可获得观.】
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