IHAMITLOD :: Volume #5

#471: Arena Mode

According to expense water and tax rate of various countries, the User Experience pricing of Virtual Reality is different........ For example the China within the boundaries Internet cafe pricing is 6 money one hour, but United States is almost 2 USD, Europe basically is 2 Euro. But the expense half of gathering belong to the Internet cafe, the other half turns over to Future Technologies. After 2 months, the Internet cafe can also purchase this/should helmet according to 2000 USD selling prices, and does not need to conduct the income to be divided with Future Technologies. 根据各国的消费水品与税率,虚拟实境体验定价有所不同。…。…比如华国境内网吧定价是六块钱一小时,而美国差不多是二美元,欧洲基本是二欧元。而收取的费用一半归网吧所有,另一半归未来人科技。二个月过后,网吧也可以按照2000美元的售价购买该头盔,并无需在与未来人科技进行收益分成。 The account numbers of all players link up with the iris information, and can conduct binding with the Future 1.0 account number. 所有玩家的账号都与虹膜信息挂钩,并可以与未来人1.0账号进行绑定。 In order to enable everyone to play the game, regarding the User Experience time of everyone, Future Technologies also has limits explicitly. That is everyone single game time are most can only continue for 2 hours, within 72 hours can only land one time. According to the helmet use idle rate/lead, this time limit will gradually be let loose. 为了使每个人都能玩到游戏,对于每个人的体验时间,未来人科技也有着明确地限制。那就是每人单次游戏时间最多只能持续二小时,72小时之内只能登陆一次。根据头盔的使用闲置率,这个时限会被逐步放开。 However that last is obviously unnecessary. 不过那最后一条显然是多余的。 In the Wanghai City 21 big Internet cafes, after taking the lead promoted Virtual Reality Experience to serve the 24 hour, in the network has blasted out the pot. Many posts, bbs and scarf by Phantom this keyword brushing the screen, the player who first User Experience arrived at fortunately in abundance with the expression shock in oneself heart. 就在望海市21家大型网吧,率先推出了虚拟实境体验服务二十四小时后,网络上已经炸开了锅。不少贴吧、bbs、围脖都被“幻影”这个关键词给刷屏,有幸抢先体验到的玩家纷纷用文字表达了自己心中的震撼。 Is Immersive-type Virtual Helmet! Beforehand rumor unexpectedly real! Lifetime!” “是沉浸式虚拟头盔!以前的谣传竟然是真的!有生之年啊!” Was too inconceivable, is unable to imagine, my body has no movement...... that feeling to be very difficult to describe, seemed cross over to be the same to another world!” “太不可思议了,无法想象,我的身体没有任何动作……那种感觉很难形容,就好像穿越到了另一个世界一样!” Do not call Future Group, calling Black Technology Group is quite appropriate, supports a point to praise that changed name to!” “别叫未来人集团了,叫黑科技集团比较贴切,支持改名的点个赞!” From overseas straight postal hololens, only played for two days, the half-price sell, wants to buy quickly, contact method here......” “从国外直邮的hololens,只玩了两天,半价出售,欲购从速,联系方式在这儿……” „......” “……” Only the spoken language, has described the excitement of players insufficiently. 单是言语,已经不足以形容玩家们的激动。 Not only the player, the scientific circles regarding the Future Technologies achievement are also the shock extremely. 然而不只是玩家,就连科学界对于未来人科技的成果也是震惊万分。 Even Nobel committee was sending the mail to Future Technologies, inquired that Phantom in helmet project, about the neural signal and electrical signal exchange attacking and capturing of technical difficult problem, wants to nominate him mutually for the next Nobel Prize candidate. 甚至连诺贝尔委员会都在向未来人科技发送了邮件,询问“幻影头盔开发项目中,关于神经信号与电信号相互交换的技术难题的攻克者,希望将他提名为下一届诺贝尔奖参选者。 Name when just Xia Shiyu inquired this person to Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen rejected this Nobel Prize that with the painful Heart of the Land sentiment delivers to the entrance. Even if he said that is develops, only feared that still no one believes. By his behavior and statement of personal history, does not build completely with the rigorous scientific worker above. 只不过当夏诗雨江晨询问这个人的名字的时候。江晨是怀着沉痛地心情拒绝了这份送到门口的诺贝尔奖。即便他说是自己开发的,只怕也没人会相信。以他的生活作风与个人履历,和严谨的科学工作者完全搭不上边。 This technology, being doomed cannot leave a good name on Nobel Prize. 这项技术,注定是不能在诺贝尔奖上留名了。 And regardless of player and scientific circles what kind of shock. 且不论玩家和科学界如何的震撼。 In many players' in waiting for Virtual Reality. Future Technologies opened " Divine Grade Continent » tip of the iceberg Arena Experience project finally. 在众多玩家对虚拟实境的翘首以盼中。未来人科技终于开放了《神级大陆》的冰山一角竞技场体验项目。 Although User Experience, but actually is also generalized on measures. 虽说是体验,但其实也是一种广义上的内测。 All User Experience players will be arranged in the User Experience clothing/taking, although is unable to enjoy the complete game content, but can in User Experience measure Arena Mode that the player has not played, enjoys the quick rhythm game ( pk ) User Experience. 所有体验玩家将被安排在体验服中,虽然无法享受完整的游戏内容,但可以体验内测玩家尚未玩到的竞技场模式,享受快节奏的游戏(pk)体验 In Arena. The player rank was defined in 10 levels, the occupation optional. After the game starts, the player can use the Artillery System gold coin to purchase the equipment from the Arena merchant, then participates in Arena to war , is also and other player PK. 竞技场中。玩家等级被限定在十级,职业自选。游戏开始后,玩家可以使用系统金币向竞技场商人购买装备,然后参与到竞技场的对战中,也就是与其它玩家pk。 Throws over the group to throw over only optionally, 12 types of terrains are available. 单披还是群披任选,12种地形可供选择。 Everyone is a novice, does not have the superior disadvantaged problem. However when just entered the game, will have a new teaching. To a certain extent, the data in this Arena, will affect the game gets online professional balanced state of that day officially. 所有人都是新手,不存在优劣势问题。不过在刚进入游戏的时候,会有一段新手教学。在一定程度上,这竞技场中的数据,将会影响到游戏正式上线那天的职业平衡性。 On the other hand. Arena also helped the players cross enough the addiction of throwing Fireball, after when played got online officially, there are prepared players should the noisy crowd all not run to choose Sage. 另一方面。竞技场也让玩家们过够了扔火球的瘾,想必等到游戏正式上线后,有所准备的玩家们应该就不会一窝蜂地全跑去选法爷了。 However mentioned is also very funny, many quite peaceful players, after entering the game chose unexpectedly and opposite reach an agreement do not start, but attempted to walk to stroll everywhere, regarded the scenic site Arena unexpectedly. 不过说来也挺好笑的,不少比较和平的玩家,在进入游戏后竟是纷纷选择和对面商量好不开打,而是满地图地走走逛逛,竟是把竞技场当成了旅游景点。 After some Sage play again enough rubbed Fireball, unexpectedly is the usage stick in the ground pry the mud. Chooses opposite sex character as for these intentionally, then inspects itself to have the player of that thing...... to act according to this/should country law, will naturally make Harmony processing regarding the Harmony content. If really wants to play the h game. After waiting for helmet to sell, according to the online course, hangs Country of Xin vpn to play. 有的法爷再玩够了搓火球之后,竟是用法杖在地上撬起了泥巴。至于那些故意选个异性角色,然后再去检查自己有没有那东西的玩家……根据该国法律,对于和谐内容自然是会做和谐处理。如果实在想玩h游戏。等头盔发售之后,按照网上教程,挂新国的vpn玩去吧。 However the strict sense, Phantom helmet does not provide the audio frequency image. All scenes launch in the brain level directly, on the mechanism is daydream category. Whether therefore the Virtual Reality content can be suitable for nowadays film and television and game work administrative regulations regulations still canning be discussed that how after all to say again, limited the content that people had a dream with the law is somewhat excessive. 不过严格意义上来讲,“幻影头盔不提供音频影像。所有的景象都直接在大脑层面展开,在机理上属于“白日梦”的范畴。所以虚拟实境内容是否能够适用现如今的影视、游戏作品管理规范条例还有待商榷,毕竟再怎么说,用法律限制人们做梦的内容还是有些过分了。 Naturally, the Arena theme fights. 当然了,竞技场的主旋律还是战斗。 However in addition, made the players shock similarly. Future Technologies in the immediate translation function that in the game introduces. 不过除此之外,同样令玩家们震撼的。还是未来人科技在游戏中引入的即时翻译功能。 The players in the world in the same User Experience clothing/taking, but can actually open access exchanges. Immediately the captions function of translation, can help the player translate the 12 country phrase the words of opposite party player. 全世界的玩家都在同一个体验服中,但却能畅通无阻地相互交流。即时翻译的字幕功能,能够帮助玩家将对方玩家的话翻译成十二国常用语。 Contains the functions of so many going against heaven's will, suddenly Future Technologies becomes the focus that the populace and media discuss once again. 包含如此众多逆天的功能,一时间未来人科技再次成为了大众与媒体热议的焦点。 For example in some United States television talk-show, host and Gates conducted one discussion about Future Technologies. 比如在某个美国电视脱口秀节目中,主持人盖茨就进行了一场关于未来人科技的讨论。 Heard that recently had/left named Phantom the helmet Virtual Reality equipment, Gates, did you play?” “听说最近出了一款名为‘幻影头盔虚拟实境设备,盖茨,你玩了吗?” Naturally, sold me to run to go to nearby Internet cafe to squat on the same day, un...... then played yesterday finally.” Saying, Gates made a helpless expression, under the stage also erupted the same feeling laughter. “当然,发售当天我就跑去附近的网吧蹲着了,嗯……然后昨天终于玩上了。”说着,盖茨做了个无奈的表情,台下也爆发出了同感的笑声。 He does not hold the post of Microsoft C CEO now, but attended this program by the Microsoft the status of founder and shareholder. 他现在已经不担任微软ceo了,只是以微软创始人、股东的身份参加这次节目。 host also follows to smile, then continues to ask. 主持人也跟着笑了笑,然后继续问道。 If such thing in some future day of official on the shelf, the sold second day you buy, after you don't fear puts on helmet, have that plot in television work? For example was closed in Virtual World, played the game not to come back?” “如果这样的东西在未来某一天正式上架,发售的第二天你就去买,你不怕戴上头盔后就发生影视作品中的那种剧情吗?比如被关在虚拟世界中,玩了游戏就回不来了?” This issue asked well. My answer was......” Gates lowered the sound mysterious, immediately hā hā laughed the sound, did not come back also to play.” “这个问题问得好。我的答案是……”盖茨故弄玄虚地压低了声音,随即哈哈大笑了声,“回不來也要玩。” On the face of host showed the surprised expression. 主持人的脸上露出了惊讶的表情。 As the Microsoft founder, you......, favor the product of competitor, really?” “身为微软的创始人,你这么……嗯,这么看好竞争对手的产品,真的好吗?” What I favor is Virtual Reality. I acknowledged, after User Experience Phantom helmet, that third dimension has truly made me shock. But what I want to say that hololens Artillery System that our Microsoft promotes also has its unique merit. For example the idea that we advocate is, lets the user in the thing interaction that in the reality and virtual has, rather than far from the reality.” “我看好的是虚拟实境本身。我承认,在体验过‘幻影头盔之后,那种真实感确实令我非常震撼。但我想说的是,我们微软推出的hololens系统也有其独特之处。比如我们提倡的理念是,让用户在现实中与虚拟存在的东西互动,而不是离现实越来越远。” In other words, Microsoft and is the Future Technologies stress direction different?” host asked with a smile. “也就是说,微软未来人科技的侧重方向不同吗?”主持人笑着问道。 Yes, you can understand.” Gates turned upwards the leg, by said on the chair. “是的,你可以这么理解。”盖茨翘起了腿,靠在椅子上说道。 You think that hololens and Phantom which conforms to the time the tidal current?” host raised an incisively issue maliciously. “那你认为hololens和幻影哪一款更符合时代的潮流呢?”主持人不怀好意地抛出了个尖锐地问题。 The audience under stage looks with total concentration, but Gates actually fell into slightly awkward middle. 台下的观众看得聚精会神,不过盖茨却是陷入了小尴尬当中。 The expression fluctuated for several seconds, he coughed, gave a fuzzy answer with definitely the sound. 表情变幻了数秒,他咳了咳,用肯定地声音给出了一个模糊的答复。 „...... I can only say, both each has his good points.” “……我只能说,两者各有千秋。” How when Gates is to deal with problem-making of host, but worrying, in some research institute also helmet for Phantom worries. 就在盖茨为如何应对主持人的刁难而犯难时,某个研究所里也为“幻影头盔犯了难。 At this moment, in some state-run research institute. 此刻,某个国立研究所内。 The surface sinks water Director Qian to look that toward the researcher who he walks, the sinking sound asks. 面沉似水的钱所长看着向他走来的研究员,沉声问道。 Little Wu, what kind of? What studied to come?” 小吴,怎么样?研究出什么来了吗?” Sees only that researcher named Little Wu to sigh, shakes the head to say. 只见那个叫小吴的研究员叹了口气,摇头道。 X light scanning techniques are invalid, Future Technologies very sly placed the lead insulation in helmet.” “x光扫描无效,未来人科技很狡猾的在头盔中安置了铅隔层。” Disassemblage?” Director Qian asks immediately. “拆卸呢?”钱所长立刻问道。 The smiling face on Little Wu face was more bitter and astringent. 小吴脸上的笑容更是苦涩了。 We just under the blade, prepared under the research inside structure anything, finally immediately triggers the protection mechanism, all electric circuits fired starch. Only what can determine, the material that they use is very possible is graphene chip in legend. Because after the outer covering disassembles, these things fired the carbon dioxide thoroughly. As for the essential Neural Access installment, was the disaster area, the molybdenum material melts one group completely......” “我们刚下刀,准备研究下里面的结构什么的,结果立刻就触发了保护机制,所有电路都烧成了一片浆糊。唯一可以确定的是,他们使用的材料很可能是传说中的石墨烯芯片。因为外壳拆开后,那些东西非常彻底地烧成了二氧化碳。至于关键的神经接入装置,更是重灾区,钼材料完全熔成了一团……” Doesn't have the means to recover?” When meat pain, Director Qian cannot bear ask. “没办法复原吗?”肉痛之余,钱所长忍不住问道。 Little Wu shakes the head. 小吴摇了摇头。 Damage degree is too big.” “损毁程度太大。” Thinks Wanghai City that surnamed Wang, Director Qian is one air/Qi. Although his officer not that big surnamed Wang, but still cannot block in his heart to his despising. 一想到望海市那个姓王的,钱所长就是一阵来气。虽然他的官没那个姓王的大,但依然挡不住他心中对他的鄙视。 Real his mother. Ruined family.” Scolded to make noise, Director Qian shakes the head, is sighing walks toward out of the door. “真他娘.的败家。”骂出了声来,钱所长摇了摇头,叹着气向门外走去。 He needs to ask for instructions now to above, can look start visits and discussions with the Future Group aspect. If can start the cooperation in the Virtual Reality Technology aspect, that was good. 他现在需要向上面请示一下,看看能不能与未来人集团方面进行接触。如果能在虚拟实境技术方面展开合作,那就是再好不过了。 Although he also knows, difficulty perhaps big......( to be continued.) 虽然他也知道,这其中的困难恐怕不小……(未完待续。)
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