IHAMITLOD :: Volume #5

#470: Virtual Reality Experience

In the corridor of Penguin Company building, a project Supervisor half step of suit and dress shoes passes through. Sees only in his hand to hold a document , from his expression, should meet what good deed. 企鹅公司大楼的走廊内,一身西装革履的项目经理快步走过。只见他的手中捧着一份文件,从他的表情上看,应该是遇上了什么好事。 Stands before Ma Huateng Office, the Du Shuze deep breath the one breath, managed under the chest front tie, then lifts the hand to knock on a door. 站在马华腾办公室前,杜书泽深呼吸了一口气,理了下胸前的领带,然后抬手敲了敲门。 Come.” “请进。” Hears sound that in Office broadcasts, he pushes the door to walk immediately impatiently 听到办公室内传来的声音,他立刻迫不及待地推门走了进去 „The matter of Boss purchase has discussed. Wanghai technical that side person has the news happily, in we inject under the support of fund, the deepoon Virtual Reality equipment being developed, has renewed at present with the notebook data line straight even/including ability, as well as solves the compatible problem. Yesterday through the test, has just been able to run Microsoft affiliated fan nerat as well as eve Valkyrie perfectly wait/etc. had registered the game of Virtual Reality platform.” 老板收购的事已经谈成了。望海乐相科技那边的人已经有消息了,在我们注入资金的支持下,他们目前正在开发的deepoon虚拟实境设备,已经更新了与笔记本数据线直连的能力,以及解决了原先存在的兼容性问题。昨天刚通过测试,已经可以完美运行微软旗下的迷nerat以及eve瓦尔基里等已经登录虚拟实境平台的游戏。” The former has a big popularity internally, since the 2015 September's 1 Virtual Reality propaganda announcement has promoted, internally is also the focus of attention. But the latter the popularity is not internally high, that is also because eve chose mistakenly the reason of business agent. 前者在国内有着不小的知名度,自从15年9月的一虚拟实境宣传预告推出以来,在国内也可谓是备受关注。而后者虽然在国内知名度不高,那也是因为eve选错了代理商的缘故。 Discussed the power of attorney with Icelandic ccp company, must take it.” Ma Huateng sinking sound said. “和冰岛ccp公司洽谈代理权,务必将其拿下。”马华腾沉声道。 No game that takes acts, is also inconvenient regarding the promoted matter of Virtual Reality business. People impossible, because qq can land on the VR equipment, but buys a VR equipment specially. 没有一款拿得出手的游戏,对于虚拟实境业务的推广也事非常不便的。人们不可能因为qq能在vr设备上登陆,而专门花钱去买一台vr设备。 But the eve partner century as if made by Heaven is also discussing the Valkyrie matter. They have acted eve, when the competition continues makes Valkyrie, we do not get the advantage Du Shuze to look the difficult color. “可是eve的合作方世纪天成也在谈瓦尔基里的事。他们已经代理了eve,在竞争续作瓦尔基里时,我们不占优势”杜书泽面露难色道。 Ma Huateng smiles, we have money, have higher-quality user group.” 马华腾神秘一笑,“我们有钱,有更优质的用户群。” Before was because did not take seriously eve this young numerous to play, words that but thinks now, since were Virtual Reality, what that also had to be able compared with free ballooning in star space fire imagination? 以前是因为不重视eve这款小众游戏,但现在想想的话,既然是虚拟实境,那还有什么能比自由翱翔于星空间更令人神往的呢? Confirmed the attitude that Boss wins, Du Shuze relaxes , to continue to say. 确认了老板志在必得的态度,杜书泽松了口气,继续道。 That Microsoft fan nerat?” “那微软的迷nerat呢?” That is Stand-alone Game?” Ma Huateng knits the brows slightly. “那个是单机游戏吧?”马华腾微微皱眉。 Game content is mainly the single (player) part. But can also carry out the community cooperation.” Du Shuze replied. “游戏内容主要是单机部分。但也能进行社区合作。”杜书泽答道。 In other words, does not need to use the large scale server to make the service end, can the local area network of personal bridge joint also online?” Ma Huateng said with a smile. “也就是说,无需使用大型服务器做服务端,私人桥接的局域网也能联机?”马华腾笑道。 Theoretically is this.” The project Supervisor nod said. “理论上是这样的。”项目经理点头道。 That does not need to manage, we only make online game this. Internet mental is the share. That game player will naturally decode.” Ma Huateng beckons with the hand to say. “那不用管,我们只做网游这块。互联网精神是分享。那种游戏玩家自然会去破解。”马华腾摆摆手道。 Project Supervisor stares, immediately suddenly. 项目经理一愣,顿时恍然。 Boss is wise!” 老板英明!” Did this have a need for you saying? Ma Huateng slanting his eyes, 这还用得着你说?马华腾斜了他一眼, However ass-licking this thing, sounds like very comfortable, Ma Huateng slightly happily by the Boss chair. Future Technologies that this is sudden appearance somewhat is truly hard to deal with. However is good because of the big penguin Empire foundation here, wants to enter the Virtual Reality domain to be easy. 不过马屁这东西,听起来还是很舒坦的,马华腾略微得意地靠在了老板椅上。这异军突起的未来人科技确实有些难缠。不过好在大企鹅帝国的根基在此,想要进军虚拟实境领域轻而易举。 Reason that has held troops, that is also only because the market of mobile has not developed saturated. Your only emerging enterprise, dares to snatch the market share with BAT Three Giants? really has a dream. 之所以一直按兵不动,那也只是因为移动端的市场还没开发饱和罢了。你区区一个新兴企业,也敢和bat三巨头抢市场份额?简直是做梦。 But this war had been shouldered after all, he pays attention, is the movements of other two giants. 只不过这场战争终归是已经被挑起,他更多注意的,还是其它两巨头的动作。 Ali and Baidu Company trend under your also attention, I feel them possibly in this aspect business 阿里白度公司的动向你也注意下,我感觉他们可能会在这方面业务上” The gate shoved open suddenly, broke the talk of Ma Huateng and Manager Du. 门突然推开了,打断了马华腾杜经理的谈话。 Sees only that person of entrance to hold the doorframe pantingly, in the hand is pinching a fold document. 只见门口的那人气喘吁吁地扶着门框,手上捏着一份褶皱的文件。 Ma Huateng knits the brows slightly, does not knock on a door regarding the staff the impolite behavior that comes. He felt extremely discontented. But nearby Du Shuze glanced this person of one taking pleasure in others' misfortunes, quickly restored that serious expression. 马华腾微微皱眉,对于员工不敲门就进来的无礼行为。他感到非常不满。而旁边的杜书泽则幸灾乐祸地瞟了这人一眼,很快又恢复了那严肃的表情。 Breathed heavily several tones, that person stood finally, could not attend to apologizing, before three and two places arrived at the Old Ma desk, shiver placed on that document the desk. 喘了几口气,那人总算是站直了起来,也顾不上道歉了,三并两步地走到了老马的办公桌前,颤抖地将那份文件放在了办公桌上。 Old, Boss. Future Technologies, had the new movement. This is, I have the contract that the Internet cafe of cooperation beats from and us, shouting has gasped for breath finally. That person said. “老,老板未来人科技,有新动作了。这是,我从和我们有合作关系的网吧拷来的合同,呼”总算是喘过了气来。那人说道。 Ma Huateng glanced his one eyes, looked at the document on table. 马华腾瞟了他一眼,将目光投向了桌上的文件。 Virtual Reality Experience Agreement?” 虚拟实境体验协议?” Ma Huateng flips the document conveniently, the brow wrinkled slightly. 马华腾随手翻了翻文件,眉头微微皱了起来。 Why does not know, the Future Technologies action made him feel several points of anxiety faintly. 不知为何,未来人科技的举动让他隐隐感到了几分不安。 Little Du.” 小杜。” „.” Du Shuze stands immediately the body. Waits to order. “诶。”杜书泽立刻站直了身子。等候命令。 You are responsible for company Virtual Reality this, got off work you to go to under this User Experience shop User Experience for me on the way.” Ma Huateng spoke thoughtlessly to say. “你是负责公司虚拟实境这块的,下班了你替我顺路去这家体验体验下好了。”马华腾随口说道。 Yes! Boss.” “是!老板。” That line, you two first go busily.” “那行吧,你们两个先去忙吧。” Du Shuze goes out of out of the door immediately. Person who that runs urgently hesitant, wants to say anything. May see on the Boss face the disgruntled look, realized oneself rash he, shuts up immediately. Followed Du Shuze to leave Office together. 杜书泽立刻走出了门外。那个火急火燎跑进来的人犹豫了下,本想说些什么。可看到老板脸上不悦的神色,意识到自己莽撞了的他,立刻闭上了嘴。跟着杜书泽一起离开了办公室 ...... …… Wanghai City City Center, the star makes in net human head|number of people to sway. Is emptying the loom are many, but before the counter, was actually filled as before was filled with the dense crowd. 望海市市中心,星约网咖里面人头攒动。空着的机子不少,但柜台前却依旧挤满了挤满了黑压压的人群。 These people entered the Internet cafe, lies the first few words that spoke in the onstage generally is 这些人进了网吧,趴在前台的说的第一句话一般都是 Network management, helping me begin a performance Phantom the helmet loom.” “网管,帮我开台‘幻影头盔的机子。” Is unfair to the mister, in shop only four Phantom Helmet, some people have been using.” Service person lil sis does not know whether to laugh or cry said. “对不起先生,店内唯一的四台幻影头盔,已经有人在使用了。”服务员小妹哭笑不得地说道。 The same excuse, she has at least repeated 50 many. 同样的说辞,她至少已经重复了五十多遍了。 What?! Is full?” The man stared in a big way the eye, yeah was not, how your did here only have four?” “什么?!已经满了?”那男子瞪大了眼睛,“哎不是,你们这里怎么只有四台?” This set of excuse cannot make that man be satisfied obviously. Looks in this service person lil sis is in the share of beautiful woman, he couldn't help shouting abuse. 这套说辞显然没能让那男子感到满意。要不是看在这服务员小妹是个美女的份上,他都忍不住要破口大骂了。 Faithful fans as Future Technologies, he may pay attention to " Divine Grade Continent » official site, was anticipating renews a propaganda to use the plot short film every month. In addition, these were selected the anchor player who in the participation measures, was selected the attention by him. 身为未来人科技的忠实粉丝,他可一直都在关注着《神级大陆》的官网,期待着每隔一个月更新一次的宣传用剧情短片。除此之外,那些被选中参与内测的主播玩家,也被他点了关注。 Although regarding the game content, these anchors often the keep quiet did not say, when spoke of that game was fun, on Lian facial paralysis anchors reveals. Had/Left the net addicted youngster general smiling face. 虽然对于游戏内容,这些主播往往都缄口不言,但一说到那款游戏好不好玩时,就连某面瘫主播都露.出了网瘾少年一般的笑容。 This got online the preheating quick less than half year from the official site, now can play to begin finally, how can he not be impatient? Sees the Future 1.0 push the User Experience shop news, he put down matter on hand immediately, locked the recent cooperation Internet cafe to catch up on the map. 这从官网上线已经预热快小半年了,现在总算是能玩上手了,他怎能不心急?一看到未来人1.0推送的体验店消息,他立马放下了手边的事,在地图上锁定了最近的合作网吧赶了过来。 Did the person who however now, the star makes net tell others to be full unexpectedly? 然而现在,星约网咖的人居然告诉他人满了? Cracking a joke, the good and evil was also neighbor the biggest Internet cafe, did over a thousand looms only have 4 Phantom? 开什么玩笑,好歹也是附近最大的网吧了,上千台机子只有四台“幻影”? How long must wait.” The man did not say patiently. “还要等多久。”那男子不耐烦地说道。 Looks at the male facial color bad appearance, that new service person lil sis almost soon cried. 看着男子面色不善的样子,那新来的服务员小妹几乎快要哭出来了。 „, Lining up.” “得,排队。” I know certainly lining up, I am asked that also how long can arrange?” The man asked aggressively. “我当然知道排队,我就是问还得排多久?”那男子咄咄逼人地问道。 Was unable to continue watching, finished the service person of matter to draw on hand immediately this rookie behind, then went forth to battle personally, said well-mannered. 看不下去了,忙完手边事的服务员立刻把这个新人拉到了后面,然后亲自上阵,彬彬有礼地说道。 Mister, you need to use the computer normally or the User Experience Virtual Reality service. If hopes that the User Experience Virtual Reality service, please register lining up on our computers, in front of you also 51 players are in the formation. Please come User Experience in 102 childhood, at the appointed time we will remind you before five hours through the message. Moreover, if you have the time in the evening, can choose to join at night the formation, at present famous player “先生,请问你是需要正常上机还是体验虚拟实境服务。如果希望体验虚拟实境服务,请在我们的电脑上登记排队,您前面还有51名玩家正在队列中。请于102小时候前来体验,届时我们会在五小时前通过短信提醒您。另外,如果您晚上有时间的话,也可以选择加入夜间队列,目前有名玩家” Hears lining up to pat 5 days, that person has a fit of bad temper immediately, patted the counter table to call out. 一听到排队要拍个五天,那人立刻炸毛了,拍着柜台桌叫道。 Grass, what several rotten Internet cafes, accesses the net also to line up, the father did not play the line.” “草,什么几把烂网吧,上个网还要排队,老子不玩了行了吧。” Although on the mouth is saying, but the man has not departed, but is staring the service person, waits for him to reveal the compromise the expression. 虽然嘴上这么说着,但那男子并没有离去,而是瞪着服务员,等待他露出妥协的表情。 However the service person obviously is an expert, smilingly visits him, does not show one's self. 然而那服务员显然是老手,笑眯眯地看着他,丝毫不显山露水。 Sees this person of continuously card in the team motionless, the following person has started discontentedly. 见这人一直卡在队伍中不动,后面的人已经开始不满了。 Front can a bit faster, not play hurries to roll the line not? The time of losing.” “前面的能不能快点,不玩了赶紧滚行不?耽误个屁的时间。” Yes, do not rub chirp, like tm mother artillery.” “就是,别磨磨唧唧的,像tm个娘炮。” Behind hears sound that broadcasts, male is red in the face. To walk, but looks at the following that sliver of team, only feared oneself this walk, did not have opportunity User Experience. 听到后面传来的声音,那男子一阵面红耳赤。想走,但看着后面那长条队伍,只怕自己这一走,就没机会体验到了。 Anyone, who said that I do not play, row on platoon, how much money!” “谁,谁说我不玩,排就排,多少钱!” Was not you says?” The back hears a hiss, but the man has obviously planned to disregard. “不就是你说的吗?”背后传来一阵嘘声,但那男人明显已经打算无视。 How liked saying how saying that the father facial skin was thick enough. 爱咋说咋说去吧,老子脸皮够厚。 6 Yuan one hour.” The service people are smiling sign that referred to the entrance. “六元一小时。”服务员微笑着指了指门口的牌子。 The price is but actually inexpensive, the man was in the heart slightly was also comfortable. The User Experience apple computer must 12 Yuan one hour, this Future Technologies to also calculate the conscience. 价格倒还不贵,那男子也算是心中稍稍舒坦了些。体验苹果电脑还得12元一小时,这未来人科技到还算良心。 Similar , happening in Wanghai City, Shenzhen stock market, going to the capital and other in big city, and gradually advances to the inland. Several days later, New York, London, Paris and other in international big city, will land Phantom the helmet form. 同样的一幕,也发生在望海市、深市、上京等大城市中,并逐步向内地推进。几天之后,纽约伦敦巴黎等国际大城市中,也将登陆“幻影头盔的身影。 When the first player puts down Virtual Helmet longingly, when takes up excitedly the cell phone and netizen share own shock, had announced Human Civilization and Virtual World the start of first close contact.( To be continued.) 当第一名玩家恋恋不舍地放下虚拟头盔,兴奋地拿起手机与网友分享自己的震撼时,就已经宣告了人类文明虚拟世界的第一次亲密接触的开始。(未完待续。)
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