IHAMITLOD :: Volume #5

#469: Send-off

Recently, enlivened in Philippines domestic MNLF Organization, to Davao Port launched named ‚the autumn offensive large-scale military operation, at present the Davao Port 70% city area have integrated under the control of anti- government forces. . new MNLF Organization leader Santos summoned that Mindanao Island all believer and Moro Nationality joins to the organization, revolts against the aggression suppression behavior of Philippines government, restores Country of Moro Sovereignty, returns the Moro nationality Mindanao Island.” “近日,活跃在菲国境内的摩解组织,对达沃港发动名为‘秋季攻势’的大规模军事行动,目前达沃港70%的城区已经纳入反政府军的控制之下。⊙。⊙新任摩解组织领导桑托斯号召棉兰老岛的所有教徒和摩洛民族加入到组织中,反抗菲国政府的侵略镇压行为,恢复摩洛国主权,将棉兰老岛归还摩洛民族。” „The US Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman refuted the opinion of Santos, said that its behavior does not conform to Philippines Constitution, seeks should not threaten the personal safety and property of general public independently. And expressed that will not acknowledge absolutely depends upon the barbarous method independent country, the White House aspect was discussing sends out the feasibility of ground forces......” 美外交部发言人驳斥了桑托斯的言论,称其行为不符合菲国宪法,谋求独立不应威胁到普通民众的生命财产安全。并表示绝对不会承认一个依靠野蛮手段独立的国家,白宫方面正在讨论派出地面部队的可行性……” Russia President **** indicated: When said these words, ****** Comrade should under the attendance the Libya new government, and feeling of Syria anti- government forces. Uses the barbarous method may, not only Philippines anti- government forces......” 俄国总统****表示:在说出这句话的时候,******同志应该多照顾下利比亚新政府、以及叙利亚政府军的感受。使用野蛮手段的可不只是菲国政府军……” By the Philippines turbulent situation influence, the Hillary support level was compared had dropped 7 points other day. Some United States domestic media to its campaign program in returns to the Asia-Pacific strategy to raise the question, said that it cannot improve the Asian-Pacific situation, is gradually making the situation move toward out-of-control on the contrary. Regarding this White House aspect has not made any response, but expressed that will extend the aid to the ally at the right moment. But the analyst commented, sending out the possibility that the ground forces involved the Philippines situation is not big. In November the election is about to begin, the influence of domestic anti-war sentiments, Democratic Party does not want to add new uncertainties for the election......” “受菲国局势动荡影响,希拉里的支持率相较日前已经下降七个点。美国国内部分媒体对其竞选纲领中的重返亚太战略提出质疑,称其并没能改善亚太局势,反倒在逐渐使局势走向失控。对此白宫方面并没有做出任何回应,只是表示会在适时的时候对盟友伸出援手。但分析人士评论称,派出地面部队介入菲国局势的可能性不大。11月大选在即,国内反战情绪的影响,民.主党不想为大选增添新的变数……” It seems like Santos that fellow also truly handles matters. 看来桑托斯那家伙还确实办了点事。 Looks at the news footage in television, the Jiang Chen's corners of the mouth raises wiped the smile. 看着电视中的新闻画面,江晨的嘴角不由扬起了一抹微笑。 At this time, the pleasantly warm touch transmitted from the back of the head suddenly. 这时,温软的触感忽然从后脑勺传来。 Is reading the news?” Grasped Jiang Chen from behind, Liu Yao said smilingly. “在看新闻吗?”从后面抱住了江晨,柳瑶笑盈盈地说道。 Un, occasionally has a look.” Jiang Chen said with a smile, switched off the television conveniently. “嗯,偶尔看看。”江晨笑道,随手关掉了电视。 Philippines and Country of Xin depend is so near, what won't have to affect to here?” Put the chin on the Jiang Chen's hair, some Liu Yao worries said. 菲国新国靠的这么近,不会对这里有什么影响吧?”将下巴搁在了江晨的头发上,柳瑶有些担心地说道。 „Are you worried about me?” Jiang Chen began with a smile supinely, rubbed soft after brain. “你是在担心我吗?”江晨笑着仰起头,蹭了蹭脑后的柔软。 Otherwise?” “不然呢?” Liu Yao white Jiang Chen, bends down in that ear. Hung to nip one. However retreat to one side, breakfast completed, comes quickly.” 柳瑶白了江晨一眼,俯下身在那耳.垂上咬了一口。然后退到了一边,“早饭做好啦,快来吧。” Jiang Chen smiles, stands up from the sofa. Turns toward the table to walk with Liu Yao. 江晨笑了笑,从沙发上站起身来。和柳瑶一起向着餐桌走去。 These seven days, he has lived the life that shameless has not been hot-tempered with Liu Yao. Jiang Chen also thinks she is that vase type woman, regarding preparing food with housework anything's knowing nothing, but the fact proof was he makes a mistake. This young girl lived was so long, did not learn to take care 这些七天来,他一直和柳瑶过着没羞没躁的生活。原本江晨还以为她属于那种花瓶类型的女人,对于做饭和家务什么的一窍不通,不过事实证明是他搞错了。这小妞独自一人生活了这么久,不学会照顾好自己是不可能生活下去的。 These days. The Jiang Chen's daily life basically is by this small celebrity attendance, somewhat fell the grey villa also bright. 这些日子里。江晨的生活起居基本都是由这位小明星照顾,原本有些落了灰的别墅也亮堂了起来。 Besides enjoying satisfied life, Jiang Chen was not idling for serveral days. Phantom the production planning of helmet, addition of nutrition mixture production line, some cannot give the link that others make, can only do it yourself by him. 除了享受惬意的生活之外,江晨这些天来也并非完全闲着。“幻影头盔的生产安排,营养合剂生产线的增设,有些不能交给别人来做的环节,都只能由他亲力亲为。 Moreover, finished three rounds of Dolphin-10 were also being opened [The Droplet 1] by him, deployed was away from the Koro Island Pacific Ocean sea area 200 nautical miles away. Had the protection of nuclear weapon, did not say exaggeratingly, Country of Xin has not needed to dread the threat of any external forces. As for when public nuclear weapon. This is not anxious temporarily. 另外,已经完工的三发海豚-10也被他开着水滴一号,部署在了距离科罗岛200海里外的太平洋海域。有了核武器的保护,毫不夸张的说,新国已经无需畏惧任何外部势力的威胁。至于何时公开的核武。这个暂时还不急。 But in the evening, he completely immersed in the red light district. 而晚上,他则是完全沉浸在了温柔乡中。 In an instant, the time arrived in early September. 转眼间,时间就到了九月初。 Although he also wants to continue this relaxed satisfied life, but distance Wanghai City Center Assault Plan the time is getting more and more near. He must catch up before mid September, world here matter processes presently. 虽然他也想将这轻松惬意的生活一直持续下去,不过距离“望海市中心攻略计划”的时间已经越来越近了。他必须赶在九月中旬之前,将现世这边的事处理完。 ...... …… Outside the airport, let loose was towing the suitcase, Liu Yao fluttered the Jiang Chen's neck longingly, collected to kiss one. 机场外,放开了拖着的行李箱,柳瑶依依不舍地勾住了江晨的脖子,凑上去吻了一口。 I walked, must take care of itself good.” “我走了,要照顾好自己哟。” When does next movie prepare to shoot? In a planned way?” Put out a hand to pat her waist gently, Jiang Chen smiled was saying. “下一部电影准备什么时候拍?有计划吗?”伸手轻轻拍了拍她的后腰,江晨微笑着说道。 „Hasn't this movie opened? Waits to look at the box office at the end of the year. Remembers that accompanies me to go to the movie theater to look at again one time.” “这部电影还没上映呢?等年底看票房吧。记得再陪我去电影院里看一次哟。” Isn't shy?” Jiang Chen asked badly with a smile. “不害羞吗?”江晨坏笑着问道。 perverted!” 变.态!” The boarding broadcast has resounded, although also thinks many later, but in the time does not permit. 登机广播已经响起,虽然还想多待一会儿,但时间上已经不允许了。 Stands on tiptoes the tip of the toe, left behind a hickey on the Jiang Chen's face again. Liu Yao is dragging the suitcase, turns around to hurry to the boarding entrance. 踮起脚尖,再次在江晨的脸上留下了一个唇印。柳瑶拖着行李箱,转身向登机入口赶去。 After leaving the airport, Jiang Chen has not boarded immediately, but depended to sit by the cart covering, narrowed the eye to look to the airport. 离开机场后,江晨没有立刻上车,而是就这么靠坐在了车盖旁,眯着眼睛望向了机场上方。 Looks that airplane took off, disappears in the clouds. 看着那飞机起飞,消失在了云端。 Finally tasted under these 7 days of attentive. Jiang Chen grinned to smile, turns around to ride in the car(riage), hung up the bluetooth earphone, while started the automobile. 最后回味了下这七天的温存。江晨咧嘴笑了笑,转身坐回了车内,一边挂上蓝牙耳机,一边发动了汽车。 Held the steering wheel to arrive on the road the car(riage), Jiang Chen dialed the Xia Shiyu Office telephone. 扶着方向盘将车开到了公路上,江晨拨通了夏诗雨办公室的电话。 Hey?” After telephone connection, that chilly and familiar sound resounds. “喂?”电话接通后,那清冷而熟悉的声音响起。 Phantom helmet has prepared 600,000, your side preparation how?” Jiang Chen asked. “‘幻影头盔已经准备60万件了,你那边的准备怎么样了?”江晨问道。 600,000? Too few.” By the office chair, Xia Shiyu swept material on the notebook, knits the brows to say slightly. “才60万件吗?太少了。”靠在了办公椅上,夏诗雨扫了眼笔记本上的资料,微微皱眉道。 Relax, waited till the year-end time, you will see 20,000,000 Virtual Reality Helmet.” Jiang Chen hā hā said with a smile. “放心,等到了年底的时候,你会看到2000万虚拟实境头盔。”江晨哈哈笑道。 Capacity thing promotes gradually, yesterday, that side Fishbone Base made two sets of production equipment. Places these two production equipment after that marine factory, Phantom the helmet ideal capacity has achieved moon/month to produce 1 100,000. 产能这东西是逐步提升的,就在昨天,鱼骨头基地那边又生产出来了两套生产设备。将这两台生产设备安置在那个海上工厂之后,“幻影头盔的理想产能已经达到了月产一10万件。 So long as produces 10,000,000 the productivity improvement to the moon/month before December, collects a number of orders to come out from Sixth Block again, before the end of the year, completes the target of 20,000,000 to be nothing issue. 只要在12月之前将产能提升到月产1000万件,再从第六街区凑一批订单出来,年末前完成2000万件的指标应该是没有任何问题。 At present we have contacted with domestic 70,000 net, overseas total 310,000 net, prepare to promote Virtual Reality Experience Plan. This needs 14 40,000 Virtual Helmet probably.” “目前我们已经联系了国内7万家网咖,国外共计31万家网咖,准备推出虚拟实境体验计划。这大概需要144万虚拟头盔。” The propaganda is an aspect, but must make everyone realize that this model of product, light/only by the advertisement is incorrect. Using Internet cafe bricks-and-motar as the medium propaganda product, truly is a good choice. After all when facing expensive commodity, the consumer often is very discrete. But Jiang Chen is confident, after User Experience Phantom mystery of helmet, no one will be willing to pick it. 宣传是一方面,但要让所有人都认识到这款产品,光靠广告是不行的。利用网吧这种实体店作为媒介宣传产品,确实是个不错的选择。毕竟在面对价格昂贵的商品时,消费者往往都是非常谨慎的。而江晨有信心,当体验过“幻影头盔的神奇之后,就没人会舍得把它摘下来了。 „Is concrete plan?” Jiang Chen asked interestingly. “具体计划是?”江晨饶有兴趣地问道。 We provide the product, they provide the User Experience channel, the User Experience expense pricing is every hour 1 USD, the obtained income 55 are divided. Planned me to prepare in detail, but the key was these 14 40,000 helmet, can you prepare to come out?” Pushed the eyeglasses, Xia Shiyu concise said. “我们提供产品,他们提供体验渠道,体验费用定价为每小时一美元,所得收益五五分成。详细的计划我都已经准备好了,可关键是这144万头盔,你能准备出来吗?”推了推眼镜,夏诗雨简洁地说道。 When needs probably?” “大概什么时候需要?” The quicker the better, but the initial period we can first and several large-scale net cooperate, then unfolded the initial period only to need 100,000 helmet to the small city network to be good, but collected 14 40,000 is quite good before the end of October as soon as possible.” “越快越好,不过初期我们可以先和几家大型网咖合作,然后再向小城市的网点铺开初期只需要10万头盔就行了,但尽快在10月底之前凑齐144万件比较好。” Felt relieved, when almost can complete in early October. That side you, has almost been able to start to arrange the logistics actually the matter.” Jiang Chen said with a smile. “放心好了,等到10月初差不多就能完成了。倒是你那边,差不多已经可以开始安排物流的事了吧。”江晨笑道。 I have related the registration to be responsible for in Denmark Maersk Group. Their prestige is good, the efficiency is also very high, is can arrange at the global first five logistics enterprises. I and they signed three years of contract, they pledge to settle accounts our company product according to 90% of market price the shipping expense.” The corners of the mouth raise wipe the self-satisfied smiling face, Xia Shiyu said lightly. “我已经联系到了注册于丹麦马士基集团负责。他们信誉良好,效率也很高,算是可以排在全球前五的物流企业。我和他们签订了三年的合约,他们承诺会按照市价的90%结算我们公司产品的航运费用。”嘴角扬起一抹得意的笑容,夏诗雨淡淡地说道。 Hears this, Jiang Chen has to sigh with emotion the Xia Shiyu working ability. Matter that he can think, she has arranged. 听到这,江晨不得不感慨夏诗雨的工作能力。他能够想到的事,她都已经安排好了。 hā hā, never expected that you have arranged, the matter outside that production, asked you to worry.” 哈哈,没想到你都已经安排好了,那生产之外的事,就拜托你多操心咯。” Isn't I am always worrying?” Xia Shiyu said ill-humoredly. “一直以来不都是我在操心吗?”夏诗雨没好气地说道。 Hears complaining of Xia Shiyu, Jiang Chen is only hey hey smiles. 听到夏诗雨的吐槽,江晨只是嘿嘿笑了笑。 Recently crossed fortunately?” “最近过得还好吗?” Un...... also good.” Hears Jiang Chen to care about itself, in Xia Shiyu heart slightly one warm, the finger replied around sending of temple. “嗯……还不错吧。”听到江晨关心自己,夏诗雨心中不由微微一暖,手指绕着鬓角的发丝答道。 Stands in nearby female secretary surprise is peeping the expression on Director-General face. 站在一旁的女秘书诧异地偷看着总裁脸上的表情。 She worked side Xia Shiyu was so long, saw this serious in speech and manner Director-General for the first time, on the face showed the so feminization expression.( To be continued.) 她在夏诗雨身旁工作了这么久,还是第一次看到这位不苟言笑的总裁,脸上露出如此女性化的表情。(未完待续。)
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