IHAMITLOD :: Volume #5

#468: If

Driving brings Liu Yao to the family/home, Jiang Chen appreciated Ma Dongmei's Troubles that is played by her with her in the home theater in villa together.( Note: In some unit of movie with reality has no relations.) 开车带着柳瑶到家中,江晨与她在别墅的家庭影院中一同欣赏了由她出演的马冬梅烦恼。(注:和现实中的某部电影没有任何关系。) Has saying that hugs character in movie to watch the movie is very interesting. Because the watching movies entire journey received the disturbance of Liu Yao baby shoe, therefore the plot concrete is what kind of Jiang Chen has not paid attention to look completely. 不得不说,搂着电影中的角色看电影还是挺有趣的。只不过因为观影全程都受到了柳瑶童鞋的干扰,所以剧情具体是怎样的江晨完全没注意看。 Even so, several lens that only leave country from her, that unattainable Class Flower this character, perfect that was deducted by her. Especially when male No. 2 confession was rejected by her tactfully, finally main actor is accompanying male No. 2 at the airport, looks at her airplane to fly to the lens of distant place, incisiveness that the Goddess makings of Liu Yao beauty contrast, even aura has covered main actress faintly. 但即便如此,单是从她出境的几个镜头来看,“那可望不可即的班花”这个角色,还是被她演绎的完美无缺。尤其是当男二号表白被她委婉地拒绝,最后男一号陪着男二号在机场,望着她的飞机飞向远方的镜头,将柳瑶美眉的女神气质烘托的淋漓尽致,甚至气场隐隐盖过了女一号。 Although is the consistent repertoires of youth ache play, who wants the young female students to like looking, the young male students do like accompanying them to look? The plot integrity is unimportant, can use BGM and sensational picture tear gas is enough. Regardless how saying that by Jiang Chen this senior movie critic viewpoint, so long as the propaganda were in place, after waiting for this movie to screen, Liu Yao will undoubtedly become that Goddess in many teenage boys and girls mind, that unattainable Class Flower 虽然都是青春疼痛剧的一贯套路,但谁要小女生们爱看,小男生们爱陪着她们看呢?剧情完整性并不重要,能用bgm和煽情的画面催泪就足够了。无论怎么说,以江晨这个“资深影评家”的观点,只要宣传到位了,等这部电影上映之后,柳瑶无疑会成为众多少男少女心目中的那个女神,那个可望不可即的班花 What they will not know, that unattainable Class Flower, a face sits on the Jiang Chen's leg at this moment affectionate acts like a spoiled brat. 只不过他们不会知道的是,那个可望不可即的“班花”,此刻正一脸亲昵地坐在江晨的腿上撒娇。 Ok, your character left the stage, hasn't gotten down?” Jiang Chen said with a smile. “好了,你的角色都退场了,还不下来吗?”江晨笑着说道。 Does not want, the movie has not ended.” The silk is slightly disorderly, but Liu Yao showed off power to dig the small mouth as before, turned wriggling the waist, avoided Jiang Chen's. “不要,电影还没完。”丝微微凌乱,但柳瑶依旧逞强地撅起了小嘴,扭了扭腰,躲开了江晨的手。 Good, does not know that you could not be borne.” Helpless Jiang Chen said. “好吧,就是不知道你受不受得了。”江晨无奈道。 Seemed like somewhat feared, Liu Yao spits the tongue, bashful a while drew back on the Jiang Chen leg. 似乎是有些怕了,柳瑶吐了吐舌头,在江晨腿上忸怩了一会儿退了下来。 Finally that magnificent leaving the stage lens, I heard, seems like the director to request the screenwriter to change the script to add temporarily.” “最后那个华丽的退场镜头,我听说,似乎是导演要求编剧临时改剧本加的哟。” oh?? Good that the feeling adds. Un, helping me take bottle of champagne.” Jiang Chen does not care says with a smile. 哦?是吗?感觉加的不错。嗯,帮我拿瓶香槟吧。”江晨不在意地笑道。 Generally speaking. In order to prevent the supporting role has covered the crest of wave of lead, will reduce the lens of supporting role as far as possible, to affect the central thought expression of movie. Although Jiang Chen does not understand the art of movie, but this is unimportant. Who wants him to have money? 一般来说。为了防止配角盖过主角的风头,会尽量削减配角的镜头,以影响电影的中心思想表达。虽然江晨不怎么懂电影的艺术,但这不要紧。谁要他有钱呢? Thanks.” Stands before the Jiang Chen body, managed to have the slightly chaotic clothing, the Liu Yao small sound said. “谢谢。”站在江晨身前,理了理有些微乱的衣衫,柳瑶小声道。 Polite anything.” Jiang Chen smiled the sound badly, did closes one's eyes strangely, opened the mouth. I was thirsty, you feed me to drink.” “客气什么。”江晨坏笑了声,搞怪地闭上眼,张大了嘴。“我渴了,你喂我喝。” White Jiang Chen, Liu Yao turned the body charmingly, stepped the beautiful step to move toward the refrigerator of kitchen. 妩媚地白了江晨一眼,柳瑶扭身,迈着婀娜的步子走向了厨房的冰箱。 Liu Yao belongs to that very clear position , very clear opposite party needs anything's woman. Also therefore, treats with her in the same place is very relaxed, is very joyful. 柳瑶属于那种很清楚自己位置,也很清楚对方需要什么的女人。也正是因此,和她待在一起很轻松,也很愉悦。 These three days, Jiang Chen enjoyed a wealthy man rarely ** life. Does not bring Liu Yao to make contribution on Koro Island for the local tourist economy, leads her to play on own private island. 这三天来,江晨难得地享受了一富翁的**生活。不是带着柳瑶科罗岛上“为当地旅游经济做贡献”,就是带着她在自己的私人海岛上游玩。 Thinks carefully, these days he has not rested well. It is not busy Future Group in the Country of Xin industrial distribution. Is busy at work that side Last of Days territorial dispute. Although made a lot of money, but uses on truly enjoying the expenditure are not many. 仔细想想,这段时间来他就没怎么好好歇息过。不是忙着未来人集团新国的产业布局。就是忙活着末世那边的“领土争端”。虽然赚了不少钱,但真正用在享受上的开支却不多。 Also is really the waste.” Lies down on the sand beach chair, Jiang Chen is sunning lazily, looks at the distant place to say. “还真是浪费。”躺在沙滩椅上,江晨懒洋洋地晒着太阳,望着远方说道。 Waste?” Lies side Jiang Chen's, Liu Yao happy zī zī is uploading the southern scenery picture, while asked. “浪费?”趴在江晨的身边,柳瑶一边喜滋滋地上传着南国风光的照片,一边问道。 No, thought that this scenery is too beautiful, but the time that I enjoy with coming out that the finger can count.” “没什么,就是觉得这风景太美,而我享受的时间用手指头都能数的出来。” I can understand that you are showing off?” Liu Yao honk mouth, speechless excessive white Jiang Chen , to continue to poke the phone screen with the finger leisurely and carefree. Scarf. “我可以理解你在炫富吗?”柳瑶嘟着嘴,无语地过头白了江晨一眼,继续悠闲地用手指戳着手机屏幕。围脖。 In a moment ago, her the personal sea beach picture. Now has many good bosom friend to turn round under her scarf, in abundance elder sister and younger sister is calling, hopes she can go out to play next time belt/bring she. 就在刚才,她把私人海滩的照片了出去。现在已经有不少“好闺蜜”在她的围脖底下复了,纷纷“姐姐妹妹”的叫着,希望她能下次出去玩的时候带带她。 Looks at these to turn round. The Liu Yao vanity obtained enormous satisfaction, the corners of the mouth was glad to rise slightly, referred to poking the screen with the lush jade happily, is turning round sisters. Expressed that certainly will bring the local product to them, then asked them to eat greatly with the 8 oo ten thousand salaries. 看着那些复。柳瑶的虚荣心得到了极大的满足,嘴角乐得都微微上扬了起来,愉快地用芊芊玉指戳着屏幕,复着好姐妹们。表示一定会给她们带土特产,然后用8oo万的片酬请她们大吃一顿。 As for bringing to play 至于带过来玩 Ok, she does not want to increase the competitor to oneself. 还是算了吧,她并不想给自己增加竞争对手。 Looks that Liu Yao is shaking the appearance of small foot happily. Jiang Chen smiles. 看着柳瑶开心地晃着小脚丫子的模样。江晨不由地笑了笑。 Looked that does not need to look, he knows she is doing anything. 看都不用看,他就知道她在干些啥。 The vanity of this concubine will not make the man dislike, because that vanity will also bring the feeling of satisfaction to the man. Every so often, what the man dislikes is only the woman kidnaps him with this vanity feeling, challenges his bottom line, and makes the unnecessary trouble to him. 这种小女人的虚荣心并不会让男人讨厌,因为那虚荣心同样会给男人带来满足感。很多时候,男人讨厌的只是女人用这种虚荣感去绑架他,挑战他的底线,并给他惹上不必要的麻烦。 But Liu Yao as if fully realizes this point, although unashamedly becomes reconciled bosom friend to show off the ability of man, but has not done the matter that anything creates a scene with the Jiang Chen's reputation outside. Not by oneself and biggest capital the potential relations, give other person of complexions in the dramatic team. 柳瑶似乎深知这一点,虽然毫无顾忌地和好闺蜜们炫耀自己男人的能力,但从来都没有用江晨的名头在外面做什么无理取闹的事。更没有凭借自己和“最大资方”的潜在关系,在剧组中给其它人脸色。 Sometimes, Jiang Chen has to acclaim, she truly is close to perfect lover. 有时候,江晨不得不赞叹,她确实是个接近完美的情人 Right, in your picture photographed me?” Jiang Chen spoke thoughtlessly to ask. “对了,你的照片中把我拍摄进去没有?”江晨随口问道。 ? No.” Liu Yao crooked tilting the head, then seems like remembers anything to resemble to result, said low voice, naturally, if you want to publicize among us the matter, I do not mind.” “唔?没有啊。”柳瑶歪了歪头,接着又像是想起什么似得,小声说道,“当然了,如果你希望公开我们之间的事的话,我不介意哦。” „It is not.” Jiang Chen shakes the head. “不是。”江晨摇了摇头。 The thought road of this young girl and he at all in together, jokes aside, Jiang Chen was not caring a whoop scandal thing, reason that asked that because mainly 这小妞的思维路和他根本不在一块儿,说真的,江晨自己是丝毫不在意绯闻这东西,之所以这么问,主要还是因为 I consider for your security.” Jiang Chen along with tastes. “我是为了你的安全着想。”江晨随口道。 Security?” Liu Yao showed some fear expressions, you annoy what black. The people of society?” “安全?”柳瑶露出了有些害怕地表情,“你惹上什么黑.社会的人了吗?” Jiang Chen tittered one to smile, almost the orange juice that just drank not spurting. Black. Society? little master do I have fall in price? 江晨噗嗤一声笑了出来,差点没把刚喝进去的橙汁给喷出来。黑.社会?靠,小爷我有那么掉价吗? Liu Yao is puzzled looks at Jiang Chen, did not understand why he smiles. 柳瑶则是一脸困惑地看着江晨,不理解他为什么笑。 „Did you fear?” Jiang Chen has not answered her confusion, but asked the sentence with a smile. “你怕了吗?”江晨没有答她的困惑,只是笑着反问了句。 If she feared that he will sympathize very much makes a clear distinction between the relations with her, lets her far away from that her so-called contact world. 如果她怕了的话,他会很体贴地和她划清关系,让她远离那个她所谓接触的世界。 Liu Yao gawked staring, makes an effort to shake the head quickly. 柳瑶愣了愣,很快使劲地摇了摇头。 Did not fear.” “不怕。” Really?” “真的?” wū wū, you do not want this appearance, where did I make you dislike?” A Liu Yao face crawled suffering, rubbed the calf to move Jiang Chen's on hand, put the face on his arm, visits him with the suffering expression. 呜呜,你不要这个样子嘛,我哪里让你讨厌了吗?”柳瑶一脸委屈地爬了起来,蹭着小腿挪到了江晨的手边,将脸搁在了他的手臂上,用委屈的表情看着他。 The Jiang Chen inquiry, making her have an ominous premonition 江晨刚才的提问,让她有种不祥的预感 Jiang Chen smiles, puts out a hand to rub rubbing at her show. 江晨笑了笑,伸手在她的秀上揉了揉。 You in China are absolutely Anguo are also. But if you make certain people believe, you and my relations are close enough, your weight/quantity is in my mind weighty enough, then certain people may try to kidnap you, then threatens me through you, exchanges the equivalent benefit to me.” “你在华国是绝对安国也是。但如果你让某些人认为,你和我的关系足够密切,你在我的心中分量足够重,那么某些人可能会试图绑架你,然后通过你来威胁我,向我交换等值的利益。” The woman who although kidnaps the rich man is the most laughable behavior, does not know the first wife who many wealthy men want to throw off bead presbyopia yellow, replaced to play greasily small three. With its kidnapping, was far less than that the color cannot tempt Jiang Chen to think oneself are very heavy friendship person, therefore he has to consider for this situation. 虽然绑架有钱人的女人是最可笑的行为,不知道有多少富翁想要甩掉珠老花黄的原配,换掉玩腻了的小三。与其绑架,远不如色诱不过江晨自认为自己还是个很重情义的人,所以他不得不为这种情况考虑。 Can you save me? 那你会来救我吗? Liu Yao wants to ask subconsciously, but was actually swallowed in the heart by her finally. 柳瑶下意识地想这么问,但最终却被她咽了心中。 I am only in his lover Liu Yao heart somewhat am slightly bitter and astringent. 我只是他的情人柳瑶心中略微有些苦涩。 She cannot give to him then to repent for oneself more than once for the first time. If meets again sooner if 她不止一次为自己没能将第一次献给他而后悔过。如果再早些遇上如果 The tears cannot help but fell, disappear to conceal in the gravels. Perhaps as the sorrow of actor here, even the sentiment to the deep place, that drop of tears will be considered will still join in the fun. 泪水不由自主地滑落,消匿在了沙砾间。或许身为演员的悲哀就在这里,即便是情至深处,那滴眼泪也会被人认为逢场作戏。 I am your regret. 我是你的遗憾。 But you are my regret 可你又何尝不是我的遗憾 In the heart of Liu Yao raises wipes grieved. 柳瑶的心中不由升起一抹酸楚。 However Jiang Chen as if saw through her idea, smiles saying: I can save you.” 然而江晨仿佛看穿了她的想法,笑了笑说道:“我会来救你。” Liu Yao opened the eye unbelievable, the appearance of that pear flower belt/bring rain, seems like really the person. 柳瑶难以置信地睁大了眼睛,那梨花带雨的样子,看上去煞是可人。 The lip of that tremor, seemed asking: Why is?” 那颤动的嘴唇,仿佛在问:“可是为什么?” But possibly I can do finally, takes revenge for you merely.” Jiang Chen sighed. “但可能最后我所能做的,仅仅是为你复仇。”江晨叹了口气。 Because he enough gets emotional, even if Liu Yao is only his lover, but if these fly gathered round the person who he wandered to kill her, he spare no effort will still dig these people, then pressed down the nuclear button without hesitation. 因为他足够感情用事,即便柳瑶只是他的情人,但如果那些苍蝇似围着他转悠的人害死了她,他也会不遗余力地将那些人挖出来,然后毫不犹豫地按下核按钮。 Reason that tolerates these person of fly the spy behavior, because they have not touched his bottom line. 之所以容忍那些人苍蝇似的间谍行为,只是因为他们还没触及他的底线罢了。 Is enough.” Wiped tears on the Jiang Chen's arm, Liu Yao said low voice. “已经足够了。”在江晨的胳膊上擦干了眼泪,柳瑶小声说道。 Why was enough? Can't you protect itself good?” Jiang Chen said reluctantly. “为什么足够了?你就不能保护好自己吗?”江晨无奈地说道。 Hee hee, because, I some weight/quantity in your heart. Ahem, I whether small self-satisfied?” Liu Yao lies on the Jiang Chen's small arm, said smart-alecky suddenly. “嘻嘻,因为呀,我在你心中还是有些分量的。哼哼,我是不是可以小小的得意一下?”柳瑶趴在江晨的小臂上,俏皮地眨眼道。 This young girl cares at all is not the issue that are worried about. Obviously what said is security, how to pull to the heart in the flying weight/quantity. 这小妞关心的根本不是自己担心的问题。明明说的是安全方面,怎么又扯到心中飞分量上了。 A little weight/quantity in my heart, not necessarily is a good deed 在我心中有点分量,可不一定就是件好事 White Liu Yao, Jiang Chen looked to the sea horizon of distant place. 白了柳瑶一眼,江晨看向了远方的海平线。 You know, protects important person, what is the best method?” “你知道,保护身边重要的人,最好的方法是什么?” What is?” Looks at Jiang Chen that vision profound appearance, Liu Yao asks earnestly. “是什么?”看着江晨那目光深邃的样子,柳瑶不由认真地问道。 Is makes the important person enough many, actually whose weight/quantity foot making others unable to distinguish clearly.” Jiang Chen said with a smile badly. “就是让重要的人足够多,让别人分不清究竟谁的分量足。”江晨坏笑道。 Liu Yao first stares, immediately cast aside the mouth speechless. 柳瑶先是一愣,随即无语地撇起了嘴。 „Do you know?” “你知道吗?” What?” Jiang Chen selected the eyebrow, had not said properly. “什么?”江晨挑了挑眉毛,没正经地说道。 good atmosphere, to be sabotaged by your last few words!” Liu Yao stretches out the finger, turns the eyelid to stick out one's tongue to make faces, on the atmosphere running blanket is lying, no longer manages him. “刚才的好气氛,全都被你最后一句话破坏掉了!”柳瑶伸出手指,翻着眼皮吐舌头扮了个鬼脸,气氛地跑毯子上趴着,不再理他。 Jiang Chen smiles, has not answered. 江晨笑了笑,没有作答。 Originally is only a joke. 本来就只是个玩笑话罢了。 ( Thanked hitting of 1 eize 11 o hegemon to enjoy! This fourth hegemon was born! Before facing also owes the reality that 9 above are exploding, accommodates me first exciting a while, hey hey.)( To be continued.) (感谢1eize11o盟主的打赏!本第四位盟主诞生了!在面对还欠着九更以上爆的现实之前,容我先兴奋一会儿,嘿嘿。)(未完待续。) One clouds. Come. The pavilion then obtains the view. 】 地一下云.来.阁即可获得观.】
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