IHAMITLOD :: Volume #5

#467: ( Warm prompt, do not drink water in driving, is easy to have traffic accident!)( To be continued.)

Because of close to the entrance, Wei Wendong notices, what follows behind that staff is one wears plastic armor the security. 因为靠近门口,魏文东注意到,跟在那个工作人员背后的是一名身穿“塑料盔甲”的保安。 …… …… Actually he has suspected very much, this Science Fiction feeling full plastic armor, can actually play the bulletproof effect. Looks on that security streamline-type rifle, is more like the toy that takes from the Science Fiction movie. 其实他一直都很怀疑,这科幻感十足的“塑料盔甲”,究竟能否起到防弹的效果。看那保安手上流线型步枪,也更像是从科幻电影里拿出来的玩具。 However if makes him know, this so-called plastic armor can defend the strafe of 12.7 mm caliber machine gun, puts on this toy to throw off 3 tons military fierce-tempered horse with ease, takes this toy rifle to be able easily to shoot through the bulletproof plate of military fierce-tempered horse, does not know that he will make what seed/type the expression. 不过要是让他知道,这所谓的“塑料盔甲”能够防御12.7mm口径机枪的扫射,穿着这玩具能轻松掀翻三吨重的军用悍马,拿着这玩具步枪能轻易射穿军用悍马的防弹板,不知道他会做何种表情。 mechanical exoskeleton has stayed in the laboratory, in this regard, Star Ring Trading is the forefront in the world obviously. 机械外骨骼一直都停留在实验室中,在这方面,星环贸易显然是走在了世界的前列。 Outside heard slight explosive sound faintly. 外面隐隐传来了一丝轻微的爆炸声。 It is just good because of the sound-insulated effect of hall, approached entrance Wei Wendong to detect a sound. This explosive sound made him feel somewhat anxious, but when he prepared to the head inquired anything, the lamp in hall suddenly is bright. 只不过因为大厅的隔音效果很好,也就靠近门口魏文东察觉到了一丝响动。这爆炸声让他感到了有些不安,可就在他准备向负责人询问什么的时候,大厅内的灯却突然亮了。 What had a moment ago? The mother egg, I am gambling ss, suddenly on Lost Connection.” “刚才发生了什么?妈蛋,我正在打波ss,突然就丢失连接了。” wū wū, family/home got so far as divine equipment with great difficulty, has not picked with enough time.” 呜呜,伦家好不容易弄到了一件神装,还没来得及捡起来。” Cut power suddenly?” “是突然停电了吗?” Is listening to the players chirp sound, Wei Wendong hesitant, will well up near Shangju question to swallow back. That explosion, resulted in the sound with outside indistinct sound of gunfire, making him feel that the matter perhaps did not have simple that. 听着玩家们的叽叽喳喳声,魏文东犹豫了下,将涌上嘴边的疑问咽了回去。刚才的那声爆炸,和外面隐隐约约的枪声似得响动,让他觉得事情恐怕没那么简单 Very sorry, electric power Artillery System of hotel had the breakdown a moment ago, our technicians already problem solve. Asked fellow players to return to the game as soon as possible, the game data had had the time from the internal server reset to the breakdown, will relieve the suspension after 2 minutes.” “非常抱歉,刚才酒店的电力系统出现了故障,我们的技术员已经把问题解决了。请各位玩家尽快返回游戏中,游戏数据已经由内部服务器重置到了故障发生时间,将于二分钟后解除暂停。” Writing skill of this type of casual suspend service, is in measures can casual entire. Had full head the doubts, Wei Wendong to take helmet, lay down on the chair, landed the game. 这种随便暂停服务器的手笔,也就是内测的时候能随便整了。带着满头的疑惑,魏文东带上了头盔,重新躺在了靠椅上,登陆了游戏。 ...... …… During the daytime was busy at work the helmet production tender the matter to run for day outside, after going home . Jiang Chen basically went right to sleep. 白天忙活头盔生产招标的事在外面跑了一天,回到家后。江晨基本上是倒头就睡了。 But this has not rested for two hours, a phone call that the inside center makes woke him immediately. 可这还没睡两个小时,内侧中心打来的一个电话马上又将他弄醒了过来。 Attack?” After listening to the statement of telephone that head, Jiang Chen knits the brows slightly. “袭击事件?”听完电话那头的陈述之后,江晨微微皱眉。 Right, Attacker is 5 people. And 1 person long-distance shut off the hotel power source. Another 4 manpower hold the light weapons to try to go into the hotel, but was discovered by drone, our people suppress them immediately. In retreating, the opposite party used the grenade, hit the wall of hotel. However fortunately has not caused the casualties.” In measures the central the security head Mali sinking sound to reply to Jiang Chen. “没错,袭击者为五人。其中一人远程切断了酒店电源。另外四人手持轻武器试图闯入酒店内,但被无人机发现,我们的人立刻压制了他们。在撤退的时候,对方使用了枪榴弹,命中了酒店的墙体。不过所幸没有造成伤亡。”内测中心的安全负责人马里沉声向江晨答道。 Person?” The Jiang Chen sinking sound asked. “人呢?”江晨沉声问道。 So long as there is a living witness, is not difficult to pick up the information in their mouth with Truth Serum. 只要有活口的话,用吐真剂不难撬出他们嘴中的情报。 3 people are escaping are killed, 1 person was killed by the car(riage), after another person was compelled to the dead end, commits suicide.” “三人在逃脱中被击毙,一人被车撞死,另外一人被逼至绝路后自杀。” Suicide? 自杀? Jiang Chen screwed tight the brow. 江晨不由拧紧了眉头。 Can confirm the status?” “能确认身份吗?” Except for can confirm that is 3 Caucasians, outside 2 blacks, is unable to collect many status information.” Mali replied. “除了能确认是三名白人,二名黑人外,无法搜集到更多的身份信息。”马里答道。 Can send out rather to commit suicide unexpectedly does not expose the status spy, the organization that wants to put out a hand is not the general goods. 竟然能派出宁可自杀也不暴露身份的间谍,想来伸手的组织也不是一般货色。 Has the eyewitness?” “有目击者吗?” Has blocked off the flow of news.” “已经封锁消息。” Very good , to continue to maintain the news blackout, this matter do not let the media know. Under the battlefield trace, you clean up.” Jiang Chen sinking sound said. “很好,继续保持消息封锁,这事别让媒体知道了。战场的痕迹,你们清理下吧。”江晨沉声道。 If blows out in Future Technologies to measure the central entrance to have the gunshot massacre on the media. Regarding the Country of Xin traveling rating, comments regarding the Future Technologies wind, will have certain impact. Words that matter can depress, as far as possible depresses is quite good. 如果在媒体上爆出未来人科技内测中心门口发生枪击惨案。无论是对于新国的旅游评级,还是对于未来人科技的风评,都会产生一定影响。事情能压下的话,还是尽量压下的比较好。 Understood.” Mali replied forcefully. “明白。”马里铿锵有力地答道。 After making the telephone call, Jiang Chen lay on the bed contemplated the moment, pondered that can actually be who moved the petty action to his inside center. However careful such a deliberately considered, Your Mother suspicious object too *** were many. Future Technologies Virtual Reality moved the cakes of too many , owes this test to conduct in his domain, Star Ring Trading can use the blood and iron method to punish these mice. 挂了电话之后,江晨躺在床上冥想了片刻,思考究竟会是谁对他的内侧中心动了小动作。不过仔细这么一寻思,尼玛可怀疑的对象实在是太***多了。未来人科技虚拟实境动了太多人的蛋糕,也亏这测试是在他的地盘上进行,星环贸易可以使用铁血手段制裁这些老鼠。 Only can wait for Ayesha to train as soon as possible these agent. 只能等待阿伊莎尽快把那些特工培养出来了。 Jiang Chen shakes the head. 江晨不由摇了摇头。 In the island does not have the signal, even he wants not to have the means with the Ayesha relation under. Goes to one...... always to think that personally will affect her teaching. 岛上没有信号,就算他想和阿伊莎联系下也没办法。亲自去一趟……总觉得会影响她的教学。 Threw the cell phone in one side. Jiang Chen had a yawn, turns over/stands up to continue to go off. 将手机扔在了一边。江晨打了个哈欠,翻身继续睡去。 Regardless how saying that he is somewhat stranded today, tomorrow must go to the airport to pick. Does not get up is not good earlier. 无论怎么说,他今天都有些困了,明天还得去机场接机。不早点起来可不行。 ...... …… In the airport, puts on the pretty shadow of cool summer clothing to pass through together. black round frame sunglasses and flax sola topi, white Ousi must the white hands pull a citrine company transport box, like this really looks like celebrity that some secret travelled, causes the tourist to look askance. 机场内,一道穿着清凉夏装的靓影走过。黑色的圆框墨镜与亚麻遮阳帽,白藕似得玉手牵着一只柠檬色的小行李箱,这样子实在是像极了某个秘密出游的明星,引得游人纷纷侧目。 However this beautiful woman obviously the vision that is used to admire, therefore was unresponsive regarding these lines of sight. Moved toward the airport entrance directly. 不过这位美女显然是习惯了艳羡的目光,所以对于那些视线毫无反应。径直走向了机场门口。 hello ~ 哈喽~ Sees by Jiang Chen in vehicle door, the Liu Yao eye one bright, immediately puts out a hand to greet warmly. 看到靠在车门旁的江晨,柳瑶眼睛一亮,立刻伸手热情地打了个招呼。 Saw Liu Yao that the so young female student dresses up, Jiang Chen smiles slightly, is puts out a hand to greet. However just wants to say anything, actually could not bear have a yawn. 见到如此小女生打扮的柳瑶,江晨微微笑了笑,也是伸手打了个招呼。不过刚想说什么,却是忍不住打了个哈欠。 Rebuked white Jiang Chen one, Liu Yao towed the suitcase to arrive in front of Jiang Chen's. 嗔怪地白了江晨一眼,柳瑶拖着行李箱走到了江晨的面前。 What's wrong? Doesn't think me?” “怎么?这么不想我啊?” Where, met some conditions yesterday evening.” Jiang Chen is opening mouth the tone, put out a hand to receive the Liu Yao suitcase, arrived at the front position, suitcase stopper. “哪里,昨天晚上遇上了些状况。”江晨张着嘴哈了口气,伸手接过柳瑶的行李箱,走到了车头位置,将行李箱塞了进去。 Yesterday evening truly had some conditions, however Liu Yao misunderstood anything obviously, rebuked white his one eyes again. However quick, her attention then shifted to the Jiang Chen's race car. 昨天晚上确实是发生了些状况,然而柳瑶显然是误会了什么,再次嗔怪地白了他一眼。不过很快,她的注意力便转向了江晨的跑车上。 „, Is this Lamborghini? Trunk unexpectedly in front.” Liu Yao puts out a hand to trace on the vehicle in high spirits. “哇,这就是兰博基尼吗?后备箱居然在前面。”柳瑶兴冲冲地伸手在车上摸了摸。 Likes? Liking me delivered you to be good.” Opened the vehicle door, Jiang Chen said with a smile. “喜欢吗?喜欢我就送你辆好了。”拉开了车门,江晨笑着说道。 Even Natasha complained his private car ballistic performance is too bad, out of security concerns, he should also trade a safety point the private car. 娜塔莎都吐槽他的座驾防弹性能太差了,出于安全考虑,他也该换辆安全点的座驾了。 For example builds the outer covering with C shaped steel, the organic armored glass builds the glass, with may insert. Enters the Nuclear Fusion Battery electric engine to make the engine, presses two missile anything behind the compartment again. 比如用c型钢打造外壳,有机钢化玻璃打造车窗,用可插.入核聚变电池的电动引擎作发动机,再在车厢后面按两颗导弹什么的。 Seats in the car(riage), Liu Yao casts off sunglasses immediately, placed behind the sun helmet the seat. 坐进车内,柳瑶立刻摘掉了墨镜,将太阳帽也放在了座位后面。 How to feel that you are very excited.” “怎么感觉你很兴奋。” No, others were good to think you.” The Liu Yao water used tearful eye is looking at Jiang Chen. “没有呀,人家就是好想你了嘛。”柳瑶用水汪汪的眼睛望着江晨 Real false?” “真的假的?” Naturally real!” Liu Yao white Jiang Chen, turned upwards the slender leg, charming that the stance of concubine could not say. “当然是真的!”柳瑶白了江晨一眼,翘起了纤细的腿,那小女人的姿态说不出的妩媚。 Always felt that you became attractive.” Sizes up Liu Yao, Jiang Chen is feeling the chin to nod. “总感觉你变漂亮了。”打量着柳瑶,江晨摸着下巴点了点头。 Where where?” Liu Yao asked in high spirits. “哪里哪里?”柳瑶兴冲冲地问道。 Jiang Chen does intentionally the racking brains shape, in vision of Liu Yao anticipation, after silent long time, finally gave the answer. 江晨故作苦思冥想状,在柳瑶期待的目光中,沉默了良久后终于给出了答复。 „The chest increased.” “胸变大了。” The cheeks catch a point to blush, Liu Yao purses the lips slightly. 脸颊染上点点红晕,柳瑶微微撅起了嘴。 Repugnant.” “讨厌。” You hope that I did praise you?” Started automobile starting off, Jiang Chen while asked badly with a smile. “那你希望我夸你哪?”一边发动了汽车上路,江晨一边坏笑着问道。 Naturally is other aspect, for example face, eye anything.” “当然是别的方面啦,比如说脸呀,眼睛什么的。” That face increased.” “那脸变大了。” „? Has?” Liu Yao hurried to put out the mirror from the package, was illuminating the photo to own face, did not have obviously......” “诶诶?有吗?”柳瑶慌忙从包里拿出了镜子,对着自己的脸照了照,“明明没有……” After long time, she detected profile that Jiang Chen that teased, stared Jiang Chen one ashamed and resentfully. 半晌之后,她才察觉到了江晨那戏谑的侧脸,不由羞愤地瞪了江晨一眼。 Snort, unexpectedly sexually harasses me.” “哼,居然调戏我。” Looks at the appearance of Jiang Chen that laughter, she always thought that some are unwilling, but cannot find out what means to punish him. 看着江晨那嬉笑的样子,她总觉得有些不甘心,但又想不出什么办法惩罚他。 The eyeball transferred the revolutions, suddenly her corner of the eye smilingly bent. 眼珠子转了转,突然她的眼角笑眯眯地弯了起来。 Hee hee, the intention drives.” “嘻嘻,用心开车哟。” That natural, my driving skills you do not need to be worried.” Jiang Chen happily smiles to say. “那当然,我的车技你不用担心。”江晨得意地笑了笑说道。 Right? You best the slow point......” Liu Yao smile mystically, then extended the left hand to the one side calmly. “是吗?你最好开慢点……”柳瑶神秘地笑了笑,然后若无其事地向一旁伸出了左手。 Country of Xin the state of roads is good at present, the avenue boards rarely, hiss 新国目前路况不错,大街上车很少,嘶” Icy cold feeling, an exciting Jiang Chen scalp cake. Hemp. 冰凉的感觉,刺激的江晨头皮一阵酥.麻。 „Does your fellow, do.” Looks at the Liu Yao movement, Jiang Chen hurry holds at the same time steadily the steering wheel. At the same time glances an eye face was smiling mystically Liu Yao. “你这家伙,干什么呢。”看着柳瑶的动作,江晨一边慌忙地将方向盘扶稳。一边瞟了眼一脸神秘的微笑着的柳瑶 Naturally tests your driving skills, hee hee.” “当然是考验你的车技咯,嘻嘻。” Is twisting the mineral water bottle lid, Liu Yao while smilingly said. 一边拧着矿泉水瓶盖,柳瑶一边笑眯眯地说道。 Looks at the expression on Jiang Chen face, in the heart of Liu Yao slightly self-satisfied. Regardless had anything last night, but looks at his expression, obviously has the feeling to her. As lover, only then sees this expression on his face, can make her have the security sense. 看着江晨脸上的表情,柳瑶的心中微微得意。无论昨晚发生了什么,但看他的表情,显然对她还是有感觉的。身为情人,也只有在他的脸上看到这种表情,才能让她产生安全感了。 Does not know Jiang Chen, if knows her idea, on the face will make what expression. Last night truly had anything, but thought with her complete different. 不知道江晨要是知道了她的想法,脸上会作何表情。昨晚确实是发生了什么,不过和她想的完全不一样。 Then, before similar matter as if, has happened. Comes out from Wanghai University, had similar plot in the car(riage). However the only different matter, that Maybach is stopping, moreover brings the black glass. However this Lamborghini words, can see in the car(riage) from outside. 说起来,类似的事似乎以前也发生过。从望海大学出来的时候,也是在车里发生了类似的剧情。不过唯一不同的事,那辆迈巴赫是停着的,而且带着墨色玻璃。不过这辆兰博基尼的话,从外面还是可以看到车内的。 If Jiang Chen stops the car(riage) in the roadside, everyone can notice that in the car(riage) had anything, but goes on the street, outside cannot see in the car(riage). 如果江晨把车停在路边,所有人都能看到车内发生了什么,不过行驶在马路上的话,外面是看不到车内的。 You cannot, when goes home to watch the movie time?” Feels the icy coldness of that delicate boneless, Jiang Chen is smiling bitterly to squeeze out several characters from the gap between teeth at the same time, side holds the steering wheel to open diligently positively the car(riage). “你就不能等到回家看电影的时候吗?”感受着那柔弱无骨的冰凉,江晨一边苦笑着从牙缝里挤出几个字来,一边扶着方向盘努力将车开正。 Driving time, some side people drink water are very easy to divert attention! 开车的时候,旁边有人喝水可是是很容易让人分心的! Does not want, I was thirsty.” Liu Yao charmingly angry say/way. “不要嘛,我口渴了。”柳瑶娇嗔道。 Jiang Chen's discontented as if made her mischievous intenser. 江晨的“不满”似乎让她的调皮更是变本加厉了。 The cunning vision passes slightly, Liu Yao did not listen to advice twisted off the mineral water bottle lid, was opened only by the bright red small mouth, collected- 狡黠的目光微微流转,柳瑶不听劝地拧开了矿泉水瓶盖,亲启嫣红的小口,凑了过去-
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