IHAMITLOD :: Volume #5

#466: At night unrest

At the beginning of the month, Jiang Chen then about Phantom the specification and model of helmet outer covering, in the form of outsourcing, provides to the folk small workshop that on Koro Island was interested, gives them to produce at each helmet outer covering 50 USD outside contracting costs. According to target that Jiang Chen provides, they produce a helmet cost probably are 40 US Dollar, each helmet profit then reaches as high as 10 US Dollar. 早在月初的时候,江晨便把关于“幻影头盔外壳的规格和模型,以外包的形式,提供给了科罗岛上感兴趣的民间小作坊,以每个头盔外壳50美元的外包价交给他们去生产。根据江晨提供的指标,他们生产一顶头盔的成本大概是40美金,每个头盔的利润便高达十美金 The so high return, even fueled wave of undertaking tide in the Country of Xin home suddenly. 如此高额的回报率,一时间甚至在新国国内带动了一波创业潮。 Now entire Ange Island cannot see what fisherman, person who seizes the opportunity loaned to purchase the production equipment, set up the small workshop in own courtyard. Only needs to produce 1000 helmet, the profit is 10,000 US Dollar, isn't this much more cost-effective than fishing? 现在整个安加岛都看不到什么渔民了,抓住机遇的人贷款购进了生产设备,在自己的院子里就办起了小作坊。只需要生产一千头盔,利润就是一万美金,这不比打鱼划算得多? Waits after a period of time, they get to know the benefits , the person of brain miraculous glow will start to ponder that an office bigger factory, the expanded production, reduces the production cost, makes more money...... 等过一段时间后,他们尝到了甜头,脑子灵光的人就会开始思考办更大的厂,扩大生产,压低生产成本,赚更多的钱…… Then becomes economically the dependency in the Future Group capitalist. 然后成为经济上附庸于未来人集团的资本家。 0 numerous calculates, a helmet cost probably in 500 US Dollar about. About the helmet selling price, Jiang Chen prepares to decide in 1500 US Dollar. According to the tariff of various countries, this retail price will have 5%- 15% fluctuation in the zones of different. 零零总总的算下来,一款头盔的成本大概在500美金左右。关于头盔的售价,江晨准备定在1500美金。根据各国的关税,这个零售价格在不同区域会有5%-15%的浮动。 Do not look that these 1500 US Dollar selling prices somewhat seemed to be expensive/noble, but trades the words that an angle thinks, it can let your one day opening eyes the time baseless are for much 8 hours, you will also think that it is expensive? 别看这1500美金的售价似乎有些贵了,但换个角度想的话,它能让你一天“睁开眼”的时间凭空多出八小时来,你还会觉得它贵吗? This is Second Life! 这可是第二生命啊! Moreover Future Technologies guaranteed, Phantom helmet warranty over five years. Because in 2 years use damage helmet normally exchange guaranteed, in 5 years the damage may the half price exchange, such after service without doubt was the unusual conscience. 而且未来人科技保证,“幻影头盔保质期在五年以上。二年内因为正常使用而损坏的头盔包换,五年内损坏可半价换新,这样的保修服务无疑是非常良心了。 As for these, because curious internal structure of helmet, the user of self-confident disassemblage, that sorry, can only make you pay for own curiosity. In selling agreement and on product packaging. Future Technologies had clearly pointed out, any disassembles the helmet behavior possibly to cause internal structure to be rapid oxidation, damage helmet not suitable exchange guaranteed and half price exchanges the service because of the disassemblage. 至于那些因为“好奇”头盔的内部构造,自信拆卸的用户,那对不起了,只能让你自己为自己的好奇心买单了。在售出协议和产品包装上。未来人科技就已经明确指出,任何自行拆卸头盔的行为都可能导致内部构造迅速“氧化”,因拆卸而损坏的头盔不适用包换和半价换新服务。 On the other hand. At present this Virtual Helmet output is not high, is doomed to have few people to use on. But another part of people cannot use temporarily. Jiang Chen believes that even 1500 US Dollar selling prices, this Phantom helmet is will not have the city a long time as before valuably. 另一方面。目前这虚拟头盔的产量不高,注定有一部分人用的上。而另一部分人暂时用不上。江晨相信,即便是1500美金的售价,这“幻影头盔将在很长一段时间里依旧是有价无市。 ...... …… Late at night, in the Virtual Reality Net roaming test hall, 2000 player calm lie down on the deck chair, is conducting the routine test. 深夜,虚拟实境网游测试厅内,2000名玩家安静地躺在躺椅上,进行着例行的测试。 Initial in 20 day, in measures conducts in the daytime. However afterward the staff discovered, because activate(d) Phantom helmet time. The brain of user at sleep condition, if conducts in the daytime measures, will cause the player biological clock inversion. The concrete manifestation is, whenever after the test ended, obviously is the big evening, in measures players actually mental stimulated like the daytime. 最初的20天里,内测是在白天进行。不过后来工作人员发现,因为启动幻影头盔的时候。用户的大脑处在睡眠状态,如果在白天进行内测,将会导致玩家生物钟颠倒。具体表现就是,每当测试结束后,明明是大晚上的,内测玩家们却精神亢奋地像白天一样。 Has the influence on the biological clock of user truly is an issue, but this also side proved the Virtual Reality Helmet excellent helping dormancy effect. Even if vigilance patient, can sleep well through Virtual Reality Helmet. 对用户的生物钟产生影响确实是个问题,不过这也侧面证明了虚拟实境头盔绝佳的助眠效果。哪怕是失眠症患者,也能通过虚拟实境头盔睡个安稳觉。 Although is only a detail, but this was also recorded by the staff carefully in the book, this will provide the reference for the game actual operation. 虽然只是个细节,但这也被工作人员细心地记录在了本子上,这将为游戏实际运营提供参考。 Now is the 25 th day that in measures. 现在已经是内测的第25天了。 Players already from initial shock. Turned into present becoming accustomed. 玩家们已经从最初的震惊。变成了如今的习以为常。 From the beginning many mage also throw a Fireball house in the new village in high spirits, the guard who innumerable was caught up with strikes to kill in Resurrection as before happy this not other, expressed the unfriendly mood to np of entire city to these players finally. This mental handicap behavior has restrained. 一开始不少法师还兴冲冲地在新手村里扔火球点房子,无数次被赶来的卫兵击杀在复活点依旧乐此不彼,到最后全城的np都对这些玩家表现出了不友好的情绪。这种智障的行为才有所收敛。 Actually does not blame them, anyone had the ability that displays Magic, the first idea definitely does not save the world with it, but does a destruction to have a look at np to be how breathless. Do not suspect, even if moves the psychology of Freud old senior, this behavior is still traceable. 其实也不怪他们,任何一个人拥有了施展魔法的能力,第一个想法肯定不是用它来拯救世界,而是搞点破坏看看np们如何气急败坏。不要怀疑,即使是把佛洛依德老前辈的心理学搬出来,这种行为也是有迹可循的。 Also therefore, these mage, when transfers the duty mostly to favor transferring the duty becomes fire magic and Necromancer. 也正是因此,这些法师在转职的时候大多都倾向于转职成火法亡灵法师 A sufficient violence, enough evil. 一个足够暴力,一个足够邪恶。 Regarding the inauguration tendency of player, game design master Men in another world. Also must according to these ice-cold data, wield scalpel reluctantly. 对于玩家的这种就职倾向,远在另一个世界的游戏设计师们。也只得根据这些冰冷的数据,无奈地挥动“手术刀”。 Today the weather is good.” “今天天气不错。” We truncate mage.” “我们来削一下法师吧。” These two words have almost become Du Yongkang everyday vocabulary in game work room. 这两句话几乎已经成了杜永康的游戏工作室里的日常用语。 Without the means. Cannot see the special details of player, they do not make clear choice mage why these in measuring personnel will so crave. Why will so crave selects the np room with Fireball, this imagination in the career of his 20 remaining years of life, almost hears something never heard of before. 没办法。看不到玩家的具体情况,他们也搞不清楚为什么这些“内测人员”会如此热衷的选择法师。还有为何会如此热衷地用火球点np的屋子,这种想象在他二十余年的职业生涯中,几乎是闻所未闻。 Until Du Yongkang fed back this condition to Jiang Chen afterward, the pitiful condition that mage is stabbed continuously stopped. 直到后来杜永康江晨反馈了这种状况,法师连续挨刀的惨状才停了下来。 Last of Days that side Virtual Reality moved toward from Primary underwent a process of century maturely, therefore the player in that side that world, in the degree of freedom and Qihuan degree regarding Virtual Reality did not think that had how surprisedly, what were more was only becomes accustomed. 末世那边虚拟实境初级走向成熟经历了一个世纪的过程,所以那边那个世界的玩家,对于虚拟实境中的自由度和奇幻程度并不觉得有多么的惊讶,更多的只是习以为常。 in a nutshell, presently here world in measuring, regarding the Virtual Reality equipment of so large span, what displays more is one type is similar to primitively the worship to civilization. Throws on a flintlock like you native suddenly, their first response definitely not to bullet hole distant point, why the eye but collects to have a look at that black hole to torch. 简而言之,现世这边的内测者,对于如此大跨度的虚拟实境设备,表现出来更多的是一种类似于原始对文明的崇拜。就像你突然把一根火枪扔到土著手上,他们第一反应肯定不是离枪眼远点,而是把眼睛凑过去看看为啥那个黑洞会喷火。 Truncates the skill injury to drop game, but did not truncate on no one plays warrior, will affect game User Experience of player. After one considers, Jiang Chen told them the blade under expanding above, rather than in skill injury. 削技能伤害会下降游戏性,但不削就没人玩战士了,也会影响玩家的游戏体验。一番斟酌后,江晨吩咐他们在成长性上面下刀,而不是在技能伤害上。 For example a level equipment of warrior takes 100 gold coins probably, the drop rate in 10%. But the mage level equipment selling price needs 1000 gold coins, the drop rate in 4%. Let most rookies play motionless mage, they will naturally choose to trade the occupation. 比如一个战士的级装备大概要100金币,爆率在10%。而法师的级装备售价就需要1000金币,爆率在4%。让大多数菜鸟玩不动法师,他们自然就会选择换职业了。 When 20 levels, the player will have to wash an opportunity one time, can choose to replace own occupation. It is not able to gain enough gold coin to maintain mage this professional player in the game, will naturally choose changes to warrior or assassin and so on occupation. 而且在20级的时候,玩家将会有一次洗点的机会,可以选择更换自己的职业。无法在游戏中获取足够的金币维持法师这个职业的玩家,自然就会选择改成战士刺客之类的职业了。 Moreover, regarding priest this nobody will ask wet nurse, Wasted Earth that side procedure/program ape also made similar adjustment. 另外,对于牧师这种无人问津的奶妈,废土那边的程序猿也对其进行了类似的调整。 After such a adjustment, 25 days of passed by, playing of entire game was also promoted much. 经过这么一番调整,25天的时间过去了,整个游戏的可玩性也算是提升了不少。 Is operating in Wei Wendong is deleting archer that practices again, walks , in woods, suddenly helmet prompt Lost Connection Icon. 就在魏文东正操作着删号重练的弓箭手,行走在树林中的时候,突然头盔提示了【丢失连接】的图标。 Dropped?” Wei Wendong knits the brows, “掉线了?”魏文东皱了皱眉, The electric quantity should fill, ii connects the server Phantom -based”, theoretically truly has the possibility that drops, although his the first time is he met...... 电量应该是充满了的,基于ii连接服务器的“幻影”,理论上确实存在着掉线的可能性,虽然他这还是他第一次遇上…… The point elected to publish the button, he took off helmet, looked everywhere, discovered that in measured in the hall a darkness. He can only see indistinctly, nearby player also almost met and his same condition, bewildered wakes up from the game. 点选了登出按钮,他摘下了头盔,四处望了望,发现内测大厅内一片黑暗。他只能隐隐约约地看见,附近的玩家也都差不多遇上了和他相同的状况,一脸茫然地从游戏中醒来。 Do not be flustered, outside had the small condition.” “不要慌张,外面出现了一点小状况。” At this time, in the measuring personnel walked, said- through the loudspeaker to the people 这时,一名内测人员走了进来,通过扩音器向众人们说道- ( Thanked hitting of dark moon/month radical war casualty hegemon to enjoy! Thereupon, this book was born finally the third hegemon. hey hey, too thanked. The words saying that I have owed the eruptions of two hegemons, believes me, when I practised to finish on April 1 make certainly up! Relax, I consistently have the moral integrity very much!)( To be continued.) (感谢暗月丿殇盟主的打赏!于是乎,本书终于诞生了第三位盟主。嘿嘿,实在是太感谢了。话说我已经欠两位盟主的爆发了,相信我,等我4月1号实习结束一定补上!放心,我一向很有节操!)(未完待续。)
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