IHAMITLOD :: Volume #5

#465: Virtual Helmet production

Returns to the villa, a person sleeps somewhat is really lonely. ¥ f. ¥ f lay on the bed tosses and turns a while, Jiang Chen direct cross over returned to Last of Days, then touched in the Sun Jiao bedroom quietly. 回到别墅中,一个人睡觉着实有些寂寞。¥f。¥f躺在床上辗转反侧了一会儿,江晨直接穿越回了末世,然后悄悄地摸进了孙娇的卧室中。 Lifted the quilt, on the Jiang Chen surprise discovery bed two. 掀开了被子,江晨诧异地发现床上有两人。 Hee hee, was brother-in-law disappointed?” Before Sun Xiaorou the quilt corner/horn grasps the chin, hides in the quilt is laughing and playing was saying. “嘻嘻,姐夫是不是失望了呀?”孙小柔将被子角抓回下巴前,躲在被子里嬉笑着说道。 Sun Jiao cheeks slightly flood red, white Jiang Chen. 孙娇脸颊微微泛红,白了江晨一眼。 idiot, I also think that you returned to that side to go off.” 笨蛋,我还以为你又回那边睡去了呢。” The present world runs in Last of Days and two sides regarding Jiang Chen, Sun Jiao has been used. Foreign Species Tide just finished, she thinks Jiang Chen will treat that side the present world is coming back some time, never expected that he just walked unexpectedly during the daytime, in the evening returned. 对于江晨末世和现世两边跑,孙娇已经习惯了。异种潮刚结束,她原本以为江晨会在现世那边待一段时间在回来,没想到他居然白天刚走,晚上又返了回来。 Looks at laughter Sun Xiaorou, Jiang Chen is also slightly the surprise, at this moment response in his brain is roughly as follows. 看着嬉笑地孙小柔,江晨也是微微诧异,此刻他脑中的反应大致如下。 Unexpectedly has two people? 居然有两个人? Two people on two people! 两个人就两个人吧! Jiang Chen smiles one badly, in two tender Heilongjiang, threw. 江晨坏笑一声,在两声娇呼中,扑了上去。 ...... …… At noon next day, Jiang Chen and females finished eating the lunch together, attained the magically reformed later cell phone from Yao Yao there. 次日中午,江晨和众女们一起吃完了午餐,从姚姚那里拿到了魔改之后的手机。 At first sight comes up, this cell phone besides the slightly thin point, seems to have no difference from ordinary smart machine, but in the performance actually compared with ordinary smart machine in many, inside most parts utilized graphene material, had eliminated the silicon chip completely. 乍一看上去,这手机除了稍薄一点外,似乎和普通的智能机没什么区别,但性能上却要比普通的智能机强上很多,里面大多数元件都是运用了石墨烯材料,已经完全淘汰了硅芯片。 Moreover, side of prerequisite camera was implanted the holographic imaging part, and this/should cell phone can download the drone control procedure, uses as the drone remote control. Some function superpositions of latter function and ep, but previous function Jiang Chen is actually likes. 另外,前置摄像头的旁边被植入了全息成像元件,并且该手机可以下载无人机控制程序,作为无人机的遥控器来使用。后一个功能与ep的功能有些重合,不过前一个功能江晨却是喜欢的很。 Can the operation interface holographic projection cell phone, in this world only fear that he had. 能将操作界面全息投影的手机,这世界上只怕就他一个人有了。 After the cell phone card exchanges, Jiang Chen then went to Marshal Prefecture. 将手机卡换上之后,江晨接着又去了一趟元帅府 Does not know that is what reason, even if solidifies ****** has washed City Center that place, the life signal situated in this/should region has not eliminated as before. Obvious Foreign Species Tide stopped, but the reproduction of zombie is continuing as before, many foreign-species lairs have not smashed. However was good because of drone has been able to enter this/should region, brought back to the base the City Center special details. 不知道是什么原因,即便是凝固******洗过了市中心的那块地,位于该区域的生命信号依旧没有消除。明显异种潮是停止了,但丧尸的繁殖依旧在继续,不少异种的巢穴也并未捣毁。不过好在无人机已经能够进入该区域了,将市中心的具体情况带回了基地。 Originally, many foreign-species lairs are not located in the surface. But occupies in the sewer and underground station or in the architecture basement. The lifeform situated in surface truly died certainly, but cannot die situated in the underground lifeform completely certainly. Even if ****** baked the oxygen in region, but many foreign-species lifeform are strong regarding the patience of lack of oxygen environment, what by feeling stifled is only part. But another part actually lived. 原来,不少异种的巢穴并非位于地表。而是盘踞在下水道、地铁站或建筑的地下层中。位于地表的生物确实死绝了,但位于地下的生物并没能完全死绝。即便******烧干了区域内的氧气,但很多异种生物对于无氧环境的耐性都非常强,被憋死的只是一部分。而另一部分却活了下来。 In order to eradicate these future troubles, capturing/raiding about City Center already in deployment. Sets aside First Army that the hand comes to hold the post of the main force of attack, under the aid of armored strength, performs the surgery to the City Center source of infection. 为了根除这些后患,关于市中心的攻略已经在部署当中。腾出手来的第一兵团将担任进攻的主力,在装甲力量的援助下,对市中心的感染源进行外科手术。 Meanwhile, research of Jiang Lin regarding improving incendiary bomb already achievement. The raw material does not need to use gasoline. But is uses the Kam Resin and other variation plant of the organic matter to conduct the fining to make. The unit volume combustion heat of new fuel solidifies gasoline 2 times, the combustion time is the bm- 21 coagulations ****** 3 times. Meanwhile, the rocket missile fight part weight also turned into bm- 21 2 times, but the impulse charge of rocket missile also replaced more efficient rocket propellant. 于此同时,蒋林对于改良燃烧弹的研究已经出成果了。原料无需使用汽油。而是使用卡姆树脂等变异植物的有机质进行精炼制成。新燃料的单位体积燃烧热是凝固汽油的二倍,燃烧时间是bm-21凝固******的三倍。与此同时,火箭弹的战斗部件重量也变成了bm-21的二倍,而原本火箭弹的发射装药也更换成了更高效的火箭推进剂。 This by the future science and technology imitation primitive weapon, besides externally similar, with original bm- 21 already almost no relations. 这个以未来科技仿制的“原始武器”,除了外观上相似之外,和原来的bm-21已经几乎没什么关系了。 The single-shot cost is 1000 subcrystal, is equivalent to the Sixth Block weapon shop to buy 20 rifle prices. Although was expensive, but the might was actually very considerable. 单发成本为1000亚晶,相当于第六街区武器店买20把步枪的价格。虽然贵了点,但威力却是非常可观的。 This model of weapon was named as Fireball-1 by Jiang Lin, although name some magics, but actually accidental/surprised appropriateness. Any by foreign-species that the fuel of this sputtering mounts. Will turn into one group of Fireball. 这款武器被蒋林命名为“火球-1”,名字虽然有些魔幻了,但却意外的贴切。任何被这溅射的燃料黏上的异种。都会化成一团火球 When Fireball-1 produces almost 1000 rounds, can start the military action to City Center. Jiang Chen ordered to stop the shell production of wailing mortar, the munitions capacity that will leap assigned Fireball-1 completely in production. 等到“火球-1”生产差不多1000发,就可以对市中心展开军事行动了。江晨下令停掉了尖啸者迫击炮的炮弹生产,将腾出来的军火产能全部分配到了“火球-1”的生产上。 Although the unit price 1000 subcrystal costs let his some meat pains, but he believes that this is worth absolutely. Round of Fireball Spell, can reduce at least 1 soldier casualties. Regarding does not lack the food and clothing Jiang Chen, on this piece of Wasted Earth, the population is the most valuable wealth! 虽然单价1000亚晶的成本让他有些肉痛,但他相信这绝对是值得的。一发火球术,将能减少至少一名士兵的伤亡。对于不缺吃穿的江晨而言,在这片废土上,人口才是最宝贵的财富! ...... …… All in base operation routinely, after seeing has nothing to do, Jiang Chen then returned to the present world. 基地内的一切都在按部就班的运行,见无事可做之后,江晨便返回了现世。 Last of Days here trouble has come to the end, now he should solve the Virtual Reality Helmet production problem as soon as possible. Only is left over for four months from the beginning of next year. When Virtual Reality Helmet gets online, Future Technologies faces will be a market of complete blank. 末世这边的麻烦已经告一段落,现在他该尽快解决虚拟实境头盔的生产问题了。距离明年年初只剩下四个多月。等到虚拟实境头盔上线,未来人科技所面对的将是一个完全空白的市场。 Global 3,200,000,000 Internet users, even if one tenth artificial Virtual Reality Helmet pays, that is also the 300,000,000 order! Even if each helmet only gains 500 USD. That is also terrorist|terrifying 150,000,000,000 US Dollar. 全球32亿网民,哪怕是十分之一的人为虚拟实境头盔买单,那也是3亿的订单!哪怕每个头盔只赚500美元。那也是恐怖1500亿美金 Naturally, can when the end of this year Phantom Helmet sells officially prepare 20,000,000, he has thanked heaven and earth. As the capacity gradually enhances, that day when the game gets online, Future Technologies can sell 100,000,000 helmet probably, this is the most ideal situation. 当然了,能在今年年底幻影头盔正式发售时准备2000万个,他已经谢天谢地了。随着产能逐步提高,等到游戏上线的那天,未来人科技大概能售出1亿头盔,这是最理想的情况。 Takes the speed boat to arrive on New Moon Island. Jiang Chen found was training Ivan of recruit. This fellow's life on island is good, the belly supported. However looks from his dark skin, really quickly with a Bakari some ratio. 乘坐快艇来到新月岛上。江晨找到了正在训练新兵的伊万。这家伙在岛上的生活不错,肚子都挺起来了。不过从他那黝黑的皮肤上看,简直快和巴卡里有的一比了。 After seeing Jiang Chen, Ivan neatly good military salute, then asked the Jiang Chen's purpose in coming. 见到江晨后,伊万干净利落地行了个军礼,然后问起了江晨的来意。 „The Future Mining offshore platform has been operational, I need you to dispatch 3 soldier to be based on the island. The equipment words, take Toxic Python Anti-tank bazooka, drone backpack.” 未来人矿业的海上平台已经投入使用,我需要你在岛上派遣三名士兵常驻。装备的话,带上‘毒蟒反坦克火箭筒,还有无人机背包。” The drone backpack, is the individual in Hummingbird Drone terminal carries the version. Can provide the information processing service for 5 hummingbird, the ammunition supply and sufficient energy. In the present world without individual EMP equipment, this thing has become a powerful individual weapon. 无人机背包,算是蜂鸟无人机终端的单兵携带版。能够为五台蜂鸟提供信息处理服务,弹药补给以及充能。在没有单兵emp设备的现世,这东西已然成为了一种强大的单兵武器。 Yes!” Ivan stands at attention to salute to say. “是!”伊万立正行礼道。 Looks at his serious appearance, Jiang Chen smiles, puts out a hand to pat his shoulder. 看着他严肃的样子,江晨笑了笑,伸手拍了拍他的肩膀。 Remembers that selects the trustworthy person, in the island has the Future Group secret. The offshore platform has no dispute in the region, had been included within the military control area. Any ships of nearness, warned the invalid direct fire.” “记得挑信得过的人,岛上有未来人集团的秘密。海上平台所在区域没有任何争议,已经被划入了军事管制区。任何靠近的船只,警告无效直接射击。” Relax, had Truth Serum that type of thing, we had uncovered two rebels from the team.” Ivan smiles open. “放心,有了吐真剂那种东西,我们已经从队伍里揪出了两个叛徒了。”伊万开朗地笑了笑。 Although he smiles very open, but Jiang Chen always thought that presses together wrinkle, somewhat cruel flavor in inside. 虽然他笑得很开朗,但江晨总觉得那挤在一起的皱纹,有些残忍的味道在里面。 Who as for that two unlucky rebel is, Jiang Chen is disinclined to ask, his clear Ivan will properly process. 至于那两个倒霉的叛徒是谁,江晨懒得去问,他清楚伊万会妥善处理的。 To betraying zero tolerance. 对背叛零容忍。 Always, Jiang Chen emphasized. 一直以来,江晨都是如此强调。 ...... …… Any person who goes to sea to perform duties, the wages in the marine work time turns time, a half year changes shifts one time. Although the condition was difficult, the person but who the registration went to were many. 任何出海执勤的人,在海上工作时间内工资翻倍,半年换班一次。虽然条件艰苦了点,但是报名前往的人还是很多。 After at this time will arrange, Jiang Chen then outside the Haiba road along New Moon Island, was on the offshore platform of that triangle. 将这时安排好之后,江晨接着便沿着新月岛外的海坝公路,登上了那个三角形的海上平台。 Two the area of soccer fields, standing above feeling are really broad. 两个足球场的面积,站在上面感觉甚是宽广。 Because of reason at epicontinental sea, offshore platform very steady, standing is like the land above, cannot feel any rocks. 因为处在浅海的缘故,海上平台非常的稳,站在上面就和陆地一样,感受不到任何晃动。 Phantom the production Jiang Chen plan of helmet puts here, entire Country of Xin, again not compared with a New Moon Island safer place. Just constructed after the offshore platform, Jiang Chen then takes the architecture blueprint, constructed three factories to the architecture company tender internationally in this, is placed in the three corners of offshore platform. But between the factory and factory, are been connected by the assembly line pipeline of seal. 幻影头盔的生产江晨打算放到这里,整个新国,再没有比新月岛更安全的地方了。从海上平台刚建好之后,江晨便拿着建筑设计图,向国际上的建筑公司招标在这建造了三个工厂,分列于海上平台的三个角。而工厂与工厂之间,由密封的流水线管道相连。 And a factory is responsible to the helmet outer covering conducts the rough machining, the B factory is responsible for graphene chip and production of Neural Access part, the C factory is responsible for the final components automation assembly, and for the helmet increase security mechanism of seal, the cargo outputs from the C factory finally. 其中a厂负责对头盔外壳进行粗加工,b厂负责石墨烯芯片神经接入元件的生产,c厂负责最后的零件自动化组装,并为密封的头盔添加保密机制,最后货物从c厂输出。 The automaticity of whole set production equipment is high, only needs 30 Highschool Diploma above workers to complete the revolution of 1 set of production line. But regarding worker's request, is responsible for putting to assign the position the ore material merely, stands in the fixed production line, according to such operating equipment that the production handbook instructs is OK. As for principle anything, they do not need to know, but Jiang Chen will not tell them. 整套生产设备的自动化程度非常高,只需要30名高中学历以上的工人便可完成一套生产线的运转。而对于工人的要求,仅仅是负责将矿石材料放入指定位置,站在固定的生产线上,依照生产手册指示的那样来操作设备就可以了。至于原理什么的,他们不需要知道,而江晨也不会告诉他们。 The qualified product through the screening procedure, the unqualified product will strike back, to guarantee the quality of product. After repeated wearing , after waiting for the workers proficiently to produce, capacity then gradual coming up. 合格的产品会通过筛选程序,不合格的产品则会被打回,以确保产品的质量。经过反复的磨合,等工人们熟练生产之后,产能便会逐步的上来。 Each worker when enters the factory to accept the security check, cell phone and so on thing must deliver, this supervision program can say that big **** the college entrance examination is stricter, for eradicates the technology leakage. 每名工人在进入工厂的时候会接受安检,手机之类的东西必须上交,这道监察程序可以说比大****的高考还要严,为的就是根绝技术泄露。 Do not suspect, by the Future Group technology, the pinhole big camera can still scan even to you. Regarding any tries to smuggle the worker of spy equipment, according to Country of Xin Trade Secret Protection Act will investigate the criminal responsibility, and from the Future Group direct dismissal, will never hire. 不要怀疑,以未来人集团的技术,就算是针孔大的摄像头也能给你扫描出来。对于任何试图夹带间谍设备的工人,将按照新国商业机密保护法追究刑事责任,并从未来人集团直接开除,永不录用。 If the production equipment has the rigid breakdown, the entire production line immediately stops producing, this triangle floating island by the soldier temporary blockade of New Moon Island, after waiting for Jiang Chen to solve the problem, resumes production. 如果生产设备出现硬性故障,整个生产线就立即停止生产,这个三角浮岛由新月岛士兵临时封锁,等待江晨过来解决问题之后再恢复生产。 However the stability of complete equipment is very high, without artificial destruction, operational several years should not have what condition continually. 不过整套设备的稳定性很高,在没有人为破坏的情况下,持续运行个几年应该都不会出现什么状况。 At present, Jiang Chen had told that the No. 27 Sanctuary scientist improves this set of production line, and studies Drone Hive to replace the worker to be engaged in the production, to reduce as far as possible directly participates to be engaged in the population of production, and enhances the capacity. 目前,江晨已经吩咐27号避难所的科学家对这套生产线进行改良,并研究无人机蜂房代替工人从事生产,以尽可能地削减直接参与从事生产的人数,并提高产能。 As for the Virtual Helmet outer covering, the primary materials for the project plastic outer covering leading insulation, can produce by the technology of present world similarly. Therefore this no heavy manual labor of technique content, can definitely outsource to the enterprise that other are interested in does. 至于虚拟头盔的外壳,主要材料为工程塑胶外壳加铅隔层,以现世的技术同样可以生产。所以这种没什么技术含量的粗活,完全可以外包给其它感兴趣的企业去做。 With the existing production equipment, the moon/month produces 500,000 Virtual Helmet is nothing issue. As that side Wasted Earth continually makes the new production line, it is expected that by the end of the year expands the capacity to the 5,000,000 monthly output. 以现有的生产设备来看,月产50万虚拟头盔是没什么问题的。随着废土那边不断地将新的生产线制造出来,预计在年底之前将产能扩大到500万的月产量。 Hurries back to after soldier on island the island, Jiang Chen then entered in a factory, returned to Last of Days in inside, will have prepared the good 2 sets of production equipment to move. Then defers to such that in the blueprint introduced personally, he placed these 2 sets of production equipment in the factory in the corresponding position. 将岛上的士兵赶回岛上后,江晨便走进了一间工厂内,在里面返回了末世,将已经准备好的二套生产设备搬了过来。然后亲自按照图纸上介绍的那样,他把这二套生产设备都摆放在了工厂内相应的位置上。 Finished all these, Jiang Chen patted fully is the hand of dust, looks at equipment in three factory satisfied. 忙完了这一切,江晨拍了拍满是灰尘的手,满意地看着三座工厂内的设备。 When these two sets of production line places in operation, the whole world will be crazy for Future Technologies.( To be continued.) 等到这两套生产线投入生产,整个世界都会为未来人科技而疯狂。(未完待续。) ps: The mountain climbing is really dangerous =. = sf 0916 ps:爬山真是危险=.=sf0916
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