IHAMITLOD :: Volume #5

#464: For friendly ties of cooperation

When Jiang Chen is enjoying the dinner with single-hearted devotion, a beautiful woman of gold and greens eye sat in his opposite suddenly. 就在江晨专心享用着晚餐的时候,一位金碧眼的美女突然坐在了他的对面。 Without raising the head, Jiang Chen wants not to need to think that who the future is. 没有抬头,江晨想都不用想来者是谁。 How you know that I do dine in this?” “你怎么知道我在这用餐?” You have not certainly noticed next door that street are the Russia embassy, your Lamborghini stops near the road how conspicuous.” Natasha sips the red lip, greeted the service person to take a rice to her. “你一定没有注意到隔壁那条街便是俄罗斯使馆,还有你那辆兰博基尼停在公路边上是多么的显眼。”娜塔莎微抿红唇,招呼服务员给她上了份米饭。 I remember that a Russian food cannot leave the bread, having the rice is unimportant?” Jiang Chen glanced the eye in front of her bowl of rice. “我记得俄罗斯人顿顿饭都离不开面包,吃米饭不要紧吗?”江晨瞟了眼她面前的那碗米饭。 Is unimportant, before here works, I have studied the China traditional culture.” Shows off results, Natasha takes up two chopsticks, transferred pen to result in the fingers turned over under. “不要紧,在来这里工作之前,我学习过华国传统文化。”显摆似得,娜塔莎拿起两根筷子,转笔似得在手指间翻转了下。 Before the normal people eat meal, will play the chopsticks? Jiang Chen was complaining the sentence at heart silently. 正常人吃饭前会这么玩筷子吗?江晨在心里默默地吐槽了句。 What matter asks me to have?” Jiang Chen enters the subject to ask. “找我有什么事吗?”江晨直入正题地问道。 „Doesn't no special matter, dine good?” Natasha made the service person get up two bottles of beer. “没什么特别的事,蹭顿饭不行吗?”娜塔莎又自顾自地让服务员上了两瓶啤酒。 Likes drinking the beer so much, did not fear that drinks the wholesale market?” Jiang Chen ridicules to say. “这么喜欢喝啤酒,就不怕喝出啤酒肚吗?”江晨揶揄道。 „Are you caring about my stature?” Natasha purses the lips to smile. “你是在关心我的身材?”娜塔莎抿嘴微笑。 Jiang Chen turned away. 江晨移开了视线。 This young girl is definitely enticing this Sir. 这小妞肯定又在勾引本大爷。 Right, your can Virtual Reality Helmet, make me also play?” “对了,你的虚拟实境头盔,能让我也玩玩吗?” hears word, Jiang Chen sighed. 闻言,江晨叹了口气。 Didn't reach an agreement is only dines?” “不是说好了只是蹭饭吗?” Among friends can't talk about this topic?” Grasped the beer mug to fill the mouth, Natasha while said. “朋友之间就不能聊这个话题吗?”一边握着啤酒杯灌了口,娜塔莎一边说道。 Sure, when Phantom Helmet sells officially, I will deliver you in the name of personal one.” The Jiang Chen smile said. “当然可以,等到幻影头盔正式售,我会以私人的名义送你一台。”江晨微笑道。 Seeing Jiang Chen is a wind sound/rumor does not plan to disclose obviously, Natasha sighed. 江晨显然是一点风声都不打算透露,娜塔莎叹了口气。 „Under good, Kremlin wanted me to inquire your Virtual Reality Technology to be actually advanced to what degree do not misunderstand, reason that asked that was only because we somewhat came apart in this aspect and world. However wants to come, even if I asked that you will not say right?” “好吧,克里姆林宫希望我打探下你的虚拟实境技术究竟先进到了什么程度不要误会,之所以这么问只是因为我们在这方面和世界有些脱节。不过想来即便我问了,你也不会说对吗?” Right.” Confessed regarding Natasha's, Jiang Chen was satisfied. “没错。”对于娜塔莎的坦白,江晨非常满意。 White Jiang Chen, Natasha pinched the chopsticks to clamp red-roasted pork. Sent in that bright red mouth. Even among the graces, is passing the intent taste of misleading faintly in inside. Regarding this Jiang Chen's choice does not visit her, in order to avoid loses concentration. 白了江晨一眼,娜塔莎捏着筷子夹了一片红烧肉。送入了那嫣红的口中。即使是举手投足之间,都隐隐透着蛊惑的意味儿在里面。对此江晨的选择是不去看她,以免分神。 That nutrition mixture matter?” Natasha then asked. “那营养合剂的事呢?”娜塔莎接着问道。 nutrition mixture? Will Kremlin also be interested in nutrition mixture?” Jiang Chen loses says with a smile. 营养合剂克里姆林宫还会对营养合剂感兴趣?”江晨失笑道。 Accurate, Ministry of National Defense and Space Agency are interested very much. Because we nutrition mixture that attempts to purchase you to produce. Although does not drink full, but our accidental/surprised presently after drinking, will not draw “准确的来说,国防部航天局都很感兴趣。因为我们尝试着购买过你生产的营养合剂。虽然喝不饱,但我们意外的现喝了之后不会拉” cough cough, we are eating meal now.” Jiang Chen coughed lightly the sound, the reminder said. 咳咳,我们现在在吃饭。”江晨轻咳了声,提醒道。 Natasha suddenly, changed a view. 娜塔莎恍然,更改了个说法。 Un will not arrange to lose. Your Chinese Language culture also is really broad and profound.” “嗯不会排遗。你们汉语文化还真是博大精深。” Actually what you want to say was troublesome Jiang Chen slanting her one eyes. Continues to cope with good food in the plate. 其实你想说的是麻烦吧江晨斜了她一眼。继续对付起自己盘中的美食。 Therefore?” “所以呢?” We want to cooperate with you, grinding one type is portable, and after can let the person drinks, maintain the physical strength, will have will not draw row of losing nutrition mixture at crucial moments. One stopped the chopsticks, the Natasha elbow placed on the table, looks at Jiang Chen to say smilingly. “我们想和你们合作,研一种便于携带,且能让人饮用之后保持体力,有不会在关键时刻拉排遗的营养合剂。一”停下了筷子,娜塔莎胳膊肘放在了桌上,笑盈盈地看着江晨说道。 One type is portable, and after can enable soldier drinks, to obtain the sufficient heat, and does not need to solve the big hand at crucial moment is right?” Jiang Chen put down the chopsticks, takes the paper goods to wipe the mouth to say. “一种便于携带,且能让士兵饮用之后能获得足够的热量,且无需在关键的时候解大手对吗?”江晨放下了筷子,拿过纸巾擦擦嘴说道。 astronaut, uses nutrition mixture to take the supplies. We can save feces disposal space.” Saw Jiang Chen to finish eating, Natasha also expressed on no longer the scruples, entered the subject to say. “还有航天员,使用营养合剂作为补给。我们可以省掉粪便处理空间。”见江晨已经吃完,娜塔莎也就不再顾忌措辞了,直入正题地说道。 To be honest, this type of thing we have opened, therefore does not need to carry out the technical collaboration with you.” Jiang Chen sighed saying that to Yu Jinjun military supplies market, I am maintaining discretely the attitude. This thing like the excrement, moistens after the hand washes cannot wash off.” “老实说,这种东西我们已经开出来了,所以不太需要和你们进行技术合作。”江晨叹了口气说道,“不过对于进军军需品市场,我个人保持着谨慎地态度。这东西就像粪便一样,沾在手上之后洗都洗不掉。” Is only the military supplies food, is not the tool of murder, you do not need such hyperaesthesia completely.” Natasha sighed. „It looks like Google that internet company, are they different US Military design the mechanical dog that the transporting supplies used?” “只是军需食品,又不是杀人的工具,你完全无需这么神经过敏。”娜塔莎叹了口气。“就像是谷歌那种互联网公司,他们不一样为美军设计了搬运补给用的机械狗吗?” After hearing the Natasha's words, Jiang Chen is lost in thought. 听到娜塔莎的话之后,江晨陷入了沉思。 Long time later, Jiang Chen opens the mouth to say. 良久之后,江晨开口道。 Said how you do plan to cooperate?” “说说你们打算如何合作?” Three plans. One. You the production technology transfer of service-type nutrition mixture to us, and ensure cannot divulge to the third party, we will purchase your technologies by the 100,000,000 USD price.” “三个方案。一。你们把军用型营养合剂的生产技术转让给我们,并保证不会泄露给第三方,我们会以1亿美元的价格对你们的技术进行收购。” Was too cheap, I do not want to sell.” Jiang Chen along with tastes. “太便宜了,我不怎么想卖。”江晨随口道。 Besides the small advantage, before producing nutrition mixture to need Organic Synthesis Oven that uses to contain are being too many science and technology, screens net with inside member. Is the modern sci-tech is unable to achieve. The nutrition mixture formula is not expensive, what is expensive produces its technology. 除了便宜之外,生产营养合剂所需要用到的有机合成炉包含着太多前科技,就拿里面的分子筛选网这一项来说。就是现代科技根本无法做到的。营养合剂的配方本身并不昂贵,昂贵的是生产它的技术。 Answered regarding Jiang Chen's has not been surprised, Natasha pursed the lips to smile, then stretched out the second finger. 对于江晨的答没有感到意外,娜塔莎抿嘴微笑,接着伸出了第二根指头。 Two, we give you policy, you put up a factory in our home. We have the rich pool of labor power and raw material supply market.” “二,我们给你们政策,你们在我们国内建厂。我们有着丰富的劳动力资源和原材料供应市场。” Nutrition Mixture Production Plant I only plan to construct on Ange Island. Lived such many matters, I have no security sense, you understand.” Jiang Chen said lightly. 营养合剂生产厂我只打算建在安加岛上。生了这么多事,我这人没什么安全感,你懂的。”江晨淡淡地说道。 Stared Jiang Chen one angrily, the Natasha deep breath the one breath, stretched out the third finger. 气恼地瞪了江晨一眼,娜塔莎深呼吸了一口气,伸出了第三根指头。 Three, you produce, we import.” “三,你们生产,我们进口。” Service-type?” “军用型?” Naturally.” The Natasha nod said. “当然。”娜塔莎点头道。 Jiang Chen silent moment. 江晨沉默了片刻。 How many can I listen to your some order probably?” “我可以听下你们的订单大概有多少吗?” Every month 20,000,000.” Natasha said. “每月2ooo万支。”娜塔莎说道。 20,000,000? Also is 2 o box nutrition mixture. If not the excessive pursuit low heat, the nutrition mixture cost also wants cheaply many. For example the present produces nutrition mixture to use special dh algae, but if produces on Wasted Earth that nutrition mixture, any vegetables fruit can take the raw material, produces A Grade above nutrition mixture. 2ooo万支吗?也就是2o箱营养合剂。如果不是过分追求低热量的话,营养合剂的成本也要便宜不少。比如现在生产营养合剂必须使用特殊的dh海藻,但如果生产废土上那种营养合剂的话,任何蔬菜水果都能够作为原料,生产出a级以上的营养合剂 But the price of fruit and meats, regarding approaching animal husbandry Great Nation Country of Xin, is it may be said that inexpensive. 而水果和肉类的价格,对于靠近农牧业大国新国而言,可谓非常低廉。 What price can you accept?” Jiang Chen asked. “你们能接受什么样的价位?”江晨问道。 3 USD.” Natasha somewhat proposed intensely. “一支三美元。”娜塔莎有些紧张地提议道。 The Russian force soldier average one-day board expenses are 351 ruble, equivalent to USD 4.6 USD. Considering that nutrition mixture can replace the normal diet, so long as the nutrition mixture price is not too high, purchasing nutrition mixture regarding the Russian force is not a burden, can on the contrary the military spending in certain extent reduction meals. Moreover nutrition mixture helps store up, uses nutrition mixture to take the strategic materials reserve the words, can save the money. 俄军士兵平均单日伙食费为351卢布,折合美元4.6美元。考虑到营养合剂能够代替正常饮食,只要营养合剂的价格不是过高的话,收购营养合剂对于俄军来说并不是一项负担,反倒可以一定程度地减少伙食方面的军费开支。而且营养合剂便于储存,使用营养合剂作为战略物资储备的话,也能省下一大笔钱。 But if according to the nutrition mixture retail price, each 6.1 USD, they are impossible to bear. 但如果按照营养合剂的零售价,每支6.1美元的话,他们根本不可能负担得起。 Therefore proposed 3 USD this prices time, the Natasha's mood was very disturbed, for fear that Jiang Chen felt the price that they gave was too low, gets angry does not discuss anything. 所以提出三美元这个价位的时候,娜塔莎的心情是非常忐忑的,生怕江晨觉得他们给出的价格太低了,翻脸不谈了什么的。 Too low? 太低了? Rather Jiang Chen thought that was somewhat high. 倒不如说江晨觉得有些高了。 Jiang Chen equaled in the heart under. If produces conventional nutrition mixture, the cost of consumption is only 1 USD probably about, lowers a lot compared with the evolved nutrition mixture cost. But each nutrition mixture gains 2 USD, was too black? 江晨在心中合计了下。如果生产一支常规营养合剂,消耗的成本大概只有一美元左右,比改良型营养合剂成本低得多。而每支营养合剂赚二美元,是不是太黑了点? Moreover a more essential matter, this nutrition mixture expansion capacity is convenient, does not need to expand the dh algae cultivation area , even the leftover dish food left over of restaurant can achieve with the ordinary fruits and vegetables. 而且更关键的事,这种营养合剂扩大产能非常方便,无需扩大dh海藻种植面积,用普通的蔬果、甚至餐馆的剩菜剩饭都能做到。 Jiang Chen glanced Natasha one, sees only her face to stretch closely, such seemed like for fear that him to refuse to be the same. 江晨瞟了娜塔莎一眼,只见她脸绷得紧紧的,那样子就好像是生怕他拒绝了一样。 hey hey, how does this feel all right? Since you do not dislike expensively, that sold you to be good. 嘿嘿,这怎么好意思?既然你们不嫌贵,那就卖你们好了。 Coughed, Jiang Chen does intentionally the serious face. 咳了咳,江晨故作严肃脸。 Although this price and some of my psychology price dropping variances, but the friendly cooperation relations among us finalized.” “虽然这个价位和我心理价位有些落差,但考虑到咱们之间的友好合作关系成交。” On the Natasha's face shows the charming smiling face immediately, such obviously relaxes. 娜塔莎的脸上立刻露出了迷人的笑容,那样子明显是松了口气。 Thank your generous, wish our happy cooperation.” “感谢你的慷慨,祝我们合作愉快。” Does not need to be polite.” The Jiang Chen corners of the mouth bent. “不必客气。”江晨嘴角弯了弯。 Looks at the expression on Jiang Chen face, the Natasha doubts knits the brows gently. 看着江晨脸上的表情,娜塔莎疑惑地轻轻皱眉。 His that indistinct smiling face, always lets she had to plant by the pit the feeling. But she also said no that on was actually where by the pit.( To be continued.) 他那隐隐约约的笑容,总让她有种被坑了的感觉。但她又说不上究竟是哪里被坑了。(未完待续。) One clouds. Come. The pavilion then obtains the view. 】 地一下云.来.阁即可获得观.】
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