IHAMITLOD :: Volume #5

#463: The mouth dislikes the body to be honest

After the mail issued Yang Yuan, Jiang Chen then drives the speed boat to leave Coconut Fruit Island. 将邮件发给了杨远之后,江晨便开着快艇离开了椰果岛 As for that [The Droplet 1], Jiang Chen chose to stop on the island. Has Hummingbird Drone to defend here, the safety issue he felt relieved. Even if Elite SEAL Assault Team lands on the island, this 100 puts up drone still to exterminate it with ease. 至于那个水滴一号,江晨还是选择停在了岛上。有蜂鸟无人机守在这里,安全上的问题他非常放心。就算是一支精锐海豹突击队登岛,这一百来架无人机也能轻轻松松将其剿灭。 Without the support of EMP weapon, this exquisite flexible drone, regarding any soft target is a nightmare. 没有emp武器的支援,这种小巧灵活的无人机,对于任何软目标都是一场噩梦。 After Jiang Chen rides the speed boat arrived at Koro Island, it half is black. Touched under the empty belly, thinks that the villa of that nobody left, on the Jiang Chen's face then cannot help but revealed wiped reluctantly. 江晨乘坐快艇到达了科罗岛后,天已经半黑了。摸了下空空荡荡的肚皮,想到那个空无一人的别墅,江晨的脸上便不由得露出了一抹无奈。 Such long has not seen Ayesha, Jiang Chen also very fondly remembers her craftsmanship. 这么久没有见到阿伊莎,江晨还挺怀念她的手艺的。 Saw this to select, even if at this moment returned to that side Last of Days, Sun Jiao they still had finished eating. 见已经都这个点了,此刻就算是回到末世那边,想必孙娇她们也已经吃完了。 Ok, eats anything casually.” “算了,随便吃点什么吧。” The car(riage) also arrived at the urban district, the surroundings are newly-opened many restaurants, therefore Jiang Chen then stopped the car(riage) in the roadside, looked for a Chinese restaurant to walk casually. 恰好车也开到了市区,周围新开着不少餐馆,于是江晨便将车停在了路边,随便找了一家中餐馆走了进去。 After taking up the menu ordered several vegetables/dishes casually, Jiang Chen then depends in chair over a hundred bored to play the cell phone. In the cell phone that buys newly anything does not have, downloaded Future 1.0 after ii of restaurant, Jiang Chen was sweeping to own iris the camera, then landed own account number. 拿起菜单随便点了几个菜后,江晨便靠在椅子上百无聊奈地玩起了手机来。新买的手机里啥都没有,用餐馆的ii下载了未来人1.0之后,江晨将摄像头对着自己的虹膜扫了一下,然后便登陆了自己的账号。 Ignites the screen in Jiang Chen, when the address book of backup in Future 1.0 to the new cell phone on, he noticed a name synchronously suddenly. 就在江晨点着屏幕,将备份在未来人1.0中的通讯录同步到新手机上时,他突然注意到了一个名字。 The corners of the mouth raise wipe the happy expression, saw to serve food also has a while, Jiang Chen then selected in that name, dialed. 嘴角不由扬起一抹笑意,见上菜还有一会儿,江晨便在那个名字上点了下,拨了过去。 Hey? Finally remembers others?” A telephone connection, that then broadcast the Liu Yao hidden bitterness sound. “喂?终于想起人家啦?”电话一接通,那头便传来了柳瑶幽怨的声音。 hā hā, I am somewhat busy these days. Thinks me?” Jiang Chen said with a smile. 哈哈,我这段时间有些忙。想我没?”江晨笑道。 „To die you.” Liu Yao charmingly angry say/way. “想死你了。”柳瑶娇嗔道。 Your movie finalize?” “你的电影杀青了?” Two months ago on finalize, completed in late last month. Now has reported to high authorities for their investigation and examination, the gear period's matter has put on the agenda. Our directors also asked me to ask you, can give the movie to come a headline to push anything.” Saying, the corners of the mouth of Liu Yao sipped to wipe the happy curve slightly. “两个月前就杀青了,上个月后期都做完了。现在已经报审,排档期的事已经提上日程了。我们导演还拜托我问问你,能不能给电影来个头条推送什么的。”说着,柳瑶的嘴角不由微微抿起了一抹开心的弧度。 She can have today's achievement, can say that is because behind her the man. In dramatic team. Even main actress, spoke with her was polite, not famous rack, even was symmetric with her sisters. 她能有今天的成就,可以说都是因为她背后的这个男人。在剧组中。即便是女一号,和她说话的时候都是客客气气的,毫无大牌的架子,甚至与她姐妹相称。 This before, was almost hard to think to her. 这在以前,对她来说几乎是难以想想的。 She is a very intelligent woman, although sometimes this intelligent more is the cleverness in trivial matters, but she is very clear he not to dislike the occasional cleverness in trivial matters, so long as she does not make the principled mistake. Also therefore, even obtained now position. She does not have the slight inflation. She is very clear, these look at her person with the vision of awe, looked is actually not she, but is behind her man. 她是个很聪明的女人,虽然有时候这聪明更多是小聪明,但她很清楚他并不讨厌自己偶尔的小聪明,只要她不犯原则性的错误。也正是因此,即便是获得了如今的“地位”。她也没有丝毫的膨胀。她很清楚,那些用敬畏的目光看着她的人,看的其实不是她,而是她背后的那个男人。 Even if there is a non- young man movie star to pursue her, hopes that promotes the fame through the hype scandal, she still rejected unrestrained/no trace of politeness. The female movie star who many fame are suspended in midair wants completely to try to get close to her by any means possible, wants to establish the relations with Jiang Chen, she also turned down calmly. 即便有不少男影星追求她,希望通过炒作绯闻来提升名气,她也都毫不客气地拒绝了。不少名气不上不下的女影星想尽千方百计和她套近乎,想要和江晨搭上关系,她也都不动声色地婉拒了。 Has hugged her of thick thigh. Does not need to give other person of complexions again, only needed to hold tightly the grasped thigh on the line. 已经抱上粗大腿的她。根本不需要再给其它人脸色,只需要将已经抱住的大腿抱得更紧就行了。 Headline. Without the issue.” Jiang Chen said with a smile. “头条啊。没问题。”江晨笑道。 This is very to him easy, after all that movie he is the biggest capital. 这对他来说很容易,毕竟那个电影他是最大的资方。 Hee hee, loved you, .” “嘻嘻,爱死你了,么么哒。” Listens to near the ear acting like a spoiled brat of concubine, Jiang Chen to think that is also good. 听着耳边小女人的撒娇,江晨觉得心情也是挺不错的。 Not is only the chest is big, the Liu Yao sound and makings are passing a youth vigor. Obviously 24 years old, when meets each time, she gives the Jiang Chen's feeling is the 17~18 appearance. 不仅仅是胸大,柳瑶的声音和气质都透着一股青春的活力。明明已经24岁了,但每次见面时,她给江晨的感觉都是十七八样子。 Recently?” Jiang Chen spoke thoughtlessly to ask. “最近有空没?”江晨随口问道。 Has, can you lead me to go out to play?” Holds the cell phone, Liu Yao was saying in high spirits. “有啊,你要带我出去玩吗?”抱着手机,柳瑶兴冲冲地说道。 Invited you to come to be guests in my island.” Jiang Chen said with a smile badly. “邀请你来我的小岛上做客。”江晨坏笑道。 Seemed like listens to Jiang Chen to smile badly the business. Liu Yao cheeks slightly red, charmingly angry a sound said, perverted.” 似乎是听出了江晨坏笑中的生意。柳瑶脸颊微红,娇嗔了一声道,“变.态。” But that sound, is to resist also to welcome, rather is full of enthusiasm. 但那声音,与其说是欲拒还迎,倒不如说是兴致勃勃。 After all Jiang Chen takes to her User Experience in that aspect each time, made one become addicted. 毕竟江晨每次在那方面带给她的体验,都是那么的令人上瘾。 „Does airplane ticket need me to help you subscribe?” Jiang Chen said with a smile. “机票需要我帮你订吗?”江晨笑道。 Does not use, others currently have the salary! Hee hee, a 8,000,000 Yuan salary, elder sister asked you to have the feast.” “不用,人家现在有片酬!嘻嘻,800万元片酬哟,姐姐请你吃大餐。” Also is not I gives you.” Jiang Chen shows the whites of the eyes. “还不是我给你的。”江晨翻了个白眼。 A 8,000,000 Yuan salary, sufficed please celebrity. The model/pattern Ye salary also on 8,000,000, can stand in line first ten in the celebrity income list. Although does not know that these years rose in prices, but, in a movie the female No. 2 salary is normally impossible to catch up with super girl 1st. 800万元的片酬,都够请一个一线明星了。人家范爷的片酬也就800万而已,在明星收入榜单中也能排上前十了。虽然不知道这些年涨价了没,但正常情况下,一部电影中女二号的片酬是不可能赶超女一号的。 However Liu Yao is an exception, her wages are the capital open directly. 不过柳瑶是个例外,她的工资是资方直接开的。 Repugnant, do not say. The good and evil also the first time is in others life received so many salaries.” The corners of the mouth are bending, Liu Yao acts like a spoiled brat purses the lips to say. “讨厌,别这么说嘛。好歹也是人家人生中第一次领到这么多片酬。”嘴角弯着,柳瑶撒娇地撅嘴道。 Okay good, as you like.” Jiang Chen said with a smile, right, your dramatic team did have the movie backup of digital version?” “好好好,随你吧。”江晨笑着说道,“对了,你们剧组有没有数字版的电影备份?” Digital version? Has, but do you want that to do?” Liu Yao asked puzzled. “数字版?有啊,可你要那个干什么啊?”柳瑶不解地问道。 Helps me look for your dramatic team to beat one, said that I plan to keep as a commemoration.” “帮我找你们剧组拷一份,就说我打算留个纪念。” Keeps as a commemoration? Liu Yao doubt crooked tilting the head. 留个纪念?柳瑶狐疑地歪了歪头。 If others request before the movie opens copy digit version, the director is inevitably impossible to agree. But Jiang Chen after all is the only capital of entire movie, one hundred million are he pounds, but the director is not the major suit. Therefore regarding his request, the director is impossible to reject. 如果别人要求在电影上映之前拷贝数字版,导演必然不可能同意。可江晨毕竟是整部电影的唯一资方,一个亿都是他砸出来的,而导演又不是什么大牌。所以对于他的要求,导演是不可能拒绝的。 Good. However you cannot pass to online go, words that the advance version flows out, regarding the box office influence of movie is very big.” Liu Yao requested low voice. “好吧。但是你可不能传到网上去哟,先行版流出的话,对于电影的票房影响可是非常大的。”柳瑶小声地请求道。 Relax, how saying that I also spent 1 hundred million, how possibly to make others look free.” Jiang Chen spits the mortise. “放心,怎么说我也花了一个亿,怎么可能让别人免费看。”江晨吐槽道。 Hears this, Liu Yao felt relieved, hee hee smiled. 听到这,柳瑶就放心了,嘻嘻地笑了起来。 Un! You were best! Right, can disclose that under you do prepare to do with that digital version?” “嗯!你最好了!对了对了,能透露下你准备用那数字版来干什么吗?” Jiang Chen smiles. 江晨神秘一笑。 Naturally was accompanies you to watch the movie.” “当然是陪你看电影了。” Watches the movie?” Although very joyful Jiang Chen wants to read own work, but Liu Yao was still puzzled crooked tilting the head, „didn't we reach an agreement go to the movie theater to look together? User Experience of digital version, surely does not have the effect of movie theater to be good.” “看电影?”虽然很欣喜江晨想要看自己的作品,但柳瑶依然是困惑地歪了歪头,“我们不是说好一起去电影院看吗?数字版的体验,肯定没有电影院的效果好吧。” Relax, in my villa has the home theater, 600 ten thousand USD that the effect is not worse than the movie theater.” Jiang Chen said with a smile badly. “放心,我的别墅里有家庭影院,600万美元的那种,效果不比电影院差。”江晨坏笑道。 Jiang Chen's smiles badly makes Liu Yao think that faintly some anxious, got up lightly pressed elegantly. 江晨的坏笑隐隐让柳瑶觉得有些“不安”,不由轻蹙起了秀美。 Looks in the home theater...... , good. Always felt that you are having any bad idea.” “在家庭影院看……唔,好吧。总感觉你在打什么坏主意。” „Couldn't you guess correctly?” Jiang Chen does intentionally the surprise. “你猜不到?”江晨故作诧异。 Could not guess correctly.” Liu Yao makes an effort to shake the head. “猜不到。”柳瑶使劲摇了摇头。 I prompt your, electrical discharge shadow time, you sit on me.” Jiang Chen said with a smile evilly. “那我提示你一下,放电影的时候,你坐在我身上。”江晨邪恶地笑道。 Hears that ridiculing low voice, Liu Yao immediately face one red, immediately understands this scoundrel is hitting what wicked scheme. 听到那戏谑地小声,柳瑶顿时脸一红,立刻明白了这坏蛋在打什么鬼主意。 Deceased person, good perverted!” “死人,好变.态啊!” Well? I always felt that your sound is quite excited.” Does not care about the service person who serves food to look at itself strangely, Jiang Chen hā hā said with a smile. “咦?我总感觉你的声音好兴奋。”也不在意上菜的服务员怪异地看着自己,江晨哈哈笑道。 Ahem, paid no attention to you, I booked the airplane ticket.” “哼哼,不理你了,我去订机票了。” Then, Liu Yao then made the telephone call. 说完,柳瑶便挂了电话。 Booked the airplane ticket? But also is really dislikes the body to be honest. 去订机票了?啧啧,还真是口嫌体正直。 The Jiang Chen mood made the telephone call joyfully, takes up the chopsticks to start to enjoy the present dinner.( To be continued.) 江晨心情愉悦地挂了电话,拿起筷子开始享用起眼前的晚餐。(未完待续。)
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