IHAMITLOD :: Volume #5

#462: Future Mining production

7000 meters track, seems algae in the sea, as the ocean current drags slowly. 7000米长的轨道,在海中就好似一尾海藻,随着洋流缓缓地摇曳。 500 meters graphene track, both sides link up by the titanium alloy link. But 14 partition tracks, composed this from steps of deep sea under 7000 meters to epicontinental sea. 500米长的石墨烯轨道,两端由钛合金环衔接。而14根分段轨道,组成了这道从7000米下的深海通往浅海的阶梯。 Whole set orbital construction cost 5,000,000 subcrystal, is almost equivalent to NAC one month of food total trade volume. 整套轨道造价500万亚晶,几乎相当于na一个月的食品贸易总额。 In complete equipment, construction cost highest is that 15 titanium alloy links. Not is only playing the role of fixed graphene track, simultaneously may control the water depth like submarine freely. And according to the ocean current direction, that titanium alloy link may also through the leaf blade engines of four angles, make the reverse direction the movement, to prevent the huge tidal force tearing entire graphene track. 整套设备中,造价最高的便是那15根钛合金环。其不但起着固定石墨烯轨道的作用,同时可像潜艇那样自如控制所处水深。并且根据洋流方向,那钛合金环还可通过四个角度的叶片引擎,做相反方向的运动,以防止庞大的潮汐力撕裂整个石墨烯轨道。 When the Droplet mechanical arm that 6 meters, 2 meters in diameter ellipsoid elevator lays aside after the bottom track, whole set seabed mining installment was the thorough deployment is then completed. 水滴的机械臂将那六米长,直径2米的椭圆体“升降梯”放置在底部轨道之后,整套海底采矿装置便算是彻底部署完成了。 The underwater two suckers twist broken the marine facies sedimetary rock, then the disruption clod will transport through the graphene hose to cylinder. The cylinder after the preliminary dressing, conducts two disruption to the clod. The degree of hardness bad sedimetary rock was pressed the powder dust, blows in entering the sea through the strainer directly. But the degree of hardness big manganese nodule can through screening, was escorted to top elevator. 水下的两个吸盘将海相沉积岩绞碎,然后通过石墨烯软管将碎裂岩块运送到“圆筒”中。圆筒经过初步选矿,对岩块进行二次碎裂。硬度较差的沉积岩被压成碎末,通过筛网直接吹入海中。而硬度较大的锰结核则能够通过筛选,被送往顶部的“升降梯”。 After the elevator fills up the mineral, partition graphene guide rail grading circular telegram. The entire ellipsoid like the Electromagnetic Artillery shell, was accelerated to escort to the epicontinental sea region by the graphene guide rail. 当升降梯填满矿物之后,分段石墨烯导轨次第通电。整个椭圆体就像电磁炮的炮弹一样,被石墨烯导轨加速送往浅海区域。 When the mineral was delivered the depth when about 100 meters epicontinental sea, at this time can also conduct the fishing with the equipment of present world. 等矿物被送达深度在100米左右的浅海时,这时候用现世的设备也能够进行打捞了。 The staff of standby in offshore platform, only needs according to the signal that under the sea transmits, confirmed that after having the mineral delivers, sends out the salvage ship, will deliver to fish to 100 meters deep mineral with the diver and drag net to be able. 待命在海上平台的工作人员,只需要根据海下传来的信号,确认有矿物送上来后,派出打捞船,用潜水员和拖网将送至100米深度的矿物捞起来便可。 Waits for the mineral accumulation of offshore platform to the certain amount, again with transporting the ore ship refines toward the Ange Island manganese nodule refinery in his. The Country of Xin iron, manganese and molybdenum that at the appointed time produce no longer need to rely on to import, indenpendently produce can also meet the Ange Island industrial need. 等海上平台的矿物积累到一定数量,再用运矿船将其拉往安加岛的锰结核精炼厂中进行提炼。届时生产的新国的铁、锰、钼将不再需要依赖进口,自行生产也能满足安加岛的工业需求。 After finishing all these, Jiang Chen deployed two in seabed by 3D Printing manufacture ocean current Group generator, supplies power for the whole mining facility. 忙完这一切之后,江晨又在海底部署了两个由3d打印制作的洋流发电机,为整套采矿设施供电。 Is counted [The Droplet 1], the construction cost of whole facility has broken through 7,000,000 subcrystal. 算上水滴一号,整套设施的造价已经突破700万亚晶 Although somewhat expensive is without doubt, but Jiang Chen believes that this investment is definitely worth. 虽然有些昂贵是无疑的,但江晨相信这投资肯定是值得。 If nothing else. Even if at the Sixth Block current price on market, 1 kilogram molybdenum ore price has almost 10 subcrystal, so long as mined 700 tons molybdenum ore, this qualification almost came back. 别的不说。哪怕是以第六街区的市场价,一公斤钼矿的价格差不多就有十亚晶,只要开采了700吨钼矿,这本钱差不多就回来了。 But this seabed manganese nodule mineral deposit reserves, far more than by a 1 million ton idea? 而这海底的锰结核矿床的储量,何止是以百万吨计? Whole set mining equipment, picks ten years of complete does not have any issue in the current sea area. 整套采矿设备,在当前海域采上个十年完全没有任何问题。 After returning to Coconut Fruit Island, Jiang Chen then gives Yang Yuan to telephone, the matter that can begin to mine and he said. 返回了椰果岛之后,江晨便给杨远打了个电话过去,将可以开工采矿的事和他说了。 „Has the issue of seabed mining been solved?” After hearing Jiang Chen saying that can send the worker to the offshore platform worked, Yang Yuan immediately the surprise asks. 海底采矿的问题已经解决了?”当听到江晨说可以派工人到海上平台工作后,杨远当即诧异地问道。 Right. The concrete mining flow my a while issues you through the mail. Transports the ore ship, fishes the ore ship, two divers, an observation personnel, useful general idea on these things.” Jiang Chen said with a smile. “没错。具体的采矿流程我一会儿通过邮件发给你。一条运矿船,一条捞矿船,两名潜水员,一名观测人员,用得上的大概就这些东西。”江晨笑道。 Yang Yuan suspected that frowns. 杨远怀疑地皱起了眉头。 „But how do you fish from deep sea the ore? Do not tell me to make the diver go to 7500 meters deep sea to take the awl chisel.” “可你怎么把矿从深海捞上来?你别告诉我让潜水员去7500米深海拿锥子凿。” When my idiot?” Jiang Chen ridicules saying that ok, this you did not need to worry, I have solved. A while my mail issues you. You knew whole set mining equipment what's the matter. The Future Group most advanced technique, should not be scared when the time comes.” “当我白痴吗?”江晨笑骂道,“行了,这你不用担心,我已经解决好了。一会儿我邮件发给你。你就知道整套采矿设备是怎么回事了。未来人集团的尖端技术,到时候别吓着。” Yang Yuan slanting cell phone. 杨远斜了手机一眼。 Cracking a joke. How to say again I also the graduate student who graduates from University of Western Australia, read the research's first year to sign the outstanding student of contract with Rio Tinto Mining Company. What mining equipment hasn't seen? 开玩笑。再怎么说我也是从西澳大学毕业的研究生,还是读研第一年就和力拓矿业公司签了合约的高材生。什么采矿设备没见过? He heard that for the first time has thing that can fish the ore from the sea next 7000 meters. 他还是第一次听说有能从海下7000米捞矿的东西。 Good, you passed to me to say the mail again.” “好吧,你把邮件传给我再说吧。” Un, waiting.” “嗯,等着。” Then, Jiang Chen then made the telephone call, then edited a mail conveniently. Sent to him the concept map and electronic files of usage-style that mining equipment. 说完,江晨便挂了电话,接着随手编辑了个邮件。将那个采矿设备的概念图和使用方式的电子档给他发了过去。 After making the telephone call, after Yang Yuan grasps the cell phone was waiting for a half minute, only listens to buzz one, the mail then to pass to the cell phone. 挂电话后,杨远握着手机等待了半分钟后,只听嗡的一声,邮件便传到了手机上。 Opened the mail halfly believing and half doubting, Yang Yuan glanced over that electronic files that Jiang Chen sent. 将信将疑地打开了邮件,杨远浏览起了江晨发来的那个电子档。 From the beginning he also thinks otherwise to this mining equipment. Thinks that Boss has not undergone his reference to buy the equipment, which was definitely intended to suppose package that specially prepares. Skin company deceiving. 一开始他还对这个采矿设备不以为然。认为老板没经过他的参考就买了设备,肯定是被哪个专门出手假设备的包.皮公司给骗了。 But when he sees half, that wipes the color of shock in his brain to be then getting more and more obvious. 可当他看到一半的时候,那抹震惊之色在他的脑中便越来越明显了。 This, this is impossible. Cracks a joke, makes the Science Fiction piece?” The finger skids on the screen unceasingly, Yang Yuan muttered said. “这,这不可能。开什么玩笑,拍科幻片么?”手指不断地在屏幕上滑动,杨远喃喃自语地说道。 Did not say other, said that column shape mining equipment, even if builds with the titanium material, in so deep underwater long-term work, very difficult insurance is not pressed a ball by the huge hydraulic pressure. That buckle in bowl-shaped mining of ground, light/only looks on the appearance of no compressive resistance. 不说别的,就说那个圆柱状的采矿设备,即便是用钛合金材料打造的,在如此深度的水下长时间作业,也很难保不会被庞大的水压压成一个球。还有那个扣在地上的碗状采矿器,光是看着就没什么抗压力的样子。 As for that long and narrow electromagnetic guiding track...... 至于那个狭长的电磁导轨…… By the current material and technical standards, are impossible to realize this set of mining equipment! 以当今的材料、技术水平,根本不可能实现这套采矿设备! Finger of Yang Yuan fast, is skidding downward the documents. How should work about these marine staff, has the detailed record in this documents. 杨远的手指动的飞快,向下滑动着文档。关于那些海上员工该如何工作,在这个文档里都有详细的记录。 When sees the last line, he gawked under. 当看到最后一行时,他愣了下。 This documents are the Future Group house document, refusing the copy to circulate for perusal secretly. Except that the marine work regulation part, the seabed equipment concept map and other sensitive documents please in 24 hours after reading delete 【本文档为未来人集团内部文件,严禁私自拷贝传阅。除海上工作细则部分,海底设备概念图等敏感文件请于阅读后24小时内删除】 At this time, Yang Yuan suddenly thought, this mining equipment seemed like the Future Group production. 这时,杨远突然想起来,这个采矿设备似乎是未来人集团生产的。 This fellow, is also hiding many secrets.” Yang Yuan helpless shaking the head. “这家伙,到底还藏着多少秘密。”杨远无奈的摇了摇头。 Hesitant, Yang Yuan will defer to the last line of warning contents, the part besides marine work regulation will erase completely. 犹豫了下,杨远将还是按照最后一行的警告内容,将除了海上工作细则之外的部分全部删掉了。 Stands up, he walks toward the entrance direction immediately. 站起身来,他立刻向门口的方向走去。 „Can A'Yuan, go out?” Prepared dinner Su Fei to shout the sound in the kitchen. 阿远,要出去了吗?”在厨房准备着晚餐的苏菲喊了声。 Un, the matter on work.” Yang Yuan wore the shoes hurriedly, goes out. “嗯,工作上的事。”杨远急匆匆地穿上了鞋子,出了门。 Matter that although arranges the staff, he can also achieve through the telephone, but he could not have repressed to want under the experience that mining to install at this moment with own eyes. really was inconceivable, if did not have a look at that thing with own eyes, he thought that perhaps oneself will unable to sleep. 虽然安排员工的事,他通过电话也可以做到,但他此刻已经按捺不住想要亲眼见识下那个采矿装置了。简直是不可思议了,如果不亲眼看看那东西,他觉得自己恐怕会睡不着觉。 Looks that runs the boyfriend who urgently goes out outside, with the entrance disorderly shoes, Su Fei sighed slightly, put the stainless steel basin on the table of kitchen. 看着火急火燎跑出门外的男友,和门口凌乱的鞋,苏菲微微叹了口气,将不锈钢盆搁在了厨房的桌上。 Although arrived here time initially is very excited, has the villa to have sea beach also had the champagne of being able to drink up with not being able to finish eating the seafood. However the time grew, she always thought that this type far away from the luxury of city, imagines with her some life differences. 虽然当初来到这里的时候还挺兴奋的,有别墅有海滩还有喝不完的香槟与吃不完的海鲜。然而时间长了,她总觉得这种远离城市的奢华,和她想象中的生活有些差别。 Washes the hands, she returned to the second floor bedroom, lay brushes the scarf on the bed. 洗了个手,她回到了二楼的卧室,趴在床上刷起了围脖来。 Also only then saw the reply that domestic sisters envy, can make her vanity obtain the small fill. 也只有看到国内姐妹们羡慕的回复,才能让她的虚荣心得到小小的填补了。 However when she is brushing the scarf, suddenly noticed to have one not to read the private letter. 不过就在她刷着围脖的时候,突然注意到了有一条未读私信。 Who sends in?” “谁发来的?” Whispered low voice the sentence, she selected that air bubble.( To be continued.) 小声嘀咕了句,她点开了那个气泡。(未完待续。)
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