IHAMITLOD :: Volume #5

#461: deep sea construction

Because of the Droplet modeling, its , in the water shuttles back and forth almost does not have the resistance. The time of a blink then can start out beyond dozens meters, Jiang Chen looks on the speed measuring appliance Speed: 75 nautical miles / hour 因为水滴的造型,其在水中穿梭的时候几乎是毫无阻力。一眨眼的功夫便能开出数十米外,江晨看着速度仪表上的【航速:75海里/小时】 My goodness, this Your Mother list from the speed, has been able to end to explode the world's quickest submarine.” Looks seabed that under foot that speeds away, Jiang Chen cannot bear say after a sigh. “好家伙,这尼玛单从速度来看,已经能完爆世界最快的潜艇了吧。”看着脚下那疾驰的海底,江晨忍不住感叹道。 He remembers that at present the world's quickest submarine is Russia p level cruise missile nuclear submarine, the maximum velocity reaches 44.7. But this [The Droplet 1] speed achieved terrorist|terrifying 75 unexpectedly. 他记得目前世界上最快的潜艇俄国的p级巡航导弹核潜艇,最大速度达44.7节。而这个水滴1号的航速竟是达到了恐怖的75节。 Does not know in that legend also superconductivity magnetic fluid submarine in research and development, with his hip. How next " mountcompares. 就是不知道那个传说中还在研发中的超导磁流体潜艇,和他胯.下的这辆“坐骑”比起来如何。 The seabed reef is rugged, deep green algae dances like the boundless forest. The colorful school of fish shuttles back and forth in the sea recklessly, the jellyfish and squid dance lightly accompanied by air bubble, all these change to glimpses on the Droplet wall. 海底礁石嶙峋,深绿色的海藻如林海般婆娑。五彩斑斓的鱼群在海中肆意穿梭,水母与鱿鱼在气泡的伴奏下翩翩起舞,这一切都在水滴的墙壁上化作一道道掠影。 In addition, Jiang Chen also saw the shark in legend. 除此之外,江晨还看到了传说中的鲨鱼。 When Droplet from its side process, that big fellow like had not noticed that resulted to Droplet ignores, turns around then to vanish in the Jiang Chen's line of sight. 当“水滴”从它身旁经过的时候,那个大家伙就像没有看到似得对“水滴”不理不睬,转身间便消失在了江晨的视线之中。 As gradual increase of depth, the ray from sea level is then getting more and more dark, that deep blue house arrest feeling also even more obvious. Jiang Chen did not determine whether oneself has the deep sea phobophobia, but switched off the broad angle camera, only before on the dead ahead screen retained, left and right, the latter four Windows. 随着深度的逐渐增加,来自海面的光线便越来越暗,那深蓝色的幽闭感也越发的明显。江晨不确定自己是否有深海恐惧症,但还是关掉了广角度摄像头,只在正前方的屏幕上保留了前、左、右、后四个视窗。 [The Droplet 1], we already to which?” 水滴一号,我们已经到哪儿了?” Also is 100 nautical miles from the target location.” “距离目标位置还有100海里。” Do 100 nautical miles, have one hour in other words probably? 100海里,也就是说大概还有一个小时吗? Sees the time also to have a while, Jiang Chen then sets out to walk toward the living cabin. 见时间还有一会儿,江晨便起身向生活舱内走去。 In the living cabin the layout is very compact. The left and right the bed that is placed two belt/bring nylons to take away, if raises the bed. Can extract the bed bottom the table and closet. Sized up an internal structure of submersibles interestingly, Jiang Chen told after the submersibles arrived at the position, awakened him. Then sneaked on the sleeping bag bed, rested the moment. 生活舱内布局很紧凑。左右两边分列着两张带尼龙扣的床,如果将床掀起。便可抽出床底的桌子和衣柜。饶有兴趣地打量了一番潜水器的内部构造,江晨吩咐潜水器到达位置后再叫醒他。然后便钻进了睡袋似的床上,小憩了片刻。 After one hour, under the gentle ting, Jiang Chen opened the eyes. 一小时后,在轻柔的铃声下,江晨睁开了双眼。 After getting out of bed, returned to the cockpit, he looked at controlled the panel, stared in a big way the eye surprisedly. 下了床后,回到了驾驶舱内,他将目光投向了操控面板,不由惊讶地瞪大了眼睛。 Is here then under 7500 meters sea? 这里便是7500米的海下吗? Darkness that this is too deep to see the bottom, the life-forbidden zone in this legend. 这深不见底的黑暗,这传说中的生命禁区。 In the trim region, can see is only left over that say/way to inject the seabed light beam from Droplet. The black shining rock is reflecting the clear glimmer under the ray of searchlight. Alarmed benthonic organism is hovering the cilium, flees toward all around darkness slowly. 整片区域中,可以看见的仅剩下那道从水滴前端射入海底的光柱。黑的发亮的岩石在探照灯的光芒下反射着粼粼微光。被惊扰的底栖生物游动着纤毛,缓缓地向着四周的黑暗逃离。 Except for these modeling strange seabed lifeform, the opening of seabed rock shell spouts the scalding hot air bubble once for a while. That dark-red flame, seems like the volcano to be the same, is fermenting the terrorist|terrifying energy. 除了那些造型稀奇古怪的海底生物,海底岩壳的裂口时不时地喷出灼热的气泡。那暗红色的火光,就好像是火山一样,酝酿着恐怖的能量。 At this time, one ten several meters, the sea fish of platy approached the Droplet body side slowly. Which the head of dish shape could not find the eye , the tooth of Spike shape seems like is really scary. It is sizing up Droplet curiously, but also bumped it with the mouth. But was quick it then to receive an electric shock to result to swim two meters. Did not return escapes. 这时,一条十数米长,扁平状的海鱼慢悠悠地靠近了水滴身侧。碟子状的头上找不到眼睛在哪,长钉状的牙齿看上去甚是骇人。它好奇地打量着水滴,还用嘴巴去碰了碰它。但很快它便触电似得游开了两米。头也不回地逃掉了。 The static electricity action of driving away equipment of Droplet surface can make most deep sea lifeform lose the interest in it, on the one hand this is to protect the security of submersibles, on the other hand also to protect the securities of these seabed lifeform. 水滴表面的静电驱赶装置能让绝大多数的深海生物对其失去兴趣,一方面这是为了保护潜水器的安全,另一方面也是为了保护这些海底生物的安全。 Has not been continue play, mineral resource distribution of Jiang Chen quick basis mark on map. Manual is controlling [The Droplet 1], moved the above of rich molybdenum manganese nodule ore. 没有在继续玩了,江晨很快根据标记在地图上的矿产资源分布。手动操控着水滴一号,移动到了富钼锰结核矿的上方。 Throws mining module.” After confirming the target location, the Jiang Chen sinking sound ordered. “投抛采矿模块。”确认目标位置后,江晨沉声下令道。 Compliant. Mr. Commodore.” Artificial Intelligence replied politely. “遵命。舰长先生。”人工智能礼貌地回答道。 Quick, is hanging then separates with Droplet in the Droplet bottom cylinder. A series of long and narrow air bubble strings from cylinder behind discharges. Promotes the fish to be similar the cylinder slowly to flutter toward the goal clod. 很快,悬挂在水滴底部的圆筒便与水滴分离开来。一连串狭长的气泡串从圆筒的后部排出。推动着鱼类似得圆筒向着目标岩块缓缓飘去。 100 meters. 100米。 50 meters. 50米。 10 meters. 十米。 The searchlight closely locks that cylinder, Jiang Chen is gazing at this steadily. 探照灯紧紧地锁定着那圆筒,江晨目不转睛地注视着这一幕。 Clod embed of deep black in the grey black agillaceous rock. Is scattered such as the cobblestone path -like landscape. Saw only that cylinder to stop slowly above the black rock layer, the engine burnt out slowly. 黑色的岩块镶嵌在灰黑色的泥质岩中。错落着如鹅卵石路般的景观。只见那圆筒缓缓地停在了黑色的岩层上方,身后的引擎缓缓熄火。 Jiang Chen swept map on the screen, sees only green marks the submersibles position, already with the red point superposition of mineralization point center. 江晨扫了眼屏幕上的地图,只见标识着潜水器方位的绿点,已经和矿点中心的红点重合。 , The Jiang Chen sinking sound ordered: mining module, launches!” 顿了顿,江晨沉声下令道:“采矿模块,展开!” Compliant.” “遵命。” The bottom of that cylinder jumped out a series of air bubbles, suddenly is dragging the graphene cable nail chisel together to seabed. The cable stretches straight, cylinder to the ground, stopped slowly in close to a seabed roughly 3 meters position. 那圆筒的底端窜出了一连串的气泡,突然一道拖着石墨烯缆绳钉子凿向了海底。缆绳绷直,缓缓地将圆筒拉向了地面,停在了靠近海底约莫三米的位置。 The cylinder launches slowly, the both sides cabin doors expanded slowly outward, emitted 2 such as the missile common thing. The missile is roughly 5 meters, roughly 1 meter in diameter, the cabin of end by the graphene pipeline and cylinder is connected. 圆筒缓缓地展开,两侧的舱门缓缓向外扩展,放出了二枚如导弹一般的物件。导弹长约莫5米,直径约莫1米,尾部由石墨烯管道与圆筒内舱相连。 Sees only these 2 rounds of missiles after the cylinder separates, immediately bullet|warhead sinks, the end sprays one string of mist, promoting the missile to hit to seabed. 只见这二发导弹在与圆筒分离之后,立刻弹头下沉,尾部喷射出一串水雾,推动着导弹撞向海底 bullet|warhead deeply submerged in the rock mass. 弹头深深地潜入了岩体中。 Then happened like one marvelously! 接着如同奇迹般的一幕发生了! Rear bullet|warhead explodes fiercely, explodes one string of air bubbles at the same time, such as open an umbrella opened a radius approximately ten meters round arc roof panel. The roof panel dropped slowly, buckles on that smooth seabed rock mass. 弹头尾部猛地爆开,炸出一串气泡的同时,如撑伞般打开了一张半径约十米的圆弧形顶盖。顶盖缓缓地下降,扣在了那平整的海底岩体上。 Looks from afar, seems like by a big cylinder, with the graphene pipe coupling two bowl that backs off in seabed. 远远地望上去,就好像是由一个大圆筒,用石墨烯管连接着两个倒扣在海底的碗。 mining module has deployed, please deploy transport module.” 采矿模块已经部署完毕,请部署运输模块。” The well-mannered electronic sound resounds again, pulls back from shock of science and technology Jiang Chen. 彬彬有礼的电子音再次响起,将江晨从科技的震撼中拉了回来。 So-called transport module, is actually four graphene guide rails, with an elevation mechanism of ellipsoid. Because these thing volumes are big, therefore Jiang Chen has not carried in the submersibles. After all has storage space this type of thing, object belt/bring to seabed really at easy matter. 所谓运输模块,其实就是四根石墨烯导轨,和一个椭圆体的升降器。由于这些东西体积较大,所以江晨没有携带在潜水器中。毕竟有着储物空间这种东西,将物体带到海底实在是在轻松不过的事了。 Moors [The Droplet 1], Jiang Chen returns to that side Last of Days immediately, arrived in the backyard of villa. At this moment here is depositing his Dolphin-10 and big pile of graphene guide rails that go out of the Sixth Block factory. 水滴一号下锚,江晨立刻返回了末世那边,来到了别墅的后院中。此刻这里正存放着他的海豚-10和一大堆从第六街区工厂中走出的石墨烯导轨。 In the 7000 many meters deep sea environment, the common material is very difficult to withstand this hydraulic pressure, therefore very intensive graphene material then applies. 七千多米的深海环境中,一般的材料很难承受住这种水压,所以高强度的石墨烯材料便派上了用场。 After these materials throw storage space, Jiang Chen again returned to [The Droplet 1]. 将这些材料扔到储物空间后,江晨再次返回了水滴一号内。 The hand pasted on the cabin door, the consciousness sank to storage space, quick, that dozens are bundling the graphene guide rail then put in extravehicular. 手贴在了舱门上,意识沉入储物空间中,很快,那数十根捆着的石墨烯导轨便投放到了舱外。 Then Jiang Chen followed a set pattern travelled several times in the present world and Last of Days, threw all architecture materials beside Droplet. 接着江晨又如法炮制地在现世和末世往返了几次,将所有的建筑材料都投在了水滴之外。 Ordered [The Droplet 1] to raise anchor, then Jiang Chen then ordered intelligent Artillery System to start to construct, these graphene guide rails and fixed buoys, in blueprint splicing according to memory in the above of mining module. 下令水滴一号起锚,接着江晨便命令智能系统开始施工,将那些石墨烯导轨和固定浮标,按照内存中的图纸拼接在采矿模块的上方。 The remaining matters have not needed him to operate personally, looks at that 5 hours of construction time, Jiang Chen had a yawn, returned to the living cabin. 剩下的事已经无需他亲手操作了,看着那五小时的施工时间,江晨打了个哈欠,回到了生活舱中。 All operations can give Artificial Intelligence to do. 所有的操作都能交给人工智能来做。 Only needs to return to the living cabin to sleep as Commodore he, after the waiting construction is completed, can return.( To be continued.) 身为舰长的他只需要回到生活舱中睡一觉,等待施工完成后,便可返航。(未完待续。)
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