IHAMITLOD :: Volume #5

#460: [The Droplet 1]

In order to the biological research institute person studies foreign-species, Jiang Chen told that Xu Lu established a foreign-species collection post outside the No. 27 Camp wall, for experiment body that placing to seize, facilitates the researcher to conduct genetic modification and breeding experiment. As for the matter of foreign-species seizing, Jiang Chen gave Hunter Army to do. 为了便于生物研究所的人研究异种,江晨吩咐徐璐27号营地墙外设置了一个异种收容所,用于安置抓捕来的实验体,方便研究员进行基因改造以及育种实验。至于异种抓捕的事,江晨则交给了追猎者兵团去做。 Under coordination of Transporter-51 and Power Armor, except for seizing Death Claw and so on foreign-species is quite difficult outside, catches other foreign-species should not be the difficult matter. 运直-51动力装甲的配合下,除了抓捕死爪之类的异种比较困难外,捕捉其它的异种应该都不是什么难事。 All experiments will be conducted outside the fence, any foreign-species of escaping in the machine gun and Electromagnetic Artillery by fence strikes to kill directly, then also avoided not controllable event. 所有的实验都将在围墙外进行,任何逃脱的异种都将被围墙上的机枪和电磁炮直接击杀,如此一来也就避免了不可控事件的发生。 Confessed after these matters, Jiang Chen then took the helicopter that rushed to return to Fishbone Base. 交代完这些事之后,江晨便乘坐赶来的直升机返回了鱼骨头基地 After returning to the base, Jiang Chen went to a warehouse while convenient, threw toward storage space in T-3 Power Armor, mechanical exoskeleton, Ripper Rifle and other equipment. After storage space reset, in entire 300 cubic meter space of is only left over escaping death by a hair's breadth lasersword, emptily is really makes one have no security sense. 回到基地后,江晨又顺便去了一趟仓库,将t-3动力装甲机械外骨骼撕裂者步枪等装备都往储物空间中扔了一件。储物空间重置了之后,整个三百立方米的空间内就只剩下一把幸免于难的激光剑,空空荡荡地实在是让人没什么安全感。 After marching the City Center matter also needs to wait for a recuperation, can conduct, that beaming rocket being developed, is the ammunition reserve in base, after undergoing such a consumption, must supplement. 进军市中心的事还需要等待一番休整后才能进行,无论是那个正在研发中的集束火箭,还是基地内的弹药储备,经过了这么一番消耗之后都得进行补充。 Let alone, this subcrystal everywhere also waits for the person to pick the corpse. 更何况,这满地的亚晶还等着人去捡尸。 Thereupon, Jiang Chen and Han Junhua discussed, will decide in view of the capturing/raiding action of City Center in mid September. 于是乎,江晨韩君华商议了一番之后,将针对市中心的攻略行动定在了9月中旬。 The breeding cycle of lifeform was not short, passes through this washed, even recuperation one month. foreign-species and zombie quantity will not increase many. 生物的繁殖周期不算短,经过了这番洗地,即便是休整一个月。异种丧尸的数量也不会增加多少。 Saw not to have the place that the need he helped, Jiang Chen then to return to that side the present world. 见没有需要他帮忙的地方,江晨便返回了现世那边。 20 days of time limits almost arrived. Now he has wanted to have a look at the Project Robot effect impatiently. Solves as soon as possible the matter of mining, Future Mining also good to begin as soon as possible. Virtual Helmet also good to go into production as soon as possible. 20天的时限差不多到了。现在他已经迫不及待地想要看看工程机器人的效果。尽早把采矿的事情解决完,未来人矿业也好尽早开工。虚拟头盔也好尽早投产。 Comes out from the Koro Island villa, went to the cell phone selling area on the way, reissued the calling card at the same time, Jiang Chen bought the new cell phone belt/bring casually on the body. 科罗岛的别墅出来,顺路去了趟手机营业厅,补办了电话卡的同时,江晨又随便买了个新手机带在身上。 Although Yao Yao is helping his diy new cell phone, but buys a cell phone to transit is quite good after all before then. After all in this Informatization time, without the cell phone looks like the primitive man same is not convenient. 虽然姚姚正在帮他diy新手机,但毕竟在此之前还是买个手机过渡一下比较好。毕竟在这个信息化的时代,没有手机就像是原始人一样不方便。 After getting through these terrible business, Jiang Chen then drives the speed boat to arrive on Coconut Fruit Island alone. Just approached the islands, he discovered by far cultivated that to construct the onshore nearby dock to finish. 办完这些麻烦事之后,江晨便独自开着快艇来到椰果岛上。才刚刚靠近岛屿,他远远地就发现修那个建在岸边上的船坞已经完工了。 The architecture main body is the coagulation dirt wall, the crown is camouflaged by the iron-covered awning. The interior is concave the water trough. On a size basis, since compares these to move over a hundred meters dry dock, this small-scale dock can only describe with pocket-sized. 建筑主体为混凝土墙,顶部由铁皮棚遮蔽。内部则是个“凹”型的水槽。从规模上看,相比起那些动则上百米长的干船坞来说,这个小型船坞只能用袖珍来形容。 However although was pocket-sized, but a dock should have the structure that is very comprehensive. After if needed, but can also conduct not to expand again? 不过虽然是袖珍了点,但一个船坞该有的结构还是很全面的。而且如果以后有需要的话,还能够再进行拓宽不是吗? Drags to come ashore the speed boat, Jiang Chen first moved toward the material depositing point. 将快艇拖上岸,江晨先是走向了材料存放点。 Sees only that two Project Robot to stand by in same place material point awaits orders, after completing constructs mission, they automatically will then enter the dormant state. 只见那两个工程机器人正站在原地材料点旁边待命,完成建造任务之后,他们便会自动进入休眠状态。 The steel bar and bituminous cement that architecture needs also had sandy soil and other building materials to be similar, the construction blasting explosive that the reef that consumed used also almost exhausted. Served as the fuel rod of battery also to consume 6. After the surplus building materials will recycle in storage space, Jiang Chen moved toward again placed the drone terminal in jungle. 建筑需要的钢筋、防腐水泥还有砂土等建材已经消耗的差不多了,炸礁用的施工炸药也几乎耗尽。用作电池的燃料棒也消耗了六根。将剩余的建材回收到储物空间内后,江晨再次走向了安置在丛林中的无人机终端。 Sees only that Hive shape drone terminal calm to treat very much there, most drone stop in the sufficient electric potential awaits orders, outside sea beach of few part patrols near jungle. 只见那个蜂巢状的无人机终端很安静地待在那里,绝大多数无人机都停在充电位上待命,少部分在丛林外的海滩边上游弋。 Data line continually on ep. Inspected under the detection record of drone, confirmed after no one approaches this island, Jiang Chen then captures the data line. Walks in the direction of dock. 将数据线直连在ep上。检查了下无人机的侦查记录,确认没有人靠近这座岛之后,江晨便拔掉数据线。向着船坞的方向走去。 Opened the cabin door, Jiang Chen then saw that floated the deep sea submersibles on water surface. 拉开舱门,江晨便见到了那艘浮在水面上的深海潜水器。 Long, width, high respectively is 9 meters and 3 meters with 4 meters. The hull of Droplet shape. The outer covering is smooth and smooth. 长、宽、高分别是九米、三米与四米。水滴形的艇身。外壳光滑而平整。 Rear end in-line has t the structure, both sides water inlet sends in the water the engine uninterruptedly turbo-charged. Simultaneously rear end water jet sprays the high-pressured water current. Has the hydraulic pressure bad squeeze effect in the rear inclined outer covering, with the dual function of rear end waterjet propulsion, can make this/should submersibles finish attending in the speed wins present world all submarine. 后端内嵌有“t”型构造,两端进水口不间断地将水送入引擎内增压。同时后端喷水口喷射高压水流。在尾部倾斜外壳产生水压差的挤压效应,与后端喷水推进的双重作用下,可以使该潜水器在速度上完胜现世所有潜艇 Droplet front is loaded with two pairs of mechanical arms, may conduct the deep sea environment construction, for project module. The bottom is hanging 8-meter circular cylinder, is mining module. These things have been assembled by Project Robot, the circular telegram is then executable. 水滴”前端装有两对机械臂,可进行深海环境施工,为工程模块。底部挂着的长8米的圆柱体,则为采矿模块。这些东西已经由工程机器人组装完毕,通电便可运行。 The submersibles energy consumption is the electrical energy, the energy slot may post the 100 mm caliber Nuclear Fusion Battery, because does not have the reason of nuclear material, what this Droplet uses is the subcrystal fuel rod. 潜水器消耗能源为电能,能源插槽可置入100mm口径的核聚变电池,不过因为没有核材料的缘故,这款水滴用的是亚晶燃料棒。 The submersibles are equipped with the reduction of fused salts carbon dioxide installment, theoretically wants the electrical energy to be sufficient, can maintain in the submersibles the normal ventilation. 潜水器内置有熔盐电解还原二氧化碳装置,理论上只要电能充足,便可保持潜水器内正常供氧。 Jumps to Droplet the crown, felt swaying of sole, Jiang Chen was squatting cautiously, then tried to find out that in the crown one was similar to the camera equipment. 跳到“水滴”的顶部,感受着脚底的晃荡,江晨小心翼翼地蹲了下来,然后在顶部摸索到了一个类似于摄像头的的设备。 Collected the eye, the Jiang Chen sinking sound said. 将眼睛凑了过去,江晨沉声说道。 activate(d).” 启动。” Iris confirmation passes, welcome you, Commodore.” “虹膜验证通过,欢迎您,舰长。” Cracked a slit from Jiang Chen front one meter position slowly, the reveal. In path a to cabin. 距离江晨前方一米的位置缓缓开裂了一道缝隙,露.出了一道通往舱内的通路。 Collected to look at the eye, after confirming the security, Jiang Chen then jumped. 凑过去看了眼,确认了安全之后,江晨便跳了进去。 Transparent?...... Should not be some image formation function.” “透明的?不……应该是某种成像功能。” After entering in the cabin, the Jiang Chen surprise is observing the situation all around. 进入舱内后,江晨诧异地环视着四周。 Is inconceivable, looked to outside from inside, unexpectedly looks like transparent is the same. 难以想象,从里面向外面看,竟然就像是透明的一样。 Wide Angle Imaging? 广角度成像 Through hiding many omnidirection cameras outside submersibles, presents on the image the screen material in cabin. Stands in this submersibles, places in a gigantic transparent air bubble probably. 通过隐藏在潜水器外侧的多个全角度摄像头,将外界图像呈现在舱内的荧屏材料上。站在这个潜水器中,就好像身处于一个硕大的透明气泡内。 After this magnificent scene sighs with emotion, Jiang Chen went through a narrow cabin door, directly entered in the cockpit, sat in that Commodore position of first. 为这壮观的景象感慨完后,江晨穿过了一道狭窄的舱门,直接进入了驾驶舱内,坐在了首部的那个舰长位上。 It is said this submersibles most components are made by 3D Printing, spend to reach as high as 500,000 subcrystal. However when sees in this when all, Jiang Chen did not think that this expenditure was expensive. 据说这款潜水器绝大多数零件都是由3d打印制成,耗资高达五十万亚晶。不过当看到这里面的一切时,江晨丝毫不觉得这花费昂贵了。 Asking Commodore to be the submersibles names.” The well-mannered electronic sound got up, how prompts Jiang Chen to operate. “请舰长为潜水器命名。”彬彬有礼的电子音响起,提示了江晨该如何操作。 After Jiang Chen thought deeply about the moment, says. 江晨思索了片刻后,开口说道。 [The Droplet 1].” 水滴1号。” Because of the outward appearance to Droplet, that called it Droplet to be good. 因为外观向水滴,那就叫它水滴好了。 Good, [The Droplet 1] at your service, invites Commodore according to the operation manual......” “好的,水滴1号为您服务,请舰长按照操作指南……” Not complex key, with the help of Primary Artificial Intelligence, even a person can still be competent the flying aids that needs the multi- talents to complete. In the Commodore position has two control handles, controls the y axis to move, controls the z axis to rise and fall. In side is the fluent floodgates as well as a series of condition measuring appliances. 没有复杂的按键,在初级人工智能的帮助下,即便是一人也可以胜任需要多人才能完成的驾驶设备。舰长位上有两个操纵杆,一个控制y轴移动,一个控制z轴升降。在旁边是水流闸以及一系列的状态仪表等。 Besides manual operation, can use the automatic operation. According to deep sea submersibles the map in memory, Commodore can through directing tablet or the voice issues the navigation instruction. 除了手动操作外,也可以使用自动操作。根据深海潜水器的存储器中的地图,舰长可以通过指挥平板或者语音下达航行指令。 After plays the operation familiar, Jiang Chen issues the instruction of going to sea with tablet immediately. 当熟悉玩操作之后,江晨立刻用平板下达了出海的指令。 Only behind listens to hear a slight fluent sound, the entire submersibles then turned toward outside the dock the broad sea level to speed away. Has saying that this compared with speed boat anything's interest. Wave hit, although hits in Droplet in outer covering, because actually the bulkhead is transparent, that spray looks that looks like hits is the same. 只听背后传来一丝轻微的水流声,整个潜水器便向着船坞外广阔的海面疾驰了出去。不得不说,这比快艇什么的有意思多了。一个个浪头打过来,虽然是打在“水滴”的外壳上,却因为舱壁是“透明”的,那一个个浪花看着就像是打向人身上一样。 This feeling, seems the surfing general. 这种感觉,就好像冲浪一般。 Looks the spray that around that flies, Jiang Chen ordered again. 看着那四周飞逝的浪花,江晨再次下令道。 Submergence, 100 meters.” “下潜,100米。” Receives.” “收到。” The electronic sound just resounded, Droplet then fiercely to sinking. If will plunge in the water general, all around tide sound disappears to conceal instantaneously. 电子音刚刚响起,水滴便猛地向下沉去。如将头浸入水中一般,四周的海涛声瞬间消匿。 Jiang Chen are paying attention to measuring appliances on hand, the symbols that is indicating the depths beat continuously, finally stopped in 100 meters position. 江晨注意着手边的仪表,那个标示着深度的符号连续跳动,最终停在了100米的位置。 Deeply inspires, represses the excitement of heart, Jiang Chen was establishing Future Mining the Coordinate of marine mining platform on tablet, as well as entered Depth: 7000 meters Parameter. 深吸了一口气,按捺着心头的激动,江晨平板上设定了未来人矿业的海上采矿平台的坐标,以及键入了【深度:7000米】的参数。 Then, his deep breath the one breath, in the intonation took wiped excitedly. 接着,他深呼吸了一口气,语调中带上了一抹兴奋。 [The Droplet 1], sets sail!” 水滴1号,启航!” Compliant, Commodore.” “遵命,舰长。” Toward that gloomily blue profound seabed, Droplet speeds away to go.( To be continued.) 向着那幽蓝深邃的海底,水滴疾驰而去。(未完待续。)
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