IHAMITLOD :: Volume #5

#459: Foreign Species Pasteurization Plan

Cold light lamp twinkle of blue, elevator fast downward landing. 蓝色的冷光灯闪烁,电梯快速向下降落。 Quick, the red indicating lamp jumps green, the elevator stopped under 1000 meters bottom. Lifted the step to arrive at the Sanctuary entrance, Jiang Chen input several passwords in the gate, then pulled inside data line, continually on ep. 很快,红色指示灯跳绿,电梯停在了1000米之下的底部。抬步走到了避难所的大门口,江晨在门上输入了几个密码,然后扯出里面的数据线,直连在了ep上。 【The gene code confirmed that welcome back, Mr. Administrator.】 【基因编码确认,欢迎回来,管理者先生。】 【The Sanctuary front door is in activate(d)......】 避难所大门正在启动……】 Jiang Chen tore off the data line, retreat two steps. Quick, along with the depressed sound, his present that circular shutter side puts aside slowly. In that back, No. 27 Camp Executive Officer Xu Lu has waited there. 江晨扯掉数据线,后退了两步。很快,伴随着沉闷的响动,他眼前的那个圆形门板缓缓侧移开来。在那门的背后,27号营地执行官徐璐已经等候在那里了。 Sees Jiang Chen, she bows smilingly, welcomed in Jiang Chen Sanctuary. 见到江晨,她笑盈盈地鞠了个躬,将江晨迎进了避难所内。 Foreign Species Tide had finished, the arranged person returns to the surface.” 异种潮已经结束了,安排人返回地表吧。” Such quickly?” Xu Lu is surprised the different way slightly, but was quick she then to restore that smiling appearance, „my prepared.” “这么快?”徐璐微微诧异道,不过很快她便恢复了那笑盈盈的模样,“我这就去准备。” After saying goodbye to Xu Lu, Jiang Chen leads behind two guards, moved toward machinery research institute in No. 27 Sanctuary directly, and found Fang Weixian that draws earnestly in inside. 告别了徐璐后,江晨带着身后的两名卫兵,径直走向了27号避难所内的机械研究所,并在里面找到了正在埋头画图的方伟先 Marshal? How you came personally.” Fang Weixian shoved open the painting in hand with tablet, welcomed with a laugh. 元帅?您怎么亲自来了。”方伟先推开了手中的画图用平板,笑呵呵地迎了上来。 Un, has a thing to you to look, then under reference your suggestion.” Then, Jiang Chen gestures to behind guard. “嗯,有个东西想给你看下,然后参考下你的建议。”说完,江晨对身后的卫兵打了个手势。 The guard nods, two boxes placed on the table in the hand are raising, however retreat to Jiang Chen's behind. 那卫兵点头,将手上提着的两个箱子放在了桌上,然后退到了江晨的身后。 „Is this?” Fang Weixian knit the brows slightly, arrived at the box, put out a hand to open it. “这是?”方伟先微微皱眉,走到了箱子边上,伸手将其打开。 After seeing the thing in box, he first gawked, immediately is surprised the different way. 看到箱子里的东西后,他先是愣了下,随即诧异道。 mechanical exoskeleton...... Gauss Rifle?!” 机械外骨骼……高斯步枪?!” Supplementary has Optical Stealth mechanical exoskeleton.” Jiang Chen added bright way. “附带有光学隐形机械外骨骼。”江晨补充说明道。 In the eye flashed through wipes the interested brilliance, Fang Weixian puts out a hand to turn in this mechanical exoskeleton fragment looked, takes a look at that Gauss Rifle wreckage. 眼中闪过一抹饶有兴趣的光彩,方伟先伸手在这机械外骨骼的碎片中翻找了一下,又瞅了瞅那高斯步枪的残骸。 I hope that you return to original state technology, can achieve?” “我希望你将这其中的技术还原出来,能做到吗?” I can try, the difficulty should not be very big.” Fang Weixian moved to side of scanner two boxes, scans its components structure. Returns to original state its loss part, simulates the design proposal with Quantum Computer again, finally setting technique of production.” “我可以试一试,难度应该不是很大。”方伟先将两个箱子搬到了一台扫描仪的旁边,“扫描其零件构造。还原其损失部件,再用量子计算机对设计方案进行模拟,最后设定生产工艺。” Can the large-scale production?” Jiang Chen asked. “可以大规模生产吗?”江晨问道。 „It is not quite easy.” Fang Weixian shakes the head, lots can only depend upon the recycling. For example Type-50 Electromagnetic Artillery in base, inside many components are unable from beginning to end indenpendently produced. Without recycling the components, can only use 3D Printing Technology.” “不太容易。”方伟先摇了摇头,“很多东西都只能依靠回收。比如基地中的五十式电磁炮,里面很多零件都是无法从头到尾自行生产的。如果没有回收到零件的话,就只能使用3d打印技术。” 3D Printing Technology of 22 centuries already quite mature, does not have the intensity, precision and material limited issue that in the early 21 st century faced. However even so, 3D Printing Technology as before is an expensive technology. Example. In pre-war, if produces Ripper Rifle with the normal military production line, selling price possibly below 10,000 USD, but if makes this with 3D Printing Technology rifle, selling price at least in 100,000 USD, moreover not because the output will expand to promote the cost. 22世纪的3d打印技术已经相当成熟,不存在21世纪初期所面临的强度、精度以及材料局限性问题。然而即便如此,3d打印技术依旧是一项昂贵的技术。举个例子。在战前如果用正常的军工生产线生产一把撕裂者步枪,售价可能在一万美元以下,但如果用3d打印技术制造这把步枪,售价将至少在十万美元,而且不会因为产量扩大而提升成本。 The method that on Wasted Earth, because of the collapse of industrial system, survivors regarding is not partially able to process the components that adopts also uses 3D Printing Technology. Probably T-3 nature Power Armor, over ten thousand components has 6000 at least through the 3D Printing Technology production, is assembling manually. This is also the Power Armor so expensive reason. 废土上,因为工业体系的崩溃,幸存者们对于部分无法加工的零件采取的方法也都是使用3d打印技术。就好像一台t-3动力装甲,上万个零件中就有至少六千个是通过3d打印技术生产,然后在手工拼装的。这也正是动力装甲如此昂贵的原因。 If uses Power Armor to produce Gauss Rifle, how many under your estimate the cost probably is?” Jiang Chen spoke thoughtlessly to ask. “如果使用动力装甲生产一把高斯步枪,你估计下成本大概是多少?”江晨随口问道。 Cost mainly manifests in the energy consumption and spillage of material. If produced...... probably one rifle by 3D Printing Technology completely 4000 subcrystal. Inside miniature high-energy capacitor, the acceleration track, regarding the request of material is very harsh.” Fang Weixian gave the estimated value. “成本主要体现在能耗和材料损耗上。如果完全由3d打印技术生产……大概一把步枪得4000亚晶。里面的微型高能电容器,还有加速轨道,对于材料的要求都是非常苛刻的。”方伟先给出了个估计值。 My goodness, caught up with T-3 Power Armor half quickly. Jiang Chen is flabbergasted to say secretly. 好家伙,都快赶上t-3动力装甲的一半了。江晨暗暗咋舌道。 After Jiang Chen hesitated the moment, says: „Regardless how saying that you first return to original state the technology. The expensive/noble point was expensive.” 江晨沉吟了片刻后,开口说道:“无论怎么说,你先把技术还原出来吧。贵一点就贵一点好了。” Except that applies in the aerospace, this Gauss Rifle when facing Power Armor is also very effective. The penetrability and stability, are not traditional rifle can compare favorably. 除了应用在航空领域,这种高斯步枪在面对动力装甲时也十分有效。其穿透性和稳定性,都不是传统步枪能够媲美的。 Finally inspected under the machinery research institute chariot production situation, Jiang Chen then left here, has not disturbed the technicians in research institute again. 最后又视察了下机械研究所的战车生产情况,江晨便离开了这里,没再打扰研究所内的技术员们。 Leaves machinery research institute. Jiang Chen then went to biological research institute not far from here, found these in the biologists who in Sanctuary were not treated sees. When Jiang Chen enters in research institute, sees only that several scientists who wear the white coat are gathering round a training pot to direct, on the face is brimming with the appalling excitement. 离开机械研究所江晨接着又去了距离这里不远的生物研究所,找到了那些在避难所中不怎么受待见的生物科学家们。当江晨走进研究所内,只见那几个身穿白大褂的科学家们正围着一个培养罐指指点点,脸上洋溢着让人毛骨悚然的兴奋。 Why as for said absolutely terrifiedly. Completely is because their really looked like Frankenstein in manhua. 至于为何说毛骨悚然。完全是因为他们这样子实在是太像漫画中的科学怪人了。 Regarding the research of life, is taboos in the scientific field, its dangerous significance is as good as Advanced Artificial Intelligence. However on Wasted Earth, all scientific research laws is no longer suitable, therefore they also had the ability of free display imagination. 对于生命的研究,一直都是科学领域中的禁忌,其危险意义一点也不亚于高级人工智能。不过在废土上,一切的科研法律都不再适用,所以他们也就有了自由发挥想象力的能力。 What is looking at?” Arrived at the Wang Fangping back, Jiang Chen patted under his shoulder. “在看什么呢?”走到王方平的背后,江晨拍了下他的肩膀。 Wang Fangping has a scare. After seeing is Jiang Chen, this hey hey smiles, Marshal, you told electricity-generating algae that we study has completed.” 王方平吓了一跳。看到是江晨后,这才嘿嘿笑了笑,“元帅,您吩咐我们研究的发电海藻已经完成了。” Completed?” Jiang Chen first stares, on the face showed the joyful expression immediately. “完成了?”江晨先是一愣,脸上随即露出了欣喜的表情。 Country of Xin wants to develop the tourism, must reduce the steam power plant as far as possible. But, and solar electrical energy generation efficiency is too low by the wind power, the tidal power generation cost is expensive, Nuclear Power Station has does not need to think, the biologic power plant that therefore Jiang Chen proposed to Wang Fangping has been maintaining the strong interest. 新国想要发展旅游业,就必须尽可能地减少火力发电站。但以风能发电、和太阳能发电效率过低,潮汐能发电成本过于昂贵,核电站有根本不用想,所以江晨王方平提出的生物发电技术一直保持着浓厚的兴趣。 Not only environmental protection, but also inexpensive, the Pacific Ocean country most does not lack is the territorial waters area. 不但环保,而且廉价,太平洋的国家最不缺的就是领海面积。 Is this.” Wang Fangping let one side, gave the hand signal of invitation to that training pot with a laugh. “就是这个。”王方平让到了一边,笑呵呵地对那个培养罐做了个请的手势。 Sees only in that yellowish green training pot, is floating section of 3 meters algae, the algae above is hanging the ultraviolet lamp. Nearby measuring appliance record this/should algae the proportion of illumination quantity and generated output. 只见那黄绿色的培养罐内,漂浮着一截三米长的海藻,海藻上方悬挂着紫外线灯。旁边的仪表记录下了该海藻的光照量与发电功率的比例。 May plant in 100 meters deep waters, the maximum power is 1 kilowatts per square meter. The algae root may connect with the tinsel, the transportation electrical energy arrives at the ashore transformer, then merges into power network.” Wang Fangping is pointing at that measuring appliance, answered to Jiang Chen. “可种植于100米深度水域,最大功率为每平米1千瓦。海藻根可与金属丝相连接,输送电能到岸上变压器,然后再并入电网。”王方平指着那个仪表,向江晨解释道。 Jiang Chen nods to say satisfied: Very good, good that this matter you do. All participates in the researchers, everyone 1000 subcrystal rewards!” 江晨满意地点头道:“很好,这事你干的不错。所有参与研究人员,每人1000亚晶奖励!” hears word, the 9 scientists in research institute look the happy expression in abundance. 闻言,研究所内的九名科学家纷纷面露喜色。 1000 subcrystal, must know that NAC Knight pay also every month 50 subcrystal, these 1000 subcrystal without doubt is a great sum of money. Jiang Chen regarding the investment of scientific research, will not be always parsimonious. 1000亚晶,要知道nac骑士的薪资也才每月50亚晶而已,这1000亚晶无疑是一笔巨款。江晨对于科研的投入,从来都不会吝啬。 Thanked Marshal!” Wang Fangping takes the lead to feel grateful said. “谢元帅!”王方平带头感激道。 Does not need to be polite, any was NAC made the person of contribution, I will not grant parsimoniously. Right, I also need you to help me handle a matter. I need you to help me cultivate an aggressivity to be bad, help raise, moreover can accumulate subcrystal foreign-species fast.” Jiang Chen proposed the trip main goal. “不必客气,任何为nac做出了贡献的人,我都不会吝啬赏赐。对了,我还需要你帮我办件事。我需要你帮我培育一种攻击性差,便于饲养,而且能快速积累亚晶异种。”江晨提出了此行最主要的目的。 Since has determined cleaning up the plan of Wanghai City, then the origin of subcrystal must try another method. 既然已经确定了“清理”望海市的计划,那么亚晶的来源就得另辟蹊径了。 Let hunting group that all dependence hunting develop change professions, when escorts mercenary of caravan, then originates subcrystal of factory from Hunting Ground change for pasture, creates the Garden of Eden ecology area to produce the grain in Wasted Earth. 让所有依靠狩猎发展出来的狩猎团改行去当护送商队的佣兵,然后将工厂的亚晶来源从“猎场”更改为“牧场”,在废土建立伊甸园生态区生产粮食。 In the Jiang Chen's heart had outlined this blueprint, but this realizes the first step of this plan, seeks for foreign-species that foreign-species suits rears in a pen!( To be continued.) 江晨的心中已经将这幅蓝图勾勒了出来,而这实现这个计划的第一步,就是寻找异种适合圈养的异种!(未完待续。) ps: Weak asked a monthly ticket, we have rushed classify 14, so long as exploded 4 chrysanthemums again, this book can beam with joy in the classified list! The gentlemen, asked! ps:弱弱的求个月票,咱们已经冲到分类14了,只要再爆掉四朵菊花,本书就能在分类榜单露脸了!诸君,拜托了! ... ...
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