IHAMITLOD :: Volume #5

#458: More powerful colony rocket

Recaptures Wanghai City from the foreign-species hand? 异种手中夺回望海市 Has saying that this proposition is attractive, moreover now looks like NAC also really to have this ability. 不得不说,这个提议非常诱人,而且现在看来nac也确实有这个能力. Pre-war Wanghai City is not only Pan-Asia Cooperation Economy Heavy Town, Industrial Base centered on high-tech industry. If can entire put under the control Wanghai City, the speed of return to original state pre-war science and technology from the ruins is going on without doubt quick many. 战前望海市不但是泛亚合作经济重镇,更是以高科技产业为核心的工业基地。如果能将望海市整个置于控制之下,从废墟中还原战前科技的速度无疑将要快上许多。 But this involved another issue. 但这就涉及到另一个问题了。 foreign-species threatens the Survivor life is not truly false, but its subcrystal of provision actually similarly is also the cornerstone of Survivor development industry. Sixth Block power station need subcrystal, needs subcrystal from the automobile to the Power Armor fuel rod. It is not able to gain helium- 4 to produce Nuclear Fusion Battery survivors from Moon, can only depend upon subcrystal to make the fuel rod of same specification to come for the pre-war equipment power supply. 异种威胁着幸存者的生命确实不假,但其提供的亚晶却同样也是幸存者发展工业的基石。第六街区的发电站需要亚晶,从汽车到动力装甲的燃料棒也都需要亚晶。无法从月球获取氦-四生产核聚变电池幸存者们,只能依靠亚晶制成同规格的燃料棒来为战前设备供电。 For example in present No. 27 Sanctuary, used is this fuel rod. 比如现在27号避难所内,用的就是这种燃料棒。 The source of income of Sixth Block depends upon Wanghai City this to hunt Hunting Ground, if foreign-species in this steel cement forest were cleaned up cleanly, these this have to go to a farther place to gain prey for fresh hunting group. 第六街区的经济来源正是依靠着望海市这个狩猎场,如果这钢铁水泥森林中的异种被清理干净了,那些赖此为生的狩猎团将不得不前往更远的地方才能获取猎物 However Jiang Chen also hesitant such two minutes, then made the choice. 不过江晨也就犹豫了那么两分钟,便做出了选择。 Regains Wanghai City. 收复望海市 Reason very simple, from the hunting to the agriculture, is road which must be taken of barbarous to civilization. But this leads to the civilization first step, is NAC must take one day. Jiang Chen is impossible to provide the grain for here, now the NAC's total population do tens of thousands, wait later to turn into hundreds of thousands? On 1 million? 理由很简单,从狩猎到农耕,是野蛮通往文明的必经之路。而这通往文明的第一步,是nac总有一天必须迈出的。江晨不可能一直为这里提供粮食,现在nac的总人口才几万,等以后变成十几万了呢?上百万了呢? As for issue of cultivation, if gives up the cost, actually has the means solution. Is being grasped Garden of Eden Project by Lin Ling, by the NAC present productive forces, builds a close biosphere in the suburbs of Wanghai City is not impossible. 至于耕种的问题,如果舍得成本的话,其实还是有办法解决的。由林玲掌握着的伊甸园计划,以nac现在的生产力,在望海市郊区建立一个封闭生物圈也不是不可能。 As for the origin of subcrystal, in the Jiang Chen heart actually has other idea, but wants to turn into the reality it, but also needs with the biologist discussion in No. 27 Sanctuary under. 至于亚晶的来源,江晨心中其实已经有了另外的想法,不过想要将它变成现实,还需要和27号避难所中的生物学家讨论下。 Comes out after the community center, Jiang Chen arrived at the Aerospace Technology Research Institute open area directly, found there just returned to Jiang Lin of surface. 从社区中心出来后,江晨直接来到了航天科技研究所的空地,在那里找到了刚返回地表的蒋林 Mentioned also interesting. Sees only this fellow is holding appreciatively the spanner, while gathers round that bm- 21 type rocket artillery that Jiang Chen buys to saunter. This picture seems like a modern rocket expert of the 21 st century, gathered round a Ming Dynasty period Divine Fire Crow fiddled with saunter. 说来也有趣。只见这家伙正一边把玩着扳手,一边围着江晨买来的那个bm-21式火箭炮转悠。这幅画面就好像是一个21世纪的现代火箭专家,围着一个明朝时期的“神火飞鸦”捣鼓转悠。 Nearby soldier is looking at Jiang Lin anxiously, for fear that he this gadget opening. 一旁的士兵正紧张地看着蒋林,生怕他把这玩意儿给拆了。 He may, no matter what scientific research non- scientific research. As being responsible for launching rocket gunner, he only knows that this gadget extinguished zombie and foreign-species of half city. Power and influence that wū wū makes noise, even, he is still memory were still over the past two days new. 他可不管什么科研不科研的。身为负责发射火箭炮手,他只知道这玩意儿灭了半个市的丧尸异种。那呜呜作响的威势,即便是已经过去两天了,他依旧是记忆犹新。 Saw that what positive result did come?” Arrived by him, Jiang Chen spoke thoughtlessly to ask. “看出点什么名堂来了吗?”走到了他旁边,江晨随口问道。 At the same time is nodding. Jiang Lin sighed at the same time: Very design of simple, even can describe with primitive, direction pipe or ignition Artillery System. Occurred rocket missile has not added any guidance function, suppresses the goal by the way of saturated covering purely. Coordinate napalm gas. Oil. Ball type to the biological goal killing divine tool, is not truly more suitable than to cope with zombie foreign-species this thing. However is this thing, perhaps big to the logistics pressure?” 一边点着头。蒋林一边感叹道:“很简单的设计,甚至可以用原始来形容,无论是定向管还是点火系统。发生的火箭弹也没有添加任何制导功能,纯粹以饱和覆盖的方式压制目标。配合凝固汽.油.弹这种对生物目标杀伤神器,确实没有比这东西更适合对付丧尸异种的了。不过这东西,对后勤的压力恐怕不小吧?” Jiang Chen smiles, without answering his issue. 江晨神秘一笑,没有回答他这个问题。 Cracks a joke, logistics what to little master me is a matter? 开玩笑,后勤什么的对小爷我来说是个事儿吗? „The logistics pressure really has, but is not unsolvable. I need you to help me design model of similar beaming rocket launch, not instruction ability that needs anything to go against heaven's will. Only needs to deliver to beyond dozens kilometers the 30 many kilograms fight parts. The might is bigger than this antique, the error is smaller than this antique. Can achieve?” 后勤压力确实有,但并不是不能解决的。我需要你帮我设计一款类似的集束火箭发射器,不需要什么逆天的指导能力。只需要将三十多公斤的战斗部件送到几十公里外。威力比这个老古董大,误差比这个老古董小。能做到吗?” This is very easy, only needs under the transformation to advance the ingredient of fuel and explosive material on the line. The issue lies in the material, wants to look to lubricate on Wasted Earth is more difficult than anything. If can solve the problem of raw material, makes this type of luxurious weapon is not the difficult matter.” Jiang Lin nods, after stopping the moment, suddenly remembers what to resemble to result in asks, „does the Dolphin- 1 ballistic missile also need to make?” “这很容易,只需要改造下推进燃料和爆炸物的成分就行。问题在于材料,在废土上想要找点油比什么都难。如果能解决原料的问题,生产这种奢侈的武器并不是什么难事。”蒋林点点头,停顿了片刻后,突然想起什么似得问道,“那么海豚-一弹道导弹还需要造吗?” Naturally needs, nuclear bomb I have other use.” The Jiang Chen smile said. “当然需要,核弹我有别的用处。”江晨微笑道。 Jiang Lin grasps the back of the head, helpless said: Good. Since you insist.” 蒋林抓了抓后脑勺,无奈道:“好吧。既然您坚持的话。” The rocket missile matter arranged, was the issue of subcrystal production. 火箭弹的事安排完了,接下来就是亚晶生产的问题了。 Foreign Species Tide had finished, Wang Zhaowu starts to prepare to lead Second Army to return to No. 27 Camp. When Jiang Chen comes out from Aerospace Technology Research Institute, the Second Army motorcade has arranged one row at the entrance. Verbal command that waits for Wang Zhaowu to issue to embark. 异种潮已经结束,王兆武开始着手准备带领第二兵团返回27号营地。当江晨航天科技研究所中出来时,第二兵团的车队已经在门口排成了一列。等候着王兆武下达出发的号令。 Marshal.” After seeing Jiang Chen, Wang Zhaowu good military salute. 元帅。”看到江晨后,王兆武行了个军礼。 Does not need to be overly courteous. Are you preparation embark now No. 27 Camp?” “不必多礼。你现在是准备出发去27号营地吗?” Yes, our soldier have prepared to finish.” Wang Zhaowu said. “是的,我们的士兵已经准备完毕。”王兆武说道。 That has Jiang Chen said. “那顺便带我一程,我刚好也要去一趟。”江晨说道。 Good!” Wang Zhaowu nods, immediately goes is Jiang Chen arranged a position. “好的!”王兆武点了点头,立刻去为江晨安排了个位置。 Passed probably for ten minutes, the First Army motorcade completed the commodity loading finally. With opening of base front door. Under gazing after of Survivor, the motorcade starts to start off slowly. 大概过去了十分钟,第一兵团的车队总算完成了物资装载。随着基地大门的打开。在幸存者的目送下,车队开始缓缓上路。 The burned body is all the way vast, the motorcade line to half, Jiang Chen saw kneels in road central Meat Mountain. Its facial color is fierce, the whole body also wants compared with the black person black black. Saw it to block the way of motorcade, that ranger infantry car(riage) that Jiang Chen rides transferred the top machine gun, was only superficially tú tú several rounds, that black coal resulted in Meat Mountain then such as the honeycomb briquet to break to pieces the carbon block generally. 一路上焦尸遍野,车队行至一半,江晨看到了一座跪在路中央的肉山。它的面色狰狞,全身比黑人还要黢黑。见它挡住了车队的去路,江晨坐着的那辆突击者步兵车调转了顶部机枪,只是轻描淡写地突突了几发,那黑煤炭似得肉山便如蜂窝煤一般碎成了碳块。 Has ground cinder, the motorcade marches forward. This pitiful condition all the way lets some people gastric disorders, but regarding the will firm Last of Days person, but was the sloppy ordinary landscape. 碾过“煤渣”,车队继续向前。这一路上的惨状着实让人有些反胃,但对于心志坚定的末世人来说,不过是稀松平常的景观了。 Sat Jiang Chen in car(riage) switched off the viewing port lens, by sat in repose with eyes closed on the chair. 坐在车内的江晨关掉了观察口的镜头,靠在了椅子上闭目养神。 Roughly one hour of driving distance, the motorcade arrived at the No. 27 Camp entrance finally. When the setting washes, First Army has not let off this dead angle, therefore this moment No. 27 Camp entire black piece, the appearance of fire. However the commodity of surface basically moved to got down, remaining cement casual fever also indifferently. 约莫一小时的车程,车队总算是到达了27号营地的大门口。在设定洗地的时候,第一兵团并没有放过这个死角,所以此刻27号营地整个黑黢黢的一片,一副着了火灾的模样。不过地表的物资基本都搬到地下去了,剩下的水泥随便烧烧也无所谓。 The front door opens, inside similarly is in confusion one piece. 大门打开,里面同样是狼藉一片。 Smells the living aura zombie not to let off here because of the evacuation of Second Army, more than ten meters tall wall is also the things of several thousand several hundred zombie meat pads. 闻到生者气息的丧尸可不会因为第二兵团的撤离而放过这里,十几米的高墙也就是几千几百只丧尸肉垫的事情。 The corpse gripped the pile in the place of elevator mouth, the military engineers jumped out of the car(riage), put on the gas mask, took the shovel to be busy at work some little time, finally piling in the elevator entrance coal ash cleaning up a cleanness. 尸体在电梯口的地方扎了堆,工兵们跳下车,戴上防毒面具,拿着铲子忙活了好一会儿,总算是将堆在电梯入口的炭灰给清理了个干净。 Does, this First Army person starts really to be ruthless.” Gets out with Jiang Chen, Wang Zhaowu is grinning, cannot bear ridicule to say. “干,这第一兵团的人下手还真狠。”和江晨一起下了车,王兆武咧着嘴,忍不住笑骂道。 Has to suppress, or we come back must facing one crowd of zombie that climbed over the wall.” Jiang Chen cracks a joke to say. “不得不狠,要不我们回来的时候还得面对一群爬过了墙的丧尸。”江晨开玩笑道。 Said is also. The military engineers who however are responsible for the battlefield cleanup may result to be big.” Ridiculed is saying the sentence, Wang Zhaowu then said goodbye to Jiang Chen, walked toward the motorcade following truck. “说的也是。不过负责打扫战场的工兵们可得头大了。”揶揄着说了句,王兆武便向江晨告辞,往车队后面的卡车走去。 He needs to arrange to redeploy the matter of fixed armament now immediately. In the evacuation, the machine gun and Electromagnetic Artillery in fence were pulled back Fishbone Base, but now gives to pull back, naturally is the need comes up in secure again. 他现在需要立刻安排重新部署固定武器的事。在撤离的时候,围墙上的机枪和电磁炮都被拉回了鱼骨头基地,而现在又给拉了回来,自然是需要重新在安上去。 Meanwhile, in the camp present this bird type, not general cleaning, has no way obviously the person. 与此同时,营地内现在这幅鸟样,不大扫除一番,显然是没法住人的。 Has not disturbed the work of Second Army, Jiang Chen walks toward the direction of Sanctuary elevator directly.( To be continued.) 没有打搅第二兵团的工作,江晨径直向避难所电梯的方向走去。(未完待续。)
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