IHAMITLOD :: Volume #5

#457: Seizes from the foreign-species hand

Sometimes although Sun Jiao likes bullying the person very much, but essentially is a very good person. Perhaps one because of this warmth, before letting she recalled left Sanctuary, that period of happy time, therefore she must treasure the home compared with anybody, as well as in home everyone's feeling. 虽然有时候孙娇很爱欺负人,但本质上还是个非常好的人。一或许是因为这家的温暖,让她忆起了离开避难所前那段幸福的时光,所以她比任何人都要珍视着这个家,以及这个家中所有人的感受。 On the mouth was saying must wrest away Jiang Chen, may wait till sleeps quickly, she actually to Jiang Chen throws down one Yao Yao very much to think you, after accompanying her, then slid own room, no longer opens the door. 明明嘴上说着要霸占江晨,可等到快睡觉的时候,她却是向江晨丢下了一句“姚姚很想你,多陪陪她吧”后,便溜了自己的房间,不再开门。 Although in heart sympathizing of very affected Sun Jiao, but is facing the door of shutting tightly, the expression on Jiang Chen face actually somewhat does not know whether to laugh or cry. 虽然心中很感动孙娇的体贴,但面对着紧闭的房门,江晨脸上的表情却是有些哭笑不得。 Yao Yao is lovable right, but was unable to eat now. 姚姚是可爱没错,但现在还不能吃啊。 However this is also not the key point. 然而这还不是重点。 Somewhat precocious Little Loli always makes some actions of aggravation accidentally, has made him almost unable to dominate more than once. 有些早熟的小萝莉总是无意中做出一些惹火的举动,已经不止一次让他差点把持不住了。 Ok , something need to look for Yao Yao to help in any case so think, Jiang Chen then turns around to turn toward the Yao Yao room to walk. 算了,反正也有些事需要找姚姚帮帮忙如此想着,江晨便转身向着姚姚的房间走去。 Puts out a hand to knock on a door, behind the shutter transmitted sound gently very much. 伸手敲了敲门,很快门背后传来了轻轻的响动。 ?, What matter had late?” “唔?这么晚了,有什么事吗?” Opens the gate, rested Yao Yao of skirt to appear in the entrance lax. From her wet silk, she should just take a bath, wisp of light jasmine delicate fragrance floats, refreshing. 拉开门,一身松垮垮睡裙的姚姚出现在了门口。从她那湿漉漉的丝来看,她应该刚洗过澡,一缕淡淡的茉莉花清香飘来,沁人心脾。 Un, a little matter wants to ask Yao Yao, Ok?” “嗯,有点事想拜托姚姚,可以吗?” Un un! Ok,” is smiling sweetly, the Yao Yao step vividly let near the gate, came in quickly.” “嗯嗯!可以哟,”甜甜地笑着,姚姚步子轻快地让到了门边,“快进来吧。” Favored to drown to rub her head, Jiang Chen entered in the room. 宠溺地揉了揉她的头,江晨走进了屋内。 Observed the situation a room, because only then a chair, Jiang Chen then sat near the bed at will. Sees that the Yao Yao cheeks burn slightly red, but walks up as before, pretended appearance calmly to sit by Jiang Chen, then moved moving to the Jiang Chen's direction secretly. 环视了眼房间,因为只有一把椅子,江晨便随意地坐在了床铺边上。见状,姚姚脸颊微微烫红,但依旧走上前去,装作若无其事的样子坐在了江晨旁边,然后又偷偷地向江晨的方向挪了挪。 But, can say that is what matter?” “可,可以说下是什么事吗?” Because anxious, her sound has one to tremble lightly, some footsteps. 因为紧张,她的声音带着一丝轻颤,以至于有些走音。 Looks that Little Loli that obviously misunderstood anything. And the restless appearance, Jiang Chen somewhat is therefore funny. 看着小萝莉那明显是误会了什么。并因此而坐立不安的样子,江晨不禁有些好笑。 , He said. 顿了顿,他开口说道。 Matter about cell phone. Can Yao Yao help me design a model of cell phone?” “是关于手机的事。姚姚能帮我设计一款手机吗?” On the head emits several question marks, has not heard the lines in imagination. little girl obviously gawked under. 脑袋上冒出几个问号,没有听到想象中的台词。小姑娘明显愣了下。 Realized oneself will be wrong intent, blushed to crawl that fair neckband from the root of the ear of little girl. 意识到了自己会错意,羞红一直从小姑娘的耳根一路爬到了那白皙的领口。 Some little time, Yao Yao from that awkward restored, opens the mouth to say low voice. 好一会儿,姚姚才从那尴尬中恢复了过来,小声地开口道。 Cell phone? Before is, Jiang Chen elder brother to I have looked at that?” “手机?就是以前江晨哥哥给我看过的那个吗?” Very when remote memory, earliest Jiang Chen got rid of Yao Yao to design New Age that game. Once made a knockoff samsung cell phone to make the reference to her. 很久远的记忆了,最早江晨摆脱姚姚设计新纪元那款游戏时。曾给她弄了一台山寨三星手机做参考。 Un, is that type. If possible, can help me design one similarly, but function more powerful cell phone?” Jiang Chen attempt makes Yao Yao understand that own meaning, is gesticulating with the hand, which functions while explained this cell phone to have. “嗯,就是那种类型。如果可以的话,能不能帮我设计一个类似的,但功能更强大的手机?”江晨试图让姚姚理解自己的意思,一边用手比划着,一边说明这个手机该具备哪些功能。 Yao Yao is listening, while is nodding earnestly. 姚姚一边听着,一边认真地点着头。 After hearing Jiang Chen said that Yao Yao pats the small chest to vouch to say. 听到江晨说完后,姚姚拍着小胸脯打包票道。 Giving me was good! Two days of?” “交给我好了!两天的时间可以吗?” Un! Asked you!” Jiang Chen put out a hand to rub the small head of Yao Yao joyfully. “嗯!拜托你了!”江晨欣喜地伸手揉了揉姚姚的小脑袋。 Narrowed the eye comfortably, is enjoying caressing of that top of the head. Touches, Yao Yao is bending the corners of the mouth sweetly. 舒服地眯起了眼睛,享受着那头顶的抚.摸,姚姚甜甜地弯着嘴角。 Saw the time not early. Jiang Chen stands up to prepare to depart. At this time, his actually present small hand entrained weakly on his lower hem corner. 见时间不早了。江晨站起身来准备离去。这时,他却现一只小手弱弱地拽在了他的衣角上。 Un? What matter has?” Jiang Chen looked with a smile to Yao Yao. “嗯?有什么事吗?”江晨笑着看向了姚姚 Turned away, the Yao Yao somewhat low voice opens the mouth said embarrassed, „that Yao Yao can put forward a very willful request?” 移开了视线,姚姚有些不好意思地小声开口道,“那个,姚姚可以提个很任性的要求吗?” Sure.” “当然可以啊。” Received the hand, the Yao Yao cheeks flood red, small finger poked the stamp slightly mutually. 收了手,姚姚脸颊微微泛红,小指头相互戳了戳。 Now, tonight. Ok, sleeps together?” “今,今晚。可以,一起睡觉吗?” Looks at that lovable appearance, Jiang Chen was feeling own really must melt. 望着那可爱的模样,江晨感觉自己简直要融化了。 In the morning. 清晨。 Is looking in the bosom that sweet resting face. Jiang Chen was infected by that happy expression, is smiling bending down, kissed one on that white and tender forehead gently. 望着怀中那甜甜的睡颜。江晨被那幸福的表情所传染,微笑着俯身,在那白嫩的额头上轻轻吻了一口。 It seems like felt that kiss, Yao Yao moves her attractive small mouth lovably. Adjusted the comfortable resting posture, such as small creature resulted to shrink one group. 似乎是感觉到了那个吻,姚姚可爱地动了动她那诱人的小嘴。调整了个舒服的睡姿,如小动物似得缩成了一团。 Gets out of bed quietly, covered with the quilt for Yao Yao, Jiang Chen is soundless left the room, and took the gate. 悄悄地下了床,替姚姚盖好被子,江晨蹑手蹑脚地离开了房间,并带上门。 Casual hot two steamed stuffed buns coped with the breakfast after the kitchen, Jiang Chen then left the villa. 在厨房随便热了两个包子对付了早餐后,江晨便离开了别墅。 In August has soon passed. Now summer tail. 八月已经快要过去。现在正是夏天的尾巴。 Because of the reason of radioactive dust, Wasted Earth early morning usually is very cold, the two days temperature will perhaps have those unusualities. Until the morning, the City Center direction can sneak a peek at a spark after over the two days faintly. 因为放射尘的缘故,废土的清晨通常都是很冷的,不过这两天的气温恐怕会有那么些异常。直到这两天后的早晨,市中心的方向隐隐可以窥见点点星火。 Some deviations of fact and Cheng Weiguo estimate, although Wanghai City architecture has no combustible material to burn, but zombie and foreign-species resin oil actually provided many fuels for the fire. 事实和程卫国估计的有些偏差,虽然望海市建筑都已经没有什么易燃材料可以烧了,但丧尸异种的尸油却是为大火提供了不少燃料。 Especially Meat Mountain, the whole body is the fat of high density. The fire of after over a thousand degrees high temperature steamed its within the body moisture content, entire Meat Mountain then seems like the oil drum to be the same, the combustion continues. 尤其是肉山,全身都是高密度的脂肪。上千度高温的大火蒸了其体内的水分之后,整个肉山便像是油桶一样,燃烧不止。 With the turning over to of conclusion and First Army of Foreign Species Tide, in the lonely base lived it up again. survivors to the surface, reunited with the family member of expedition, or silently accepts that cinerary casket. 随着异种潮的结束与第一兵团的归,冷清的基地中再次热闹了起来。幸存者们到了地表,与远征的亲人团聚,亦或者默默的收下那个骨灰盒。 Every war then meeting deceased person, this is how regardless of being unable to change. 凡战争便会死人,这点是无论如何也无法改变的。 But on Wasted Earth, Death normal is leaving. 而在废土上,死亡是在正常不过的离别了。 After arriving at Marshal Prefecture, Jiang Chen surprised present Han Junhua had arrived, at this moment is sitting before being Staff Officer that desk, begins to process the document on tablet. 来到元帅府后,江晨惊讶的现韩君华已经到了,此刻正坐在属于参谋的那张办公桌前,着手处理着平板上的文件。 You rest in Command Room?” Before sitting own desk, Jiang Chen visits her to say reluctantly. “你是睡在指挥室中的吗?”坐到了自己的办公桌前,江晨无奈地看着她说道。 No. Un, accurate has not rested. Yesterday's work load was somewhat big, including the battle loss, with the war expendable property checkup of Logistics Department, had died in battle comforting and aiding a bereaved family of soldier family member, cleaning up and subcrystal of foreign-species corpse receives “没有。嗯,准确来说是没睡。昨天的工作量有些大,包括战损,和后勤部的战争消耗物资核对,已经阵亡士兵家属的抚恤,异种尸体的清理与亚晶收” Until this time, Jiang Chen noticed on her face that deep pouch. 直到这时,江晨才注意到她脸上那深深的眼袋。 No wonder oneself last night came, she had not come to look for itself, originally was busy at leaping not to act. 难怪自己昨晚就来了,她一直都没来找自己,原来是忙得腾不出手来了。 thank you for your troubles.” Jiang Chen cannot bear sigh. 辛苦你了。”江晨忍不住叹道。 All right.” Cared regarding Jiang Chen's, Han Junhua as before is that unemotional appearance. “没事。”对于江晨的关心,韩君华依旧是那副面无表情的样子。 If trapped/sleepy, you first sleep quite well.” “如果困了的话,你还是先去睡一觉比较好。” Was perfunctory un the sound, Han Junhua stopped living on hand, looked to Jiang Chen, that rocket missile, how many?” 敷衍地嗯了声,韩君华停下了手边的活,看向了江晨,“那个火箭弹,还有多少?” Jiang Chen spreads out the hand saying that has used up, entire 40,000. However now Foreign Species Tide finished, need?” 江晨摊开手说道,“已经用完了,整整四万。不过现在异种潮结束了,还有需要吗?” The words that although lacks he buys again also yes, but purchases frequently stores up this violation Geneva Convention kills greatly, difficult insurance not to bring to others' attention. If possible, waits to buy to be able after a period of time again many. 虽然缺的话他再买也是可以的,但频繁地购买囤积这种违背日内瓦公约的大杀器,难保不会引起别人的注意。如果可以的话,等过一段时间再买会更好些。 Used up?” Han Junhua is pinching the chin, is lost in thought. “用完了吗?”韩君华捏着下巴,陷入了沉思。 To come that type to kill greatly should not be many, after all gasoline and so on fossil fuel was very rare in Last of Days, let alone is mixes other chemistry materials to make the napalm gas. Oil. Ball. Let alone the thing of this low technology content, goes to this aspect to think on no one from the beginning. 想来那种大杀器应该不会很多,毕竟汽油之类的化石燃料在末世本就很少见,更别说是混合其它化学材料制成凝固汽.油.弹了。更何况这种低科技含量的东西,一开始就没人去往这方面想。 However lets all person accidental/surprised matters, is the thing of this low technology content, when facing foreign-species unexpectedly accidentally/surprisingly efficient. 然而让所有人意外的事,正是这种低科技含量的东西,在面对异种时竟然意外地高效。 After short silence, she then opens the mouth to say. 短暂的沉默后,她接着开口道。 That gasoline, how many can you also get so far as?” “那个汽油,你还能弄到多少?” „. What issue has?” Jiang Chen asked. “很多。有什么问题吗?”江晨问道。 That napalm gas. Oil. The technique content of ball should not be high, we are completely capable of producing the combustion effect stronger, firing distance farther rocket missile.” “那个凝固汽.油.弹的技术含量应该不高,我们完全有能力生产出燃烧效果更强,射程更远的火箭弹。” , Han Junhua looks at Jiang Chen, said earnestly. 顿了顿,韩君华看着江晨,认真地说道。 Then, seizes Wanghai City from the foreign-species hand completely, is not impossible.”( To be continued.) “如此一来,从异种手中完全夺望海市,也不是不可能。”(未完待续。) ps: Asked the monthly ticket gentlemen, helped on me the monthly ticket list! ps:求月票诸君,帮我上月票榜吧! One clouds. Come. The pavilion then obtains the view. 】 地一下云.来.阁即可获得观.】
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