IHAMITLOD :: Volume #5

#456: Going home

When last rocket flies, is early morning. 当最后一火箭飞出去,已经是凌晨了。 20,000 napalm gas. Oil. The ball divulges. 两万凝固汽.油.弹宣泄一空。 That raging flame washed City Center from the suburb, cut off all vitalities in suppressed depth. 那熊熊烈火从郊区一路洗到了市中心,断绝了压制纵深内的一切生机。 When zombie and foreign-species density drops to the valve value, Foreign Species Tide will then stop. zombie and foreign-species of entire western half city, satisfied this condition sufficiently. 丧尸异种的密度下降到阀值,异种潮便会停止。整个西半城的丧尸异种,想必足以满足这个条件了。 This fire does not know that tomorrow morning can stop.” Narrows the eye to look at the flame and thick smoke of distant place, Jiang Chen said with a smile. “这火不知道明天早上会不会停。”眯着眼睛望着远方的火光与浓烟,江晨笑着说道。 Should the meeting.” Cheng Weiguo opens the mouth to reply, Wanghai City suffered the nuclear strike directly, in the urban district the architecture combustible material has basically burnt. Waits for incendiary bomb's fuel exhaustion, the resin oil and fat bakes, the fire intensity almost should stop.” “应该会吧。”程卫国开口答道,“望海市直接遭受过核打击,市区内建筑的可燃材料基本都已经烧过了。等燃烧弹本身的燃料耗尽,尸油和脂肪烧干,火势差不多就该停了。” armored force has advanced in the morning, cleans up from Shenxiang Town to the Fishbone Base road, this little while should first step rush to Fishbone Base. The matter when needs to handle tomorrow processes, almost should also return to the base. 装甲部队早上就已经先行出,清理从沈巷镇鱼骨头基地的公路,这会儿应该已经先一步赶到鱼骨头基地了。等到明天把需要处理的事处理完,差不多也该返基地了。 Jiang Chen nods, discards the cigarette butt in hand. 江晨点了点头,扔掉手中的烟头。 Un, you first go.” “嗯,你先去吧。” Cheng Weiguo good military salute, turns around to leave. 程卫国行了个军礼,转身离开。 The Jiang Chen squatting lower part of the body, is staring at that withered soil, seems like seeking for this anything. 江晨蹲下身来,凝视着那干枯的泥土,似乎是在寻找这什么。 At this time, an ant attracted his attention. 这时,一只蚂蚁吸引了他的注意力。 It is rocking the antenna, is searching for anything in the ground. At this time, a finger stopped in its front. Two antennas bumped bumping, because it walked. Then vanished in this world instantaneously. 它晃动着触角,在地面上搜寻着什么。这时,一只手指停在了它的面前。两只触角碰了碰,它由于的走了上去。然后瞬间消失在了这个世界上。 The next second, its form appears again, but has no longer moved. 下一秒,它的身影再次浮现,只不过已经不再动弹。 Isn't able to carry the living creature as before?” Jiang Chen looks on looking pensive the finger that is only dead the ant. “依旧无法携带活物吗?”江晨若有所思地看着手指上那只死蚂蚁。 Shakes the head, Jiang Chen stands up, pats the ash that clapped, turns around to turn toward the Shenxiang Town direction to walk. 摇了摇头,江晨站起身来,拍了拍手上的灰,转身向着沈巷镇的方向走去。 After arriving at the station, saw only Cheng Weiguo resigned-looking to take the telephone to look. 到驻地后,只见程卫国正一脸无奈地拿着电话找了过来。 Took the telephone, Jiang Chen selects holographic screen, pasted said in the ear. 接过电话,江晨点开了全息屏幕,贴在耳边说道。 Hey?” “喂?” Marshal, you must do this big movement next time. Can first with us squeak?” Telephone, the Chu Nan forced smile sound transmits. 元帅,你下次要搞这种大动作。能先和我们吱一声吗?”电话一通,楚南的苦笑声传来。 hā hā, doesn't this want to give you a pleasant surprise?” Jiang Chen not said with a smile voluntarily. 哈哈,这不是想给你们个惊喜吗?”江晨毫无自觉地笑道。 Very is truly pleasantly surprised,” Chu Nan sighed. Quite then said reluctantly, this type kills greatly, if took to be good earlier. So long as on such several toward City Center, does not need to burn half city “确实挺惊喜的,”楚南叹了口气。颇为无奈地接着说道,“这种大杀器,要是早点拿出来就好了。只要往市中心里来上这么几下,根本不需要烧半个市” Because I did not have these gadget at that time, or they have not transported Wanghai City. Un. On this matter?” Jiang Chen changes the topic to say. “因为当时我还没有这些玩意儿,或者说它们还没运到望海市。嗯。就这事吗?”江晨岔开话题道。 No, mainly matter about subcrystal.” Stopped the moment, Chu Nan then said, according to the Wasted Earth consistent custom, foreign-species subcrystal that was killed by whom turns over to anyone. However these half city subcrystal, we apparently do not have the ability at the short time adduction.” “不,主要是关于亚晶的事。”停顿了片刻,楚南接着说道,“按照废土一贯的规矩,异种由谁杀死的亚晶就归谁。不过这半个城市亚晶,我们显然是没有能力在短时间内收。” That who picks to turn over to who was good.” Jiang Chen does not care said. “那就谁捡到就归谁好了。”江晨不在意地说道。 Heard the Jiang Chen's words, Chu Nan obviously gawked under. 听到江晨的话,楚南明显愣了下。 What issue has?” Sees Chu Nan not to speak, Jiang Chen then said. “有什么问题吗?”见楚南不说话,江晨接着道。 No, but Marshal also really gives up.” Chu Nan holds the volume to say. “没,只是元帅还真是舍得。”楚南不禁扶额道。 Makes the bystander who hears the news to catch up with pick with it, might as well make these pick with survivors that we fight side-by-side. Entire Sixth Block is my. Whom do in I also need to care about subcrystal to place to capture? This, from Sixth Block to the City Center surrounding, who ground subcrystal picks to turn over to anyone.” The Jiang Chen big hand wields said. “与其让闻讯赶来的外人捡走,不如让那些与我们并肩作战的幸存者们去捡。整个第六街区都是我的。我还需要在乎亚晶放在谁兜里吗?就这样吧,从第六街区市中心外围,地上的亚晶谁捡到就归谁。”江晨大手一挥说道。 Good, but I thought that levies the certain proportion the tax is quite good to these subcrystal, after all these foreign-species are struck to kill by you, I think that survivors will not oppose. If not levy taxes, in the market emerges massive subcrystal not necessarily is a good deed.” Chu Nan proposed. “好吧,但我觉得还是对这些亚晶征收一定比例的税比较好,毕竟这些异种都是由您击杀的,我想幸存者们也不会反对。如果不加以征税的话,市场上涌现大量的亚晶并不一定是一件好事。”楚南提议道。 That illuminated completed, this matter that you said my fully authorized you did.” Jiang Chen said. “那就照你说的做好了,这事儿我全权委托你去做。”江晨说道。 Compliant.” The Chu Nan nod said. “遵命。”楚南点头道。 Made the telephone, Jiang Chen was preparing to throw on Cheng Weiguo the telephone call, was actually sees the telephone to make a sound. 挂了电话,江晨正准备将电话扔程卫国手上,却是见电话又是响了起来。 Looks at Marshal Prefecture these lines of characters on holographic screen. Wants not to need to think, Jiang Chen then knows is Han Junhua hits. 看着全息屏幕上的元帅府这几行字。想都不用想,江晨便知道是韩君华打来的。 These rocket missile are you puts?” A telephone connection, Han Junhua asks immediately. “那些火箭弹是你放的吗?”电话一接通,韩君华立刻问道。 Right, is very accidental/surprised.” Jiang Chen said with a smile. “没错,是不是很意外。”江晨笑道。 Why does not take earlier “为什么不早点拿出来” Almost is the Chu Nan similar issue. 几乎是和楚南同样的问题。 Jiang Chen sighed. Ok, left the greed. My this did not go out from the base, makes these things? Base that side situation how?” 江晨叹了口气。“好了,也别贪心了。我这不是从基地出去了一趟,才把这些东西弄来吗?基地那边情况怎么样了?” Your rocket missile added on busy. Outside the base a 500 meter region by the steam, oil and ball was basically suppressed, after wave of foreign-species under fence was eliminated, soldier in fence basically puts on the gas mask to look at the smoke and fire.” The Han Junhua simple report said. “你的火箭弹帮上了大忙。基地外五百米的区域基本被汽、油、弹压制,在围墙下的一波异种被清除之后,围墙上的士兵基本就戴上防毒面具看烟火了。”韩君华简单地汇报道。 Right?” Jiang Chen smiles, at this moment his mood is joyful. “是吗?”江晨笑了笑,此刻他的心情非常愉悦。 The feeling of this steamroll was too really joyful. 这种碾压的感觉实在是太令人愉悦了。 Next day dusk. Wanghai City western suburbs. 次日黄昏。望海市的西郊。 On the broad road the obvious stump residual limb breaks the arm everywhere, the corner streets and lanes is dispersing the odor of burning. On the remnant of destroyed building covered entirely infiltrates the person black black, does not know that takes several heavy rains to wash off. Until approached Fishbone Base, such hell scene was sparse. 宽阔的公路上四处可见残肢断臂,街角巷陌散着烤焦的恶臭。断壁残垣上布满了渗人的黢黑,不知要几场大雨才能洗去。直到靠近了鱼骨头基地,此等地狱般的景象才稀疏了起来。 Outside the fence works the bulldozer that four trucks are changing, will have dug takes the subcrystal skeleton to push to the street 1 ooo meter away, where pours on gasoline burning down. 围墙外工作着四辆卡车改成的推土机,将已经挖取亚晶的尸骸推至1ooo米外的街道,在哪里倒上汽油焚烧。 Sees to appear in the First Army motorcade of street road junction, is cheering in survivors that outside the fence works in abundance, is blowing the whistling, waves to hint to the victors. 看见出现在街道口的第一兵团车队,在围墙外工作的幸存者们纷纷欢呼着,吹着口哨,向胜利者们挥手示意。 Sits on the Hunting Tiger II turret, listened attentively to the cheers of people, Jiang Chen is waving to comply with them with a smile. 坐在猎虎ii的炮塔上,倾听着众人的欢呼声,江晨笑着挥挥手应了他们。 The fence front door opened, admitted the First Army motorcade. 围墙大门打开,放进了第一兵团的车队。 After arriving at the station, Jiang Chen has not gone to Marshal Prefecture immediately, but is choice. 到达驻地之后,江晨没有立刻去元帅府,而是选择家。 Left such a long time, Sun Jiao they affirmed that was worried. 离开了这么长时间,孙娇她们肯定担心了吧。 Thinks of this, on the Jiang Chen's face reveals. Left wiped the smile. 想到这,江晨的脸上不禁露.出了一抹微笑。 Arrives at the villa, he stretches out the arms Sun Jiao that hugged to throw. After hugging and kissing, he then held Yao Yao, gnawed one on that lovable small cheek ruthlessly. 到别墅,他张开双臂拥抱了扑上来的孙娇。拥吻后,他接着又抱起了姚姚,在那可爱的小脸蛋上狠狠地啃了一口。 White and tender muscle. The skin caught the sunset glow, Yao Yao lowered the head embarrassed, shyly small sound said. 白嫩的肌.肤染上了红霞,姚姚不好意思地低下了头,腼腆地小声道。 Wants, can take a bath together?” “要,要一起洗澡吗?” When remembers previous time takes a bath the matter, in her heart is a fawn proceeds along no particular course. 想起上次洗澡时的事,她的心中就是一阵小鹿乱撞。 However Sun Jiao wrested away Jiang Chen unrestrained/no trace of politeness, wears out the intonation with a smile to say to Yao Yao. 然而孙娇毫不客气地霸占了江晨,用坏笑着的语调对姚姚说道。 Ok, your Jiang Chen elder brother does not wash with me today.” “不行哟,今天你的江晨哥哥得和我一起洗。” Yao Yao dug the small mouth suffering, small sound said. 姚姚委屈地撅起了小嘴,小声道。 That, that tomorrow “那,那明天” Or, our four people wash simply together.” Sun Xiaorou grasped Yao Yao grinningly, matter that happen to teaches Sir Yao Yao “要不,干脆我们四个人一起洗吧。”孙小柔笑嘻嘻地抱住了姚姚,“正好教会姚姚大人的事情” I, I was not a child! I am older than you!” Yao Yao protested, the cherry small mouth is digging discontentedly, really bumped into the tip of the nose quickly. “我,我又不是小孩子了!我比你们都大!”姚姚抗议道,樱桃小嘴不满地撅着,简直快碰到鼻尖。 Holds the both arms to stand in the one side, Lin Ling interrupts unrestrained/no trace of politeness. 抱着双臂站在一旁,林玲毫不客气地插嘴道。 Freezes the time in the warehouse spending not to calculate the age, the pre-war which country, this is the convention in convention.” “冷冻仓内度过的时间不计算年龄,无论是战前哪个国家,这都是惯例中的惯例吧。” Yao Yao cheeks one red, pierced her look glanced to one side. 姚姚脸颊一红,被戳穿的她眼神瞟向了一边。 Here came from pre-war on her and Lin Ling. 这里来自战前的就她和林玲了。 „Can Lin Ling also come? Five people together.” In the eye glitters small devil to result in the ray, Sun Xiaorou smilingly invites. 林玲要不要也来?五个人一起。”眼中闪烁着小恶魔似得光芒,孙小柔笑眯眯地邀请道。 The Lin Ling's face was red, the mouth opened and closed for quite a while up and down, some little time squeezed out half a word words. 林玲的脸唰的红了,嘴巴上下开合了半天,好一会儿才挤出了半句话来。 Anyone, who wants the same place “谁,谁要一起” Buried the small head of being red in the face, the Lin Ling half step is escaping from the living room. 埋着面红耳赤的小脑袋,林玲快步从客厅逃掉了。 Sun Jiao stared younger sister one, ill-humored said/tunnel, Xiaorou!” 孙娇瞪了妹妹一眼,没好气地道,“小柔!” Sun Xiaorou spits the tongue, shrank Jiang Chen's innocently behind, did intentionally the grievance saying: brother-in-law, elder sister she bullies me 孙小柔吐了吐舌头,无辜地缩到了江晨的身后,故作委屈道:“姐夫,姐姐她欺负我” Is saying, she also while held the Jiang Chen's arm to sway in the chest front. 一边说着,她还一边抱起了江晨的胳膊在胸前摇晃了起来。 Although washes together is very definitely attractive, but the reason told Jiang Chen, if really washed together, perhaps will live the matter that what he could not control. 虽然一起洗肯定很诱人,但理智告诉江晨如果真一起洗的话,没准会生什么他驾驭不了的事情。 Therefore Jiang Chen swallowed the oral spit, pretends anything not to live. 于是江晨咽了口头吐沫,装作什么事也没生。 cough cough, your three same places wash, I and others you washed to go again 咳咳,你们三个一起洗吧,我等你们洗完再去” Then, Jiang Chen does not wait for three females to respond, brazenly sneaked off from the living room.( To be continued.) 说完,江晨也不等三女反应,厚着脸皮从客厅溜走了。(未完待续。) One clouds. Come. The pavilion then obtains the view. 】 地一下云.来.阁即可获得观.】
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