IHAMITLOD :: Volume #5

#455: With looking at smoke and fire

Liuding Town, in [The Bo Sea] aircraft carrier deck. 柳丁镇,渤海号航母的甲板上。 The shoulder is drooping zombie paces back and forth near the harbor, is gazing at about dozens meters aircraft carrier with flood white both eyes. In the aircraft carrier deck was filled with Survivor, they many are Wanghai City east side Survivor. 肩膀耷拉着的丧尸徘徊在港口边上,用泛白的双目注视着数十米开外的航母航母的甲板上挤满了幸存者,他们多是望海市东侧的幸存者 When Foreign Species Tide approaches, these strength small and weak Survivor will often choose strength strong survivor group to turn, or moves to the suburban simply. The float in marine Liuding Town without doubt is their first choice, moves zombie and foreign-species on land is helpless to this aircraft carrier city. 异种潮来临时,这些实力弱小的幸存者往往会选择实力较强的幸存者团体投靠,或者干脆向市外迁徙。漂浮于海上的柳丁镇无疑是他们的首选,活动在陆地上的丧尸异种对这个航母城根本无能为力。 Regarding these Survivor, the Liuding Town official attitude is also very tolerant, not only defined the residential area for them, but also arranged the tap water and nutrition mixture. Naturally, these are not free. Including embarking subpoena, all asylums that they enjoy must pay subcrystal. 对于这些幸存者,柳丁镇的官方态度也很宽容,不但为他们划定了居住区,还安排了饮用水和营养合剂。当然,这些都不是免费的。包括上船的传票在内,他们所享受的一切庇护都是要支付亚晶的。 Sees only one to wear the General hat, a military uniform straight middle-aged person crosses the hands behind the back to stand, is looking out the scene of horizon. 只见一位头戴将军帽,一身军装笔挺的中年人负手而立,遥望着天边的景象。 rocket missile?” 火箭弹?” Is......, moreover should the napalm gas, oil and ball.” Is holding rifle, stands replies in his soldier. “是的……而且应该还是凝固汽、油、弹。”抱着步枪,站在他身旁的士兵答道。 General is pursing the lips, a few words had not said that but is looking out the roaring flame of distant that ascension. 将军抿着嘴,一句话也没有说,只是遥望着远方那升腾的烈焰。 After long time, he scolded the sentence low voice. 半晌之后,他才小声骂了句。 „Does mother, where they from do so many gasoline?” “娘的,他们从哪搞来这么多汽油?” NAC's is powerful, regarding Liuding Town without doubt is a threat. If quantity so numerous rocket fly to Liuding Town, he self-examines, even if there is electromagnetism and laser anti-missile Artillery System, they still have no possibility of escaping by luck. na的强大,对于柳丁镇来说无疑是个威胁。如果数量如此众多的火箭飞向柳丁镇,他自问即便是有着电磁、激光反导系统,他们也没有任何幸免的可能。 Facing Non-Tech Content colony rocket, the electron startles into, Electromagnetic Pulse these state-of-art countermeasures to be invalid, but the laser anti-missile are most can eliminate that 3~4 rocket. Facing several hundred rounds of coverages, that radically is a joke. 面对“无科技含量”的集群火箭,电子骇入、电磁脉冲这些尖端反制措施根本无效,而激光反导最多能消灭那么三四火箭。面对数百发的覆盖,那根本就是个笑话。 Stands has not spoken in his nearby soldier. The deep breath the one breath, the facial expression watches the incendiary bomb grand feast of distant place slowly stiffly. 站在他旁边的士兵没有说话。只是缓缓深呼吸了一口气,面部表情僵硬地看着远方的燃烧弹盛宴。 It is soon black. General opens the mouth to ask suddenly. 天已经快要黑了。将军突然开口问道。 How long did they shoot?” “他们射多久了?” Starting from evening.” The soldier language of recovering fast replied fast. “从傍晚开始。”回过神来的士兵语速飞快地答道。 Silent long time, General turned around to leave the deck. 沉默了良久,将军转身离开了甲板。 This group of bastards, they will all explode the City Center radioactive dust to us, prepares to pull up the anti-radiation sail.” “这帮混蛋,他们会把市中心的放射尘全都炸到我们这边来,准备拉起防辐射帆。” Yes!” soldier stands at attention to salute, gazes after General to depart. “是!”士兵立正行礼,目送着将军离去。 At the same time, survivors of not far away also sits near aircraft carrier, is looking up to the flame of distant place. 同一时间,不远处的幸存者们也坐在航母边上,仰望着远方的火焰。 They are talking in whispers, discussion landing ground all. 他们窃窃私语着,议论着陆地上发生的一切。 Is NAC dry/does?” “是na干的吗?” Should be...... there is the Sixth Block direction.” “应该是……那里是第六街区的方向。” The man, woman, old person and child...... almost all people are looking up to the same direction. 男人、妇女、老人、小孩……几乎所有人都仰望着同一个方向。 In their pupils, is producing an inverted image that scarlet red smoke and fire. 在他们的瞳孔中,倒映着那赤红色的烟火。 That is the Order flame. 那是秩序的火焰。 They saw the hope faintly. 他们从中隐隐看到了希望。 ...... …… Meanwhile. From a ground 36000 kilometers outer space. 与此同时。距离地面36000公里的太空。 The satellite and space station fragment calmly lies down on synchronous orbit, just like line of Star Ring that the steel composes. From these frigid fragment, can sneak a peek at it once to erupt at this's war is only what kind of frigidity. 卫星和空间站的碎片静静地躺在同步轨道上,宛如钢铁组成的行星环。单从这些惨烈的碎块,便可窥见其曾爆发于此的战争是何等的惨烈。 In that space trash belt/bring, a shuttle flight vehicle passes through slowly. 在那太空垃圾带中,一条梭型的飞行器缓缓穿过。 But in that flight vehicle, is lying down together the person's shadow. 而在那飞行器中,躺着一道人影。 oh? is interesting.” 哦?有趣。” By glass, he is narrowing the eye, is gazing at that meter flame on Earth. Flame that then ignites from Wanghai City, even may still see on synchronous orbit he clearly. 透过一层玻璃,他眯着眼睛,注视着地球上的那一米火光。那自望海市燃起的火焰,即便是远在同步轨道上的他也可清晰看见。 At this time, the warm electronic female voice resounded. 这时,温馨的电子女声响起。 Has arrived at synchronous orbit 【已经到达同步轨道 Detects the strong radioactive source. Please prepare radiation protection 【侦测到强放射源。请做好防辐射准备】 Good, but I probably do not need.” Spoke thoughtlessly the sentence toward the procedure/program of impossible reply, Lin Chao'en put out a hand, in ejection Cangshang pressed under. “好的,不过我可能不太需要。”向着不可能回答的程序随口说了句,林朝恩伸手在弹射仓上按了下。 Please wear spacesuits 【请穿好宇航服】 Disregarded that electronic sound, Lin Chao'en put out a hand to enter the password in side of glass cabin door. 无视了那电子音,林朝恩伸手在玻璃舱门的旁边键入了密码。 Side the steel shell separates. The button that leaves urgently raises, his skill patted on that red button under. 钢壳侧面弹开。紧急脱出的按钮升起,他身手在那红色的按钮上拍了下。 With the air current sound that the air dissipates, the cabin door opens slowly. 伴随着空气逸散的气流声,舱门缓缓开启。 Whole body him who is constituted by the machinery does not care about the vacuum environment. Will not naturally fear the so-called radioactive source. Put out a hand to pull the graphene cable to hook on to the metal ring of waist, Lin Chao'en took the propeller to conduct the back. Then jumped toward the outer space gently. 全身由机械构成的他并不在意真空环境。自然也不会惧怕所谓的放射源。伸手扯过石墨烯缆绳钩住了腰间的金属环,林朝恩取过推进器背上。然后轻轻地向着太空跳了出去。 Is looking at float that silent space station in outer space, his corners of the mouth brought back wiped the smile. 望着悬浮在太空上的那座寂静的空间站,他的嘴角勾起了一抹微笑。 That is scepter. 那是一柄权杖 Can give the right truly scepter. 能真正赋予权利的权杖 ...... …… Stands by the rocket launch car(riage). Jiang Chen is holding in the mouth the cigarette, while is looking at that sōu sōu launch rocket. 站在火箭发射车旁。江晨一边叼着烟卷,一边望着那嗖嗖发射的火箭 The day has gotten dark, but the sky is shining as before. 天已经黑了下来,但天依旧亮着。 the bm- 21 type rocket artillery are divulging the firepower uninterruptedly, the napalm gas. Oil. The shop of ball from Wanghai City has approached City Center. Dies zombie foreign-species under Stalinorgel, only feared that can 1 million count. The only flesh and blood, he does not believe that also has what gadget to be able from this grade of purgatory to survive. bm-21式火箭炮不间断地宣泄着火力,凝固汽。油。弹从望海市西郊一直铺向了市中心。死在斯大林管风琴下的丧尸异种,只怕得以百万来计数。单凭血肉之躯,他不相信还有什么玩意儿能从这等炼狱中存活。 Mentioning is also very interesting, when he remembered previous and Sun Jiao suddenly plays the Virtual Online Game scene, the young girl as if also came such a move, the direct firing the entire new village. 说来也挺有趣,他突然想起了上次和孙娇虚拟网游时的场景,那小妞似乎也是来了这么一招,直接烧了整个新手村。 Launches the feeling of Magic?” “发射魔法的感觉吗?” The Jiang Chen two fingers picked the cigarette, grins to smile, reached that to howl the rocket nighttime sky the hand. 江晨两根指头夹起了香烟,咧嘴笑了笑,将手伸向了那呼啸着火箭的夜空。 This Fireball Rain, is truly ordered by his one. If that say/way order understanding is the incantation, then he truly is magician that deserves. 这场“火球雨”,确实由他的一道命令而起。如果把那道命令理解为咒语,那么他确实是当之无愧的魔法师 Is controlling magician of right. 掌控着权利的魔法师 Stands in nearby Cheng Weiguo double back of the hand in behind, facing the Marshal so two movements, pretends anything not to see. 站在一旁的程卫国双手背在后面,面对元帅如此中二的动作,装作啥都没有看见。 You said that what in City Center has?” Jiang Chen opens the mouth to ask suddenly. “你说,市中心里都有什么?”江晨突然开口问道。 hears word, Cheng Weiguo first stares, immediately revealed the forced smile. 闻言,程卫国先是一愣,随即露出了苦笑。 Does not know, I heard, even if previous time were rumored that City Center had God's Cane components that little while, survivors still only touches Changning District most, was the 5~6 kilometer from City Center. It is said there is stretch of ruins, the middle should be the big nuclear bomb pit, only then the danger will plant or extreme Mutated Creature will appear there.” “不知道,我听说即便是上次谣传市中心上帝之杖零件那会儿,幸存者们最远也只摸到了常宁区,距离市中心还有个五六公里。据说那里是一片废墟,中间应该是个大核弹坑,只有危险种或极端变异生物才会出现在那里。” What no one curious has there had? Sends out drone to have a look should not be the difficult matter.” Jiang Chen pinches out the cigarette butt, lost conveniently on ground that small pile cigarette butt. “没人好奇过那里有什么吗?派出无人机看看应该不是什么难事吧。”江晨将烟头掐灭,随手丢在了地上那一小堆烟蒂上。 To be honest, since injecting Genetic Medicine, he basically does not smoke. However when waits for bored, he will draw up such two occasionally. 老实说,自从注射了基因药剂后,他基本上就不怎么抽烟了。不过当等待过于无聊的时候,他偶尔还是会抽上那么两根。 drone cannot go, or any electronic device cannot go.” Cheng Weiguo shakes the head. 无人机进不去,或者说任何电子设备都进不去。”程卫国摇了摇头。 EMP? emp吗? Also can use EMP through the body of lifeform? This was too mysterious. 通过生物的躯体也能使用emp?这太玄乎了。 So thinking, Jiang Chen is knitting the brows slightly, inertia put out a hand to touch under the cigarette case, the discovery has actually emptied. 如此想着,江晨微微皱眉,惯性地伸手摸了下烟盒,却发现已经空了。 He wants to take from storage space, actually suddenly thinks that in space present bare anything does not have. 他想从储物空间里取,却突然想起来自己空间里现在光秃秃的啥都没有。 Sees that Cheng Weiguo went forward hastily, dispatched own cigarette case. 见状,程卫国连忙上前,递出了自己的烟盒。 Jiang Chen smiles, puts out a hand to pick one to build on the mouth. 江晨笑了笑,伸手夹起一根搭在嘴上。 Goes back also you.” “回去还你。” Where, this is Marshal you gave me.” Cheng Weiguo said with a laugh. “哪里,这本来就是元帅您给我的。”程卫国笑呵呵地说道。 The mouth holds in the mouth the cigarette butt, Jiang Chen has not been selecting on, but is looking at the flame of distant twinkle looking pensive. 嘴边叼着烟蒂,江晨没有点上,而是若有所思地望着远方闪烁的火光。 It is not right, the biological energy launches EMP...... or to launch Klein Particle. 不对,生物能发射emp……或者说能够发射克雷恩粒子 Lodges can achieve in Lin Ling within the body Ting Ting (graceful and dainty). 寄宿在林玲体内婷婷就可以做到。 Then, he had not done to understand. 说起来,他一直都没有搞明白。 The insect in that Artificial Intelligence mouth, is actually anything. 那个人工智能口中的虫子,究竟是什么。 ( To be continued.) (未完待续。) ps: In the afternoon must climb mountains to knock the stone, in the evening results in the reorganization practice note, then symbol t. t ps:下午还得上山敲石头,晚上得整理实习笔记,然后码字t。t Asked the bill to comfort 求票票安慰
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