IHAMSS :: Volume #4

#384: Three brave fights the fixed light

Misfortune never come singly. 一波未平,一波又起。 dragon Langda offers a sacrifice to with the white wolf big sacrifice, thinks that had ended the matter to this, without thinking does not know where jumps a buddhist monk. 龙狼大祭和白狼大祭,都以为事情到此已经结束了,没想到又不知从哪里蹦出来一个秃驴。 My goodness, can you select this crucial point to fight? 好家伙,你们非要挑这个节骨眼打架吗? We have evaded, can lose face?” “咱们一直逃避下去,会不会太丢脸了?” The white wolf big sacrifice wants the face, his comes mainly also helps busy that dragon Langda offers a sacrifice, does not regard as important to the treasure. 白狼大祭是要脸面的,他此来主要也是帮龙狼大祭的忙,对宝物并不是那么看重。 Waits again, they want to be not quite excessive, we leave alone.” “再等等,他们只要不太过分,我们就别管。” white wolf big sacrifice: „......” 白狼大祭:“……” The toba tartars space died, but also there is any excessive matter should not be excessive. 拓跋宇都死了,还有什么过分的事情应该都不过分了。 All right, so long as they did not open the palace on the line.” “没事,只要他们不把王府拆了就行。” The voice fell, sees only the fixed light Zen master to melt the hundred zhang (333 m) high golden body obviously, this scene, stirring. 话音落下,只见定光禅师显化出了百丈高的金身,这场面,震撼人心。 Inside and outside the city people can see this huge light shadow, suddenly, lots of civilians knelt, the bowing politely image of Buddha, thinks that was Buddha descending to earth universal restoration. 城内外的人都能看到这巨大的光影,一时间,大量平民跪了下来,叩拜佛像,以为是佛祖下凡普度众生了。 But the palace guard who their enemies, these rebel everywhere, hears the news in the city to garrison, put down the weapons, to the direction of image of Buddha, the whole face prayed devotionally the Buddha forgives. 而他们的敌人,那些四处作乱的王府侍卫,还有许多听到消息的城内驻军,纷纷放下了兵戈,面向佛像的方向,满脸虔诚地祈祷佛祖宽恕。 Gu Tinglan looks at the situation to change suddenly , can only sigh reluctantly, that golden light big buddha is also not present she can deal. 顾庭兰看着情形突变,也只能无奈地叹息了一声,那金光大佛还不是现在的她能应对的。 She must have been through repeatedly 99 tribulations, can melt the magical powers obviously, undergoes 99 difficult again, can the merit become complete. 她要历经九九之劫,方能显化神通,再历九九之难,方能功成圆满。 Resembles so evil Buddha, actually only need kill people the sacrificial offering, then can obtain the strength. 似这般邪佛,却只需杀人祭祀,便能获得力量。 Although there are Buddha strength in addition to hold, actually also with demon not different. 虽然有佛力加持,却也与邪魔无异。 Amitabha!” “阿弥陀佛!” Gu Tinglan proclaimed Ju Buddha in a low voice, she believes, evil does not press positively, this stretch of the world, will make Its choice. 顾庭兰低声宣了句佛号,她相信,邪不压正,这片天地,会做出祂的选择。 Lin Yi sees the giant golden body of fixed light Zen master, felt the enormous pressure. 林毅看到定光禅师的巨大金身,也感觉到了极大的压力。 He knows only this fixed light Zen master should very be fierce, actually did not know this monk fiercely to this degree. 他单知道这定光禅师应该会很厉害,却不知道这和尚厉害到了这种程度。 To come, except for thousand imaginary ghost Ji and A'Qi this first place can with a it war, even there is a possibility not to beat because of the strength attribute of opposite party. 想来,除了千幻鬼姬和阿七这种榜首才能与之一战吧,甚至有可能因为对方的力量属性而不敌。 That the fixed light Zen master reveals, then made Lin Yi see the strength of the world certainly summit. 定光禅师露的这一手,便让林毅看到了人间绝巅的力量。 Asked the donor to start off!” “请施主上路吧!” The fixed light Zen master puts out a hand suddenly, that hundred zhang (333 m) golden body is also consistent with his movement, puts out a hand, then fiercely to next racket. 定光禅师忽然伸出手,那百丈金身也跟他的动作一致,伸出手,然后猛地向下一拍。 Lin Yi felt the fatal threat immediately, his two leg same place treads, withdrew at the extremely quick speed, saw along the way the flower read hides in peaceful/late Qingqiu who the one side watched the fun gently, he has not recognized, fished by all means conveniently. 林毅顿时感受到了致命威胁,他两条腿原地一蹬,以极快的速度后撤,沿途看到了花念柔和躲在一旁看热闹的晏青丘,他也没认出来,只管顺手左一个右一个捞了起来。 The giant palm falls, Lin Yi extremely rushed to the edge position thrillingly, after two people put down, rapidly loudly shouts, a fist makes forward, with turbulent air wave to rumbling a fist. 巨掌落下,林毅万分惊险地跑到了边缘位置,将两人放下之后,迅速大喝一声,一拳向前打出,与汹涌的气浪对轰了一拳。 His behind region had not then been affected by the air wave, other places, the ripple place visited, the house was shaken as the fragment powder, the living person also changes to the flesh, breaks the possibility of no returning alive. 他身后的一片区域便没有被气浪波及,其他地方,波纹所过之处,房屋都被震为齑粉,活人也都化作血肉,断无生还的可能。 This demon monk, I must kill him!” “这魔僧,我必杀他!” Lin Yi watches such big casualties, in the heart is also the anger flaming. 林毅看着这么大的伤亡,心中也是怒火熊熊。 Immediately fixed light Zen master palm, is killed violently then thousand people, the complementary waves at least need several tens of thousands of injured or be stranded, the prestige of such striking, is the true style. 定光禅师这一掌,立即毙命的便有千人,余波至少要让数万人受伤或被困,这样的一击之威,才是真正一品风范。 But this also is just his strikes conveniently, like other one, even if can create the might, they do not dare to display the so huge magical powers in the bustling streets decisively, simultaneously a person in calamity and entire city. 而这也只不过是他的随手一击,像其他一品即便是能造成这样的威力,他们也断然不敢在闹市施展如此巨大的神通,同时祸及一整个城市的人。 The fixed light Zen master stops at nothing obviously. 定光禅师显然是无所顾忌。 Lin Yi hates greatly, has not actually impulsed. 林毅大恨,却也没有冲动。 You two walk quickly, I first block his.” “你们两个快走,我先拦他一下。” Lin Yi through this strikes, understood probably the strength of fixed light Zen master, he indeed is not an opponent, but stops him to continue to commit murder can achieve. 林毅通过这一击,大概也了解到了定光禅师的实力,他的确不是对手,但阻拦他继续行凶还是能做到的。 These days he has not brushed the strange promotion, as long as he has 10,000 years of magical skill, this little while is not the extent that distressedly. 这段时间他都没有刷怪升级,但凡他有个一万年道行,这会儿也不至于如此狼狈。 Many thanks young master.” “多谢公子。” The flower read softly has not spoken with Lin Yi, peaceful/late Qingqiu then first vied to answer first. 花念柔还未和林毅说话,晏青丘便先抢答了。 She most is good at going into hiding, ajar Heavenly Eye of Lin Yi this little while, but also had not really discovered that her air column is unusual. 她最擅长隐匿,林毅这会儿的半开天目,还真没发现她的气柱异常。 peaceful/late Qingqiu finds it interesting but actually, does not know after Lin Yi recognizes her identity, what will have to respond? 晏青丘倒觉得有趣,也不知道林毅认出她的身份之后,会有什么反应? This big monk should be the fixed light Zen master in Qianfu Temple, the reputation in the rivers and lakes does not reveal, but the experts know that this monk is immeasurably deep, today is predestined friends sees, that is true. 这个大和尚应该是千佛寺的定光禅师,在江湖中声名不显,但高手都知道这和尚深不可测,今日有缘得见,的确如此。 If such a big monk dies here, does not know how the Buddhism does think? 若是这样一个大和尚死在这里,也不知佛门会怎么想? After all, they also reduced to demonic cult Qianfu Temple in name. 毕竟,他们名义上可是将千佛寺也贬为了魔教的。 peaceful/late Qingqiu more wants more to feel feasible, when Lin Yi will soon turn around to leave, she held on the hand of Lin Yi suddenly. 晏青丘越想越觉得可行,在林毅即将转身离开的时候,她忽然拉住了林毅的手。 Then, Lin Yi somewhat is ignorant. 这下,林毅都有些懵。 His speed is quick, peaceful/late Qingqiu actually pressed firmly between the fingers his hand with ease, this is not right! 他的速度很快,晏青丘却轻松捏住了他的手,这不对劲! This woman is not simple! 这个女人不简单! Lin Yi responded the time, is too late. 林毅反应过来的时候,为时已晚。 In his hand by peaceful/late Qingqiu a gimlet, peaceful/late Qingqiu hand in screening out, but also in his palm flexure flexure, had to tease meaning. 他的手里被晏青丘塞了一个小锥子,晏青丘的手在抽走的时候,还在他的手心挠了挠,极具挑逗意味。 Must kill him, must use this.” “要杀他,得用这个。” You are......” “你是……” peaceful/late Qingqiu lavished praise, without saying who oneself are, is only chuckle one, then from Lin Yi at present vanishes. 晏青丘抛了个媚眼,没有说自己是谁,只是轻笑一声,便从林毅的眼前消失了。 The Lin Yi intelligent mind turns peaceful/late Qingqiu that page immediately , her localization in Changancheng. 林毅聪明的头脑立刻翻到了晏青丘那一页,果然,她的定位是在长安城。 My goodness, the big seductress passes through before me, I have not discovered her! 好家伙,大狐狸精在我面前走过,我没发现她! Moreover, peaceful/late Qingqiu method, clearly compared with last seeing time. 而且,晏青丘的手段,分明比上次见到的时候强多了。 She and Jiang Linglong hits turned on the water? 难道她和姜玲珑打的时候放水了? But she very breathless appearance, did not seem like turned on the water at that time obviously. 可那时候她明明很气急败坏的样子,不像是放水了。 Even if there are to cut the suppression of monster sword, should not have such strong effect. 就算有斩妖剑的压制,也不该有这么强的效果。 Lin Yi was to cut the owner of monster sword now, what method cut the monster sword to have, can he not know? 林毅现在就是斩妖剑的主人了,斩妖剑有什么手段,他能不知道? But he in 8000 the magical skill, facing less than 7000 magical skill peaceful/late Qingqiu, is acted bashful now unexpectedly with ease by her, moreover she still retreats in oneself at present calmly, does not know how she walks. 而他现在八千年道行,面对不足七千年道行的晏青丘,居然被她轻松拿捏住了,而且她还在自己眼前从容退走,都不知道她是怎么走的。 Lets is peaceful/late Qingqiu standpoint that Lin Yi cannot think through, she is an enemy, is the allied force? 更让林毅想不通的就是晏青丘的立场,她到底是敌人,还是友军? A moment ago by the palm that her flexure crossed, now probably also in itchy, in the hand also remains the light delicate fragrance, this seductress, will really arouse very much! 刚才被她挠过的手心,现在好像还在痒痒,手上还残留着淡淡的清香,这狐狸精,果然很会撩人! Lin Yi does not dare to ponder, to also keeps here flower to read the Judo: You walk quickly!” 林毅不敢细想,对还留在这里的花念柔道:“你快走吧!” Best was treats as anything not to see a moment ago. 最好是当作刚才什么都没看到。 In the city such big sound, naturally attracted more people, the mortal frightened invincible might, runs away in abundance outward, but at this time, actually two came in waves. 城中这么大的动静,自然引来了更多的人,凡人恐惧神威,纷纷向外逃窜,而这时候,却有两人联袂而来。 They are Song Yunhe land Yuanhua. 他们正是宋云和陆元化。 Two people have not had for a long time meet, when is moved, after meeting, naturally many words must say, who once wants on a while time of this speech, land Yuanhua two disciples by the person of toba tartars space seizing. 两人久未见面,又都是伤感之时,见面之后,自然有很多话要说,谁曾想就这说话的一会儿工夫,陆元化的两个弟子就被拓跋宇的人给抓走了。 Then land Yuanhua really exploded with rage, he is a big shot, where isn't well-respected? 这下陆元化真就气炸了,他可是一品大佬,在哪里不受礼遇? Now own disciple receives this grade of humiliation unexpectedly, if he can be concerned with, the book of this whole life was white read. 如今自己的弟子竟然受这等屈辱,他若是能不闻不问,这辈子的书都算是白读了。 Song cloud the mood was also very bad, his disciple flower read softly to assassinate the toba tartars space, cruelly harmed own time to be very long, today must go, he cultivated oneself according to religious doctrine the life, actually could not handle anything. 恰好,宋云的心情也很糟糕,他的弟子花念柔为了刺杀拓跋宇,残害自己的时间已经很长了,今日更要赴死,他修道一生,却做不了什么事情。 The anger in heart, was lit in this moment simultaneously. 心中的愤怒,在这一刻同时被点燃。 Suddenly, the Confucian said that both anger values drew fully. 一时间,儒道两位一品的怒气值都拉满了。 Also has to say the level that often the prestige makes an arrest is fierce, although the toba tartars space did not fear that very much practices the person, but will also be insufficient so to be floating, juniors of big shot will make him somewhat worry. 也不得不说常威抓人的水平就是厉害,拓跋宇虽然不是很怕修行中人,但也不至于会这么飘,一品大佬的子弟还是会让他有些顾虑的。 From being arrested to start, no one has said own status. 只是从被捕开始,就没有一个人说过自己的身份。 Naturally, this little while said that this does not have the significance, toba tartars Yu people did not have. 当然,这会儿说这个已经没有意义了,拓跋宇人都没了。 Two one, since the anger upwells, prepares to do the matter, will not naturally have on the brain, they planned that copes with the toba tartars space with the move that oneself most excel, this little while does not need to consider what consequence. 两位一品既然怒气上涌,准备搞事,自然也不会无脑上,他们打算用自己最擅长的招数来对付拓跋宇,这会儿也不必考虑什么后果了。 Song cloud went to the city each node arrangement strategy, planned to isolate this stretch of the world and relation temporarily, when the time comes cut the toba tartars space, after the matter, he alone withstood to backlash then. 宋云去城中各个节点布置阵法,打算暂时隔绝这一片天地与外界的联系,到时候斩了拓跋宇,事了之后,他一个人来承受反噬即可。 land Yuanhua gives in the city the Han people to exert the righteous qi secretly. 陆元化则是暗地里给城中汉人施加正气。 Before commencing of action, making in the city the Han people have the meaning of resistance, leaves this Changancheng as soon as possible. 在战斗开始之前,让城中汉人生出反抗之意,尽快离开这座长安城。 The people in Changancheng are less, destiny in addition that the toba tartars space can obtain holds are less. 长安城中的人越少,拓跋宇能得到的气运加持就越少。 But the people in city leave before commencing of action, this also to protect their lives. 而城里的人在战斗开始前就离开,这也是为了保护他们的性命。 However, two people preparatory work made for quite a while, Lin Yi first began to extinguish the toba tartars space directly. 然而,两人的准备工作做了半天,林毅先动手直接灭了拓跋宇。 Naturally, land Yuanhua the preparatory work is not does without charge, Gu Tinglan jumps, immediately meets Han people's response, is because land Yuanhua completed the previous preparatory work. 当然,陆元化的准备工作也不算白做,顾庭兰跳出来的时候,立刻就得到了汉人的响应,也是因为陆元化做好了先前的准备工作。 The priest and disciple had no interest in complete a coordination. 师徒二人无心之间完成了一次配合。 This was also a unexpected happiness. 这也算是意外之喜了。 This little while curtain of night had hung down secretly, all disturbances also just now start. 这会儿夜幕已经暗暗低垂了,一切风波也只是才刚开始。 Hundred zhang (333 m) gold/metal who the palace stands suddenly, became under this dim sky most noted existence. 王府忽然站出来的百丈金佛,就成了这昏暗的天空下最受瞩目的存在。 But such buddhist image dignified gold/metal, intended to cause several thousand dead. 但这样一个宝相庄严的金佛,一出手就造成数千人死亡。 He has not as if planned in the taboo city completely the mortal. 他似乎完全没打算避讳城中凡人。 This Confucian put down the matter in hand together hastily, caught up in a hurry. 这一儒一道连忙放下了手里的事情,匆匆赶了过来。 Deals with the mortal to have the method of dealing with the mortal, copes with cultivator to cope with the cultivator technique. 对付凡人有对付凡人的方法,对付修士有对付修士的手法。 Has not seen the fixed light Zen master, land Yuanhua then gets angry shouts: Revering of god Buddha, before not getting the person manifests a presence, your excellency is so free, doesn't fear the scourge?” 还未见到定光禅师,陆元化便怒喝道:“神佛之尊,不得人前显圣,阁下如此招摇,不怕天谴吗?” What land Yuanhua said is the unspoken rule of the world. 陆元化说的是人间的潜规则。 The mortals know that the event has demons and monsters and immortal god, various legends have, however, rarely the above powerhouses reveal the magical powers in the mortal at will. 凡人都知道事件有妖魔鬼怪与仙神,各种神话传说都有,然而,很少有一品以上的强者随意在凡人显露神通。 Even if fights, generally will not make the mortal see the appearance/portrait. 就算是打斗,一般也不会让凡人看到真容。 One acts, say/way rhyme of bringing, if made the mortal find, the produced causes and effects were very big. 一品出手,自带的道韵,若是让凡人瞧见了,产生的因果可是非常大的。 The fixed light Zen master's reply makes the land Yuan angry, only listens to his light said/tunnel: I killed them, then before is not a person, manifests a presence. Amitabha!” 定光禅师的回答更让陆元化愤怒,只听他轻飘飘地道:“我把他们都杀了,便不算人前显圣。阿弥陀佛!” land Yuanhua looked that the fixed light Zen master so benign countenance, the words that said is so exasperating, immediately bristled with anger. 陆元化看定光禅师那么慈眉善目,说出的话却这么气人,顿时怒发冲冠。 This little while, he also recognized the identity of fixed light Zen master. 这会儿,他也认出了定光禅师的身份。 Originally is the monster monk in Qianfu Temple, no wonder will have such conduct, damn!” “原来是千佛寺的妖僧,难怪会有如此做派,该死!” Under land Yuanhua the anger, in the chest the righteous qi surges. 陆元化愤怒之下,胸中正气更是激荡。 This is the special place of Confucian scholar, the heart of justice is also more abundant, the Confucianist magic arts are stronger. 这也是儒者的特异之处,秉正之心越盛,儒家法术越强。 Song cloud appeared in land Yuanhua the front promptly, grasped to whisk, worked as the vanguard for the land Yuan. 宋云及时出现在了陆元化的前方,手持拂尘,为陆元化当先锋。 Their two people collaborate, not necessarily is the opponent of this thief monk. 他们两个人联起手来,也未必是这贼和尚的对手。 But at this moment, cannot the ignores monk act unreasonably absolutely again. 但此时此刻,绝对不能再放任和尚乱来。 Lin Yi this little while just now finds out the thing on hand is what thing, this probably is an arrow, does not know that is what material quality, touches to have a scalding hot feeling. 林毅这会儿才刚摸清楚手上的东西是个什么玩意,这大概是个箭头,也不知道是什么材质,摸起来有种灼热的感觉。 The length is also only less than three cuns (2.5 cm) merely, with such little thing, kills hundred zhang (333 m) high Buddha, but also is really challenging. 长度也仅仅只有三寸不到,用这样的小东西,去杀百丈高的佛,还真是极具挑战性。 However, Lin Yi believes that peaceful/late Qingqiu will not be aimless, no matter useful useless, tried to know. 不过,林毅相信晏青丘不会无的放矢,不管有用没用,试试就知道了。 At the worst travels! 大不了就跑路嘛! Let alone jumps now suddenly two allied forces, truth that Lin Yi has not naturally flinched. 更别说现在突然蹦出了两个友军,林毅自然没有退缩的道理。 Two fellow daoist, we on, killed this evil Buddha together!” “两位道友,咱们一起上,杀了这个邪佛!” Disagreement fixed light Zen master many, Lin Yi pushes to the front, wields the just iron fist to rush. 不和定光禅师多哔哔,林毅一马当先,挥着正义的铁拳冲了上去。 land Yuanhua sees that the song discussed: Day line is healthy, the gentleman to strive constantly for self-improvement.” 陆元化见状,颂念道:“天行健,君子以自强不息。” Lin Yi felt immediately body one light, obviously, he was strengthened. 林毅顿时感觉身子一轻,显然,他被强化了。 Until now very few sees the Confucianist cultivator fight, originally, their localizations are auxiliary, this buff adds good! 一直以来都很少见到儒家修士战斗,原来,他们的定位是辅助,这buff加的好啊! Lin Yi felt that own strength strengthened 10%, do not despise this 10%, he is in 8000 the magical skill mortal body , to promote 10% again, that close to 9000. 林毅感觉到自己的力量又增强了10%,别小看这10%,他可是有八千年道行的肉身,再提升10%,那就接近九千年了。 land Yuanhua has not stopped , to continue saying: Topography Kun, the gentleman carries the thing by thick virtue.” 陆元化还没停下来,继续道:“地势坤,君子以厚德载物。” This addition gives Lin Yi, he felt that the self-defence was also strengthened. 这加成还是给林毅的,他感觉自己的防御也增强了许多。 Meanwhile he felt that on oneself is lingering a air/Qi, this agrees with him. 同时他感觉自己身上萦绕着一种气,这与他非常契合。 land Yuanhua also surprise, he holds to the Lin Yi in addition very much, naturally is noble in the chest, he cannot see the Lin Yi background, but should be an honorable gentleman. 陆元化也很诧异,他给林毅加持的,自然就是自己胸中的浩然正气,他看不出林毅的来路,但应该是个正人君子。 But, he and righteous qi so agrees with. 但没想到,他和正气如此契合。 The innermost feelings more man of great integrity naturally and righteous qi is also more compatible, land Yuanhua to the Lin Yi righteous qi external, actually stimulated Lin Yi righteous qi, this is increase doubled and re-doubled. 内心越正直的人自然和正气也越亲和,陆元化给林毅的正气是外来的,却激发了林毅本身的正气,这就是成倍的增加。 If the thoughts are not pure, under righteous qi in addition holds, instead will be injured. 若是心思不纯净的,正气加持之下,反而会受伤。 Therefore this is also the reason of own gentleman far villain the Confucianist said. 所以这也是儒家所言的亲君子远小人的原因。 The response of righteous qi showed Lin Yi standpoint, land Yuanhua has nothing immediately hesitant, is upright not to ask for money to upwell generally toward the Lin Yi body. 正气的反应就说明了林毅的立场,陆元化当即没有任何犹豫,一身正气不要钱一般朝林毅身上涌去。 He has the method of fight, but he is also clear, his positive/direct strength indeed is inferior to other focusing on sparring cultivator. 他不是没有战斗的手段,但他也清楚,他的正面战力的确不如其他以斗法为主的修士 Lin Yi obtained the strengthening, does not know how long this buff can continue, naturally rushes nonstop. 林毅得到了强化,也不知道这buff能持续多久,自然是马不停蹄地冲了上去。 Has buff time, one minute/share one second is precious. 有buff的时候,一分一秒都是珍贵的。 The fixed light Zen master actually does not fear about three people jointly, the true powerhouse, never fears the challenge. 定光禅师对三人联手却是丝毫不惧,真正的强者,从来不惧挑战。 Carves the insect small technique, dares to show off meager skills before an expert!” “雕虫小技,也敢班门弄斧!” The fixed light Zen master said a few words, the terrifying air wave thinks immediately all around turned wells up. 定光禅师说出一句话,恐怖的气浪立刻想四周翻涌。 The palace also two remnant bricks, wash out by the air wave now, becomes anything not to remain. 王府本来还有两块残砖,现在被气浪冲刷,也就变得什么都不剩了。 Lin Yi kept off in the land Yuan and in front of Song cloud, put out to cut the monster sword to cut to break the air wave, still had the disturbance to draw back the powder, blew their clothes fiercely to make noise. 林毅挡在陆元化和宋云前面,拿出斩妖剑斩破了气浪,依然有风波退散,吹得他们的衣裳烈烈作响。 You so offend somebody in the city, doesn't fear the scourge?” “你在城中如此伤人,不怕天谴么?” Song cloud also wants to enter the war, looked at this situation , to Lin Yi, when assisted! 宋云原本还想参战,一看这情况,得嘞,给林毅当辅助吧! His assistance is the mouth artillery adds the spell, but this type of mouth artillery is useless to the fixed light Zen master. 他的辅助就是嘴炮加符咒,但这种嘴炮对定光禅师毫无用处。 „Only the weak one will fear the world situation, but the powerhouse, can actually control the potential of the world!” “只有弱者才会惧怕天地大势,而强者,却能主宰天地之势!” Did not discuss regardless the standpoint, fixed light Zen master these words saying the military might to be aggressive indeed, he also achieved. 抛开立场不谈,定光禅师这句话说得的确威武霸气,他也做到了。 Present he, by oneself strength, led the potential of Changancheng this stretch of the world completely, the world situation, all uses for him, where will also fear anything to backlash. 现在的他,完全凭借自己的力量,主导了长安城这一片天地的势,天地大势,皆为他所用,哪里还会惧怕什么反噬。 Song Yunming felt obviously oneself spell might was weaker. If Lin Yi is also practices breathing exercises or refining up one of the god, must probably by the steamroll. 宋云明显感觉到自己的符咒威力弱了许多。若林毅也是个练气或者炼神的一品,现在大概要被碾压了。 Skillful, Lin Yi also does not need to borrow potential, he himself is the potential! 巧了,林毅同样不需要借势,他自己就是势! 7017 k 7017k
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