IHAMSS :: Volume #4

#383: My Lin Yi is helpful

Lin Yi not did not speak Wu De, he also said that replied issue can walk, one person answered the issue, others could not certainly get away! 林毅并非不讲武德,他也说了,回答问题的可以走,就一个人回答了问题,其他人当然走不了了呗! 12 big witches' dreading to Lin Yi is very indeed deep, but their present situations are not wonderful. 十二大巫对林毅的忌惮的确很深,但他们现在的处境已经是非常不妙了。 Their original goals are to kill Lin Yi, guarantees the toba tartars space, this can stand firm own benefit, finally now they kill the toba tartars space, actually has to retreat facing Lin Yi, will have the greatly troublesome upper body. 他们本来的目标是弄死林毅,保下拓跋宇,这样才能稳住自己的利益,结果现在他们杀了拓跋宇,面对林毅却不得不退走,已经会有大麻烦上身。 If damages one person in brothers furthermore, that situation will be worse. 若是再则损兄弟之中的一人,那处境会更加糟糕。 12 big witch brothers, gather in together, can have a strength, even the royal government, will still rely upon them. 十二大巫同气连枝,汇聚在一起,能有一品的战力,就算朝廷,也会仰仗他们。 Let alone they had heard that the emperor to the toba tartars space for a long time, they killed the toba tartars space discontentedly, should calculate the merit in emperor there, could go for shelter. 何况他们早就听说皇帝对拓跋宇不满已久,他们杀了拓跋宇,在皇帝那里应该算功劳,或许可以去投奔。 Let alone Lin Yi now do not kill a person, but only keeps a person, will this make others be resigned to suffer to death? 何况林毅现在不是要杀一个人,而是只留一个人,这让其他人怎么会甘心受死? That bled off, knows own situation was not wonderful, did not have assisting of companion, he definitely did not live for a long time. 就连那个被放走的,也知道自己处境不妙,没有了同伴的帮扶,他肯定活不长久。 Such being the case, summed again also has no significance , can only fight. 既然如此,再求和也就没有什么意义了,也就只能战斗。 Only the annoying this boy also deceives them to answer the issue, is seriously hateful! 只可气这厮还骗他们回答问题,当真可恶! This Han people brothers, cultivate the behavior to keep the frontline, in the future will meet well, this is the proverb of your Han people, today can you put together with our brothers life and death?” “这位汉人兄弟,做人留一线,日后好相见,这是你们汉人的老话,今日你非要和我们兄弟拼个你死我活么?” That of speech should be the lead big brother, he looks oldest, stature actually most rickets, sneak one of the assassins. 说话的那个应该是领头大哥,他看着年龄最老,身材却最佝偻,是潜行刺客之一。 Lin Yi shows a faint smile, said: You looked studies, but read-only little, our Han people have the proverb, is called to cut the grass non- root, the spring breeze blows fresh, since has become the foe, that only then made you die certainly, that was relieved.” 林毅微微一笑,道:“你们一看就是读了书,但只读了一点点的,我们汉人还有老话,叫做斩草不除根,春风吹又生,既然已经成了仇敌,那就只有让你们死绝了,那才安心。” conceals the flower that observes in the room reads hears these words softly, in the eye is shining. 藏在屋子里观战的花念柔听到这句话,眼里都在放着光。 Good to cut the grass non- root, the spring breeze blows fresh!” “好一个斩草不除根,春风吹又生!” These words not only overbearing, and callous, made her ice-cold blood as if burn. 这句话既霸道,又冷酷,却让她冰冷的血似乎都燃烧起来了。 Although she studies to read a lot has not heard these words, authenticity that but she does not suspect these words. 虽然她读书读得多也没听说过这句话,但她并不怀疑这句话的真实性。 Is this/should does that is right. 就是该这么做才对。 Wants the guy Heavenly Dynasty military might to be aggressive initially, sweeps away six directions, pursues perishes to pursue fleeing enemy troops, drove away the place of bitter cold the alien race. 想当初大汉天朝多么威武霸气,横扫六合,追亡逐北,将异族驱赶到了苦寒之地。 However they have not stamped out the source of trouble the alien race, is only the exile, because indulged the alien race to rest and build up strength, will have the disaster of today. 但是他们并没有将异族斩草除根,只是放逐,正是因为放纵了异族休养生息,才会有今日之祸患。 Without sweeping clean the peripheral bandit, carries out internal fight at home, outside very seizes the chance to invade, hits Han people clothes Namtu, in an extremely difficult situation, from now on the national territory will perish, people have no means to make a living. 没有扫清周边贼寇,就在家里搞内斗,外贼趁机入侵,打得汉人衣冠南渡,狼狈不堪,自此国土沦丧,民不聊生。 The flower read softly more wants more to think that Lin Yi is the present age enlightened ruler, if he can raise up the flag, can myriad people submit surely. 花念柔越想越觉得林毅才是当世明主,若是他能竖起旗帜,必定能有万千子民归附。 How not to mention the flower read softly is choked up with emotions, did not affect the situation in field. 且不说花念柔是如何心潮澎湃,都不影响场上的局势。 Lin Yi surrounded that but he also surrounded everyone. 林毅是被包围的那个,但同时他也包围了所有人。 12 big witches know that evades not to be possible to evade, has to put out the strongest method. 十二大巫知道避无可避,只好拿出了最强的手段。 They make the attack shape simultaneously, but before the attack acts, does not know that which is a attack. 他们同时做出攻击状,但在攻击出手之前,也不知道哪个才是一品的攻击。 This tactic copes with other one to be naturally easy-to-use, because of outnumbering , makes one unable to distinguish clearly the actual situation, under pulls, is inevitably distressed. 这种战术对付其他一品自然非常好用,因为以多打少,又让人分不清虚实,拉扯之下,必然狼狈。 But where Lin Yi cares about the attack that who makes is a level, hits by all means and that's the end. 林毅哪里在乎谁打出的攻击是一品层次的,只管打过去就是了。 He first charged into of archery, hitting the group must cut adc is the general knowledge. 他最先冲向了射箭的那位,打团要切adc是常识。 The shooter of opposite party is clever, when Lin Yi throws, he conducted dodging immediately, several other robust men supported rapidly, but a Lin Yi tiger's roar, shakes their mind to be murky immediately. 对方的射手非常灵巧,在林毅扑过去的时候,他马上进行了闪避,另外有几个壮汉迅速支援了过来,可林毅一声虎啸,顿时震得他们头脑昏沉。 Only suddenly, Lin Yi near body, has then fought with the fists, then called that big witch skull blasting open, was the silver screen breaks cream peng seriously for the first time, scene very frightened. 只眨眼间,林毅便已近身,一拳打出,便叫那大巫颅骨炸裂,当真是银屏乍破水浆逬,场面非常之惊悚。 Lin Yi fights earnestly, only fights, then called them a personnel losses person. 林毅认真战斗起来,只一交手,便叫他们减员一人。 But Lin Yi kills the heart not to reduce, hits toward nearby big witch big of support. 林毅杀心不减,朝着就近支援的大巫大打去。 That big witch also grows perceptibly at the strength, but he extends the arm, wants to stop Lin Yi, was actually carried with ease by Lin Yi, projected, another two big witches but who will also prepare to shoot arrows pounding spitting blood. 那大巫也是以力量见长,可他伸出手臂,想要阻拦林毅,却被林毅轻松拎起,投射了出去,还将准备射箭的另外两个大巫给砸到了吐血。 Can hit does not have.” “一个能打的都没有。” The situation basically is one-sided, is also thinking dies to fight big witches this little while with Lin Yi by a blood stimulation, immediately is scared. 形势基本上是一边倒,原本还想着跟林毅死战到底的大巫们这会儿被鲜血一刺激,顿时慌了神。 How this is victorious! 这怎么打得过哦! Run! 快跑! At that moment, 12 big witches only survived nine people, Lin Yi picked up the spiked club that big witch fell down a moment ago conveniently, brandished then to pursue. 当下,十二大巫仅存活了九人,林毅顺手捡起刚才那个大巫掉下的狼牙棒,挥舞着便追了上去。 This 12 big witches, Lin Yi is one will not naturally let off. 这十二大巫,林毅自然是一个都不会放过。 On coming the road in Changancheng, Lin Yi inquired with king health/guard matter about toba tartars space, the deeds that this 12 big witches are also many. 在来长安城的路上,林毅就跟王卫询问了许多关于拓跋宇的事情,这十二大巫的事迹也非常多。 The azure red gang thorniest enemy naturally was 12 big witches, but both sides various were his lord, the sparring victory and loss itself/Ben had nothing to do wrong. 青红帮最棘手的敌人自然就是十二大巫了,但双方各为其主,斗法输赢本无关对错。 But 12 big witches to promote to cultivate/repair are, frequently needs by the boys and girls sacrificial offering, to have the support of toba tartars space, they want to catch which family/home to catch which family/home. 但十二大巫为了提升修为,动辄需要以童男童女祭祀,有拓跋宇的支持,他们想抓谁家就抓谁家。 Moreover, in the domain of Northern Wei, was the position of foreigner is more honored, although there is a toba tartars space to take the backer, 12 big witches were not good to offend the foreigner, therefore the Han people meet with a disaster. 而且,在北魏的地盘,到底是胡人的地位更加尊贵,虽然有拓跋宇作为靠山,十二大巫也不好得罪胡人,于是汉人就都遭了殃。 The life in the Han people of Northern Wei, can say that the time is in abyss of suffering. 生活在北魏的汉人,可以说时刻都处于水深火热之中。 Lin Yi listened to these, then also included 12 big witches must kill the list, since had arrived at this place, moved killed the heart, that might as well killed greatly kills especially. 林毅听了那些,便将十二大巫也列入了必杀名单,既然已经来到了此地,动了杀心,那就不妨大杀特杀。 Also two breath, the big witch of survival also remains five people. 又两个呼吸,存活的大巫还剩五人。 Lin Yi every waves the spiked club one time, can harvest a life, abused power in Northern Wei, was known as may not the 12 big witches of enemy, now in the Lin Yi subordinate, like chicken dog. 林毅每一次挥舞狼牙棒,都能收割一条性命,在北魏作威作福,号称不可敌的十二大巫,如今在林毅手下,也如同鸡犬。 Help!” “救命啊!” Was chased down not to have big witch Men of means by Lin Yi at this time, finally remembered your family place also two big sacrifices, although they are known as 12 big witch joint efforts, is as good any big sacrifice, but at this time, if can have two to offer a sacrifice to the help greatly, should be able to attend to this evil spirit. 林毅追杀到没办法的大巫们在这个时候,终于想起了府上还有两个大祭,他们虽然号称十二大巫合力,不逊于任何大祭,但这个时候,若是能有两个大祭帮忙,应该能料理了这个凶神。 Big witch Men who in those days was insufferably arrogant, when facing life and death crisis, their performance were also not necessarily able to be better than the average person. 往日不可一世的大巫们,在面对生死危机时,他们的表现也未必会比普通人更好。 But at this time, dragon Langda offered a sacrifice to with the white wolf big sacrifice cannot sit still finally. 而此时,龙狼大祭和白狼大祭终于坐不住了。 Originally thinks that is only a common assassination, 12 big witches should be able to solve, finally, the toba tartars space died. 本来以为只是一次寻常的刺杀,十二大巫应该能够解决,结果,拓跋宇死了。 Perhaps we previously should make anything, but now is too late.” “我们先前或许应该做点什么的,但现在已经太迟了。” The white wolf big sacrifice said very much regrettably, previously he knows the palace has the situation, but they felt, even if there is situation, does not need to act. 白狼大祭很遗憾地说道,先前他就知道了王府有情况,但他们都觉得就算有情况,也没有必要出手。 Now 12 big witch casualties more than half, remaining is calling for help crazily, the toba tartars space died, their making a move naturally did not have the significance, simply do not act. 现在十二大巫死伤过半,剩下的在疯狂呼救,拓跋宇都死了,那他们出手自然也没有了意义,干脆就不要出手了。 Lin Yi this person is really innocent, he killed the toba tartars space, why can also be so rampant in the palace? 只是,林毅这个人真是不懂事,他弄死了拓跋宇也就罢了,为什么还要在王府这么嚣张? Their two offer a sacrifice to greatly not on the scene, if on the scene also treats as anything not to happen, when the time comes perhaps other big sacrifice can laugh at them, the emperor also meets insincerely the accountability. 他们两个大祭不在场也就罢了,若是在场还当作什么事情都没有发生,到时候恐怕别的大祭都会笑话他们,皇帝也会假意问责。 At least, their two do not have the face very much. 至少,他们两个是很没面子的。 If Lin Yi kills people walked, they can also explain that to really rescue without enough time. 若是林毅杀了人就走了,他们还可以解释为实在来不及救援。 After all the toba tartars space died, except for the benefit related person, no one truly will be sad for him, but for his death, but the happy person is definitely not infrequent, in that including Luoyang city. 毕竟拓跋宇死了,除了利益相关的人,没有人会真正为他伤心,但为了他的死而开心的人肯定不在少数,包括洛阳城里的那位。 „Does Aaron, we begin?” “阿龙,咱动手吗?” white wolf offered a sacrifice to greatly could not a little have sat still, he does not want to lose face. 白狼大祭已经有点坐不住了,他不想这么丢脸。 But dragon Langda offers a sacrifice to has own calculation at heart, he waited for the treasure born has waited is so long, when the toba tartars space died, if acts now, the front waiting did seem very silly? 但龙狼大祭心里有自己的盘算,他等着宝物出世已经等这么久了,等到拓跋宇都死了,若是现在出手,前面的等待岂不是显得很傻? We indeed made a mistake before, but since has made a mistake, now should reduce the loss.” “我们之前的确错了,但既然已经错了,现在应该将损失降低。” So long as obtained the treasure, anything is unimportant. 只要得到了宝物,什么都不重要了。 Read and this, dragon Langda offered a sacrifice to with the white wolf big sacrifice has not acted. 一念及此,龙狼大祭和白狼大祭都没有出手。 They discussed that 12 big witches had only remained last. 就他们商议的时候,十二大巫已经只剩了最后一个。 Mentioned also skillfully, he replied that big witch of Lin Yi issue. 说来也巧,他正是回答了林毅问题的那一个大巫。 At this time he has been scared, seemed like thought of anything suddenly, said hastily: You did not say that puts me to walk? Do I walk to be good?” 此时他已经吓破了胆,又像是忽然想到了什么,连忙道:“你不是说放我走吗?我走行不行?” I have given you opportunity, but you do not treasure!” “我给过你机会了,可你不珍惜啊!” Lin Yi is relentless, a club pounded greatly witch Jiang. 林毅毫不留情,一棒子将人砸成了大巫酱。 His making a move ruthless spicy bloody, frightens the guards in palace to scatter in all directions to escape, does not dare to act to Lin Yi. 他出手之狠辣血腥,吓得王府的侍卫们四散逃跑,根本不敢对林毅出手。 But Lin Yi has not managed them, whatever they escaped from the palace, but they run the palace, the news that also dies toba tartars Yu body disseminated. 林毅也没管他们,任由他们逃出了王府,而他们跑出王府,也将拓跋宇身死的消息传播了出去。 The turmoil , the guard who these escape will naturally have the respective wishful thinking. 动乱将至,这些逃跑的侍卫自然也有各自的小心思。 They are somewhat bold, but also the larceny palace property ran, but are more timid person, is grabs the common people residence. 他们有些大胆的,还偷窃王府财物跑了出去,而更多胆子小的人,则是去劫掠民居。 Outside the palace, Gu Tinglan looks that these foreigner soldiers so act unreasonably, guessed correctly Lin Yi definitely did the important matter. 王府之外,顾庭兰看着那些胡人士兵如此乱来,也猜到了林毅肯定是干成了大事。 She has not thought that that man unexpectedly that overwhelming power. 她是万万没想到,那个男人竟然那么威猛。 Since the opposite party handled the biggest matter, she should also make a minor matter. 既然对方做了最大的事情,她也该做一点小事。 Gu Tingxuan was grasped a moment ago, she has not revolted simultaneously is grasped, the present was the time shows the true strength! 刚才顾庭轩被抓,她也没有反抗就一起被抓了,现在是时候展现真正的实力了! Bandit soldier who these attempt the family residence, is the object who she hunts and kills. 那些试图破家入户的匪兵,就是她猎杀的对象。 Gu Tingxuan also knows at this time, his sister really has such skill! 顾庭轩也是这个时候才知道,他的妹妹竟然有如此身手! A treasured sword in the hand, sweeps away all obstacles, he has also thought that oneself younger sister is delicate, needs his Elder Brother to protect, in the end, was he is protected by the younger sister. 一把宝剑在手,所向披靡,他还一直以为自己的妹妹非常柔弱,需要他这个哥哥来保护,到头来,一直是他被妹妹保护了。 But Gu Tinglan not only has a person to be brave, her sedition is also strong, after killing some bandits, her great shout said: Toba tartars space has died, Han people king master already to Changancheng outside, you, if also has the courage and uprightness, then takes up the weapon, along with me kills the enemy!” 而顾庭兰不仅仅是有个人勇武,她的煽动性也强,在打杀了一部分贼寇之后,她大声呼喊道:“拓跋宇已死,汉人王师已至长安城外,你们若是还有血性,便拿起武器,随我杀敌!” Gu Tinglan know, this view is odd. 顾庭兰自己都知道,这个说法非常离谱。 They indeed are wait for desolate Yue that team to Changancheng, but desolate Yue from Hanzhong Uprising also shortly, currently estimates that also looks like the roving bandit to flee in disorder generally everywhere, how outside Changancheng? 他们到长安城的确是来等待萧玥那一支队伍的,但萧玥从汉中起义还没多久,现在估计还像流寇一般四处窜逃,怎么会在长安城外? But this does not hinder her to trick. 但这不妨碍她忽悠。 Depending on her one's effort, was unable to beat all guards who retreat from the palace, let alone the Changancheng also 100,000 garrisons, she must unite the person who any can join up to revolt together, can protect the good more people. 凭她一己之力,还不能击败所有从王府溃逃的侍卫,更别说长安城还有十万驻军,她必须要联合任何可以联合起来的人一同反抗,才能保护好更多的人。 This is also merit one, was repays land Yuanhua to teach and protect her benevolence. 这也算是功德一桩,也算是偿还了陆元化教导和保护她的恩情。 Gu Tinglan the instigation ability is very indeed strong, soon, her side gathered a group of people. 顾庭兰的煽动能力的确很强,不多时,她的身边就聚拢了一批人。 The Han people in Changancheng have by the toba tartars space persecution for a long time, the humiliation of innermost feelings has never been released, then has been piling up, until now, this anger was getting more and more powerful. 长安城的汉人受拓跋宇迫害已经有很长时间了,内心的屈辱从未得到释放,便一直积压着,到如今,这怒火越来越强盛。 Now heard the toba tartars space dead, but toba tartars space soldiers hand/subordinate must make use to them kill and burn to plunder, as long as had the courage and uprightness people not to endure. 现在听到拓跋宇都死了,而拓跋宇手下的兵卒还要趁势对他们烧杀抢掠,但凡是有血性的人都忍不了。 Even does not have the courage and uprightness, the person always wants to live. 就算是没有血性,人总是想要活下来的。 Now some people lead, to follow not to be killed together easily. 如今有人带领,跟在一起也不容易被人杀死。 Slowly, gathers in Gu Tinglan person are getting more and more, Gu Tinglan gets the person to run around in the city, gathers the Han people common people, and drives off the foreigner soldier. 慢慢的,汇聚在顾庭兰身边的人越来越多,顾庭兰领着人在城里四处奔波,汇聚汉人百姓,并追打胡人士兵。 In her mouth also shouted loudly unceasingly: Toba tartars space has died, king master to the city outside, has not been willing the again insulted Han people, takes up the weapon, along with me kills the enemy!” 她的口中还不断高呼:“拓跋宇已死,王师已至城外,不愿意再被欺辱的汉人,拿起武器,随我杀敌!” Is also followed by the person who she stirs up the mood shouted: Kills the enemy!” 被她挑动起情绪的人也跟随大喊:“杀敌!” Loud-voiced, gradually continually piece. 声音洪亮,渐渐连成了片。 desolate Yue who outside the city waits for had not obtained the pass on message that the king protects, but she cultivated taking a life, this period of time advancement is obvious, she induced in the city murderous aura of surging forward, obviously had the important matter to happen. 城外等候的萧玥还没有得到王卫的传讯,但她修炼了杀生经,这段时间的进境非常明显,她感应到了城中汹涌澎湃的杀气,显然是有大事发生。 The hesitation moment, desolate Yue makes the decision immediately. 沉吟片刻,萧玥立刻做出了决定。 Preparation, attacks a city!” “准备,攻城!” A confusion in city, Lin Yi does not have to pay attention temporarily. 城内的一片混乱,林毅暂时没有去关注。 When he struck to kill the last big witch, at present suddenly presents a Buddhist priest. 当他击杀了最后一个大巫,眼前突然出现了一个僧人。 Amitabha, donor good heavy killing heart.” “阿弥陀佛,施主好重的杀心。” Lin Yi shot a look at this monk, does not know where he comes, perhaps is the Buddhist priest who in the palace provides. 林毅瞥了一眼这个和尚,也不知道他从哪里来的,兴许是王府上供养的僧人。 But sees his air column to be exceedingly high, clearly is a powerhouse. 但见他气柱通天,分明是个强者。 To this kind of person, Lin Yi is nothing favorable impression, the Buddhist priest lost the heart of mercy, even if worships buddha sincerely, the respect praised the Buddhist literature, same was not worth him respecting. 对这类人,林毅是没有什么好感的,僧人失了慈悲之心,哪怕诚心礼佛,敬颂佛经,一样不值得他尊重。 Repair to actually meanly, can be more affected to him. 倒是一些修为低微的,能给他更多感动。 Lin Yi being disinclined manages him, turns around then to leave. 林毅懒得理他,转身便要离开。 Now the person has killed, has not kept the reason of palace decisively again. 如今人已经杀了,断然没有再留在王府的理由。 Donor please hold your steps, this poor monk also disputed case, wants to ask for advice to the donor.” “施主请留步,贫僧还有一桩疑案,想要向施主讨教。” Lin Yi sees that naturally also had the guess at heart. 林毅见状,心里自然也有了猜测。 The homicide two monks in Qianfu Temple, that two monk position were not definitely low, now comes a monk, gives them to revenge mostly. 他杀了千佛寺的两个和尚,那两个和尚地位肯定也不低,现在又来了一个和尚,多半就是给他们来报仇的。 You said.” “你说。” A Lin Yi face is calm, the fixed light Zen master is still benign countenance, said: This poor monk has two Junior Brothers, was killed in Southern Dynasty Hanzhong county cruelly, is the donor with this matter concerned?” 林毅一脸淡定从容,定光禅师依然是慈眉善目,道:“贫僧有两位师弟,在南朝汉中郡被人残忍杀害,施主和这件事是不是有关?” Has not heard, I am unhappy take a life, has not killed the monk.” “没听说过,我这个人不喜杀生,从来没杀过和尚。” Your that two Junior Brothers, said that moon/month Bai Guangming Buddha, was known as white dragon Protector. 你那两个师弟,一个自称月白光明佛,一个号称白龙护法。 Since one is Buddha, one is Protector, could not naturally be regarded to lie. 既然一个是佛,一个是护法,自然也算不得说谎了。 Does not lie, Lin Yi naturally is righteous. 不说谎的时候,林毅自然是理直气壮。 The fixed light Zen master benign countenance expression of is a little stiff, he has also never seen the so impudent and shameless top powerhouse. 定光禅师慈眉善目的表情都有点僵硬,他还从未见过如此厚颜无耻的顶尖强者。 Doesn't the dignity of powerhouse want? 强者的尊严不要了吗? Amitabha, the two Junior Brothers of this poor monk, in gave this poor monk to hold a dream actually few days ago, they may think of tightly to you, the donor may be willing to mediate, sees one side them?” “阿弥陀佛,贫僧的两个师弟,倒是在前些日子给贫僧托了个梦,他们对你可想念得紧,施主可愿做个好人,去见他们一面?” Also put in order to hold the dream! 还整了出托梦啊! Fierce fierce. 厉害厉害。 Since could not have concealed the truth, Lin Yi does not install. 既然已经瞒不住了,林毅也就不装了。 Laid cards on the table, I am a murderer. 摊牌了,我就是凶手。 I indeed like helpfully, but, they, since held the dream to you, that certainly was thinks that you must very much, be inferior Grandmaster did accompany them?” “我的确喜欢乐于助人,不过,他们既然托梦给你了,那定然是想你得很,不如大师自己下去陪他们?” 7017 k 7017k
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