IHAMSS :: Volume #4

#385 Part 1: The monster monk disaster year in which one was born as represented by an animal leaves, corrupt sirius shining Changancheng

The destiny of person indeed like a samsara, before soon, Lin Yi selects white dragon to protect the law only, moon/month Bai Guangming Buddha in a Hanzhong county person and land Pan, now, the fixed light Zen master performs 1 v 3 here. 人的命运的确就像一场轮回,在不久之前,林毅在汉中郡一个人单挑白龙护法、月白光明佛和陆判,如今,定光禅师又在这里上演了1v3. At this moment, like other carved at that time. 此时此刻,恰如彼时彼刻。 Lin Yi fully realized that the opposite party must gain the victory, is most likely first to start to the land Yuan. 林毅深知对方要取得胜利,最有可能先对陆元化下手。 Is always known by everybody, hits the group first to hit buff that. 总所周知,打团先打加buff的那个。 In order to avoid the fixed light Zen master uses the tactic that defeats one by one, Lin Yi must have the sufficient suppressed strength. 为了避免定光禅师采用逐个击破的战术,林毅必须要有足够的压制力。 Only pitifully, after he sealed spirit accumulated, lacks enough powerful attack method, resembles five spirit returning to origin this magic arts, Lin Yi is unable to use now. 只可惜,他封了灵蕴之后缺乏足够强大的攻击手段,似五灵归宗这种法术,林毅现在都无法使用。 Otherwise, according to Lin Yi pre-war first accumulates the consistent style of air/Qi, is insufficient the present is so passive. 不然的话,按照林毅战前先攒气的一贯风格,也不至于现在这么被动。 This time, Lin Yi can only fight by the most primitive ability, can depend upon only, only then the cutting monster sword in hand. 这一次,林毅只能靠最原始的能力去战斗,唯一能依靠的,只有手里的斩妖剑。 Without so many magical powers ingenious methods, the idea of Lin Yi was also actually simpler. 没有那么多神通妙法,林毅的想法倒是也简单了许多。 That holds he with own big sword, or uses own iron fist to hammer him. 那就是拿自己的大剑上去捅他,或者用自己的铁拳锤他。 Is victorious, we fight him today, cannot be victorious, will fight him another day again, in brief must have the condition of fight. 打得过,咱今天就跟他打,打不过,就改天再跟他打,总之一直要有战斗的状态。 The Lin Yi body seems incomparably tiny in front of the hundred zhang (333 m) golden body, but is this tiny body, with own fist, catches a fist that the golden body made. 林毅的身躯在百丈金身面前显得无比渺小,但就是这渺小的身躯,用自己的拳头,接住了金身打出的一拳。 land Yuanhua exerted to play the important role in his righteous qi, Lin Yi resists now difficultly facing the fist of golden body, without this addition, he were possibly hammered directly underground. 陆元化施加在他身上的正气起到了至关重要的作用,林毅现在面对金身的拳头非常艰难地抵挡住了,若是没有这个加成,他可能直接就被锤到了地下。 Dies is insufficient but actually, the wound will definitely have. 死倒不至于,伤肯定会有。 white wolf offers a sacrifice to with dragon Langda greatly offers a sacrifice to is looking at this fight. 白狼大祭和龙狼大祭都在看着这场战斗。 Reaching an agreement, so long as does not open the palace they no matter, the palace does not have by a palm of the hand bang finally now. 说好的只要不拆了王府他们就不管,结果现在王府被一巴掌轰没了。 Also is the dull underground secret room has not received the influence now, but outside made into like this, they have not gone out, how could it not be to look like the turtle? 也就是他们现在呆的地下密室还没收到影响,但外面都打成这样了,他们还不出去,岂不就像是缩头乌龟? But, the palace ruined, what do we also go out to make?” “可是,王府都毁掉了,我们还出去做什么呢?” Hears the issue that dragon Langda offers a sacrifice to ask, the white wolf big sacrifice is at the scene speechless. 听到龙狼大祭提出的这个问题,白狼大祭当场无语。 Probably, said is. 好像,说得也是。 But why always thought where is not quite right? 但为什么总觉得哪里不太对? We look that they do abuse power in our domains?” “那咱们难道就看着他们在我们的地盘作威作福?” „Did you kill their four?” “那你去打杀了他们四个?” white wolf big sacrifice: „......” 白狼大祭:“……” Probably cannot be victorious. 好像打不过。 He was also looks to understand now, dragon Langda offered a sacrifice to decide to withdraw the treasure born here, before the treasure was born, the choice that dragon Langda offered a sacrifice to was certainly dormant. 他现在也算是看明白了,龙狼大祭是打定主意在这里龟缩到宝物出世,在宝物出世之前,龙狼大祭的选择一定是蛰伏。 white wolf offers a sacrifice to greatly reluctantly , can only be silent, he naturally does not want to look that the alien race person runs amuck in own domain, but by his strength, indeed is not the opponents of these people. 白狼大祭无奈,也只能闭口不言,他自然是不想看着异族人在自家地盘胡作非为的,但以他一人之力,的确不是那些人的对手。 Under this time palace, not only actually two big sacrifices are dormant here, a mouse Daoist, is unearthing the tunnel quietly. 此时的王府之下,却不只是两位大祭在这里蛰伏,还有一位鼠道人,正在悄无声息地挖掘着地洞。 Lin Yi is battling with the fixed light Zen master difficultly, the fixed light Zen master is seemingly relaxed enjoyably, is actually also just giving Lin Yi and land Yuanhua and the others brought the pressure, making them be afraid. 林毅正在和定光禅师艰难交战,定光禅师看似轻松写意,其实也只不过是在给林毅和陆元化等人施加压力,让他们心生畏惧。 This thinks that this time acts is easy, who knows the Lin Yi strength far ultra moon/month Bai Guangming Buddha in holding the dream describes like that. 本以为这次出手是手到擒来,谁知林毅的实力远超月白光明佛在托梦中描述的那般。 Lands again upright of Yuan, attached on Lin Yi, this made Lin Yi have a stronger strength, among two people the disparity gradually reduced. 再加上陆元化的一身正气,都附加到了林毅身上,这就让林毅有了更强的实力,两人之间的差距逐渐缩小。 The scene is at a stalemate, to him is not the good deed, looked how long Lin Yi this boy can insist. 场面这么僵持住,对他也不是什么好事,就看林毅这小子到底能坚持多久了。 Surrounding area several kilometers also living person attention centralized in Lin Yi and fight of fixed light Zen master, except for some only hides in the Lin Yi bosom cat. 方圆几公里还活着的人注意力都集中在了林毅和定光禅师的战斗上了,除了某只藏在林毅怀里的猫。 At this moment, she smelled aura of natural enemy suddenly. 此时此刻,她忽然嗅到了一点天敌的气息。 Her nest in the Lin Yi bosom, said to a Xiao Se (bleak) round of news on the quiet: Where are you at? How to have come?” 她窝在林毅的怀里,悄悄对萧瑟发消息道:“你在哪?怎么还不过来?” The dark cloud felt that Xiao Se (bleak) seemed to be surrounded, before is very obviously early, appeared to Xiao Se (bleak) on the sensation in Changancheng, but passed was so long, Xiao Se (bleak) has not come unexpectedly. 乌云感觉萧瑟似乎被困住了,明明很早之前就感知到了萧瑟出现在了长安城,但过去了这么久,萧瑟居然还没有过来。 It was black, the ray that but the golden buddhist image of fixed light Zen master sends out neighbor will shine like the daytime, inside and outside Changancheng can see here sound, without truth Xiao Se (bleak) comes to see. 天都黑了,但定光禅师的金色宝相散发出的光芒将附近都照耀得如同白昼,长安城内外都能看到这里的动静,没道理萧瑟不过来看看。 But in the sensation of dark cloud, after Xiao Se (bleak) enters a city, had not moved. 而乌云的感知中,萧瑟进城之后,就一直没有移动过。 Perhaps, she was surrounded. 或许,她是被困住了。 The dark cloud also felt under place that the previous toba tartars space corpse stays, one aura that makes her hate. 乌云还感觉到先前拓跋宇尸体停留的地方下面,有一种让她憎恶的气息。 The dark cloud finds out from the back of Lin Yi quietly, this then saw toba tartars Yu rotten the hole chest cavity place, had green light together to fluctuate. 乌云悄悄从林毅的背部探出个头来,这便看到拓跋宇烂了个洞的胸腔处,有一道绿光浮动。 Also at this time, a pitch-dark claw from underground stretched out, Xiaohulu that held that illumination, retracted quickly underground. 也是在这个时候,一只黑漆漆的爪子从地下伸出,一把抓住那个发光的小葫芦,很快又缩回了地下。 Sudden presence, caused the fixed light Zen master and Lin Yi attention suddenly. 只是突然的出场,也在眨眼间引起了定光禅师和林毅的注意。 Two people complexions are dignified, without a doubt, the nearby has the powerhouse, they seem planning anything. 两人的脸色都凝重起来,毫无疑问,附近有强者,他们似乎在谋划什么。 Their two have the tacit understanding very much, Lin Yi does not have the plan first to travel, but the fixed light Zen master has not planned and his armistice. 他们两个也算是很有默契,林毅没打算先跑路,而定光禅师也没打算和他休战。 First kills Lin Yi, then solves other things, this is the plan of fixed light Zen master. 先弄死林毅,再解决其他事情,这就是定光禅师的筹谋。 The toba tartars space is not willing to him money, after to dying the money to consecrate to him, he gives to read one to be reborn in paradise, is sincere. 拓跋宇生前不愿意给他钱,死后的钱都供奉给他,他给念一首往生经,也算是厚道。 But now has uncertainties, the fixed light Zen master only wants to solve Lin Yi rapidly, making the variable less. 但现在出现了变数,定光禅师只想迅速解决了林毅,让变数更少一些。 Suddenly, two people intended more aggressive. 一时间,两人出手更加凶悍了。 Underground, after that only pitch-dark claw caught the green bottle gourd, relaxes, escaped rapidly a deeper underground, put the bottle gourd. 地下,那只黑漆漆的爪子抓到了绿葫芦之后,也松了口气,迅速遁到了更深的地下,才将葫芦放了出来。 The master of this pitch-dark claw, is the mouse Daoist. 这黑漆漆的爪子的主人,正是鼠道人。 He took the jadeite bottle gourd to sway, an illusory person's shadow then melted the figure from inside obviously. 他拿着翠玉葫芦摇晃了一下,一个虚幻的人影便从里面显化出了身形。 This person's shadow toba tartars space. 这人影正是拓跋宇。 Just appeared, his also some were not quite sober, not clarifying now is what situation, when saw the mouse Daoist, his anything thought suddenly. 刚刚出现,他还有些不太清醒,搞不清现在是什么情况,待看到鼠道人,他忽然什么都想起来了。 Is you! Was you saved me?” “是你!是你救了我?” The mouse Daoist nods. 鼠道人点点头。 This naturally is the lie, the effect that his jadeite bottle gourd has not treated the illness to save the patient, can only raise the soul warm, pouring is also the orthodox way treasure. 这当然是谎言,他的翠玉葫芦可没有治病救人的效果,只能温养魂魄,倒也是实打实的正道宝贝。 The common person starts, refreshing that then thinks, is joyful, this is the jadeite bottle gourd raises the soul the effect, is the toba tartars space thinks over to put in the bag the reason. 寻常人入手,便觉的神清气爽,心情愉悦,这便是翠玉葫芦养魂的效果,也是拓跋宇掂量一下就收入囊中的原因。 Since can raise the soul, naturally can put down the vigilance to the bottle gourd. 既然能养魂,自然能让人放下对葫芦的戒心。 The bottle gourd also indeed is not the treasure, will not injure someone, its another function, after the carrier dies, naturally absorbs the soul of carrier, then places in the bottle gourd warm support. 葫芦也的确不是宝贝,不会害人,它的另一个功能,就是在携带者死后,自然地吸收携带者的魂魄,然后放在葫芦里面温养。 Raises some time slightly, this soul can consider the reincarnation. Naturally, can consider in the world, when the ghost cultivates, always rambles. 稍微养一段时间,这个灵魂就可以考虑投胎了。当然,也可以考虑在人间当个鬼修,永世逍遥。 In brief, this indeed is can give a life the good treasure. 总之,这的确是个能多给一条命的好宝贝。 But, the good treasure to turn over to the treasure, is evil, but must look that is who is using. 可是,好宝贝归好宝贝,是正是邪,还得看是什么人在用。 Toba tartars Yu see mouse Daoist, but also thinks that was he saved itself, before the betrayed scene appeared quickly in the mind, the subordinate who oneself trusted became killed his murderer finally, but the mouse Daoist who he did not care about actually saved himself. 拓跋宇见了鼠道人,还以为是他救了自己,之前被背叛的场面很快浮现在了脑海之中,自己信任的属下最终成了杀死他的凶手,而他不在意的鼠道人却救了自己。 The toba tartars space innermost feelings are extremely affected, quick took a stand, said: „The Daoist priest life-saving efforts, not thinks the report, the Daoist priest has but striven, this king helps the Daoist priest realize surely full power.” 拓跋宇内心万分感动,很快就表态,道:“道长救命之恩,无以为报,道长但有所求,本王必定全力帮道长实现。” He also thinks oneself can speak, did not use, actually does not know oneself are the wandering soul condition, because had warm support of jadeite bottle gourd, making him seem healthy and vigorous. 他还以为自己能说话,就是不用死了,却不知自己已经是游魂状态,只是因为有翠玉葫芦的温养,让他显得精神奕奕。 Naturally, he can also choose, when a ghost cultivates, indeed does not use the netherworld reincarnation, but jadeite bottle gourd type raises the soul warm the treasure, will the mouse Daoist give to him? 当然,他也可以选择当一个鬼修,的确不用去阴间投胎,但翠玉葫芦这种温养魂魄的宝物,鼠道人怎么会送给他? The mouse Daoist needs help from the person now, pours has not seen through this matter, but said following the words: „The prince does not need to be polite, I also indeed have a matter to ask you to help.” 只是鼠道人现在有求于人,倒也没拆穿这个事情,而是顺着话说道:“王爷不必客气,我也的确是有一件事想要请你帮忙。” Daoist priest please say.” “道长请讲。” I heard you to obtain one volume of silk books earlier, above had one remnant, whether taking advantage of this poor Daoist view?” “我听闻你早些时候得到过一卷帛书,上面有一个残阵,可否借贫道一观?” The toba tartars space looks the color of hesitation immediately, his scene resides in the high-rank, does not need to look at others complexion, naturally is the exuberant unseemly behavior, became the custom for a long time, this little while has not changed. 拓跋宇顿时面露犹疑之色,他场面居于上位,又不必看别人脸色,自然是率性妄为,长久成了习惯,这会儿也没改过来。 Thoughts, enabling person one eyes to see through. 一点心思,让人一眼就能看穿。 The mouse Daoist in the heart understands clearly immediately, this matter indeed for, moreover the toba tartars space treasures that silk book very much. 鼠道人顿时心中了然,这事的确为真,而且拓跋宇很珍视那份帛书。 Toba tartars space after pondering for a long time, finally made the resolution, the wealth is the things, let alone that silk book he gripped in the hand such a long time, has not revealed what special place. 拓跋宇在思考了许久之后,也终于做出了决断,钱财是身外之物,何况那帛书他攥手里这么长时间了,也没有显露出什么特别的地方。 Might as well give this mouse Daoist the thing, wrestles an advantage to oneself well. 不如将东西送给这位鼠道人,也好给自己搏一份好处。 Daoist priest, this king Queshi has had such a silk book, that indeed is the good thing, initially this king hand/subordinate that 12 big witch was also little witch, was because trained the strategy above silk book, can have today.” “道长,本王确实有过那样一份帛书,那的确是好东西,当初本王手下那十二个大巫也不过是小巫,就是因为演练了帛书之上的阵法,才能有今日。” Mentioned this, the toba tartars space was filled with angry. 说起这个,拓跋宇还是满腔愤怒。 What also has, betrays the trusted aide hand/subordinate is more hurtful than? 还有什么,比心腹手下的背叛更让人痛心的? The mouse Daoist did not care that the intense rivalries of toba tartars spaces and 12 big witches, he can look, naturally is also a little clue, now basically can confirm, he is a little also excited. 鼠道人并不关心拓跋宇和十二大巫的恩怨情仇,他能找过来,自然也是有一点线索,现在基本可以证实了,他也有点兴奋。 In that silk book has 12 dissimilar in shape and form people, respectively by 12 twelve Earthly Branches names?” “那帛书上是不是有十二形态各异的人,分别以十二地支命名?” 12 twelve Earthly Branches?” “十二地支?” The toba tartars space expressed at a loss, responds very much later, said: In that silk book indeed has the character, but I did not know, but also thinks that is any strange symbol, making 12 big witches carve on the body, was indeed useful.” 拓跋宇表示很茫然,随后才反应过来,道:“那帛书上的确是有字,但我不认识,还以为是什么奇怪的符号,让十二大巫在身上刻了,的确有用。” Mouse Daoist: „......” 鼠道人:“……” This special...... 这特么…… He does not know how should appraise the toba tartars space the luck. 他都不知道该怎么评价拓跋宇的运气了。 If the toba tartars space said is the truth, the general outline of that broken silk book certain Chinese zodiac record, is the thing that he must look. 如果拓跋宇说的都是真话,那残破帛书一定十二生肖图录的总纲,也就是他要找的东西。 As for strange symbol, is ancient Shenwen labelling to Chinese zodiac, respectively is the child mouse, the ugly cow, the third branch tiger and mao rabbit...... 至于奇怪的符号,则是古神文对十二生肖的标注,分别是子鼠、丑牛、寅虎、卯兔…… These god articles have very ancient strength, at present people can understand ancient Shenwen the meaning, actually does not understand his mystery. 这些神文拥有十分古老的力量,目前人们能看懂古神文的意思,却不懂他的奥妙。 The simple several characters, then can have some strength in addition to hold. 只是简单的几个字,便能让人拥有某种力量加持。 The toba tartars space is also the blind cat bumps into the dead mouse, although cannot understand the writing is what meaning, but according to the appearance toward the person mark, can have the effect similarly. 拓跋宇也是瞎猫碰上死耗子,虽然看不懂文字是什么意思,但照着模样往人身上纹,同样能有效果。 Where is that silk book at?” “那帛书在哪?” The vision of mouse Daoist became earnest, organizing these years to develop in secret, the Chinese zodiac remnant volume has collected, this general outline disappeared only. 鼠道人的目光变得热切了许多,组织这些年一直暗中发展,十二生肖残卷已经收集到了许多,唯独这总纲不见踪影。 The general outline besides having the records of all Chinese zodiac, Chinese zodiac big, this big toba tartars space also made 12 big witches train, but their idiots only studied a fur/superficial knowledge, was makes the strengths of 12 big witches fuse, can have a more further strength. 总纲除了有所有十二生肖的图录,还有十二生肖大阵,这大阵拓跋宇也让十二大巫演练了,但他们那些蠢货只学了个皮毛,也就是让十二大巫的力量融合起来,能有更进一步的战力。 This tarnishes the Chinese zodiac big prestige simply. 这简直是玷污十二生肖大阵的威名。 Actually this big altogether has 72 changes, this is because each year in which one was born as represented by an animal can absorb the strength of six evil spirits, 12 years in which one was born as represented by an animal are 72 evil spirits. 其实这大阵共有七十二种变化,这是因为每个生肖都可以吸纳六种地煞之力,十二个生肖便是七十二种地煞。 But after tying, each year in which one was born as represented by an animal can become Lord, other years in which one was born as represented by an animal become auxiliary. 而结阵之后,每个生肖都可以成为主阵者,其他生肖成为辅助。 As Lord, can use the strength of evil spirits oneself have at will, but other Chinese zodiac will strengthen. 作为主阵者,可以随意地使用自己所拥有的地煞之力,而其他十二生肖会为之强化。 Therefore the Chinese zodiac was also called 72 evil spirits. 故而十二生肖也被称之为七十二地煞阵。 This, let alone unmatched in the world, the space comes the enemies not to need to dread. 此阵一出,别说天下无敌,天上来敌都无需畏惧。 Such treasure, falls in an not being able to understand common manpower unexpectedly, is a pearl before swine, the mouse Daoist naturally is seriously anxious. 此等宝贝,居然落在一个看不懂的庸人手里,当真是明珠暗投,鼠道人自然急切。 The toba tartars space sees that also had own wishful thinking. 拓跋宇见状,也生出了自己的小心思。 He was to experience the dwelling place of celestial beings method now, could not have a liking, now somewhat yearns. 他现在是见识到了仙家手段,原先不怎么看得上的,如今又有些向往了。 If he can also have the dwelling place of celestial beings method, where will also be bullied by 12 big witches. 若是他也能有仙家手段,哪里还会被十二大巫欺负。 Daoist priest, if wants, I lead you to take am, admires the Daoist priest magical powers below, does not know whether Priest pays respects is a master?” “道长若是想要,我带你去拿就是,不过在下仰慕道长神通,不知能否拜道长为师?” The mouse Daoist understands immediately, this is plans to depend the treasure, wants to hold his thigh. 鼠道人顿时明白,这是打算仗着宝物,想要抱他这个大腿。 His annoyed, but saw that the treasure must succeed in obtaining, even if at heart earnest, the mouse Daoist also decided that endures him, as soon as endures, waited to take the treasure, and looked how he concocted the ordinary person who this did not know the immensity of heaven and earth. 他心里一阵恼火,但眼看宝物就要到手了,哪怕心里热切,鼠道人也决定忍他一忍,等取到了宝物,且看他如何炮制这不知天高地厚的凡夫。 Your heart admires the immortal gate, receives you to be the disciple also to be possible all, when matter, this poor Daoist will receive the front gate wall you.” “你既心慕仙门,收你做弟子也无不可,待此间之事了了,贫道自会将你收入门墙。” A mouse Daoist face said earnestly, but he has decided that when the matter, must first extinguish this toba tartars space. 鼠道人一脸认真地说道,只是他心里已经打定了主意,待此间事了,第一个就要灭了这拓跋宇。 The toba tartars space had not actually detected that the killing heart of mouse Daoist, thinks agreed acknowledged as teacher was safe, took a stand to lead the mouse Daoist hastily to take own concealed treasure. 拓跋宇却没察觉出鼠道人的杀心,以为同意拜师就稳妥了,连忙表态要带鼠道人去拿自己的藏宝。 This treasure, the toba tartars space also knows that will draw on coveting of practicing person, therefore he is oneself city Lord seal has put together gets up. 这个宝贝,拓跋宇也知道会招来修行人士的觊觎,所以他一直是和自己的城主印放在一起起。 The cultivator cruel magic arts not possible to steal the treasure from here, is safest. 修士的阴损法术不可能从这里盗走宝物,也就最为安全。 The toba tartars space actually does not know, this time Changancheng has been in chaos, desolate Yue is taking advantage to attack a city randomly, in the city also has the common people and officers rebels, as for city Lord mansion, is a palace, now is stretch of ruins. 拓跋宇却不知,此时的长安城已经是一片混乱,萧玥在趁乱攻城,城里还有百姓和官兵作乱,至于城主府,也就是王府,现在已经是一片废墟。 The ground will shiver once for a while, in the mouse Daoist who underground digs the hole also felt uncomfortable. 地面时不时会颤抖一下,在地下掘洞的鼠道人也感觉非常不爽。 Hole that he digs always collapsing, this air/Qi very much. 他挖的洞老是被震塌了,这就很气。 But this little while because of Lin Yi and sparring of fixed light Zen master, the rusticity is chaotic, he is not good to use the technique of escaping place, so as to avoid the internal energy hauling, provoked them. 而这会儿因为林毅和定光禅师的斗法,地气混乱,他也不好施展遁地之术,免得气机牵引,招惹了他们。 The mouse Daoist is good at sneak attacking, does not excel at the upfront combat. 鼠道人擅长偷袭,可不擅长正面作战。 Catches by Lin Yi or the fixed light Zen master, little said that must fall a skin. 林毅或是定光禅师逮到,少说也要掉一层皮。 But, he also can only in underground dig insanely. 无奈之下,他也只能在地下疯挖了。 But above the ground, Lin Yi and fight of fixed light Zen master even more is also intense. 而地面之上,林毅和定光禅师的战斗也越发激烈。 land Yuanhua will be upright to hold his body, Song cloud also squeezed out nine rune/symbol Lu, in peripheral circling of Lin Yi. 陆元化将一身正气都加持到了他的身上,宋云也挤出了九道符箓,在林毅的周边盘旋。 This feeling, looked like the beforehand street machine three countries to use the head symbol, the differences were here have nine. 这感觉,就像是以前的街机三国使用天师符了,不同之处是这里有九道。 And two are gold/metal rune/symbol, remaining seven are the quality slightly is worse. 其中有两道是金符,剩下的七道则是品质稍差一些的。 Obvious nine day rune/symbol Lu, is no one can have, Song cloud who resembles Quanzhen Church this Confucianism family background, only has two gold/metal symbols. 可见九个天品符箓,也不是谁都能拥有的,似全真教这种大教出身的宋云,也只有两道金符。 Present Lin Yi are not fighting, the fixed light Zen master transfers the world situation, tries to extinguish rapidly kills Lin Yi. 现在的林毅并不是自己一个人在战斗,定光禅师调动天地大势,试图迅速灭杀林毅 First may console the soul in heaven of two Junior Brothers, also calculates that erased a powerful enemy. 一来可告慰两位师弟的在天之灵,二来,也算抹除了一个强敌。 If revenges, the fixed light Zen master will not spell, but moon/month Bai Guangming Buddha, when held the dream to tell him, Lin Yi had three magical powers, the origin was uncommon. 如果只是报仇,定光禅师可不会这么拼,但月白光明佛在托梦的时候告诉了他,林毅有三眼神通,来历不凡。 If previously did not have so many conflicts, the fixed light Zen master can definitely be on good terms with Lin Yi, many friend many said. 若是先前没有那么多冲突,定光禅师肯定会和林毅交好,多个朋友多条道。 Even if there is a conflict, can still reduce and solve, is insufficient to die to knock. 即便是有了冲突,也可以化解,不至于非要死磕。 However, the fixed light Zen master finds through own way, has at least one Buddha to arrive at the world, the goal, to supervise their these immortal Buddha that is reincarnated in the world of mortals. 但是,定光禅师通过自己的方式了解到,已经有至少一个佛陀降临人间,目的,就是为了监察他们这些在凡间转世的仙佛。 If by him were discovered situation in Qianfu Temple, that will trouble to be big in the future. 若是被他发现千佛寺的情况,那日后麻烦可就大了。 Other immortal Buddha possibly have no important matter, his leader actually must have must walk one time to fall immortal platform. 其他仙佛可能没什么大事,他这个领头人却少不得要走一遭落仙台。 After the rational analysis of moon/month Bai Guangming Buddha, that discipline monk is very likely is Lin Yi. 经过月白光明佛的理性分析,那个戒律僧极有可能就是林毅 He also has the magical powers method, but also in young, has strength so, the most important thing is he also has the Buddhism golden body. 他也有神通手段,还在年纪轻轻,就有这般实力,最重要的是他还有佛门金身。 This almost can solid hammer his status, therefore the fixed light Zen master must kill him. 这几乎是可以实锤他的身份了,所以定光禅师必须要杀了他。 This immortal Buddha arrives at the water of this mortal world to be very deep, is not the simple good and evil to can talk clearly mistakenly, god Buddha keeps aloof, really knows nothing about the matter of the world of mortals? 这仙佛降临尘世的水很深,并非简单的善恶对错可以说清楚,神佛高高在上,难道真的对凡间的事情一无所知? No, they can pretend unable to see. 不,他们只是可以假装看不到。 Once pierced the basket, matter suspended on outwardly, they cannot treat as have not seen. 而一旦捅破了篓子,事情摆到了明面上,他们就不能当作没看到了。 The truth is such simple, the idea of fixed light Zen master will also be very simple, is solved to propose that the person of issue, that Qianfu Temple did not have the issue. 道理就是这么简单,定光禅师的想法也很简单,解决掉会提出问题的人,那千佛寺就没有问题了。 A person of golden body one after another to rumbling several fists, Lin Yi does not stand in the ground now, but looks like a nail, was knocked in earth. 一人一金身陆续对轰了几拳,林毅现在已经不是站在地面上,而是像一颗钉子,被敲到了土里。 However his is very steady, the land that therefore he is standing, by compaction. 不过他脚下很稳,所以连带着他站的这一块土地,都被压实了。 The air wave has been spreading outward, is centered on the battlefield, the surrounding area ten li (0.5 km) are stretch of ruins, this speed still in spreads toward a bigger range slowly. 气浪一直在向外蔓延,以战场为核心,方圆十里都是一片废墟,这速度还在慢慢朝着更大的范围蔓延。 May make such big destruction is not the goal of fixed light Zen master, his goal was to kill Lin Yi, Lin Yi was very strong. 可制造这么大的破坏并不是定光禅师的目的,他的目的是想要杀了林毅,偏偏林毅坚挺得很。 Consecutively several can not the accomplishment, in the eyes of fixed light Zen master flash through the ray of wisdom suddenly. 连续几下不得建功,定光禅师的眼里忽然闪过了智慧的光芒。 Before moon/month Bai Guangming Buddha, has said that cultivating of Lin Yi is equally matched for and him . Moreover, previously their three dragged into the hell illusion Lin Yi, at that time, Lin Yi was also to the degree of end of hills and rivers, if not there is a Chen Nan to save the scene, Lin Yi must die, in the land sentenced in the hand. 月白光明佛之前说过,林毅的修为和他不相上下,而且,先前他们三个将林毅拉入地狱幻境,那个时候,林毅也算是到了山穷水尽的程度,若非有陈楠救场,林毅就要死在陆判手里了。 By that time, Lin Yi has not shown the extra strength. 到那个时候,林毅也没有表现出额外的实力。 This indicated that at that time Lin Yi had reached the limit. 这说明那个时候林毅已经到了极限了。 But short a half month, the Lin Yi magical skill compared with previous time had the qualitative leap. 而短短半个多月的时间,林毅的道行比上次就有了质的飞越。 He passed a tribulation, the body underwent the transformation, increased 500 years of magical skill, these 500 years must come easily, cultivating is not simple. 他度过了一次劫,身体经过了蜕变,又增加了五百年道行,这五百年得来容易,修炼起来可不简单。 Can increase so many magical skills with half a month, this can be practices? 能用半个月增加这么多道行,这能是自己修行的吗? Is impossible, is absolutely impossible! 不可能,绝对不可能! Only has a possibility, that plunders. 只有一种可能,那就是掠夺。 present age demons and monsters, these magical skills have several thousand years, how many there are not by the magical skill that plundering must come? 当代妖魔鬼怪,那些道行有好几千年的,有几个不是靠掠夺得来的道行?
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