„Yes , because thiscrowd of affectedly virtuousgenerations, causingthissea areato have the murderto seize the matter of treasurefrequently.”
“是啊,就是因为这群道貌岸然之辈,导致这片海域经常发生杀人夺宝之事。”Huang Chanlooksangrily.黄婵面露愤然。He is also depends the bloodlightto escape, canhunt for the monsterinthissea areaalone.
他也是仗着血光遁,才能独自在这片海域猎妖。Otherwise, hehas died, in the monsterguaranteedin the memberhand.
若不然,他早就死在妖保修士手中了。Hecoldlysmiles, said: „Thisghosttide is also good. Thesemonstersguarantee the member to chase downwith the avoidance, mostlyinthissea areaneutralitycave mansion.”
他冷冷一笑,道:“这鬼潮也有好处。那些妖保修士为了方便和躲避追杀,大都在这片海域中立了洞府。”„Now the ghosttidewashout, theircave mansionscannot preserveinevitably.”
“如今鬼潮冲刷,他们那些洞府必然保不住。”„They, now is a homelesspitiful creature!”
“他们啊,现在就是个无家可归的可怜虫!”Huang Chanthis saying to be ferocious, obviouslyguarantees the memberto be full of the complaintto the monster.黄婵这话凶相毕露,显然对妖保修士充满怨念。Luo Yantouches the nose, has not saidanything.罗阎摸了摸鼻子,没有说什么。OpenedMind Searching Record, the choice【Makessword technique】.
只是打开搜神录,选择了【弄剑术】。Thislanesword techniqueis an governingswordsmanshipgate, bysupernatural power, bydivine consciousness, mustrefine the reductionsword, achieving the mindis interlinked.
这弄剑术是一门御剑法门,靠法力,也靠神念,更需炼化法剑,做到心神相通。Limitquite a lot.
限制颇多。Luo Yanresults in the swordsmanship, temporarilyis unable to use.罗阎得剑法,暂时也无法使用。Twopeopleescapesfastis not slow.
二人的遁速都不慢。Soon, distant placethatgiantflameislandthenheaves in sight.
不多久,远处那巨大的火焰岛便映入眼帘。„Luofellow daoist, the frontwas the flameisland. Aroundoutside the ghosttide, the windanxiouswaveis high, has not thought that nearbythisflameislandis actually uneventful.”
The flameislandfromwas still far, just like a smallsunspot.
火焰岛距离尚远,宛如一个小黑点。Butseesthissmallsunspot, Luo YanandHuang Chanrelaxes.
但见到这个小黑点,罗阎和黄婵都松了口气。Hereis calm and steady.
此处安稳。So long assteps the flameisland, canconvergewitheveryone.
只要踏上火焰岛,就能跟大家汇合。Personmanystrengthsare big.
人多力量大。Alwayscanfind out the means that fleesfrom the ghosttide.
总能想出办法,从鬼潮中逃离出去。Twopeople are so thinking, picks up the speedagain.
二人这般想着,再度加快速度。But, the Luo Yanpupilshrinksin the meantime, saidsternly:
可就在此时,罗阎瞳孔一缩,厉声道:„Be careful.”
“小心。”Hispupillightlike the electricity, within the bodycourage vigorsurges, under foot treads.
他眸光如电,体内血气涌动,一脚踏下。Onlylistens to‚bang’.
只听‘轰’的一声。Water surfaceblasting open, whitesprayascension, followingalsohastwoperson's shadows.
水面炸裂,白色的浪花升腾而起,随之而起的还有两道人影。„Poursalso the somewhatvigilantheart!”
“倒也有几分警惕心!”„Pitifully, bumps intomyWudoubleghost, only thendead end!”
“可惜,碰上我乌家双煞,只有死路一条!”Twomiddle-aged menleapfrom the water.
The voicefallsflickers, sees only one of them to put out an irontubeto raisein the hand, does not seeitshaswhatmovement, thatirontubethenrevealsdozensholestoLuo Yantwopeople of side.
话音落下的一瞬,只见其中一人拿出一个铁筒提在手中,也不见其有何动作,那铁筒面向罗阎二人的一面便显露数十孔洞。Then, in the holesprays the innumerablesilver whitesmallneedles!
The smallneedlecoerces the supernatural power, along with the sound of wailing, just likeflowing lightlasing.
The Huang Chancomplexiongreat change, calls out in alarmsuddenly:黄婵脸色巨变,骤然惊呼:„Fellow Daoistwas careful,isten thousandpoisonousbrokenlawneedles!”
破法针?!Luo Yancomplexiononecold, a handaccording to the Huang Chanshoulder, then‚’, changes into the remnantshadowunexpectedly, flasheddirectlyto the one side.罗阎面色一凛,一只手按在黄婵肩上,而后‘唰’的一声,竟化为残影,直接闪向了一旁。„What?!”
“怎么可能?”Wudoubleghostcorners of the mouthpull out, the eyesreveal the color of shock.
乌家双煞嘴角一抽,双眼露出震惊之色。Theseten thousandpoisonousbrokenlawneedlesbythousandcylinderreleases, the speedare astonishing, even if the refininglatermember, nevermoves aside, protects the shieldto keep offat mostby the supernatural power.
这万毒破法针以千机筒释放,速度惊人至极,纵然是炼气后期修士,也从未躲闪掉,顶多是以法力护盾挡下来。Butnow, someunexpectedlypeoplebaselessare excellent the speed, evadedtheirten thousandpoisonousbrokenlawneedlesdirectly.
但如今,竟有人凭空高超速度,直接躲过了他们的万毒破法针。Eveninhaving the situation of person!
甚至还是在带了人的情况下!Two peoplecheektwitches, the eyegroundflashes through an ominousoffense.
两人面皮抽动,眼底闪过一丝凶戾。Then, is raising the irontube, aims atLuo Yanagain.
而后,提着铁筒,再度对准罗阎。„Whish! Whish! Whish!......”
“飕!飕!飕!……”Is ordinaryjust likeGatling, ten thousandpoisonousbrokenlawneedlesshoot atLuo Yanunceasingly.
The Luo Yancomplexioniceis cold, moves aside, whileputs out a flyingsword.罗阎面色冰寒,一边躲闪,一边拿出一柄飞剑。Then.
而后。Makes an effortsuddenly, throwstowardthatWudoubleghost!
猛然用力,朝那乌家双煞掷去!Flesh and blood, butenemymemberotherwise?
The flyingswordtremblingcry, changes into a white light, thenfallstoWudoubleghost one of them in front ofquickly.
飞剑颤鸣,化为一道白光,倏地便落到乌家双煞其中一人面前。Thatperson of pupilreduces, responseactuallyalsofast.
The intentionmoves, before the body, thenappearsprotects the shieldat the same timesincerely.
然而。Facingflyingsword that Luo Yanshoots, his protects the shieldto be the samejust like the flimsy, was piercedinstantaneously.
The long swordcastratescontinues, piercesthatperson of left eyeinstantaneously, is draggingthatperson, toward the forward flight several feet, thishas stopped, along with the corpseoneandcrashes into the sea.
长剑去势不止,瞬间洞穿那人左眼,拖着那人,一直往前飞了数丈,这才停了下来,随尸体一并坠入大海。„Big brother?!”
“大哥?!”Anotherperson of sadShengtongshouted, the eyeinstantaneouslybecamered.
His does suchElder Brother, dienowunexpectedly?
他要报仇!Inhisheartangrily roarsturbulently, howeverreviewslooks, glimpsesLuo Yanthatjust like the yamafiercearrogance, inhisheartshakes, the angerdissipatesinstantaneously.
他心中怒吼汹涌,然而回眸一望,瞥见罗阎那宛如阎王般的狰狞气焰,他心中又是一抖,怒火瞬间消散。He and Elder Brotherstrengthis only about the same.
他和哥哥实力只在伯仲之间。Butthispersoncan the secondkillhiselder brother......
不可敌!Inhisheart the thoughtflashes through, coldsoundcried loud and long: „ExtinguishesworldHeavenly Dragon, diestome!”
A long and loud cry.
一声长啸。Make the Luo Yanheartonecold, in the eyeappears a vigilance.
让罗阎心头一凛,眼中浮现一丝警惕。HoweverwhatmadeLuo Yannot think, thatpersonaftercrying loud and long, submerged the seabedunexpectedlydirectly, ran awayto gofast.
然而令罗阎没想到的是,那人在长啸完后,竟直接潜入海底,飞快逃窜而去。So-calledextinguishingworldHeavenly Dragon, radicallyis only a wild talk!
“骗我?!”Luo Yanstartledanger.罗阎惊怒。Puts downHuang Chanconveniently, then a dive, pursuesto gotowardthatperson.
随手放下黄婵,而后一个猛子,朝那人追逐而去。„Luofellow daoist, a hard-pressed enemy should not be pursued too far, thisWudoubleghostYinevildeceitful......”
“罗道友,穷寇莫追,这乌家双煞阴邪狡诈……”Huang Chanfinishes barely the words.黄婵话音未落。ThenseesLuo Yanto take a headto float the water surface.
便见罗阎提着一个脑袋浮上水面。„Cannot think that the ghosttidearrives, somepeoplekill peopleto seize the treasurenearthisflameislandunexpectedly.”Huang Chansound, rushesto shift the topic, sigh with emotionfickleness of human relationships.
“想不到鬼潮降临,竟还有人在这火焰岛附近杀人夺宝。”黄婵声音一顿,赶忙转移话题,感慨世态炎凉。In his opinion.
在他看来。Facingghosttidegrade of plague, theirpersonclanmembershouldunite, rather thancontinuesto slaughterinternal fightmutually.
面对鬼潮这等大灾,他们人族修士就应该团结起来,而不是继续互相厮杀内斗。„Do these twobecome famous?”
“这两人出名吗?”Luo Yantakes downtwopeople of storage bag, whileturn headasked.罗阎一边取下二人身上的储物袋,一边回头问道。Twopeopledo not know that sneak attackedmanypeople here, two peopleput together, reallyalsohas78storage bag.
二人也不知在此处偷袭了多少人,两人加在一起,竟然也有七八个储物袋。„Famous, just like the Water DragonDaoist, is the notoriousmonsterguarantees the member. Two peoplestrengthis quite weak, only thenrefiningsix.”Huang Channods.
“有名,和水龙道人一样,都是臭名昭著的妖保修士。只是两人实力颇弱,都只有炼气六层。”黄婵点头。Helooked atLuo Yan, in the eyehad the gratitudealsoto rejoice.
他看了眼罗阎,眼中有感激还有庆幸。AlthoughthisWudoubleghostcultivation baseis low, butbyten thousandpoisonousbrokenlawneedles, does not know that has diedYinmanycultivation basehighermember.
这乌家双煞虽然修为较低,但凭借万毒破法针,不知阴死过多少修为更高的修士。FollowsLuo Yan.
要不是跟着罗阎。Depending onhim, onlyfeared that has diedon the ten thousandpoisonousbrokenlawneedles of Wudoubleghost.
The ten thousandpoisonousbrokenlawneedleimplications of Wudoubleghostare violently poisonous, mayeradicate the supernatural power, so long asby a poisonousneedlehit, the strengthwill then be declinedfast.
乌家双煞的万毒破法针蕴含剧毒,更可破除法力,只要被一根毒针命中,实力便会快速衰落。Luo Yannods, looks outto the flameisland, the sinkingsoundasks: „Monsterguaranteesin the member, refining over nine do haveseveral?”罗阎点头,遥望向火焰岛,沉声问道:“妖保修士中,炼气九层以上的有几个?”Hewaslooks.
他算是看出来了。Thesemonstersguarantee the memberare not the person.
这些妖保修士根本就不是人。Even if the skycollapses, they can still think the murderseizes the treasure.
A Huang Chanslightlythinking, said: „Refining over nineare not many. Theirthesemonstersguarantee the memberto cultivate/repairrefiningnine, generallywill not continueto stop overthissea area.”黄婵略一思索,道:“炼气九层以上的不多。他们这些妖保修士修到炼气九层,一般都不会继续逗留这片海域。”„Butwill go more promising, easiersudden wealthplace.”
“而是会前往更有前途,更容易暴富的地方。”„Remains, only hasthree.”
“留下来的,只有三个。”„Except the Water DragonDaoistoutside, that is also left overtwo.”
“除去水龙道人外,那就还剩下两个。”„Refiningtenhundredpoisonousold men, excelwith the poison, raisedonecrowdto bite the lawinsect, wasthissea areaallmonstersguarantees the firstexpert in member.”
“一个炼气十层的百毒叟,擅长用毒,更养了一群噬法虫,是这片海域所有妖保修士中的第一高手。”„AnotherisrefiningnineDugu Wufang. Dugu Wufangoncewas the Hua familycollateral branch, was latter expelledHua family, the strengthcompared with the hundredpoisonousold men not weakleeward......”
The Luo Yaneyenarrowednarrowing the eyes, said: „Bites the lawinsectto havewhatprestigeenergy?”罗阎眼睛眯了眯,道:“噬法虫有何威能?”In the Huang Chaneyeappearsalarmed and afraid, said:黄婵眼中浮现一丝惊惧,道:„Biting the lawinsectspeedis extremely quick, round tripdoes not have the shadow.”
“噬法虫速度极快,来去无影。”„Disregardsmostmagic arts, butbrokenprotects the shield and guardsupernatural power, mayswallow the supernatural power in membermeridians.”
“无视大部分法术,可破护盾和护身法力,更可吞噬修士经脉中的法力。”„If, but the bitinglawinsects of hundredpoisonousold menform groups.”
“若一只也罢了,但百毒叟的噬法虫都是成群结队。”„Onecrowdbites the lawinsectto lieonyou, onlyone, inyourmeridiansthendoes not have the supernatural power, even ifyousupernatural power in dantian, are biting the lawinsectswallowsto attractunceasingly, does not needto flow out the meridians, will vanish into thin air.”
“一群噬法虫趴在你身上,只一口,你经脉中便无法力,纵然你将丹田中的法力化出,在噬法虫的不断吞吸下,不待流出经脉,就会化为乌有。”„In other words, youexcept for the brute force, do not have the supernatural poweragainavailable.”
“也就是说,你除了蛮力,再无法力可用。”If the memberdoes not have the supernatural power, on the fish meatwithblockhaswhatdifference?
修士若无法力,和砧板上的鱼肉有何区别?Thereforeinthissidesea area, hundredpoisonousold menis the mostugly customer, ominousillustrious, makingallmemberbe panic at the news.
因而在这方海域,百毒叟是最可怕之人,凶名赫赫,令所有修士闻风丧胆。Luo Yansecretnod.罗阎暗暗点头。In the heartdoes not have the least bitto fearintent, someare only the pleasant surprises.
只是心中却没有半点惧意,有的只是惊喜。Hundredpoisonousold menincomparablyfearsome.
百毒叟无比可怖。For two reasons;first, poisonousmerit;second, thatterrifyingbitinglawinsect.
然而。Hisbodyhas the Blackwaterflood dragonbloodlines.
他身具黑水蛟血脉。ButBlackwater...... is the venom.
The bodyhashim of poisonousflood dragonbloodlines, toresistanthigh of extremelyvenom, the poisonousmerit that the trivialrefiningboundarymembercontacts, is mostly uselesstohim.
身具毒蛟血脉的他,对毒液的抗性极其之高,区区炼气境修士接触到的毒功,对他多半无用。Butthatbites the lawinsect, thatwas more useless.
他才炼气一层。Thissupernatural power, the vigor that but alsocannot comparehim the fleshto livetrue qi that comesinitially.
这点法力,还比不上他当初血肉生出来的真气来的雄浑。Controllingmakesanygoodssoftwaddingbe incapable, in additionholdson the fist, does not have the prestigeenergy.
驭使任何物品都软绵无力,加持在拳头上,也无甚威能。Bites the lawinsect to attract, thatattractstoit is!
噬法虫要吸,那就给它吸便是!Everyonefearingsuch as the hundredpoisonousold men of tiger, were suppressedbyhisentireaspect, restraintstubbornly!
人人畏之如虎的百毒叟,被他全方面压制,克制的死死的!Luo Yanmaintains composure, takes downseveralstorage bagto receivefromtwopeople, said: „Wepass.”罗阎不动声色,从二人身上取下几个储物袋收好,道:“我们过去。”„Un.”
“嗯。”Two peoplepick up the speed.
After halfquarter, arrives in the flameisland.
The flameislandis not big, the centeris a monticle, the surroundings is a sand beach.
岛上光秃秃的。Stepsin the ground, canfeel that faintlywarmaura, has the flameto be commonin the combustionjust likeunder.
显然。This is the origin of flameislandname.
这便是火焰岛这一名字的由来。At this moment.
此刻。In the islandhad gatheredover a hundredmember.
岛上已经聚集了上百修士。Someacting alone, sit cross-leggedto sit, concisesupernatural power.
有独行者,盘膝而坐,凝练法力。Alsothere areto gather together, for exampleUncle Lionegroup of people, orHua Jinfengonegroup of people.
也有聚在一起的,比如黎叔一群人,亦或者火金凤一群人。Twopeoplejustcame ashore.
便有人朝二人打招呼。„Huang Chan, Ialsothink that yourboydied, here.”
“黄婵,我还以为你小子死了呢,这边。”„Luofellow daoist!”
“罗道友!”Huang ChanandLuo Yansaid goodbye, towards oneselffriendswalked.黄婵和罗阎道别,朝自己朋友走去。Luo YanwalkedtowardUncle Liand the others.罗阎则朝黎叔等人走去。Calleda moment agohis, isQi Yue in Sun Zhuothreepeople of group.
刚才叫他的,是孙卓三人组中的齐岳。Qi Yuehas stood, excitedwavestowardhim: „Here Luofellow daoist, comes.”齐岳已经站了起来,正一脸兴奋的朝他挥手:“罗道友,来这边。”Luo Yanwalks, sits cross-leggedto sit down.罗阎走过去,盘膝坐下。„Cannot think,yourboy can also lookunexpectedly.”Uncle Liis holding in the mouth the tobacco pipe, somesurpriselooked atLuo Yan.
这些聚过来的。Allis the member in hisMonster Hunter Pavilion, is extremely longwith the time that hehas to do, must therefore present as a giftto send greetings the spiral, receivesinformation that hesent out.
A Luo Yanrookie.罗阎一个新人。Hehas not really thought, can also findthisflameislandunexpectedly.
他实在没想到,竟然也能找到这火焰岛。„Meets a corpseby luck, obtainedoneto send greetings the spiral.”Luo Yanansweredwith a smile.
“侥幸遇见一具尸体,得到了一枚传音螺。”罗阎笑着解释道。„Yourluckis but actually good.”Uncle Lialsosmiles.
“那你运气倒蛮好。”黎叔也笑了笑。At this time.
这时候。Suddenlyhashumanity: „Thisfellow daoistharvestsrichly, is it possible thatdidthatand other murdersto seize the business of treasure?”
这声音冷不丁响起。Nextflickers, side the Uncle LitenmemberalllooktoLuo Yan, especiallylooked attwoin the Luo Yanwaist.
下一瞬,黎叔身边的十来个修士全都望向罗阎,尤其在罗阎腰间多看了两眼。„, Is so bulging, onlyfearsmore than20storage bag?”
“啧啧,如此鼓囊,只怕不下二十个储物袋吧?”„How manypeople can thiskill?”
“这得杀多少人啊?”„Cannot think that thisfellow daoiststrength is so unexpectedly powerful. But the murderseizes the treasure, goodeventuallyis not the correct path.”
“想不到这位道友实力竟如此强大。但杀人夺宝,行的终究不是正道。”„Snort, myMonster Hunter Pavilionperson, mostloathes is the monsterguarantees the member!”
“哼,我猎妖阁人,最厌恶的便是妖保修士!”Suddenly, manymemberlookdoubt, in the surfacerevealsdisgruntledly.
一时间,不少修士眼神狐疑,面上流露不悦。Theyoftenreceive the monsterto guarantee the memberto humiliate.
他们常收妖保修士欺凌。Naturallyhates the monsterto guarantee the memberextremely.
The Luo Yanbrowslightlywrinkle, is planningto open the mouth.罗阎眉头微皱,正打算开口。Butsomepeopleactuallytook the leadto open the mouth.
但有人却率先开口了。„storage bagare many, is the murdersnatches certainly?” The Sun Zhuocoldsoundopens the mouth, isLuo Yanspeaksunexpectedly.
“储物袋多,就一定是杀人抢来的吗?”孙卓冷声开口,竟为罗阎说起话来。„Yes, youhave not seenLuofellow daoistto act, depends onseveralstorage bag, givesLuo the fellow daoistto cover an evil reputation?”Qi Yuealsofrowns.
“就是,你们都没见过罗道友出手,就凭几个储物袋,就给罗道友盖一个屎盆子?”齐岳也皱起了眉头。„Mythreepeoplewith the Luofellow daoistgroup the team, wehave been ableto guarantee,Luofellow daoistis notsuchperson.”Yue Youlanlooksindignantly, isLuo Yanis a guarantor.
“我三人跟罗道友组过队,我们可以保证,罗道友不是那样的人。”月幽兰面露忿忿,为罗阎作保。Uncle Lidid not speak, took up the tobacco pipeto attractone, the blowouttogetherwhite smoke.
黎叔不语,拿起烟斗吸了一口,喷出一道白烟。But after Luo Yansilentseveralseconds, opens the mouthslowly:
而罗阎静默几秒后,缓缓开口:„Thesestorage bag, indeedareIkills people came.”
“这些储物袋,的确是我杀人得来。”„But the person of killing, is the monsterguarantees the member, has not injuredandanyinnocentmembercertainly.”
“但所杀之人,都是妖保修士,绝没有伤及任何一个无辜修士。”Hefinishes speaking.
他话音刚落。Thensomepeoplesneer saying: „Does the monster that youkillwhoguarantee the memberis?”
便有人冷笑道:“你杀的妖保修士都是谁?”Luo Yanlooked atthatperson of one, saidlightly: „Water DragonDaoist.”罗阎看了那人一眼,淡淡道:“水龙道人。”Such remarks.
The audienceare all silent.
全场皆默。For a long time, has the human eyecorner/horntwitch, questioned: „Water DragonDaoist, but do the refiningnineominouspeople, depend onyou?”
许久,才有人眼角抽动,质疑道:“水龙道人可是炼气九层的凶人,就凭你?”Hecarefully examinesLuo Yan, the whole facequestion.
他审视罗阎,满脸质疑。Thissupernatural power, canextinguishkills the Water DragonDaoist?
这点法力,也能灭杀水龙道人?Luo Yanlookstohim, tranquilsay/way: „By luck, hecaused heavy losses toby the ghosttide, Ialsopick up a bargain.”罗阎望向他,平静道:“侥幸,他被鬼潮重创,我也只是捡了个便宜。”„So that's how it is.”
The peoplelooksuddenly.
众人面露恍然。If that is right, poursalsonormally.
The ghostmoistterrifying, the Water DragonDaoistcaused heavy losses toby the ghosttide, suffocatesinevitably.
鬼潮恐怖,水龙道人被鬼潮重创,必然奄奄一息。Thisboycantake advantage of a mistake, the luckis notgeneralgood.
这小子能捡漏,运气不是一般的好。Theyadmiredunfamiliarly,looked at the Luo Yantent, said: „, Yourthesestorage bag, peelfrom the Water DragonDaoist?”
他们眼生艳羡,看了眼罗阎的帐篷,道:“如此说来,你这些储物袋,都是从水龙道人身上剥下来的喽?”Luo Yandid not speak. But some peopleopen the mouth: „Thisfellow daoist, Imet the Water DragonDaoistyesterday, was robbedstorage bagbyhim. Thatstorage bagwithin, packed seven corpses of greyshellgreenturtles. Since the fellow daoistresulted instorage bag of Water DragonDaoist, my storage bagshouldalsoin the fellow daoisthand, wishing the fellow daoistcangive back tome.”罗阎不语。但有有人开口:“这位道友,我昨日遇上水龙道人,被他抢走一个储物袋。那储物袋中装着七具灰壳绿头龟的尸体。道友既然得了水龙道人的储物袋,我那储物袋应该也在道友手中,希望道友能还给我。”Opens the mouthleft the faceto lead the centipedescarguy.
开口一个左边脸带着蜈蚣般疤痕的大汉。Hisfacial expressionponders, secure, extends a handtowardLuo Yan.
他神情玩味,有恃无恐,朝罗阎伸出一只手。Luo Yanlooked ateyethatguy, the browwrinkledquickly.罗阎看了眼那大汉,眉头倏地皱起。HisactuallyUnexpectedly.
The monsterguarantees the membernot to cometo askhimto trouble, ‚person on one's own side’firstbeganactually.
妖保修士还没来找他麻烦,‘自己人’倒是先动手了。Facingclaim of guy.
The Sun Zhuothreepeople of having a mindopens the mouthareLuo Yanspeak, butis looking atguythatfiercefacial features, the lipmoves, actuallyneverdaresto open the mouth.孙卓三人有心开口为罗阎说话,但望着大汉那狰狞的面容,嘴唇动了动,却始终不敢开口。Thisguyisrefiningeightmember.
这大汉乃是一位炼气八层的修士。Moreoverthere is a rumor, thisperson of methodis cruel, seeks revenge for the slightest grievance, oncehad killedmuchwith the member who hehas a grudge.
而且有传言,此人手段残忍,睚眦必报,曾杀过不少跟他有仇的修士。Facingthisgrade of person, intheirheartsalsodreads.
Others are calm and composed even in press of work, appearance that watches the good play.
他们都以为。Facingforcing of guy, the Luo Yanlittle darlingreturnsstorage bageither, eithertears to pieces the facial skinwith the guy.
但没想到。Luo Yanthentakes back the visionquickly, lookedtoUncle Li: „Senior, pleaseuphold the justice.”罗阎很快便收回目光,看向了黎叔:“前辈,请您主持公道。”Luo Yanholds the fist in the other handtowardUncle Li, the toneis quite sincere.罗阎朝黎叔抱拳,语气极为诚恳。Hears the Luo Yanwords, the Uncle Licheekpulls outslightly , can only put down the tobacco pipe, lookstothatguy: „vermilionQi, ok.”
听见罗阎话语,黎叔面皮微微一抽,也只能放下烟斗,看向那大汉:“朱岐,算了。”ThatcallsisvermilionQiguyhearsword, immediatelynods, is smiling saying: „SinceUncle Liopens the mouth, that onseveralgreenturtles, Ihad not placedin the eyeeven.”
那唤做朱岐的大汉闻言,马上点头,嬉皮笑脸道:“既然黎叔开口,那就算了,也就几头绿头龟而已,我还不放在眼中。”Likesmebeing ableto strengthenadds the pointto askeveryoneto collect:() Icanstrengthenadd the refresh rateto be quickest.
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