ICSBAP :: Volume #2

#197: Huang Chan

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Flame island?” “火焰岛?” Luo Yan selects the brow. 罗阎一挑眉头。 He first comes, is very strange to this sea area, has not naturally listened to this flame island. 他初次前来,对这片海域无比陌生,自然没听过这火焰岛。 However...... 但是…… Luo Yan takes out a map from the bosom. 罗阎从怀中取出一张地图。 This map, is he searches for from storage bag of that Water Dragon Daoist. 这张地图,是他从那水龙道人的储物袋中搜出来的。 The map plotting is precise. 地图绘制精确。 Above like spreading all over labelling islands. 其上如星罗棋布般标注着一座座岛屿。 Luo Yan sweeps off, then saw the flame island three small characters in the map center. 罗阎一眼扫去,便在地图中央看到了火焰岛三个蝇头小字。 Left...... right...... little Kuroshima!” “左……右……小黑岛!” His soul is powerful, memory naturally also astonishing. 他的灵魂强大,记忆力自然也惊人。 When recalls are coming the position of route and little Kuroshima. 回忆着自己来时的路线和小黑岛的位置。 Quick. 很快。 A tridimensional map centered on flame island then appears in his mind. 一副以火焰岛为中心的立体地图便浮现在他脑海当中。 But he. 而他。 Upper side right of this tridimensional map. 则在这立体地图的右上侧。 This position!” “这个方位!” The Luo Yan secret nod, the palm turns, takes back the map, then turns around, toward flame island in direction, direct ejection. 罗阎暗暗点头,手掌一翻,收回地图,而后转身,朝着火焰岛所在方向,直接弹射而出。 ...... …… ...... …… The black mighty waves are turbulent, brings strangely rustle the sound. 黑色的波涛汹涌,带着令人诡异的沙沙之音。 This just like the heavenly prestige common ghost tide, lets in the Luo Yan heart imposing, has the awe to the Yuan Pill boundary for the first time. 这宛如天威一般的鬼潮,让罗阎心中凛然,第一次对元丹境生出敬畏。 He unceasingly racing line/traverse in sea level. 他在海面上不断奔行。 Simultaneously all around observes, vigilantly by ghost moist converging attack. 同时观察四周,警惕被鬼潮夹击。 Bang!” “砰!” Some time. 某时刻。 The distant place, the white smoke blooms together in the sky, condenses one slowly rescuing character. 远处,一道白烟当空绽放,缓缓凝聚成一个‘救’字。 This is a distress signal of member. 这是一位修士的求救信号。 Luo Yan looks in the direction toward that white smoke, that is islands, the surroundings not ghost tide. 罗阎朝那白烟所在方向望去,那是一座岛屿,周围并无鬼潮。 He thinks. 他想了想。 Does not pay attention, plans to bypass the islands, rushes to the flame island. 不加理会,打算绕过岛屿,赶往火焰岛。 When he crosses to be obsolete, two magic arts light , are in tandem pasting the sea level suddenly, toward his fast racing line/traverse. 然而当他横渡而过时,两道法光,忽然一前一后,贴着海面,朝他快速奔行而来。 In the middle of front that law light, brings to wipe the blood-color, seems like a special escaping law. 前方那法光当中,带着一抹血色,似乎是一门特殊遁法。 But rear that law light is common, but is more vigorous boundless, obviously cultivation base is profound, the strength is stronger. 而后方那法光寻常普通,但却更加雄浑磅礴,显然修为高深,实力更强。 This fellow daoist, help!” “这位道友,救命!” Haha, the Water Dragon senior, this boy net worth is wealthy, the perquisite is rich, but also please help me, cuts to kill this boy!” “哈哈,水龙前辈,这厮身家富裕,油水丰厚,还请助我,斩杀这厮!” Two sounds almost also convey. 两道声音几乎同时传来。 Luo Yan gawked staring. 罗阎愣了愣。 Front that member prays for rescue he to understand from him. 前方那修士向他求救他能理解。 But rear that member, regarded the Water Dragon Daoist him unexpectedly. 但后方那修士,竟然把他当成了水龙道人。 Is it possible that before Water Dragon Daoist, gives in his big present, really leaves leeway the dark hand? 莫非,水龙道人之前送他的那份大礼中,真留有暗手? In his heart has doubts. 他心中疑惑。 But thinks with it, might as well directly asked. 但与其多想,不妨直接去问。 Therefore his eye narrows the eyes, to/clashes to go toward two people horizontally. 故而他眼睛一眯,就朝二人横冲而去。 He was near. 他近了。 Front that youth sees Luo Yan to approach, the complexion startles greatly, a head blank, stops in two people, does not dare the move slightest. 前方那青年见罗阎逼近,脸色大骇,脑袋一片空白,停在二人中间,不敢动弹分毫。 Actually regarded the Water Dragon Daoist Luo Yan. 却是把罗阎当成了水龙道人。 But after rear that member sees clearly the Luo Yan figure, similarly the pupil shrinks, the startled sound shouts: „Aren't you Water Dragon senior?” 而后方那修士看清罗阎身形后,同样瞳孔一缩,惊声呼喊:“你不是水龙前辈?” „It is not.” “不是。” Luo Yan enunciated like the thunder, by two people of ears crack. 罗阎吐字如雷,在二人耳旁炸响。 Front that member stares, only felt that arrives at the heaven from the hell, looks wild with joy: Fellow Daoist saves me!” 前方那修士一愣,只感觉从地狱来到天堂,面露狂喜:“道友救我!” This fellow daoist, this matter has nothing to do with you. I advised politely you, do not mind others' business!” “这位道友,这事与你无关。我奉劝你,不要多管闲事!” Rear that member stopped, the eyeground flashes through one to dread, is staring at Luo Yan of distant place. 后方那修士停了下来,眼底闪过一丝忌惮,盯着远处的罗阎 In his heart is not tranquil. 他心中不平静。 Why on guessing Luo Yan will have the aura of Water Dragon Daoist. 却是在猜测罗阎身上为何会有水龙道人的气息。 As Luo Yan is close, after feeling on the Luo Yan spirit strength fluctuates, his eyeground reveals one suddenly. 然而随着罗阎接近,感受到罗阎身上的灵力波动后,他眼底露出一丝恍然。 The Water Dragon Daoist fishes frequently. 水龙道人常常钓鱼。 But this person so small and weak. 而这人这般弱小。 Then obviously. 那么显然。 Did this person...... stare by the Water Dragon Daoist? 这人……是被水龙道人盯上了? Luo Yan also stopped, he looks at the rear that member, crooked tilted the head said: I have the doubts, looks at the fellow daoist to explain for me.” 罗阎也停了下来,他看着后方那修士,歪了歪头道:“我有疑惑,望道友为我解答。” What has doubts?” Rear that member asked. “什么疑惑?”后方那修士问道。 He still the doubt, sized up Luo Yan carefully. 他仍狐疑,仔细打量罗阎 Why will fellow daoist recognize the Water Dragon Daoist me?” In the Luo Yan pupil reveals the curious color. “道友为何会将我认成水龙道人?”罗阎眸中露出好奇之色。 „Isn't this simple? I can smell the Water Dragon senior smell.” After the member sizes up Luo Yan one, after confirming Luo Yan spirit strength wave realistic weak, “这还不简单?我能闻到水龙前辈身上的气味呗。”那修士打量罗阎一番后,确认罗阎身上灵力波动真的微弱后, In the surface is appears finally wipes to grin fiendishly. He thinks, come can be a powerful member. 面上终是浮现一抹狞笑。他本以为,来的会是个强大修士。 However as far as eyes can reach, this person fluctuated except for the vitality, the body spirit strength fluctuated nearly without! 然而一眼望去,这人除了气血波动强了些,身上灵力波动却近乎于无! His look twinkle, shoots a look at the tent that under the Luo Yan clothes blew up high. 他眼神闪烁,又瞥了眼罗阎衣服下高高鼓起的帐篷。 Eyeground. 眼底。 Flashes through greedy. 闪过一丝贪婪。 So many storage bag, this boy, is wealthier than the youth who he pursues! 如此多的储物袋,这小子,比他追逐的青年还要富裕! Smell......” “气味……” In the Luo Yan heart looking pensive, looks immediately suddenly. 罗阎心中若有所思,随即面露恍然。 He looked at eye that flurried youth, looks at rearward that member, said submissively lightly: Many thanks the fellow daoist dispels doubt, asks to be excused below in advance.” 他看了眼那慌乱的青年,又看向后方那修士,拱手淡淡道:“多谢道友解惑,在下先行告退。” Such remarks. 此言一出。 The youth the complexion is pallid immediately, in a terrified way yelled: This fellow daoist, you do not walk! I am willing to offer together the magic arts......” 那青年顿时面色煞白,惶恐大叫:“这位道友,你别走!我愿献上一道法术……” Boy, do not call. Counts on him?” “小子,别叫了。指望他?” Rear that member grinned fiendishly, looked at a youth who the vision ridiculed, then looked to Luo Yan of fast distant place, dense say/way: 后方那修士狞笑一声,目光揶揄的看了眼青年,而后又看向快速远处的罗阎,森然道: He must die!” “他也得死!” Buzz!” “嗡!” Only listens to the sword to recite together resounds. 只听一道剑吟响起。 A white light departs from that member hand. 一道白光从那修士手中飞出。 The terrifying aura, lets below sea water ebullition, was cut open together the deep opening directly. 恐怖的气息,让下方海水沸腾,直接被切开一道深深的口子。 Only flickers. 仅是一瞬。 That white light then arrives at behind Luo Yan, resembling to pierce Luo Yan directly. 那白光便来到罗阎背后,似要将罗阎直接洞穿。 Be careful!” The youth call out in alarm. “小心!”青年惊呼。 However calls out in alarm has not fallen, he then dumbfounded, on the face appears stunned. 然而惊呼未落,他便呆住了,脸上浮现出一丝愕然。 Actually is Luo Yan reaches behind the back suddenly, held that spoken parts light directly! 却是罗阎忽然回手,直接抓住了那道白光! The Luo Yan look is cold and gloomy, the right hand muscle inflates, grasps a law sword in the hand. 罗阎眼神森冷,右手肌肉膨胀,将一柄法剑抓在手中。 Has the motley blood to hold the seam to drop from him. 有斑驳鲜血从他掌缝滴落。 But he actually imitates, if has not thought, is only staring at distant place that member. 但他却仿若未觉,只盯着远处那修士。 Good quick sword, it seems like I belittled you.” “好快的剑,看来我小觑了你。” Luo Yan knits the brows. 罗阎皱眉。 He looked that this person is weaker than the Water Dragon Daoist, wants to play the graceful, enters the naked sword empty-handed. 他看这人比水龙道人弱不少,本想耍帅,空手入白刃。 Does not think. 不想。 This law sword is sharp, broke open his flesh unexpectedly. 这法剑锐利,竟还破开了他的血肉。 Really yes...... 实在是…… He sighed disappointed. 他怅然叹息。 Then, under the panic-stricken vision of distant place that member, rushes over directly. 而后,在远处那修士的惊骇的目光下,直接冲了过去。 Snort, originally is body cultivator, no wonder there is an energy to stand before me!” Member cold snort/hum, said sternly: But do you know, to nearer, the might of my flying sword is then bigger!” “哼,原来是个体修,难怪有底气站在我面前!”那修士冷哼,厉声道:“但你知不知,离得越近,我飞剑的威力便越大!” Sees Luo Yan towards oneself to clash. 罗阎朝自己冲来。 His facial expression does not fear, only puts out a hand a racket on storage bag, then two flying swords baseless and presently, change into two spoken parts light, goes toward the Luo Yan lasing. 他神情丝毫不惧,只伸手在储物袋上一拍,便有两把飞剑凭空而现,化为两道白光,朝罗阎激射而去。 Two flying swords. 两把飞剑。 One on the left and other on the right. 一左一右。 Coerces the vigorous supernatural power, just like two startled great wild geese, blocks about Luo Yan to dodge the space. The sea water crack, the white waves scatters. 裹挟雄浑法力,宛如两道惊鸿,封锁住罗阎左右闪躲空间。海水炸响,白浪四溅。 But Luo Yan is unprecedented, rushes to the lines, his build inflates rapidly. 罗阎则一往无前,奔行间,他的体型迅速膨胀。 The muscle blows up high. 肌肉高高鼓起。 The eyes become dark red. 双眼变得暗红。 Another scarlet sex fiend marks appear in his body surface. 更又一道道赤色魔纹浮现在他体表。 Only short flickers, his courage vigor, then suddenly rising several times! 仅是短短一瞬,他身上的血气,便暴涨数倍! Bang!” “轰!” Sound blasting open. 声响炸裂。 The Luo Yan body in a flash, soars quickly, appears above two flying swords unexpectedly directly, then steps on suddenly, steps on into two flying swords the water directly, the trembling cry continues! 罗阎身子一晃,倏地腾空,竟直接出现在两把飞剑上方,而后猛然一踩,直接将两把飞剑踩入水中,颤鸣不止! What?” The member pupil shrinks suddenly, alarmed and afraid , the control flying sword turns the head hastily, shoots at Luo Yan again. “什么?”那修士瞳孔骤缩,惊惧之间,连忙操控飞剑转头,再度射向罗阎 However. 然而。 The flying sword just turned the head. 飞剑刚转头。 In his pupil, then has reflected Luo Yan that faint facial features. 他的瞳孔中,便已倒映出罗阎那淡漠的面容。 I deliver you a regulation, sees your Water Dragon senior.” “我送你一程,下去见你的水龙前辈。” This sound is indifferent. 这声音淡然。 But disclosed the murderous intention, makes that member whole body tremble, panic-stricken to pinnacle. 但其中透露出的杀机,却让那修士浑身战栗,惊恐到了极致。 This fellow...... is not the fish that the Water Dragon senior fishes! 这家伙……不是水龙前辈钓的鱼! Water Dragon senior...... 水龙前辈…… His thought happened repeatedly, the revolution supernatural power, condenses to protect the shield at the same time, wants to keep off Luo Yan. 他念头迭起,运转法力,凝聚出一面护盾,想要挡下罗阎 However he does not compare the Water Dragon Daoist. 然而他不比水龙道人。 That protected the shield just a formation, with a crash was then broken. 那护盾刚一成型,便砰然而碎。 The Luo Yan whole body vitality thunders, a fist rumbles, is ordinary just like the soaring fireworks, the terrifying strength, passes through protects the shield, passed through that person of chest. 罗阎浑身气血轰鸣,一拳轰出,宛如冲天炮一般,恐怖的力道,贯穿护盾,也贯穿了那人的胸膛。 Bang!” “砰!” Chest blasting open, the blood fog follows the internal organs to sprinkle all over the sky. 胸膛炸裂,血雾伴随内脏洒落满天。 I......” “我……” The expression solidification on member face, under the eyeball moved, looks at the eye empty chest, the whole body trembled suddenly. 那修士脸上的表情凝固,眼珠子下移,看了眼自己空洞的胸膛,浑身猛然一颤。 Then. 而后。 The appearance in eye vanishes rapidly, but after actually goes. 眼中的神采飞速消失,直直朝后倒去。 Why?” “何必呢?” Luo Yan shakes the head, in the pupil reveals a sympathetical color. 罗阎摇了摇头,眸中露出一丝惋惜之色。 The right and wrong gratitude and grudges are difficult to be distinct. 是非恩怨难分明。 His plans not to mind others'business, departs directly. 他本都打算不管闲事,直接离去的。 Result boy must sneak attack from the back. 结果这小子非要从背后偷袭。 Also does not have a look, oneself that cultivation base. 也不看看,自己那点修为 The Luo Yan eye of reveal grief, puts out a hand a move, takes down storage bag of this person, another hand wields, the law sword that other two drop downward also falls into his hand. 罗阎目露悲悯,伸手一招,取下此人身上的储物袋,另一只手一挥,另外两把往下跌落的法剑也落入他手。 Three flying swords, are the mid-grade Buddhist musical instruments. 三把飞剑,都是中品法器。 But the flying sword Buddhist musical instrument material and forging difficulty is high, is in the Buddhist musical instrument most valuable one kind. 而飞剑法器材料和锻造难度较高,算是法器中最为值钱的一类。 Although these three flying swords are the mid-grade Buddhist musical instruments, but at least can sell 500 spirit stones! 这三把飞剑虽是中品法器,但至少能卖五百灵石! Luo Yan satisfaction nods. 罗阎满意点头。 Receives the launching sword, divine consciousness searches toward storage bag. 收起飞剑,神念又朝储物袋中探去。 Really is useless, only has two storage bag unexpectedly.” Luo Yan shakes the head, suddenly the vision flashes, takes out one package of powder. “真是没用,竟只有两个储物袋。”罗阎摇头,忽然目光一闪,取出一包粉末。 He put out a hand to select some powder, placed the tip of the nose to smell gently. 他伸手点了些粉末,放在鼻尖轻轻一嗅。 Next second. 下一秒。 In his eye none explodes shoots. 他眼中精光爆射。 So that's how it is, is this powder......” “原来如此,是这粉末……” This powder is strange, does not have the unusual taste obviously, but under Luo Yan smells, straightens out unexpectedly probably general, remembered this flavor directly. 这粉末古怪,明明没甚怪味,但罗阎一嗅之下,竟像是开了窍一般,直接记住了这股味道。 But this flavor. 而这味道。 The Water Dragon Daoist delivers on his storage bag also to have! 水龙道人送他的那个储物袋上也有! Obviously, this powder is the chief criminal! 显然,这粉末便是罪魁祸首! The doubts understand, Luo Yan blocks the powder, by the supernatural power, wipes the powder that on several storage bag contaminates carefully. 疑惑得解,罗阎将粉末封死,又以法力,仔细拭去几个储物袋上沾染的粉末。 Then, looked that stands to that in not far away, is looking at own youth dull. 而后,看向那站在不远处,呆呆望着自己的青年。 Gazed by Luo Yan, the youth body shakes, recovers. 罗阎注视,那青年身子一震,回过神来。 Many thanks fellow daoist life-saving efforts!” “多谢道友救命之恩!” The youth rush to express gratitude submissively, on his face has the color of being survivor of disaster, said respectfully: If not the fellow daoist, I only feared that wanted that monster to guarantee the member badly the violent treachery that.” 青年赶忙拱手道谢,他脸上带着劫后余生之色,恭敬道:“若非道友,我只怕要糟了那妖保修士的毒手。” Slight effort.” “举手之劳罢了。” The Luo Yan light nod, then plans to depart directly. 罗阎淡淡点头,而后便打算径直离去。 Fellow Daoist wait/etc.” “道友等等。” The youth sees Luo Yan to walk, rushes to put out a notebook, said: Fellow Daoist, this blood light escapes is an escaping law, may melt the blood light, escapes fast astonishing.” 那青年见罗阎要走,赶忙拿出一本簿册,道:“道友,这血光遁乃是一门遁法,可化血光,遁速惊人。” I a moment ago, escaped by this blood light, can escape from that Liu Yitao hand.” “我刚才,就是凭借这血光遁,才能从那刘益涛手中逃脱。” This magic arts, then the gift fellow daoist, using temporarily as thanks fellow daoist the life-saving efforts.” “这道法术,便赠予道友,权当是感谢道友的救命之恩。” Does the blood light escape? 血光遁? Luo Yan looked back, looked at thin book in youth hand. 罗阎回首,看了眼青年手中的薄册。 Said that not excited is not possible. 说不心动是不可能的。 But he knows, these magic arts cultivation is quite troublesome, even if resulted in thin book in youth hand, must practice successfully this magic arts, only feared that must spend on for 35 years. 但他知道,这些法术修炼起来都极为麻烦,就算得了青年手中的薄册,要修成这门法术,只怕也要花上三五年时间。 He thinks, shakes the head the rejection: Does not use, I kill him am because he acts to me, to not save you.” 他想了想,还是摇头拒绝:“不用了,我杀他是因为他对我出手,不是为了救你。” This......” “这……” The youth look to hesitate. 青年面露迟疑。 Also does not know before thinking of Luo Yan, action that plans to depart, looked that the meaning of Luo Yan rejection is extremely firm. 也不知是想到了罗阎之前打算离去的举动,还是看罗阎拒绝之意太过坚定。 After several seconds, he chose thin Ceshou: In any event, is many thanks the fellow daoist.” 顿了几秒后,他选择将薄册收了回去:“无论如何,还是多谢道友。” Right, below Huang Chan, yellow heaven on yellow, beautiful Chan, hasn't consulted the fellow daoist Gao given name?” “对了,在下黄婵,黄天在上的黄,婵娟的婵,还未请教道友高姓大名?” The youth walked, quite somewhat intimate asking. 青年走了过来,颇有些亲近的问道。 „my name is Luo, single-character personal name Yan character.” Luo Yan light say/way. “我姓罗,单名一个阎字。”罗阎淡淡道。 Luo Yan?” 罗阎?” Huang Chan nods, after taste moment, shows a faint smile , to continue to chitchat with Luo Yan: Liu Yitao refining seven, make the sword technique to be superb single-handedly, the strength is nothing less than powerful.” 黄婵颔首,品味片刻后,微微一笑,继续与罗阎攀谈:“那刘益涛炼气七层,一手弄剑术出神入化,实力不可谓不强大。” Has not thought facing the fellow daoist, so collapses at the first blow unexpectedly.” “没想到面对道友,竟如此不堪一击。” I looked at the fellow daoist a moment ago the method...... the fellow daoist, but body cultivator?” “我看道友刚才手段……道友可是体修?” Luo Yan nods. 罗阎点头。 Before seeing fellow daoist, I have thought body cultivator is one group of boorish fellows, is sandbag that one crowd can only come under attack.” “在见到道友前,我一直觉得体修就是一群莽夫,是一群只能挨打的沙包。” Today sees, discovered that beforehand I extremely am really stupid.” “今日一见,才发现之前的我实在太过愚蠢。” The Huang Chan surface flood forced smile, after saying, looks to Luo Yan. 黄婵面泛苦笑,说完之后,看向罗阎 However the Luo Yan visual front, in the surface does not have the least bit self-satisfied color. 然而罗阎目视前方,面上没有半点得意之色。 He pulls the hair, is somewhat awkward. 他抓了抓头发,有些尴尬。 However his non- average person, sees the Luo Yan facial expression aloof, is disinclined to talk with him, has not given up unexpectedly, but also inquired: Fellow Daoist this plans the flame island?” 不过他非一般人,见罗阎神情高冷,懒得跟他交谈,竟也没有放弃,而是又询问道:“道友这是打算去火焰岛?” Un.” “嗯。” Luo Yan nodded, looked at Huang Chan: „Do you also want to go to the flame island?” 罗阎点头,看了眼黄婵:“你也要去火焰岛?” His some surprise. 他有些诧异。 This Huang Chan is not although Monster Hunter Pavilion comes together. 黄婵并非是虽猎妖阁一同过来的。 So, goes to the flame island not just Monster Hunter Pavilion that group of member. 如此看来,去火焰岛的并非只有猎妖阁那批修士。 Yes.” “是啊。” Huang Chan looks toward all around, the forced smile said: Ghost moist terrifying, I and other member must stick together, search the law of collapsing. Only by doing so, can find a slim chance of survival in the hopeless situation.” 黄婵朝四周望了望,苦笑道:“鬼潮恐怖,我等修士必须抱团,寻觅破局之法。唯有如此,才能在绝境中找到一线生机。” Nod of Luo Yan quite approval. 罗阎颇为认同的点了点头。 heavenly prestige is inobservable. 天威不可测。 This ghost tide like heavenly prestige. 这鬼潮如同天威。 Even he, does not dare to attack the ghost tide forcefully, cracks a joke with own life. 即便是他,也不敢强行冲击鬼潮,拿自己的性命开玩笑。 If this is not the case, he has travelled alone, flees this sea area, why can go to that flame island set? 若非如此,他早就独自跑路,逃离这片海域了,何必要去那火焰岛集合? That...... did Liu Yitao, why chase down you a moment ago?” Luo Yan asked suddenly. How can also? The murder seizes the treasure.” “刚才那……刘益涛,为何追杀你?”罗阎忽然问道。“还能如何?杀人夺宝呗。” Huang Chan shrugged, looked at Luo Yan, said curiously: Luo fellow daoist, Liu Yitao mentioned the Water Dragon senior a moment ago, is it possible that was that Water Dragon Daoist also killed by the fellow daoist?” 黄婵耸了耸肩,看了眼罗阎,好奇道:“罗道友,刚才那刘益涛提及了水龙前辈,莫非,那水龙道人也被道友杀了?” In the Luo Yan heart moves, maintains composure saying: Where did I kill him? He was killed by the ghost tide. I was the luck am good, picked several storage bag.” 罗阎心中一动,不动声色道:“我哪杀得了他?他是被鬼潮杀死的。我不过是运气好,捡了几个储物袋罢了。” „Is luck good?” “运气好?” Huang Chan is flabbergasted, shoots a look at the tent that under the Luo Yan waist clothes jacked high fast. 黄婵咂舌,飞快瞥了眼罗阎腰间衣服下高高顶起的帐篷。 In his heart astonished. 他心中惊异。 How many storage bag wants, can jack the so high tent? 要多少储物袋,才能顶起如此高的帐篷啊? How many storage bag picked? 捡了几个储物袋 This saying said that some people do believe? 这话说出去有人信? In the Huang Chan heart complained, but was not good to see through Luo Yan, then reminded: Fellow Daoist must be careful, that Water Dragon Daoist, Liu Yitao, is monster insurance Organization, you killed the person of monster insurance Organization, waited till that flame island, possibly some people will ask you to trouble.” 黄婵心中吐槽,但也不好拆穿罗阎,便提醒道:“道友要小心了,那水龙道人,那刘益涛,都是妖保组织的,你杀了妖保组织的人,等到了那火焰岛,可能会有人找你麻烦。” Luo Yan selects the eyebrow, in the surface reveals the puzzled color: Also really has monster insurance Organization? Did not say that everyone can work as the monster to guarantee the member?” 罗阎一挑眉,面上流露不解之色:“还真有妖保组织?不是说人人都能当妖保修士吗?” Are the Sun Zhuo three people deceiving him? 难道孙卓三人在骗他? Words said like this right.” “话是这样说没错。” But some member were only the interest came, when the monster guaranteed the member. Also some member are when only the monster guarantees the member. They are notorious, the hunting member, takes everywhere killing people to seize the treasure to live.” “但有些修士只是兴致来了,才当妖保修士。也有些修士是只当妖保修士。他们臭名昭著,到处狩猎修士,以杀人夺宝为生。” However these naturally have the relatives and friends senior by the member who they kill, will chase down to encircle them in turn.” “而那些被他们所杀的修士自然也有亲朋前辈,会反过来追杀围剿他们。” To maintain a livelihood, they then collude, disclosed secret information, fled in all directions. Even collaborates, bends down to kill these to chase down their powerful member.” “为了活命,他们便勾结起来,通风报信,四处逃窜。甚至互相合作,伏杀那些追杀他们的强大修士。” Actually they were not any regular organization, the Water Dragon Daoist and Liu Yitao died, no one will care. But......” “其实他们也算不上什么正规组织,水龙道人和刘益涛死了,也没人会在乎。但……” Huang Chan, stopped at this point suddenly, shot a look at storage bag under Luo Yan clothes. 黄婵说到这里,忽然停了下来,又瞥了眼罗阎衣服下的储物袋 Luo Yan feels the Huang Chan vision, lowers the head looks, looks suddenly. 罗阎感受到黄婵的目光,低头一看,面露恍然。 To put it bluntly, for benefit. 说白了,为了利益。 His storage bag such, obviously the net worth is rich. 他身上储物袋如此之多,显然身家丰厚。 But these monsters guarantee are the murder that the member does seize the business of treasure. 而那些妖保修士干的就是杀人夺宝的买卖。 Sees his grade of net worth rich member, definitely will find an excuse, kills people to seize the treasure. 见到他这等身家丰厚的修士,必然会找个借口,来杀人夺宝。 The beforehand excuse protects the monster beast. 以前的借口是保护妖兽。 When he went to the flame island, it is estimated that revenges for the Water Dragon Daoist and Liu Yitao and so on. 等他上了火焰岛,估计就是为水龙道人和刘益涛报仇之类的。 These monsters guarantee the member, pours also affectedly virtuously.” “这些妖保修士,倒也道貌岸然。” Luo Yan sneers. 罗阎冷笑。 In the heart does not have many to fear intent. 心中却没有多少惧意。 Nowadays, he also had the general impression to oneself strength. 现如今,他对自己实力也有了大概印象。 Only depending on the mortal body and martial arts, he can the enemy refining nine Water Dragon Daoist, be able to flicker to kill refining seven Liu Yitao. 仅凭肉身和武道,他就能敌炼气九层的水龙道人,能瞬杀炼气七层的刘益涛。 His strength, in refining nine high and low. 他的实力,在炼气九层上下。 But hunts for the monster in this sea area, mostly on refining four to refining eight. 而在这片海域猎妖的,大都在炼气四层到炼气八层之间。 Resembles Uncle Li refining ten like that is the extremely powerful character, even if takes a broad view at the trim sea area, only fears also few. 似黎叔那般的炼气十层,已经是极其强大的人物,哪怕放眼整片海域,只怕也屈指可数。 Likes me being able to strengthen adds the point to ask everyone to collect:() I can strengthen add the refresh rate to be quickest. 喜欢我能强化加点请大家收藏:()我能强化加点更新速度最快。
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