ICSBAP :: Volume #2

#196: Ghost tide

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The Water Dragon Daoist goes all out to run away forward. 水龙道人拼命向前逃窜。 Unexpectedly, his eyelid jumps, resembles a sleep/felt. 蓦地,他眼皮一跳,似有所觉。 Turns the head to look, seeing only Luo Yan is arrives at side him, is staring at him. 转头一看,只见罗阎已是来到他身边,正凝望着他。 This boy speed is quite fast!” “这小子速度好快!” The Water Dragon Daoist facial expression is panic-stricken. 水龙道人神情惊骇。 The Water Dragon circles, protects the whole body! 水龙盘旋,护住周身! Guaranteed after own safe, he looks to Luo Yan, the corners of the mouth twitch, breathless: Boy, now is not internal fight, if were caught up by the ghost tide, we only have the dead end.” 确保自己安全无虞后,他望向罗阎,嘴角抽动,气急败坏:“小子,现在不是内斗的时候,要是被鬼潮追上,我们只有死路一条。” If not this boy is too thorny, he a palm of the hand has clapped this boy! 若非这小子太棘手,他早就一巴掌将这小子拍死了! Luo Yan after looked at the eye, said curiously: What is ghost tide?” 罗阎朝后望了眼,好奇道:“鬼潮是什么?” „The Yuan Pill big monster, the given names of thousand ghost sharks can you listen?” The Water Dragon fellow daoist squint asked. 元丹大妖,千眼鬼鲛的名号你可听过?”水龙道友斜眼问道。 Yuan Pill big monster? 元丹大妖? Luo Yan heart one startled, shakes the head. 罗阎心头一惊,摇了摇头。 He and other places came from Zhou Country that team immortal cultivation world knows nothing, where listens to the oversized monster given name? 他才从周国那等地方过来,队修仙界一无所知,哪听过大妖名号? „...... Considers as finished, let me tell you.” “呵……算了,我跟你说吧。” The Water Dragon Daoist laughs at one, did not plan that explained to Luo Yan. 水龙道人嗤笑一声,本不打算跟罗阎解释。 But in Luo Yan that imitates, if can accuse falsely under the vision gaze of prestige, in the heart one suddenly, is the choice opens the mouth. 但在罗阎那仿若能屈人之威的目光注视下,心中一突,还是选择开口。 Thousand ghost sharks and general Yuan Pill big monsters are different.” “千眼鬼鲛和一般的元丹大妖不同。” It majors in the soul, divine consciousness is powerful. This ghost tide, is its thought! Its thought differentiation are innumerable, I and others, once fell into the ghost tide, will be seized the shed by its thought that died instantaneously, becomes by its control shark headman!” “它主修魂魄,神念强大。这鬼潮,就是它的念头所化!它的念头分化无数,我等一旦陷入鬼潮,就会被其念头夺舍,瞬间死去,成为被其控制的‘鲨头人’!” This is a hunting, is retaliating.” “这是一场狩猎,是在报复啊。” We usually the hunting monster beast, thousand ghost sharks also hunt now I in the by ghost tide and others.” “我们平时狩猎妖兽,现在千眼鬼鲛也在以鬼潮狩猎我等。” Was finished, was finished.” “完蛋了,完蛋了啊。” The Water Dragon Daoist heaves a deep sigh, facial expression unprecedented flustered. 水龙道人摇头叹息,神情前所未有的慌张。 According to the past example, the ghost moist same place, a surrounding area several hundred li (0.5 km) sea area will totally be blocked. 按照以往的例子,鬼潮一起,方圆数百里海域将被彻底封锁。 But in this side sea area, they this together is not just clever behind the tide. 而这方海域之中,也并非只有他们身后这一道鬼潮。 In other places. 在其他地方。 Does not know how much say/way ghost tides, are also sweeping across sweeping. 还有不知多少道鬼潮,也在席卷扫荡。 It looks like one to escape to kill greatly. 就像是一场大逃杀。 The ghost tide will corrode unceasingly oppresses their existing space, compelling them to escape toward the middle. 鬼潮会不断侵蚀压迫他们的生存空间,逼着他们往中间逃。 But in the middle. 而在中间。 Only feared that the group monster chaotic dance, the waiting has enjoyed their these fragrant flesh blood to eat! 只怕早已群妖乱舞,等待享受他们这些香喷喷的人肉血食了! His complexion regret. 他脸色懊悔。 Ghost tide dozens years one time, the previous ghost tide, is 40 years ago. 鬼潮数十年一次,上一次鬼潮,是四十年以前。 He should safe, temporarily hiding, when the ghost tide came out in the past again! 他就应该稳妥点,暂时躲着,等鬼潮过去再出来的! Luo Yan is silent. 罗阎静默。 He lifted the eyelid, asked: „Isn't senior the monster guarantees the member? Can that thousand ghost shark also hunt you?” 他抬了抬眼皮,问道:“前辈不是妖保修士吗?那千眼鬼鲛也要狩猎你?” The Water Dragon Daoist corners of the mouth twitch slightly, stare Luo Yan, ferocious sound said: Boy, the ghost tide approaches, do you also take me to seek the pleasure?” 水龙道人嘴角微微抽搐,瞪了眼罗阎,狞声道:“小子,鬼潮来临,你还拿我寻乐子是吗?” Yao selects the brow, sincere shakes the head: Does not dare. But......” 罗瑶一挑眉头,正色摇头:“不敢。只不过……” „To kill you!” “想打死你!” The sound has not fallen, a Luo Yan then fist rumbles. 声音未落,罗阎便一拳轰出。 This grade of monster guarantees the member, everybody has the right to punish! 这等妖保修士,人人得而诛之! Boy, I urged you not to want not to know the good and evil!” “小子,我劝你不要不识好歹!” The Water Dragon Daoist calls out in alarm hastily. 水龙道人连忙惊呼。 If not Luo Yan is powerful, he has acted, butchers Luo Yan! 若非罗阎实力强大,他早就出手,宰掉罗阎了! He is breathless, puts out a hand a finger/refers, the Water Dragon goes toward the Luo Yan washout similarly. 他气急败坏,伸手一指,水龙同样朝罗阎冲刷而去。 „!” “唰!” Luo Yan turns around, evades the washout of Water Dragon, then changes into the remnant shadow, appears before the Water Dragon say/way person. 罗阎一个转身,躲过水龙的冲刷,而后化为残影,出现在水龙道人身前。 The right leg just like an iron rod, coerces the astonishing strength, sweeps away to go toward the Water Dragon Daoist. 右腿宛如一根铁棒,裹挟惊人的力量,朝水龙道人横扫而去。 Bang!” “砰!” A dull thumping sound. 一声闷响。 The Water Dragon Daoist is common just like the shell, after flies upside down. 水龙道人宛如炮弹一般,朝后倒飞而出。 No!” “不!” He shouts panic-stricken, turn head looks, only damn the tide raids. 他惊恐呼喊,回头一望,只见鬼潮袭来。 At this time, he sees is not the huge black outline, but is a leader grey small-scale shark. 只是此时,他看到的已不是庞大的黑色轮廓,而是一头头灰色的小型鲨鱼。 That leader Cato class as if eyes are scarlet, disclosed that the tyrannical demented aura, comes in swarms just like the school of fish, speed quickly to pinnacle. 那一头头小鲨鱼宛双眼猩红,透露暴虐癫狂的气息,宛如鱼群般蜂拥而来,速度快到极致。 His pupil shrinks suddenly, the ghost all braves. 他瞳孔骤缩,亡魂皆冒。 The law secret art pinches, changes into together the wave light again, wants to run away to depart. 法诀一掐,再次化为一道波光,欲逃窜离去。 But already without enough time. 但已经来不及了。 A silver gray small-scale shark drills into his body instantaneously. 一头灰色的小型鲨鱼瞬间钻入他身子。 He changes into the wave light, runs away rapidly, but the head seems like actually torn general, 他化为波光,飞速逃窜,但头颅却像是被撕裂一般, During the flesh creeping motions, transforms to the shark head unexpectedly gradually. Shark headman?!” 血肉蠕动之间,竟渐渐向鲨鱼头颅转变。“鲨头人?!” The distant place, Luo Yan settles down same place, looks is falling into the Water Dragon Daoist in change. 远处,罗阎驻足原地,望着陷入变化中的水龙道人。 The Water Dragon Daoist was being seized the shed obviously. 水龙道人显然正在被夺舍。 Even but if so, it is to/clashes forward crazily, the speed does not reduce the slightest. 但哪怕如此,其还是向前狂冲,速度不减分毫。 Luo Yan scalp tingles, does not do hesitant, lip, the blood light then sweeps away together. 罗阎头皮发麻,不做犹豫,嘴唇一张,一道血光便横扫而出。 Scoffs!” “嗤!” The blood light from top to bottom, instantaneously Water Dragon Daoist cutting is two halves. 血光自上而下,瞬间将水龙道人切割为两半。 Actually when is the Water Dragon Daoist was seized a shed, the body water glare shield vanishes, gives Luo Yan to strike the fatal opportunity! 却是水龙道人被夺舍时,身上水光盾消失,给了罗阎一击致命的机会! Strikes to work. 一击得逞。 Luo Yan puts out a hand a move, takes down ten storage bag on Water Dragon Daoist body. 罗阎伸手一招,取下水龙道人尸体上的十来个储物袋 Then turns around directly, does not return runs away to depart. 而后径直转身,头也不回的逃窜离去。 Has the rustling sound to transmit. 身后有沙沙声传来。 The ghost tide of that terrifying, embezzles the body of Water Dragon Daoist instantaneously. 那恐怖的鬼潮,瞬间将水龙道人的尸体吞没。 Until at this time, Water Dragon Daoist that head had not changed completely, seemingly twists strangely, as if looks at one, will naturally fall into crazily middle. 直至此时,水龙道人那头颅仍未变化完全,看上去怪异而扭曲,仿佛多看一眼,自然就会陷入疯狂当中。 This ghost tide, actually helped me.” “这鬼潮,却是助了我。” In Luo Yan heart great happiness. 罗阎心中大喜。 The Water Dragon Daoist supernatural power is vigorous, melts the water glare shield defense to be astonishing, he is also hard to defeat. 水龙道人法力雄浑,所化水光盾防御惊人,他也难以击破。 However...... 然而…… The ghost tide worthily is the ghost tide, with same terrifying that the Water Dragon Daoist described. 鬼潮不愧是鬼潮,和水龙道人描述的一样恐怖。 He kicks in the ghost moist direction the Water Dragon Daoist, that Water Dragon Daoist was then extinguished instantaneously kills, has almost not become the shark headman. 他只是把水龙道人往鬼潮方向一踢,那水龙道人便被瞬间灭杀,差点没成为鲨头人。 Looks in the bosom ten storage bag, the Luo Yan heart thump thump jumps, will look at the eye coming ghost tide in the future. 看着怀中十来个储物袋,罗阎心脏怦怦直跳,又往后看了眼汹涌而来的鬼潮。 That Water Dragon Daoist cultivation base was flickered to kill like that profound. 那水龙道人修为那般高深都被瞬杀。 If he stained, only has the dead end inevitably. 若他沾上了,必然也只有死路一条。 He must the escaping distant point be good. 他必须得逃远点才行。 Read and here. 念及此处。 Luo Yan picks up the speed again, flees to go toward the distant place. 罗阎再度加快速度,朝远处遁逃而去。 Flees, he while noses ten storage bag by divine consciousness. 一边遁逃,他一边以神念查探十来个储物袋 In storage bag anything has. 储物袋中什么都有。 Monster beast corpse. 妖兽尸体。 spirit stones. 灵石。 Buddhist musical instrument. 法器。 Sundry goods. 杂物。 Map. 地图。 Except for spirit stones, the prices of other goods he knows nothing, but is only spirit stones, has 500! 除了灵石,其他物品的价格他一窍不通,但光是灵石,就足足有五百之多! These spirit stones, enough make me rent the high-grade cave mansion two years. As for other junks, after the return, the taking away downtown streets sell slowly!” “这些灵石,足够让我租住上品洞府两年。至于其余杂物,等回归后,拿去坊市慢慢卖!” Luo Yan heart burning hot. 罗阎心头炙热。 Although he does not understand the price, but the light is the Water Dragon earthen bowl of Water Dragon Daoist, is a high-grade Buddhist musical instrument of extremely treasure. 他虽不懂价格,但光是水龙道人的水龙钵,便是一件极其珍品的上品法器。 He is supposing, these ten storage bag, at least value 2000 spirit stones above! Got rich.” 他估摸着,这十来个储物袋,至少价值两千灵石以上!“发财了啊。” Luo Yan somewhat is excitedly small. 罗阎有些小兴奋。 Then damn tide by drawing opened, put out Mind Searching Record simply, having a look on that Water Dragon Daoist to have any unique Taoist skill. 回头见鬼潮被拉的开了些,干脆又拿出搜神录,看看那水龙道人身上有什么独特道术。 Water glare shield 【水光盾】 Innate air wave light escaping law 【先天一气波光遁法】 Read demon Mind Refinement Law 【念魔炼神法 Three Taoist skills heave in sight. 三门道术映入眼帘。 The Luo Yan mind sinks, careful feeling. 罗阎心神沉入,仔细感受。 The water glare shield was needless saying that was defense magic arts, not compared with his spirit shield technique powerful many. 水光盾不用多说,是一门防御法术,并不比他的灵盾术强大多少。 This grade of magic arts, defend the strong and weak, what are more is looked that own supernatural power is whether vigorous. 这等法术,防御强弱,更多的是看自身的法力是否雄浑。 The supernatural power is mean, defends then small and weakly. 法力低微,防御便弱小。 The supernatural power is vigorous, defending the nature is powerful. 法力雄浑,防御自然强大。 But now. 而如今。 Luo Yan only then refining, even if causes, the protecting shield that condenses is extremely still frail. 罗阎只有炼气一层,就算使出来,所凝聚的护盾也极其脆弱。 But before innate air wave light/only escaping law is , the escaping technique that the Water Dragon Daoist uses, may split up six wave light to flee at most fast, but the use, needs to consume massive supernatural powers each time. 而先天一气波光遁法就是之前水龙道人使用的遁术,至多可分化六道波光快速遁逃,但每次使用,都需要消耗大量法力。 This massive supernatural power, compared to Water Dragon Daoist that and other refining nine member. 这‘大量’法力,是相对于水龙道人那等炼气九层修士而言。 Luo Yan to this escaping law natural heart movement. 罗阎对这遁法自然心动。 But by his present cultivation base, even if drains the supernatural power, cannot use this move. 但以他如今的修为,就算抽干法力,也用不出这一招。 Therefore. 于是。 Luo Yan looks to finally Read demon Mind Refinement Law. 罗阎又看向最后的【念魔炼神法】。 His soul is powerful, accepting the information is always rapid. 他魂魄强大,接受信息向来迅速。 The water glare shield as well as innate air wave light escaping law, was received by him in several seconds. 水光盾以及先天一气波光遁法,都在数秒钟内被他接收。 But this time. 但这一次。 Has crossed for a half minute, he works loose from that huge information. 一直过了半分钟,他才从那庞大的信息中挣脱出来。 This read demon Mind Refinement Law, seemed like the state of mind secret technique of that thousand ghost shark. But only the first content......” “这念魔炼神法,似乎是那千眼鬼鲛的神魂秘术。但只有第一层的内容……” The Luo Yan brow is tight. 罗阎眉头紧蹙。 According to information that he obtains, read demon Mind Refinement Law to be divided into four. 按照他从中得到的信息,念魔炼神法共分为四层。 Except that can temper the soul, expands outside divine consciousness. 除了能锤炼魂魄,壮大神念外。 Every time realizes one, but also has the different effects. 每练成一层,还拥有不同效果。 Realizes first, the soul birth god light/only, may resist all sort of state of mind attacks. 练成第一层,魂魄诞生神光,可抵御诸般神魂攻击。 Realizes second, the thought shape, may drift away in the outside world, and has all sorts of mystical, for example seizes shed and other abilities. 练成第二层,念头化形,可于外界游离,并拥有种种神异,譬如夺舍等能力。 Realizes third, the thought sweeps away thousand in a big way, Heavenly Demon is born, disaster common people. 练成第三层,念头横扫大千,天魔降世,祸乱苍生。 ...... …… Third then can incarnation Heavenly Demon......” “第三层便能化身天魔……” Luo Yan feels in the mind the incomplete information, in the surface appears an astonished color. 罗阎感受到脑海中残缺的信息,面上浮现一丝惊异之色。 This Mind Refinement Law is obviously unusual, only feared that has the background greatly. 炼神法显然非同一般,只怕大有来头。 Although only then first, but the light is expands divine consciousness and soul birth god effect of light/only, has been able to make him make the choice. 虽只有第一层,但光是壮大神念和魂魄诞生神光的效果,已是能让他做出选择。 Choice read demon Mind Refinement Law!” “选择念魔炼神法!” Bang! 轰! A huge information pours into the head of Luo Yan. 更加庞大的信息灌入进罗阎的脑袋。 Luo Yan as if hears innumerably secretive twittering song, when he has gotten back one's composure, occupies in the dark abyss, only reveals the innumerable whiskers unknown exists has reappeared in his mind! 罗阎仿佛听到无数诡秘的呢喃细语,等他回过神,一尊盘踞于黑暗深渊,只露出无数触须的未知存在已是浮现在他脑海当中! So long as he closes one's eyes. 他只要一闭眼。 Then will conduct visualize, but the visualize object, is the design in mind! 便会进行观想,而观想对象,就是脑海中的这副图案! Reading demon Mind Refinement Law that I obtain only then first, therefore sees dark background and that whisker.” “我所得到的念魔炼神法只有第一层,所以见到的只有黑暗背景和那一根根触须。” If read demon Mind Refinement Law to be complete, the visualize object, perhaps was this existing complete body!” “若念魔炼神法完整,观想对象,或许就是这位存在的完全体!” In Luo Yan eye none twinkle. 罗阎眼中精光闪烁。 Looked on a panel Read demon Mind Refinement Law, In the heart discussed: The strengthening, the strengthened direction is perfect! 看了眼面板上的【念魔炼神法】,心中默念道:强化,强化方向完善! This thought just appeared. 这念头刚一浮现。 After reading demon Mind Refinement Law, appeared a fleeing number. 念魔炼神法后,就浮现一窜数字。 1000000! 1000000! 1 million, should only be able to push to spread out second.” “一百万,应该只能推衍出第二层。” Luo Yan selected the eyebrow. 罗阎挑了挑眉。 1 million energy points, are really many, he cannot take. 一百万能量点,实在是太多,他根本拿不出来。 But...... 但…… That thousand ghost shark can make the ghost tide, in the hand is grasping inevitably second that read demon Mind Refinement Law! 那千眼鬼鲛能制造鬼潮,手中必然掌握着念魔炼神法的第二层! Energy precious, can save on the province, even accumulates enough 1 million, only if has no recourse......” “能量点珍贵,能省就省,就算攒够一百万,除非迫不得已……” Yuan Pill boundary big monster? If this time can live......” 元丹境大妖吗?若此次能活下来……” The Luo Yan eye narrows the eyes slightly. 罗阎眼睛微微一眯。 Mind Refinement Law second, best gain from that thousand ghost shark is quite appropriate. 炼神法的第二层,最好还是从那千眼鬼鲛身上获取比较合适。 He is so thinking. 他这般想着。 The figure breaks surface, runs out of the sea level directly. 身形上浮,直接冲出海面。 Crash-bang!” “哗啦!” Luo Yan stands in the sea level, looks toward all around. 罗阎站在海面上,朝四周望去。 Sees only the weather to change at this time, the dark clouds capping, the ghost tide wells up to come along with the terrifying sound of shrieking and howling wildly violently, sea level faintly visible leader amenomania Cato class. 只见此时天色已然大变,前后黑云压顶,鬼潮伴随着鬼哭狼嚎的恐怖声音激涌而来,海面隐隐可见一头头躁狂的小鲨鱼。 But left and right, is uneventful, temporarily is safe. 而左右两侧,则风平浪静,暂时安全。 Left, is right?” “左,还是右?” Luo Yan thinks, rushes toward the left side directly. 罗阎想了想,径直朝左侧奔去。 Left, is the Monster Hunter Pavilion large ship is. 左侧,是猎妖阁楼船所在。 But right side, is completely strange places. 而右侧,则是一片完全陌生之地。 Now the ghost tide gets up, first and everyone converges, finding the way to withdraw this sea area to wonderfully. 如今鬼潮起,还是先和大家汇合,想办法撤出这片海域为妙。 After all. 毕竟。 He does not want to be the same with the Water Dragon Daoist. 他可不想和水龙道人一样。 ...... …… After the half day . 半日后。 The Luo Yan complexion blanch, is looking at the front. 罗阎面色发白,望着前方。 Sees only the large ship to be, had been covered by the ghost tide. 只见原本楼船所在,已经被鬼潮笼罩。 Has the shatter plank to wander to come, has fluttered from his side. 有破碎木板漂流而来,从他身边飘过。 Damn, how is this ghost tide everywhere?” “该死,这鬼潮怎么无处不在?” The Luo Yan complexion is ugly. 罗阎脸色难看。 The half day time, he was besieged and pursued to block off by the ghost tide, goes through many places did not know many positions. 半日时间,他被鬼潮围追堵截,辗转了不知多少方位。 Has not thought that returns to the large ship after the position that seen unexpectedly is the ghost moist and innumerable shatter planks! 没想到回到楼船所在的位置后,见到的竟然是鬼潮和无数的破碎木板! „.” “罢了。” Luo Yan looks at the ghost tide that is coming, sighed, then plan again tone. 罗阎望着那汹涌而来的鬼潮,叹息一声,便打算再度调头。 But in the meantime. 但就在此时。 His vision flashes, sees together the person's shadow unexpectedly, lies on the plank, floats toward him slowly. 他目光一闪,竟是看到一道人影,趴在木板上,缓缓朝他飘来。 That seems like a man. 那似乎是个男子。 Lies on the plank, only reveals the back and a black hair. 趴在木板上,只露出背影和一头黑发。 It seems like that had died, but the Luo Yan keen discovery, the finger of man is still actually moving. 看似已经死了,但罗阎却敏锐的发现,男子的手指还在动弹。 A so-called life-saving life, the victory makes the seven-story pagoda. 所谓救人一命,胜造七级浮屠。 Luo Yan looks at the ghost tide that the eye approached rapidly, clenches teeth, rushes over directly: This fellow daoist......” 罗阎看了眼迅速逼近的鬼潮,一咬牙,直接冲了过去:“这位道友……” Finishes speaking, his pupil shrinks suddenly. 话音刚落,他瞳孔骤缩。 Actually is that lies the man on plank turns over/stands up suddenly, reveals a fierce strange shark head. 却是那趴在木板上的男子猛然翻身,露出一个狰狞怪异的鲨鱼头颅。 Grass!” “艹!” Luo Yan had a scare, stops the figure hastily, is staring at the present shark headman carefully. 罗阎被吓了一大跳,连忙止住身形,仔细盯着眼前的鲨头人。 The shark headman is also looking at Luo Yan. 鲨头人也望着罗阎 The corners of the mouth to the root of the ear, reveal dense/woods white Lichi. 嘴角咧至耳根,露出一口森白利齿。 At once, in the eye the red light flashes. 旋即,眼中红光一闪。 Sees only its right arm flesh to wriggle. 只见其右臂血肉蠕动。 In a flash, changes into a big axe unexpectedly, chops toward Luo Yan. 转瞬之间,竟化为一柄大斧,朝罗阎直劈而来。 Luo Yan feels this might, when a shark headman axe chops, slightly one is sideways, evades this axe, simultaneously kicks, kicks a large cave/hole in the shark headman chest directly. If Member, the chest was shattered, even if not die, still suffocates inevitably. 罗阎感受这份威力,在鲨头人一斧劈来时,微一侧身,躲过这一斧,同时一脚踢出,直接在鲨头人胸膛踢出一个大洞。若是修士,胸膛破碎,就算不死,也必然奄奄一息。 But this shark headman actually imitates, if has not thought that in the eye the ominous light does not reduce, axe one horizontal, cuts again to the head of Luo Yan. 但这鲨头人却仿若未觉,眼中凶光不减,斧头一横,再次斩向罗阎的脑袋。 The strength is pure. 力道淳弱。 The speed is too slow. 速度太慢。 Only fears might as well general Blood Refinement martial artist! 只怕还不如一般的炼血武者 This.” “这样。” Luo Yan looks on the shark headman neck that strange head, in the heart has a sleep/felt suddenly. 罗阎看着鲨头人脖子上那诡异的脑袋,心中忽有所觉。 He counts on the fingers a ball, shakes draws back cuts to own flesh big axe, then another directs, only listens to bang, the shark headman forehead breaks open a blood hole. 他屈指一弹,震退斩向自己的血肉大斧,而后又一指点出,只听‘砰’的一声,鲨头人眉心破开一个血洞。 Next second. 下一秒。 In the red light is gloomy. 其眼中红光暗淡。 The whole person is incapable but after actually goes. 整个人无力朝后倒去。 Except for was stranger, the strength is actually ordinary.” “除了诡异了些,实力倒是一般。” Luo Yan secret review. 罗阎暗暗点评。 However thinks that is also. 不过想想也是。 These people in the Cato class by the ghost tide were seized the member who the shed kills. 这些人都是被鬼潮中小鲨鱼夺舍杀死的修士。 That Cato class can flicker to kill Water Dragon Daoist that and other refining nine member. 那小鲨鱼能瞬杀水龙道人那等炼气九层修士。 If after the member were killed , the shark headman who turns into is also peerlessly powerful, that thousand ghost shark was not Yuan Pill, but higher boundary terrifying big monster. 若修士被杀之后化成的鲨头人也强大绝伦,那千眼鬼鲛就不是元丹了,而是更高境界的恐怖大妖了。 Luo Yan arrives at the corpse, examines again carefully. 罗阎走到尸体边,再度仔细查看。 With the shark headman was killed by him, the corpse head had not actually restored to the original condition. 随着鲨头人被他杀死,尸体脑袋却仍未恢复原貌。 Obviously. 显然。 Shark is not the illusion, but is a real flesh distortion. 鲨头并非是幻象,而是一种货真价实的血肉畸变。 He sizes up corpse two, loosening it is storage bag on waist, divine consciousness searches into. 他打量尸体两眼,解下其系在腰上的储物袋,神念探入其中。 Dozens spirit stones. 几十块灵石。 Two he looks at the mid-grade Buddhist musical instrument that does not glance. 两件他看不上眼的中品法器。 Then, is one passes message the spiral. 而后,是一个传音螺。 Luo Yan puts out to send greetings the spiral, makes together the supernatural power. 罗阎拿出传音螺,打出一道法力。 Next second. 下一秒。 Passes message in the spiral to broadcast the Uncle Li loud and clear voice. 传音螺中传来黎叔洪亮的声音。 Everyone, flame island set!” “所有人,火焰岛集合!” Likes me being able to strengthen adds the point to ask everyone to collect:() I can strengthen add the refresh rate to be quickest. 喜欢我能强化加点请大家收藏:()我能强化加点更新速度最快。
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