ICSBAP :: Volume #2

#195: Water Dragon Daoist

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What?!” “什么?!” Sun Zhuo raised the head immediately. 孙卓当即抬头。 When sees only does not know, the sea level boils suddenly, the water column ascends together unexpectedly, the creeping motion flows, forms a lifelike Water Dragon. 只见不知何时,海面忽然沸腾,一道水柱竟升腾而起,蠕动流淌之间,形成一条栩栩如生的水龙。 But at this moment, a bald man is standing in the Water Dragon top of the head, occupies a commanding position, grins fiendishly is looking to three people. 而此刻,一个光头男子正站在水龙头顶,居高临下,狞笑着望向三人。 Damn thing, knows that my monster guarantees in this inspects, you also slaughters the monster beast unexpectedly! Today was bumped into by my Water Dragon Daoist, that then takes the life to recompense!” “该死的东西,知道我妖保在此巡视,尔等竟还屠杀妖兽!今日被我水龙道人碰上,那便拿命来偿!” Water Dragon Daoist! 水龙道人! The Sun Zhuo three people startles. 孙卓三人大骇。 In this sea area, the given name of Water Dragon Daoist is known to everybody to be known to everybody. 在这片海域,水龙道人的大名无人不知无人不晓。 This person has refining nine cultivation base, the fine watering law, the method is ruthless, frequently seizes the treasure by the name murder that the monster guarantees, moreover never keeps the living witness. 此人拥有炼气九层修为,精通水法,手段狠辣,经常以妖保的名义杀人夺宝,而且从不留活口。 In Monster Hunter Pavilion has the word. 猎妖阁中有言。 Meets this person, with its spending many argument, do not run directly is! 遇上此人,绝不要跟其多费口舌,直接跑便是! Escapes!” “逃!” The Sun Zhuo three people of facial colors are pallid, various methods, turn around to run. 孙卓三人面色煞白,各施手段,转身就跑。 Can run?” “跑得掉吗?” The Water Dragon Daoist surface flood sneers. 水龙道人面泛冷笑。 The finger faces forward, three rapid white water columns then go toward three people of lasings. 手指朝前一点,三道湍急的白色水柱便朝三人激射而去。 The white water column revolves rapidly, obviously is only the sea water, brings to pierce all swift and fierce aura. 白色水柱飞速旋转,明明只是海水,却带着洞穿一切的凌厉气息。 Must be caught up by the water column shortly. 眼看就要被水柱追上。 At this time, Sun Zhuo turned the head suddenly, shot three round beads toward the water column. 这时候,孙卓忽然转头,朝着水柱掷出三个圆珠。 Bang!” “砰!” The terrifying bellow transmits. 恐怖的轰鸣声传来。 The velocity pressure does not reduce the slightest, drills directly. 水柱速度不减分毫,直接钻出其中。 However the smog ascends, the yellow sand fills the air, three people of figure were hidden. 然而烟雾升腾,黄沙弥漫,三人身形被隐藏。 The Water Dragon Daoist cannot see the person, is not naturally able to control the water column to kill the goal. 水龙道人看不到人,自然也无法控制水柱袭杀目标。 Waits for the field of vision to restore, then sees a flying boat to soar, changes into together the rainbow light, speeds away to go toward the distant place. 等视野恢复,便见一艘飞舟腾空而起,化为一道虹光,朝远处疾驰而去。 Damn thing!” “该死的东西!” The Water Dragon Daoist is breathless. 水龙道人气急败坏。 Puts out a hand to throw, similarly calls a flying boat, pursues toward the Sun Zhuo three people. 伸手一抛,同样唤出一艘飞舟,朝孙卓三人追去。 Water Dragon senior, I and others are willing hunting and killing the monster beast delivers with the senior, but also looks at the senior to forgive me and other lives, puts me and others to depart.” “水龙前辈,我等愿将猎杀的妖兽送与前辈,还望前辈能饶我等性命,放我等离去。” Sun Zhuo looks back to look to behind, the eye pupil shivers slightly, sound somewhat hoarse. 孙卓回首望向身后,眼眸微微颤动,声音有些嘶哑。 Water Dragon Daoist ominous prestige illustrious, their three people, deciding however are not the opponents. 水龙道人凶威赫赫,他们三人,定然不是对手。 First brings the thing!” The Water Dragon Daoist touches own big bald, the sound coerces the supernatural power, shakes the Sun Zhuo three people of eardrum to buzz. “先将东西拿来!”水龙道人一摸自己的大光头,声音裹挟法力,震得孙卓三人耳膜嗡嗡作响。 Sun Zhuo looks at the flying boat that is close to behind rapidly. 孙卓望着身后飞速接近的飞舟。 After hesitant moment, puts out storage bag from the bosom, throws toward the Water Dragon Daoist. 犹豫片刻后,从怀中拿出一个储物袋,朝水龙道人扔去。 Senior, but also please put me and others to depart.” “前辈,还请放我等离去。” Sun Zhuo opens the mouth to beg for mercy again. 孙卓再次开口求饶。 However after the Water Dragon Daoist puts out a hand to absorb storage bag, coldly unexpectedly smiles, ferocious sound said: Selects, wants to buy the life?” 然而水龙道人伸手摄取储物袋后,竟冷冷一笑,狞声道:“就这么点,也想买命?” Dies to me!” “给我死!” „!” “唰!” Sees only a surrounding area earthen bowl blooming law light. 只见一方圆钵绽放法光。 Then, a Water Dragon from drills, roared turbulently, raided to the Sun Zhuo three people. 而后,一头水龙从其中钻出,汹涌咆哮,袭向孙卓三人。 „It is not good, is the Water Dragon earthen bowl!” Yue Youlan and Qi Yue complexion great change. “不好,是水龙钵!”月幽兰齐岳面色巨变。 The Water Dragon earthen bowl is the life Buddhist musical instrument of Water Dragon Daoist. 水龙钵乃是水龙道人的本命法器。 And thinks of three Yuan heavy water, each drop heavy, if thousand honored, but this Water Dragon, then comprised of three Yuan heavy water. 其中装着三元重水,每一滴都重若千钧,而这水龙,便是由三元重水组成。 If washed out by the Water Dragon. 若被水龙冲刷。 By their small physiques, only feared that a complete corpse is hard to stay behind continually. 以他们三人的小身板,只怕连一具全尸都难以留下。 „.” “罢了。” Sun Zhuo sighed, in the eye revealed one to renounce. 孙卓叹了口气,眼中露出一丝决绝。 Then, he puts out several plates fast, rouses the activation by the supernatural power. 而后,他快速拿出几块阵盘,以法力勾动激活。 Next second. 下一秒。 The plate appears the Eight Trigrams (gossip) shape to fall on the flying boat front. 阵盘呈八卦状落在飞舟前方。 Sees only the spiritual energy to surge, the flying boat passes through the strategy, vanishes unexpectedly baseless, does not have the least bit trail again. 只见灵气激荡,飞舟穿越阵法,竟凭空消失,再无半点踪迹。 Bang!” “轰!” The Water Dragon raids. 水龙袭来。 Several plates change into the fragment powder immediately, washed out clean. 几块阵盘顿时化为齑粉,被冲刷的一干二净。 Slightly transfers the strategy?” “小挪移阵法?” The Water Dragon Daoist takes back the Water Dragon earthen bowl, looks is vanishing the no shadow three people, the expression is surprised. 水龙道人收回水龙钵,望着消失无影的三人,表情惊疑不定。 Slightly transfers the strategy is not a general strategy. 小挪移阵法并非一般阵法。 Let alone the refining member, to member Dao Foundation, slightly transfers the strategy even is one of the best escape methods. 别说炼气修士,就算对道基修士来说,小挪移阵法都是最好的逃命手段之一。 These three people have this grade of strategy, its background, only feared that is not ordinary. 这三人拥有这等阵法,其背景,只怕也不一般。 His brow jumps slightly, resembles cold snort/hum who thought aloud: Calculates that your luck is good.” 他眉头微微一跳,似自言自语的冷哼:“算你们运气好。” Said. 说罢。 He takes back the flying boat, falls toward the sea level. 他又收回飞舟,朝海面落去。 Just fell the sea level, on his face then exuded to grin fiendishly: Small east XZ in the seabed, thinks that I can't detect?” 刚落到海面,他脸上便泛起狞笑:“小东XZ在海底,以为我察觉不到吗?” The little thing in his mouth, is Luo Yan! 他口中的小东西,便是罗阎 Bang!” “轰!” Sea water ebullition. 海水沸腾。 Hides in seabed Luo Yan only thinks that the surrounding sea water was controlled, changed into the rapid vortex, resembling to grind him importunes for one's pay broken. 躲在海底的罗阎只觉周围海水被人操控,化为了湍急的漩涡,似要将他碾磨搅碎。 Very powerful!” “好强!” The Luo Yan secret heart is startled. 罗阎暗暗心惊。 He most starts also to plan to sneak attack this Daoist. 他最开始还打算偷袭这道人。 Behind saw that Sun Zhuo and the others successfully escape, then extinguished this idea, the choice was dormant, waited for this Daoist to leave. 后面见到孙卓等人成功逃脱,便熄了这一想法,选择蛰伏起来,等这道人离开。 Unexpectedly. 没想到。 Had actually been discovered by this Daoist. 却早已被这道人发现了。 Well?!” “咦?!” The Water Dragon Daoist is situated in the sea level, sends out startled. 水龙道人立于海面,发出惊咦。 He observes the Luo Yan spirit strength to fluctuate is extremely weak, but also thinks that so stirs, Luo Yan will change into the blood fog along with the water current. 他观罗阎灵力波动极弱,还以为这般一搅,罗阎就会随水流化为血雾。 Finally actually stems from meaning. 结果却出乎意味。 Luo Yan is not only all right, even oneself are common just like the sea calming god needle, stands is entirely still in the vortex eye. 罗阎不仅没事,甚至自身还宛如定海神针一般,站在漩涡眼中纹丝不动。 He looks toward Luo Yan. 他朝罗阎望去。 Through the vortex eye, he saw the Luo Yan look unexpectedly. 通过漩涡眼,他竟看到了罗阎的眼神。 In that look floods is being firm and dignified, even an eager murderous intention. 那眼神中充斥着坚定、凝重,甚至还有一丝跃跃欲试的杀机。 Cannot help but. 不由得。 He grins to laugh: „Does little fellow, want to hit me?” 他咧嘴嗤笑:“小家伙,想打我?” „!” “唰!” He finishes speaking, the pupil then shrinks suddenly. 他话音刚落,瞳孔便骤然一缩。 Is Luo Yan is ordinary just like the shell, flushed toward him. 却是罗阎宛如炮弹一般,直朝他冲了过来。 That speed quickly to the pinnacle, is only a breath, then rushed to his front, following also has the terrifying vitality of that surging forward! 那速度快到极致,仅是一个呼吸,便冲到了他的面前,随之而来的还有那汹涌澎湃的恐怖气血! body cultivator?!” 体修?!” A Water Dragon Daoist pair of brow twists suddenly. 水龙道人一双眉头骤然拧起。 Has not waited for him to get back one's composure, then the feeling terrifying great strength transmits before the body, oneself uncontrolled drop toward the distant place. 还不等他回过神,便感觉恐怖巨力从身前传来,自身不受控制的朝远处跌落。 Buzz!” “嗡!” The ripple ripples. 波纹荡漾。 Actually is the Daoist water glare shield, isolated the Luo Yan strength. 却是道人身上的水光盾,隔绝了罗阎的力量。 Therefore the Water Dragon Daoist is seemingly distressed, was struck to fly ten zhang (3.33 m), actually had not naturally been injured by the least bit. 因而水龙道人看上去狼狈,被击飞十来丈,自然却没受到半点伤害。 You?!” “你?!” The Water Dragon Daoist startled anger, will stimulate to movement the Water Dragon earthen bowl. 水龙道人惊怒,正要催动水龙钵。 But just the coming to a stop figure, that terrifying courage vigor then raided again, appears before him. 但刚站稳身形,那恐怖血气便再次袭来,出现在他面前。 His eye pupil shivers, the thought has not transferred, then such as was hit hard again, kicked in the middle of the sea water. 他眼眸颤动,念头还未转过,便再次如遭重击,被一脚踢入海水当中。 Luo Yan has changed the body. 罗阎已然变身。 The transpiration of terrifying vitality on him, made him such as the demon monster, ominous offense terrifying. 恐怖的气血在他身上蒸腾,令他如魔似妖,凶戾恐怖。 However his complexion is very dignified. 然而他脸色却无比凝重。 The water glare shield of this Daoist body surface is extremely hard, he is unable to destroy unexpectedly. 这道人体表的水光盾太过坚硬,他竟无法摧毁。 Moreover after the Water Dragon Daoist eats owed twice, has gotten back one's composure, at this time the whole body supernatural power rushes, stands firm the figure directly, and offered a sacrifice to the Water Dragon earthen bowl. Fellow Daoist, calculates that my Water Dragon Daoist was blind, provoked you, respectively how did we retreat?” The Water Dragon Daoist floats the water surface, complexion gloomy is looking at Luo Yan. 而且水龙道人吃了两次亏后,已经回过神,此时周身法力澎湃,直接稳住身形,并且祭出了水龙钵。“道友,算我水龙道人眼瞎,招惹了你,我们各自退去如何?”水龙道人浮上水面,脸色阴沉的望着罗阎 The Luo Yan look flashes. 罗阎眼神闪动。 After several seconds, he nods: Good.” 顿了几秒后,他点了点头:“好。” Snort! Cannot think my Water Dragon also has slip time. This fellow daoist, said goodbye!” Water Dragon Daoist cold snort/hum, extremely refreshed turning around walks. “哼!想不到我水龙也有失手的时候。这位道友,告辞!”水龙道人冷哼一声,极为爽快的转身就走。 „!” “唰!” Buzz!” “嗡!” Almost turns around to flicker in the Water Dragon Daoist, Luo Yan then vertical leaps, rushes over again. 几乎在水龙道人转身一瞬,罗阎便一个纵跃,再度冲了过去。 But the Water Dragon fellow daoist also offers a sacrifice to the Water Dragon earthen bowl unexpectedly directly. 而水龙道友竟也直接祭出水龙钵。 A more terrifying Water Dragon pressure, raids to Luo Yan, not yet near body, then has then raided like the mountain serious feeling, presses the Luo Yan whole body to stagnate. 一头更加恐怖的水龙威压而下,袭向罗阎,尚未近身,那如山岳般的沉重感便已袭来,压得罗阎浑身一滞。 „Does little thing, want to sneak attack your grandfather unexpectedly? The salt that your grandfather I eats are more than food that you have!” “小东西,竟想偷袭你爷爷?你爷爷我吃的盐比你吃的饭都多!” The Water Dragon Daoist happily laughs, ferocious sound said: My this Water Dragon is three Yuan heavy water, body cultivator how? Must die!” 水龙道人得意大笑,狞声道:“我这水龙乃三元重水所化,体修又如何?还是得死!” Bang!” “轰!” On a Water Dragon three Yuan heavy water starts to well up violently, the aura is even more wild, the might even more is also astonishing. 水龙身上的三元重水开始激涌,气息越发狂暴,威力也越发惊人。 „!” “唰!” Luo Yan did not speak, but like looking at the idiot looked at a Daoist. 罗阎不语,只是像看白痴一样看了眼道人。 Turns around, flees in disorder to go to the distant place unexpectedly directly. 一个转身,竟直接向远处窜逃而去。 The Water Dragon Daoist looks stunned, looks white water spray that is going far away rapidly. 水龙道人神情错愕,望着迅速远去的白色水浪。 Long time, has gotten back one's composure. 良久,才回过神。 Has not actually thought that Luo Yan turns around to run directly! 却是没想到罗阎直接转身就跑! This boy, rapidness of actually running.” “这小子,跑的倒是快。” The Daoist muttered, simultaneously in the heart sighed with emotion. 道人喃喃,同时心中感慨。 body cultivator is body cultivator, this travels, is really makes one be able not hold a candle. 体修就是体修,这跑起路来,实在是令人望尘莫及。 Snort, for the time being keeps your life.” “哼,暂且留你一条性命。” Looks the white water spray that vanishes gradually, the Water Dragon Daoist diverges the Water Dragon, then pinches the law secret art, sinks to the middle of the sea water. 看着渐渐消失的白色水浪,水龙道人散去水龙,而后一掐法诀,沉入海水当中。 His water glare shield. 他这水光盾。 Not only defends astonishingly, after entering the water, has many wondrous uses. 不仅防御惊人,入水之后,更拥有诸多妙用。 For example provides the air, letting him the free breathing in the water. 比如提供空气,让他能在水中自由呼吸。 Also for example makes him the escaping technique in sea water quicker, hurrying along more convenient. 又比如让他在海水中的遁术更快,赶路更便捷。 The member is mostly vigilant. 修士大都警惕。 Resembles his monster so to guarantee the member, acts in the sea mostly, first covert aura, target proximity, after being close to certain range, then leaps the sea level, begins directly, hits person one to be caught off guard. 似他这般的妖保修士,大都在海中行动,先隐蔽气息,靠近目标,等接近一定范围后,再跃出海面,直接动手,打人一个措手不及。 He sinks to the middle of the sea water, calculated nearby islands, the intention moved, then dived in a direction. 他沉入海水当中,盘算了一下附近岛屿,心念一动,便朝一个方向潜去。 However in the meantime, his eyelid jumps suddenly, in heart alarm bell erupts. 然而就在此时,他忽然眼皮一跳,心中警铃大作。 The back had the thing to come! 背后有东西过来了! His thought starts, but has not waited for him to turn the head, then feeling terrifying great strength after raids. 他念头乍起,但还没等他转过头,便感觉恐怖巨力从后袭来。 Knocks your paternal grandmother!” “敲你奶奶!” The Water Dragon Daoist becomes angry out of shame. 水龙道人恼羞成怒。 Was struck to pound to fly 20 meter/rice, this stops the figure, turns around after looks. 被一击砸飞二十来米,这才止住身形,转身朝后望去。 Sees only in the middle of the dark sea water, visibles faintly the first even/including fleeing air bubble, is going far away rapidly. 只见幽暗的海水当中,隐约可见一连窜气泡,正在飞速远去。 But hits his person, does not see the form. 而打他之人,早已不见身影。 Is that little thing?!” “是那小东西?!” The Water Dragon Daoist looks fierce, is holding breath the cold air/Qi. 水龙道人龇牙咧嘴,倒吸着冷气。 Although he has the water glare shield to protect the body, but that person of strength unexpectedly part of penetration water glare shields, fall on him directly conduct the back. 他虽有水光盾护体,但那人的力量竟有一部分穿透水光盾,直接落在他背上。 That severe pain, has almost not made him spout a blood directly. 那剧烈的痛楚,差点没让他直接喷出一口鲜血。 „Does damn little thing, dare to come back unexpectedly, sneak attacks my Water Dragon Daoist?!” “该死的小东西,竟然还敢回来,偷袭我水龙道人?!” Must be seized by me not.” “莫要被我逮住。” Otherwise, my Water Dragon Daoist must make you not seek livehood to ask unable!” “不然,我水龙道人一定要让你求生不得求死不能!” The Daoist pledged secretly, immediately cold snort/hum, runs away toward the target island again. 道人暗暗发誓,随即冷哼一声,再度朝目标岛屿遁去。 This time. 这一次。 He is especially careful. 他格外小心。 Looks care in all directions, pays attention in all directions. 眼观八方,耳听六路。 The time guards against Luo Yan to go, but duplicate/restores, sneak attacks again. 时刻提防罗阎去而复还,再次偷袭。 The time one minute/share one second in he so very intensive guarding passes by. 时间就在他这般高强度的提防中一分一秒过去。 In an instant, is the quarter of an hour. 转眼间,便是一刻钟。 „Did that little thing walk?” “那小东西走了?” Water Dragon Daoist relaxed one breath. 水龙道人轻松一口气。 However this tone did not have the loosen to end, his corners of the mouth pulled out, feel some people to attack behind. 然而这口气还没松完,他嘴角又是一抽,感受到了身后有人来袭。 Buzz!” “嗡!” The Water Dragon earthen bowl trembles lightly, three Yuan heavy water the Water Dragon takes shape instantaneously, circles to lie, protects the Water Dragon Daoist directly in the middle. 水龙钵轻颤,三元重水所化的水龙瞬间成型,盘旋而卧,直接将水龙道人护在中间。 Bang!” “砰!” Luo Yan leaps up on the Water Dragon, the terrifying strength, making the Water Dragon body backward one crooked. 罗阎一脚蹿在水龙上,恐怖的力量,让水龙身子都向后一歪。 Has not waited for the Water Dragon to attack to him. 还不等水龙攻向他。 He whish, flees to depart toward the distant place. 他又飕的一声,朝远处遁逃离去。 The Water Dragon Daoist felt oneself must spit blood. 水龙道人感觉自己要吐血了。 Even if there is Water Dragon to protect and sustain, that strength, shakes his whole body worn out and aching, is very uncomfortable. 纵然有水龙护持,那力道,也震得他浑身酸软,好不难受。 But this boy such as the slippery loach is also common. 而这小子又如滑不溜秋的泥鳅一般。 Even if he also some methods. 他纵然还有些手段。 Does not hit the person, there is what using? 打不中人,又有何用? The Water Dragon Daoist clenches teeth, is looking at going far away Luo Yan, bellows directly: Boy, this Daoist took, this storage bag you took away, considered this Daoist to apologize to you, must pester this Daoist not again.” 水龙道人一咬牙,望着远去的罗阎,直接大吼:“小子,本道人服了,这储物袋你拿去,就当是本道人给你赔礼,莫要再纠缠本道人了。” Luo Yan flushed, received storage bag. 罗阎冲了回来,接过储物袋 divine consciousness searches, three monster alligators that he kills. 神念一探,正是他杀死的三头妖鳄。 He stands in the distant place, sneers saying: Selects, the senior seems to have no sincerity.” 他站在远处,冷笑道:“就这么点,前辈似乎没什么诚意啊。” You?!” “你?!” The Water Dragon Daoist is angry, the eye pupil is instantaneously red: Your this body cultivator, does 300 spirit stones also consider too little? Knows that this Daoist must loiter for several days in this sea area, can make 300 spirit stones?” 水龙道人大怒,眼眸瞬间通红:“你这体修,三百块灵石还嫌少?知不知道本道人要在这海域逛荡几天,才挣得到三百灵石?” Little spoke the idle talk!” “少说废话!” Since the senior does not have the sincerity, we continue.” “既然前辈没诚意,那我们就继续。” Luo Yan sneers. 罗阎冷笑。 He does not believe that that water glare shield can exist! 他就不信,那水光盾能一直存在! Okay good! The little thing, this enmity we remembered, has you to feel better.” “好好好!小东西,这仇咱记下了,有你好受的时候。” The Water Dragon Daoist eyes are red. 水龙道人眼睛通红。 The voice falls. 话音落下。 Sees only his body in a flash, changes into five wave light suddenly unexpectedly, then dispersing, flees to go in five directions quickly. 只见其身体猛然一晃,竟化为五道波光,而后倏地散开,朝五个方向遁逃而去。 Five wave light, the speed is quite fast, internal visibling faintly person's shadow. 五道波光,速度都极为快速,内部隐约可见人影。 Un?!” “嗯?!” The Luo Yan complexion changes, careful resolution. 罗阎脸色微变,仔细分辨。 However he distinguishes for a long time, cannot see that which wave light is hiding the Daoist true body. 然而他分辨许久,也没能看出哪道波光藏着道人真身。 At once. 一时之间。 He can only in same place, gazes after the Water Dragon Daoist to depart. 他只能愣在原地,目送水龙道人离去。 Is the monster guarantees the member worthily.” “不愧是妖保修士。” Luo Yan looks at five wave light that are going far away rapidly, hefted storage bag in hand, in the eye appears color looking pensive. 罗阎望着迅速远去的五道波光,又掂了掂手中的储物袋,眼中浮现若有所思之色。 This monster guarantees the member, has the law of fleeing obviously, why can also give him a big ritual? 这妖保修士,明明有遁逃之法,为何还要给他一份大礼? Is it possible that...... 莫非…… His eyelid jumps, is busy by storage bag that the divine consciousness careful nosing Water Dragon Daoist throws. 他眼皮一跳,忙以神念仔细查探水龙道人扔过来的储物袋 However under nosing. 然而一番查探之下。 His anything had not actually discovered. Should be I wants. ” Luo Yan relaxes, diverges changes the body, restores the original design. 他却什么都没发现。应该是我想多了。”罗阎松了口气,散去变身,恢复原样。 After obtaining the Blackwater flood dragon bloodlines . 获得黑水蛟血脉后。 He discovered that oneself were also many some unique talent abilities. 他发现自己也多了些独特的天赋能力。 For example in sea like a fish in water, not only breathes freely, even speed quick several points. 比如在大海中如鱼得水,不仅呼吸自如,甚至连速度都快了几分。 Also for example changes the body consumption to reduce, maintains to change the time of body to be getting more and more long. 又比如变身消耗降低,维持变身的时间越来越长。 But this. 而这。 In he cannot unearth the Blackwater flood dragon bloodlines strength under completely the premise. 还是在他未能全部挖掘出黑水蛟血脉力量的前提下。 Luo Yan receives storage bag, is preparing to depart. 罗阎收起储物袋,正准备离去。 But at this time, hears front has the sound to transmit. 但这时候,又听到前方有动静传来。 He has doubts to raise the head. 他疑惑抬头。 Actually saw that the Water Dragon Daoist flees in disorder to come from the distant place, the facial expression was flustered, as if saw what panic-stricken thing was common. 却看到水龙道人从远处窜逃而来,神情慌张至极,似乎见到了什么惊恐之物一般。 In the Luo Yan heart moves. 罗阎心中一动。 Has not actually planned to let off this Water Dragon Daoist, pinches the fist directly, moves forward to meet somebody. 却也没打算放过这水龙道人,直接捏起拳头,迎了上去。 How did senior come back?” “前辈怎又回来了?” Boy, this Daoist does not have the time to play with you now, go away!” “小子,本道人现在没时间跟你玩耍,滚开!” The Water Dragon Daoist facial expression is ugly, offers a sacrifice to the Water Dragon earthen bowl directly, the Water Dragon comes in waves. 水龙道人神情难看,直接祭出水龙钵,水龙滚滚而来。 Luo Yan has to avoid temporarily. 罗阎不得不暂时避开。 Avoided at the same time, he looked at the eye toward the Water Dragon Daoist behind, the pleasant institute , the huge shadow is approaching rapidly. 避开的同时,他朝水龙道人身后望了眼,入眼所及,巨大的黑影正在飞速逼近。 That shadow is limitless. 那黑影无边无际。 As if the tide is ordinary, has the suffocating aura, rapid pushes horizontally. 仿佛浪潮一般,带着令人窒息的气息,正飞速横推而来。 Big!” “好大!” The Luo Yan eyelid jumps crazily, ‚’, pursues toward the Water Dragon Daoist, simultaneously asked loudly: Senior, what behind is what monster?” 罗阎眼皮狂跳,‘唰’的一声,朝水龙道人追去,同时大声问道:“前辈,后面的是什么怪物?” Ghost tide!” “鬼潮!” Of ghost tides day star sea three big disasters haven't you heard?” “天星海三大天灾之一的鬼潮你都没听说过?” The Water Dragon fellow daoist voice shivers, almost shouts was saying. 水龙道友声音颤抖,几乎嘶吼着说道。 Likes me being able to strengthen adds the point to ask everyone to collect:() I can strengthen add the refresh rate to be quickest. 喜欢我能强化加点请大家收藏:()我能强化加点更新速度最快。
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